
rbasakPharaoh_Atem: that it's a different source package name is just a technicality really. We all know the new name is derived from the old name. It would be sensible for bugs to carry over.00:11
rbasakPharaoh_Atem: though as I say, if there's a good reason it's fine to comment on bugs saying that they are presumed fixed in Xenial and marked Fix Released or Incomplete or whatever as appropriate.00:12
nacc_Pharaoh_Atem: what a doozy -- learned a bit of twig syntax, wrote a test php & template that is identical to the one that causes the testsuite to segfault ... and no segfault. But if I remove the two utf8 files from the tests, no segfaults. So it is in those files. I'm now worried there is some corrupted state in php itself01:01
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hallynpitti: hey...  so you wrote a patch for systemd-shim "Clean up closing logind sessions".03:46
hallynit inserts a cgroup release agent (regardless of whether one was already defined) which, when a cgrou pis emptied, stops a session03:47
hallynthis is wreaking havoc on a xenial system if you install upstart-sysv, lxc1, and fix cgroup-lite the way we need to for phone :)03:47
hallynupon login, /etc/pam.d/common-session tells systemd to create cgroups;  then it has libpam-cgfs do the same;  the cgroups created by systemd are cleared, teh release agent called, the session stopped, login session terminated03:48
hallynpitti: would you boject to patching systemd-shim to not insert the release agent if one is already set?03:49
hallyn(it's poor manners to do otherwise :)03:49
hallynor can i just get rid of that since in all real installs we expect to be using real systemd03:56
Son_Gokuhallyn: why not just move to systemd on the phone?03:57
Son_Gokujust let upstart die… for all of our sakes :)03:57
hallynSon_Goku: not in my power04:04
hallynI think it just has to do with some user jobs, i'm sure they'll be switching soon04:04
Son_Gokucan you plea for them to move asap?04:08
hallynnah i'm gonna lobby for openrc.04:12
hallyni kid!04:12
sarnolddaemontools 4 life!04:12
hallynwe have a bsd init job for cgmanager04:12
hallyn(for slackware)04:13
hallynsarnold: well at some point you'd like to stop rewriting the lowe rlayers so you can build higher layers on top of them :)04:13
hallynbut this point is not that point04:13
sarnoldhallyn: haha :)04:20
hallynall right, that fixes it.  I'll sling a debdiff over to pitti after find some more kleenex to dry my tears04:21
hallynhm, no, i was wrong.  drat.04:23
hallynmeh, bad patch.04:25
hallynpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15264990/05:00
hallynugh.  minus the debug statements05:02
hallynpitti: maybe http://paste.ubuntu.com/15264999/ instead05:03
sarnoldhallyn: you may be the only person I know who debugs a string with strlen() :)05:03
hallynpitti: basically that is needed becaues when I push http://paste.ubuntu.com/15265000/ I wil lotherwise cause upstart-based xenial deploys to refuse logins05:03
hallynsarnold: well i wanted to catch the length of a dbus reply for an empty string :)05:04
hallynthen again, now my vm has a corrupt fs.  did my patch somehow contribute to that?05:08
nacc_Pharaoh_Atem: last thought of the night (it's a good one) -- phpunit --process-isolation makes twig not segfault05:14
nacc_Pharaoh_Atem: which i think means we have a php bug05:14
sarnoldthat sounds ungood05:15
hallynhuh   Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... Warning: overlayroot: debug is busted05:15
sarnoldhallyn: -that- sounds like a clear suggestion to EOD :)05:15
hallyni'm open to suggestions, i'll tkae that one05:22
cpaelzergood morning05:46
pittihallyn: systemd-shim> sounds good; this code isn't very good, it has never been thoroughly tested with running systemd side by side, just for making logind work under upstart (where nothing else fiddles with cgroups)06:33
pittihallyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15264999/ LGTM06:35
pittihallyn: ah, src/cgmanager.{h,c}, I thought that was some piece of standard code being copied around into various projects06:36
pittihallyn: let's test this for a few days, then I'll apply it upstream and upload it to Debian too06:36
pittihallyn: thanks!06:36
hallynpitti: cool, thanks.06:45
hallynpitti: noob question, but it's late and i'm not trusting my judgement - the cgroup-lite needs systemd-shim to be the newer version.  should it conflicts or breaks on the <= old version?06:46
Skuggenpitti: Did you have a chance to look at the deb-systemd-helper use we have in the mysql 5.7 postinst, to see if it looks safe?06:46
hallyni think conflicts06:46
hallynno, breaks sounds more accurate per the docs06:49
pittihallyn: it should Breaks: (<< fixed_version)06:51
hallynkewl, pushing htat, and calling it a day - thx06:52
pittiSkuggen: the pastebin you showed to me yesterday? that looked reasonable, if you also replicated dh_systemd_*'s postrm and prerm code06:53
pittiSkuggen: still wondering if it wouldn't be simpler to just move the #DEBHELPER# tag further up in the postinst and let the code be autogen'ed06:53
Skuggenpitti: But the #DEBHELPER# code will also do the 'proper' starting of the service that should happen at the end06:54
pittiSkuggen: so you need to things *between* enable and start? OOI, what is that?06:59
SkuggenUpdating an existing database to mysql-5.7 requires running mysql_upgrade, which (unfortunately) is a client that needs to connect to a running server07:02
SkuggenAnd we added running mysql_upgrade as part of postinst instead of relying on users doing it manually07:03
pittiSkuggen: right, but can't that happen before the debhelper stuff?07:05
pittii. e.07:05
pittiif [ "$1" = configure ] && have_older_db; then mysql_upgrade; fi07:06
SkuggenYes, but I need to start the service to be able to run mysql_upgrade, which is what the systemd_helper commands are for07:06
SkuggenWell, I could run mysqld manually and wait in a loop for it to be ready, but we moved away from that because it's also not very robust07:07
pittiSkuggen: *confused* I thought you said the service must *not* be running yet for upgrading?07:18
pittiso doing #DEBHELPER# first and then call mysql_upgrade?07:19
pittiSkuggen: I should probably purge my entire brain state about this and we'll start over :)07:19
SkuggenI might be able to move all the upgrade-related stuff after #DEBHELPER#, with some reshuffling07:20
Skuggen(there's also some checking/fixing of password access for the maintenance user used to run upgrade, but should be able to refactor it)07:20
pittiSkuggen: so I think the question is "do you need to anything *within* the #DEBHELPER# generated code"07:22
pittiif yes, then you need to do things manually or apply some seddery; if not, then things are easy, and you just need to strategically place the #DEBHELPER# token07:23
SkuggenHopefully not. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the help :)07:24
dholbachgood morning07:45
cpaelzerpitti: thanks for agreeing that "changing" enviroment features for tests is a bad thing07:50
cpaelzerpitti: I didn't realize that my first paragraph could have been so misleading until you repled on the RT ticket - thanks07:50
cpaelzerpitti: I tihnk it is now up to all the involved parties to consider if changing from host-cpu to sandbridge would break anything else (due to the fact that it is a global config)07:51
pitticpaelzer: I'm not convinced at all that we use -cpu host right now07:51
pitticpaelzer: I've seen "SandyBridge" on all our clouds, on the semaphoreci.com clouds, etc.07:52
pittiit seems it's just a default -cpu SandyBridge in openstack07:52
pittii. e. I think we are currently using that ^07:52
cpaelzerpitti: that is how I read kuhlmannt RT post07:52
cpaelzerpitti: well I just took "The current configuration in nova is unset for cpu_mode which means it should default to host-model " for granted, but I just saw your post checking it07:54
cpaelzerpitti: and I understand that we assume at least one of the systems runs on >sandybridge which means your check confirms that it is not running as "host-cpu"07:55
pitticpaelzer: *nod*, I yet have to see an x86 cloud instance which is something else07:56
cpaelzerpitti: I really wonder what that was two weeks ago where sse3 wasn't there - it is a shame that we can't timewarp and do a proc/cpuinfo and such there07:56
cpaelzerpitti: waitnig for IS replies to your post now, thanks for testing your scalingstack instances07:57
cpaelzeractually - do we already (if not should we?) do an environment report in the adt-* output that we could check that in logs after the fact?07:58
pitticpaelzer: we have testinfo.json which has some info  like the running kernel version, environment variables, etc.07:59
pittiwe can certainly add stuff to that07:59
pittie. g. https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial/xenial/amd64/u/udisks2/20160301_213435@/result.tar07:59
pittithat contains testinfo.json07:59
cpaelzerpitti: just parsed through it - interesting08:03
