[00:19] Is there a package issue with nginx-core using the generic lubuntu sources? I keep getting depency issues [00:21] gonna try installing outside of the meta package [00:21] TacoGS: specifics would help [00:25] I am working on that right now [00:25] I just installed nginx-common and nginx-core manually same issue [00:25] what issue? [00:25] http://paste.ubuntu.com/15270867/ [00:25] there we go [00:25] was working on the paste when you were saying that :P [00:26] is this on 14.04? [00:27] no, I just downloaded the image an hour ago. It would be 15.10 [00:27] weird [00:27] lubuntu-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso [00:28] what does systemctl status nginx.service do? [00:28] teward: you around? got an nginx issue. [00:28] getting that info now [00:29] no need to get teward something seems fishy [00:29] well, he is the nginx maintainer :) [00:29] even though apache2 is not installed, I have a feeling it's dead carcus is still roaming my ram [00:29] hot damn, it is [00:29] it is probably failing to bind [00:29] there we go [00:30] teward: nevermind :) [00:30] kill -9 the heck out of apache2 [00:31] I looked up apache2 and it was not in the package list, but apparently that was a lie [00:31] just like the cake [00:31] is there no way to prevent apache2 during the install process? I must be missing something [00:32] you might have had an old process running [00:32] you can delete a package that includes a running process and it still may be running [00:32] let me see if it still is [00:32] it was killed with extreme prejudice [00:34] you can try `sudo dpkg --reconfigure nginx` [00:34] isn't that right? [00:34] dpkg --reconfigure -i? [00:34] dpkg-reconfigure :) [00:40] nah, I just did the cheap remove and reinstall [00:40] that works too [00:44] haha [00:44] sudo apt-get install chromium [00:44] apt can do what apt-get does, btw [00:44] save you those four keystrokes :) [00:47] I am an old debian man with old tastes :P [00:47] I tried ubuntu and it was too... how do I say it... supermodel like [00:48] so lubuntu filled the gap of easy to install and deploy without flashy desktop manager [00:48] oh, so you didn't think you were good enough for it, TacoGS ? XD [00:48] no, it was so flashy it made Mardi Gras goers jelous [00:49] well, it's no kde [00:49] I like Lubuntu for that [00:49] it's no KDE [00:50] me too. [00:50] you try lxqt yet? [00:50] nope, probably not [00:51] is that a heavy Qt based environment? [00:51] there's no metapackage yet, but there's instructions on the lubuntu wiki on how to try it out in xenial [00:51] qt but not heavy [00:51] no kde garbage [00:51] kde would be nice on a desktop I don't use for primary production, but in a VM it is a waste of resources [00:51] * wxl shrugs [00:52] i use it at work because that's our standard desktop but it's got a lot of cruft i'll NEVER use [00:52] lxde(qt or not) is just right. [00:52] yeah, that is why I primarily make lubuntu VMs [00:53] and my dedicated server computer is Lubuntu [01:16] !info lxqt xenial | wxl [01:16] wxl: lxqt (source: lxqt-metapackages): Metapackage for LXQt. In component universe, is optional. Version 4 (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 9 kB [01:16] omgerd [01:17] tsimonq2: ^^ time to test out lxqt (the metapackage!) in xenial [01:32] wxl: I'm keeping this machine stable :P [01:32] try a virtual machine [01:32] it can die a thousand deaths and not harm your main system (we hope!(tm)) [01:33] TacoGS: not on a machine capable of that until the weekend :) [01:33] understood [01:33] TacoGS: I would if I could, and I thought of it ;) [01:33] my new machine is hopefully going to be an E5 v4 processor that can host enough VMs to virtual test things away from each other [01:34] yeah this has an 11 year old pentium in it with 3 gigs of RAM running Lubuntu, I don't expect much if it :) [01:34] *of === e is now known as nighttime [13:00] hey guys, I am working with cache timing attacks for may MSc Thesis and I need to allocate huge pages. I have been trying but didn't manage to, can anyone point me to the right direction? [13:02] I forgot to mention that I'm using lubuntu and thats why I'm asking here :) [13:11] you could try ##kernel or ##linux [13:12] or another irc network === Pici` is now known as Pici [15:46] Hello all. Question from here in Indiana. I am looking for "speed tweaks" to make Lubuntu 14.0.4 snappier. Beside removing Apt-xapian-index and installing preload... anyone has any thoughts or suggestions? [15:53] james1138: You can put a one-time boot option of: profile which will try to optimize how things get loaded during boot. [15:55] Is there a "global animation" turn-off tweak? [15:57] I managed to dump icons and use text only on about 90% of my menus. === tdiddy is now known as rem505 [16:10] I tried to save a file and a list of about 6 things came up. So I clicked the one I wanted, then it said 'can't open file to write' how do I save the file? [16:10] it is an existing file i edited [16:11] this is the first file I have ever tried to save === rem505 is now known as day2ubuntu === dzho is now known as justified === justified is now known as nick9char === nick9char is now known as dzho [23:18] hi I need to burn an iso file to usb stick which software should I install???? [23:19] ethan42m: Is it an install iso for some *buntu? [23:19] no [23:19] it is other iso [23:20] If it is a hybrid iso can just dd it over. What does the command: file say about it? [23:20] Like: file isoname.iso [23:21] I dont know to use dd [23:21] is there any software? [23:22] The dd command would be very simple. Like: sudo dd if=isofile.iso of=/dev/sdx [23:22] ethan42m: Is it bootable? [23:23] ( if so then it's another issue of how to convert the booting from off the cd/dvd to off the usb ) [23:23] If not bootable, just loopmount it and copy the files over [23:24] * genii wanders back to work [23:24] the usb should be bootable yes [23:25] I have the iso file and wish to burn it to usb as if I had DVD [23:26] is there any software in lubuntu for this ? [23:26] ethan42m: We need to see the result of that command, so we know what kind of booting it is doing normally. So the: file whatever-the-iso-name-is.iso ...before continuing [23:27] Because you can't just normally copy an iso file onto a usb when it is bootable without tinkering or using the correct application [23:27] ..but what application would depend on how it's booting now [23:28] well the file inside the iso is not for linux, I just want to burn it and use it in another os [23:29] but I want to burn it when I am in linux [23:32] Yes, I understood that..like 10 minutes ago. [23:32] It's difficult to point you in the right direction without an understanding of what kind of iso image it is. [23:33] I installed multibootusb, is it good for this work? [23:34] it is bootable image [23:34] * genii gets tired of going in circles and wanders off to help someone else [23:39] well multibootusb cannot accept this iso [23:39] any other iso to usb software? it is a similar to Unetbootin [23:40] but unetbootin cannot work in debian [23:40] mkusb [23:40] wxl thanks [23:52] ok it started writing [23:53] hope it works