
robert_ancell_attente, still here?01:57
ximionrobert_ancell_: thank you for implementing MediaBaseUrl!02:05
ximionthis patch looks exactly how I expected it to be - I also think it has a high chance of being accepted upstream02:06
robert_ancell_ximion, yeah, it seems uncontrovercial02:06
ximionI think I want to cherry pick those two patches you apply at Ubuntu for Debian as well :)02:06
robert_ancell_I was hoping you would :)02:07
=== robert_ancell_ is now known as robert_ancell
ximionhughsie is releasing asglib so quickly, it sometimes doesn't make sense to even add patches because there will be a new release almost every week02:07
ximionbut those two are important :)02:07
ximionI have an IRC log of hughsie requesting a feature like this a long time ago, and me rejecting it, btw :D02:09
ximion(that was in 2013 ^^)02:09
ximion(and it was a different implementation suggested there, but still it's a bit ironic :D)02:10
attenterobert_ancell: hi02:24
robert_ancellattente, were your apt plugin changes sufficient for loading .debs directly? I was updating the changelog and wondering what it should say / if it should close a bug02:25
robert_ancellBut I've uploaded now02:25
attenterobert_ancell: they install the debs, but post installation, the app page doesn't refresh properly02:26
attenterobert_ancell: i wouldn't put it into the changelog yet02:26
robert_ancellattente, btw, I think every g_variant_new_parsed commit you've made has broken something :)02:43
attenterobert_ancell: oh seriously?02:44
robert_ancellattente, yeah, you dropped the () off the args to install/remove for APT02:44
robert_ancellyou sent ['a', 'b'] instead of (['a', 'b'])02:44
attenteah, shit sorry...02:44
robert_ancellnp, just re-uploading now. I keep not testing your changes :)02:45
attentethe other one i think was ok02:47
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pittiGood morning06:25
hikikohi pitti07:00
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ksamakhey all08:14
ksamakTrevinho: hey. i opened Bug#816652 in debian, which is about re-introducing compiz08:17
ksamakand i'd like to have a couple opinions on that, particularly about upstream, and patches08:18
pittihey Laney!09:04
seb128good morning Laney09:05
pittibonjour seb128, ça va ?09:06
seb128pitti, oui ! et toi ?09:07
pittiça va bien aussi !09:08
pittihaving some fun with subtle lxc changes which keep breaking autopkgtest09:08
Laneyhey pitti & seb12809:10
seb128hey Laney, happy friday!09:11
Laneyhappy friday!09:11
Laneywhat's up?09:11
seb128trying to wake up, good that it's friday, going to enjoy being in w.e tonight!09:13
Laneyparty time?09:13
pittiseb128: ah, you're going somewhere?09:20
davmor2P A R T Y? Cause I gotta09:22
* Laney dances the macarena with davmor2 09:23
davmor2Laney: that one is a special for you :)09:25
seb128pitti, no, just in France visiting familly&friends09:28
seb128also I'm a bit tired today so looking forward a good night and some relaxing ;-)09:29
Laneydavmor2: puts me to shame09:29
davmor2Laney: no that is this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie-E-S9tUPA09:30
seb128robert_ancell is doing a good job on g-s, daily batch of updates, now screenshots are displayed!09:30
Laneymediabaseurl for the win09:32
seb128opening local debs also work now, good job attente!09:33
seb128why is evince not listed :-/09:35
seb128I wonder if that has to do with the .desktop being in -common09:36
davmor2am I the only one getting a weird redraw glitch?   It's like the screen kinda phases to the right slightly and then back again, only happens once or twice a day though09:39
seb128davmor2, I don't know, I'm weird redraw/refresh issues for some weeks, it's like a flicker rather09:42
seb128I didn't notice side shifting though09:42
seb128so maybe not the same issue09:42
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davmor2seb128: that's it, it is a flicker but I noticed just that it is like it redraws over a few pixels and then goes no thats not right and draws it back where it should be it's really quick though so could just be seen as a flicker, are you on an intel gfx stack too?09:50
seb128intel is crap in xenial for me though :-/09:51
davmor2wonder if it is a driver issue09:51
seb128like I've kernel error on vt switch09:51
seb128or after starting a guest session and closing it and try to go to a vt they are missing09:52
seb128with kernel errors in syslog09:52
davmor2seb128: yeah I had a kernel panic when I unplugged the monitor hdmi connection09:52
willcookemorning gang, gonna be around for a bit this morning09:54
willcookethen gone around lunchtime09:54
