
gebbionei m getting permission denied when executing an app in a disk with NTFS00:17
gebbioneis there a way to run it?00:18
Trenolazrun it as sudo?00:19
gebbionedoesnt work00:20
gebbionetried sudo su -00:21
gebbionethen running it still gives permission errors00:21
gebbioneit is already showing with +x so chmod would make no difference00:21
diddledanwhat options are set on the mount?00:22
gebbioneok that gives something away00:23
gebbionetype fuseblk (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096) [2TBStore]00:23
gebbionenoexec ?00:23
gebbionei wonder though if i can set it to exec00:24
diddledanyou might be able to `mount -oremount,-noexec /mount/point`00:24
mapitohi zmoylan-pi05:33
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brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:43
knightwisehey brobostigon , how are you doing today07:46
brobostigonhi knightwise, half asleep, didnt sleep. and you?07:47
knightwisebrobostigon: kinda the same thing. Second day on a new project at the client.07:48
knightwisestill a lot of info to take in.07:49
knightwisebut .. i get to bring my own machine so i'm not complainging.07:49
brobostigonhope sleep better tonight. ah ok, fingers crossed.07:50
knightwisejust installed elementary on my Vm , gotta say , still one of the best looking versions of linux out there08:02
foobarryused it every day for about 3 years09:01
foobarryreally good for getting work done in the style i like09:02
knightwisefoobarry: agreed. Seriously thinking of replacing 14.04 on my XPS with Elementary09:04
foobarrythere's a new one coming soon09:04
foobarrybut yeah, i love it09:04
foobarryand it's fast09:04
foobarrywithout comporomising on usability09:04
davmor2Morning all09:06
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awilkinsIs it just Pantheon or the whole of Elementary?09:22
awilkinsPantheon is the desktop environment for Elementary09:32
awilkinsknightwise was talking about Elementary up there ^09:33
foobarryknightwise: see if you can figure this out though http://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/questions/4556/make-pantheon-terminal-window-appear-on-all-workspaces09:34
foobarryanyone got issues accessing google?11:05
zmoylan-pii don't like their privacy stance... :-P ::goes to check::11:05
zmoylan-pigoogle.com seems to work fine11:06
foobarrythink its a JANET prob11:11
popeyexobuzz: when we getting a pi 3 build of your lovely emulation software? :)11:20
foobarryattended a metal detecting club meeting yesterday. was very busy.12:15
foobarryhave to join a waiting list to get in :(12:16
popeyloved that programme12:22
foobarryseems less geeky than LUG or scale model society12:27
foobarrybut only just. lots of nolwedgable and friendly , quite normal people. had a v interesting talk too12:27
popeyWell, they're people who go outside for a start :)12:29
foobarryone guy at the club  found a silver coin in last few weeks that was worth £3-5k12:30
zmoylan-pidoes that not belong to the queen?12:30
popey50/50 with land-owner innit?12:31
foobarrynope, only if found in a larger stash12:31
foobarrytreasure rules are different with coins12:31
foobarrywas a lovely piece12:31
popeywhat prompted the visit?12:31
foobarrystarting the hobby12:32
foobarrya latent desire for some years12:32
foobarryalso connected with dreams of fossil hunting as a boy but metal detecting is more realistic and fruitful (just)12:32
foobarryAny metallic object, other than a coin, provided that at least 10 per cent by weight of metal is precious metal (that is, gold or silver) and that it is at least 300 years old when found. If the object is of prehistoric date it will be Treasure provided any part of it is precious metal12:33
popeyIs it expensive to get started?12:33
foobarryAny group of two or more metallic objects of any composition of prehistoric date that come from the same find (see below)12:33
foobarryyes and no12:33
foobarryactually quite a cheap hobby12:33
zmoylan-pino amateur ground penetrating radars yet then? :-)12:33
foobarrybut all land is owned so you need to detect on land that has permission. this is usually done through a club12:33
zmoylan-pimight be doable with rasp pis...12:33
foobarrya beginner detector that will find good stuff is around ~20012:34
foobarryplus a pinponter probe for £10012:34
foobarryand a shovel and camo clothes (everyone wears camo for some reason a bit like black tshirts on linux geeks)12:34
foobarrythis guy has a great chan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQLsInujZnw12:35
zmoylan-picheap ex military gear going cheap probably12:35
foobarrywatch some of these and you will be hooked12:35
foobarrya pro detector costs £130012:36
