
knometoooo slooooow00:00
bluesabrethe slowness never stops00:15
slickymasterknome, bluesabre, added my comments to the pad00:17
bluesabreslickymaster: cool, going through and commenting more where appropriate00:20
slickymasteroki doke bluesabre 00:20
knomenew revision pushed00:21
slickymastergive me a sec knome 00:21
slickymasterto have a smoke00:21
knomebluesabre, you should get it too, i think i just proved you wrong00:21
knomere: "Not really sure if anything can be improved here."00:22
=== a5m0_ is now known as a5m0
bluesabreknome: :D cloning00:23
knomeit's ever so slight change, but i think it improves the slide a lot00:24
* slickymaster opt for a pear instead of smoking00:25
slickymasterWAY MUCH BETTER knome 00:26
slickymasteras far as I'm concerned the second one is done :)00:27
bluesabreso. many. revisions.00:27
knomemaybe some slight tweaks, but yeah00:27
slickymasterdid you see my comments in the pad, knome?00:28
knomenot yet00:28
slickymasterin particular the one reagrding the Xubuntu >Desktop slide00:28
knomehmh, not sure00:29
slickymastertoo many animation?00:30
knomethat might be too busy, and i'm not sure if the user actually needs to see the panel zoomed00:31
slickymasterI do see your point knome, but as it is that slide is too much of a wall of text00:33
knomethen do something else with it00:33
bluesabreknome: ahhhh, that's so fancy with the animations00:37
knomebluesabre, isn't it00:37
* bluesabre approves00:37
knomethe thing i'll do after i've landed all these animations00:37
knomeis look through the slideshow00:37
knomeand remove half00:37
slickymasterI'd lose those two paragraphs in the 'Xubuntu Desktop' knome 00:37
knomethen it's a very empty slide00:38
slickymasterI'd prefer to see there a screenshot of a desktop than some more text00:39
knomepushed a new revision00:41
knomeis the animation for the contribute slide too cheesy?00:41
slickymasterlol rolling a cigarette00:41
knomethere goes the "pear instead of a cig" one00:42
slickymasteralready ate the pear that's why00:42
knomewell yeah..00:42
bluesabreknome: yes, that's too cheesy00:42
* bluesabre is reminded of early powerpoint presentations00:42
bluesabreOpenDocument presentations00:43
knomeno, you DID mean powerpoint presentations00:43
knomein 1990's00:43
knomethat slide needs a bit of something though00:44
knomehey jjfrv8 :)00:47
jjfrv8hi, knome00:47
bluesabreknome: maybe blueprinty something or other00:47
slickymasterhey jjfrv8, 00:47
* bluesabre shrugs00:47
jjfrv8hey, slicky00:47
knomeslickymaster, i tried the contribute slide with the contributor docs link, but it became too full00:47
knomeespecially as we need to make sure translations fit too00:47
bluesabreknome: we could use shortlinks... does ubuntu have a url shortener?00:48
slickymasterI don't like this version of that slide knome 00:48
knomebluesabre, of course i hid the url itself in a link text :P00:49
bluesabreoh right00:49
bluesabrehave you considered just showing links and dropping all other text :D00:49
knomei have...00:49
slickymasterbluesabre -> https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/libwww-shorten-perl/00:49
knomeslickymaster, i think he meant ubuntu.com url00:50
knomeand yeah, there is one actually, but it's a bit hidden..00:50
knomewell it's actually ubottu.com and also not so secret that one wouldn't be on our topic :P00:50
slickymasterknome, you have to rollback the contribute slide to the previous version00:50
knomei did that already00:50
slickymasterso are there any other options to place the contributor docs links?00:51
Unit193knome: And all over factoids.00:53
* bluesabre is not so observant it seems00:53
Unit193I put it there. >_>00:53
knomeslickymaster, i don't think so (at least not another slide)00:55
knomeslickymaster, that said, we should make it's more visible on the website than it's now00:55
knome(there is practically no link there from any "landing" page...)00:55
slickymasteryeaps, another slide isn't a good option00:55
* knome goes edit the website meanwhile00:55
knomelast revision for today01:17
knomethere's this and that cleanup01:17
knomeand all slides should have the likely final layouts now, without the extra artwork/effects01:17
