
dillondanialbehzadi I had a OS on there at one time I was trying and now I need it for storage and i got an error message /dev/sdb1 contains a mounted filesystem00:00
dillonis there anyway around this?00:00
ahmad_whotoo, you mean password when loging in00:00
whotoono, i mean the encryption key when booting up00:01
ahmad_dillon, you could format it if there is no important data on it.00:01
zzxcdillon: .... sudo umount /dev/sdb1?00:01
danialbehzadidillon: so first unmount it and see if there is any error00:01
danialbehzadi"sudo umount -v /dev/sdb1"00:01
Bashing-omnolsen: Not lookomg good for the hole tem .. I have : http://askubuntu.com/questions/654303/fglrx-wont-detect-amd-mullins-r3-card-on-fitlet-14-04-ee-no-supported-amd-di . Still looking to see what I can find for support .00:02
Bashing-omhome team*00:02
dillondanialbehzadi sudo: unmount: command not found00:02
zykotick9danialbehzadi: while ".. umount .. /dev/sdb1" does work... it's probably better to tech people to unmount the mount point instead...  <just my 2 cents>00:02
zykotick9dillon: umount not unmount... the n is MIA00:02
zzxcdillon: its umount not unmount00:02
danialbehzadidillon: you wrote it wrong type umount, not unmount00:02
nolsenBashing-om: It's not that AMD doesn't support it, it's that AMD doesn't support my mainline kernel :\00:03
zzxcFor the record, zfs is super nice.00:03
dillondanialbehzadi lol thanks my eyes sound unmount and termial said dev/sdb1 mountpoint not found00:03
zzxcdillon: you need a / in from of dev. so "sudo umount -v /dev/sdb1"00:04
whotooahmad_, no, i mean the encryption key when booting up00:04
dillonzzxc I did that this is exactly what I typed: sudo umount -v dev/sdb1 then terminal said dev/sdb1: mountpoint not found00:05
zykotick9whotoo: are you talking about LUKS/encrypted lvm?  if so, you _want_ the password on every boot!00:05
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zzxcOh I think irc is formatting it. One second.00:07
zzxcdillon: http://pastebin.com/NCJFRRiR its needs a / in from of dev.00:08
dillonzzxc so would it be sudo umount -v /dev/sdb100:09
zzxcdillon: yes00:09
zykotick9dillon: where is /dev/sdb1 mounted?  i'd recommend using "sudo umount /path/to/mount/point" myself...00:09
whotoozykotick9: I'm setting it up for someone else to explore beyond windows. They'll just be annoyed by it...it's long and cumbersome.  It wasn't the case with some earlier versions ...the reason you would want that is so no one can get in directly right? remotely it's not an issue if the computer is off presumably?00:10
Bashing-omdarkelfjuggalo: OK, next is what is in ' pastebinit /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log ' .00:10
zykotick9whotoo: ahhh, if you have encryption with no password, it's pointless - just install without it... ymmv00:11
zzxczykotick9: Is six one way half a dozen the other. Though it can be more probe to accident if you don't know which is where, but its easier to diagnosis with the /dev/ directory direction.00:12
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zykotick9zzxc: i agree.. to a point...00:13
darkelfjuggaloBashing-om http://paste.ubuntu.com/15277440/00:13
dillonzzxc zykotick9 ok after I typed in sudo umount -v/dev/sdb1 i got a list of options and now I can't get past the options menu00:13
MoziMHow do I check what desktop environments are installed?00:13
zykotick9zzxc: ya, i have no idea what "options" would be either...00:14
django_hello all00:14
zzxcHello django_00:14
django_is there a stronger way of killing an app than killall00:14
whotoozykotick9, so what was going on with the earlier versions...the loggin password is fine to have but the encryption key everytime you boot...?  At any rate I've tried reinstalling it..it wont boot from the cd ....the same cd i installed it from in the 1st place..hmm00:14
Bashing-omdarkelfjuggalo: Reading again .00:14
zykotick9whotoo: sorry now suggestions... best of luck.00:16
Elronndsomething seems wrong with the chrome installation.00:16
Elronndwhen I "apt-get update", it complains "W: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)"00:17
k1l_Elronnd: that google repo is down often last day00:18
Elronndbut it's not actually down00:18
Elronndif I download said file, it includes entries for amd64 versions00:18
Elronndso how do I make apt look for the amd64 versions instead?00:18
k1l_are you on 32bit os?00:18
Bashing-omdarkelfjuggalo: Ouch .. a log full of errors .. but I do not know Intel, others will have to advise on what is wrong and a possible fix . I have no idea what is going wrong .00:19
Elronndk1l_: I don't think so00:19
k1l_Elronnd: uname -a00:19
darkelfjuggaloBashing-om , thank you00:19
Elronndlooks like 64bit00:19
k1l_Elronnd: what that line show?00:21
whotooAnyone have any idea why I can't boot from a DVD00:21
ElronndIt's worth mentioning that if I change google-chrome.list so that it says "main/amd64", it about being unable to find "main/amd64/binary-amd64/Packages"00:21
Elronndk1l_: "Linux Joshua 3.19.0-51-generic #57~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 19 14:36:55 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"00:21
Bashing-omElronnd: What we have done is edit the sources list " deb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main " . edit in " [arch=amd64] " .00:22
k1l_Elronnd: i just ran it with the standard setup and its working00:22
darkelfjuggaloanyone else here familiar with Graphics problems on 15.10 with Intel?00:23
Bashing-omk1l_: Earlier prior to my edit " W: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file) " .00:24
ElronndBashing-om: when I tried that, it seems like it made apt ignore that entry00:26
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Bashing-omElronnd: Humm .. I got the new google-chrome version " The following packages will be upgraded: google-chrome-stable libjasper1 libpixman-1-0 >> Unpacking google-chrome-stable (49.0.2623.75-1) over (48.0.2564.116-1) ..." .00:29
geniiAdding the [arch=amd64] worked for me on that chrome PPA issue00:30
nicomachusand me.00:31
k1l_running 16.04 here, dont have that issue00:31
nicomachusso far ahead of us all. :P00:32
k1l_Elronnd: just curious. using apt-get or apt?00:32
lapyowhy chrome has it's own repository anyway?00:33
nicomachuslapyo: because google.00:33
k1l_lapyo: its prop. software by google.  chromium is the same without the google stuff.00:33
lapyobut chromium is on the repos00:33
nicomachusbecause chromium isn't proprietary00:34
lapyobut ubuntu repos have proprietary software anyway?00:34
nicomachusGoogle likes to have control.00:34
k1l_lapyo: if you are curious read the licences from both.00:34
lapyonot that curious :P I was just wondering00:35
Bashing-omElronnd: Same same fix : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2315941 . With background info .00:41
samsamsamHey all. I want to setup new users but all these users only need to have access to their particular directories only and they shpuld be able to ssh and use a few programs. Any straight forward way to acchieve this?00:42
whotooAnyone have any idea why I can't boot from a DVD?00:42
k1l_whotoo: where is the issue?00:43
OY1Rim trying to get a ubuntu dvd to boot as well. i dont see any boot from cd/dvd !00:43
k1l_whotoo: choose the dvd in the boot menu?00:43
lapyoboot menu or BIOS boot order should do it00:44
whotook1l_,   Have just installed 14.04  for someone else unfamiliar with ubuntu...it's not available in the menu00:44
k1l_whotoo: what menu you are talking about? do you mean the grub menu? that is not for booting dvds00:45
whotook1l_, i think i erred in choosing encrypted installation ...?00:45
k1l_whotoo: that got nothing to do with dvd or boot menu00:47
k1l_whotoo: so what is the real issue and what are you trying to do and where does it not work and bring what error?00:47
sburwHow can I burn a bootable DVD or CD that can contain and boot various small distros on one disc?00:50
Elronndsburw: making a DVD/CD that did that would probably be a little bit difficult00:51
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Elronndsburw: you might have better luck with a USB since those are rewritable00:51
SenithNot sure if that is possible, but if you have a 4GB+ USB stick, you could use YUMI multi-boot00:51
Elronndis: oh, you're in this channel too?00:51
Elronndis: It's me, Elronnd, from #openshells00:51
TheNH813I got a hardware question about a DVD drive.00:52
nicomachusTheNH813: perhaps try ##hardware then00:52
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TheNH813Will do.00:52
avid_fansburw, maybe check http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php?title=ISOLINUX, but I'll also mention MultiSystem. It works well with USB drives.,00:52
imrektOh hi Elronnd00:52
whotook1l_, it's a toshiba laptop f1 to get into boot doesn't seem to work..still trying00:53
sburwElronnd: The problem is that one of the uses of this idea is to install a small distro on to a Pentium 4 laptop with 1GB ram and 60GB hard drive.  The laptop doesn't seem to boot from USB00:53
ElronndIt seems like the lack of USB booting is the problem00:54
avid_fansburw, maybe a BIOS setting?00:54
tgm4883use a boot disk that enabled USB?00:54
nicomachusElronnd: the mobo won't boot USB?00:54
nicomachussburw: the mobo won't boot USB?00:55
nicomachussorry Elronnd, got mixed.00:55
sburwavid_fan: I see and have tried "Removable devices", but that doesn't seem to boot from USB anyway.00:56
nicomachussburw: is it an old mobo?00:56
avid_fansburw, bummer. If it will PXE boot, you might also try http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php?title=PXELINUX, because it can offer a bit more flexibility.00:57
sburwnicomachus: It's an old Pentium 4 laptop with 1GB RAM, 60 GB  hard drive and, having done a memtest on it, it has some problems00:57
nicomachussburw: you can try using plop: https://www.plop.at/en/bootmanagers.html00:57
avid_fansburw, booting from the network. It would require another machine setup with some necessary services, but as I mentioned, once working it can be easier to add/try and new distro without burning another disc.00:59
avid_fansburw, but if you don't have the hardware, you don't have much of a choice.00:59
whotook1l_, nup continually pressing F1 from restart just winds up toggling between the gui and terminal requesting sda crypt passphrase ...same post entering passphrase00:59
whotook1l_,  can't get in01:00
sburwavid_fan: You may be right, but ... like TRK (Trinity Rescue Kit), there is a menu where you can choose what option  you want to try.01:01
sburwavid_fan: So, I could only burn one disc rather than several01:02
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avid_fansburw, cool. I've not heard of TRK.01:02
nicomachussburw: give plop a try. You burn it to one disk (it'll fit on a CD even, don't even need a DVD) and then you can boot from USB - which gives you a lot more options for multi-boot setups.01:03
sburwavid_fan: Apparently, it's a set of things to work with and diagnose a hard drive.  It includes something called memtest01:03
sburwnicomachus: Ok.  Whatever01:03
nicomachussburw: any linux distro has memtest built in.01:03
OY1Ryay ubuntu gnome is installing!01:05
reisiowooo woo yay01:06
OY1Rit was easier a few years ago i must say. this uefi thing is a pita.01:06
reisioOY1R: that about sums up U/EFI, yup01:07
whotooAnyone know how to get into the bios other than f1?01:07
reisioalthough most systems with UEFI are able to be configured to act like BIOS01:07
reisiowhotoo: usually F8 or DEL, IME01:08
gr33nbitshave you googled the toshiba model01:08
gr33nbitssee the manual01:08
reisiowhotoo: ESC or F12 is usually also the boot menu, which tends to have an option to get into the config area01:08
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reisioironically might be the most reliable keys to get there01:08
tritonxhi there, anyone using 16.04 or is there another channel for it's support ?01:10
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Bashing-om!16.04 | tritonx01:10
ubottutritonx: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+101:10
OY1Ri hope that the os will run nicely on the new laptop, Mint ran OK ish.01:10
reisioOY1R: should, one way or another01:11
OY1Ris gnome01:12
OY1Ris gnome 3 configurable to look/feel like gnome 2 yet ?01:12
SenithOY1R: More or less with extensions, but if you really want the Gnome 2 feel, try MATE01:13
SenithUbuntu MATE is excellent from what I've heard01:13
samsamsamHow can I set up a new user so that he only has access to his own home directory?01:15
cfhowlettsamsamsam, make other directory private01:15
cfhowlettand give him only desktop level privileges01:15
OY1Ri tried mate01:16
samsamsam@cfhowlett So if i want to create 50 new users, I need to follow the same procedure for all of them?01:17
cfhowlettsamsamsam, yes.  easy enough to do but I'm no expert.  #ubuntu-server would know more01:18
whotooreisio, esc goes strait to grub menu, neither f8 or del work and i don't know what ime is01:20
reisiowhotoo: you need to tap the (correct) key, over and over, rapidly, after shutdown but before grub01:21
reisiowhotoo: IME newer & U/EFI systems have an even briefer window for hitting the key than in the past01:21
reisiosome even want you to use a frikkin' mouse to move a cursor around and click on something in a tiny, tiny window01:21
whotooreisio, i know ..i do it as soon as i hit the on switch01:22
cfhowlettreisio, in other words, they really do not want you mucking about in those settings.  :)01:22
whotooreisio, could it be that when i installed 14.04 i selected the long option of using empty space...? The ubuntu purple blank screen comes up really fast after switching the thing on01:24
reisiowhotoo: not sure what that last msg has to do with bios prefs01:27
reisiocfhowlett: I think what they really don't want is anyone complaining "ooooohhhhhOOOhhhhh my boot is so slow (when I'm constantly rebooting for no reason)"01:28
reisiowhich seems to always be a huge concern to everyone (who is rebooting for no reason)01:28
whotooreisio, i seem to have been locked out of the bios...? nothing i've tried will get me in...i can't boot from dvd....just trying to figure out what's going on01:30
reisiowhotoo: I doubt it, you probably just don't have the right key, and/or haven't hit it at the right millisecond01:31
reisiowhotoo: what do you see during bootup, before grub?01:31
gr33nbitsmaybe just a logo, but im sure theres a function key that might be needed, on some i think it is, "FN" + "Del" or something like that01:32
gr33nbitswhat's the toshiba model?01:33
cfhowlettwhotoo, did you research by checking your manual or the company website precisely which key you need?  better than random key punching.01:33
zombienerdHello all!  I'm upgrading a box from 15.04 to 15.10, and the screen went black while it was installing the packages, and I cannot wake it up.  I can still SSH in, and TOP shows that 'wily' is active and running.  Should I be worried?01:34
zombienerdIt appears that something killed the GUI completely.   Output from pstree: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f7fn4alna6xemoi/pstree.png?dl=001:35
reisiozombienerd: usually if you can ssh in, even if things are turning from apple to pear, you aren't terribly off01:35
whotoocfhowlett, will contact toshiba01:36
reisiozombienerd: well if the update relies on the gui, you could be in for some non-fun01:36
reisiozombienerd: if not, you're probably fine01:36
reisioa sane update system would not in fact rely on a GUI :)01:36
zombienerdThe GUI died about 3 hours ago.  I didn't think it should take that long to complete.01:36
reisiozombienerd: yes, it's probably either broken, or done01:37
reisiomight as well reboot and see if it's the latter01:37
reisio(or the former :p)01:37
zombienerdThat's what I was thinking.  I guess I'll do the old reboot and see what happens.01:37
reisionot much you can do to fix it, if it's broken, without rebooting (at least to a live OS), anyway01:38
Testtube302I hope its not broken :( hehe01:38
zombienerdMe too.01:38
whotooreisio, first thing that comes up is the toshiba screen followed about a second later by the blank ubuntu purple screen etc... there's actually about 4 seconds before the toshiba screen comes up but none of those keys got me in...will contact toshiba..cheers!01:38
