
clivejosgclark: I just created stable and unstable branches for spectacle, would you poke KCI into building it please?00:15
sgclarklol, this script takes a long time... I would prefer if we could do these all at once\00:16
clivejoIm just shouting them out as I see them00:21
clivejotrying to figure out what is wrong with them!00:22
sgclarkits fine. just tired.00:23
clivejokactivitymanagerd : 00:22:13 ERROR: Couldn't find any revision to build. Verify the repository and branch configuration for this job.00:25
clivejowhats that mean?00:25
sgclarkclivejo: it means it cannot find the branch specified. let me look00:29
clivejowhich branch?00:30
clivejodebian git or kde git00:30
sgclarknope it is failing @ kde git00:30
sgclarkyep only has a  master branch and it is trying to pull Plasma 5.500:32
sgclarklets see00:32
sgclarkclivejo: I created a pull request to fix that, unfortunately blue systems aka sitter will have to accept it. So probably will not happen till tomorrow. very late on your side of the pond.00:50
clivejono prob, need to hit the sack myself!00:51
sgclarkI bet lol00:51
clivejoKCI is busy now anyways!00:51
sittersgclark: pull requests are more bonus than anything. when you run update-projects the only thing that matters is what the yamls in your working directory say00:57
sittersgclark: I think you need to rebase your branch00:58
sgclarkoh. that I did not know00:58
sitterhttps://github.com/ScarlettGatelyClark/pangea-tooling/commit/5d7fc54c067665f4a4a37be64c9bb0d8485ea2ed that should not be there00:58
sgclarkugh I do not understand github at all00:59
* sitter reads backlog00:59
sgclarkall I wanted to update was base.yaml00:59
sittersgclark: gem install git-up, then use git up instead of git pull ;)01:00
sitter9/10 times git up will make smarter decisions about what to do01:00
sittersgclark: that change actually is wrong01:00
sitterkactivitymanagerd has no stable branch01:00
sitteronly gets one with 5.6 I presume01:00
sgclarkI did not say stable branch. I said master01:01
sitteryeah, you are mapping kubuntu_*stable* to upstream master01:01
sitterwhich is conceptually wrong01:01
sgclarkI see the error of my ways now01:01
sitterthe problem with that is that it will later prevent kactivitymanagerd from using the common plasma stable branch btw, so that would cause head scratching01:02
sittersgclark: what you probably want to do is drop the kubuntu_stable branch from the packaging repo01:03
sitterand remove the jobs01:03
sitterci-tooling/kci/expunge.rb might help with that01:03
sgclarkI do not have perms to delete branches01:04
sitterdoesn't everyone have?01:04
sitteryou just have to disable the hook manually first I think01:04
sitterci-tooling/kci/expunge.rb --keep-merger --type stable --dist wily --dist xenial kactivitymanagerd01:04
sitterthat should sort jenkins 01:05
sitter(I think ;)01:05
sgclarkmy head hurts. don't we have a release manager around here?! ... I will have to look at this 01:05
sgclarkdiable the hook. what does that mean exactly?01:06
sgclarkgit hook somewhere?01:06
sitteron git.debian.org go into the repo dir and move hooks hooks.bak01:06
sitterthen push01:06
sitterthen move back01:06
sitteror ask maxy how he does it. I don't actually recall having to move hooks out of the way01:07
sitterso maybe there is more to it01:07
sgclarkI have not actually tried to delete. was just told that01:07
sittersgclark: just try it xD01:09
sgclarkyeah I will, got 50 thousand things going on. + my brain is scrambled with a migraine01:10
sitterif we still had a bot I'd order you some drugs01:11
ScottKsitter: maybe a fez.01:11
sittera fez does not help with a migraine silly :P01:12
sgclarkdelete was a success. now to expunge.rb01:15
sgclarkdied at lp call... investigating01:18
sittersgclark: you need to setup an lp token for that01:19
sitterbut you don't really need that anyway01:19
sitterjenkins happesn first01:19
sitterand since the jobs never created any valid builds there is nothing on lp anyway01:19
sittersgclark: didn't the lp thingy tell you to go to some url to authenticate?01:21