Laneyhey willcooke09:56
Laneydidn't expect you09:56
willcookeI've got a couple of hours, so trying to finish reviews before the weekend09:56
seb128good morning willcooke09:56
seb128do you feel better?09:56
willcookestill coughing09:56
willcookebut not sneezing as much09:57
ogra_start smoking, the tar layer protects you09:57
davmor2willcooke: morning looks like the dongles are in the hands of cyphermox so should be sorted.09:57
willcookedavmor2, thanks!09:58
* Sweet5hark1 starts reading the lo-dicts FFe epic10:31
xnoxgood morning! unity doesn't start for me today.11:10
xnoxand it's not just me today, guest session too11:10
* xnox blames nouveau interfeering with intel graphics, new x, new kernel.11:12
ogra_stop using that old stuff, Mir is the future :P11:13
xnoxogra_, mir does not do highdpi on my infinity screen11:14
ogra_i wasnt aware adam does screens :)11:14
seb128xnox, do you have any error in .cache/upstart/unity7.log?11:15
xnoxseb128, upstart constantly restarting unity7 doesn't help. it fails to get monitor011:17
xnoxor some such.11:17
* xnox is rebooting.11:17
xnoxgnome shell doesn't start either11:17
seb128seems like rather x-ish than desktop-shells-ish then...11:18
seb128tjaalton, ^11:18
* ogra_ notes down11:18
seb128xnox, new password time!11:18
xnoxok, i've blacklisted nouvoue thing, updated initramfs, booted without splash (plymouth is borked)11:20
xnoxand that seems to work now.11:20
tjaaltonxnox: -proposed enabled?11:21
* xnox ponders what's wrong with plymouth... but i have password to change and things to do.11:21
xnoxtjaalton, no.11:21
xnox(but running xenial)11:22
tjaaltonso you didn't get new x, just a bunch of pointless rebuilds11:22
xnoxok. but i got new kernel.11:22
xnoxwhich to my surprise loaded and used nouveu11:22
xnoxwhich is b0rked11:22
tjaaltonyou had nvidia installed but not built for this?11:22
xnoxnope. it's dual graphics laptop and i prefer just the intel ones11:23
* xnox don't care about graphics11:23
* xnox cares battery life11:23
tjaaltonok, so nouveau didn't run before?11:23
tjaaltoni mean didn't load even11:23
xnoxcorrect. or maybe it was, but it was working =)11:23
xnoxto unbreak myself, i've purged xserver nouveau and blacklist nouveau11:24
xnoxwhich is possibly a too big of a hammer.11:24
xnoxtjaalton, what's the right way to opt into intel-only, when one has dual graphics?11:24
xnox(including plymouth/initramfs/dkms & booted system)11:24
tjaaltonblacklisting nouveau probably works11:24
tjaaltonif the bios doesn't have a switch for it11:25
tjaaltonlenovo's do11:25
xnoxi'm on dell xps 15, i'll check11:25
seb128is evince list in gnome-software for others? trying to figure out if that's a local issue11:31
tjaaltonxnox: could you verify the old kernel works, and the versions of working/broken11:31
davmor2jibel, seb128, cyphermox: so upgrades from 14.04.4 to 16.04 are still blocked on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/1550741  looks like Brian is currently debugging it though.11:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1550741 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrade failed - unauthenticated package (module-init-tools)" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:33
willcookeseb128, not showing here11:33
seb128willcooke, thanks11:33
davmor2seb128: not in software but does show in apps scope which is expected I guess11:34
seb128davmor2, willcooke, thanks, I opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/155315611:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1553156 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "evince not listed" [Undecided,New]11:34
seb128davmor2, I've no ide about the release upgrader and how it consider things as trusted but if Brian is debugging it we should probably wait a bit and not duplicate work investigating the same thing11:36
xnoxtjaalton, possibly, later. good thought.11:40
davmor2seb128: agreed just keeping everyone in the loop on it. Was requested to check it as it is a critical work flow for getting 16.04 on a system :)11:44
seb128hey andyrock!11:49
desrthello andyrock !11:59
desrtyou beat me :)11:59
andyrockhey seb128 desrt12:01
seb128hey desrt12:01
seb128happy friday!12:01
desrtgood morning seb128 , and all12:01
desrthappy friday!12:01
seb128andyrock, is bug #1553165 something for you?12:09
ubot5bug 1553165 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "unity launcher items stay as "installing" on errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155316512:09
Laneyhey desrt!12:11
desrthey Laney12:11
Laneystill keeping up with the jet lag12:11