foobarrybut it is not 5x better12:36
gebbioneservices like tracker-miner, zeitgeist-fts etc are always eating RAM on my system12:38
foobarryyou can turn them off12:39
gebbionethey push it so much that all other applications slow down and degrade incredibly12:39
popeytracker-miner... ?12:53
popeynever heard of that12:53
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awilkinsSome kind of issue-tracking aggregator?13:10
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davmor2popey: oh oh oh is that the ubuntu port of manic-miner?14:11
* popey steps on davmor2 14:13
davmor2popey: no that mario manic dies if he does that :D14:13
diddledanmanic miner. now that's going back some years15:38
zmoylan-pifirst game i played on a speccy i think15:38
zmoylan-pior it might have been a rip off called technican ted15:38
exobuzzpopey, the image just released of v3.6 of retropie should work fine on the rpi315:48
popeyyay exobuzz15:48
diddledanergh @ clickbait titles15:48
popeyhas it been tested on one?15:48
diddledan"person does something.. and you'll never guess what happened next!"15:49
exobuzzyeh - but not mine (which only just arrived)15:49
exobuzzbut the rpi3 is rpi2 compatible so we just needed the latest firmware on the raspbian based image15:49
popeyexobuzz: btw http://blog.petrockblock.com/retropie/retropie-downloads/retropie-sd-card-image-for-raspberry-pi-2-2/ says "Berryboot version version" (excessive version)15:49
exobuzzoh yeh - not my blog that so cant really do anything15:50
exobuzzthe founder of the retropie projects site - we are moving to a standalone site soon15:50
exobuzzill email him regarding it15:50
* popey downloads15:50
popeygonna move my picade from pi2 to pi315:51
exobuzzthe new bluetooth may not work yet (has been reported - probably missing a driver)15:52
exobuzzit works on raspbian, so I guess we miss a package or something15:52
exobuzzill fix it up as soon as I have my rpi3 set up15:52
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
AzelphurI am living up to my reputation of being the god of breaking things18:18
diddledandon't mention your hdd to daftykins or you'll break that too18:19
* daftykins twitches18:19
AzelphurGot a Logitech G933 which needed a firmware update, set up a brand new windows install for the occasion, the installer launched a 2nd instance of itself ~20% of the way through the process and bricked the headset. Tried to do an RMA, broke Logitechs website: http://imgur.com/dzxFxb7 tried with todays date, broke it again, http://imgur.com/To0BphB tried leaving all the fields blank since they are optional, broke it again http://imgur.com/k9LYW9K18:20
Azelphurand just when you thought I couldn't break any more stuff, I broke their phone system trying to call them too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6-Hn2fvOJc18:20
daftykinssmells like a US date format that one :)18:21
Azelphurdaftykins: it uses a date picker widget18:21
daftykinsah right18:22
daftykinsnicely over-engineered :D18:22
Azelphurbut I did think of that and try flipping the days/months around, just yields the "Oops! something went wrong" error18:22
Azelphurbut amusingly this leaves me with pretty much no way to actually contact Logitech, I'm hoping to get someone on their subreddit, but having tried phone, email and website...yea :/18:23
daftykinshas anyone confirmed that news that Skype on Linux no longer handles calls to users on Mac or Windows that are on the latest clients?18:24
daftykinswhat happened with phone?18:24
Azelphurdaftykins: you mean when I phoned them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6-Hn2fvOJc18:31
AzelphurI'm gonna try the US phone number, pretty crazy but maybe that'll work18:32
daftykinswow that's a really bad run!18:33
Azelphuryea, it's impressive18:33
diddledanI'm not sure you're supposed to press many buttons while she's speaking18:36
daftykinsi reckon he'd done every combo prior to the vid18:36
daftykinsi just called it from skype for fun, the message just loops - although granted it might just be shut now18:37
Azelphurcalled the US number, they answered, said hello then hung up18:37
daftykinsaww they know you already18:38
AzelphurI got a person who gave me an alternate UK number to call tomorrow, progress \o/18:54
daftykinsshame they can't just handle each others same processes given the way things are these days18:54
daftykinsthe US and UK systems probably aren't linked i suppose18:55
m0nkey_I've had nothing but good service everytime I've called.19:24
m0nkey_Called for replacement parts a year ago, they didn't even charge me.19:24
m0nkey_Wasnt even under warranty19:24
Azelphurm0nkey_: yea, I had a really good experience with their returns last time I used it too19:24