sgclarkI see it in console but it zoomed past the type done and hit enter and never opened webpage or let me type.01:22
sgclarklike it usually would01:22
sgclarkone sec01:22
sitteryou have to run it again to get a new url01:22
sitteractaully it running past the typing input is weird01:23
sittersounds buggish xd01:23
sgclarkran again, same error, but I thought it was not needed01:23
sgclarknow I am confused01:23
sittersgclark: yeah, but something to look into01:23
sgclarkok, yes I thought the skipping user input odd01:24
sitterthe weird thing is... even if io doesn't work that should infinite loop01:25
sitterunless it actually reads done that loop never ends01:25
sittervery peculiar01:25
sgclarkthat is the way I read it. but I never typed done lo01:25
sgclarklp.rb:104:in `gets' No such file or directory01:27
* sitter watching tv program in mandarin. takes forever. nothing but waiting to do01:27
sittersgclark: oO01:27
sgclark@ rb_sysopen01:27
sittersgclark: do you pipe this command something?01:27
sgclarksitter: I copied your command above01:28
sitterthat sounds like it can't open stdin for reading... wtf...01:28
sgclark(05:04:54 PM) sitter: ci-tooling/kci/expunge.rb --keep-merger --type stable --dist wily --dist xenial kactivitymanagerd01:28
sgclarkumm actually it seems like it is trying to open kactivitymanagerd hah. let me paste this for you01:29
sitterI think we leave kactivitymanagerd in ARGV01:30
sitterand gets then reads that01:30
sittersgclark: run irb01:30
sgclarksitter: paste.ubuntu.com/15263932/01:30
sitterthat brings up a prompt01:30
sitterthen paste this https://paste.kde.org/pn7julrmj01:30
sitterthen you should get the auth business and it should wait for your done input ;)01:31
sitterhttp://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/Kernel.html#method-i-gets xD01:31
sitterwe leave the dangling stuff in ARGV and gets then pops it and gets all confused ^^01:32
sgclarkyep that was it01:32
sitterwill fix tomororw01:32
sittersomewhat for a corner case01:32
sgclarklol I am a corner case! always and forever01:33
sgclarkok that is fixed now. thanks01:34
sitteralso wrote down for future admisn https://github.com/blue-systems/pangea-tooling/wiki/Launchpad-Config01:36
sgclarkso you can toss my pull request. thanks for the help. 01:37
ScottKsitter: I thought a fez helped with everything.01:58
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
lordievaderGood morning.09:44
clivejomorning lordievader09:45
lordievaderHey clivejo, how are you?09:45
clivejosgclark: mind if I stage plasma 5.5.5?09:45
clivejocold and sleepy!09:45
clivejolordievader: what about you?09:57
lordievaderDoing good here, fighting with kdeconnect.09:58
lordievaderMy kio  is probably missing something, when trying to browse the phone it complains that it doesn't know kdeconnect.10:01
lordievaderGuess, I10:02
clivejoIm using a package from KCI, seems to be working fine10:02
lordievaderI'll use Airdroid for file transfer.10:02
lordievaderclivejo: I'm running Gentoo ;)10:02
soeeclivejo: she probable sleeping right now :)10:03
soeeyofel: can we stage 5.5.5 ?10:03
clivejosoee: he told me to ask sgclark10:04
soeeah.. ok :)10:05
* clivejo considers staging it locally10:06
clivejoor maybe upload to my PPA instead10:07
soeemaybe i don't know about something but why it can't be uploaded to staging just likt this? :)10:09
soeedoes ot break anything ?10:09
clivejoThe release managers need to know all thats going on for future planning10:10
clivejoif packages needed for a release (archive) havent been copied out a new version deletes the old one 10:11
clivejosomeone has to keep track of it all10:12
clivejoand all this is voluntary and done by very busy people in their spare time  10:13
soeeok so we have something waiting for upload to archive but then shouldn't it be pending in testing ppa and staging should be free for next version upload ?10:14
clivejosoee: Im not sure, I havent been at this long enough to know the potential pitfalls10:15
clivejoall i know is that this FFE is a major log jam for development10:15
soeeyup :) also i don't get it why we have to wait so long for the response10:16
