
MichaelTiebeslhi there. im planning to install the daily build from 16.0405:52
MichaelTiebesldo i have to reinstall it once the official 16.04 will come out?05:53
MichaelTiebeslor can i continue with the daily build to have the same 16.04?05:53
SwedeMikeMichaelTiebesl: generally you can continue and just upgrade packages, unless something breaks of course.06:00
MichaelTiebeslSwedeMike: thanks. im planning to install it this week so i thought maybe i wait a few weeks more for the final iso, but if it will be the same then thats okay then for me06:01
lotuspsychjesyntroPi: see the schedule in topic09:18
lotuspsychjesyntroPi: you can also test 16.04 daily image right now if you like, if you just keep in mind things can still break09:19
syntroPiYeah i know im just really curious about it :-)09:20
lotuspsychjesyntroPi: then install right now09:20
lotuspsychjeadviser: did you have right graphics driver?09:24
syntroPiYup gonna have to do some preparations first though, will the daily image finally result in same system as release ?09:24
adviserlotuspsychje: Not sure09:25
lotuspsychjesyntroPi: you mean upgrade to final?09:25
adviserI am new into this open source OS09:25
advisernot familiar in programe, used to install windows OS.09:25
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.09:25
syntroPiAh great thanks09:26
lotuspsychjeadviser: can you pastebin us sudo lshw -C video please?09:26
adviserhow to ?09:26
adviserIm new into working on the tools09:26
lotuspsychjeadviser: from a terminal09:26
adviserok i follow ur instruction stepby step09:27
lotuspsychje!paste | adviser09:28
ubottuadviser: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:28
lotuspsychjeadviser: you can paste the output to the channel here, se we can see what you do09:29
adviserWhat should i type ?09:29
lotuspsychjeadviser: scroll up mate09:29
adviserIm now at Mate Terminal.09:30
lotuspsychjeadviser: <lotuspsychje> adviser: can you pastebin us sudo lshw -C video please?09:30
adviserI am lost09:32
advisernow sure what pastebin09:32
adviseroh dear.. only familiar in windows09:32
lotuspsychjeadviser: sudo lshw -C video09:32
lotuspsychjeadviser: when you just switched from windows, i would recommend a more stable LTS flavor like ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS09:34
lotuspsychjeadviser: now you chosen an alpha version09:34
adviser    oh i see09:34
lotuspsychje!ubuntu | adviser download the iso from here09:35
ubottuadviser download the iso from here: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com09:35
lotuspsychjeadviser: 16.04 will be final in april and youl be able to upgrade from 14.0409:35
adviserI was told this version in my system is latest beta .. so trial.09:36
lotuspsychjeadviser: for your case i would start with regular desktop 14.04.4 LTS09:37
adviserSo, you suggest me to run the 14.04.4 LTS better? Is that the MATE version ?09:37
lotuspsychjeadviser: i didnt say better, we have all kinds of flavors09:37
lotuspsychjeadviser: but for starter its advisable, when you like it, you can still choose other flavors later09:37
ubottu!Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.09:37
adviserI did tried the Ubuntu 15.10 OS 32bits on another laptop, similarly white screen before it fully launched,09:39
adviserso just wonder.09:39
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | adviser you could try booting with this09:39
ubottuadviser you could try booting with this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:39
adviserThanks lotuspsychje and ubottu: I need to figure out09:44
lotuspsychjeadviser: did you install ubuntu with cable + updates enabled during setup?09:44
lordievaderGood morning.09:44
lotuspsychjehey lordievader09:44
adviseryes.. i run in wifi09:45
adviserand also run software updates09:45
lotuspsychjeadviser: ok, maybe try this 14.04.4 LTS and see if you still got white screen, if it does make a hug09:45
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje, how are you?09:45
adviserHaha thanks good for newbies like me.09:45
lotuspsychjeadviser: now you tested a non-lts version and an alpha version09:45