reisiowhotoo: probably after the toshiba screen loads, but before it changes to something else, is your entire window01:39
reisiowhotoo: to hit the right magical key01:39
reisioI suggest trying these keys, by rapidly tapping, systematically: F8, DEL, ESC, F12, F201:40
reisioyou can do them one at a time, per reboot, to discover the key01:40
reisioor just tap them all, constantly, to get in without discovering the specific single key :p01:40
whotooreisio,  That's about 1 second...see how i go, thanks01:41
reisioalternatively, yeah, you can read the docs01:43
reisioI'd say either approach will take about the same amount of time01:43
reisioonly if you just systematically test keys, you will /know/ for sure01:43
dogarrhea /dev/sda1 is using up all the space. what do i do01:44
reisiodogarrhea: repent, the end is nigh?01:45
reisiodogarrhea: https://wiki.debian.org/FreeSpace01:46
Bashing-omdogarrhea: Repent is a good thing .. Let's look at what you did not do . what returns ' df -h ; df -i ' ?01:46
doctorlyI am on a macbook air 2015, and I used the path /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc to change my command key to a control key. But now the key does nothing, does anyone know why this is happening?01:46
zombienerdYeah, the upgrade is borked.  At least it drops me to a terminal though.  I can even startx, but it's using generic everything and half the settings panel is missing.01:47
dogarrheai'm pretty sure it's some npm installs that i did01:49
dogarrheai don't know why node and other packages like that are so greedy with disk space01:49
zombienerdLooks like a dpkg --reconfigure -a will fix it.  it's continuing the upgrade now01:49
dogarrheahrm i sudo apt-get clean01:53
dogarrheathat seems to clear up a bit01:53
Bashing-omdogarrhea: Let's take a short cut and see that it is old kernels as the problem ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' .01:55
flopsec-where can I edit the UI rules if I want to make some style changes?01:58
ssfdre38i am trying to setup a samba nas and connect to it from a windows 10 computer, is there any work around with it or is there a setting i need to fix on my ubuntu server01:58
Testtube302I am using ubuntu 14.04 and it has a nice looking backup application under settings. will it backup to a network drive?01:59
Bashing-omdogarrhea: Nope, can not fault old kernels ,, so house keeping is not the issue . let's look deeper ' cd / ; sudo du -sx * | sort -n ' . See what the huge file issue is .01:59
dogarrhea /usr is using 3.8g02:00
dogarrheahrm. i only have given this vm 8 gb anyways. guess i just need more02:02
Bashing-omdogarrhea: Yeah .. that is big ... cd /usr ; and run the 'du' command again .02:02
Testtube302nevermind i think i found my answer.02:03
dogarrheax86_64-linux-gnu is taking up most of the space. followed by pycharm. which i installed. all the rest are applications like firefox and thunderbird etc02:03
dogarrhea735716 x86_64-linux-gnu02:03
dogarrheathis is in /usr/lib02:04
Bashing-omdogarrhea: Well 8 Gigs is tight for the install . If there is nothing app wise to remove .. all we can do is the general housecleaning .. see if that gets some needed space back .02:05
dogarrheait might be pycharm too02:06
Bashing-omdigilink_: My tight install for the /usr directory " 1000328 usr " .02:06
dogarrheait's using half of the x86_64 file02:06
ssfdre38i am trying to setup a samba nas and connect to it from a windows 10 computer, is there any work around with it or is there a setting i need to fix on my ubuntu server?02:11
cfhowlett!server | ssfdre3802:12
ubottussfdre38: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server02:12
ssfdre38cfhowlett, that does not even come close to what im dealing with.02:13
cfhowlettsorry.  I generally suggest server for server type issues02:14
ssfdre38i have a dedi ubuntu server setup and everything and im just trying to connect a samba server to my windows 10 desktop for nas02:15
Madhumper69why is ubuntu firewall such crap? i have port 53 open for dns and nothing will resolve when firewall is enabled???02:15
reisioMadhumper69: isn't that the purpose of a firewall? :p02:16
reisioif you want things open, configure it02:16
Madhumper69yeah and pptp and openvpn gre portocol 47 not workign , its a mess02:18
Madhumper69ubuntu needs to invest more into its firewall, its been like this for years with no updates02:18
reisiomost unconfigured things are a mess02:18
reisiojust configure it the way you want it, and it'll be... how you want it02:18
* cfhowlett applies Yoda Voice to above statement02:19
reisiocfhowlett: or that indian guy from Mystery Men02:20
w00tburgerI need some serious help02:21
Madhumper69can anyone advise me into using a good iptable that is preconfigured so i can edit my entries?02:21
Testtube302With what?02:21
cfhowlett!ask | w00tburger02:21
ubottuw00tburger: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:21
w00tburgerI have a server, and I have my client machine here02:21
ssfdre38w00tburger, just say what the question is02:21
w00tburgerI made some ssh link to a server directory which wasnt functioning. it claimed I didnt have permission.02:21
w00tburgerso I deleted this "link" on the lcient and it deleted the subfolder on the server02:21
w00tburgeris there anywhere I can retreive it02:22
Testtube302if its a true delete then i think you are out of luck.02:22
w00tburgertrue delete being...02:23
w00tburgerhwo the actual hell can I link a directory02:24
w00tburgerit wont let me f'ing read it02:24
Testtube302could you tell me a bit more about the setup?02:24
w00tburgerthem when I remove it it deletes the damn thing02:24
w00tburgerthats 4 weeks of work down the crapper, on the night I am starting to code the backup process.02:24
w00tburgerit cant tell me I dont have view permissions, yet I can delete the entire folder.02:25
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naccw00tburger: what do you mean you "made some ssh link"?02:28
w00tburgerlet me see if I can find the apt-package02:28
naccw00tburger: link means something very specific in fs terms and in networking terms02:28
w00tburgerI used that to mount a remote system02:29
w00tburgerso when I tried to browse the folder, it told me permission denied02:30
naccmounting and linking are different operations. so you mounted some ssh-accessible server's fs, then rm'd something?02:30
naccthat was probably a mistake, sad to say02:31
Testtube302He mounted a remote machine and then deleted.02:31
naccyou should have unmounted the remote first02:31
Testtube302Its gone at this point unfortunatly02:31
naccif you wanted to 'start fresh'02:31
w00tburgerwell I figured if it was giving me a permissions denied- it would hurt to remove the system02:31
w00tburgernow the question is, where did it go02:32
w00tburgerunallocated space?02:32
naccw00tburger: what do you mean? you deleted the files on the remote02:32
w00tburgerso they arent in a .trash somewhere?02:32
naccsshfs mounts a remote fs "as local" over ssh, so the operations you do in the mounted namespace are reflected in the remote02:32
naccoh boy02:32
naccw00tburger: no, if you actually ran `rm` and it succeeded, they are gone02:32
w00tburgerthe disk itself didnt just flip the bits from 1 to 0, and are still there02:32
w00tburgerwell it was claiming permission denied too. when I rebooted my client machine, thats when I noticed the folder was gone which I had mounted, and then the files on the server were also gone02:33
w00tburgerso permissions denied really means LOL- You cant browse it, but you sure as hell can delete it02:33
naccwhy would you delete it, though02:33
naccwhy woudl you ever test something by deleting it02:34
w00tburgerI was trying to delete the "moount" thinking it was a folder02:34
naccand if you *actually* cared about the contents of what you were about to delete, you should have used `rm -i`02:34
w00tburgerrm --help02:34
w00tburgerI dont even know what -i is02:34
naccw00tburger: that sounds like non-Linux confusion02:34
naccw00tburger: you should probably not have been using rm then.02:34
w00tburgerparden my noobish. then how would I remove a file here on this linux operating system?02:35
naccw00tburger: if you want the security of a .trash-like experience, use a graphical file manager, i think02:35
naccw00tburger: and read up on mounted filesystems and what sshfs is actually doing02:36
naccw00tburger: the answer to a non-functioning (as you expected, in this case) mountpoint is not to delete the mounted files02:36
naccw00tburger: but to umount the filesystem and try remounting it properly02:36
naccw00tburger: at least, in this case, i think it is02:36
w00tburgerright, I realize that was a mistake02:36
w00tburgerbut I mean if the thing is saying permission denied02:36
w00tburgersomthing obviously wasnt mounting correctly02:37
naccw00tburger: i don't know what was saying permission denied and for what operation, so it's hard for me to help02:37
naccw00tburger: did you happen to use sudo or `rm -f` to delete the files?02:37
w00tburgerusing ls02:37
w00tburgeroop, one sec02:37
w00tburgeryep, sudo02:37
naccso rule #102:38
naccunless you really know what you're doing, don't do things as root02:38
naccor sudo02:38
naccbecause that means you bypassed the checks that keep you from doing what you did02:38
w00tburgerif its a permissions issue and I cant get rid of it, why wouldnt I try sudo02:38
w00tburgerand why in the hell wouldnt I nbe able to access it02:38
w00tburgerbut damnit I can delete it02:38
nicomachus!language | w00tburger02:38
ubottuw00tburger: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:38
naccw00tburger: i don't know, you didn't tell us anyting about how you mounted it, etc.02:38
naccw00tburger: and as root, you can do just about anything to your system02:39
naccw00tburger: so the answer isn't to take a bigger hammer to a problem (in this case, the biggest)02:39
naccw00tburger: but to actually understand the problem first02:39
naccw00tburger: i'm not being sarcastic or trying to be rude02:39
naccw00tburger: but you jumped several steps here, it seems02:39
felipeOi !02:43
=== felipe is now known as Guest24602
w00tburgeryeah. well I get to pay for those with over a months loss of work02:44
w00tburgerhahaha, and the day I am planning the backup services02:44
alienpywhat's the best way to make a back-up of my entire system02:46
Guest24602hello guys!02:46
Guest24602does anyone uses lxc/lxd/docker?02:46
svm_invictvshaving issues with virtualbox-502:48
svm_invictvsspecifically vboxweb-service isn't showing up as running02:48
alienpyimport os os.system('shutdown -h now')02:48
svm_invictvsif I do systemctl status vboxweb-service it says it's active and loaded, but I can't talk to it and it's definitely not listening in the port it's supposd to be02:49
django_hey all02:53
django_having trouble installing something: https://bpaste.net/show/e0314533ae6d02:53
Bashing-om!info python3-support02:55
ubottuPackage python3-support does not exist in wily02:55
=== armin_ is now known as armin
=== Steve___ is now known as Guest89241
=== __raven_ is now known as __raven
Guest89241Hi. I could use some help using my live CD to rescue files from an old WinVista machine... if anyone is feeling generous03:26
ipatrolI usually use Knoppix for that...03:28
reisioGuest89241: sudo lsblk -f will show the partition03:28
reisioGuest89241: sudo mkdir -p /mnt/windows; sudo mount /dev/foo# /mnt/windows; cd /mnt/windows/User...03:29
Guest89241The machine no longer boots by itself, and was a RAID 0 I think. Does that complicate the mounting process?03:32
ipatrolum, probably03:32
ipatrolthe raid 0 part does03:32
Guest89241Ubuntu file explorer won't even show the drive. Seems like a bad sign.03:33
ipatrolGuest89241: did you try fsck on the system partition (I think Windows only ever uses one per disk)03:34
Guest89241Sorry, I'm a total novice. I don't know how/what the fsck command does. But willing to try anything.03:36
propmanGuest89241:  if drive is still in windows computer, F8 after the initial computer boot splash screen to get you into Safe Mode (which a lot of the time will come up even if the regular boot doesn't).03:42
_August_can anyone help me with an aws problem. the aws channel is damn near dead03:43
_August_im trying to find the httpd.conf file on my server03:43
_August_i used -V and it cant locate it03:43
reisio_August_: ... -V?03:43
ipatrolGuest89241: open a terminal, type `lsblk` and paste the output to a pastebin03:43
reisio_August_: try dpkg -L apache or something03:43
reisioor find / -type f \( -iname '*httpd* -o -iname '*conf*' \)03:44
_August_cant find it03:47
reisiogot apache installed?03:47
_August_theres an exisiting site on the instance03:47
_August_im trying to host another one on the same instance03:48
_August_the clown that set this up just threw everything on one instance03:48
_August_theres like 3 sites and 4 dbs all on this one instance03:48
MrXXIVAnybody have any insight on the performance differences of 14.04 vs 15.10?03:49
MrXXIVI know April is next month, but I have a DigitalOcean server I'm debating on03:49
MrXXIVI usually like do things from scratch03:49
_August_and to do that i need to edit the httpd.conf file which there isnt one...03:50
Guest89241<ipatrol> just pasted it. Had to manually type it in there.03:51
ipatrolGuest89241: ok, link?03:51
propman_August_,  did you try   sudo updatedb  and then   locate <filename>  quickest way to find a file with all the complications of using the find command03:53
_August_the searching thru the files using the find command wasnt a problem03:53
_August_the httpd.conf file simply isnt on the server i think03:54
propmanyou think???03:54
propmansearch the database for surety03:54
_August_lol its not there03:55
propmanthen it's not and now you know for sure]03:56
ipatrolreminds me of the guy on bash.org who physically lost his computer, though it still responded to pings03:56
_August_if i make another httpd.conf would it overwrite the current routes?03:56
reisioplbplblblbblb... gitfs work for anybody?03:57
=== irra is now known as solido232
Guest89241<ipatrol> Still with me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15278530/04:06
GuidovanPossumhello, I've been having problems with freezing when displaying all of the panes of the workspace switcher, sometimes when moving a window. the cursor will turn into a hand but then it displays but won't enter any workspace04:09
GuidovanPossumand the last version I got hangs at startup after filling the fifth circle under ubuntu, running 14.04 lts04:10
GuidovanPossumand the version that works now ends in 77 but the 79 I tried was the one that freezes at startup so I reverted back04:11
ipatrolGuest89241: now try `sudo fsck /dev/sda1`04:13
Guest89241<ipatrol> returns variations on the following:  'bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda1' ... 'superblock does not describe a valid filesystem' ... 'superblock could not be read or does not describe a valid ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem.... Superblock may be corrupt, might trying running "e2fsck" with an alternate superblock04:22
ipatrolGuest89241: try `sudo ntfsfix -bd /dev/sda1`04:27
ElronndI'm trying to install darling https://github.com/darlinghq/darling, but am unable to install the kernel moduule04:32
ElronndIt compiles okay, but when I try to do make install, it gives me04:32
Elronnd"Can't read private key04:32
Elronnd  DEPMOD  3.19.0-51-generic"04:33
Guest89241<ipatrol> Wow. Proceeded from Mounting volume -> failed to read last sector -> attempting to correct errors -> failed again -> failed to startup volume (invalid argument) -> alternate boot sector is usable > boot sector has been rewritten > Record 0 has no FILE magic > failed to load $MFT > volume is corrupt. You should run chkdsk.   So... is that the end of the story?04:37
waters33637ubuntu doesnt play nice with eggdrop ... ?  apt-get install eggdrop ?04:37
ipatrolGuest89241: at this stage you'd probably need forensic utilities, and some expertise04:37
Guest89241<ipatrol> Is Knoppix worth a try? Or basically the same approach in play?   Either way, thank you for your expertise.04:39