clivejome neither10:16
soeeare we sure they get our messages ?10:16
clivejosoee: I have no idea10:16
clivejoAs sgclark is on the UCC I assume she would know who to poke and so forth, its something Ive never done before and dont understand the process10:20
ubottuFeature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.10:22
clivejovalorie: are you up late or up early?!?10:23
valorietoo late10:24
clivejoget some sleep!10:24
clivejoyou have a meeting in the morning!10:24
valoriegads, that has so many steps10:24
valoriewell, I'll set my alarm for that, but no promises10:24
clivejowhat is the process for getting software into the archive?10:26
valoriewhich is why some of the kubuntu devels also became/will become MOTU10:27
clivejoI kinda feel like Im wasting my time packaging digikam calligra etc as it doesnt seem to get into the archive10:27
valorieUbuntu Developer is as difficult as Debian Developer I think10:28
valorieyou are getting it to our users10:28
clivejonot much use in my PPA!10:28
valorieyes, I guess you have to get testing first?10:28
valoriethat FFe page gives a link to the sponsorship process10:29
valorieI believe it's pretty much the same in Debian10:29
valorieyou make your package and then ask for sponsorship, and the sponsor DD works with you to make it perfect10:30
valoriethe more you do that, the closer you get to Developer status10:30
clivejositter: ^^ that kpat build had an SSLError, is that a LP problem?11:27
clivejoalso, is there a way to push something to the front of the queue11:31
kfunkasked this yesterday already? will there be an update to kdepim in near future? even 16.10 is stuck at 5.0.2 afaics11:55
clivejokfunk: well apps 16.04 are due out in April12:01
clivejoand there looks to be some big changes in PIM12:01
kfunkugh, and I meant 16.04 of course :)12:02
clivejoI mean KDE Applications 16.04, not Kubuntu 16.04(Xenial)12:02
kfunkright, I was referring to the Xenial version of course.12:03
* kfunk is heavily confused about kdepim's release schedule. it's supposed to be part of kde apps, right? but I don't see source tarballs of kdepim related apps in any of 15.08 and 15.12, for instance12:07
kfunke.g. no kontact here: http://download.kde.org/stable/applications/15.12.2/src/12:07
clivejoits bunched up into a few different tars12:08
clivejokdepim, kdepim-runtime, kdepimlibs12:09
clivejokfunk: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/kontact12:10
clivejobuilt by kdepim12:10
kfunkah, right. sure12:11
kfunkok, right. 15.08.2 is what I have right now (on xenial), which has the internal version
clivejoI dont know why or what that internal version is all about!12:12
kfunkwell, doesn't matter indeed. it's just what `kontact --version` spits out here. 12:14
kfunkso, I guess the correct question would be: why's Xenial still stuck with KDE Apps 15.08; and when will it get 15.12 or 16.04? :)12:18
clivejokfunk: Because KDEPIM 15.12.2 has caused us problems12:21
clivejoand Xenial is now in Feature Freeze12:21
clivejoso we cant add it, even if we wanted to!12:22
kfunkthat... sucks.12:22
clivejoWe have a FFE open, but no reply yet12:22
clivejowe were going to release apps 15.12.2 without PIM12:22
kfunkquestion: does korganizer work for you at all atm?12:23
clivejokontact works for me, yes12:23
kfunkkorganizer, to be exact. it just crashes here when opening12:23
kfunkand this crash is confirmed by multiple other users in BKO12:23
clivejowhat version of kdepim is installed?12:23
clivejosame as mine12:25
kfunkno crash?12:25
kfunkwhen starting `korganizer`?12:25
kfunkhttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=352256 fwiw12:25
ubottuKDE bug 352256 in general "Korganizer / Kontakt crash [EventViews::AgendaView::placeDecorations]" [Crash,Confirmed]12:25
clivejonope, opens Kontact in Calendar view12:26
clivejoand I can see all my appointments and Kolab tasks12:26
kfunkok. if ubuntu is really stuck at 15.08.2 I need to dig into the issue and patch this particular version. korganizer is unusable right now.12:28
clivejowhat version plasma and frameworks you on?12:29