* slickymaster checks it before going to bed01:17
knomebluesabre, i agree with the customization slide, but what could it be? if it's not something specific, then it's boring general blabber01:18
knomebluesabre, though we can tweak the slide nicely, eg. change the background color to pink while on that slide01:19
bluesabreknome: I'm not sure01:19
knomethink about it :)01:20
knomei'll do that too while ehmm.. sleeping01:20
slickymasterI'm just fighting the Xubuntu Desktop slide01:21
slickymasterother than that, I like the overall outcome of the installer01:21
slickymasteranyway, bed time for me. Early morning in a few hours01:22
slickymastermaƱana all01:22
knomesleep tight01:22
knomenighty! -->01:32
flocculantlots of words07:05
* flocculant looks at the pictures instead07:09
knomeflocculant, isn't that what very young and very old people tend to do anyway?09:58
* knome hides09:58
bluesabremorning all12:10
knomehello bluesabre 12:10
bluesabrehey knome12:11
bluesabrehttp://contest.xubuntu.org/ looks nice12:11
knomeshould put it into some kind of test, then announce the competition12:11
flocculantlike really soon ... 12:27
knomeflocculant, yeah, i'm writing the mail12:28
flocculantknome: hah12:28
flocculantoh 12:28
flocculanthah to not actually needing to read words not the mail :p12:28
bluesabreflocculant: https://i.imgur.com/89PcVt0.jpg12:32
flocculantbluesabre: ha ha 12:32
flocculantbluesabre: see what happened is I saw slickymaster ... knome ... ad infinitum12:33
flocculantand thought - mmm - check the last lines :p12:33
flocculantsaw slide thought that bzr pull was more than enough words :D12:34
flocculantbluesabre: g-s > software sources now points to software sources/updates thingy12:34
bluesabrewe might have something usable this week12:35
flocculantso I think that unless the thing completely implodes on Ubuntu then no reason to not go there12:35
flocculantbluesabre: usable now 12:35
bluesabreflocculant: do you think we should go ahead and swap over for people to start using it a bit?12:36
flocculantwell if we don't want to carry on using usc or go backwards to synaptic - then I think we should lose usc and add this as soon as practical :)12:37
bluesabreflocculant: then it will be in tomorrow's image (unless there is no internet tonight)12:37
flocculantbluesabre: do you know of the top of your head how usc dealt with dependencies on a removal of something? 12:38
bluesabreI'm going to load up today's image tonight and look for greybird bugs and missing icons to poke ochosi12:38
bluesabreflocculant: I think it just does the same as apt-get remove12:38
bluesabrenot sure though12:38
bluesabrecould test that tonight12:38
flocculantbluesabre: I'll look once I'm home then - be quicker12:39
flocculantjust want to know if it's the same as g-s mostly12:39
bluesabredpkg -l > old.txt12:39
bluesabreinstall package12:39
bluesabredpkg -l > new.txt12:39
bluesabreremove package12:40
bluesabredpkg -l > newer.txt12:40
bluesabreand diff away12:40
flocculantwell I was just going to use usc then see if apt-get autoremove says anything :p12:40
bluesabrethat works12:40
bluesabreeasier too12:40
flocculantha ha ha 12:40
bluesabretime to get ready for work, bbl12:41
flocculanthave a day :)12:41
flocculantbluesabre: did it now - looks like usc just leaves behind the configs - gs leaves behind dependencies12:51
flocculantI'll check in a clean install though - just in case I did something - if it's right I guess we should do some sort of 'article' 12:52
flocculantknome: ^^12:52
flocculantseems -desktop is getting all happy about breeze being default in ubuntu while we're wanting to stop that :D12:53
flocculantanyway - time to wander again - bbl12:53
flocculantknome: just very very quickly - perhaps a link in that mail re wallpaper might help :)12:54
knomeflocculant, if you read it, you'd noticed i asked people to be in touch with me12:54
knomei don't want everybody and the world to poke their titty-pictures in the site12:55
knomeflocculant, pull the slideshow13:00
knomeflocculant, and check the desktop slide especially13:00