cpaelzerpitti: there are no links from what I consider a packages CI overview to that result.tar (e.g. http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/o/openvswitch-dpdk/xenial/amd64/)08:03
cpaelzerpitti: I could fetch my data by just manually constructing the link thou08:03
cpaelzerpitti: any reason not to add that link there as well?08:03
pitticpaelzer: I'd rather expand it into the debci log08:05
pittiwe have three links there already, adding more isn't helping confusion08:06
cpaelzerpitti: agreed08:06
pitticpaelzer: indeed it's just replacing log.gz with result.tar in the URL08:06
cpaelzerpitti: IMHO the dbci log could take a plain /proc/cpuinfo, on s390x maybe also /proc/sysinfo - that would be great08:08
cpaelzerpitti: I also thought about lshw, but that is too heavyweight08:08
pitticpaelzer: perhaps #processors and the model name08:09
pittithe full thing is quite big08:09
cpaelzerpitti: processor, model and flags of one of them?08:09
pitticpaelzer: mind reporting a bug against autopkgtest about that, as a reminder?08:09
cpaelzerI'll do08:09
cpaelzerpitti: before I open the bug one more thing to clarify, I don't know who controls the results.tar or artifacts.tar.gz08:13
cpaelzerpitti: I guess the answer is no08:13
pittithe answer to "who" is "no"?08:13
cpaelzerpitti: but would it be possible to add e.g. a full sosreport into those tarballs AFTER failing tests?08:13
pitticpaelzer: adt-run writes testinfo.json08:13
pitticpaelzer: it could go into artifacts.tar.gz (certainly not into results.tar)08:14
pitticpaelzer: but I don't want to do this by default really, as you don't need it for most tests08:14
pittiso if your test wants to depend on sosreport and use it, please feel free08:14
cpaelzerpitti: ok, so if anybody wants it make it test specific - I'm absolutely ok with that - thanks08:15
pittii. e. most tests aren't that hardware specific, and having sosreport in all of them woudl just be a waste of resources, and also it's another potential point of brittleness08:15
Skuggenpitti: Simply moving everything that needed a running server below #DEBHELPER# does the trick. Thanks!08:31
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smbHm anybody here got experience with bind9/isc-dhcp packaging. Looks to me like in order to unbreak dhcp one needs to (fake) moving back to a less-featured libbind to build dhcp. There is something in there for udeb, but I am not sure that would be the right thing.09:36
smbThat's about bug 1551351 for reference09:36
ubottubug 1551351 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu Xenial) "dhclient does not renew leases" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155135109:36
Saviqpitti, morning, did you see the recent britney results in silos? https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/xenial/landing-076/excuses.html https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/vivid/landing-076/excuses.html https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/vivid/landing-064/excuses.html09:42
Saviqpitti, there's all kinds of unsatisfiable depends, both on vivid (how ¿?) and xenial (proposed migration?)09:42
Mirvmuch of unsatisfaction09:42
Saviqthey can get no...09:42
Mirvis there a way to see what autosynced from Debian between certain dates (2016-02-17 - end of auto sync period)?10:15
seb128Mirv, I don't think we have a list for those, but autosync stopped on the 18 iirc10:19
Mirvyeah I know, something magic happened between the morning of 17th and 19th that breaks generation of top-level-domain data10:20
Mirvbut we're closing in anyway with oSoMoN10:20
seb128Mirv, how are those generated?10:22
Mirvseb128: http://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/plain/util/corelib/qurl-generateTLDs/main.cpp called from http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/qt/qtbase.git/plain/debian/generateTLDs.sh?h=ubuntu - but it does not fail locally, only on builders10:24
Mirvso what I'm next trying is settings C.UTF-8 as the locale in debian/rules, just a wild guess now that it was found that there's something wrong with the generation10:24
seb128Mirv, oSoMoN, grep changed on the 17th and created issues for e.g ubiquity10:24
Mirvthank you :)10:25
seb128  * debian/rules: Build under C.UTF-8 locale. grep 2.23 causes broken debconf10:25
seb128    templates to be built under the C locale.10:25
Mirvmitya57: I see you committed set -e to qtbase, have you already found the grep error?10:25
Mirvif it's that one10:25
seb128that's what pitti did to ubiquity ^10:25
Mirvseb128: ah, it sounds like my guess is the correct one <- oSoMoN10:25
Mirvso, I'll prepare a real silo with C.UTF-8 set and start a build and go to lunch10:26
pittiSkuggen: cool! that's so much easier and robust10:26
seb128Mirv, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grep/+bug/154746610:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1547466 in grep (Ubuntu) "grep switches into binary mode while processing a text file" [High,New]10:27
seb128sorry that it has bitten you as well, seems like you spent several days trying to figure that out10:27
pittiSaviq: ah, I know -- looks like this is from xnox' recent component check10:27
seb128we should perhaps have reverted the grep update :-/10:27
pittixnox: ^ I think we need to disable the component checking if PPAs are involved10:27
xnoxpitti, right, because ppas only have 'main'10:28
xnoxpitti, but we don't run britney excuses against ppas... or do we?!10:28
pittixnox: we do, silos do that10:28
xnoxpitti, ok =) i'm so out of date. Do you want me to look into this?10:29
pittixnox: I'll have a look, should be fairly simple10:29
pittixnox: what I'd like you to do is to have a look at the ubuntu excuses, like http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#squid310:29
pittixnox: I don't see how squid3 depends on squid10:30
xnoxessentially calls to get_dependency_solvers should change component to MULTIVERSE and then things are ignored, "if PPA:" or some such.10:31
xnoxor maybe we need a britney.conf feature flag for components missmatches.10:31
LocutusOfBorgsuperm1, please please on the next upload drop fonts-droid on mythtv https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2016-February/039159.html10:31
pittixnox: I think we should just disable the check if ADT_PPAS is set10:31
smbseb128, heh... so it turned out to be a problem for other people, too. :)10:32
seb128smb, grep you mean?10:32
pittixnox: change "if allowed_component(component, package[COMPONENT]):" to "if self.options.adt_ppas or allowed_component()" perhaps?10:32
smbseb128, yep.10:32
seb128smb, yeah, Mirv and oSoMoN just spent several days investigating qt regressions10:33
oSoMoNMirv, and confirmed, running a local build with LANG=C LC_ALL=C generates a broken qurltlds_p.h10:33
seb128which turned out to be due to that10:33
pittixnox: oh, nevermind, the squid3 binary in -proposed indeed has Pre-Depends: squid (>= 3.5.12-1ubuntu1)10:33
pittirbasak: ^ please run check-mir on your squid merge10:33
LocutusOfBorgsuperm1, well, nevermind10:33
smbseb128, I was fearing it could also cause more obsure problems. Build fails only if grep is used to produce new sources on a build10:34
oSoMoNif there wasn’t one already, a unit test should be added to grep10:34
pittirbasak: ah, unping10:34
pittixnox: so for squid, apparently squid3 now builds a squid transitional package, so this is a case of component-mismatches10:34
MirvoSoMoN: thanks10:34
pittiapparently 'squid' is the new main package, and squid3 is a transitional10:35
seb128smb, well, in this case that was not a build failure but some runtime issues due to buggy top-level-domain data generated10:35
* xnox should have run update the chdist before looking into it, or like have more coffee10:35
pittixnox, rbasak: it's on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.txt , I promoted squid now10:35
smbseb128, yeah -> more obscure problem. :) Guess I was kinda lucky that Xen failed to build then10:36
seb128is anyone looking at the grep issue?10:36
smbI don'T think so (yet). I think I could not convince Brian it is broken10:37
Mirvthis is linked to C.UTF-8 not being the default locale which has been a discussion topic for years. it gives grey hairs to many who build Python packages10:38
xnoxpitti, squid3 package builds squid package in both release & proposed, and in both cases it's in universe.10:38
pittixnox: right, so we caught the component-mismatches in britney10:38
pittixnox: I just wasn't aware of the squid3 -> squid transition10:38
pittiso it seems all fine10:38
xnoxpitti, right yes, i see that now.10:38
pittixnox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15265997/ should work, right? (no testsuite..)10:39
seb128Mirv, yeah, still it's a behaviour change and impacting our things with the current buildds setup10:39
xnoxpitti, looks good! cowboy that in =)10:39
Mirvseb128: yep10:39
pittiSaviq: ok, britney fix pushed, so silo excuses should update within the next 2 hours; sorry about that10:40
