
greg-gcmaloney: welcome back :)15:47
cmaloneygreg-g: Thank you. :)15:50
cmaloneyHow goes?17:31
rick_h__I'm global entry now so yay17:31
rick_h__but took 4.5hrs to drive to dtw and back in the traffic/light snow17:31
rick_h__so boooo17:31
jrwrenyou'll have that 4.5hrs back in a month.17:32
cmaloneyGlobal Entry?17:32
jrwrenme... it'd take me 4yrs to get back.17:32
jrwrencmaloney: less chat with border guards when he crosses national boarders17:33
cmaloneywoo woo17:33
cmaloneyPersonally I'd drive to South Africa if it weren't for that bit of water17:33
rick_h__yea, I get to come up to a machine, give it my finger prints, and keep on walking17:36
rick_h__instead of explaining every time where I've been and why17:36
greg-gcmaloney: I hear China wants to build a railroad across the beiring straight17:36
* greg-g hangs head17:36
cmaloneygreg-g: I'm all for that.17:36
greg-galso, s/beiring/bering/17:37
jrwrenI think there is a ferry from Chile to Antarctica, then you can ORV across antarctica and ferry to Cape Town ;]17:37
brouschcmaloney: OMC is back? Oh thank goodness I was running out of dishwashing podcasts17:37
rick_h__dishwashing, cooking, driving to CHC17:38
cmaloneybrousch: I fear for your cutlery.17:38
rick_h__wooo! 7-11" now and I'm not on a plane anywhere!18:17
rick_h__bring on the snow!18:17
rick_h__I just spent $250 and 3hrs rebuilding the snow blower after this last storm18:18
rick_h__and I've not gotten to putz in the truck once in the snow this year18:18
cmaloneySo are you home now?18:18
* rick_h__ starts plotting paths down dirt roads18:18
rick_h__though have errands to run in a few hours18:18
cmaloneyStill playing "where's Rick"18:18
rick_h__rick is home until EOM18:19
jrwrenits melting here18:19
rick_h__where M is month or march depending I guess18:19
mrgoodcatthat feel when ldap crashes and nobody can log in to get it back up23:05
mrgoodcatapparently they had to reboot the server manually23:05
mrgoodcatstudents are the worst23:05
* mrgoodcat is a student23:05
gamerchick02sorry to hear about the server...23:10
mrgoodcatits ok23:29
mrgoodcatits not mine23:29
mrgoodcatsomeone elses problem23:29

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