
mhall119pleia2: knome: the wiki permissions change should now be in effect for help.ubuntu.com/community/ as well20:23
pleia2cool :)20:23
pleia2someone who is not pleia2 or knome want to see if they can edit now? you do need to be in the launchpad.net/~ubuntu-etherpad team20:24
mhall119ok, unfortunately it seems that everybody is getting only Immutable pages on help.u.c/community, so they're reverting the changes there until they can figure it out21:23
mhall119alright, sorry about that guys, hopefully we'll have better luck next week21:38
pleia2thanks for updating the thread21:39
tsimonq2pleia2: yeah, immutable: http://i.imgur.com/8geloL3.png21:57
pleia2we know21:58
pleia2see mhall119's comment :)21:58
tsimonq2pleia2: http://i.imgur.com/GxQY1It.png is a thing, I am going to see what happens when I uncheck and recheck ubuntu-etherpad, to see if it works properly (sorry if this is bothering or has already been done but I want to see for myself :P)21:59
pleia2good luck, hopefully it won't mess up your account x_x22:00
pleia2tsimonq2: you're a member through ~ubuntumembers, but approved your etherpad team request22:23

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