* pitti keeps the page open to check after lunch10:40
Saviqpitti, thanks :)10:41
seb128Mirv, oSoMoN, smb, seems like it's being discussed upstream on the grep list, http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-grep/2016-02/msg00036.html10:48
rbasakpitti: [squid] that's right, thanks for sorting it.10:48
smbseb128, not like that sounds the discussion is going well...10:57
seb128it would feel safer reverting the behaviour change for xenial10:58
seb128or we might end up wasting quite some more time chasing weird issues where we should focus on bugfixing for the lts10:58
oSoMoNMirv, so according to the upstream discussion, the correct fix is to invoke grep with -a, not LANG=C LC_ALL=C, is that what you’re doing?10:59
smbI tend to agree. Even worse with that example of some backup tool silently failing...10:59
seb128who would the right person to do that call? foundations?11:01
smbguess foundations but not sure which person... slangasek ?11:04
MirvoSoMoN: I used the LC_ALL (same as ubiquity), it should be fine for now and I'd guess Debian will switch to -a which I'll notice in a future merge11:10
LocutusOfBorgpitti, can you please have a look at ubuntukylin-meta wrt http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-grep/2016-02/msg00036.html ?11:41
dholbachLaney, I won't have time to look at the tomahawk thing in the next days :-/11:42
Laneydholbach: ok, well keep it on the queue then11:50
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pittiLocutusOfBorg: sorry, what's wrong with ubuntukylin-meta?11:52
pittiand FWIW, we really ought to switch to C.UTF-8 by default on buildds and the like11:54
pittitell me one good reason why one would still want 'C' in 201611:54
LocutusOfBorgpitti, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2016-February/039159.html :)12:01
seb128pitti, yeah, but meanwhile the builders are on C locales and we have people wasting days chasing random side effect of that grep update12:33
pittiSaviq: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/xenial/landing-076/excuses.html is good again now12:47
Saviqpitti, great, thanks12:48
pittiLocutusOfBorg: re (sorry, out for lunch); ok, I'll update the seeds now12:49
pittiLocutusOfBorg: ugh, it wasn't updated since wily12:53
pittiLocutusOfBorg: uploaded13:08
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tjaaltonI can't run sudo on schroots after updating to xenial, can someone confirm the same?13:28
tjaaltonok then :)13:28
pittimaybe schroot dir/overlay/mount dir has "nosuid" or so?13:29
tjaaltonmaybe, it's on /run/shm13:31
pittitmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)13:32
pittiyes, that can't work then13:32
tjaaltonmust've been changed13:32
phatinahi, I am trying to create several *.deb packages from a single tarball (binary, libraries, header files), but I can't make desired files (listed in ./debian/package.install) to appear in the packages. Every tutorial I found recommends to use "single binary" type of package (bzr dh-make ...)13:36
phatinaAny tips, what I am doing wrong?13:36
LocutusOfBorgzequence, you there? hi13:39
LocutusOfBorgubuntustudio-meta is the last blocker for fonts-android migration13:39
cjwatsonphatina: put your source package somewhere for people to look at and then it will be easier to work out what you've done wrong13:42
LocutusOfBorgzequence, look e.g. lp: #154684713:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1546847 in ubuntukylin-theme (Ubuntu) "Fonts-droid has been deprecated and removed, use fonts-droid-fallback instead of fonts-droid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154684713:43
LocutusOfBorgand https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2016-February/039159.html13:43
pittiLocutusOfBorg: I can update that as well, while I'm at it13:53
LocutusOfBorgpitti, it would be awesome :)13:56
LocutusOfBorgjust note: the fonts-noto is about 100MB, while droid fallback is 1MB13:56
mardy_cjwatson: hi! I have a daily recipe on launchpad, which doesn't work because it needs to include some .so files but they are being removed when building the tarball, because launchpad passes the -I option to dpkg-buildpackage13:56
mardy_cjwatson: is there some way to prevent the daily builder to use that option?13:57
cjwatsonmardy_: No.13:57
cjwatsonBut IIRC there is a way to make that work at the source package level ...13:58
mardy_cjwatson: I've found this https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=73537713:58
ubottuDebian bug 735377 in dpkg-dev "dpkg-source: 3.0 (native) silently ignores many binary files by default" [Normal,Open]13:58
mardy_cjwatson: but it doesn't seem to work here, it looks like the -I given from the commandline is "stronger"13:59
cjwatsonmardy_: Which source format?14:00
mardy_cjwatson: actually, I've tried both 1.0 and 3.0 (native), and I'm getting the problem with both of them14:00
cjwatsonmardy_: I think debian/source/options ought to be workable somehow, though possibly only for 3.0.14:01
cjwatsonmardy_: Beyond that I probably can't help at the moment.14:01
mterrybarry, your deja-dup patch makes some sense.  But I have a counter-proposal.  Working on it myself14:04
mterrybarry, (my counter proposal just closes a couple issues with my original python-gi patch)14:04
cyphermoxgood morning!14:09
mdeslaurhi cyphermox14:09
barrymterry: cool, thanks14:09
cyphermoxhey mdeslaur14:09
pittiLocutusOfBorg: argh -- I can't push to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.xenial, and they explicitly seed fonts-droid14:10
pittiso sorry, I can't do this14:10
smbcyphermox, wait until you catch up (about the good) ;)14:10
pittiLocutusOfBorg: you need someone from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+members14:10
cyphermoxsmb: ah?14:11
pittiLocutusOfBorg: perhaps you can do a MP?14:11
smbcyphermox, one never know whether a morning really is good. :) Well speaking of, haven't I seen your name i bind9/isc-dhcp changelogs, too14:12
cyphermoxsmb: I hate you! :)14:12
LocutusOfBorgpitti I can bother Ross for this then14:13
LocutusOfBorgMP what is?14:13
smbcyphermox, well, I think I got a rough idea what needs to be done to fix dhclient but not how to tell the packaging14:13
LocutusOfBorgor cjwatson ^^^14:13
cyphermoxsmb: to fix dhclient for what?14:13
smbcyphermox, to work again in xenial14:13
cyphermoxbug #?14:14
smbcyphermox, bug 155135114:14
ubottubug 1551351 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu Xenial) "dhclient does not renew leases" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155135114:14
* cyphermox reads and observes dhclient's behavior locally14:16
smbcyphermox, tl;dr is that bind9.10 drops the export library in favour of a combined one which breaks dchlient14:16
cyphermoxwell, I see that here it has renewed..14:16
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: not me14:17
cyphermoxbut I haven't checked if it's because NM did something to it, for instance14:17
smbcyphermox, hm... could be ... the installs I looked on where server kind (ifupdown)14:17
smbcyphermox, there is that discussion as reference https://lists.isc.org/pipermail/bind-users/2015-February/094640.html14:18
cyphermoxyeah I'm reading that14:18
cyphermoxI doubt using bundled sources (assuming there are still any) would help14:18
cyphermoxwell, that's not entirely true14:19
cyphermoxI have no difficulty believe it would work; it's just not right unless there is no way to fix bind14:19
cyphermox.. or to fix isc-dhcp itself14:20
smosercyphermox, i'd appreciate your thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/curtin/+bug/1551937 . i tried to summarize in comment 7.14:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1551937 in curtin "lvm and multipath and xenial not happy together" [High,Confirmed]14:21
smbcyphermox, Somehow there seems to be one part of build (currently) done for udeb which drops epoll and threads, but whether that would be an option14:21
ahasenackhi guys, quick policy question about a package that was in proposed but rejected14:23
LocutusOfBorglets wait for zequence :)14:23
ahasenackonce I have a new fix, do I need to build upon the proposed one, or can I start fresh from the one that is in the distro?14:23
cjwatsonahasenack: As far as the archive is concerned, it doesn't matter.14:23
smbcyphermox, The timeline made me wonder. Somehow the change to bind9.10 seemed to have happened last year December. But dhclient breaking seems to match with a recent upload of doko that says stop building against the export lib.14:24
ahasenackcjwatson: ok, if I upload something to proposed again, with the same version and release numbers, but different contents (because it's a different fix), it won't be rejected?14:24
cjwatsonahasenack: Consider it just like the question of whether if a branch is rejected you should commit on top or prepare a new branch.  (i.e. depends on the circumstances)14:24
cjwatsonahasenack: *Personally* I would find it clearer to use a different version, but it's not a policy requirement to do so.14:24