lotuspsychjeadviser: so i would avise also test LTS09:46
lotuspsychjelordievader: fine tnx mate and you? slow coffee :p?09:46
lordievaderAbout to make one.09:46
adviserOk, will reburn .iso to my usb09:47
lotuspsychjeadviser: good luck, and come back to us if you have issues ok09:47
adviserthen reinstall.. hope to find good OS.09:47
lotuspsychjeadviser: ubuntu is a good choice dont worry09:48
adviserSure, thanks great to all help09:48
lotuspsychjeadviser: we will figure it out09:48
adviserI just started this open source.. so used to windows XP and 7.09:48
timpis BTRFS stable enough to be recommended on a laptop used for development (with a lot of chroots)?09:57
k1lif you need to ask dont use +1 and btrfs :)09:59
timpk1l: heh, you have a point there :)10:01
timpI will use xenial anyway. I will need it and otherwise I'll anyway upgrade to xenial to get the latest LTS10:02
timpI'm just looking for a bit of information about how mature and stable btrfs is10:02
timpon an ssd10:02
ubottuBtrfs is a new filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is currently marked as experimental, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs10:04
Ben64i don't know why people like it10:05
timpBen64: because in a chroot, I will have a lot of copies of files that will not change, and btrfs will instead of copying the files, link them until one of them is edited10:07
timpBen64: that should save disk space, and potentially make creating chroots with the whole filesystem copied inside faster10:08
timpbut if my chroots will have different distributions/releases inside them I guess it won't matter too much10:08
timpthe bot needs to know me first?10:14
timpah, it doesn't know ext410:14
itsmeagainhttp://i.piccy.info/i9/e0e1d81613ba467353e9aacfc6cd2f4d/1456909889/169721/1009782/nedrmal.jpg 1Nuj3pwSaXn4GE2WoVEAiDKTaPozo4mpVX Have a nice day13:06
lotuspsychjeitsmeagain: no spam here13:06
BluesKajHi folks13:34
zzarrhello! this is just a little question, will the error messages that pops up from time to time be removed? (they are annoying and sometime don't show what's causing the error)14:00
BluesKajzzarr,what are you doing when the erors occur?14:01
zzarrBluesKaj, I'm talking in general, but it always happens on a fresh installation14:02
BluesKajzzarr, make sure you update and upgrade, then dist-upgrade to bring in the latest packages and improvements14:03
zzarrBluesKaj, yea, I do, but I think it's complaining about things that are not that important (I have never noticed any problem)14:06
zzarrI would have been fine with a "send error reports to Canonical" checkbox during installation and in the settings menu14:07
BluesKajzzarr, are any apps crashing ?14:08
zzarrBluesKaj, since they don't say, I don't know14:08
zzarrBluesKaj, they just say the system have encountered a problem14:09
BluesKajyou should saee a crash notice/icon in the panel14:09
BluesKajin the terminal ?14:09
zzarrBluesKaj, the blue icon14:11
BluesKajzzarr, I'm on kde , so the crash icon is different14:13
zzarrBluesKaj, okey14:13
zzarrI'm installing Ubuntu in a vm now to show what I mean14:18
zzarrit should be done soon14:20
zzarrit's rebooting now14:27
zzarrnow lets see if it pops up a message (probably will not knowing my luck)14:32
zzarrI guess that it's not luck if something goes wrong14:34
jushurzzarr: your errors are on a fresh/clean install? or after you added repos?14:45
zzarrjushur, I use to get them directly14:57
zzarrsince I don't get it right now I begin to think it has something to do with the hw14:57
jushurzzarr: ive been testing the current desktop and server on quite some machines (40+) and there is not much errors at all actually. all my testing hardware are "new/high" quality machines thou.14:59
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icefox234hello, I want to install 16.04 beta. will my install become LTS when 16.04 is officially released in april?19:13
SwedeMikeicefox234: yes.19:14
icefox234okay, so no need to download and install a new image upon release?19:14
k1lno. just run the updates19:15
icefox234all right, thanks all I needed to know19:15
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