
Kilosmorning inetpro cal_py dlPhreak theblazehen and all others05:47
theblazehenHi Kilos05:47
cal_pymorning Kilos 05:47
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 05:49
Kilosmight ask for help later05:49
Kiloswant to run munin on a standard drive in lappy then swop for an ssd and see the diffs05:50
Kilosbut later05:50
thatgraemeguythe answer is if you have SSD, run your O/S from SSD05:53
thatgraemeguydon't need munin for that05:53
Kiloshi mazal 05:53
mazalHow goes ?05:53
Kilosyes i will , just transfering stuff to stick then to ssd05:53
Kilosjust interested to see the diffs05:53
thatgraemeguyrun a disk benchmark tool then05:54
Kilosok ty mazal and you05:54
mazalWas very ill oom , but better now thanx05:54
Kilosok ty thatgraemeguy 05:54
Kilosim fighting low bp again, stupid meds05:54
mazalMy SSD is patiently waiting for May05:55
Kiloswhy may?05:55
mazalRe-install , new LTS05:55
Kilosthey much faster at everythig05:55
Kilosoh ya05:55
mazalIs already in use , but was a "transfer" not re-install. So I don't think it's optimized at the moment05:56
Kilosi have the same system running on both and the diffs is lots05:56
mazalI have read that the OS does some small different settings during install if it detects it's an SSD. Dunno how accurate that info is05:57
mazalSo mine doesn't have said settings at the moment05:57
Kilosmine seemed to install the same just faster05:58
Kilosthen there is a command you can run to make it work better05:58
mazalAparently it's under the hood stuff you don't even know about05:58
Kilosi dunno how to optimise05:58
mazalBut like I said , it comes from google so dunno how true it is05:59
mazalBarry stuur groete06:00
Kilosstuur terug dankie06:00
Kilostheblazehen helped me06:01
Kilosi didnt even save the command06:01
theblazehenKilos: Was adding discard to /etc/fstab06:01
Kilosoh maybe i did on the ssd desktop06:01
Kilosya that thing06:02
magespawngood morning all07:08
chesedomorning all07:26
chesedoKilos: kmf said we'll get more active close to the release in the meeting07:26
* chesedo is not in control of organising it thu07:27
=== Guest70652 is now known as Wevtricity
=== Wevtricity is now known as Webtricity
MaNLanyone having net issues? Is there an undersea cable out again or something?07:30
magespawnMaNL: i have not noticed anything yet07:37
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
inetproMaNI: yeah, I also noticed, some sites work while others don't07:41
* mazal don't have Inet at all at home07:41
mazalDown 3 days now07:41
Kiloshi magespawn inetpro 07:41
inetprohi oom07:42
TinuvaMaclike what sides dont work?07:42
mazalAnd when it was working it been useless for 3 weeks now07:42
Kilosi go do chores07:42
inetprowell, the stuff that I care about mostly works but others want Facebook, which does not seem to work07:42
KilosMaaz watch them07:42
Maazoh Kilos I will watch them no problem, but you better be back soon!07:42
* mazal hands list to Kilos07:43
MaNIit seems sort of random for me - a few international sites07:44
MaNImaybe its some CDN issue07:44
bushtechfacebook works ok here07:44
MaNII've noticed a few times recently that e.g. all cloudfare sites go down but everything else works07:44
MaNIfacebook is down for me07:44
inetprowow, even twitter not working here07:45
MaNIindeed, twitface is down07:48
MaNIwell for me at least - obviously not the rest of the world :)07:49
Kilosfb works here07:53
Kilostelkom mobile07:55
Kilosits the main adsl guys battling07:55
MaNIyeah - afrihost here07:57
bushtechjust seen on another site that there is a problem with dsl users accessing international sites07:59
MaNIcan you link?08:02
* chesedo also just got an email from his ISP about international traffic08:02
MaNIokay, well at least it isn't just me08:03
MaNIhaha 4x4community.co.za is one of the sites I can't access08:03
inetproMaNI: looks like things are accessible again, for us at least08:06
MaNIahh yeah - seems so08:07
inetproHappy Mailman Day!08:17
magespawnMaNI: i do not seem to have a problem, i am on vox08:24
inetpromagespawn: all is fixed and stable again08:35
magespawncool beans08:39
superflyWe don't seem to be having any problems on RSAweb09:39
=== qwebirc96788 is now known as iqbal
iqbali upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04, my wiFi is working14:08
Kilosi slept and missed iqbal15:13
Kilosthatgraemeguy night shift or gaming?17:48
Kilosboom booms18:03
KilosMaaz coffee on18:03
* Maaz washes some mugs18:03
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:07
KilosMaaz ty18:09
MaazYou are welcome Kilos18:09
Kilossounds like storm coming closer. if my power goes, i'll see you all tomorrow18:10
Kilossleep tight everyone18:12
inetprogood mornings20:11
superflymorning inetpro21:21
inetprooh hi superfly, where you been hiding?21:21
superflyunder the covers21:22
* inetpro falling asleep as well21:22
inetprogood night21:22

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