ahasenackcjwatson: that's fine, I was wondering about that check that ppas do, if it applies here as well (same version, different content). Looks like proposed really "forgets" the package then?14:25
cjwatsonahasenack: It does.14:25
ahasenackok, thx14:25
cyphermoxsmb: ok, seems like maybe the issue is "just" epoll. I can look in bind9 source to see if there's an obvious clue14:25
cjwatsonahasenack: At least for the purpose of version checks.  It still exists in the rejected queue, but duplicates are allowed there.14:25
ahasenackcjwatson: can the final debian changelog include the proposed one that was rejected? The fix wasn't incorrect, just not enough, so it will still be there in the new upload, plus a new fix14:27
ahasenackor should I merge the entries into one?14:27
cjwatsonahasenack: Up to you.14:27
ahasenackthx again14:27
smbcyphermox, Ok. I guess that would be a cleaner solution if it would work. I was thinking about faking an export style parallel lib... but I agree that is not really desirable if it can be avoided14:28
cyphermoxsmoser: it would be necessary to look also at the bindings file, and the output of multipath -ll from the initramfs14:29
oSoMoNMirv, I confirm that packages in silo 12 fix the regression in webbrowser-app’s unit tests14:30
smosercyphermox, i put thebindings file there.14:30
smosersee comment 614:30
oSoMoNMirv, as far as I’m concerned, that silo is good to land (when armhf packages are done building of course)14:30
cyphermoxsmoser: well, sure, but I really mean *from the initramfs*, seeing bindings and wwids and the output of multipath -l  from the same environment and install14:32
cyphermoxsmoser: sorry but otherwise it's not clear whether there are changes in curtin between the point you got the serial log and the point you wrote comment 614:32
MirvoSoMoN: oh you found the silo, thanks! :)14:32
cyphermox(but you could tell me; yet comment 5 seems to point to the fact that there may have been)14:32
mardy_cjwatson: nope, I studied the dpkg-source code and there just isn't a way to override a -I given from the command line (no matter what the source format is) :-(14:33
cyphermoxsmoser: that said, multipath -l is really the most interesting part of it all, IIRC you *should* see things not have whitespace on xenial.14:33
smosercyphermox, the problem is that one expects spaces in its bindings file14:34
smoserand one does not14:34
smoserand as curtin i have to know that14:34
smoserand in an upgrade from trusty to xenial, the system is goign to be hosed14:34
cyphermoxerr, what?14:34
oSoMoNMirv, yeah, I’m really anxious to get this resolved, and I suspected you had a silo build going on already, so it wasn’t hard to find it :)14:35
smoserthe wwid for the drives in that system have spaces in them.14:35
smoserand in xenial, multipath -r will write /etc/multipath/bindings with multiple consecutive spaces turned into a '_'.14:36
smoserin trusty, that file has to have the spaces.14:36
smoserif i upgrade from trusty to xenial, i'm going to have the spaces14:37
smoserand on reboot, i'm going to fail to find root14:37
cyphermoxtrusty had spaces (if the drive make/model had), xenial does not, and we handle this through the postinst for multipath-tools where appropriate14:37
smoserso the postinst is going to edit that file ?14:37
cyphermoxonly your last statement is incorrect; the upgrade should be handled by multipath-tools14:37
smoserand anyone writing that file for both is just going to have to "know" this.14:37
cyphermoxthat's the fun part is writing installers :)14:38
smoserdo you have a suggestion on how to know which behavior?14:40
cyphermoxwhat do you mean?14:40
cyphermoxwhat format for bindings and wwid is completely dependent on the release14:41
cyphermoxit comes from which version of multipath-tools is in use14:41
barrymterry: you rock, thanks14:46
mterrybarry, how close are we now to a python2 free image?14:47
cyphermoxsmoser: tbh, if you want to make it easy on yourself you may want to run multipath -W to create the wwids file for you, then you could run multipath -l and parse the output to create the bindings file14:48
smoseri can't currently do that.14:49
smoseras i dont have the modules14:49
cyphermoxah, multipath -r writes the bindings14:49
cyphermoxyou could modprobe them if it needs to do multipath stuff?14:50
barrymterry: i think the only things left to deal with are system-config-printer-{common,gnome}14:51
cyphermoxsmoser: if you don't start up with understanding multipath though, it will be fun and dangerous to try to add stuff like lvm on top of it14:51
barrymterry: those also pull in samba-libs14:51
barrymterry: once we take those off, we can unseed `python` and then the rest should just fall off14:51
Son_Gokubarry: I thought system-config-printer-* was already converted to py3?14:55
barrySon_Goku: it is, but they depend on samba-libs which transitively pulls in python2 :(14:56
Son_Gokucouldn’t you make like a samba-libs-nopython thingy?14:56
barrySon_Goku: apparently it is not that simple14:56
Son_Gokuwait, why does system-config-printer need Samba14:57
Son_Gokudoesn’t it use IPP?14:57
barrysystem-config-printer-common -> python3-smbc -> libsmbclient -> samba-libs14:58
Son_GokuI don’t see python3-smbc14:59
Son_Gokubarry: where’s python3-smbc coming from?15:00
barry% apt-cache show system-config-printer-common | grep -i depends15:01
barryDepends: python3-cups (>= 1.9.60), python3-smbc, python3-dbus, python3-cupshelpers15:01
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ogra_bah, infinity is out today ?15:06
barryogra_: i believe so, yes15:06
ogra_sad ..15:06
smosercyphermox, well, maybe. i did result in trusty deploying lvm on top of multipath before knowing of this difference15:07
smoserso as for now, i'm quite blissful in my ignorance.15:09
Son_Gokubarry: I’m super confused about that15:09
barrySon_Goku: any insight is appreciated15:10
Son_GokuI know that python-smbc was required at one point15:11
Son_Gokubut according to the Fedora spec, it’s not required anymore15:11
barrySon_Goku: python3-smbc, but i think you're saying that it might be an old dependency that can get dropped?15:12
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Son_Gokuah, I see now15:12
Son_Gokuit’s an optional dependency15:12
Son_Gokubarry: http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/system-config-printer.git/tree/system-config-printer.spec#n5715:12
Son_GokuIt’s set as “Suggests” now15:12
Son_Gokuit is not required for the program to function15:13
Son_Gokuthat’s as of system-config-printer 1.5.715:13
Son_Gokuobviously, the Suggests line is a bit of an error, as it needs to be python3-smbc, but I think that should clear up your issue15:14
barrySon_Goku: it's worth a try, thanks15:14
Son_Gokuno problem15:14
cpaelzersorry, but my "usual uploaders" for dpdk seem to be currently all busy/on vacation15:14
cpaelzerI prepared an upload in bug 1551601 and would be super happy if somebody could take that a look today for review and (if ok) upload15:14
ubottubug 1551601 in dpdk (Ubuntu) "DPDK init scripts need some hardening against broken specifications in /etc/dpdk/interfaces" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155160115:14
seb128barry, Son_Goku, check with tkamppeter15:15
Son_Gokubarry: looks like you guys are on a snapshot release, so you should be able to successfully downgrade python3-smbc to Suggests15:15
barryseb128: yes for sure, before i upload anything15:15
Son_GokuI’m going to have to ping the maintainer of system-config-printer to change that Suggests line15:16
Son_Gokubecause it’s wrong15:16
ogra_slangasek, around ?15:18
barryogra_: probably not ;)15:18
ogra_why is everyone i could ask about my issue off today :P15:19
barryogra_: it's your lucky day i guess15:19
barrySon_Goku: unfortunately, it looks like there are definitely still imports of smbc in the code15:21
barrywell 215:21
Son_Gokudammit, where?15:21
barryin pysmb.py and troubleshoot/CheckNetworkServerSanity.py15:21
Son_Gokuthat’s in system-config-printer?15:22
barrythe latter is protected by a try/except (a dubious bare one, but there nonetheless)15:22
barrySon_Goku: i'm looking in the xenial source package15:22
barrySon_Goku: yes15:22
Son_Gokuthe pysmb imports are supposed to be runtime optional deps15:23
Son_Gokuit’s a bug if they are mandatory anywhere15:23
barrySon_Goku: what does pysmb.py do?15:23
barry(it is installed as part of system-config-printer-common)15:23
barryah, it's imported in newprinter.py, but again wrapped in a bare try/except15:24
Son_Gokupysmb is the module that actually handles discovery and attachment of printers on a Samba network15:24
Son_Gokuit should be split out15:24
barryit's in probe_printer.py too15:25
Son_Gokuthat package should be Recommends/Suggests, with python3-smbc as a Requires on that package instead of system-config-printer-common15:25
barrywell, that's indeed one way of handling things: install on demand15:25
Son_Gokunow I *definitely* need to talk to someone in Fedora about this15:25
