chesedo | morning all | 04:32 |
inetpro | good morning chesedo | 04:55 |
inetpro | you are early | 04:55 |
inetpro | oh and hi to everyone else as well | 04:55 |
Kilos | morning inetpro superfly chesedo thatgraemeguy and other lurkers | 05:12 |
Kilos | oh theblazehen too | 05:12 |
chesedo | inetpro: you mean late :P | 05:23 |
chesedo | oh hello oom Kilos | 05:32 |
chesedo | hows head today? | 05:33 |
Kilos | much better ty | 05:33 |
chesedo | yw, great to hear... | 05:34 |
Kilos | ty | 05:34 |
Kilos | all depends what i have to do today | 05:34 |
Kilos | physical work hammers it | 05:35 |
chesedo | oh, i thought it was the often mentioned visa stuff giving you one :P | 05:35 |
Kilos | hows things by you lad | 05:35 |
Kilos | that as well ja | 05:36 |
chesedo | heat giving you the headaches? | 05:36 |
Kilos | nono i love te hed | 05:36 |
Kilos | heat | 05:36 |
chesedo | great, just have to work hard for upcoming assignments... | 05:36 |
Kilos | getting cold this morning | 05:36 |
* chesedo felt it for the last few mornings | 05:37 | |
Kilos | any temp under 20 c is cold for me | 05:37 |
Kilos | im a durban beach bum at heart | 05:38 |
Kilos | hmm... | 06:10 |
dlPhreak | Good morning. | 06:22 |
Wolfeyes | Morning everyone | 06:25 |
dlPhreak | Wolfeyes, Kilos | 06:27 |
Kilos | hi Wolfeyes dlPhreak | 06:29 |
Wolfeyes | hey dlPhreak Kilos | 06:29 |
dlPhreak | Howz yawl doin? | 06:30 |
dlPhreak | TGIF | 06:31 |
Wolfeyes | Doing okay. Working hard and smart. Just tackling project for project, and you dlPhreak? | 06:32 |
dlPhreak | I'm good just a bit overworked. | 06:35 |
Wolfeyes | I know that feeling dlPhreak, but also very glad I have work. Many others do not. | 06:53 |
dlPhreak | Especially now | 06:56 |
dlPhreak | Luckily there's nothing strong coffee and a bash script can't fix. | 06:58 |
Wolfeyes | lol | 07:03 |
Wolfeyes | Can anyone tell me if one can use ssh from a windows setup to a ubuntu server? | 07:04 |
dlPhreak | bitvise ssh is good on windows. | 07:04 |
dlPhreak | putty is crap | 07:04 |
Wolfeyes | ah ty dlPhreak | 07:05 |
dlPhreak | yw Wolfeyes | 07:09 |
Wolfeyes | hey thatgraemeguy | 08:40 |
Wolfeyes | hey iqbal | 08:41 |
dlPhreak | Wolfeyes: are you and Kilos related? | 08:52 |
Wolfeyes | Father and son dlPhreak | 08:52 |
dlPhreak | No shit! That's cool. | 08:52 |
Wolfeyes | What gave it away lol | 08:52 |
dlPhreak | Well actually I've been looking through old meeting logs but the fact that you greet people lol | 08:53 |
Wolfeyes | ha ha ha | 08:55 |
dlPhreak | My dad also uses linux but I would never be able to get him to use IRC chat. | 08:55 |
Wolfeyes | He beat manners into me :-P | 08:55 |
Kilos | it worked | 08:56 |
dlPhreak | Trust XD | 08:57 |
Wolfeyes | The guys here although very busy give the best support I know of so far. And they helped increase my dad and my knowledge to where it is today. | 08:57 |
Wolfeyes | I work most of the time on windows systems and would love to get my programs running on ubuntu, I would move completely away from windows. | 08:58 |
dlPhreak | I wish games would work on wine without effort because that's the only reason I still have windows. My work is all on linux. | 08:59 |
dlPhreak | I actually managed to run witcher 3 on wine after like a week of tweaking. | 09:00 |
chesedo | don't mention that word - it causes nightmares | 09:00 |
chesedo | :P | 09:00 |
dlPhreak | wine or the other word? | 09:01 |
dlPhreak | cuz wine causes me more nightmares than texas chainsaw massacre. | 09:01 |
chesedo | lol, the other | 09:01 |
Kilos | ya crashed my system twice so now only teamviewer uses it | 09:02 |
* chesedo had the horror experience of waiting 10+min for his brother's Windows to start so that he chould print something on Tuesday | 09:02 | |
Kilos | lol | 09:03 |
chesedo | it was all those start up programs that was the worst | 09:03 |