clivejodoes kmail work?12:30
clivejosounds like might be a missing dep for calendar12:31
kfunkakregator is crashy as well, though. (didn't dig into it yet, though. just happens for one particular feed entry)12:32
clivejoakregator has caused me problems12:32
kfunkI'll check... I thought I'd be just happily receiving updates and the issues would vanish, but apparently that's not the case ;)12:32
clivejobut only certain feeds due to a weird SSL cert12:32
kfunkI've already patched akonadi-server locally (because it has a pretty serious issue with unread-mails counting when ignored threads are involved...)12:34
kfunktl;dr: lots of issues in KDEPIM 15.08.212:34
clivejokfunk: upstream are doing a lot of work moving libs out of kdepimlibs into akonadi12:34
clivejokfunk: do you know how the packages interact?12:36
kfunkhonestly, I just want my kdepim to work. I'm busy enough with other things :\12:37
clivejokfunk: check out http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/applications/build_status_15.12.1_xenial.html12:37
clivejothats our progress on apps 15.12.112:37
clivejobasically the red packages are what we are having issues with12:38
clivejoIve just moved in KCI builds of libkolab and libkolabxml and retrying kdepim-runtime against that12:39
clivejoIll go have some lunch while that builds12:41
* clivejo fingers crossed12:41
kfunkclivejo: where's the FFE? I'd like to subscribe12:41
kfunkthanks for the hard work 12:41
clivejosgclark filed it, cant remember which package it was against :/12:43
clivejoBug 154757112:46
ubottubug 1547571 in meta-kde (Ubuntu) "[FFe] KDE Meta" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154757112:46
clivejoI think thats it12:47
justin_timeHi, I have a FFe for the tomahawk-player package, now. I'm looking for a sponsor for this package. The Kubuntu Developers maintained the old tomahawk package and so could you sponsor this package, too? This package replace the old tomahawk package because of a name conflict with a different tomahawk package in the debian sources. 13:09
BluesKajHi folks13:34
soeehiho BluesKaj13:36
BluesKajhey soee13:38
yofeljustin_time: the maintainer field is just plain wrong. We did look after it a long time ago, but nobody here has upload permissions for tomahawk right now. That's why I pointed you to the MOTU team which is the fallback maintainer in this case.14:39
yofelso, it's not that we're ignoring you, we just can't help you14:39
justin_timeyofel: oh ok, thank you for the explanation! But how can it be, that the maintainer has no upload permission?14:40
ScottKjustin_time: The Kubuntu team has had a lot of turnover recently.14:41
yofeljustin_time: upload permissions aren't by-maintainer, but by package set. And the package is not in our "supported" package lsit14:41
ScottKPermissions are individual based, not team based.14:41
justin_timeah ok, I thought they are team based.14:41
justin_timethanks for your help anyway! I try to find a sponsor on ubuntu-motu, but this is quite difficult!14:42
yofelthe update is properly listed in the sponsorship queue at least. So it's really finding someone for the upload14:43
justin_timeDoes anyone of you know a sponsor who could help me?14:45
clivejoanyone know why this failed - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/244999616/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-amd64.kdepim-runtime_4%3A15.12.1-2ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa6_BUILDING.txt.gz14:50
ScottKclivejo: The errors start with ../../../resources/kolab/kolabhelpers.cpp:88:9: error: 'KContacts' has not been declared14:54
ScottKPossible missing build-depends or a header file left out.14:55
* clivejo cries14:56
sgclarkyofel: can you see if kdevelop* can be a direct sync from debian15:39
yofelsgclark: I'll get back to you once I did15:52
sgclarkhmm framework kactvities depends on plasma kactivitymanagerd. That is going to be a nightmare..16:04
yofelwe will need to carefully review the versioned deps when uploading16:04
yofelplasma deps on frameworks, apps on frameworks, frameworks on apps, plasma on frameworks, frameworks on plasma16:05