Son_Gokuthis is a problem, because we’re not handling this correctly15:25
barryi'll relay this to tkamppeter and see if we can come up with something15:26
Son_Gokufrom what I can tell, though, even if it remains in the *-common package15:26
seb128barry, Son_Goku, would splitting that out mean that samba discovering would work out of the box?15:26
Son_Gokuit should be fine, because when pysmb import fails, it’ll just keep going15:26
Son_Gokuseb128: if the printers are only available through Samba (which is rare these days), then yes15:27
barryseb128: that's what i would think too15:27
Son_Gokubut most networked printers are available through IPP and JetDirect, and those will work15:27
seb128k, I don't know enough about printers to know how common that is15:27
seb128would be nice to hear from tkamppeter on the topic15:27
barryseb128: i don't know whether it would be acceptable to do what mterry just did for deja-dup, i.e. install on demand.  but then deja was already set up to do that so it was an easy change15:28
barryseb128: yes, for sure.  i am going to craft an email to u-d@ about it15:28
seb128barry, would we pull that stack in as soon as you open the printer config?15:28
Son_Gokuthe other alternative is to remove system-config-printer entirely, and that’s a crappy idea15:28
barrySon_Goku: or complete the port of samba, but that ain't gonna happen for 16.04 :(15:29
seb128barry, because there is no way to know in advance if smb is going to be useful and to know if we should install it15:29
barryseb128: yeah, i don't know.15:29
smbseb128, I _am_ always useful :-P15:29
seb128smb, :-)15:29
seb128sorry for pinging15:30
barrysmb: can we install you on demand?15:30
Son_Gokubarry: the FreeIPA guys have been wringing with this issue as well15:30
barryi know :(15:30
smbbarry, there might be a service delay... :)15:30
Son_Gokuof course, they also are damn near close to making it so Heimdal isn’t required for Samba AD DC, which is awesome15:30
tkamppeterseb128, s-c-p should not have any depends/Recommends/Suggests on python-* must be all python3-*, if not something was overlooked. This I could quickly fix.15:31
barrytkamppeter: hi!15:31
barrytkamppeter: that's not the issue15:31
tkamppeterseb128, s-c-p is totally Python3.15:31
Son_Gokutkamppeter: I discovered the issue in the Fedora packaging15:31
Son_Gokuthe Ubuntu one is fine15:31
barrytkamppeter: the problem is that there is still a transitive Depends on samba-lib and that pulls in python 215:31
Son_Gokuwell, ish15:31
seb128tkamppeter, it's python3-smbc and the python3 part is fine, but it depends on libsmbclient which depends on samba-libs which is the issue15:31
tkamppeterseb128, this is a problem the Samba maintainers have to fix.15:32
barrytkamppeter: agreed, long term.  but what can we do for 16.04?15:32
barrytkamppeter: these are the last two deps keeping py2 on the desktop iso15:33
Son_Gokutkamppeter: s-c-p already is capable of running without python3-smbc installed15:33
Son_Gokuas the samba functionality is an optional runtime dependency15:33
Son_Gokuthe overwhelming majority of networked printers expose via IPP and JetDirect rather than Samba, so it shouldn’t be a problem to downgrade python3-smbc to Suggests like Fedora did15:34
tkamppeterseb128, as the Samba dependency is probably hard-defined and not be removable for the LTS, I would degrade the python3-smbc to Suggests:.15:34
seb128tkamppeter, that was the suggestion, we just wanted to check what you think15:34
tkamppeterseb128, who wants to connect to a Windows printer has to pull the full-fledged Python2 from Universe then.15:35
barrytkamppeter: still main, but yes15:35
barrytkamppeter: so you're happy with a change that just demotes python3-smbc?15:35
tkamppeterseb128, I would very very much appreciate if the Samba guys could sort out the problem (hope it does not need a rewrite of Samba), as there should be many users who want to access a printer on Windows.15:36
seb128barry, I wonder if that's really a win to drop it from the iso if it means dropping useful features and still have in in main/supported and pulled it in on the first occasion for a non trivial number of users15:36
tkamppeterseb128, can you ask the Samba guys (or report a bug) asking them to lift this Python2 dependency, assuring that python3-smbc does not pull Python2?15:37
barryseb128: i think it's still useful because it reduces the size and complexity of the iso by not having two full python runtimes15:37
tkamppeterseb128, or did you already talk with them and they told it is not possible?15:37
seb128tkamppeter, barry seems to say that it's too much work to be done this cycle15:38
tkamppeterbarry, are you one of the Samba maintainers?15:38
barryyes, especially because upstream still hasn't fully embraced py3, so it's not just a smop15:39
barrytkamppeter: i am not15:39
barrybut i have talked to jelmer, petr, and others who are trying to get upstream samba on board15:39
barryi guess the more people knocking at their door the better ;)15:39
tkamppeterseb128, I cannot do anything else then demoting dependencies. And I cannot introduce new code which makes Samba unneccessary for accessing printers on Windows. Ans so we have only Samba which is still a Python2-based solution.15:40
tkamppeterseb128, s-c-p is Py3, but Samba is still Py2, so either no Windows printer/server access or Py2 pull-in.15:41
seb128tkamppeter, right15:41
barrytkamppeter: right15:41
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tkamppeterseb128, meaning that I can only demote python3-smbc to Suggests.15:41
seb128barry, not my call at the end but I think that loosing the "working out the box" experience is costing more than having some python binaries on the iso15:42
tkamppeterseb128, barry, seems that the last Py2-based core part of our OS is Samba.15:42
barryseb128: if it's not tkamppeter's call, i'm not sure who's it is.  obviously i want this change, but i cannot gauge how onerous it will be on our users15:43
barrytkamppeter: yes for sure it is the biggest blocker right now15:43
barrytkamppeter: how can we move forward?15:44
tkamppeterbarry, is there no way of splitting binary packages to get rid of the Py2 dependency?15:44
seb128barry, I don't know,  we don't really have a product manager to define the cost/benefit there15:45
tkamppeterbarry, if s-c-p calls Samba code to do its Windows printer discovery and access, is then actually Py2 code executed?15:45
barrytkamppeter: my understanding is that there isn't.  i actually asked jelmer about this, but he told me (iiuc) that there are calls back into the python runtime from c code, so a split (as i did with libpeas) isn't feasible15:45
barrytkamppeter: i don't think so.  i think the problem is that there are too many intertwined dependencies in samba-libs, and *that's* the thing that needs upstream support to unwind.  so anything that ultimately depends on samba-libs will pull in py215:47
barryeven if it doesn't need it :(15:47
Son_Gokubarry: is the samba-libs stuff not split out into a python-samba package?15:47
Son_Gokuerr, the python stuff in samba-libs15:47
tkamppeterbarry so the program flow is more or less Py3 (scp) -> C (libsmbclient) -> Py2?15:47
Son_Gokucrap, that isn’t possible15:48
Son_Gokuwhy are normal C libraries linking to libpython2.7?!15:48
barrytkamppeter: no, at runtime it shouldn't cross back into py215:48
Son_Gokutkamppeter: some of the libraries link to it, but s-c-p’s usage does not invoke py2 at all15:48
kyrofaLogan, re: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=815205#10 . Is that a texinfo bug, then, you think? Or misuse by sbcl?15:49
ubottuDebian bug 815205 in src:sbcl "sbcl: FTBFS due to TeX error" [Serious,Open]15:49
Son_Gokuotherwise it would crash15:49
Son_Gokubecause the py2 interpreter library would be loaded into the same area the py3 one was15:49
barryhmm.  i wonder:15:49
barry% apt-cache show samba-libs | grep -i Depends15:49
barryDepends: libldb1 (<< 2:1.1.25~), libldb1 (>> 2:1.1.24~), libacl1 (>= 2.2.51-8), libattr1 (>= 1:2.4.46-8), libbsd0 (>= 0.5.0), libc6 (>= 2.15), libcap2 (>= 1:2.10), libcups2 (>= 1.6.0), libgnutls30 (>= 3.4.2), libldap-2.4-2 (>= 2.4.7), libpam0g (>=, libpopt0 (>= 1.14), libpython2.7 (>= 2.7), libtalloc2 (>= 2.1.0), libtdb1 (>= 1.3.0), libtevent0 (>= 0.9.25), libwbclient0 (= 2:4.3.3+dfsg-1ubuntu3), python-talloc (>= 2.0.6),15:49
barryzlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4)15:49
barrydoko recently uploaded a python3-talloc.  i wonder if we can create a samba-libs-py3 that is exactly the same but deps on python3-talloc and not libpython2.7.  i honestly have no idea what libsmbclient would do with that15:50
barrytkamppeter: do you know how i could test the windows printer discovery if i don't have a windows printer on my network?15:51
smosercyphermox, you are right about multipath and lvm and such.15:52
Son_Gokubarry: unfortunately, same sadness here… http://fpaste.org/332250/93393314/15:52
smosergoing to have to learn more to do that.15:53