knomeflocculant, the celebration of customization bluesabre talked about could now go there, potentially to replace the paragraphs at the bottom13:01
knome...you'll figure out why13:01
knomei'm also thinking that now we might be able to drop the boxes near the panel13:03
* knome goes set up the contest testsite13:32
knomequestion to people: do we want to show the submissions during the contest, or do we just show the winners once we are done?13:35
knomeAkxwi-dave, remind me to ask you one more question once i've sent you the mail with instructions13:39
lbssousaCould you make Whisker Menu show it's icon label by default (and make it translatable) in Xubuntu default panel layout? My schools' teachers complain that its icon is too small.13:41
Akxwi-daveknome, will do...13:47
Akxwi-daveknome, personally i would show the finalists13:49
Akxwi-davebefore cossing winners13:50
knomei'll have to write a small amount of code then13:50
knomei haven't thought too much of that, yet...13:50
Akxwi-daveis the team choosing the winners or the public?13:51
knomethe team or a subportion of the team13:51
knomeat least that's how it went the last time13:51
Akxwi-davein that case at least you dont have to write a voting system.. :-)13:52
knomei did already13:52
Akxwi-daveshould have guessed..  I usually cheat and use a pre written mod for phpnuke or e10713:52
knomeheh :)13:53
knomesince the plugin adds the submission to the wordpress media gallery, it's easy enough to push some metadata for the submissions - and easy enough to write a simple UI for that13:53
knomeAkxwi-dave, sent mail, and will send the extra questions in a minute14:00
knomeand those are done too14:07
knomeAkxwi-dave, and if you are wondering, the instructions are kind of vague for a reason - we want the site to be so usable that we don't need to write long instructions14:07
Akxwi-davecheers amte14:07
Akxwi-daveright bbl.. gotta drive to another office..14:10
knome...if possible14:10
dkesselknome: may I help with a test submission?14:50
flocculantknome: if by check desktop especially - you mean the colour changing - very nice - but not something I particularly like myself17:40
flocculantnot sure what you mean by "the celebration of customization bluesabre talked about"17:42
flocculantre voting on wallpapers - given that we are a community flavour - perhaps we should let the community vote for "a number" and then "team" narrow that down17:46
flocculantdon't see why not - when other flavours do let community join in17:47
knomeflocculant, everything's possible...18:35
knomeflocculant, and re: customization i mean mentioning something about the plethora of options available in xubuntu18:35
knomebut, bbl18:35
pleia2knome: should I look at the slideshow in the installer today, or is there a newer version in lp?19:02
pleia2flocculant: any issues right now with using unetbootin vs. usb-creator-gtk with the daily isos? or should I just dd to a usb stick?19:05
pleia2(assuming I'm making it on a 15.10 system)19:06
knomepleia2, nothing is landed in the installer yet, there's a branch in launchpad though19:12
knomepleia2, https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-doc/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/xubuntu-160419:13
knomepleia2, if you want to look at that...19:13
pleia2knome: ty19:13
knomepleia2, basically just pull the branch, and run "./test-slideshow.sh xubuntu" in the branch root19:13
knomehope the slideshow brings you surprises and joy19:15
flocculantpleia2: afaik the fixed ubuntu tool is fixed in xenial/unetbootin > no idea, stopped using that cycles ag- currently I use disks because can't be bothered to dd - so I would say dd it :)19:22
pleia2flocculant: hah, wfm19:23
flocculantwhen thebuntu tool is current everywhere - it works - they lost persistence which was causing the problem19:24
* pleia2 nods19:24
flocculant"    - Use an equivalent of dd to make an exact copy of the image to the device" "    - This also breaks persistence."19:24
flocculantdecember 201519:25
knomeso the only way to create a bootable USB device that you can later reuse with persistence is actually *install* the system on that device?19:26