sgclarkdifferent release schedules too..16:05
sgclarkgood grief16:05
sitteryofel, clivejo, sgclark: I am rolling out a new oauth gem shortly, keep an eye on possible oauth failure for the next couple of days please16:37
tsdgeossgclark: it doesn't "depend" on it16:41
tsdgeosit's useless without it16:41
tsdgeosbut can be built without it16:41
tsdgeosor that's what i understand16:41
sgclarkummm ok. clear as mud :)16:41
tsdgeosno really it's very simple16:42
tsdgeosbut whatever16:42
sgclarkwow. did I do something?16:42
sgclarkor lack thereof?16:42
tsdgeosclear as mud :)16:42
tsdgeosis not a very encouraging sentence16:43
sgclarkwell I am trying to package. do we need it or not your explaination says both.16:43
sgclarkclear as mud16:43
sgclarkwhatever. I am busy with my kde hat atm.16:44
tsdgeosas said16:44
tsdgeosand you got angry but you can watherver me ;)16:44
sgclarkif it is useless without it, says to me it does depend on it. Ok done. moving on. thanks for your input tsdgeos. We can be friends again.16:46
* sgclark goes for more coffee.16:46
geniimmm coffee16:59
clivejosgclark: regarding http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kactivities/ dont we need that package?17:42
sgclarkof course we do. clearly something went wrong. investigating17:45
sgclarkme and git add do not get along it seems.17:48
=== mitya57_ is now known as mitya57
soeePlasma 5.6 beta out :)18:53
soeesgclark: clivejo asked earlier if we can stage 5.5.5 18:56
soeeare there any objections ?18:56
sgclarkNo. we need Ffe approved and this stuff in archive. Or we will have to file another and start all over.18:57
sgclarkAt this rate we will not have an xenial release.18:57
claydohis there something holding up the ffe?19:02
sgclarkubuntu-release team19:02
sgclarkno activity at all from them19:03
soeecan we somehow catch them and chat with them ?19:03
sgclarkclivejo tried without luck19:04
ScottKWhat's the bug number?19:04
soeeso maybe we should talk with other team/group  19:05
clivejois there a link to Core Meeting?19:05
soeemaybe they could get in touch with this ffe team 19:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1547571 in meta-kde (Ubuntu) "[FFe] KDE Meta" [Critical,Confirmed]19:05
ScottKThe "FFe team" is the Ubuntu release team.19:06
clivejoThe only reply I got was "sending bribes to release team postal addresses usually works"19:06
sgclarkScottK: ^19:06
ScottKsgclark: You've (the collective you) tested all this, right?19:06
sgclarkScottK:  yep. For weeks now. 19:07
ScottKthanks.  I figured, but just checking.19:07
clivejosgclark: does pim build if we drop kolab support?19:08
ScottKsgclark: It'd probably be good to describe the testing you've done in the bug.19:08
sgclarkclivejo: At this time I am releasing without.  If you want to try to build without kolab go ahead.19:08
clivejojust seems to be what debian have done19:09
sgclarkScottK Ok. I will asap19:10
clivejodoes anyone know any of them to give them a personal poke?19:12
soeesince few days autocomplete for commands stopped working for me ... someone can confirm this on Xenial ?19:13
ScottKclivejo: I just did.19:13
clivejo:) thanks ScottK19:14
clivejosgclark: rebuild with libkolab-dev removed but its still FTBFS19:59
clivejosgclark: is there any way to force a package to jump the queue and build?20:00
sgclarkok. removing pim from Ffe. We will have to backport when the time comes. We will point all the angry peeps upstream haha20:00
sgclarkjump the que? in jenkins? no not without priority plugin. And I do not know enough about their setup to starting adding plugins.20:01
clivejooh wait, its missing files its failing on!20:01
* sgclark holds on removing pim20:02
clivejothe kolab stuff20:02
clivejoif I remove them from *.install it might just work!20:02
clivejogimme a sec20:02
clivejoand ovidiu-florin send me a podcast link!20:03
* sgclark is watching20:03
clivejogot a link??20:03
clivejoIm missing it!20:03
sgclarkon my phone :(20:03
sgclarkgoogle search Kubuntu podcast?20:04
clivejosgclark: what happened akonadi?20:09
sgclarkwhat do you mean?20:10