tkamppeterbarry, yes. You simply need to run a Samba server on a Linux machine. Have CUPS queues on your Samba server and share them. Then they are also shared by the Samba server, as Windows printers.15:53
barrytkamppeter: i see, thanks.  let me do some more investigation.  i'll ping or file a bug if/when i learn more15:55
tkamppeterbarry, OK.15:55
barryi just want to see if depends'ing samba-libs on python3-talloc is a feasible option15:55
barry(well samba-libs-py3 or some such)15:56
bdmurrayxnox: Could you have a look at bug 1550823?16:07
ubottubug 1550823 in mdadm (Ubuntu Xenial) "checkarray doesn't work with sh = dash" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155082316:07
cyphermoxsmb: I think we should ask doko and lamont about the bind9/dhcp stuff; probably reverting the removal of the -export libs, which presumably also built with --disable-epoll would be good enough to let everything work correctly16:09
cyphermoxlamont: FWIW; I'm talking about bug 155135116:09
xnoxbdmurray, ok16:09
ubottubug 1551351 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu Xenial) "dhclient does not renew leases" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155135116:09
xnoxbdmurray, please subscribe foundations bugs to s390-zfcp16:09
xnoxbdmurray, for MIR16:09
lamontcyphermox: see also debian/experimental for what mgilbert is doing with dhcp16:10
smbcyphermox, ok, yeah I was going to ask doko but he does not seem to be around today16:10
lamontit was his recommendation to drop the export libs, iirc16:10
cyphermoxnothing appears in exp for isc-dhcp...16:11
cyphermoxat least, according to tracker.d.o16:11
cyphermoxlamont: did you see that bug before?16:12
lamont9.10 was originally an upload to experimental (9.10.0rc2 iirc), which then FF finally got me off my butt to upload 9.10 to experimental(for dhcp coord) and xenial (9.10.3.dfsg.P2-{1..4} because I sucked)16:12
lamontI have not seen that bgu16:12
lamontand, tbf, core-dev work is all non-core hours for me16:13
cyphermoxseems like the removing export bit might be wrong16:13
cyphermoxlamont: oh, I'm not asking you to fix it, just you know better than me about this stuff on account of maintaining these packages16:13
lamontthe goal (which upstream adopted) was to stop shipping 2 copies of the shared libs16:13
lamontold isc-dhcp shipped a copy of the library source in the dhcp source, and we finally illed that off, and bind now ships all of it... the ultimately-correct path is probably going to be one that lets us deliver one shlibset, even if it means a runtime option or such craziness to toggle behavior, rather than compile-time switch16:15
smblamont, There is just some other discussion that sounds like upstream shipped bind9.10 before dhcp could handle all the goodness16:15
smblamont, https://lists.isc.org/pipermail/bind-users/2015-February/094640.html16:15
lamontsmb: I think so.16:15
cyphermoxhey, this is over a year old16:15
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smbcyphermox, oops16:16
lamontOTOH, mgilbert (of isc-dhcp maintainerhood for debian) wants to go this route, and I think it'll have issues befroe _their_ freeze, so...16:16
cyphermoxlet's see how fedora deal with it, if it's using export, then I'll revert the change16:16
lamontcyphermox: bind9.10 first landed in xenial about tue 23rd Feb.  has never landed in sid16:16
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smbcyphermox, I somehow missed the date part completely16:16
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lamontcyphermox: please also get mgilbert's (oftc) input16:17
cyphermoxsmb: well, I'm saying over a year ago because both 4.3.2 (where this started happening according to the ML) and 9.10 where released somewhere in feb 201516:17
lamontactually "gilbert" on oftc iirc16:17
lamontcyphermox: gilbert is co-maint on bind9, and part (all??) of the maint team for isc-dhcp, on debian.16:18
smbcyphermox, Yeah, and it so much matched what I saw that I did not wonder about its age16:18
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cyphermoxpinged him16:19
smbcyphermox, just found a vm which I have not updated since dhcp broke, which shows it (dhclient to be in a poll_schedule_timeout instead of a futex_wait_(something)). I can leave that as is if we need something to compare to16:22
cyphermoxthe fact that it writes futex_wait_xyz doesn't mean much16:27
cyphermoxhere there's one thread in futex wait, one thread in epoll_wait, etc.16:27
smbcyphermox, ok, maybe means only its different. would the fact that for the new case I did a strace -p <pid> -ff and that also showed only one line of doing a futex wait call16:29
smbmean anything?16:30
cyphermoxmeans you should have different files on disk too, ending in the pid..16:31
smbcyphermox, iirc in the new world there would only be one (no other thread)... but give  me a min I am installing a second vm locally to have both worlds in parallel16:33
cyphermoxwhy should there just be one thread/16:34
smbproblem might be wait time related as other pids seem to show up only when there is activity16:35
cyphermoxwell strace will only write stuff when there is activity16:36
cyphermoxanyway, I don't know enough of dhcp and bind libraries interactions to know what to do about this16:37
cyphermoxI pinged gilbert on oftc, we'll see if the bug rings a bell16:37
smbcyphermox, ok. and thanks16:37
cyphermoxfwiw; here dhclient works correctly with NM16:37
cyphermoxI changed my renew time on the router to 5 minutes and I do see things being renewed every 5 minutes16:38
smoseri typed:16:43
smoser apport16:43
smoseron xenial and see16:43
smoser$ apport-collect 155231916:44
smoserYou need to run 'sudo apt-get install python-apport' for apport-collect to work.16:44
smoserare we hoping to make that go to python3-apport ?16:44
smoser0 upgraded, 26 newly installed, 0 to remove and 10 not upgraded.16:44
smoserNeed to get 5,265 kB of archives.16:44
smoserAfter this operation, 26.6 MB of additional disk space will be used.16:44
cyphermoxsmb: of course, on fedora they once built isc-dhcp against bind 9.10; and switched back to 9.9, but not explanation why16:45
smbcyphermox, heh... so I got the new vm running now and strace dhclient... lets see16:45
smbcyphermox, right, so dns just removed the dynamic hostname of newvm due to not renew the lease. Meanwhile newvm strace -ff showed no activity whatsoever while old(er)vm did renew its lease which also showed up as strace activity16:52
smbcyphermox, is NM also using /sbin/dhclient -1 -v -pf <pidfile> -lf <leasefile> -I -df <ipv6leasefile> <interface> still (that does not seem to have changed though) and the main process is in "futex(0x7fb54906b0a4, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 5, NULL" ?16:56
cyphermoxsmb: I don't know why that's happening, let's wait for mgilbert to respond, or doko to be around to look into this16:56
cyphermox/sbin/dhclient -d -q -sf /usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-helper -pf /run/sendsigs.omit.d/network-manager.dhclient-eth1.pid -lf /var/lib/NetworkManager/dhclient-fabd6433-ac16-415b-aade-2298001b6f73-eth1.lease -cf /var/lib/NetworkManager/dhclient-eth1.conf eth116:56
smbcyphermox, ok. Just was wondering whether it might be something obvious... I think I add at least that info to the bug report16:58
cyphermoxanother option may be "just" something broken in dhclient-script, I saw a bug on the BTS: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=800914 -- that might not be related at all though16:59
ubottuDebian bug 800914 in isc-dhcp-client "isc-dhcp-client: dhclient-script fails with /bin/sh=/bin/dash after latest upgrade" [Important,Fixed]16:59
smbI guess a lot is possible17:01
pittismb: py3-apport> yes, but we need a working python3-launchpadlib for that; see bug 1153671 for a list of blockers17:07
ubottubug 1153671 in apport (Ubuntu) "Port to python3-launchpadlib" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115367117:07
pittierr, smoser ^17:07
pittismb: sorry, tab fail17:07
smbpitti, happens  :)17:07
pittiogra_: so, what's up with /lib64?17:07
ogra_pitti, just trying to get you a proper log17:08
ogra_but the board fails again with broken /dev/urandom ... *sigh*17:08
smoserpitti, thanks.17:09
ogra_pitti, so adding set -x to /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions the end of my update-initramfs output looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/15268324/17:10
ogra_pitti, the stuff from line 22 to the end shouldnt even be there17:10
ogra_(there is no hook that could trigger it)17:10
ogra_the former (and actualy last) hook ends at 2117:11
ogra_pitti, the script i use is build-initrd.sh from the initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core srouce package (note this isnt cleaned up yet and still has a lot of phone hacks just commented out yet)17:12
jderosecyphermox: so from studying syslog, it seems NetworkManager is bringing up networking correctly, just oem-config-firstboot isn't utilizing it. is it possible oem-config-firstboot just isn't loading the ubi-network.py and ubi-wireless.py plugins?17:12
