
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
james-hamiltonAfternoon guys is anyone able to offer a wee bit of support? Im setting up ltsp (lab at moment) and seem to running into an issue when I reboot server ltsp no longer functions client get pxe-e32 timeout error. Ive followed the insructions on this page 100% and all works fine until the server power restarts....( http://blog.bobbyallen.me/2015/07/19/setup-a-ubuntu-14-04-lts-mate-terminal-server-with-ltsp/) 05:23
james-hamiltonsame operating system etc as in link Ubuntu Mate 14.0405:24
belkinsajames-hamilton, this is not the Ubuntu tech support channel.  This is where you can get support for LoCo's with our Community.  Our Tech support channel is #ubuntu and you can use /join #ubuntu to join it.  THank you.13:07
vijii need clarification on ubuntu os installation. Can anyone help?13:55
belkinsaviji,  this is not the Ubuntu tech support channel.  This is where you can get support for LoCo's with our Community.  Our Tech support channel is #ubuntu and you can use /join #ubuntu to join it.  THank you.13:56

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