clivejoit was green, now i386 has gone red :/20:10
sgclarkbuild-essential but it is not going to be installed uh. that is not me!! upstream hiccup? trying rebuild.20:11
sgclarkyeah build-essential is a bit essential haha20:12
clivejohas anyone been brave enough to add the apps staging PPA?20:46
clivejosgclark: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-kdeapplications/+build/928962920:52
* clivejo dances!!20:52
clivejoand akonadi is green too :)20:53
clivejodo you know whats up with kdesdk-kioslaves ?20:54
clivejolink - https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-kdeapplications/+build/893411420:54
sgclarkclivejo:  ftbfs deleting it20:55
sgclarkclivejo: do you know how to do kde-l10n?20:55
mamarleyclivejo: You asked earlier about the apps staging PPA, I am using it.20:55
clivejomamarley: how you getting on with it?20:55
mamarleyclivejo: I haven't had any big issues.  gwenview is currently un-installable though.20:56
mamarleyThat is the only thing I have noticed.  I don't use pim or akonadi though.20:56
sgclarkmamarley: that sounds important, can you paste a log?20:56
mamarleySure, one sec.20:57
soeesgclark: is all as i wrote in the comment https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JDRichards/posts/Ftih1UUL2Jk ?20:57
mamarleysgclark: https://paste.kde.org/pjkox3vz720:58
sgclarksoee: look good20:59
claydohclivejo: last I tried staging-applications, kdepim was borked. Is that working? I needs my kmail lol20:59
clivejoclaydoh: it might still be borked21:00
clivejolooking for testers!21:00
clivejoI use it heavily and dont fancy risking it!21:00
mamarleyThat's what ppa-purge is for.21:01
clivejomamarley: would you mind being a guinea pig?21:01
mamarleyclivejo: For what?21:01
genii"things" ;)21:01
clivejosee if it installs21:01
claydohppa-purge didn't work to fix the pim stuff, left bits behind I think had to dig out the new ones and uninstall, reinstall the previous21:02
claydohclivejo: Im diving in  ow21:02
claydohn ow21:02
clivejoakonadi is very fussy21:02
mamarleyclivejo: There aren't any dependency conflicts, but I don't want to test actually installing it on this computer.21:03
clivejoeven if you can ppa-purge, it can mess up email accounts and other settings21:03
mamarleyYeah, that's true.21:03
clivejowhich I currently dont have time to fix21:03
clivejoI just feel lucky its working now!21:03
claydohthats no big edeal for me, imap means I can just start fresh21:03
clivejoplus I use kolab21:04
clivejoand Ive had to disable it in this build 15.12.121:04
clivejoclaydoh: any feedback?21:14
claydohnot done downloading yet21:14
clivejoholding my breath over here!21:15
claydohdpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/kmail_4%3a15.12.1-1ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa3_amd64.deb (--unpack):21:23
claydoh trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/korganizer.knsrc', which is also in package korganizer 4:15.08.2-0ubuntu121:23
claydoheasily fixed21:23
claydohok lots of these21:31
sgclarkclaydoh: can you pastebin them all, we need to fix them21:31
clivejosgclark: can you teach me21:32
sgclarkBreaks and Replaces? go look at my last few akonadi commits21:32
claydohI stopped after a bit, too many21:34
sgclarkonly way we can find them is trial and error :( thanks for those though21:35
clivejosuch a mess!21:36
sgclarkyeah because they split the libs. thinking.21:37
sgclarkhmm or is it. I am going to try in a vm, something is missing on that paste. but very helpful nonetheless.21:38
sgclarkwhy would kmail have all those files.. is what I want to know21:39
clivejoso weird21:47
clivejolook at the build log - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/242561853/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-amd64.kdepim_4%3A15.12.1-1ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa3_BUILDING.txt.gz21:47
clivejoits installing it into both kmail and korganizer21:48
clivejoah, wildcard in kmail.install21:49
clivejoneed to remove that line21:52
clivejosgclark: want me to do it?21:52
sgclarkclivejo: sure, nice catch :)21:52