reisioGuest89241: no04:41
reisioGuest89241: send this for me? /nick volguy04:41
=== Guest89241 is now known as volguy
volguy<reisio> awesome, I earned a nickname04:45
reisioare you typing <nick> manually?04:45
volguy<reisio> not sure what you mean/what you're asking04:46
reisiovolguy: are you manually typing '<', then 'reisio', then '>'?04:48
reisiovolguy: don't :p04:49
reisiotype r-e-i, then hit TAB04:49
reisiovolguy: now, what was your problem?04:49
volguyreisio: whoa.04:50
=== kalen_not-here is now known as kalen
volguyreisio: Was trying to rescue files from an old Vista machine with RAID 0; I believe the volume is corrupt from what I can tell. No booting by itself at this point04:51
reisiommm, raid :p04:51
volguyreisio: seemed like a good idea at the time04:52
dejavou42I'm trying to track packet activity from outside my network to certain devices I have with certain ports. I'm generating authentic data on these ports, but wireshark isn't detecting the packets04:59
dejavou42I'm running wireshark with sudo, would anyone have any clue on this?05:00
=== ToneKnee_ is now known as ToneKnee
TAFBis there any way to make byobu display REMAINING disc space, instead of total/used? Maybe same for memory, only show remaining, not total/used?05:12
TAFBAlso, when I add disk_io to the notification list the notification bar goes blank, no ram/hard drive, etc.05:12
somsipTAFB: df -h shows remaining, as does free -m (with some calculations required)05:12
TAFBsomeone: so I could write a custom script for byobu to run df -h and post the remaming disc space?05:13
somsipTAFB: you can do whatever you want...05:14
TAFBi see. I was hoping there was an easier way to do it in byobu, doesn't seem to have many configuration options :(05:15
=== spock is now known as Guest3006
=== john is now known as Guest86097
=== Guest86097 is now known as bitswapper
homajilihi my friends05:39
homajilihi my friends05:40
Dylan____Hey guys05:42
Dylan____Hey guys05:42
Dylan____I got a some sort of techinial diffculty05:42
Dylan____Im known on the mac i have i can only delete say a word once where on keyboards if you hold the backspace key down it will delete all the worlds you typed how can i fix this?05:43
evanvarvelltechdenial difficulty?05:43
Dylan____I can only de05:43
Dylan____Delete words like only one letter at a time its annoying05:44
Dylan____But im seen where you can just hold it down it will delete it how i fix this?05:44
ouroumovDylan____, your mac is running Ubuntu?05:44
evanvarvellclean your keyboard?05:44
evanvarvellmaybe there is another button competing with your backspace key?05:45
Dylan____Like when i type something into google its so annoying cause i have to delete the typing error im made05:45
Dylan____On this mac the backspace is called Delete05:45
Dylan____Its a macbook pro 201005:46
elishacan any one suggest a good android ide other than android studio05:59
elishajoin #ubuntu06:00
elishaJoin #ubuntu06:00
baizonelisha: https://blog.idrsolutions.com/2014/12/android-apps-ide-for-java-coder-programmers/06:00
somsipelisha: that's offtopic here. But Android Studio is the official IDE of choice06:00
baizonelisha: http://tekeye.biz/2014/list-of-android-app-development-ides06:00
somsipbaizon: out of date06:00
baizonelisha: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/features/06:02
elishathnx baizon06:05
mintuxi have this error: ls: cannot access /usr/bin/make: No such file or directory make it isn't install?06:05
lotuspsychjemintux: are you compiling something?06:06
elishatry "dpkg -l | grep make"06:06
lotuspsychje!compile | mintux06:06
ubottumintux: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall06:06
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!06:07
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Muon, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!06:08
somsip!botabuse | sag4706:08
ubottusag47: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".06:08
sag47Neat bot :)06:08
sag47Ah, my bad somsip06:08
somsipsag47: np - just fills the channel if you do loads. Try http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=server06:09
sag47Understandable, I'll PM the bot :)06:09
andystarI would like to remove a file from my git history.06:12
andystarIs there a way I could do this?06:13
somsipandystar: not on topic here, and tricky. Seek advice from a git-related channel06:13
andystarI will look for the right channel.06:13
andystarI had trouble with vi after upgrading.06:13
andystarIs this the right channel for that?06:14
somsipandystar: depends if it06:14
somsip's a real problem or a dodgy plugin06:14
lotuspsychjeandystar: details please? ubuntu version, etc06:14
andystarI don't use pluggins.06:14
somsipandystar: ok - details needed then06:14
andystarI use a Kinessis Freestyle 2 keyboard, and it doesn't sem to work with vi's navigation.06:15
andystarWhenever I use the "up arrow" key, it does something unpredictable.06:16
somsipandystar: set nocompatible in your vimrc06:16
somsipandystar: and use k :)06:16
andystarThis was only after upgrading to last October's upgrade.06:16
andystarThe old version of Ubuntu worked fine.06:17
elishacheck if your keyboard and the keyboard you selected in the language options are the same06:17
elishaeg :"english US"06:18
andystarI should probably check to see if the same problem happens with another keyboard.06:18
andystarIt is a USB keyboard.06:18
somsipandystar: you should probably set nocompatible in vimrc....06:18
andystarsomsip, Thanks.06:19
Dylan____My printer is a printer and scanner in one its a hp envy 5530 will that be able to scan documents in ubuntu?06:31
somsip!hardware | Dylan____06:35
ubottuDylan____: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:35
=== zippy is now known as Guest59246
wyseguyanyone to help with a jumpy trackpad cursor in 15.10?06:51
adgarLNpoohi all06:52
hateball!help | wyseguy06:52
ubottuwyseguy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:52
hateball!details | wyseguy06:53
ubottuwyseguy: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)06:53
=== mohammad is now known as linuxlove
linuxlovemy system has crashed after install a external source what should i do to fix that?06:58
linuxlovei see graphic problem after restart07:00
linuxloveplease help07:01
linuxloveevery thing seems to be old07:01
PDXLabCoatwhat do you mean "after install a external source"?07:02
kiran__any android developers ? here need some help07:03
linuxlovePDXLabCoat, i have installed ehcp with just ./install.sh07:03
=== gustav__1 is now known as gustav___
somsipkiran__: you need to ask in the android channel07:04
kiran__i am building slimrom07:05
kiran__slimrom rom channel is pretty unactive07:05
somsipkiran__: this is for ubuntu support. You need to ask elsewhere more appropriate07:06
PDXLabCoatkiran__, you wouldn't ask for java help in a python channel, would you?07:06
PDXLabCoattry #android07:06
xanguaYou wouldn't download a car07:07
linuxlovewhat should i do to delete all packages that create problem07:08
xangua1:02 AM <PDXLabCoat> what do you mean "after install a external source"? linuxlove07:09
adgarLNpoohow can i create partition without uninstall ubuntu 14.0407:09
somsip!info gparted | adgarLNpoo07:09
ubottuadgarLNpoo: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.19.0-3build1 (wily), package size 422 kB, installed size 1852 kB07:09
xangualinuxlove: if you used a script, find out what the script did07:10
adgarLNpoogpart ok i will try07:10
adgarLNpoothank you somsip and ubotto07:10
BiseHow do I see which server this is?07:15
EriC^^[Bise] sendak.freenode.net :Vilnius, Lithuania, EU07:15
BiseThank you.07:15
EriC^^./whois <your nick>07:16
BiseTesting out some new clients, not seeing the results of the whois on this one07:17
BiseGuess I need to figure out how to swap to the non-chat main window07:17
EriC^^which irc client are you using? it's usually alt+107:18
EriC^^try alt+107:18
BiseNo go07:18
jushuralt left/right07:18
BiseUsed to mIRC on the windows side, trying out some ubuntu ones (thus here in this room)07:18
Bisethat did it, awesome07:18
Bisewraps around even, I see07:19
jushurBise: your terminal has keybinds. that interfere with the irssi client07:19
Bisepossibly, just using the default Ubuntu terminal07:19
Biseno screens/tmux or anything07:19
jushurBise: you should try out weechat07:19
InixI am07:20
Inix<-- Bise07:20
InixAs I said, trying out multiple07:20
Inixalt left/right works on both, alt+1 on neither07:20
=== fh_ is now known as Frekko
EriC^^odd, alt+1 works for me07:20
Inixweechat does keep the user list up, which is nice07:20
jushuralt+1 is tabs in ubuntu default terminal. no tabs open it still eats the keybinds.07:21
EriC^^works in ubuntu default terminal for me07:21
InixYou were right07:21
InixI just unchecked "Enable shortcuts" and it works07:22
Inixdefault alt+1 shortcut is "tab 1"07:22
Biseworks on both clients07:22
Biseterminal -> preferences, shortcuts tab07:22
EriC^^if i have a tab open, it stops working and switches to the tab07:23
InixThat's interesting07:24
EriC^^ctrl+n seems to switch irc windows too07:24
InixHow would one scroll the user list in weechat?07:26
=== web is now known as Guest1761
Guest1761 Hi07:31
InixHello Guest176107:31
Guest1761no inglend!07:32
Guest1761im rusiya07:32
Guest1761 !?!?07:32
InixUnfortunate language barrier, then.07:33
EriC^^!ru | Guest176107:33
ubottuGuest1761: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.07:33
BiseInteresting, what'd that do?07:34
Guest1761Говорить еще как то но писать это вообще!!! :))07:34
EriC^^Inix: it's a bot07:37
EriC^^tells the user it's english only here and how to join the ubuntu for his language07:37
c|onemanare their two ways of writing in russian?07:38
somsip!ot | c|oneman07:38
ubottuc|oneman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:38
=== Lakii^ is now known as Lakii
solidus-1iverwhats the easiest way to get python 3.5 of 14.04?07:40
solidus-1iverit seems like theres talk somewhere of server packages07:40
solidus-1iverbut i dont see them in apt07:40
somsipsolidus-1iver: you could try the deadsnakes PPA07:40
solidus-1iverthats better than compiling from source i guess07:42
somsipsolidus-1iver: PPAs cant be guaranteed, but deadsnakes has been around a while07:42
wenyuxinOh my god07:43
solidus-1iveri feel better compilin i think07:45
svm_invictvsMy installer is stuck at 67%... "Installing Man-DB"07:51
svm_invictvser "Configuring"  I know it sometimes hangs there, but usually recovers.  Is this normal?07:51
InixF12 and F11, it seems07:53
AlexPortableI can start Ubuntu if I 'boot from EFI file' and then select the folder \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi, but not from the boot manager07:57
linuxlovesomeone please help me07:59
ubottulinuxlove: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:59
svm_invictvsWHy isn't Mongodb 3.X installable using apt-get ?08:01
linuxlovei have ran a script install.sh and after installation when i restarted my system has crashed i see new user vmail and vsftpd while i didnt create this user and my ubuntu seems to be old while it was ubuntu 15.1008:01
linuxlove uname -a08:02
linuxloveLinux mohammad-LIFEBOOK-AH532-G21 4.2.0-30-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 26 00:58:07 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:02
geirhaSounds like you ran something you shouldn't08:02
linuxlovegeirha, i know i was wrong08:02
linuxlovebut i should to fix now08:02
linuxlovei get graphical problem also08:03
geirhado you have a link to this install.sh?08:03
linuxlovegerald, do you want to see thi script?08:03
Inixsvm_invictvs: mongodb does appear to be installable via apt-get08:03
svm_invictvsAnd it installs 2.608:04
svm_invictvsI have a need for 3.X08:04
linuxlove i can pastbin it for you08:04
svm_invictvsI just installed it :-/08:04
Inixsvm_invictvs: from their site "While Ubuntu includes its own MongoDB packages, the official MongoDB Community Edition packages are generally more up-to-date."08:04
svm_invictvsLooks like I've gotta use the trusty repo to get this to work08:04
InixI can't answer the "why" behind that.08:04
InixSomething about providing support for LTS versions only08:05
linuxlovei get some error that mariodb cant be install08:05
linuxlovei dont need to mariadb at all08:06
linuxlovei just need to fix08:06
svm_invictvsInix Yeah, I'm just following the page08:06
svm_invictvsI'm running 15.10?08:06
kathrin__Hi, I'm trying to create a boot-stick. Neither Start Disk-Creator nor Unetbootin does the task.08:06
svm_invictvsSo that's. not trusty right?08:06
svm_invictvsThat's wily?08:06
svm_invictvsWhere does the "trusty" and the "wily" etc come from?08:07
Inixalphabetical names for the releases08:07
Inixnext version will be X something08:07
linuxlovegeirha, http://pastebin.com/EGxs2auF08:07
InixXenial Xerus, it seems08:07
linuxlovesomeone please help about n=my system crashing08:08
somsip!names | svm_invictvs08:08
ubottusvm_invictvs: Ubuntu has an $adjective $animal naming scheme, summarized (and with a list of suggested words which you can add to) at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames08:08
VolundWell my gaming rig is well and truly scrooped.08:08
InixScrooped, new word for me.08:09
VolundI try to be family friendly with my expletives.08:09
svm_invictvsI see08:09
svm_invictvsDo those mongo pacakges not include a fucking init scripts?08:09
lotuspsychje!language | svm_invictvs08:09
ubottusvm_invictvs: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList08:09
VolundAnd this is why.08:10
svm_invictvsDo those mongo pacakges not include init scripts?08:10
lotuspsychjekeep it ubuntu related guys08:10
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest73331
VolundSO I now find myself on the Linux box. Installing Pidgin and PlayOnLinux and etc. Quick question: I want to remote control the SAME UBUNTU SESSION that's displayed on the monitor. What do I use to accomplish this easily?08:10
kathrin__Hi, I'm trying to create a boot-stick. Neither Start Disk-Creator nor Unetbootin does the task. I get "BOOT ERROR"08:10
VolundI'm talking VNC here08:11
VolundBut I don't know what server is best08:11
geirhalinuxlove: Yeah that's a badly written script08:12
=== denis is now known as Guest32647
geirhalinuxlove: and it appears it will stop working for ubuntu versions newer than 14.0408:12
linuxlovegeirha, how can i fix that?08:12
Guest73331on my new ubuntu installation an endless error messageloop: i2e i2c-11: si 2165_read: error (addr 64 reg 04e0 error (ret==-19) ' appears in syslog.08:12
geirhalinuxlove: It's a bit hard to say what damage it has done. It's very long08:12
Guest73331what does that mean?08:12
=== Ceber is now known as Tronsha
linuxlovegeirha, please help to fix08:13
svm_invictvsWHy does the installer hang on "Configuring Man-db"08:13
Volundah, i want x11vnc08:13
LoshkiVolund: x11vnc ?08:14
geirhalinuxlove: It also runs other install scripts; install_1.php and install_2.php.08:14
geirhalinuxlove: I don't have time to wade through all that, sorry08:14
linuxlovegeirha, i can send that scripts for you08:15
linuxlovegeirha, please help to fix08:15
linuxlovei was wrong08:15
linuxlovei shoudnt ran that script08:16
geirhalinuxlove: Probably faster to just reinstall, and avoid running questionable scripts like that in the future08:16
linuxlovegeirha, i have important  program here08:16
linuxloveit is my server08:17
linuxlovei cant reinstall08:17
AlexPortableI can start Ubuntu if I 'boot from EFI file' and then select the folder \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi, but not from the boot manager08:19
geirhaThen pray someone has the time to wade through that buggy script and figure out what damage it did. If it was a short 10-line script, I could probably concoct some solution, but this 800 line script, written by someone who doesn't know bash and apt very well, will take much more time than I have to spare08:19
geirhaSo restore from backup and move on08:20
linuxlovegeirha, is it last solution?08:22
linuxlovegeirha, how can we find installed packages and remove them08:22
hiexpoLOOK FOOR THEM linuxlove08:23
geirhaYou can look through /var/log/dpkg.log to see what dpkg packages were installed/removed recently08:24