flocculantguess so19:27
knomethat's so expected that it's even genious.19:27
pleia2I don't know how to use disks, turns out19:30
knomepleia2 not a DJ19:31
pleia2imma try "restore disk image"19:52
akxwi-daveevening all19:53
akxwi-daveknome, first test uploads completed..  everything seems ok,19:54
pleia2hey akxwi-dave 19:54
akxwi-daveHello pleia2 How are you today19:55
pleia2good good19:55
knomeakxwi-dave, good to hear everything has gone smooth so far :)20:06
Nairwolfhi, flocculant, you told me it's not necessary anymore to test upgrade ? 20:08
Nairwolfit doesn't work from 14.04 to 16.04 right ? 20:08
knomeNairwolf, for now, not, because the upgrade isn't working.20:08
flocculantpleia2: yea restore is the one20:08
flocculantknome: ty20:08
pleia2flocculant: that's pretty handy :) testing once I find a place to put my laptop20:08
knomepleia2, didn't you learn to carry things on your head in africa?20:09
knomethat's an essential skill!20:09
flocculantpleia2: it does the whole - gparted can't see it cos it's all odd - but afaik dd does the same20:09
flocculantNairwolf: as knome said 20:10
knomecos..by? bill? is it you?20:10
Nairwolfok, thanks20:10
flocculantknome: ... 20:10
Nairwolfso tonight what I can do ? 20:10
pleia2knome: haha, no, those people are seriously talented20:10
flocculantNairwolf: dailies are ALWAYS there :)20:11
knomepleia2, totally!20:11
Nairwolfokay !20:11
knomepleia2, it would be great for the neck/back to be able to carry things like that20:11
flocculantknome: back to the slideshow for a short time - not sure the bottom of the desktop slide would do justice to customisation - perhaps a couple of brief pointers and a slide for each ?20:33
flocculantdon't know how many we're aiming for20:33
* knome shrugs20:34
* flocculant *shrugs* as well and wanders off20:35
flocculantI'll not bother commenting on it if *shrug* is your response20:35
knomewhat i mean is that i don't know, i'm just playing around with things20:36
knomei don't even have an idea of the type of text we'd want to use20:36
knome...so the shrug isn't "i don't care", it's "i don't know, i'll think about it"20:39
knome("and poke slickymaster with it")20:39
Nairwolfthere is still this bug, and it seems to be really old. I don't think it will be treated untill the release20:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 990744 in partman-basicfilesystems (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu installer says: The creation of swap space in partition failed" [High,Triaged]20:44
Nairwolfknome: how I am supposed to help you with the wallpaper contest ? 20:48
knomeNairwolf, please reply to the thread on the mailing list and i'll get back to you via email21:04
Nairwolfok, I will do that21:13
flocculantknome: re slideshow - I think I would be safe in saying you can probably Software for the package manager now :)22:19
knomei wonder which icon we are using for it...22:19
flocculantdo we use different from the normal app one? 22:20
knomebut i don't know which icon the app uses :)22:20
flocculantsadly looks like a shopping bag ... 22:21
slickymasterpoke me ?!22:38
flocculantpoke poke poke22:39
slickymasterwill you be the poker, flocculant? 22:39
Unit193/kick slickymaster POKE22:39
flocculantI'llbe the wooden spoon for stirring with 22:40
* knome stirs slickymaster's face with the wooden spoon22:42
slickymasterso much violence going on22:43
knomeviolence? i was stirring *very* gently22:43
* slickymaster doesn't even doubt it22:43
NairwolfI couldn't install the daily today...22:49
Nairwolfsee you, good night22:59
slickymasteryeah, just checked krytarik, they weren't updated23:27
slickymastersomething might have gone wrong when I run the script23:28
slickymasteror I might have't run it at all, and was convinced I did, when I push23:28
slickymasterwho knows23:28
slickymasterkrytarik, were you planning on working on de.pot tonight?23:29
knomenobody knows about you...23:29
slickymasternobody knows the troubles I've seen...23:30
krytarikslickymaster: Nope, just pointing out.23:30
slickymasterI'll do it later then23:31
bluesabreevening alllll23:58

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