
m0nkey_CANADA for PRESIDENT! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCyzdD0vYOw01:50
mappscanada for president?04:17
=== m0nkey__ is now known as m0nkey_
zmoylan-piit's snowing, everyone panic \o/08:23
MooDoobright sunshine here08:36
popeyhehe, none here08:47
popeytalking about it on the radio08:47
knightwise morning popey08:50
knightwiseenjoyed the show on my way to work this morning08:50
knightwisedo we have a price on the ubuntu tablet yet ?08:58
popeyno idea09:00
popeyask bq :)09:00
davmor2Morning All09:04
bashrcif it's not exorbitantly expensive I might consider getting an ubuntu tablet. I don't currently have a tablet, since my old one broke and I didn't bother replacing it.09:07
bashrcwith the old tablet I found I mostly used it for reading, and an ereader is far better for that09:08
knightwisebashrc: agreed. Although I do use my ipad a lot to read in bed ..donno why cuz my Kobo should be better at that.09:14
bashrcsomeone suggested getting an ipad for reading but (i) I don't like Apple and (ii) the battery life on ereaders is way better.09:15
bashrcI really hardly need to care about charging the ereader at all09:16
popeyI go my ereader out a couple of nights ago, then got an email from them saying they're shutting down09:16
knightwisepopey: what brand did you get ?09:20
popeyMine is a Nook09:21
popeyI rarely used it tbh09:21
knightwiseand they are shutting down ? Isn(t the nook from barnes and noble ?09:21
popeyknightwise: https://twitter.com/popey/status/70549639942989824009:24
knightwisedamn, so what is the impact going to be for you  ?09:24
popeymigration to Sainsburys09:24
popeywhere I will still have access to "most" of my data09:24
popeyI don't have many purchased items though, so not badly affected. I mostly side load "content" on via sd card or usb cable09:25
knightwise"most" of the books you bought09:25
knightwisesame as me. I mostly sideload everything via calibre09:25
foobarryi have a kobo09:25
foobarrybut most of my books are via amazon so it's annoying to have to convert them09:25
knightwisefoobarry: me too , which one di you have09:25
foobarrythe cheap one09:26
knightwiseI have a glo09:26
foobarrykobo touch with the nice moulded back09:26
foobarry£30 at the time09:26
foobarryi have no complaints except for amazons drm09:26
knightwiseany drm sucks, not just amazons09:27
zmoylan-pii got a kobo 5" super cheap from argos. don't use it much. ditto my 7" asus android tablet. mostly a 4.5" android phone which is a media player09:27
knightwisei bought some books at the google play store.09:27
knightwisealso allmost impossible to get teh drm off09:27
foobarrythe calibre hoops you have to jump through are ridiculous09:27
foobarryand i'm not sure its even posible on ubuntu anymore09:28
foobarryyou needed wine and activepython and all this guff09:28
foobarryand the kindlePC.exe under wine09:28
foobarryto get the kindleID , but it doesn't work09:28
knightwisethe have surprisingly little drm09:29
foobarryi usually get my amazonz on offer09:29
knightwisealso suspicously low09:30
foobarrythx , i'll check it out09:30
foobarryis it another allofmp3?09:30
* knightwise would not dare say these things out loud 09:31
knightwisebut I have found some interesting books there09:31
knightwisehey matt_linuxlearne09:41
matt_linuxlearnehows things?09:42
knightwisedoin ok09:44
knightwisefriday :)09:44
knightwise last day before a work-filled weekend09:44
matt_linuxlearnewhats ya plans over the weekend then09:55
* Laney observes 1 flake of snow per second09:56
matt_linuxlearnemore than i am getting09:56
matt_linuxlearnegot nice sun shine09:57
Laneyopen your freezer door09:57
Laneythen point it at the sky09:57
matt_linuxlearnebut then ,my 50 gallons of neapolitan will melt09:58
foobarryin my house, neapolitan is vanilla and strawberry and my wife has eaten the chocolate already10:01
davmor2\o/ snow \o/ about the same amount as Laney sees10:01
* knightwise write up the redesign of the entire infrastructure for one of my clients.10:01
knightwiseover here its Raining10:02
Laneyknightwise: with an appropriate amount of lock in to your company yes?10:02
knightwiseLaney: of course we will be designing the solution and guiding the project along :)10:02
Laney999 year support contract10:03
Laneysorry nobody other than knightwise could ever possibly administer your infrastructure after this10:03
knightwiseLaney: nononooo :) We DONT do support10:04
matt_linuxlearneis that not what we call creating yoou neash ?10:04
knightwisejust analysis, design, project management and then we hand over support10:04
Laneyyou miss out on a revenue stream :P10:04