hiexpohe's an idiot08:25
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linuxlovehiexpo, do you mean me?08:27
somsip!ignore | linuxlove (when people suddenly join, and say things like that, they're trolling)08:27
ubottulinuxlove (when people suddenly join, and say things like that, they're trolling): If you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname08:27
linuxlovehiexpo, are you idiot?08:28
somsiplinuxlove: ignore, do not get into a slanging match08:28
solidus-1iverwhats a good command line websocket client?08:28
solidus-1iveri want to test a server, i saw an example of someone using a program calles WS08:29
solidus-1ivernvm, thats an npm one08:29
hiexpoaircrack-ng developer -user somsip how dare you insult me08:32
bazhanghiexpo, take the chit chat elsewhere08:32
cfhowletthiexpo, please see the guidelines for proper behavior in this channel.  thank you.08:33
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:34
hiexpookay so i did something wrong now08:34
hiexpoexcuse me08:36
BikerMikeanyone know of an equivalent Linux app for XNview? I'm looking for a bulk renamer / exif editor, thanks!08:44
adgarLNpoophatch is awesome08:49
cfhowlett+1 phatch08:49
hiexpoBikerMike, phATCH08:50
BikerMikewill check it out thanks! hiexpo adgarLNpoo cfhowlett packard08:52
cfhowletthappy2help! BikerMike08:52
cloudy_nzpyrenamer's good for renaming, phatch or imagemagick are good for resizing08:53
hiexpoi love  gnu also08:55
hiexpoBikerMike, look at gnu08:57
bazhanghiexpo, whats that supposed to mean08:57
BikerMikehiexpo I'm have already gnu08:58
hiexpobazhang, im im trying to help him never mind i will goback to debian08:59
hiexpoall you do is ritcor me bazhang i dont belong here i will go back to debian09:03
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LibertyWeNeedHow do I eject a USB shows up under media that is not suppose to be there. I have already ejected and removed device, however it still appears. I even rebooted machine09:04
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: screenshot?09:05
hiexpoLibertyWeNeed, remove ubuntu install debian09:06
cfhowletthiexpo, that's enough.  please play somewhere else.09:06
cfhowlettIf you really want to help debian, GO to #debian and support those users.  Do not troll here.09:07
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6a6GidWUZ4PT1lfVGljaHhmQzA/view?usp=sharing09:08
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: is it the blackusb?09:09
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EriC^^type rmdir /media/andir/Black\ USB09:10
BikerMikehow about the lack of brightness control? I keep moving the slider and nothing happens :( weird09:11
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^, thank you :) It worked!09:13
LibertyWeNeedis this a bug in ubuntu?09:13
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: no problem09:13
EriC^^i think so, it happens to me sometimes too09:14
EriC^^be sure to use rmdir when it does, cause it'll only delete it if it's empty ( vs rm -r which will remove it even if it has stuff )09:14
LibertyWeNeedthanks eric09:15
\sveHi I want to set up a way to share my media files between my laptop (which I wanna leave at home) and my android phone and tablet (laptop runs Ubuntu desktop)09:16
LibertyWeNeedUse BTSync09:16
\sveI'm not talking about LAN I need to do it remotely09:17
LibertyWeNeed, BTSYNC let's you do it both remotely and when you're connected to same network09:18
\sveI won't be09:19
cfhowlett\sve, dropbox09:19
LibertyWeNeedBTSYNC means you don't need cloud.09:20
\sveDon't wanna pay09:20
LibertyWeNeedIt's free09:20
LibertyWeNeedas in $009:20
LibertyWeNeednot freedom09:20
cfhowlett\sve, pay?  dropbox is free for the first 2GB09:20
\sveLibertyweneed I'll be in Brighton in hospital for 9 days and my PC is heavy to carry.09:21
LibertyWeNeedBTSYNC doesn't use cloud09:21
LibertyWeNeedYou can get it on your android as well09:21
\sveI need to connect over the internet09:21
\sveCfhowlet I have 30 tb of data.09:21
LibertyWeNeedHere is a wiki that may help if BTSYNC is what you are not after https://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:SyncReplacement09:22
LibertyWeNeedis not09:22
somsipThis is all coming across as trolly and very offtopic09:22
\sveSompip I'm asking how to set up a way of streaming my files09:22
cfhowlett\sve, you're dropping cookie crumbs for details here, amigo.  give all the details / specs in 1 go.  and 30 TB?  you must be have backed up ALL of HBO for the past 10 years.09:22
somsip\sve: yeah, that's not what this channel is for.09:23
madwizard\sve: google owncloud too09:24
peaceI need some installaton help09:25
peaceI am trying to to install opengl09:26
peaceall classical methods does not seem to work09:26
shadow1to dowhat?09:26
shadow1to do what?09:26
peaceto run opengl programs in c09:26
shadow1ah ok. How can I do some you?09:27
peaceI tried sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev09:27
peaceit returns package not found09:27
peacehow do i fix this09:27
somsip!find glut309:27
ubottuFound: freeglut3, freeglut3-dbg, freeglut3-dev09:27
somsippeace: did you update first? What version of ubuntu?09:28
peacenone of them09:28
DirkosI have an issue with my 15.10. I did a reboot and it now keeps stuck initiate ramdisk09:28
shadow1You are'nt some logiteck?09:28
DirkosI tried to boot in my old kernel but exactly the same happens09:28
peaceyes i did09:28
somsippeace: and...what version of ubuntu09:29
shadow1you install with logiteck, i hope09:29
peaceUbuntu 14.04.4 LTS09:29
somsippeace: paste the output of the attempt to install09:29
shadow1go to your logiteck and find the package09:30
peaceHere's the output peace@peace:~$ sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package freeglut3-dev09:30
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geirhacould you pastebin the output of: apt-cache policy freeglut3-dev09:34
peacejust a min09:34
somsip!paste | peace (use the pastebin please)09:34
ubottupeace (use the pastebin please): For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:34
quasi_Hi, who is the updater for the Libre Office package and when will 5.x be added to Ubuntu 14.04.09:35
somsipquasi_: major version changes are very unlikely to be released for LTS09:35
quasi_somsip: ok thanks09:35
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com09:37
yann-kaeligI can't find how to burn ubunt uon usb disk from the officie lweb site09:37
cfhowlettquasi_, LO 5.x probably will not be coming to 14.04 as a new LTS is imminent.  in this case, get LO from the LO site and/or compile if you just cannot wait09:37
cfhowlett!usb | yann-kaelig09:38
ubottuyann-kaelig: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:38
peacepastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com09:38
geirhapeace: it's a shell command09:38
quasi_cfhowlett: ok thanks09:38
cfhowletthappy2help! quasi_09:38
pavlushkaubuntu wiki does not let me signing in.09:39
peaceoh sorry!09:39
geirhapeace: apt-cache policy freeglut3-dev | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com09:39
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yann-kaeligI don't have ubuntu, unebootin, mkusb, or windows. How can I burn the ubuntu from command line ?09:41
cfhowlettyann-kaelig, dd is the command you want09:41
somsipyann-kaelig: what do you have?09:41
ouroumov_dd works09:41
yann-kaeligok, nothing special to use wit hthe command line ? dd if= of=/dev/xxx is ok ?09:42
ouroumov_yes, then sync yann-kaelig09:42
yann-kaeligok thx09:42
peacethis is installation error09:43
peacehere is output of policy command http://paste.ubuntu.com/15279539/09:44
yann-kaeligI first try on dvd but I have a sector read error at the ubuntu boot. strange09:45
ouroumov_peace, you've ran sudo apt-get update before?09:45
geirhapeace: So you don't have any software sources enabled, it seems. What does   sudo apt-get update   output?09:46
peaceYes I ran09:46
peaceit installs various packages for sometime09:46
cfhowlettpeace,  works for me with 14.04   paste.ubuntu.com/15279546/09:46
peaceand then terminates09:46
geirhapeace: update doesn't install anything, it only downloads the package lists09:47
peaceThat's what I meant09:47
peacecfhowlett: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15279546/ What is it?09:48
peaceI am not getting it09:48
cfhowlettpeace, freeglut3-dev is available for ubuntu 14.0409:49
peacecfhowlett:how should I install09:51
geirhasudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev09:51
cfhowlettpeace sudo apt install freeglut3-dev | pastebinit09:51
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geirhaHowever, first we must find out why sudo apt-get update apparently does not download the official package lists09:51
peacegierha:not working http://paste.ubuntu.com/15279569/09:53
peacecfhowlett: Please help me out now http://paste.ubuntu.com/15279569/09:53
cfhowlettpeace, no idea.  it's available in your repo, but won't download?09:53
cfhowlettdo this: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade09:54
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xxa0zis there a way to move the window control buttons to the right of  the window @ 14.04 ?09:55
xxa0zreally? :S09:55
nicu`i think i saw somebody saying it's possible w/ ubuntu tweak09:56
nicu`but i think it's not possible09:56
nicu`tried it, there is not such an option09:56
somsipxxa0z: it's not09:56
Ben64thought it was09:56
xxa0zalso, i tried to bind super+t to open a new terminal09:56
somsipBen64: I'm happy to be corrected - I don't use Unity - but understood that stopped working a while back09:56
xxa0zhowever, it still opens a trash folder :(09:56
Ben64somsip: i don't use unity either, but i thought there was still a way09:57
xxa0zi've done the binding from setting -> keyboard -> shortcuts09:57
Ben64xxa0z: should work09:58
xxa0zit doesn't, it still opens the trash folder, it was the mapping of super+t before i bound it to opening a new term, i think that's the default mapping of super+t09:58
nicu`i have the same proble09:58
nicu`problem* now that i try09:59
Ben64so find that shortcut and stop it09:59
Ben64doesn't exist on my system09:59
somsipxxa0z: Ben64: long thread here FWIW http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221084409:59
nicu`ctrl+t works though09:59
ouroumov_There's a way to move the buttons to the right if you use gnome-session-fallback, dunno if that works in Unity09:59
xxa0zBen64: super+t isnt anywhere in the settings -> keyboard -> shortcuts09:59
Ben64xxa0z: might be in dconf10:00
geirhapeace: looks like the .in mirror is out of sync10:00
xxa0zwtf :S bye bye ubuntu, what a piece of crap software :(10:00
peaceso what shoul I do?10:01
Ben64i like how people get mad at unity, instead of just using something else10:02
DirkosI have problems with my system. It gets stuck and Loading initial ramdisk. When i enter recovery it also freezes after a minute or so10:03
DirkosIm using kernel 4.2.0-3010:03
UniFreakI'm trying to upgrad php from 5.3 to 5.610:03
UniFreakI added ppa by running: LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5-5.610:03
UniFreakdid `apt-get update`10:03
Ben64UniFreak: ppa's are unsupported 3rd party repositories and are not supported in this channel10:03
UniFreakbut here is the output when I try `apt-get install php5`:http://paste.linux.chat/view/7f11666610:03
DirkosUniFreak: and what is the problem?10:04
UniFreakDirkos: see the paste10:04
Dirkosok see Ben64 comment10:04
n8wdo u guys know how to get rid off this: unable to install new version of `/usr/bin/cpan2dist': Device or resource busy. apt-get -f install doesnt work10:21
chotaz`wn8w, are you running the system updater at the same time?10:24
n8wchotaz`w, fcourse not10:25
chotaz`wn8w, are you using sudo to install?10:25
n8wchotaz`w, ps | grep perl shows nothin10:25
n8wchotaz`w, we can skip these typical noobish mistakes:)10:26
linuxlovehello guys10:26
k1ln8w: sudo lsof /usr/bin/cpan2dist10:30
n8wk1l, done that too...nothin shown10:30
FloeperIf i try to start ubuntu from my USB "try without installation" it takes about 10min and there is still a black screen10:31
FloeperAnyone knows how this is possible?10:31
n8wk1l, its weird...im tryin cpan>:upgrade now10:31
k1ln8w: you can look at dmesg if there are any hardware issues10:33
n8wk1l, ye, ive been trough the logs...10:34
n8wk1l, it just doesnt make any sense10:34
n8wk1l, no reason for that error msg10:35
enzoxhola a todos desde Argentina10:35
k1l!es | enzox10:35
ubottuenzox: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:35
enzoxok and thancks K1l10:36
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jianxiong1how to find out my installed applications10:45
lotuspsychjejianxiong1: softwar center shows the installed ones10:46
lotuspsychjejianxiong1: for all the packages you can click balow on 'show  1067 technical items'10:48
MonkeyDustjianxiong1  or dpkg -l | grep ii10:49
vsuojanenUbuntu 14.04 and LightDM 1.10.5, Unity greeter logs error writing X authority: Failed to open X authority /var/lib/lightdm/.Xauthority: No such file or directory.  what creates /var/lib/lightdm/.Xauthority ? should it be created by the lightdm package ?10:49
lotuspsychjemorning MonkeyDust10:49
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: whats the ii do exactly?10:50
alkisgvsuojanen: $ grep /var/lib/lightdm /etc/passwd10:51
alkisglightdm:x:119:126:Light Display Manager:/var/lib/lightdm:/bin/false10:51
alkisgIt's the home directory of lightdm10:51
alkisgCreated  by lightdm.postinst, i.e. after its installation10:52
MonkeyDustlotuspsychje  ii fo installed, i guess10:52
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: ok tnx10:52
hilxlotuspsychje, the first i means marked for installation, the second one means successfully installed10:52
lotuspsychjehilx: great tnx10:52
k1lif its "iF" its marked for install but failed to install10:53
hilxone if the most useful states :)10:54
yann-kaeligSomeone has tester skype web. Look like skype software is no more up2date for linux10:54
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k1lyann-kaelig: microsoft bought skype and doesnt bring a new version for linux10:55
yann-kaeligk1l: ok I understand. and what about skype web ?10:55
lotuspsychjeyann-kaelig: yeah i also read an article about users reporting having issues on skype lately10:55
vsuojanenalkisg: so Xauthority should be be created, not missing it. thanks10:56
k1lyann-kaelig: i dont know, i dont use skype since some years10:56
MonkeyDustyann-kaelig  skype is not for this channel10:56
lotuspsychjeyann-kaelig: an alternative would be telegram, but no video yet10:56
alkisgvsuojanen: that's xauthority for lightdm, i.e. the login screen only, not for the users, where it goes inside /home/username/.Xauthority10:56
hilxthere is an unofficial web client10:56
yann-kaeliglotuspsychje: yea, I know all alternative, none of them can be a real alternative for skype actually. We would know if this was the case10:57
MonkeyDustyann-kaelig  could contact MS and ask them to support linux again10:58
yann-kaeligMonkeyDust: no thx ^^10:58
yann-kaeligI don't use skype, it's for a new user10:59
yann-kaeligon free software10:59
MonkeyDustyour nephew?10:59
hilxyann-kaelig, http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/09/skype-web-client-ubuntu/10:59
lotuspsychjeyann-kaelig: can this help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/30693/what-video-conferencing-software-is-available11:00
yann-kaelighilx: ha! something interesting thx11:00
hilxnot perfect tho, same trying in chrome11:01
hilxjust give it a try11:01
vsuojanenalkisg: got it :), it's some weird bug in permissions and groups. perhaps I should update the system11:02
yann-kaeliglotuspsychje: no so much. But perhaps the only one alternative could be Hello from mozilla. I made a test and that work really nice11:02
vsuojanenlightdm:x:108:118:Light Display Manager:/var/lib/lightdm:/bin/false11:02
alkisgvsuojanen: maybe a cloning was done without using --numeric-ids in the copy...11:02
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vsuojanenpulse:x:105:113:PulseAudio daemon,,,:/var/run/pulse:/bin/false11:03
hilxthere should be more video chat clients soon using only webRTC11:03