AzelphurThe problem is I just can't get through to their returns, website is broken, email bounces telling you to use the website, phone is broken.19:25
m0nkey_I just start pressing random numbers at that point when calling to speak to a human.19:25
m0nkey_Or pressing 0 repeatedly also works :)19:25
m0nkey_Or #19:25
Azelphurm0nkey_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6-Hn2fvOJc yeeeea...nope19:26
diddledanthe video shows that failing :-p19:26
diddledanan impressive amount of number mashing right there :-D19:26
diddledancould try the cap'n crunch whistle?19:26
diddledanthat would be an awesome easter egg on a hacking firm's phone system19:27
m0nkey_How about using a real phone? :P19:27
diddledandoes android not count as real?19:28
m0nkey_I'm saying use a land line19:28
diddledanaah, POTS19:28
AzelphurI don't have a land line, I tried it through Skype and got the same problem19:28
m0nkey_I've found some of these call centres the cell phone DTMF doesn't always work.19:28
AzelphurI say don't have, I mean I don't have it connected and I never use it and I am on a crappy pay as you go plan because I don't want it19:29
m0nkey_What's the number you were dailing?19:29
m0nkey_I'll give it a try19:29
Azelphur01753 87090019:29
daftykinsi tried it from skype too and it was definitely a no-go, but right now it might be due to lines being closed too19:29
Azelphurdaftykins: nah, been trying it all day19:29
daftykinsAzelphur: but i mean now even if it did work, now it probably wouldn't anyway if they keep office hours19:30
Azelphurfor reference, that number comes from http://www.logitech.com/en-gb/contact19:30
m0nkey_it's broken19:30
daftykinsalthough the way the message loops is weird as hell19:30
Azelphurm0nkey_: hahaha19:30
m0nkey_doesn't even work here in canada19:30
Azelphurdaftykins: true19:30
m0nkey_tried the alternative number?19:31
m0nkey_+44 (0)203 024 81 5919:31
Azelphurwhere'd you get that from? I only found that number after calling their US line19:32
m0nkey_that one appears to work19:32
Azelphuryea but closed, gonna call it tomorrow19:32
m0nkey_then hit the "contact by phone" number19:32
Azelphurah, yea I didn't spot that one there.19:33
daftykinsthat's a squeezebox line :D i have one of those!19:33
diddledanthat's their sales number. you want +44 (0)203 024 81 59 (as m0nkey_ already found)19:34
Azelphurdiddledan: yea, just weird they have multiple contact pages19:35
daftykinsi wouldn't be surprised if the squeezebox line was just "sorry we abandoned these"19:35
diddledandaftykins, it's listed as their main support number19:36
diddledanthey also have the number listed on squeezebox and cameras19:36
daftykinsoh yeah, i'm having a bad habit of not reading things fully today19:36
diddledanthere's an international europe number too but I would guess that's just for cheaper contacting when in mainland19:37
diddledantheir support hours are 8am-5pm GMT19:37
diddledan9-6 CET19:37
davmor2meh just use webrtc19:52
davmor2diddledan: I thought D this was a dragon19:59
m0nkey_lol, this is what Super Tuesday looks like on Google Trends: https://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=%22how%20can%20I%20move%20to%20Canada%22&geo=US&date=now%207-d&cmpt=q&tz=Etc%2FGMT20:08
daftykinsdo you think they'll follow up with the Pi 3.141592 ?22:26
diddledanoh I do so hope22:26
daftykinshttps://medium.com/@rosshosman/1password-sends-your-password-across-the-loopback-interface-in-clear-text-307cefca6389 0o22:27
diddledanmaximilian apparently is insane and has a hairy track/path. (Mad Max's Fury Road)22:47
diddledanmorning, m0nkey_22:47
mappswork time ugh22:49
daftykinsdrat, cpc is under maintenance so i can't browse :P22:53
diddledanwant a pi3?22:59
diddledanm0nkey_, did someone tie a string to you and started bumping you up-and-down like a yoyo?23:05
daftykinsgod no, i avoid those things :)23:05
daftykinsi need to get a 48 port patch panel for the boss' Spain place23:05
diddledanhe still messing with that place?23:06
daftykinswhole thing is being refurbed at the moment yeah, got a boatload of boxes ready to send a tonne of junk down there23:08
daftykinsfor some reason he wants his DVD film collection down there23:08
* diddledan rewatching mission impossible rogue nation23:08
diddledanbenji is fun23:09
daftykinsSimon Pegg?23:12
diddledansecurity professionals be all about dat APT thing: https://twitter.com/SwiftOnSecurity/status/70517224606771200023:26
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=== AzeIphur is now known as Azelphur
daftykinsi felt like he turned a serious franchise into a half-assed comedy23:39
daftykinstotally weird vibe23:40

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