ogra_the current call i use is: fakechroot chroot ./build update-initramfs -c -kcore-1234 -v17:12
ogra_(in a specifically set up chroot)17:13
pittiogra_: what's the code that corresponds to http://paste.ubuntu.com/15268324/? obviously not the /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions on xenial?17:16
pittioh, I mis-looked17:17
ogra_it is copy_exec mainly ... from that file17:17
ogra_(with set -x set)17:17
pittiogra_: and /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/resize ? (that's not on my system); it's allegedly the  thing that failed?17:18
ogra_pitti, no, it isnt ... i can remove that one and it will still fail ... it is shipped in initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core17:18
ogra_pitti, the lines after line 22 from the pastebin are always executed ... regardless17:18
pitti………………………………………………………………echo "Calling hook ${cs_x}"17:19
ogra_i.e. no matter which hooks are there17:19
pitti…………………………………………${initdir}/${cs_x} && ec=$? || ec=$?17:19
pittithat's apparently from there (the ec=1)17:19
pittiI just don't see "Calling hook" in the log17:19
ogra_because it isnt a full log ...17:19
ogra_i need to reboot the board abd start from scratch (cant run update-initramfs anymore because /dev/urandom on the board went crazy)17:20
pittiogra_: can you add set -x to /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/resize ?17:20
ogra_pitti, i can just remove the hook and it will still fail the same17:21
pittiI mean, that's the one that fails, so that's the one we need to look at, no?17:21
ogra_but yeah, if you feel like :)17:21
ogra_thats a lie17:21
ogra_it isnt the hook17:21
pittiwell, *that* hook can't fail then, does another one fail after that?17:21
ogra_it is just that the code that fsails runs after the last hook17:21
ogra_let me reboot the board so i get /dev/urandom back17:22
ogra_silly stuff ... lsb_release is called but needs urandom ...17:22
ogra_pitti, oh, i actually have such a log ... i added set -x to resize earlier17:23
pittiogra_: /dev/urandom -> /dev/zero ? *grin*17:23
=== pepee- is now known as pepee
pittiogra_: so taht fails on copying /sbin/resize2fs (parted still worked)17:25
ogra_pitti, here is a full run with set -x in hook-funtions ...17:25
pitti[ -f /lib64/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 ]17:26
pittiso that fails17:26
zequencepitti: fonts-droid should be changed to fonts-android?17:26
ogra_pitti, here is a full run after rm'ing the resize script http://paste.ubuntu.com/15268536/17:26
pittizequence: no, fonts-noto AFAIK17:27
ogra_pitti, the hooks are a red herring ... it is code that runs *after* the hooks17:27
ogra_or at the end of the last hook regardless what that is17:27
pittiogra_: yeah, so that fails on chown17:27
ogra_right, totally random17:28
pittiogra_: no, it's fails somewhere in copy_exec17:28
pittithe hooks also call copy_exec or stuff a lot17:28
ogra_but only on the last hook17:28
pitti[ -f /lib64/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 ]17:28
pittiogra_: no, it fails in the middle17:28
pittiogra_: I'd bet this is a fakechroot bug on arm64, needing an update for current glibc17:28
ogra_pitti, search for lib64 in either of th logs17:28
pittithere's a quadzillion __xstat* calls that need to be implemented17:28
ogra_it is only called at the very end once17:28
pittiunless the symlink is actually broken17:29
pitti(or doesn't exist)17:29
pitti[ -e /lib64/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 ]17:29
zequenceRight, saw the bug report now. Going to make the changes now17:29
pittithat does work17:29
ogra_pitti, how does that work, there is no /lib64 dir anywhere17:29
pittiogra_: my recommendation: run the whole thing under strace, and then we compare what stat() says17:29
ogra_oh my17:29
pittiogra_: err, what?17:30
ogra_that will be gigabytes of logs data17:30
pittiogra_: well, if there's indeed no /lib64, that explains the stat failure indeed17:30
ogra_pitti, ubuntu (nor debian) have ever had /lib6417:30
pittiby why is the dir missing?17:30
pittiogra_: no, it must be there17:30
pittilrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 Feb 17 00:01 /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 -> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.21.so17:30
ogra_oh !17:30
pittithat's glibc/linker ABI17:31
ogra_so why dont we have it on arm6417:31
cjwatsonyes, the dynamic linker has historically been in /lib64 on that arch even though nothing else is17:31
cjwatsonbut that's totally arch-specific17:31
cjwatsonno reason to carry it over to arm6417:31
cjwatsonor not necessarily a reason; I don't have the linker paths for all arches in my head17:31
pittiwell, the point is, copy_exec() should mkdir it if it isn't there17:31
ogra_ubuntu@localhost:~$ uname -m17:31
ogra_ubuntu@localhost:~$ ls /|grep lib17:31
ogra_cjwatson, well, there is that armhf hackery that adam did in mkinitramfs for the linker ... i wonder if we need something like that for arm6417:32
* ogra_ just got some food ... back in 10-15min17:33
pitti+ copy_file library /lib64/ld-linux-aarch64.so.117:33
pittiso it ceratinly *tries* to copy the file, but if that file doesn't even exist, then we need to debug back how it got that name17:34
pitti/lib64 isn't hardcoded in either i-t or i-t-u-core17:35
ogra_no, it gets it from soe ldd or some such17:35
pitti…………………………………………nonoptlib=$(echo "${x}" | sed -e 's#/lib/\([^/]*/\)\?\(tls\|i686\|sse2\|neon\|vfp\).*/\(lib.*\)#/lib/\1\3#')17:36
pittithat's the first occurrence of /lib64, in ${x}17:36
pittiand that's from a line in ldd17:36
pittiogra_: what's the output of ldd /usr/lib/initramfs-tools/bin/wait-for-root ?17:37
pittiogra_: I think that's the exec it's currently copying when /lib64 appears17:37
ogra_root@localhost:/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core-0.7.20# ldd build/usr/lib/initramfs-tools/bin/wait-for-root17:37
ogra_linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x0000007fa9e20000)17:37
ogra_libudev.so.1 => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1 (0x0000007fa9de8000)17:37
ogra_libc.so.6 => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x0000007fa9c9f000)17:37
ogra_/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 (0x0000005570feb000)17:37
ogra_libpthread.so.0 => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x0000007fa9c73000)17:37
ogra_no lib6417:38
pittildd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.21.so17:38
pittildd /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc-2.21.so17:38
ogra_root@localhost:/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core-0.7.20# ldd build/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.617:39
ogra_/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 (0x0000005562908000)17:39
ogra_linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x0000007f8406d000)17:39
ogra_root@localhost:/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core-0.7.20# ldd build/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.117:39
ogra_statically linked17:39
pittiogra_: can you add some extra echo/output of ldd  into hook-functions:copy_exec()?17:41
ogra_what exactly ?17:41
pittisomewhere in copying /usr/lib/initramfs-tools/bin/wait-for-root the transitive ldd output stumbles over /lib6417:41
pittifor example, here:17:42
pitti……………………for x in $(ldd "${src}" 2>/dev/null | sed -e '17:42
pittido that instead:17:42
pittildd_out=$(ldd ...)17:42
pittiecho "--------"17:42
pittiecho "ldd output of ${src}:"17:42
pittiecho "$ldd_out"17:42
pittifor x in $ldd_out17:42
ogra_i wonder if it is actually th sed call that turns  /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ into /lib64 in the end17:42
ogra_by stipping out chars17:43
ogra_will add, but i need to quickly finish dinner ... gimme a bit17:43
pittiogra_: right, hence my proposal to show what that actually does, for each binary17:43
pittiogra_: as it's not entirely obvious to me17:43
pittiogra_: ok, have dinner, I need to make a phone call and pack my basketball stuff17:43
cyphermoxjderose: yes, exactly, will look in a bit17:53
jderosecyphermox: awesome, thanks!17:53
pittiogra_: err, you did the ldd "outside" the fakechroot, right? that might not be the same17:54
ogra_no no ... all fine ... fakechroot is called at the very top level17:55
ogra_hmm, or not17:57
ogra_there is some issue with the syntax ...17:59
ogra_Adding binary /sbin/parted18:00
ogra_+ cp -pP /sbin/parted /var/tmp/mkinitramfs_4KkPDA//sbin/parted18:00
ogra_+ /usr/bin/ldd /sbin/parted18:00
ogra_ldd: /sbin/parted: No such file or directory18:00
* ogra_ scratches head18:00
ogra_a line above it copies parted but ldd doesnt find it ...18:00
ogra_it seems it doesnt hit that code path at all18:03
ogra_pitti, how did you get the idea it is wait-for-root btw ? i dont see it there anywhere18:04
ogra_(i see it at the very start of the run)18:05
ogra_oooh !!!18:05