dlPhreak | haha lol but actually linux people are very comfortable with windoze, it's windows people that fear linux. | 09:04 |
chesedo | true, but everytime i have to work on Win i remember why i love linux so much | 09:05 |
chesedo | anyone else here that's has worked so much on linux that you are forgeting how to do some stuff on Win? | 09:06 |
dlPhreak | I know the feels, when I do anything on windows, I still need linux in a VM to do anything. | 09:07 |
* chesedo finds it embarrising when a friend asks him to help with something and he then looks like a newbie | 09:07 | |
dlPhreak | Hahaha so true. | 09:08 |
MaNI | I find it liberating, I've finally managed to shake all the phone calls asking for help | 09:32 |
MaNI | as I can now legitimately say "Windows 10? Sorry I haven't really used that much so not sure if I can help" | 09:32 |
dlPhreak | What's the response to that, MaNI ? | 09:37 |
MaNI | people mostly seem to be fine with that | 09:46 |
MaNI | I mean you don't really want help from someone who hasn't even used something... | 09:46 |
chesedo | MaNI: lucky you | 10:09 |
magespawn | good afternoon | 10:20 |
Kilos | hi magespawn | 10:21 |
magespawn | hi Kilos | 10:26 |
magespawn | did Wolfeyes do anything more last night? | 10:29 |
chesedo | hi magespawn, do not think so | 10:38 |
magespawn | hi chesedo | 10:47 |
magespawn | cool beans, i would like to see how it turns out | 10:50 |
chesedo | He was here earlier... guess he'll be back soon | 11:02 |
chesedo | else we can ask Kilos | 11:03 |
* chesedo also curious | 11:03 | |
Kilos | hehe he is still busy doing something, i dunno what or maybe he is doing something else now even | 12:06 |
Kilos | im afk most of the time, letting sheep graze up to but not into herbs | 12:07 |
iqbal | hi Wolfeyes | 12:36 |
magespawn | brb | 13:15 |
magespawn | hay | 13:25 |
magespawn | hey | 13:25 |
Kilos | wb magespawn | 13:29 |
magespawn | chat later home time | 14:13 |
Cryterion | Hi everyone | 14:16 |
Langjan | Hi Kilos hoe gaan dit? | 15:37 |
Kilos | dag se oom jan | 15:37 |
Kilos | goed dankie en self | 15:37 |
Langjan | ook goed dankie | 15:38 |
Langjan | wat is nuus? | 15:38 |
Kilos | daai clearance ding moet 14 werks dae wees wat maandag op is | 15:38 |
Kilos | ek het gehoop om dit vandag te kry | 15:38 |
Kilos | sug | 15:38 |
Langjan | Hou duim vas en vertrou dat dit nie sal wees soos die 30 dae vir die visa nie... | 15:39 |
Langjan | ai! | 15:39 |
Kilos | maar soos murphy se, as jy kan sukkel, sal jy | 15:39 |
Langjan | Wel ons hoop Maandag bring goeie nuus | 15:40 |
Kilos | ek hoop ook nie hulle gaan ook tyd mors nie | 15:40 |
Kilos | danki ons bid en hoop al maande | 15:40 |
Langjan | ja, darem 'n bietjie goeie nuus hier | 15:41 |
Kilos | vertel | 15:41 |
Langjan | my vriend Chris is baie beindruk met Ubuntu en het nog 'n ou wat wil oorskakel | 15:42 |
Kilos | mooi | 15:42 |
Langjan | sal hom hopelik volg week sien, hy wou more kom maar ek moet in Pietersburg gaan balle rol | 15:42 |
Kilos | dan moet jy hulle kry om ons ubuntu-za te join | 15:43 |
Kilos | hahaha | 15:43 |
Kilos | julle toppies | 15:43 |
Langjan | sal so maak, chris is mos reeds daar | 15:43 |
Langjan | ja wel Chris is jou ouderdom | 15:43 |
Langjan | kan ons nie die Guinness haal nie? | 15:44 |
Langjan | met Linda turning 89 op linux en xchat | 15:44 |
Kilos | sjoe | 15:45 |
Langjan | 'n toppie het hier op warmbad by spar ingegaan, toe hy by sy kar kom is die bande gesny, toe hy nog wonder wat om te doen word hy aangeval en beroof | 15:46 |
Langjan | in die parkeerarea | 15:47 |
Kilos | ai! | 15:47 |
Langjan | ja en dit op die platteland, wees versigtig as jy alleen is daar in die stad, oz is beter | 15:47 |
Langjan | OK gaan jou verlaat en sien of ek nie iets kan breek nie, wou net hoor oor jou visum | 15:48 |
Kilos | ok dan Langjan dankie vir die kuier | 15:50 |
Kilos | pas julle op | 15:51 |
