
=== Prince is now known as prince
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KimseI'm trying to mount a remote directory on  Ubuntu server on my local Linux Mint machine. But i'm having some trouble getting user mapping to work01:31
Kimsemy username on the local machine and the remote server matches, but not the uid01:31
KimseI figured i need to configure http://linux.die.net/man/5/idmapd.conf but I'm not quite sure how to01:33
KimseOh and btw - I'm ofc using NFS, sorry about that ;-)01:38
KimseAnd I am able to mount the directory, but I cannot write to a directory on the server which my local user at the server owns (uid mismatch)01:38
linuxlovemy system has crashed after installing a script08:10
linuxlovewhat should i do to fix?08:10
linuxloveit is that script http://pastebin.com/EGxs2auF08:11
jamespageddellav, coreycb: just checking that you know about 'check-mir' in ubuntu-dev-tools right?08:49
ddellavjamespage i did not.08:50
ddellavoh god, so helpful08:50
jamespageddellav, sorry - assumption on my part08:51
jamespageddellav, grep-merges is quite useful as well...08:51
jamespageso long as zigo is uploading to unstable...08:51
jamespageddellav, blimey you're up late...08:51
ddellavjamespage yea i have a upper respiratory infection, it's making it difficult to sleep so i figured i'd jump on and get some work done heh08:52
jamespageddellav, do we need a sync of python-pika-pool from unstable?08:53
ddellavjamespage yes, there's an FFE open and i'll be creating the MIR soon if i coreycb hasn't already08:54
jamespageddellav, okay08:54
ddellavjamespage https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/155282708:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1552827 in Ubuntu "[FFE] Please sync python-pika-pool (0.1.3-1) from Debian (unstable)" [Undecided,New]08:55
jamespagejust looking at backport failures08:55
lordievaderGood morning.09:02
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linuxlovehow to delete packages in terminal?09:25
linuxlovefor example python-pycurl:amd64 <none>
lordievaderlinuxlove: sudo apt-get remove|purge <package-name>; also read the man page of apt-get.09:26
linuxlovelordievader, i get error when i run sudo apt-get remove python-pycurl:amd64 <none>
lordievaderlinuxlove: Because that ain't a package name? 'python-pycurl' is the package name.09:28
linuxloveoh yes09:29
linuxlovewhat is difference between purge and remove?09:31
mybalzitchpurge removes configuration files afaik09:31
lordievader^ that. Like I said read the man page.09:31
lordievaderEverything is explained in the man page.09:31
linuxloveyou mean purge uninstall and delete configuration files?09:33
lordievaderapt-get remove doesn't remove configuration files, apt-get purge does.09:34
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Deepsanyone here using duo security 2 factor auth with their ubuntu server 14.04?10:41
henkjanDeeps: I do10:50
Deepshenkjan: could you share what config you're using? i'm trying to get ssh access authenticated with duo, but my auth log just shows Aborted Duo login for 'user' from host: Error gathering user response10:57
Deepsif i set the user to 'bypass' in the duo control panel, auth succeed. the moment i require 2fa, it just throws that error all the time10:57
Deepsduo logs show successful login when it's set to bypass, so i guess the problem is local to my host / sshd, rather than between my server and duo api integration10:58
Deepsand yeah, actually, it's almost definitely that. i dont think /etc/init.d/ssh restart is actually working10:58
henkjanDeeps: can you try the command login_duo in your shell10:58
henkjantry stop ssh; start ssh10:59
Deepsoh god, systemd isnt it10:59
* Deeps has to learn new things10:59
henkjanweird mixup of upstart and sysv init in 14.0410:59
henkjanrestarting ssh the old way doesnt work11:00
Deepsroot@ubuntuvm:~# start ssh11:00
Deepsstart: Job is already running: ssh11:00
Deepsbut no sshd actaully running11:00
Deepsblah being summoned to do other things, thanks for the pointers, looks like i've found where half the problem is at least11:00
koolhead17hi all11:28
Razvafolks I need somebody to clear some things for me. SO. I have a single CPU, 8 physical core, 16 threads server. I would like to create a VM (esxi) and I'm asked how many virtual sockets I would like to allocate, and how many cores per virtual socket. now, is a virtual socket the same as a physical CPU, OR as a physical core?11:36
