
diddledananyone on BT? my connection seems dead00:19
diddledanBT say: "A small number of our customers in the areas shown below, may experience a loss of telephone and/or broadband services." and then list two dozen locations00:30
diddledanmaybe even three-dozen00:30
diddledan48 locations in total for "small number of customers"00:31
diddledanmethinks canned text is bad00:31
zmoylan-piif the 3 laws of robots were in operation the bot would know that lying to you would harm...00:32
diddledanit's surprising I'm still connected here really00:33
diddledanI can't get a tracepath to to finish00:33
diddledanthe last hop that responds on that is peer1-et-10-1-0.telehouse.ukcore.bt.net00:33
zmoylan-pifirst step in camerons porn filter... just turn off the internet... :-P00:36
diddledanI'm awaiting the day I have to phone BT and tell them "I want you to classify me in the perverts list please"00:37
zmoylan-pithey get that from the irc logs...00:37
diddledanmaybe I should phone and start out with "I'm a pervert"00:38
zmoylan-pican i speak to someone in the filth deparment?00:38
diddledanyeah that'll work00:38
zmoylan-piprobably put through to management...00:39
diddledanor "can you tell me how I can become a filthy pervert?"00:39
zmoylan-piget put through to conservative party hq...00:40
diddledanwell yeah, it does seem ironic that the perverts list designed to "protect the children, omg the children" will be primarily full of conservative MPs and peers00:41
diddledanso how about a wedding proposal that takes the form "set course for the curch, warp factor 8, engage"00:45
diddledanyou'll be there within 8 parsecs00:46
zmoylan-piload photon toasters00:47
zmoylan-piand parsecs is a measurement of distance not of time... a mistake from star wars that persists00:56
m0nkey_FIRE PHASERS00:59
mappshi all04:41
mappswhat you doing up, work?04:44
mappswhat times work?O_o04:46
mappsno Dafty or diddledan  ?04:46
mappshmm can i make my router use a proxy so everything goes through squid on pi automatically?04:58
MooDoomorning all06:14
knightwisehey peeps08:43
popeygood morning knightwise08:46
knightwisehey popey , how are you08:52
MooDoohowdy howdy howdy08:54
knightwisehowdy moodoo08:59
awilkinsI'm sure we've all seen this but NIIIIICE : https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/02/29/minecrafts-most-obscene-server/08:59
awilkinsNot that one08:59
* awilkins mumbles about multiple copy buffers09:00
awilkinsI'm really impressed that they're using a Nexus 4 for the phone convergence demo (not least because my phone is one of those)09:01
davmor2Morning all09:09
foobarrydid freenode fall over for everyone or just me?09:11
foobarryfor 10 mins09:11
Myrttijust you09:11
foobarryhmm. ircnet stayed up09:11
Myrttiwell, a few others, but still09:12
Myrttismallish glitch09:12
Myrttiever so sorry09:12
foobarrydon't take it personally :D09:12
foobarryi prefer to blame our internal networks group09:12
MyrttiI'm not, just apologizing and engaging with the userbase :-P09:13
foobarrythankyou :D09:29
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:06
knightwisehey brobostigon10:17
brobostigonhi knightwise10:17
davmor2Myrtti: awwwww look at you being all caring and stuff of course the sticking the tongue out at the end makes it seem a little less serious :D10:24
knightwiseApple keyboards are a pita10:35
foobarrynfs writes to a server are < 1mbs. iperf and reads are fast (1gb/s)11:07
awilkinsApple Keyboards are a PITA ++11:13
awilkinsI used to take my own keyboard when I had to support one11:13
brobostigongood ep of ds9 on, the time travel/trouble with triblles crossover ep. :)11:22
zmoylan-pidax in retro uniform...11:23
diploAnyone use hplip on centos ?12:40
knightwisezmoylan-pi: Fantastic episode12:41
knightwiseterry farrel looks good in anything.12:41
davmor2diplo: MooDoo might of that's the kinda cray thing he does12:45
MooDoodavmor2: no not me12:47
davmor2diplo: man you might be stuffed if even MooDoo wasn't that brave :D12:48
