
bynariethank you00:55
elkybynarie: anything else you need from here?01:23
bynarieno im sorry, leaving now15:44
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne
PiciI'm considering banning daftykins for his 'advice'19:58
Pici<?bunjee> daftykins - what happens if python is removed?19:58
Pici<daftykins> bunjee: you no longer have python.19:58
Piciuser then thinks its okay to remove the python package.20:00
IdleOneanswer is misleading indeed20:05
IdleOneprobably break half of the system20:05
IdleOnethe other half will just go toes up20:05
Jordan_UPici: I think that a discussion in PM would help more than a ban, which seems not quite appropriate. Unless this is part of a pattern with daftykins.20:16
phunyguyJordan_U, it's a pattern, and any discussions in PM turn pretty sour.21:57
phunyguyI've been down this road before.21:57

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