desrti'm slowly slipping.  getting closer to 7am than 6am :p12:11
desrti heard w.i.l.l.c.o.o.k.e is away today12:12
desrtwe should figure out how to take advantage of that12:12
* Laney 's fingers slip12:12
Laneywonder why my systemd automount unit for an nfs share doesn't work under lxc12:15
Laneyit didn't work /at all/ to have the nfs share in fstab for the container either12:15
Laneyat least a non-automounted .mount unit is good12:16
* Laney thinks this yak is looking pretty good now12:17
ksamakseb128: hey12:36
ksamakseb128:  i opened Bug#816652 in debian, which is about re-introducing compiz12:36
ksamakseb128: and i'd like to have a couple opinions on that, particularly about upstream, and patches12:37
ksamakcare to take a look?12:37
ubot5Debian bug 816652 in sponsorship-requests "RFS: compiz/1: [ITP:722451]" [Wishlist,Open]12:38
seb128ksamak, hey, good work on that! I can have a look, unsure if I can help much/on what though12:56
seb128davmor2, did you meant to post from bug #1553165 on the evince bug?12:57
ubot5bug 1553165 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "unity launcher items stay as "installing" on errors" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155316512:57
davmor2seb128: meh yes grabbed the wrong link12:58
davmor2seb128: thanks for that :)13:00
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ksamakseb128: well it's rather a matter of source format13:12
ksamaksince ubuntu would be upstream, debian would need proper versionning, with patches for fixes (i think you guys do re-versionning, right?)13:13
ksamakso debian has to have its debian/source/format to 3(quilt)13:14
ksamakit means there has to be a compiz_0.9.12.2.orig.tar.gz that stays the same.13:14
ksamakdo you know how/who manages that for ubuntu?13:15
ksamakis it Trevinho?13:15
ksamakok then, i'll wait till he's available13:20
* Sweet5hark is out while -- will be back in the afternoon though.13:49
seb128Sweet5hark, have fun!13:49
mitya57ksamak, right, you need a Debian revision (i.e. add -1 in debian/changelog) and either 3.0 (quilt) or 1.0 format14:06
mitya57ksamak, and if you need an "upstream tarball that stays the same", you can probably grab one from https://launchpad.net/compiz/+download14:08
mitya57ksamak, also s/sid/unstable/ in the changelog and close the ITP bug :)14:09
ksamakmitya57: hey14:53
ksamakthanks for the help14:53
ksamakbut i'd generate the tar.gz, if James Cowgill didn't have that to say14:54
ksamakI have noticed that instead of using patches, Ubuntu has been14:54
ksamakcreating "fake" upstream releases when fixing bugs. This isn't great14:54
ksamaksince the latest bugfixes are now only found in Ubuntu and aren't14:54
ksamakeasily split out for other distributions14:54
ksamak--end quote14:54
ksamakwhat do you think?14:54
ksamakmitya57:  seb12814:54
seb128no real opinion14:56
seb128you use whatever you want as orig tarball14:56
seb128you can use the same as the ubuntu archive ones14:56
seb128or make vcs snapshots14:56
seb128even if I agree that proper upstream tarballs are nicer14:56
seb128but that's not a blocker to get a package going14:57
mitya57ksamak, if you want to use something newer than the later official release, then at least add +something to the version, like Ubuntu does14:58
mitya57ksamak, if you want an example of how other Canonical software is handled in Debian, take a look at:15:01
mitya57And you may also want talk to bregma about a possibility to make a new official upstream release.15:03
bregmaksamak, have you talk to the people who already have an Compiz ITP in Debian https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=722451 ?15:16
ubot5Debian bug 722451 in wnpp "ITP: Compiz -- Compositing "3G" window manager" [Wishlist,Open]15:16
bregmaor at least close that one?15:17
ksamakbregma: yeah that's us.15:19
ksamakITP closes when first FRS is closed.15:19
bregmaksamak, did you push the packaging up to the repo on Alioth?15:19
ksamakeverything's there https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=81665215:20
ubot5Debian bug 816652 in sponsorship-requests "RFS: compiz/1: [ITP:722451]" [Wishlist,Open]15:20
ksamakeven built packages15:20
bregmaksamak, Trevinho, I'd strongly suggest doing an upstream Compiz release so Xenial can differentiate from Wily and Debian can get the changes packaged nicely15:24
ksamakbregma: that'd be nice indeed.15:24
ksamakbregma: BTW, does anyone know onestone ( at compiz dotorg)?15:26
ksamakhe did a piece of cmake in compiz15:26