diploTrying to install new hplip on a box, but it wants to install the older version as dependency, failing to find out why12:49
diploBoss doesn't want me to spend to much time so will leave for now :)12:49
davmor2diplo: because it hates you?12:49
diploMost likely! it is centos after all :)12:50
zmoylan-pialways thought it was wasted opportunity when they went disguised as klingons that she wasn't sent as well...12:55
awilkinshah, the executive producers would have had conniptions13:03
awilkins"But, but, Dax is HOT. Klingon women aren't hot.... "13:04
zmoylan-piworf's missus (alexanders ma) in tng was hot...13:05
awilkinsShe was half-klingon13:05
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
awilkinsThey allowed women who were 50% Klingon or less to be hot13:06
zmoylan-pithe klingon that neelix got it on with in tuvoks quarters was hot...13:06
awilkins(To be fair, there were plenty of very attractive Klingon women in Trek)13:06
awilkinsLike the lady who Quark helps out13:06
zmoylan-pibest episode of trek ever... quark explaining business transactions to klingon high council... :-D13:07
zmoylan-pia bunch of klingon warriors studying math on their padds13:08
awilkinsAnd the masterful victory over the guy who just wanted to kill him anyway13:09
awilkins"Just how honourable is it, killing a pathetic Ferengi gnome who won't even defend himself....."13:10
zmoylan-pid'ghor, son of... whoever... :-P13:10
zmoylan-pioooh, grilka also played na'toth in b5...13:12
foobarryi dont like star trek, etc but i particularly despise that little ratty man13:19
foobarrythe greedy money grabbing guy with the funny teeth.13:19
foobarrymrs foobarry seems to watch it every other day13:20
zmoylan-piyou're meant to dislike ferengi as they are obsessed with money and their attitudes towards women are... primitive.... but you end up liking quark... to a degree13:20
foobarryand also that creepy dr guy who thinks he's a hit with ladies13:21
awilkinsYeah, Quark has one of the better character development arcs13:21
awilkinsYou like him because he's actually quite brave and progressive for his society13:21
foobarryevery story is basically writen by teenagers who fancy girls and want to snog them13:22
zmoylan-pibashir is young naive when he arrives (or at least acts that way till we find he's a mutant) but learns from garak13:22
foobarryangst and unrequited love13:22
foobarrymore snogging than an epsiode of neighoburs13:22
awilkinsEnterprise was the worst. Been rewatching it recently13:23
awilkinsArcher was just a terrible, terrible, awful person13:23
awilkinsI challenge anyone to watch "A Night In Sickbay" and not think this13:23
zmoylan-pii liked archer as captain, i just think the show was badly done even if it had great episodes13:23
awilkinsHe throws a massive hissy fit because his dog gets sick!13:24
foobarrythe irish IT guy looks a lot like my neighbour13:24
awilkinsAnd because the aliens didn't bother to do a full genetic workup on the 3GB of data they send them about the dog and warn them about the pathogen!13:24
zmoylan-piwell 2gb was funny cat videos... :-)13:25
awilkinsAnd because aliens they already encountered and know to be surprisingly touchy are upset because his dog, which for some reason he took on a diplomatic visit, pees on their sacred tree13:25
awilkinsThese are aliens that are horribly offended by people eating in public. Like eating has the same taboo level as sex for them.13:26
zmoylan-pilook at humans and breast feeding...13:26
awilkinsAnd he brings his miniature beagle to a diplomatic meeting, that species well known for it's restraint and inoffensiveness13:26
* brobostigon preferred jean luc as captain, :)13:26
awilkinsAnd THEN..... sulks in sickbay for 24 hours instead of getting off his butt and doing his job, apologizing to the aliens so they can get the parts they need to keep their starship going13:27
awilkinsWorst. Captain. Ever.13:27