lotuspsychjevsuojanen: ubuntu version?11:03
AlexPortableI can start Ubuntu if I 'boot from EFI file' and then select the folder \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi, but not from the boot manager11:04
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: one for you ^^ :p11:04
hilxyann-kaelig, have you tried 'slack'?11:04
yann-kaelighilx: yep. Meantime, hello is a good secure web video chat11:05
hilxthx, will try11:05
yann-kaelighilx: no ? link plz11:05
hilxyann-kaelig, https://slack.com/  they will have video soon11:06
hilxsuperb messeging solution for now11:07
EriC^^AlexPortable: what do you mean by the boot manager?11:07
yann-kaelighilx: ok, I don't know this. But again, for video chat actually a easy and secure without the need of account is Hello. And that work  :)11:08
EriC^^when the pc starts you get a boot manager with windows and ubuntu and boot from efi file?11:08
hilxyann-kaelig, good to know :)11:09
yann-kaeligOk, thx  I will read your link about skype web, for the new user I helping.11:09
vsuojanenlotuspsychje: it's Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS11:09
hilxyann-kaelig, try skype web in chrome first11:10
hilxsame thing11:10
lotuspsychjevsuojanen: please update to 14.04.411:10
lotuspsychjealso everyone update to latest due to new perl security holes patched11:11
ubottuPlease see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.11:11
MonkeyDustskype web works on the fly here, on firefox11:11
hilxyah, should be ok11:12
AlexPortableEriC^^: bios boot manager11:12
vsuojaneni was going to do it. I just restored this system from backup and this same system worked back in Dec 201511:12
EriC^^AlexPortable: when you turn on the pc what happens?11:12
yann-kaelighilx: why using chrome instead firefox for skype web ?11:13
hilxyann-kaelig, firefox is ok also.. webRTC support should be complete by now11:13
hilxits all about HTML5 support levels11:14
wierd007I cant see install lubuntu alongside windows 10 anymore11:14
wierd007and its only a day passed11:14
wierd007what happened to my laptop11:14
lotuspsychjewierd007: did you do anything special lately?11:15
wierd007I was going to install it alongside windows 10 last night but I passed oout11:15
wierd007I breathe11:16
wierd007thats special11:16
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hilxyann-kaelig, i just mentioned chrome because that ubuntu web client project is using chrome11:16
yann-kaeligok i understand11:17
wierd007ok i understand11:17
MonkeyDustwierd007  this is ubuntu support, start from the beginning, what brings you here, without he medical details11:17
k1lwierd007: are you on a live (l)ubuntu cd/usb now?11:18
EriC^^AlexPortable: ?11:18
wierd007MonkeyDust: is being wierd11:19
k1lwierd007: did you install lubuntu before? can you show the output of "sudo parted -l" in a pastebin like paste.ubuntu.com ?11:19
wierd007I couldnt remember11:20
wierd007I could have memory problem11:20
wierd007is it possible I did install lubuntu alongside windows 10 last night and then sleep11:21
k1lwierd007: we cant know what you did last night. that is the reason why i need the output11:21
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EriC^^wierd007: that's happening exactly right now?11:22
EriC^^is it a hp laptop?11:22
EriC^^ok, it boots straight to windows?11:22
wierd007I couldnt remember what I did last night11:22
k1lwierd007: can you show the output of "sudo parted -l" in a pastebin like paste.ubuntu.com ?11:22
wierd007Its a very special type of memory problem11:23
zerofrosthallo zusammen11:23
k1lwierd007: lets see some facts11:23
EriC^^wierd007: try rebooting the pc and press F211:23
lotuspsychje!de | zerofrost11:23
ubottuzerofrost: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:23
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EriC^^wierd007: check if there's a boot options and ubuntu is there then choose ubuntu11:23
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AlexPortableEriC^^: no OS Boot manager found11:36
AlexPortableEriC^^: bios says that11:36
EriC^^AlexPortable: what kind of laptop is it?11:36
AlexPortablemake and model/11:36
EriC^^make is enough11:37
AlexPortablehp probook11:37
MonkeyDustleo___  works11:38
EriC^^AlexPortable: ok, boot into ubuntu11:38
AlexPortableEriC^^: done11:38
EriC^^then type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999911:38
ouroumov_Port number11:39
AlexPortablei can only 8011:39
AlexPortableim behind a firewall11:40
AlexPortableill just pastebin it11:40
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haasnWhen building an ubuntu package, is there an easier way to set all of the right permissions other than having to manually copy it over to /tmp, log in as root, fix all of the permissions, and then build the package as root?11:41
haasnif I just dpkg-deb --build <package> as my own user, the files in the package all end up with my own user ID11:42
MonkeyDusthaasn  there's also #ubuntu-app-devel11:47
AlexPortableEriC^^: No boot order is set; firmware wil attempt recvovery11:48
AlexPortableboot0002* notebook ethernet bbs11:48
AlexPortableboot0003* notebook ethernet bbs11:48
MonkeyDustAlexPortable  i wonder why you always have so many technicéal issues nobody has ever seen11:51
AlexPortableMonkeyDust: me too11:51
yann-kaeligre, Can I have virtual "desktop" on ubuntu ?11:55
MonkeyDustyann-kaelig  with unity tweak you can set the numbe of virtual desktops, default is 411:56
chotaz`wyann-kaelig, you mean multiple desktops, as in workspaces?11:56
yann-kaeligyes, workspace, depending the DE name is different11:57
yann-kaeligbut I can't find where are the option for this settings11:57
MonkeyDustyann-kaelig  install unity tweak tool11:57
hilxAppearance - Behaviour11:58
homahi my friends11:59
hilxno need for tweak tool if you just need 4 workspapces12:00
BluesKajHey folks12:02
wierd33why is this happening suddenly12:04
wierd33there is no option to install lubuntu alongside windows 1012:04
wierd33I checked and there is no lubuntu installed however I left my laptop on last night12:05
rorywierd33: Make sure Windows 10 was shut down properly and that there are no disk checks pending12:06
wierd33I already did12:06
wierd33its not working12:07
roryYou might have to use a tool like gparted (included on the lubuntu Live CD) to shrink the Windows partition12:07
k1lwierd33: <k1l> wierd007: can you show the output of "sudo parted -l" in a pastebin like paste.ubuntu.com ?12:07
roryAnd then there will be an option in the installer to install to the free space12:07
k1lwierd33: if you dont answer request i cant help you12:08
k1lno, you didnt install ubuntu12:10
wierd33and I could not install it alongside windows 10 now12:11
wierd33I could remember last night that there is an option to install lubuntu alongside windows 1012:12
wierd33and then suddenly it disappear12:12
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wierd33do you know you are watched by the FBI12:13
chotaz`wwierd33, like it was pointed already, make a full shutdown of your windows 10 instalation, then try to install lubuntu again :)12:13
wierd33chotaz`w: I already did that ma'am12:14
MonkeyDustwierd33  i guess your w10 is in suspension mode and you cannot tell the difference between suspend and shutdown12:15
wierd33I clicked shut down and waited until there is no more lights on. Then I turn on my laptop. Pressed F12 on boot and now Im here asking12:17
MonkeyDustwierd33  ok, select dvd or usb and follow instructions12:18
wierd33I dont have the iso12:19
MonkeyDustwierd33  how did you plan to install ubuntu if you don't have the iso?12:20
homaare there my friends here?12:20
chotaz`whoma, we're all friends here. Any issues with ubuntu you need help with?12:20
MonkeyDusthoma  #ubuntu-offtopic fo nice friendly chat12:20
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wierd33Isnt it wierd when I didnt connect to a VPN. Theres like someone who knows me in real life12:20
MonkeyDustwierd33  what?12:21
chotaz`wwierd33 ?12:21
wierd33Im confused why when I try to install lubuntu, my windows 10 is faster12:24
MonkeyDustwierd33  ok, but did you manage to install lubuntu?12:25
MonkeyDustwierd33  then how do you know w10 is faster?12:25
wierd33Its responding now. Before it was very slow12:26
MoziMWhen I do ls -l /usr/share/xsessions/ I see gnome.desktop, ubuntu.desktop, xfce.desktop and xubuntu.desktop12:26
MoziMI am using xubuntu desktop according to echo $DESKTOP_SESSION12:26
MoziMam i safe to uninstall the other 3?12:27
MonkeyDustMoziM  that's xfce12:27
MoziMwhat's the difference between xfce and xubuntu for desktop environments?12:28
MoziMis xubuntu dependent on xfce being installed?12:28
MonkeyDustMoziM  better ask in #xubuntu12:29
gr33nbitsthink so Mozim12:29
wierd33How much do you wanna know info I have about some of you guys is dying to know12:30
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AlexPortablesudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair12:38
AlexPortableerror: '~yannubuntu' user ot team does not exists12:39
yann-kaeligit's suppoed that empathy is able to connect on irc and gadu gadu , but I don't see anything like that in the first page of the software12:40
MonkeyDustAlexPortable  contact the maintainer12:40
AlexPortableof teh community page or the program?12:40
MonkeyDustAlexPortable  look in the readme file or so, ppa's are not supported here12:41
The_Flyhello, wonering if anyone can help, running ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS, on asus n56vm laptop. when i attempt to change brightness with FN+fnkey the laptop will respond to the first request but subsequent requests will lag12:41
The_Flyanywhere up to 30 seconds or so12:41
The_Flyand in this state closing the lid will not enter sleep12:42
The_Flyseems to be some acpi weirdness12:42
The_Flyif anyone can advise id be most grateful12:42
MoziMDo you know what version of bios you're on?12:42
lapyoare you using proprietary drivers?12:43
The_FlyMoziM: no but i recall upgrading, checked asus site and it seems to not have been touched since 201212:43
The_Flylapyo: not to my knowledge12:43
The_Flyi can fetch the bios version if this helps12:43
The_Flyand output of acpitool -e12:43
The_Flywhich as acpi version numbers etc.12:44
yann-kaeligI found it when I try to remove empathy ... I have to install account-plugin-xxxxx12:44
The_Flyis there a better place to ask this question?12:46
The_Flybios is N56VM.20612:46
The_Flyit seems that there is a version above this12:47
yann-kaeligthere is a bug with empathy and polish accents12:47
The_Flynone of the things mentioned in changelogs for the bios updates pertain to acpi etc.12:53
The_Flyits only when i touch the brightness decrease button13:05
The_Flyall others wor perfectly fine13:05
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The_Flykernel bug perhaps?13:13
The_Flyjust FN+f5 (lower brightness) causes acpi event queue to stall13:13
The_Flyis there a better room to ask about this?13:14
yann-kaeligmy god this software, empathy is so much bugged and complicated just to login on irc, I don't want to know how it can be for other protocols13:14
The_Flylaptop fn buttons, all work, but one button causes acpi event queue to stall13:14
The_Flyand slowly drain13:14
dreadkopphey guys, how can i output conkys display to console?13:21
somsipdreadkopp: conky uses small scripts to grab the output to display, so just use those13:23
dreadkoppsomsip : yeah, i could pipe it all together in a small bash script, but easiest solution would be to just ouput conkys allready configured output? I was told that conky can do that but cannot find the correct options :/13:24
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Lucifer_armahow do I find out what version of a package is going to be shipped with the next LTS?  You know, the one that's due next month?13:26
yann-kaeligmy god i'm goign to remove empathy, this thing is horrible I can really made a user to switch back to windows13:27
MonkeyDustyann-kaelig  because of empathy? that's a bit drastic, no?13:29
Lucifer_armaah, nvm, google worked13:30
yann-kaeligMonkeyDust: no. really no. I never see a thing so much not user friendly. And I can tell you a window user, is certainly less patient than me13:31
MonkeyDustyann-kaelig  for empathy only you're telling him to switch to windows?13:33
yann-kaeligMonkeyDust: no not me :) certainly not. I'm telling that a win user, alone will certainly back after this bad experience13:34
Daekdroomyann-kaelig, Empathy is not even maintained anymore, and it's being removed from Ubuntu in 16.04, as far as I know.13:34
DaekdroomSo yeah, your complaints have been heard already :P13:34
yann-kaeligI see ^^13:34
MonkeyDusti don't even use empathy13:35
humbotthe simplest way to use irc is probably the webchat13:35
MonkeyDustguess i deleted it13:35
DaekdroomEmpathy is pretty bad indeed.13:35
DaekdroomPidgin was good but it's nearly useless now as well, because now pretty much all IM protocols are closed stuff that don't work well with it, or work at all.13:35
MonkeyDustyou will be assimilated13:36
yann-kaeligDaekdroom: yes, you right. Well, I have to find at least a gadu-gadu IM13:37
Daekdroomyann-kaelig, pidgin allegedly supports gadu-gadu.13:38
yann-kaeligDaekdroom: I will try Kadu, it's up2date and xmpp too13:39
_ikke_Somehow, after a reboot, iptables redirects does not seem to be working anymore. We have the rule: iptables -t nat -A INPUT -p udp --dport 514 -j REDIRECT --to-port 9514, but we see hardly any traffic passing that redirect13:39
elcotanyone can help me13:40
_ikke_Any idea how to find out what's going wrong?13:40
_ikke_ubuntu 14.0413:41
yann-kaeligand I think Hexchat is the best solution for irc with a Gui13:41
hateball!help | elcot13:41
ubottuelcot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:41
elcotam new to ubuntu13:42
yann-kaeligwelcome elcot13:42
elcotgot error message stopping me to enter into drive13:42
dreadkoppis there an alternative to i7z? i want to read out current frequency and c-states.. most monitoring tools dont get the correct frequency since they asume i run stock clocks, but i OC'ed it to 4Ghz instead of 2,6. only i7z seems to get the correct frequencies. but using that in ie conky ist a bit painfull since i need to run i7z as root and need it to produce a log from which conky can read.... there must be a simpler sol13:43
The_Flyis it best to upgrade from 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS13:43
elcotunable to enter drive because continously getting error message13:43
The_Flyi want to try the newer kernel13:43
The_Flyto fix this acpi issue13:43
The_Flyor would you recommend 15.1013:43
dreadkoppjust go for the newest version13:43
The_Flythanks waters3363713:44
The_Flythanks dreadkopp13:44
MonkeyDustdreadkopp  overclocking is beyond the scope of this channel13:44
dreadkoppubuntu is rock solid stable so no worries with new versions. as long as you use stable branch13:44
elcotauthentication is required to mount the device13:44
elcotwat is the solution for this13:44
The_Fly"Could not determine the upgrade" :(13:44
neek33I cant enter setup, cant enter boot option, it just automatically boots to windows13:45
The_Flyunofficial packages, i dont think i added any13:46
elcotcan anyone tell that how to upgrade unix13:46
MonkeyDustneek33  usually it's F12 or F2 to enter boot device options13:46
waters33637uefi bios neek33:13:46
MonkeyDustelcot  this is ubuntu support, not unix13:46
The_Flyany way to diagnose blocked dist upgrade?13:46
The_Fly"Could not determine the upgrade"13:46
elcotyeah ubuntu13:46
MonkeyDust!upgrade | elcot13:46
ubottuelcot: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:46
neek33MonkeyDust: it doesnt show up anymore..13:47
BluesKajelcot, upgrade your packages or....?13:47
BluesKajelcot, sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, in the terminal will upgrade the packages on Ubuntu.13:49
MonkeyDustelcot  what BluesKaj says, is the easiest/fastest way13:51
jsjsjsjsHello, on Ubuntu 14.04, in my /etc/hosts I have the line "   mylocaldomain.dev", but when I ping mylocaldomain.dev it pings What can be wrong?13:51
jsjsjsjstelnet and traceroute are resolving it to also13:51
