
Drroot16.04 relealse?00:22
knomethat is not even a question00:22
DrrootNew versions of Ubuntu come or not?00:23
knomeyes, there will be a 16.04 release.00:24
knomefor both ubuntu and xubuntu00:24
DrrootStable or test?00:26
pleia2link for what?00:26
pleia2the release schedule is here, it's not out yet: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule00:26
knomeDrroot, what's your native language?00:26
Drrootim persian :D00:26
knome!farsi | Drroot 00:27
ubottuDrroot: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.00:27
knomeDrroot, would that help?00:27
Drroot@ubottu tnx !00:29
meetingologyDrroot: Error: "ubottu" is not a valid command.00:29
DrrootHow to change the color of all XUbuntu Fonts? 00:32
knomeDrroot, this is the developer channel for xubuntu, you should ask #xubuntu (or if you think english might be too hard for you, the farsi channel where they should be able to help you with xubuntu as well)00:34
flocculantbluesabre: update to appstream this morning - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/244514979/Screenshot_2016-03-01_07-54-07.png07:55
bluesabreflocculant: :o11:09
bluesabreknome, slickymaster: Slide feedback...12:01
bluesabreSlide 1. Welcome to Xubuntu: Since we have Ubuntu, Xfce, and Xubuntu on there, maybe we could have links or popovers with descriptions on hover?12:01
bluesabreSlide 2. Ready to go! I think the current app list is fine. Not really sure if anything can be improved here.12:01
bluesabreSlide 3. Personalize your computer: Currently features mugshot, maybe we can do something else here? Also, very similar to slide 5 "Make the desktop your own"12:01
bluesabreSlide 4. The Xubuntu desktop: Shows info about the panel. This one is fine. If we want to have a little version branding, we could override the time displayed to be release version (21 Apr, 16:04)12:01
bluesabreSlide 5. Make the desktop your own: Shows menulibre. Outdated screenshot. Maybe time to feature a different app now?12:01
bluesabreSlide 6. Help & Support... A-OK12:01
bluesabreSlide 7. Thank you! All good here, I like the animal feature12:01
bluesabreOther thoughts: For slides with multiple apps, we could do a mini fade slideshow of the apps mentioned. I really like the the popovers that are displayed on the bottom when hovering. Maybe we could have a slide on contributing?12:01
flocculantbluesabre: so at least gs is working now - just not showing featured and editors picks 12:29
bluesabreflocculant: yes. Managed to list uninstalled apps, install an app, launch it, and remove it12:42
bluesabreprogress :)12:42
flocculantI noticed that the remove option was only available if I tried to install something already installed12:42
bluesabresounds right12:49
knomebluesabre, thanks13:07
knomebluesabre, actually re: menulibre and mugshot, it might be time to throw them as articles on the website; we even have this article series "the small details" planned, those would be great there13:07
knomebluesabre, and for the mini fade slideshow, yeah, or even make a slide slideshow to give the user the feeling that we are actually progressing all the time13:08
knomecopied bluesabre's comments over already13:14
knomebluesabre, maybe you want to copy-paste the lines there again so we can see it on your own color :P13:15
flocculantevening krytarik 18:40
knomehe flocculant 18:51
flocculanthe knome 18:52
flocculantgood job there's no-one nicked man18:53
knomeflocculant, you might want to look at the recent (1min) revision of https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-doc/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/xubuntu-160418:55
knomefor something - at least - new18:55
knomethe order appears to be bollock18:55
knomebut nvm that18:55
knomejust look at it! 18:55
knome(and i know some slides are borked)18:56
flocculantI hope you're teaching please to the junior ;)18:56
knomeplease? what's that? unheard concept to me..18:56
flocculantlike the support slide 19:06
knomeyeah, looking for more airyness there19:06
knomewe don't need it to be cramped full of information19:06
flocculantI still think we could contribute slide 19:07
knomewe probably should look at the content for the current ones too19:08
knomeagain, i'm "mostly" interested in the looks19:09
flocculantcertainly need to look at content now there are 2 gone19:23
flocculantmakes what's left look a bit like an afterthought19:23
knomeand i don't disagree with a full slide dedicated to contribution19:24
Nairwolfhi everyone ;) Flocculant, I didn't have time to test upgrade yet, I should be able to do it tomorrow, I think19:25
flocculantNairwolf: thanks for thinking of it - though I've called a halt to upgrade testing atm 19:25
Nairwolfoh, ok19:26
Nairwolfas you want19:26
flocculantit'll be back :)19:26
knome...and you will know when as you follow the devel mailing list19:27
flocculantknome: any idea why changes to docs bp don't get notified as a mail? 19:28