bregmahey wise people, we're poking around with Libertine and we've run into the problem of /usr/games not being in the default $PATH, anyone have a suggestion on the best practices for this?16:36
kgunnSweet5hark: stand up?17:06
kgunnfor SDoC17:06
Sweet5harkkgunn: hangout hangs17:06
Sweet5harkkgunn: maybe another invite helps?17:07
mitya57bregma, /usr/games is in $PATH here, checked on a couple of machines17:08
kgunnSweet5hark: re-invited...do you see a ping?17:08
kgunnare you a gmail user or thunderbird?17:09
Sweet5harkkgunn: hmm? I read my canonical email with mutt17:11
kgunngmail will ping you live if you get a ho invite17:11
bregmamitya57, did you check on your phone?17:15
mitya57bregma, no, that was a desktop (and a server :))17:15
bregmamitya57, any idea if would it be in $PATH in snappy?17:16
mitya57No ideas about snappy, sorry :(17:17
bregmahmm, maybe apps need to be wrapped in a shell session to pick up in-container environment settings...17:20
* bregma goes back to hacking at stuff17:20
kgunnSweet5hark: hey, so i notice in your yaml you've got source: ./libreoffice-build/17:44
kgunn...oh nvmd...i just thought through the why17:44
kgunnif there's no debs to pull you really do have to build17:44
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Sweet5harkkgunn: there are multiple reasons for that, see the bug references in ./libreoffice-build/Makefile ...17:49
kgunnSweet5hark: ok...i was just thinking you could pull bins from the archive...but if debs aren't going to be supported going fwd...it kinda screws that idea17:50
Sweet5harkkgunn: yeah, I dont think repackaging debs is really the goal here in the end -- it would make us hard depend on those.17:53
Laneyhappy weekend!18:02
seb128have a good w.e!18:40
ximionLaney: currently merging the time patch for the dep11-generator19:34
ximionI still need to look at the translations stuff more closely19:35
mhall119Laney: is there a place on Launchpad to view the bzr branch for Xenial packages?19:42
mhall119for example, https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ace-of-penguins only shows up to wily, but AppStream is flagging errors that only exist in the Xenial source19:42
qenghoOh man. "Booting ext4 root in a ZFS ZOL". I'm glad I have the weekend to think about that.20:59
Laneymhall119: doesn't exist for xenial :(21:00
mhall119Laney: ok, for now I've gotten this much working: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mhall119/AppStreamTest21:02
mhall119it's sorted by popcon "votes" which seems a better indication of user interest than all-time installs21:03
LaneyI thought popcon was broken/not updating/something for us21:03
mhall119it includes every "main" package from DEP11Hints with icon errors, and then only those from "universe" that have a popcon vote > 1 (otherwise the list is twice as long)21:03
mhall119Laney: it appears to be working for the time being21:03
mhall119Last generated on Fri Mar 4 12:06:42 2016 UTC.21:04
Laneydoes it get new submissions?21:04
Laneyanyway, it's not a big deal21:06
mhall119no idea, but I'm going to assume so21:08
mhall119it's better than nothing anyway21:08
Trevinhoksamak: please ping me about that on Monday, I was off today, but I can do it next week21:15
ximionmhall119: nice! XPM icons aren't per se invalid, the XDG icon spec permits them, but they have such a low quality that it was decided to not include them (they are usually not bigger than 32x32px, and we would have to upscale them to 64x64px - and we generally don't upscale images, so the result in SCs looks nice)21:45
mhall119ximion: ack, I can change it to say "Unsupported format" to match the actual error21:50
ximionmhall119: yeah, I just wanted to make sure that there are no complains in form of "the XPM icon is perfectly valid, why doesn't this work?" ;-)21:53
ximionso people know why this issue actually happens21:53
ximionLaney: I'm developing the updated appstream-generator here: https://github.com/ximion/appstream-generator - unfortunately, it will take a larger amount of time to complete it (months?), so dep11-generator will stay around for a while (obviously)21:55
ximionbut the final rewrite will be much faster than the Python code, maybe we could even run it for every package entering the archive then, so I think this is worth the effort21:55
ximionespecially because the new generator will also support other distributions easily (yay for deduplicating work! - although I expect Debian and Ubuntu to be the primary users, still)21:56
ximionmhall119: those shutdown.desktop, logout.desktop, example.desktop, etc. should probably not be in the metadata...21:58

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