Rick_TimmisPackaging party !! -> https://plus.google.com/b/112102796730023795852/events/cvp1pmljbvron5tn4i0qcdo10ns21:53
Rick_Timmisplease share this were ever you can21:53
* sgclark shares21:54
ahoneybunovidiu-florin, ^21:54
clivejosgclark: did you manage to get to bottom of gwenview problem?21:59
sgclarkerr no not yet, got distracted. It is red so I was starting there22:00
clivejoits green here - http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/applications/build_status_15.12.1_xenial.html22:00
sgclarkwell yeah but it doesn't install I hear22:01
clivejodid you see mamarley paste - https://paste.kde.org/pjkox3vz722:01
sgclarkit is red in unstable22:01
clivejoany clues?22:01
sgclarkwell no not really.22:02
sgclarkexcept wasnt ksnapshot removed?22:02
clivejoI cant see whats wrong with it :/22:02
clivejoits replaced22:03
sgclarkrepaced rather?22:03
clivejowith spectacle22:03
sgclarkwell that is the only thing that stands out. not sure how to fix, yofel? help!!22:03
clivejodebian are calling it kde-spectacle due to name conflict22:04
yofelthe paste looks about right?22:04
sgclarkit does? so is the user suppose to pick 1? I don't know, I wouldnt expect a user to know22:05
yofelksnapshot is qt4, thus uses old kipi. gwenview is qt5 now and uses new kipi. And it seems like the 2 kipi's aren't co-installable22:06
yofelso that's about the expected result22:06
yofelsomething *should* install kde-spectacle. Not sure what though22:07
yofelon a release scope I would solve it through the seed, which needs an update anyway22:07
sgclarkI dont know clivejo hah22:08
clivejoa spammer!22:08
clivejosorry, wrong window22:08
clivejodidnt click into my email servers ssh window!22:09
mamarleyOh, sorry, so I should install "kde-spectacle" and remove "ksnapshot"?22:09
clivejowho ever they are they being added to my firewall!22:09
sgclarkyeah mamarley22:10
sgclarkwe will have to fix seed on release22:10
sgclarkthanks for finding that though :) , very important find for release.22:11
clivejoshould the control file not have a breaks ksnapshot?22:11
mamarleysgclark: OK, sorry for the false error report.22:11
sgclarkit was not false at all. excellent find!22:12
sgclarkmamarley: ^^22:12
yofelclivejo: what for? The appropriate breaks are in place already22:12
clivejomamarley: we need to fix these, all very info is very useful22:12
yofeland AFAIK, it doesn't really break anything in the ksnapshot package22:12
clivejowhat actually pulls in spectacle?22:13
yofelif anything, a Replaces for the keyboard shortcut file maybe? I don't remember if they're the same file22:13
yofelnothing probably22:13
yofelright now22:13
yofelit should be a recommends of kubuntu-desktop eventually22:14
sgclarkdoes gwenview? 22:14
sgclarkwhy did gwenview trigger a vbreak?22:14
sgclarkoh right makes sense22:15
sgclarknah needed new kipi and snapshot depended on the kipi installed22:15
sgclarkmakes sense22:15
sgclarkso snapshot needs to be removed on anything that depends on new kipi.. somehow  I dont know how to pull that off22:16
sgclarkor replaced with spectacle rather22:16
yofelkde-spectacle having a transitional ksnapshot package would be one idea. Would need a version override though22:17
yofelmaxyz: how are you replacing it?22:17
clivejowith fire!22:18
genii!info kde-spectacle22:21
ubottuPackage kde-spectacle does not exist in wily22:21
clivejodoesnt exist in xenial either!22:22
clivejo!info kde-spectacle xenial22:22
ubottuPackage kde-spectacle does not exist in xenial22:22
clivejosee :P22:22
valorieclivejo: thanks for the link to the FFe22:30
valorieI've subscribed and added a comment22:30
clivejoyofel: will you ship PIM with kolab disabled or not ship it at all?22:32
yofelconsidering the state it's in I would not upload kdepim* and akonadi* at all22:32
yofelotherwise you know more about it then I do, what's your opinion on it?22:33
clivejoIm not sure, personally with kolab disabled its of no use to me.  But for others I think disabled is better than nothing22:34
clivejosome people are experiencing crashed with archive version22:35
clivejo15.08 I think it is22:35