Langjan | Dankie Kilos , jy ook | 15:51 |
Langjan | lekker naweek | 15:51 |
Kilos | dankie | 15:51 |
Kilos | jy ook danki | 15:51 |
Kilos | e | 15:51 |
Wolfeyes | eish | 17:48 |
Wolfeyes | Evening all. | 17:48 |
Kilos | what eish | 17:50 |
Wolfeyes | it work's lol | 17:50 |
Wolfeyes | I battled 4 hours today to try get back on | 17:50 |
Kilos | wow | 17:51 |
Kilos | and now it works | 17:51 |
Kilos | keep records | 17:51 |
Wolfeyes | it seems that way | 17:51 |
Wolfeyes | I try to | 17:51 |
Kilos | and make a backup of home | 17:51 |
Wolfeyes | That is rsync isn't it? | 18:02 |
Kilos | yes | 18:03 |
Kilos | sudo rsync -av /home/ /path to storage or backup | 18:04 |
Kilos | night all. sleep tight | 18:16 |
magespawn | good evening | 18:52 |
magespawn | chat later | 18:57 |
Wolfeyes | | 19:13 |
Wolfeyes | Now why would that be all of a sudden? | 19:14 |
Wolfeyes | Btw: usig another computer to connect to here. | 19:14 |
Wolfeyes | using* | 19:14 |
Cryterion | Wolfeyes, magespawn went offline | 19:19 |
Cryterion | <magespawn> chat later | 19:20 |
Cryterion | <-- magespawn has quit (Quit: leaving) | 19:20 |
Cryterion | Think you looking for him | 19:20 |
Cryterion | maaz tell magespawn <Wolfeyes> | 19:22 |
Cryterion | Now why would that be all of a sudden? | 19:22 |
Cryterion | Btw: usig another computer to connect to here. | 19:22 |
Cryterion | using* | 19:22 |
Maaz | Cryterion: Okay, I'll tell magespawn on freenode | 19:22 |
Cryterion | maaz is coffe on | 19:26 |
Cryterion | maaz is coffee on | 19:28 |
Cryterion | Maaz are you there | 19:28 |
Maaz | Cryterion: Sorry... | 19:28 |
Cryterion | Maaz coffee | 19:28 |
Maaz | Cryterion: coffee is liquid code | 19:28 |
Cryterion | Maaz is coffee on | 19:29 |
Cryterion | hmmm | 19:29 |
Cryterion | Maaz: Beer | 19:29 |
Maaz | Cryterion look in the fridge my friend | 19:29 |
Cryterion | Maaz: Is Coffee On | 19:29 |
Maaz | Cryterion: Huh? | 19:29 |
Cryterion | Maaz: is coffee on | 19:29 |
Maaz | Cryterion: Sorry... | 19:29 |
* Cryterion Still can't get it right, grrrr | 19:30 | |
Cryterion | Maaz: Coffee | 19:30 |
Maaz | Cryterion: coffee is liquid code | 19:30 |
Cryterion | Maaz coffee on | 19:31 |
* Maaz puts the kettle on | 19:31 | |
Cryterion | ahh | 19:31 |
Maaz | Coffee's ready for Cryterion! | 19:35 |
Wolfeyes | ha ha ha ha @ Maaz | 19:35 |
Wolfeyes | hey Cryterion | 19:35 |
Wolfeyes | well it seems that the p3p1 network port just stopped working | 19:36 |
Wolfeyes | I "--forced" it now and it seems to work | 19:36 |
Wolfeyes | time to reboot | 19:36 |
Wolfeyes | it didn't show at all in the cat run/ifstate, on the "p5p1" and the "lo" | 19:38 |
Wolfeyes | only* not on | 19:38 |
Xsm | Yay | 19:41 |
Cryterion | ok, it's beyond me atm, I'd rather not interfere with what magespawn has done with you, so good luck | 19:41 |
Cryterion | ahh, so it worked | 19:41 |
Xsm | yeah for some reason it just stopped working | 19:41 |
Xsm | and when I tried to stop it and get it running again, it said not configured | 19:42 |
Cryterion | sometimes happens, more often on windows than linux though | 19:42 |
Xsm | yeah that was what I thought | 19:42 |
Xsm | Although... | 19:42 |
Xsm | I am sure these are Gigabyte mb and cards and they love windows, nt linux as I recall from one of my past mb's. | 19:43 |
Xsm | Then again my knowledge is limited and could very well be proven wrong :-P | 19:43 |
superfly | Maaz: tell Kilos good morning | 19:44 |
Maaz | superfly: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode | 19:44 |
Cryterion | Not sure on that, with the my test pc's i have to play around with it's only nvidea(graphics) that I have to install their closed source drivers on ubuntu | 19:45 |
Xsm | heya superfly | 19:46 |
Xsm | lol @ good morning | 19:46 |
Cryterion | heya superfly | 19:46 |
superfly | hi Cryterion, Xsm | 19:46 |
Xsm | How you been superfly? Been a while. | 19:47 |