jamespageddellav, coreycb: there was also a niggle with the sbuild process in b-o-m - had to ensure that a dist-upgrade gets done before package build to pickup newer dh-python...11:50
jamespageanyway fixed now11:50
koolhead17howdy jamespage11:59
jamespagehey koolhead1711:59
koolhead17jamespage: i feel like n00b here12:00
koolhead17either a lot new faces are here or lot oldies have left :D12:00
jamespagekoolhead17, no way you're old skool12:00
koolhead17jamespage: how is everything going12:00
jamespagekoolhead17, always welcome :-)12:00
jamespagekoolhead17, nicely ta - how about you?12:00
koolhead17jamespage: am doing good, joined new gig12:01
jamespagekoolhead17, ? who with?12:01
koolhead17@jamespage Object Storage with AWS S3 API compatibility in Golang. :D12:03
jamespagekoolhead17, object storage in golang? that rings a bell :-)12:03
jamespagewell maybe some rings anyway12:03
koolhead17adam_g: supp12:04
jamespagekoolhead17, plans for swift compat and keystone integration maybe?12:04
koolhead17jamespage: we are small team & at this point focusing on S3 specific compatible API, hence i would doubt12:07
koolhead17always up for more community contribution though. :)12:08
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coreycbjamespage, thanks for the tip on check-mir, that's useful12:33
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KimseI'm trying to mount a remote directory shared via NFS from an Ubuntu server on my local Linux Mint machine. But i'm having some trouble getting user mapping to work15:32
Kimsemy username on the local machine and the remote server matches, but not the uid15:32
KimseI figured i need to configure http://linux.die.net/man/5/idmapd.conf but I'm not quite sure how to15:32
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jamespagecoreycb, b3 early next week? happy to sprint on that with you and ddellav to get that out of the door...17:33
jamespagecoreycb, I think b2 is now all in proposed - I'll smoke early on monday and promote if it all passes...17:33
coreycbjamespage, sounds good17:34
Deepshenkjan: yep, turned out to just be ssh failing to restart through the init script. got it working now. thanks!17:38
Deepshenkjan: that said, it looks like it does 2fa if i use password auth, but not if i have an ssh key defined, need to learn pam i guess17:39
dannfhey mdeslaur: i'm testing out LP: #1552939 on a couple platforms - if it fixes the issue are you cool w/ me uploading it or would you want to review first?17:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1552939 in openssl (Ubuntu) "arm64 build doesn't use asm and is 4x-16x slower than it could be" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155293917:41
mdeslaurdannf: you can upload it, just make sure you do it over 1.0.2g that's stuck in xenial-proposed17:42
dannfmdeslaur: ack17:42
mdeslaurdannf: thanks!17:42
Aleksandar86Is posible update Ubuntu server 7 to Ubuntu 14.0... I have apache and mysql installed on old server and I want update without losing data?19:17
geniiYou haven't upgraded your server in 7 years??19:22
patdk-lap7? you mean 919:24
Aleksandar86genii no :(19:25
patdk-lapthe only way to upgrade it correctly, is to upgrade to 7.10 -> 8.04 -> 10.04 -> 12.04 -> 14.0419:25
patdk-lapyou are vaunerable to some pretty big security issues19:25
hallyn_smb: bug 1553023 :)19:27
ubottubug 1553023 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "[FFe] libvirt v1.3.2 -- zfs support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155302319:27
smbhallyn_, well if sarnold absolutely volunteers to go through all the paperwork... maybe... surely not this week :-P19:30
smbhallyn_, plus this would not be a merge from Debian... not as of now at least19:31
hallyn_agreed, not this week :)19:34
hallyn_i'd like to find some time to give libvirt some luvin' in the next few weeks19:34
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Aleksandar86On server Ubuntu I have login access with root and pass but when I try login with ssh I always get ACCESS DENIE. I changed config PermitRootLogin no but again same problem....22:19
naccAleksandar86: did you restart ssh after changing the config?22:26
Aleksandar86I set PermitRootLogin on Yes and I get access with root via SSH :)22:31

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