sgclarkyeah that one is broken22:35
sgclarkif we can get it in without kolab and add kolab back in on point release I think that is better than nothing22:36
sgclarkclivejo: were you able to fix that install file?22:36
clivejokmail.install yes22:36
clivejorebuilding now22:36
sgclarkcool thanks, need to test that22:37
clivejothe gwenview issue, I have no idea what is even wrong22:37
sgclarkthen I will make a final test call tonight and add results to Ffe22:37
* clivejo fingers crossed22:38
sgclarkgwenview itself is not broken. kipi is not coinstallable with its qt4 versio which in turn break ksnapshot, which really should be replaced with kde-spectacle22:39
sgclarkwow that is a mouthful haha22:39
clivejosay that fast with a gobble stopper :P22:39
sgclarkquestion is though is that enough to stop an ffe from going through?22:40
yofelis kde-spectacle listed in the FFE? In general, it shouldn't stop it22:42
sgclarkit is22:42
clivejoanyone shed any light on why this is failing - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/245143734/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-amd64.kwin_4%3A5.5.4+git20160302.2113+16.04-0_BUILDING.txt.gz22:55
sgclarkclass KWayland::Server::SeatInterface' has no member named 'isDragPointer'  22:57
sgclarkperhaps it needs new kwayland?22:58
clivejowayland is green22:58
clivejoseems to be building ok22:59
* sgclark looks if green upstream22:59
sgclarkwell unstable. but that is not it23:00
sgclarkgot me!23:00
clivejome too23:00
sgclarkmaybe wayland itself is too old?23:00
clivejoIm just checking that23:00
sgclarklol cool23:01
clivejobuilding kwayland-dev_5.5.4+git20160302.0141+16.04-0_amd64.deb23:01
clivejokdepim has built, but I have missed two files23:06
clivejoif I upload the fix now, will it affect the publishing?23:06
sgclarkthe fix needs to be put in regardless23:07
clivejoit takes over an hour to build23:08
clivejowill I just go ahead and upload to LP?23:09
sgclarkyes please23:10
clivejothe previous package, if it gets published should resolve those errors claydoh seeing23:11
clivejothe new kdepim is very broken!23:12
clivejolots of libs migrated out to akonadi23:13
sgclarkstable should not be affected by that though23:13
sgclarkpatch failed23:14
clivejoLOl stable has been broken for months!23:14
clivejoPIM is like a black magic23:15
sgclarkhmm stable should match what is in staging. something is surely amiss23:16
sgclarkthough I agree is pim is the reason for my nightmares every night. 23:18
valorie{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to sgclark23:22
valorieI can lend my teddybear if that will help!23:22
* genii breaks out the whiskey23:27
sgclarkall stuffed animals accepted23:27
clivejoIll have a whiskey please!23:28
sgclarko i c commits to Applications/15.12 because they are about to release another point release23:28
sgclarkoh well.23:28
sgclarkwe need what we have in archive first. 23:28
* genii slides clivejo a double, neat23:28
sgclarkI am not about to do another Ffe23:29
geniiNo problemmo23:29
sgclarkhah whiskey makes me more crazy than normal23:29
valoriecrazy is sometimes good23:30
valorienot sure about in packaging though@23:30
sgclarkcould make for an interesting release.23:31
geniiMy boss gets me a bottle of Jamesons or Glenfiddich every year, I put them in the bottom drawer of my filing cabinet23:31
sgclarknice! I want a boss like that23:31
clivejocan we have Konqi with a bottle of whiskey in his hand, in a jolly state?23:31
sgclarkor any boss really.23:31
clivejoas Senials wallpaper?23:32
geniiBTW I can do a little testing Friday23:32
sgclarkccool, we like testers23:33
sgclarkmore the merrier23:33
* clivejo kicks kci23:36
clivejomaybe it needs libhybris?23:38
clivejo!info libhybris-dev xenial23:38
ubottulibhybris-dev (source: libhybris): Development headers and libraries for libhybris. In component main, is extra. Version 0.1.0+git20151016+6d424c9-0ubuntu5 (xenial), package size 19 kB, installed size 143 kB (Only available for armhf; i386; amd64)23:38
clivejoI give up!23:57

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