Xsm | How far did you get with zublevel zero? | 19:47 |
Cryterion | maaz doesn't know how to fetch beer, so you guys have to fetch your own | 19:47 |
Xsm | lol | 19:47 |
superfly | Xsm: actually busy, to be honest. | 19:47 |
Xsm | yeah I know that feeling very well. | 19:48 |
superfly | work, open source projects, debconf16 and kids keeping me on my toes | 19:48 |
Cryterion | I noticed a changed in his software, he doesn't respond to that | 19:48 |
Xsm | well that's awesome. | 19:48 |
Cryterion | Yeah kids do, how old are they they superfly | 19:49 |
Xsm | brb | 19:52 |
superfly | Cryterion: 6, 3 and 1 | 19:52 |
Cryterion | still young, enjoy them now, that's the important part | 19:53 |
Cryterion | mine are young teenagers | 19:53 |
Cryterion | I have tablets to fix | 19:54 |
Xsm | Awesomeness | 19:55 |
Xsm | Now back to ssh. | 19:55 |
Cryterion | Xsm, all working 100% now? | 19:56 |
Xsm | SO it seems Cryterion, ty. | 19:56 |
Cryterion | then type Maaz: tell magespane <yourmessage> | 19:56 |
Cryterion | magespawn* | 19:56 |
Cryterion | he'll get it when he logs in again, I forwarded your problem to him via maaz | 19:57 |
Xsm | Maaz: tell magespawn Still working :-) | 19:58 |
Maaz | Xsm: Righto, I'll tell magespawn on freenode | 19:58 |
Xsm | Good bot. | 19:58 |
Cryterion | yep | 19:58 |
Xsm | Maybe one day he will fetch you a beer :-P | 19:58 |
Cryterion | he doesn't get beers though, only coffee | 19:58 |
Xsm | great I can ping the other pc | 19:59 |
Cryterion | can't even get tea out of him | 19:59 |
Xsm | Lol. | 20:01 |
Xsm | Great so the firewall was stopping the packets. | 20:02 |
Xsm | program the firewall- | 20:02 |
Xsm | In Arno's iptables firewall, would "NAT_STATIC_IP" be the ip address of all the computers in the internal network? As they will want to access certain websites on the internet? | 20:29 |
Xsm | eg: | 20:29 |
Xsm | or is it just the ip which the masquerading will asign for people externally to see? | 20:30 |
Xsm | eg: | 20:30 |
Cryterion | maaz: tell Xsm that the 192.x.x.x and 10.x.x.x range of ip's are not internet, but local ip allocatable addresses | 21:28 |
Maaz | Cryterion: Got it, I'll tell xsm on freenode | 21:28 |
Cryterion | <Cryterion> maaz: tell Xsm that the 192.x.x.x and 10.x.x.x range of ip's are not internet, but local ip allocatable addresses | 21:29 |
Wolfeyes | ty Cryterion | 21:30 |
Cryterion | No prob | 21:31 |
Cryterion | those ranges are internal only, for example | 21:31 |
Wolfeyes | okay but what is masquerading is for internal use | 21:32 |
Wolfeyes | okay so masquerading is for internal use, sorry stupid touchpad | 21:32 |
Cryterion | not sure by what meant by masquerading | 21:33 |
Cryterion | my understanding of masquerading by definition is presenting yourself to everyone around, I.E. letting all devices seen know that you're there | 21:35 |
Wolfeyes | according to what I read, it masks all the internal computers to look as though (to the external computers) one ip address is being used. | 21:35 |
Cryterion | probably on the local network | 21:35 |
Cryterion | I.E. acting if it's dhcp | 21:37 |
Wolfeyes | and target the server, which has that ip adress instead of the other computers. | 21:37 |
Wolfeyes | still trying to figure it out really | 21:37 |
Cryterion | learning myself, don't worry, you'll get there | 21:37 |
Wolfeyes | :-P | 21:38 |
Wolfeyes | I think going through all these learning curves we don't realise how much we actually learn. | 21:38 |
Cryterion | example, IP address could say be 196.x.x.x (Internet IP - Router is allocated it by isp), but internally it's ip is, all comps on local net have a 192.168.1.x ip | 21:40 |
Wolfeyes | true | 21:40 |
Cryterion | you put a router together on a pc, and you have more control over the traffic in/out from local to inet now | 21:41 |
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