Nairwolfknome: yes, I'm following xubuntu-devel ;)19:29
knomeflocculant, hmm, maybe; you aren't a member of the assignee team19:30
knomeflocculant, you can subscribe from the blueprint page though19:30
flocculantI don't subscribe to any of them - I get mails about changes to all the other ones19:30
knomeeven dev?19:31
knomeand art?19:31
flocculantnot that one19:31
knomesee, either you are the drafter or the assignee (or part of the team that's the assignee) for the rest of them19:31
flocculantor that - but then I never expect to see anything from -art 19:31
flocculantoh ok 19:32
knomei would think that is it..19:32
flocculantI guess so19:33
flocculantI assume you saw I added pdf's then :D19:33
knomei guess19:34
flocculantthat's not something you can guess - you did or didn't :p19:34
flocculantI guess19:34
knomei guess you're right19:35
flocculantha ha 19:35
knomeflocculant, another fancy push :P20:48
knomeslickymaster, ping me if you happen to be around at some point.22:14
slickymasterright here, knome 22:43
knomegood good23:01
knomeslickymaster, check out this: https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-doc/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/xubuntu-160423:02
slickymasterbranching it, knome 23:06
slickymasterknome, the Ubuntu, Xfce and Xubuntu icons are too big and go off the slide frame23:21
knomejust dismiss *obvious* breakage23:21
knomethere's many nice new things there, focus on them :P23:22
slickymasterI know, I'll get there23:22
slickymasterwhy not chnage the italic in 'Try Xubuntu' in the first slide for bold23:22
knomewell, we can do that...23:23
slickymasterit doesn't 'feel' right, whne reading the setence23:23
slickymaster* when23:23
* knome shrugs23:23
knomeif you aren't running with that mode, bold might feel weird23:23
knomebut please go on :P23:23
slickymasterthird slide23:24
slickymasteris that horizontal scrool going to do something?23:24
slickymasterthe one in the top23:24
knomei don't have a horizontal scrollbar...23:24
knome(or in other words, no, but let's try to make sure it doesn't appear)23:25
slickymasterHelp & Support slide23:26
slickymasterwhat do you think about placing the 'Other resources' section right aligned?23:27
knomebut you need to see the next slide to appreciate the empty space23:27
slickymasteryou're right23:27
slickymasterthe best one so far, IMO23:28
slickymasterlove this one23:28
knomeof course, it has the most effects and graphic stuff :P23:28
slickymasterbut that's what catches people's attention23:29
knomeyep, of course23:29
slickymasterLike the graphical aspect of the following one23:29
knomethat slide probably still needs something23:29
slickymasterbut not text23:30
knomedepends on the text, but not much at least23:30
slickymasteris it possible to have some sort of popups when hovering the possible ways to contribute?23:31
slickymasterartwork, documentation, testing23:31
knomeyeah, that's possible23:31
slickymasterthat could be a possibility23:31
knomethough we have to take the amount of time the slide is shown by default into account23:32
knomeone thing that would be really cool IMO on that page was some photos of the team23:32
knomebut unfortunately those are few and far between23:32
slickymasterwhat type of photos?23:33
knomeand privacy issues and more23:33
knome"what type of photos?", asks he knowingly23:33
slickymasterthe last one could also get something extra23:33
knomeyes, the xenial23:33
slickymasterthat's it23:33
knomeprobably full height23:33
knomei mean, taking the whole slide23:34
knomeand align the text to the left side23:34
knomefor the apps slide23:34
knomei was thinking showing bigger app icons23:34
slickymasterin the second slide?23:34
knomethen the app names/descriptions could fade in23:34
slickymasterI like that option23:34
knomeor the images could also fade in23:35
slickymasterthe fade in23:35
knomenot all at the same time, but in a similar fashion as the bubbles on the irc slide23:35
knomebut even faster23:35
slickymasterI think we've talked about that 2 releases ago23:35
knomeso for the first slide23:35
knomenow that you've seen the rest23:36
knomedo you have some ideas?23:36
slickymasterwhat about mentioning the contributor docs?23:36
knomeyeah, can do that23:36
slickymasterbefore startiong over slide by slid23:36
slickymastermaybe you cab juggle it in the fourth slide23:36
slickymasterok, so form the start23:37
slickymasterfirst slide23:37
knometo the contribution slide "Once you are done figuring out what you want to help with, the *Contributor Documentation* can help you get started."23:37
slickymasterbut let's start from the beginning23:38
knomewe could do something there along the lines of the mouse later23:38
slickymasterI'd change the first setence23:38
knomeeg. something spanning those two slides23:38
knomei've been thinking about some kind of arrow, but haven't figured out what would be nice yet23:39