knightwisewe do stick around as the "shared IT manager"10:04
knightwiseLaney: true , but i dont have the manpower to do the support10:04
knightwiseand if I did i would have a ton of competitors ..10:05
knightwiseright now I have a niche : we are independant consultants that work with whatever partner is best for the company. We don't sell you stuff, we don't have an agenda.10:07
knightwisethats our pitch10:07
knightwisedoes anyone have any experience in dual booting an acer revo ?10:16
knightwiseI can't seem to boot into my thumbdrive to install ubuntu10:17
knightwisebeen bugging me forever10:17
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:21
knightwisehey guys10:29
awilkinsRecommends for a nice laptop?11:57
awilkinsCurrently ogling up the 2016 model of the Lenovo X1 Carbon11:58
Myrttidefine nice12:02
Myrttiwhat do you want it to do?12:02
awilkinsPortable development workstation12:02
awilkinsVexes me slightly that the only version of it that supports 16GB of RAM starts at £1740ish12:03
awilkinsJust been made redundant ; have been running with a HP ZBook 15 G212:04
awilkinsNice solid casing, powerful hardware12:04
awilkinsBut a really big fat laptop12:05
awilkinsI have a very pretty leather laptop briefcase it JUST fits inside12:05
awilkinsI don't need the NVidia Quadro model they supplied me with though12:05
awilkinsLess about the pretty graphics and more about the running multiple VMs and manipulating large data graphs12:06
awilkinsSo thinking about something a bit lighter but still with plenty of RAM12:06
popeyMy current laptop lust list includes X1 Carbon, X260, T460s and now a new entrant from Dell, the e747012:08
popeywhich has a nipple!12:08
Myrttiwe had a bad run with the Dell XPS15 that dsample bought last year12:08
* awilkins hates the nipples12:08
Myrttifinally got a return and a refund for it last month, now he's shopping for a new laptop12:08
awilkinsThe advantage of nipple as I see it is that they put an extra row of buttons above the touchpad as well as below12:08
awilkinsAnd that's IT12:08
awilkinsYeah, looking at the T460s12:09
popeyI want one with Touch and 1080p at least12:09
awilkinsLenovo is my default position really12:09
knightwisenipples are for thinkpads and girls12:09
awilkinsTouchscreen *spew*12:09
popeyknightwise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjJQBjWYDTs12:10
awilkinsNo way do I want any feature that i) costs more ii) muddies up my display by adding extra layer of transistors iii) muddies up my display by encouraging people to *ugh* touch it12:10
popeyother people won't be touching it12:10
knightwisegirls are awesome .. fierce !12:11
awilkinsScreens are for looking at, not leaving finger grease on12:11
knightwiseawilkins: i agree . a touchscreen on an xps13 is ... a waste12:11
Myrttiyeah, I don't use mine at all12:11
knightwiseMyrtti: the only thing it adds is glossyness12:12
awilkinsAnother horrible thing12:12
awilkinsMatt all the way!12:12
awilkins(not Matt. Sorry, Matt, MATTE)12:12
knightwiseawilkins: we all know you love matt :p12:13
popeyI am often testing touch based apps, so want it mostly for that12:13
knightwiseor did you mean MATE all the way ?12:13
popeyI do find myself reaching out to touch the screen of my non-touch laptop sometimes12:13
popeythen remember12:13
popey"oh yeah, not touch"12:13
awilkinspopey, Yeah, I might be doing some touch based apps *sadface*12:14
awilkinsBloody tablets and people who want to use them for productive things *sigh*12:14
knightwiseawilkins: never mind that they are gonna hook them up to keyboards and mice afterwards12:15
popeymost get hooked up to keyboards and not mice12:15
popeybecause, why attach a mouse when you have a touch input device12:15
knightwiseDepends on what you want to do ...12:16
davmor2awilkins: but convergence tablet is a laptop is pc is amazing, just ask popey12:16
knightwiseI for one have never gotten used to typing on a touchscreen fast enough.12:16
knightwiseConvergence is a very loaded term :p12:16
awilkinsConvergence implies making things worse, unless the best thing doesn't move12:18
awilkinsAnd you just add the capabilities you want from the other things to that thing12:18
awilkins(best thing for a given role, ofc)12:18
popeyknightwise: I didn't say you or me12:19
popeyMost normals don't attach mice to tablets12:19
popeythey may attach keyboards (as I said)12:19
popeyto speed up typing, or to use the device as a pc-like thing for content creation12:19
knightwisetrue. Mice are perhaps a little redundant12:19
knightwiseI for one ordered me a logitech K811 keyboard that switches between my mac and my ipad.12:20