jushurjsjsjsjs: have a faulty dns server configured?13:52
jsjsjsjsjushur: I did not configure a DNS server13:52
The_Flyim getting "Could not determine the upgrade", is there any way to establish why13:52
jushurjsjsjsjs: this is a the system, and not a VM? right?13:52
dreadkoppjsjsjs: 192.168.xxx.xxx is local network, 127.0.xxx.xxx your public ip ?13:53
jushurjsjsjsjs: are you using level3 dns server?13:54
dreadkoppbut 127.0.xxx.xxx shouldn'T be public ip on second thought...13:54
gosc-plgood. hexchat is the best13:54
jsjsjsjsdreadkopp: local network is 192.168.xxx.xxx, what do you mean with public IP?13:54
MonkeyDust127 cannot be public iirc13:54
dreadkoppyeah, realized that, too ;)13:54
jushurjsjsjsjs: if you have or such ip in dns. you can get this behavior.13:55
fooobarrr127 is loopback13:55
jsjsjsjs@jushur: I did never do things with my DNS Server13:55
dreadkoppfooobarrr: all 127.xxx.xxx.xxx ips? though is loopback but hwat might be?13:55
fooobarrrits a /8 so its the entire block13:56
fooobarrrusually only .1 is used...13:56
jsjsjsjs127.0.53.53. is a special address https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2014-08-01-en13:56
jushurdreadkopp: it is loopback actually. anything on 127.* is13:56
MonkeyDustshould look it up, all the network ranges, A B C etc, but am unable to open a browser here13:57
jsjsjsjsBut I don uderstand why my /etc/hosts is ignored13:57
dreadkoppjushur: thanks13:57
jushurjsjsjsjs: do a "dig" on the address you said u use for localhost13:57
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The_Fly2016-03-04 13:49:16,342 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.'13:58
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  try full-upgrade13:59
jsjsjsjsI dont try to connect to locahost. I try to connect to a virtual machine with IP
The_FlyMonkeyDust: what do you mean?13:59
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  dist-upgrade failed, try full-upgrade13:59
The_Flyfull-upgrade? command not found14:00
fooobarrrjsjsjsjs: what does "route" say - what is your default gateway?14:00
fooobarrrare your eth0/1 interfaces up?14:00
The_Fly~$ sudo do-release-upgrade14:00
The_FlyChecking for a new Ubuntu release14:00
The_FlyNo new release found14:00
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue14:00
fooobarrrare they configured with a static or dynamic IP?14:00
jushurjsjsjsjs: this computer. is connected to a network with a corporate dns server?14:00
The_FlyUbuntu 14.04.4 LTS \n \l14:01
fooobarrris it on a network that has dhcp?14:01
jsjsjsjsjushur: yes it is a default home router14:01
The_Flyi dont seem to have any held packages14:01
fooobarrrwhat is "default home router"14:01
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade14:01
The_Flyhave done14:01
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  sudo apt-get -f install   <-- no package14:02
The_Fly0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.14:02
jsjsjsjs@fooobarrr: Sorry, bad description: A router a private customer internet provider sends to you and you never change DNS configuration on that :)14:02
The_Flyill try with -f14:02
The_Flysame again MonkeyDust14:02
The_Flythis is a recent install of 14.04, not done much to it14:03
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  what are ypu struggling with14:03
The_Flyupgrading to 16.0414:03
The_Fly"Could not determine the upgrade"14:03
The_Fly2016-03-04 13:49:16,342 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.'14:03
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  16.04 is not ready, support in #ubuntu+114:03
The_Flyokay but i think im having difficulty getting to 14.1014:04
The_Flythen to 15.0414:04
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  they are both dead14:04
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  what do you want to achieve?14:04
The_Flyi want to run a newer kernel14:04
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  ok14:04
The_Flyto fix this acpi event stalling issue14:04
MonkeyDust!hwe | The_Fly14:04
ubottuThe_Fly: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack14:04
The_Flybecause all my function keys are wroking14:05
The_Flyapart from one14:05
The_Flywhich causes all acpi events to stall14:05
The_Flyand flush very very slowly14:05
The_Flycant go to sleep when close laptop lid14:05
The_Flyonly with this one button14:05
The_Flyi suspect kernel issue14:05
CacheMoneyis this a good kernel? 3.13.0-71-generic14:05
The_Flycould be wrong14:05
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  spare the enter key, it has rights too14:05
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  read what ubottu says14:06
The_Flyworth upgrading to 14.10?14:06
jushurjsjsjsjs: set a custom dns on your machine, like (google public). and se if the problem goes away. if so your router probably being used as a ddos tool/bot.14:06
jsjsjsjsjushur: I will try that. But how can it happen, that the DNS is preferred before my /etc/hosts file?14:07
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  14.10 is dead14:07
PiciThe_Fly: 14.10 and 15.04 are both EOL.14:08
The_Flythanks, ill try the LTSEnablementStack14:08
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  yes14:08
The_Flythank you for your help MonkeyDust14:08
asarchIn 14.x LTS, when I apt-get update: W: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release: Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)14:08
asarchHow can I remove that repo manually?14:09
asarchSoftware Center only show me just one entry for Chrome repo14:09
kostkonasarch, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/fix-failed-to-fetch-google-chrome-apt-error-ubuntu14:09
asarchThank you!14:10
asarchThank you very much kostkon :-)14:10
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  hope you make it14:10
The_FlyMonkeyDust: http://pastebin.com/PpZsWq4i14:10
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  can't open a browser, VM is eating all my resources14:10
The_Flycan i paste to you privately14:11
MonkeyDuststay in the channel14:11
The_Flyits quite a few lines, output from apt-get14:11
The_Fly libcheese-gtk23 : Depends: libclutter-gtk-1.0-0 (>= 0.91.8) but it is not going to be installed14:11
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kostkonasarch, np14:12
The_FlyMonkeyDust: apt-get install -f ?14:13
The_Flyi dont want to break anything14:13
sugeunable to enter into drive saying that authentication is required to mount the device14:13
sugewhat should i do for resolve this problem14:13
sugeam new to ubuntu14:13
jushursuge: more info plz, like is it internal or external disk, and expected filesystem on it?14:15
jsjsjsjs@jushur: I found the error. Was something extremely stupid...thank you!14:15
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fooobarrrwas your computer not on?14:16
sugeinternal only jushur14:16
fooobarrrah he's already gone14:16
jushursuge: is it ntfs (windows)?14:16
jushurfooobarrr: i bet he had a dns server localy anyhow.14:17
The_FlyMonkeyDust: having more luck with the multiarch desktop command listed there14:17
fooobarrrI'm guessing it was even easier... like his network cable wasn't plugged in14:18
The_FlyMonkeyDust: rebooting, here goes...14:18
sugejushur may be am not aware of this14:18
The_FlyMonkeyDust: well, kernel upgrade went fine14:19
The_FlyMonkeyDust: but this acpi problem still present14:19
scott_hello everyone14:20
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jushursuge: the drive your trying to access is mounted right?14:21
Yuanj/ #slitaz-cn14:21
PdeClownHello. Can someone tell me how I can stop clamav from automatically starting when the machine starts? I tried chkconfig clamav-deamon off, but that gives me /sbin/inserv: No such file or directory14:21
cherry_l1noh my god I've asked this already here14:22
cherry_l1nbut this bug is happening again14:22
cherry_l1nand I've forget how to fix it14:22
cherry_l1ntrying to do-release-upgrade -d from 14.0414:22
sugeyes yes when i click on drive error saying "authentication is required to mount the device"14:22
cherry_l1nand it says that module-init-tools cannot be authenticated14:23
cherry_l1ndoes anyone know where can I find this channel logs?14:23
cherry_l1nI've posted the solution here previously, but I don't keep logs on my machine14:23
sugejushur yes yes when i click on drive error saying "authentication is required to mount the device"14:23
DJones!logs | cherry_l1n14:23
ubottucherry_l1n: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/14:23
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gr33nbitsbtw have you guys ever found any virus with it?14:24
Ntemisi need some help, on apt-get update i get this error: W: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)14:24
Ntemisam on amd6414:24
MonkeyDustcherry_l1n  -d means developmenr ... do-release-upgrade can only be used as of 16.04.1, but 16.04 is not even out yet14:25
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cherry_l1nI don't care, I need xenial14:26
cherry_l1nI've found my solution in logs, thank you ubottu14:26
cherry_l1n[01:06] <cherry_lin> k1l_: I've created /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.d/unauth.cfg and filled it with [Distro]\n AllowUnauthenticated=yes14:27
MonkeyDustcherry_l1n  yoou cannot 'need' it, it's not ready yet14:27
jushurcherry_l1n: #ubuntu+114:27
Ntemisi need some help, on apt-get update i get this error: W: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)14:27
cherry_l1nnevermind, problem solved14:27
cherry_l1nI know it's not ready14:27
jushurcherry_l1n: also note that you will get a broken system if you "upgrade" to it. you need to install it with the installer.14:27
cherry_l1nwhy broken system?14:28
cherry_l1ndid that already a few times, working fine14:28
MonkeyDustcherry_l1n  because it's not réady, unstable14:28
cherry_l1nI'm not using that for desktop14:28
jushurcherry_l1n: well i kinda dont like when people says things "working fine" as they have not seen any "errors". especially when i know for a fact it does not.14:34
akikNtemis: you need to add [arch=amd64] to two files. google ended the support for 32-bit chrome14:35
cherry_l1njushur: I kinda don't like when people say "don't do that, this is unstable, that's not for you!" without knowing what am I going to use it for14:36
Ntemisakik: can you tell me more?14:36
Ntemiswhat files?14:37
akikNtemis: it's described here http://www.webupd8.org/2016/03/fix-failed-to-fetch-google-chrome_3.html14:37
jushurcherry_l1n: i did not? i gave a hint/notice about issues from doing that upgrade. i frankly do not care what you do with your system, i do however care about when you say its "working fine".14:42
cherry_l1njushur: I apologize for misunderstanding14:44
k1lcherry_l1n: this is a beginners channel. so telling "lets all move to development releases its working  fine"  is kind of the wrong signal. what you do on your own machine is of course your own business.14:46
drjohnDear people, can anyone tell me why the newest/recommended version of ClamAV is not included in the repository for Ubuntu 14.04?14:52
zykotick9!latest | drjohn14:52
ubottudrjohn: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:52
zykotick9drjohn: plus you are using 14.04 so the software is mostly going to be two years old...14:53
k1lthe last security update on 14.04 for clamav is from may 201514:54
MonkeyDustzykotick9  good thinking, didnt occur to me, i have 14.04 too14:54
trunk_monkeyMorning Guys, question..ubuntu VPS using upstart. Particular program cannot see sshfs drive when run as upstart service but when run manually, it see's path no problem. Any ideas?14:55
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trunk_monkeyrunning upstart service as my user14:55
k1l(which is the same version up to 15.10 right now.)14:55
drjohnOkay thanks for your answers! From a security standpoint what can you advise to use for open source anti-virus?14:55
k1ldrjohn: in general you dont need personal firewalls and antivirus like you were told to use on windows.14:56
k1ldrjohn: one main feature of ubuntu is, that it ships you updates for know security issues through the software packages system.14:56
django_hey all14:57
django_i downlaoded adrnoid studio, how can i add it so when i search for it, it comes up14:58
trunk_monkeydjango_: in dash?14:58
django_trunk_monkey, yes14:58
efoxquestion. How do I get rid of ALL the purple?14:59
MonkeyDustefox  all the purple?14:59
k1lefox: use another theme?14:59
k1lor set another wallpaper15:00
efoxwhat about boot splash?15:00
k1lefox: then use another theme for that too, or disable the boot splash at all15:01
drjohnSo, from a security standpoint, is it preferred to use the latest Ubuntu version in stead of the latest LongTermSupport 14.04?15:03
k1ldrjohn: no15:03
k1ldrjohn: do you have any known security issue that is not fixed on 14.04?15:03
django_I need to add: studio.sh  to path variable15:03
django_not sure how to do that15:03
EliterHello! I am curious as to if anyone know an easy way to get Ubuntu Server installer off of my USB stick (which the installer is already there), and avoid Windows Boot Manager from screwing that up? I have Windows 10, 2 hard drives (one with Windows already there, one that is formatted) with the USB stick. I use a Gigabit motherboard, and I cannot seem to find anything for my motherboard that would tell me where I would change the set15:04
Eliterwith things15:04
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django_/home/jonathan/.profile: Permission denied15:04
MonkeyDustdjango_  ls -l /home/jonathan/.profile15:05
django_MonkeyDust, -rw-r--r-- 1 jonathan jonathan 675 May  3  2014 /home/jonathan/.profile15:06
drjohnwell maybe I'm paranoia on security, but ClamAV recommends using the latest version 0.99.115:06
MonkeyDustdrjohn  what's worrying you?15:06
EriC^^django_: where's studio.sh located?15:06
django_EriC^^, ~/android-studio/bin15:07
EriC^^django_: ok nano ~/.profile15:07
mintuxhi i install squirrelmail and its config: http://codepad.org/e6FyNqlE but it doesn't execute and it want to download when i open it: and there is nothing in log file15:07
EliterShould I post my issue on the stackoverflow-looking Ubuntu (whatever you call it)?15:07
EriC^^then add PATH="$PATH:$HOME/android-studio/bin"15:07
MonkeyDustmintux  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue15:07
django_EriC^^, where do you type that15:08
mintuxMonkeyDust: what is relation your output to my question ?15:08
MonkeyDustmintux  because i'm guessing you're not using ubuntu15:08
PdeClownI'm having a serious problem with mysql. It keeps eating up my machine's memory. I get messages like: Out of memory: Kill process xxxx (mysqld) score 18 or sacrifice child. However I can't kill it, because the machine doesn't respond. Neither can I run mysqltuner, because mysql has to run for that and within no time it eats up the memory.. The machine is having 8GB of memory. I have the impression that should be enough to run myasql15:09
k1ldrjohn: a personal antivirus is not making your system much safer anyway. better is to use software from trusted sources and be sure known security issues are fixed and updated. like ubuntu does for its packages15:09
mintuxMonkeyDust: and whats different if i use ubuntu or not ? you can solve my problem or just asking ?15:09
EriC^^django_: at the bottom of ~/.profile15:09
EliterPdeClown: how much are you using your mysql server?15:10
MonkeyDustmintux  only ubuntu is supported here15:10
drjohn@MonkeyDust well it worries me, that there might be virusses out there not being scanned because of not having the latest updates15:10
notalentgeekHow can you remove broken PPA repo automatically from apt-get?15:10
mintuxMonkeyDust: if you know my problem i paste that output then don't waste time15:10
MonkeyDustmintux  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue15:10
django_EriC^^, ok i hit enter nothing happens lol15:10
mintuxUbuntu 14.04.4 LTS \n \l15:11
mintuxNow how can i solve my problem ?15:11
django_EriC^^, http://i.imgur.com/gMpeNLH.png15:11
EriC^^django_: save the file with ctrl+x15:11
PdeClownEliter, I have no idea. How can I find out that?15:11