slickymasterto "Congratulations for choosing to install Xu....23:39
slickymasterwait, what do you mean by spanning those two slides?23:39
knomesee the support slides23:39
knomeand the mouse at the bottom23:40
knomeguess you missed that cool feature there :P23:40
slickymasterare you referring to the arrows in the bottom right to navigate back and forth?23:41
knomethe mouse art23:41
knomeon the first slide you see the tail23:41
slickymasterah, now I see it23:41
knomeand on the second slide you see the nose23:42
knomeyeah, isn't it nice :P23:42
slickymasteryes it is23:42
knometies the two slides together nicely23:42
knomeunless your eyes are made out of wood23:42
slickymasterdamn your designer eyes23:42
knomenot designer eyes23:42
knomejust eyes with any sight left23:42
slickymasteryeah, the first three slides lack that23:43
knomeand tbh, the panel slide, while it's useful, is not really working like that23:43
slickymasterwhat is escaping you?23:43
knomeand i'm not referring the title being at the bottom23:43
knomei kind of like that we're challenging the user23:43
knomebecause otherwise it's a boring slideshow23:44
knomedoesn't the slide feel a bit too cramped?23:44
knomemaybe it's something related to the black boxes23:44
slickymasterwell, I wouldn't go so far23:44
slickymasterbut it kind of diverges from the rest in some aspects23:45
knomeit *is* cramped compared to the rest :P23:45
slickymasteralright, cramped23:45
slickymasterbut let's get back to the first one23:45
knomei'm working on the app slide as we speak23:46
slickymasterI think the icons are too big23:46
knomeand the artwork has been used since 201223:46
slickymasterand I'm not talking about breakage23:46
knomewhich is why i didn't bother aligning it23:46
slickymasterbut their size is way to big23:47
knomei think it's "OK" informative, but otoh, it doesn't tell too much23:47
slickymasterlost you now23:47
slickymasterare talking about the text in the first slide?23:47
knomethe artwork23:47
knomei mean it does kind of explain what xubuntu is23:47
knomein a very black and white way, but still23:48
slickymasterah, that's what I was also talking about23:48
knomei know :P23:48
knomethat's why i also talked about it...23:48
slickymasterI agree with you23:48
knomeso it's not essential to have it23:48
slickymasterbut that's has been the universal xubuntu equation since I remember23:48
knomebut the reason why it is there is because we haven't come up with a better alternative23:48
knomeexcept if you interpret it literally, it's wrong23:49
knome(but let's not go into that discussion...)23:49
knomemostly because we can't explain what xubuntu is in one slide23:49
knomeespecially not the one that starts the slideshow23:49
slickymasteris it (javascript speaking) possible to have some type of animation with those icons?23:50
slickymasterwhy not try that23:50
knomebut please remember we are doing animation with icons on the next slide23:50
slickymastermy idea is that instead of three static icons we could place that equation animated23:51
slickymasterthe ubuntu and xfce icons interacting to produce the xubuntu icon23:51
knomei was thinking about that23:52
knomebut you know what i ended up thinking23:52
knomeit would look like the circle of friends enclosed and decapitated the mouse23:52
slickymasterit doesn't have to be nothing too fancy, just give it some 23:52
slickymastersort of motion23:52
knomeyou have to convince me more before i try something like that :P23:53
slickymasterwell, we're trying to detach ourselves from our previous concept of slideshows23:53
knomeso why not get rid of the U+X=XU23:54
slickymasterand we can achive that just with the three icons23:54
knomebut then we are saying the same thing, in a not so clear way23:55
slickymasterit doesn't have to be a moving Ubu icon interacting with a xfce icon to produce a xub icon23:55
knomei understand what you are saying23:55
knomebut i'm not convinced :P23:56
slickymasterwe can, for example have a endeless circular motion between the first two with the third in the middle23:56
slickymasterlike two electrons gravitating it's nucleuos23:56
knomethat would make flocculant puke23:56
slickymastermost probably23:56
slickymasterbut you get what I mean23:57
slickymasterit doesn't have to be an animated equiation23:57
slickymaster* equation23:57
knomethe animation can be something more subtlr23:57
knomeor it can even be something like the mouse23:57
knomethat kind of doesn't have anything to do with the content23:58
slickymasterexactly, but it's still there23:58
slickymasterevening bluesabre 23:58
bluesabrehey slickymaster23:58
slickymasterhaven't yet saw your suggestions23:58
knomeslickymaster, they are in the pad23:58
slickymasterurl, pretty please23:59
bluesabrewas just about to paste that23:59

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