knightwisethat way I only need to carry around one device12:20
popeyyeah, I like the logitech keyboards12:20
knightwiseand at least my keyboard has a power key12:20
knightwisenot like the default apple crap one12:20
davmor2knightwise: look at surface, yes it's Microsoft but the actual concept of keyboard and pen is perfect for most users12:21
knightwiseI know.12:21
knightwiseI use mine a lot. The pen part is great for scetching or writing up reports12:21
popeyThat new surface is very nice12:21
knightwisepopey: it does have some "glitches"12:21
knightwisethey are only now ironing out the kinks in hibernation and stuff12:22
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
MyrttiUK peeps: last moments to buy and send mother's day cards and gifts13:08
* awilkins boos and hurls things13:09
zmoylan-piyou've gone shopping on mothers day morning to see young adults sprinting into shops desperate to find any over priced tat in panic? :-)13:09
Myrttino, just dressing up to walk to the post office to mail a card13:10
Myrttijust thought someone might appreciate the reminder13:11
* awilkins sends mum a box of expensive chocos13:11
foobarrythis year i didn't make the mistake of forgetting that my wife is a mum14:18
brobostigonsame, cant forget my fiance is a mother as well.14:23
foobarryi went overboard and got too much stuff this year14:28
foobarryso i just gave one as an ad-hoc "no reason" present, which went down well14:28
AdriannomHi. I've tried uninstalling a font by deleting it from ~/.local/share/fonts but when trying to reinstall it with font viewer it says it's already installed. Copying the font over and using fc-cache doesn't seem to register the font. Any ideas how I can fix it?15:07
Myrttihow did you install it in the first place?15:09
Adriannomwith font viewer15:11
AdriannomI just hit "Install" and it was done15:11
AdriannomBut for some reason there's no "Uninstall" or "Reinstall"15:12
AdriannomSo my problem currently is that the font is NOT installed, and yet font viewer reports it as "Installed" and the button is greyed out. Installing manually doesn't register the font. Anyone got any ideas?15:17
AdriannomOr at least an opinion on whether this is normal behaviour?15:19
AdriannomOk, perhaps if I change my question, when you uninstall a font does Font Viewer still think it's installed?16:02
AdriannomStill trying to fix. Just rebooted after ensuring the font isn't installed, but Font Viewer still says it is, and the font doesn't appear in Font Manager or other apps16:36
diddledandon't you hate when someone says of cost that "for big business you're already spending a lot, so why not spend more"17:31
diddledanone I just came across when comparing xamarin vs hybrid-html cost: https://youtu.be/ajq_vRBvuzs?t=306217:33
diddledanomg, not a community!1! ref: "However, you need to really think about future-proofing your app to stay on top of changes in iOS, Android, and Windows, and whether you’ll need more advanced access to a device’s sensors or the platform APIs, such as iOS’ 3D Touch, payments, or fingerprint recognition for example.  These features require contributions by a community to provide the necessary plugins"17:38
diddledanthat's in answer to "is there _any_ situation where hybrid html should be your first choice"17:38
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g|EOW
foobarryremember that kickstarter about the coolest cooler? i just read they might not deliver after getting $13m20:14
popeyyeah, they've been screwing up non-stop20:15
zmoylan-piturns out you need more than an idea...20:15
popeyI enjoy https://www.reddit.com/r/shittykickstarters20:16
foobarrythey sell them on amazon, it actually exists..20:26
knightwisewhaw :) worst ideas in the history of bad ideas20:33
daftykinsI was just walking home from the supermarket when i heard a guy outside a pub talk about smashing his phone on concrete, so i went back to offer to fix it :D21:34
zmoylan-pii'd have handed him my nokia and told him to work out his anger... :-)21:38
daftykinshey zmoylan-pi how goes?21:39
zmoylan-piwell, went for a nice walk today in freezing cold.  fed the birds down by sea front... https://twitter.com/angryearthling/status/705849580756320256/photo/121:40
daftykinsTHE BIIIIIIIRDS!21:43
zmoylan-piwasn't a good photo, as soon as i stopped dropping bread it was gone and so were they21:47
daftykinsmy understanding was bread is bad for most birds diet? :)21:47
zmoylan-pinah, birds like bread.  not the best food for them, but on a day like today... they'll eat anything up to and including smaller birds earing bread...21:48

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