ogra_ignore my former comment i'm blind :P18:06
ogra_it is indeed wait-for-root that has /lib64/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 in its ldd output18:06
ogra_see lines 384, 394 and 400 of the last paste18:07
ogra_sooo ...18:07
ogra_lets see what happens if i create /lib64 in the chroot and copy the linker there ;)18:08
davmor2ogra_: wow that is impressive touch typing ;)18:08
pittiogra_: bazinga!18:09
ogra_http://paste.ubuntu.com/15268877/ ...18:10
ogra_+ echo Building cpio /boot/initrd.img-core-1234.new initramfs18:10
ogra_Building cpio /boot/initrd.img-core-1234.new initramfs18:10
pittiogra_: so the only thing that's missing is an effing mkdir -p?18:10
ogra_and a cp18:10
ogra_after all it wants to pull /lib64/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 from /lib6418:11
ogra_but i can easily add that to the build script18:11
pittiogra_: oh, you mean nothing copies ld.so into the chroot?18:11
ogra_it comes from /lib18:11
pittiogra_: well, if you don't have /lib64 in a real aarch64 xenial system, then it seems something went wrong with linking wait-for-root?18:11
ogra_but there is no /lib64 at all18:11
ogra_who owns that ?18:12
pittiwait-for-root: wait-for-root.o18:12
pitti……………………$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(UDEV_LIBS)18:12
pittiUDEV_LIBS = $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --libs libudev)18:13
xnoxapw, could you please promote s390-zfcp from universe to main? MIR approved -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/s390-zfcp/+bug/155221818:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1552218 in s390-zfcp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] s390-zfcp" [Medium,Fix committed]18:13
* cyphermox -> lunch18:13
pittiogra_: can you check that pkg-config? maybe that brings in the /lib6418:13
ogra_you are assuming i have the source here :P18:13
pittiogra_: gcc -g -Wall -O2    -c -o wait-for-root.o wait-for-root.c18:13
pittihm, no, not really18:13
pitti(from https://launchpadlibrarian.net/237016603/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-arm64.initramfs-tools_0.122ubuntu3_BUILDING.txt.gz)18:14
ogra_that doesnt look like there is any pkg-config18:14
pittiand gcc  -o wait-for-root wait-for-root.o -ludev18:14
pittiogra_: OOI, does ldd of libudev.so have any /lib64 stuff? or any other libraries in /lib ?18:14
ogra_lets see18:14
pittiseems odd to not have /lib64 but things linking to it18:14
pittiogra_: so, to sum up, you have a h4ck1sh workaround to at least continue experiments, but we haven't really solved the mystery yet18:15
ogra_root@localhost:/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core-0.7.20# ldd build/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.118:16
ogra_linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x0000007f85daf000)18:16
ogra_libpthread.so.0 => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x0000007f85d4c000)18:16
ogra_libc.so.6 => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x0000007f85c03000)18:16
ogra_/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 (0x000000555f57c000)18:16
pittiok, so that's not it18:16
ogra_pitti, not more hackish than the rest of the script currently, so i'm fine :)18:16
pittiogra_: touché18:16
ogra_i need to clean up all that mess anyway :)18:16
ogra_its all still half touch ... which required a lot more hackery18:16
ogra_i guess i can cut it down to ten lines in the end ... or some such :)18:17
pittiogra_: it might be worth a try whether initramfs-tools from -proposed is any different (toolchain change or what not)18:17
ogra_but that wait-for-root is definitely broken18:17
pittiogra_: I suppose if you try to start wait-for-root it crashes?18:17
pittiinstead of getting an "Usage:" help18:17
ogra_it waits properly18:18
ogra_root@localhost:/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core-0.7.20# time build/usr/lib/initramfs-tools/bin/wait-for-root /dev/mmcblk0p1 1018:18
ogra_seems to work just properly18:18
ogra_i guess the linker is clever enough to translate it ?18:19
ogra_just not under fakechroot ?18:19
pittiogra_: hm, maybe, that's the bit I'm not familiar with18:19
pittiogra_: strace is your friend :)18:19
pittiyou can also see how fakechroot mangles the paths18:20
ogra_well, let me apply the workaround and get the package ready so i unblock the others :)18:20
pittiogra_: sorry, need to leave to basketball now18:20
ogra_pitti, thanks so much for leading me the right way18:20
pittiogra_: I'll be back around 22:45, and will check IRC again18:21
* ogra_ hugs pitti 18:21
* pitti hugs ogra_18:21
ogra_i'll be fine now18:21
ogra_wait-for-root under fakechrot is fine too18:21
=== pepee- is now known as pepee
* ogra_ uploads18:26
=== mitya57_ is now known as mitya57
nacc_Pharaoh_Atem: any experience debugging pcre jit :)18:58
nacc_Pharaoh_Atem: I think gdb doesn't really like doing it, as functions tend to disappear18:58
Pharaoh_Atemnacc_: remember when I said earlier about this bug making me want to cry?19:01
nacc_Pharaoh_Atem: :)19:01
nacc_Pharaoh_Atem: well, i've got the breakpoitns and stuff working, i can see the value flip19:01
nacc_Pharaoh_Atem: did you see my comment from last night?19:01
nacc_we do have a workaround of sorts19:01
Pharaoh_AtemI'm extremely tempted to just say fuck it and shut off pcre.jit19:02
nacc_Pharaoh_Atem: i'm not sure where the bug is yet, though19:02
Pharaoh_Atemthat's true19:02
nacc_Pharaoh_Atem: because if it is in pcre, we do need to fix it, i'd say :)19:03
Pharaoh_Atemdamn it19:04
Pharaoh_Atemyou're right :(19:04
nicolas17https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ is down19:53
=== marga_ is now known as marga
nacc_Pharaoh_Atem: ok, so in the short-term, i'm  happy to push a debdiff to use --process-isolation for twig's tests, but then three other tests fail ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/15269619/20:07
nacc_Pharaoh_Atem: any ideas?20:07
mwhudsoninfinity: this time for sure (?) https://launchpad.net/~mwhudson/+archive/ubuntu/go16-trusty/+packages20:11
slangaseknacc_: is this run-tests.php script not part of the source for php-imagick?20:30
nacc_slangasek: it's generated during the build20:30
nacc_slangasek: i've got further iwth phpunit again ... i'm a bit worried it's a racy failure20:31
nacc_that is run-tests.php happens to not show it20:31
nacc_but phpunit does20:31
nacc_as it only hpapens sometimes when i run the tests in question manually20:31
nacc_slangasek: so it's not available in the autopkgtest unless we re-run configure (or i could package it up, i guess, but that doesn't seem very clean to me)20:34
slangaseknacc_: ok, so one of the options for debian/tests/control is to require a source package build20:35
slangasekI don't remember the syntax offhand20:35
slangasekbut if you have a generated script that comes from the source and is only used for the test suite, that's the right way to do it, not packaging it up20:35
nacc_slangasek: ok, that's what i was tempted to do ... but i don't want to just paper over a possible real error20:36
nacc_i'm debugging it now20:36
nacc_slangasek: for twig, i think we're going to need to do a patch for the short-term, as i've got bugs filed with upstream, but don't know how to debug it much further on my own20:36
rbasakRestriction: build-needed20:36
nacc_slangasek: will post a ubuntu4 debdiff20:36
slangaseknacc_: ok20:36
rbasak    Please use this considerately, as for large builds it unnecessarily20:37
rbasak    builds the entire project when you only need a tiny subset (like the20:37
rbasak    tests/ subdirectory). It is often possible to run ``make -C tests``20:37
rbasak    instead, or copy the test code to ``$ADTTMP`` and build it there20:37
rbasak    with some custom commands.20:37
nacc_rbasak: ah thanks ...20:37
nacc_slangasek: so the other thing is that debian made this chagne ... and it's unclear if it was a good idea in the first place :)20:37
nacc_ongoing discussions about that :)20:38
nacc_slangasek: so should i be putting in versioned depenendencies on phpunit now? so taht we get the one from proposed that depends o php-xml?20:40
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pittiogra_: ah, no further discussion here, any luck?22:05
pittiapw: binNEWed the kernel FYI22:08
* pitti cleans up kernel NBS while he's at it22:09
apwpitti: thanks :-)22:24
ogra_pitti, all good, the binaries just landed in the archive22:27
ogra_(well, still in proposed, but they shoould migrate soon)22:31
nacc_rbasak: slangasek: fyi, it's Restrictions: build-needed (note need the s)22:49
slangaseknacc_: no, we shouldn't be declaring versioned dependencies on phpunit - though the new version of php-cli should declare a versioned Breaks against the old phpunit23:08
nacc_slangasek: ok, i'll update my debdiff for twig then ... and send a new debdiff for php-defaults?23:12
=== pepee- is now known as pepee
nacc_Pharaoh_Atem: am i right in reading the php builds that ZTS is off in debian/ubuntu?23:37

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