k1ldrjohn: viruses like on windows are not the security issue on ubuntu. other attacks like ssl security flaws are a  much bigger issue15:11
EriC^^django_: no without "add"15:11
drjohn@k1l Okay I agree with safe and stable packages in the repository15:11
EriC^^just PATH="$PATH..."15:11
EliterPdeClown: you could look at internet traffic? That'd be my first guess15:11
k1ldrjohn: see http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/c/clamav/clamav_0.98.7+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.1/changelog15:12
notalentgeekHello guys, I want to ask a question :) .15:12
django_EriC^^, i hit ctrl x idk if it works15:12
EriC^^django_: did you save it?15:13
django_when i search for it, its not there15:13
django_i think so...15:13
django_i go back to the nano ~/.profile and its there15:13
EriC^^type tail ~/.profile15:13
EliterPdeClown: got to get to school. Sorry. Bye!15:13
EriC^^is it at the bottom?15:13
BluesKaj!ask | notalentgeek15:13
EriC^^django_: ok, type source ~/.profile15:13
ubottunotalentgeek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:13
django_EriC^^, the tail is showing the add lol15:13
EriC^^django_: when you log back in it'll source it in automatically and it'll be in all the shells15:13
notalentgeekI did asked the question but no one notice :( . How can you remove broken PPA repo automatically from apt-get?15:14
EriC^^django_: lol nano it again :D15:14
mintuxMonkeyDust: now what ?15:14
EriC^^django_: try ctrl+o to save15:14
k1l!ppa-purge | notalentgeek15:14
ubottunotalentgeek: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:14
EriC^^then ctrl+x to exit15:14
drjohn@k1l Okay thanx alot for your advise! This will do for the moment. :)15:14
django_EriC^^, idk how to type in yes: http://i.imgur.com/NnXPiCY.png i feel so ducking stupid15:15
EriC^^django_: np, press y15:15
django_EriC^^, ok then what?15:15
EriC^^django_: then hit enter15:16
django_do i need to restart?15:16
notalentgeekk1l, It does not automatic though. I still need to list the missing and broken PPAs before removing them. Is there is a way to remove broken PPA automatically?15:16
EriC^^django_: no try logging out and back in15:16
django_EriC^^, i think it needs to be; PATH="$PATH:$HOME/android-studio/bin/studio.sh"15:16
k1lnotalentgeek: no. you need to give the specific ppa to the command: ppa-purge15:17
notalentgeekk1l, So there is no automatic way?15:17
k1lnotalentgeek: there no automatic way to enable them, too.15:18
zykotick9django_: ahhh, a PATH would have the file included studio.sh...15:18
django_zykotick9, no need for the /studio.sh?15:19
notalentgeekk1l, Okay :( .15:19
zykotick9django_: correct15:19
django_ok gonna relog brb15:19
k1lnotalentgeek: if you have that much PPAs that you cant do this with ppa-purge there is something wrong in your repo handling :/15:19
django_EriC^^, hey its not there :/15:20
EriC^^django_: type echo $PATH15:20
django_at the end it says: :/home/jonathan/android-studio/bin15:21
notalentgeekk1l, I am new to Linux. How can I handling PPA? Sometimes I miss copy, etc.15:21
k1lnotalentgeek: what exactly?15:21
zykotick9django_: personally, for something like this (one executable program in an odd location) personally i'd just add a symlink from ~/bin to the executable... ymmv15:21
django_zykotick9, how?15:21
k1lnotalentgeek: please put the output of "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*" into paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here15:22
EriC^^django_: mkdir bin && ln -s /home/jonathan/android-studio/bin/studio.sh /home/jonathan/bin/studio.sh15:22
django_EriC^^, mkdir bin where?15:22
notalentgeekk1l, You told me there is something wrong on the way I handle my repo. I asked you what should I do for my repo handling.15:22
EriC^^in your home dir15:22
zykotick9django_: well... you'd create bin in your home directory... logout and login to add that automatically to your PATH, then "ln -s ~/android-studio/bin/studio.sh" (but this is an alternative to what you are trying now)15:23
k1lnotalentgeek: and a "sudo apt update" into paste.ubuntu.com too15:23
EriC^^django_: are you sure the executable is in the dir?15:23
EriC^^cause something else is wrong15:23
EriC^^django_: type "which studio.sh"15:23
k1lnotalentgeek: if you have added like 100 PPAs that might be bit too much.15:23
EriC^^django_: ok, so it sees it15:23
EriC^^django_: how are you trying to run it?15:23
django_search for android15:24
EriC^^try "studio.sh"15:24
django_yeah it opened15:24
zykotick9django_: it seems to be working, as is... so disregard my alternative!15:24
notalentgeekk1l, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15281191/15:24
notalentgeekk1l, Wait for update.15:24
AdriannomHi. I've tried uninstalling a font by deleting it from ~/.local/share/fonts but when trying to reinstall it with font viewer it says it's already installed. Copying the font over and using fc-cache doesn't seem to register the font. Any ideas how I can fix it?15:25
notalentgeekk1l, This is for sudo apt-get update, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15281199/ .15:26
k1lnotalentgeek: the pomidor app PPA doesnt have any packages since 13.0415:27
k1lnotalentgeek: so "sudo ppa-purge ppa:dkotrada/pomidor"15:27
notalentgeekk1l, How can I know that? I was looking for good time tracking application.15:27
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mac-hey guys15:29
mac-how can I install pidgin and otr-plugin for it ?15:29
mac-there is any GUI client for installations or just apt-get ?15:29
chotaz`wmac-, iirc, pidgin comes installed with ubuntu15:29
k1lnotalentgeek: and for the other issue with the google chrome repo see: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/fix-failed-to-fetch-google-chrome-apt-error-ubuntu15:29
mac-really ?15:29
chotaz`wmac-, theres the Ubuntu Software Center15:30
SchrodingersScat!info pidgin-otr | mac-15:30
ubottumac-: pidgin-otr (source: pidgin-otr): Off-the-Record Messaging plugin for Pidgin. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.1-1build1 (wily), package size 111 kB, installed size 705 kB15:30
mac-what about otr-plugin ?15:30
obaidhi all15:30
chotaz`wmac-, sudo apt-get install pidgin-otr15:30
_ikke_How is it possible that in an application I see traffic incoming on a port, but tcpdump does not report any traffic?15:30
_ikke_(on that port)15:30
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mac-I use Slackware64 for everyday but have to run xmpp secure chat with Pidgin and otr on friend's machine15:30
mac-with ubuntu15:30
k1lnotalentgeek: if you look at the PPAs webpage: https://launchpad.net/~dkotrada/+archive/ubuntu/pomidor  you can use the dropdown menue and see that it doesn have any packages for wily.15:30
SchrodingersScat_ikke_: listening on the correct interface? sure it's listening to the right port?15:31
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_ikke_SchrodingersScat: We have only one interface15:31
mac-thx guys15:31
_ikke_port is udp port 951415:31
notalentgeekk1l, Okay thank you. What is the most reliable way to install software in Linux? I think using PPA is not so reliable :\15:31
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k1lnotalentgeek: use the offical ubuntu repos first.15:32
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notalentgeekk1l, So I should never add any PPA in the first place?15:32
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chotaz`wnotalentgeek, you can, but you should know that there isnt support for external PPAs, you're supposed to know what you're doing when you do so.15:33
k1lnotalentgeek: if that doesnt include your software see if there is a PPA and if you can trust that PPA (there are PPAs run by some persons or real developers or companies). other software is only provided by the development company/project. that really depends15:33
AdriannomCan anyone confirm that this behaviour is normal or not?15:33
notalentgeekk1l, chotaz`w, Alright, I am a bit quite confused actually when sometimes the application does not have the .deb installer. Anyway thank you!15:35
trunk_monkeyAny reason an program (sonarr) started as an upstart service wouldn't be able to se an SSHFS mounted drive? It sees it when run otherwise, but via upstart, cannot see the path. Service is being run as same user that commandis being run as15:36
k1lnotalentgeek: well. if you install a single .deb package downloaded from some website. first you need to trust that website not to ship malicious code and you cant get updates then. so you need to keep track of updates15:36
notalentgeekk1l, But at least I should not worry less about broken PPAs in my computer, right?15:37
khanley6Hi there, I have a quick question regarding the broadcom wl driver. I currently have the driver installed (v248) through apt but it's filling my syslog with errors. The new version (v271) is supposed to fix that but I'm unsure about installing it. Is it possible to build the .ko, rmmod the old driver, drop the new .ko in /lib/modules/3.13.0-67-generic/updates/dkms/ where the current module is located and then insmod..?15:39
k1lnotalentgeek: any person on the world can make a PPA and ship code whatever they want to (until its proven to be malicious and that PPA will be removed then). so you need to decide if you want to trust that that PPA maintainer or not.15:39
iorianotalentgeek, if you  install synaptic and type in the search bar, for example,  'time tracker' you can have some hints15:40
SchrodingersScatnotalentgeek: I would only use a ppa if it wasn't in repos, not on github/launchpad or 3rd party I trust to not be malicious, or too difficult for me to build myself.15:41
AdriannomI've tried uninstalling a font by deleting it from ~/.local/share/fonts but when trying to reinstall it with font viewer it says it's already installed. Copying the font over and using fc-cache doesn't seem to register the font. Any ideas how I can fix it?15:42
vlad_andreihello guys15:48
ouroumov_Hi Adriannom, vlad_andrei. You guys have questions?15:49
homai want change android of fonepad7 fe375cg to ubuntu touch how can i do?15:50
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch15:50
vlad_andreiIt's my first time here, so a few pointers would be great !15:50
Adriannomouroumov, yes thank you. I've tried uninstalling a font by deleting it from ~/.local/share/fonts but when trying to reinstall it with font viewer it says it's already installed. Copying the font over and using fc-cache doesn't seem to register the font. Any ideas how I can fix it?15:50
ouroumov_vlad_andrei, this is a support channel. If you have a problem, ask a question. Else head over to #ubuntu-offtopic15:51
vlad_andreiouroumov_, thank you, I apologize for the inconvenience15:52
ouroumov_Adriannom, I don't know about fonts, you're welcome to wait around for someone with expertise to read the log. Your problem in general feels like if you can recover the font in question and copy it back to the folder (maybe from a livecd or whatnot) you'll have the font back?15:54
dreadkopphow do i get the current load in % of a core in bash ? (need if for a small script)15:55
Adriannomouroumov, installing the font manually (copying it back to where it was and using fc-cache -f -v) doesn't register the font, but Font Viewer insists that it's installed correctly no matter what happens. Even with -v fc-cache doesn't seem to list certain fonts that I know are installed and can use, which is puzzling15:56
al8989hello I have a question is it ok toinstall ubuntu on the old ancient ide hard drives?  Would there be a big performance hit since installing onto acomputer with 3gbram and anintel q6600 quadcore processor.15:56
Adriannomouroumov, but thanks for trying15:56
jushural8989: define ancient? 6GB drive or what?15:57
al8989200 gb15:57
al8989jushur: 200 gb15:57
jushural8989: it be usable id say, not that bigg difference in speeds actually.15:58
k1lal8989: they are slow on ide, of course. but it should still run.15:58
ganeshaditya1Hey so I have a digital ocean account where I am hosting my website. I am using gunicorn server for my website and I have to run a command to start it.15:58
al8989jushur: i was asking this because it orignally had a sata hd in the computer but the sata ports died, however i was able to determinetheat the ide ports still work.15:58
k1lal8989: so the responsivness could be somewhat slower. but it will work15:58
jushural8989: i run a few installs of usb3 drives. doing 60-80Mb/sec wich i consider slow. and they should be about the same speed as your drive right?15:59
al8989jushur: yes true15:59
ganeshaditya1I was wondering if there was a way I could see to that the command is re-executed if the server stops or something because of a error15:59
ouroumov_dreadkopp, use /proc/stat15:59
dreadkoppmuch values XD thanks... need to check which ones to use :P16:00
_ikke_Is it possible the kernel is still redirecting even if I removed all prerouting rules that did it?16:00
_ikke_I had a redirect from port 514, redirected it to 951416:01
_ikke_The rule is gone, but I see still taffic in iptables on port 951416:01
n-iCehi, is not ubuntu sending more updates than ever?16:02
al8989jushur: do you even  think i should even still use the pc with the dead sata ports?  My sata hard drive made the classic grinding noises of failure and hten after that nothing satawould work notmy hard drive, or dvd drive, however i got an oldidedvd driveto work on the ide ports, so figure maybe i couldslavage thepcas a dailyweb surfe, office pc or something.16:02
khanley6Is anyone here familiar with installing kernel modules from source?16:02
n-iCeI have to update my system every day16:02
k1ln-iCe: there are a lot security updates going on. that is not a bad sign, but a good sing that ubuntu ships those updates.16:02
n-iCek1l: don't think are security updates.16:02
jushural8989: id go for a new motherboard new cables and so. im made of money.. so thats not a problem here. /i. but seriously dont expect things to work if you run stable/well with broken harware.16:04
AdriannomWhen you uninstall a font, does anyone know if Font Viewer lets you install it again? Perhaps someone would be kind enough to test it on their machine?16:04
AdriannomWith a downloaded font that is, so it doesn't screw up your fonts :)16:05
al8989jushur: so i should just replace the board then, we'll if im goign to do that i might as well buy a whoe new pc,16:05
VolundSO apparently I have the touch of death yesterday. Not long after I installed 32gb of DDR3 RAM in my Lenovo TS140, the ubuntu install seemingly crapped out. Attempting to reboot gets me a string of ATA Device errors or something, and it's getting all kinds of errors from /dev/sda (my Linux SSD.) :/16:05
Volundgonna install Ubuntu 15.10 again, just... start over16:05
jushurAdriannom: put font in dir, in terminal do "xset fp rehash"16:06
Adriannomjushur, thanks, I'll try16:06
Adriannomjushur, no luck. I'm assuming that was meant to register the font, yes?16:08
jushurAdriannom: id sudgest you do "man xset" in a terminal and read.16:08
jushurAdriannom: well you may need to do the mkfontdir thing to. not sure. just know i used that way to get ym things working when using temporary font hacks.16:08
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jushurAdriannom: also im not sure im correct in giving this tip, may want to get some other peoples input on the matter.16:10
Adriannomjushur, ok no luck using mkfontdir either. What about completely and utterly UNinstalling a font?16:10
Adriannomjushur, understood16:10
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jushurVolund: you sure the machine can handle the memmory modules? and they are properly seated in the sockets? (seen badly seated memmory modules many times..)16:17
jushurVolund: also check so the SATA cable is properly seated. in both ends.16:20
hicoleriI suddenly lost access to my secondary partitions on my harddrive, in the sense that they do not appear anymore. When I checked /media/, I saw that access to those folders were disabled. additionally my fortune cookies got disabled. What should I do?16:21
Volundjushur: fairly sure they are all properly seated. I double checked THAT... now, can they hadle it? i dunno16:21
BluesKajhicoleri, did you make entries in /etc/fstab for those partitions?16:26