zmoylan-pii prefer sisko if you want combat, picard if you want diplomacy, but when the borg arrive hope for janeway...13:27
awilkins.. from the future?13:27
foobarryi have literally no idea how people can enjoy this guff13:28
brobostigonit was also interesting see beveraly crusher as captain and married to jean luc.13:29
zmoylan-pii think it was said best in stargate sg:1 by meta character... :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPkoqH2iQIQ13:29
foobarryany nagios users who can check something for me please?13:32
foobarryi use adagios and the locations of files are a bit different.13:32
foobarrywhat is the content of /usr/local/nagios/var/status.log13:32
foobarrywhere /usr/local/nagios/var/status.log is the file as defined with 'status_file=' in nagios.cfg.13:32
foobarryis it the HOST ALERT DOWN UP type mesages?13:33
knightwiseawilkins: archer sucked13:34
knightwisemy captain ? kirk - kirk - kirk13:34
awilkinsAye Carumba, does the Republican race close today?13:48
foobarrywhens the election?13:48
zmoylan-pidonald drumpf for el supremo13:49
foobarryadolf trump?13:50
foobarrysurely sanity will prevail13:50
zmoylan-pirepublicans... sanity...13:50
foobarryeven still13:50
brobostigonmussolini reincarnated.13:50
diplofoobarry: just got back, still need nagios info ?13:53
foobarrythink i'm ok, thanks13:53
diploMines package installed though, looks like yours was compiled13:53
awilkinsBernie, Bernie, he's our man! If he can't do it.... we're all doomed to an eternity of corporate rule!13:53
foobarrywill let u know if it doesn't work. trying to use nagcon13:53
awilkinsAlthough TBF, there are probably strategic meetings going on right now discussing how to destroy a Sanders presidency13:54
foobarrydiplo: yes pls can u check that file?13:55
diploOK, what info you want to know? It's basically full of info, from Nagios version to satus of events etc13:58
foobarrylike, DOWN UP info?13:58
diploJust checking specifically13:59
diplolugin_output=PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 50.63 ms13:59
diploGuess so yes13:59
foobarryyeah, cool. ta13:59
diploMines in status.dat but that is what status_file points to on mine14:00
foobarry:( there's v little documentation online for this tool, but itshandy terminal display for nagios alerts14:05
foobarryOPENSSL bug fix released today14:13
foobarrywebsite is slow14:14
awilkinsThis is the fix for the attack that isn't DROWN then?14:15
foobarrynew mystery bugs announced today14:15
foobarryyes its DROWN14:16
awilkinsWhich you can avoid by disabling SSL14:17
foobarrythey need to stop scaring everyone14:18
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
foobarrydiplo: please could you  grep PACKETLOSS status.dat14:40
foobarrysee if anything appears?14:41
=== Matrixiumn is now known as Xack
diploNope, empty14:43
diploDoesn't work like that though does it ? performance_data=time=0.028158s;;;0.000000;10.000000 it responds with stuff like this normally doesn't it ?14:43
diploBeen a while since I poked the internals14:43
diploplugin_output=PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 53.61 ms14:44
foobarryfixed my problem with an uber ugly hack14:48
diploNothing wrong with ugly hacks as long as you document them14:49
gebbioneis it possible to port my current OS and from the current hardisk to a new one? I need more space16:39
gebbionealso is it easy to just change hardware with ubuntu or changing MB, RAM CPU (a new I7) will require a new install?16:40
directhex_yes, and yes.16:54
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
mapitogotham so good21:47
lazybones_hi all, linux newbe[ie, just want to edit a text file in etc, but cant seem to get arounf fikle permission both graphical and shell env`s22:50
diddledanlazybones_, files in /etc are protected from non-root users' editing them (usually) so on ubuntu you can use the command `sudo nano /etc/file/name` in a terminal which will then ask for a password which is your normal ubuntu password23:00

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