hicoleriBluesKaj: I did nothing. I just rebooted my system and this happened.16:27
hicoleriBluesKaj: I think those were done on installation.16:27
BluesKaj!fstab | hicoleri16:28
ubottuhicoleri: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:28
extraymondHi! Anyone know why fglrx is removed on xenial?16:30
Meliohow can i test my ethernet interface for flakyness, i get a lot of timeouts to websites, could be dns tho.16:30
Meliomaby i'll switch my dns to test thigns first.16:30
naccextraymond: deprecated: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes16:33
n-iCewhy the heck will ubuntu select me 8GB of RAM16:34
tgm4883n-iCe: what?16:35
n-iCejust noticed it Swap:         8043          0       804316:35
tgm4883n-iCe: I'm still now sure what the question is16:35
AdriannomI've tried uninstalling a font by deleting it from ~/.local/share/fonts but when trying to reinstall it with font viewer it says it's already installed. Copying the font over and using fc-cache doesn't seem to register the font. Any ideas how I can fix it?16:35
MonkeyDustextraymond  #ubuntu+116:35
naccMonkeyDust: thanks, forgot about that :)16:36
n-iCetgm4883: after the installation, ubuntu set 8GB for swap.16:36
tgm4883n-iCe: how much RAM do you have?16:36
tgm4883somewhere around, 4GB?16:36
n-iCetgm4883: 8GB16:37
tgm4883n-iCe: ok, so it set your SWAP equal to your RAM16:37
n-iCetgm4883: why16:37
n-iCeif I will never use swap with 8gb16:37
ouroumov_Because you might want to hibernate n-iCe16:37
tgm4883n-iCe: hibernation16:38
n-iCeand need 8 GB ram?16:38
tgm4883n-iCe: hibernation would save your RAM to swap16:38
ouroumov_If your system can use 8 yes, you need to store the system state in disk so 8GB of disk space16:38
naccn-iCe: and using swap depends on your workload ... so you absolutely *can* use swap with 8g of ram. Not sure if your particular use would do that...16:39
n-iCenacc: I will never use more than 8GB16:40
tgm4883n-iCe: ok, then do a custom install and set the size of your SWAP partition16:40
naccn-iCe: there's no way for the ubuntu installer to know that or what you plan on doing with your system16:41
naccn-iCe: if you do know that, do as tgm4883 says16:41
naccthe defaults are meant to cover (as i see it) the broadest range of use cases16:41
mekhamii have fonts-font-awesome installed via apt-get but i don't understand how to use the icons16:42
mekhamiif i do something like echo "\uf1ek" which should be one of the icons16:42
mekhamithat doesn't work obviously cause that's not the font my terminal currently uses16:43
n-iCewhat would be the best option, tgm4883 nacc ?16:43
n-iCeno swap16:44
tgm4883n-iCe: well that's up for you to decide, since you are the only one who knows what you will be doing with your desktop16:44
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hicoleri ubottu: I tried to manually mount the partition first, its says something about "superlock": " mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda9"16:48
ubottuhicoleri: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:48
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hicoleriBluesKaj: ubottu: I tried to manually mount the partition first, its says something about "superlock": " mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda9"16:49
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anonymous_join and quit17:15
anonymous_anonymous_ has quit (Ping STFU)17:16
django_how can i locate: export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"17:16
naresh12i know this is ubuntu community but us there any way to clean terminal command history on MAc?17:17
naccdjango_: what do you mean "locate"?17:17
mehediI am a new user of ubuntu17:18
mehediI was a windows user17:18
django_nacc, i wanna change $MAVEN-HOME17:18
mehediI would like to know how to update all 3rd party softwares using terminal17:18
k1lmehedi: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade17:19
k1lmehedi: that will update all official ubuntu repos and all the PPAs.17:19
mehedioh I forgot17:19
naccdjango_: still not sure I follow, but doesn't export MAVEN_HOME=... (where ... is where you want it to point)?17:19
mehediI don't want latest build17:19
mehediI only want Long term builds17:19
arlionanyone have experience with cisco any connect?17:20
mehedithanks kll17:20
arlionI have installed the openconnect client, input my details. But I when I login with my credentials I get that the vpn failed. journalctl says "VPN service unavilable, no assigned address"17:21
craptalkmy friend is afraid of installing ubuntu cause he thinks it cant cover up his needs, what do you think i can say to him?17:22
xanguaOnly your friend can decide17:22
arlioncraptalk: I would ask him what he needs in a desktop, and then show him the alternatives that already exist.17:22
django_nacc, export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m" in .bashrc in my system, change it to export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m"17:23
django_how can i get the current value of MAVEN_OPTS?17:24
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arliondjango_: echo $MAVEN_OPTS17:24
naccdjango_: $MAVEN_OPTS? or echo $MAVEN_OPTS if you want to see it at the shell?17:25
naccdjango_: I still don't understand what you're asking or doing, tbh17:25
naccdjango_: although it sounds like you need help with maven, which seems like you should ask in a maven-channel, not #ubuntu17:26
naccdjango_: ok ... so just do what it says in the answer?17:28
django_nacc, yeah it worked got it17:28
akonovkahi guys. Is it possible to install Mate desktop on Ubuntu 14.04 and completely remove Unity?17:28
EriC^^yeah, you might need a ppa though17:29
xanguaakonovka: you could just install the Ubuntu mate ISO17:29
akonovkayea, I could17:29
akonovkabut system administrator prepared working machine for me. I had no choice17:30
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EriC^^akonovka: talk to him17:33
alexmhIs there an easy way to style the currently selected tab in the terminal app? I just find it hard to know which one is selected http://i.imgur.com/uC3ct4c.png for example17:33
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lotuspsychjealexmh: maybe you should try multiwindow terminals liek terminator?17:35
lotuspsychje!info terminator | alexmh17:36
ubottualexmh: terminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97-4 (wily), package size 234 kB, installed size 2049 kB17:36
alexmhlotuspsychje, I actually switched *away* from terminator for some long standing issues I've had with it.17:36
alexmhlotuspsychje, thanks for the recommend though! Terminator is great software. But typically if I'm doing something where I want multiple windows I'll use emacs17:37
trunk_monkeyalexmh: why not VIM and tmux? ;)17:37
monsterjI can't seem to get the radeon driver to work17:38
monsterjHow can I fix/troubleshoot17:38
alexmhtrunk_monkey, oh don't start that war here! ;)17:38
xanguaHow did you came to that conclusion? monsterj17:38
xangua! Details17:38
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)17:38
trunk_monkeylol, it's quite the showdown17:38
monsterjWell when I start Ubuntu, it only allows me to run in one resolution and programs run really slowly17:39
monsterjI have switchable graphics btw, I'm trying to get the radeon to work17:40
alexmhtrunk_monkey, I usually have several different contexts I'm working in, and the multiple tabs helps a lot with that, I'm good with my workflow involving workspaces and atom/terminals. I use emacs with multiple windows when SSH'd in though, I should use tmux though :\17:40
monsterjAlso when I run glxgears, the framerate is not limited to 60fps17:41
trunk_monkeyI just boarded the tmux hype train and I'm really enjoying it, espcially when using putty. I got on my VPS at work, detach, and reattach later at home if need be and it's all right where I left it. Very handy when SSH'ing17:42
EriC^^monsterj: lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA17:42
monsterjEriC^^ http://pastebin.com/vae4VuT417:44
alexmhI've used screen in years past but I've heard tmux is better17:44
monsterjThe GPU is definately being detected17:45
EriC^^monsterj: where'd you type that?17:45
monsterjIn the terminal17:46
EriC^^tty1 or gui terminal?17:46
EriC^^dpkg -l | grep -E "fglrx|ati"17:46
monsterjI've made sure to completely uninstall fglrx17:48
EriC^^you've made some sort of typo17:48
monsterjDid you mean to but a space after the first " and a space after the second "17:49
monsterjCause that only returns one item17:50
EriC^^no, just the way it is17:50
monsterjI double-checked, I copy and pasted your command and it returns the same list17:51
Freshest way to sync my iphone again? my mac battery died and I need a new charger so thats option 1. option 2 is a virtual windows machine literally only for itunes. any other options?17:52
monsterjBut with spaces it returns this: http://pastebin.com/WHxQyZhf17:52
EriC^^monsterj: why is there a git in the package name?17:53
daftykinsFresh: as in music? sync can be for many things17:53
monsterjI'm not sure17:54
FreshMusic would be the main reason everything else I am not worried about17:54
EriC^^monsterj: apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-ati17:54
FreshI tried using banshee and rhythymbox and they made the current music unplayable and did not load anything onto the phone17:55
EriC^^monsterj: hmm, no idea17:57
xanguaFresh: option 2 is actually the only option, if by sync you mean sync with iTunes store17:58
monsterjI got the drivers working once but I can't get them to work anymore17:59
EriC^^monsterj: try cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:59
Freshxangua: music is the primary thing because of how much I have. I was hoping to avoid virtual but if I must i guess it will have to work till feel like buying another computer or spending money on parts.18:00
trustyPinnerhello, would it be bad on a 14.04 LTS install to upgrade "apt" to a newer releases (eg wily) version?18:00
monsterjEriC^^ http://pastebin.com/5HGvrPL718:01
trustyPinner I've got APT::Default-Release "trusty"; set and have one deb for 'wily' added to my sources.list to cherry pick a newer library or two from Wily.  (for a newer OpenJDK supporting library))18:01
xanguatrustyPinner: please don't do that18:01
trustyPinnerI keep getting a apticron warning "W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'compiz-core' W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'compiz-gnome'" etc because of the newer Wily deb setup in sources.list for the Apt pinning..18:02
R13oseI get this error: libc-dev-bin : Depends: libc6 (< 2.16) but 2.17-0ubuntu4 is installed.  How do I downgrade to solve this?18:02
EriC^^monsterj: maybe this is relevant? (II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI2 capable18:02
trustyPinnerxangua: Should I just 'live' with the warnings from the older Apt processing the newer 'wily' package sources?18:03
EriC^^monsterj: did you add these to the kernel line? radeon.modeset=1 i915.modeset=118:03
monsterjEriC^^ I believe I did, but I need to check to make sure.18:05
Cr00ksedHello there, can someone tell me why nobody answer me on channels ?18:06
daftykinstrustyPinner: if you've added repo resources for wily to your trusty system, that is a huge mistake18:06
monsterjEriC^^ Yes those lines are still in the grub files18:07
R13oseCr00ksed: you have to wait18:07
trustyPinnerDaftykins: why do you say that?  I've added an /etc/apt/atp.conf.d/01Ubuntu with APT::Default-Release "trusty";  in it.  This allows you to cherry pick newer release packages described in Apt-Pinning: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto18:09
Cr00ksedYes thanks18:09
daftykinstrustyPinner: ah ok so not just a risqué throwing into sources - oh well - sorry i don't have any experience with that approach18:11
EriC^^monsterj: maybe you were using the fglrx driver?18:11
monsterjEriC^^ I'm pretty sure they're uninstalled, I used the purge command then reinstalled the xorg drivers18:12
EriC^^monsterj: when it was working though maybe the fglrx was installed?18:12
trustyPinner Daftykins: It allows you to only install a needed up-stream package and dependencies.  Eg. I've got a /etc/apt/preferences.d/liblcms2-2_utopic-pin-990 text file created with: "Package: liblcms2-2  Pin: release n=wily*   Pin-Priority: 990"  (separated on their own lines)18:13
monsterjEriC^^ Maybe, I don't remember which drivers I was using when it was working. But nonetheless I've had no success getting fglrx to work either.18:13
daftykinstrustyPinner: no point describing it to me, it's something i wouldn't do18:13
Cr00ksedCould someone help me for changing the acknowledgment of my USB (usb type) into a CD/DVD type or something else ?18:14
EriC^^monsterj: what does xrandr -q show you?18:14
monsterjEriC^^ http://pastebin.com/kvTn3ABg18:15
trustyPinnerdaftykins: No problem, was seeing if anyone else was going to jump in :)18:15
luckman212Guys, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to a machine with no VGA.. just a serial console.  I get through the boot menu but then something happens with the codepage/encoding (?) looks like this: https://goo.gl/ysks4w18:15
monsterjEriC^^ It shows a 4:3 resolution only but my monitor is 16:1018:15
EriC^^monsterj: hmm, i think i got it18:16
monsterjEriC^^ Also it should be at 60hz but it shows 7618:16
luckman212Oh crap that goo.gl link was no good18:16
monsterjEriC^^ :D18:16
EriC^^try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-radeon xserver-xorg-core18:16
monsterjShould I restart?18:17
luckman212Guys, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to a machine with no VGA.. just a serial console.  I get through the boot menu but then something happens with the codepage/encoding (?) looks like this: https://monosnap.com/file/ZjSD6vlogQDHaMu1arjFENuytELTOK#18:17
monsterjEriC^^ K, I'll be right back then18:18
monsterjampEriC^^ I restarted, it's still only letting me choose one resolution18:20
EriC^^monsterjamp: try removing the modeset stuff from grub18:20
linociscohi ubuntu18:20
linociscoi have unknown problem when computer freeze. display dim and can't press anything and back to normal after a few seconds or mins. what is the problem?18:21
daftykinslinocisco: when it happens try running a "dmesg | tail" and throwing it in a pastebin to share18:22
linociscodaftykins, when it happens, I can't press anything or can't move mouse totally. I was just to wait18:23
Cr00ksedHow to read a txt file > 15Go without crashing please ?18:23
daftykinslinocisco: yes but the logs will be relevant afterward.18:23
daftykinslinocisco: i'm assuming you mean it comes back to normal and you don't have to reset?18:23
EriC^^Cr00ksed: less textfile18:23
daftykinsCr00ksed: i think something is wrong if you're dealing with text that large...18:24
monsterjampEriC^^ I removed the modeset stuff, updated grub, and restarted but things are still the same18:24
linociscodaftykins, I dont have to reset. just back to normal and I can work.18:24
daftykinslinocisco: yep so what i suggested applies18:24
EriC^^Cr00ksed: that's a command btw18:24
Cr00kseddafynkins: this is a WPA dictionnary18:25
Cr00ksedEric^^: Thank you I'll try this18:25
monsterjampEriC^^ Is there anything else I can try?18:26
Cr00ksedEric^^: And to add a line at the end of my big file do you have something ?18:26
EriC^^monsterjamp: yeah, you can try the hwe stack18:27
linociscodaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15283104/18:27
EriC^^monsterjamp: type uname -r18:27
cansIs it possible to install java applet support without having access to sudo?18:27
cansfor example, a "portable" icedtea would do the job for me18:28
monsterjampEriC^^ "4.2.0-30-generic" is what it shows18:28
EriC^^!info linux-generic18:29
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (wily), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB18:29
R13oseany thoughts on my question?18:29
EriC^^monsterjamp: it's the latest one18:29
daftykinslinocisco: you ran this immediately after the issue happened? if not it's useless18:29
monsterjampEriC^^ Whats the hwe stack?18:29
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack18:29
daftykinsmonsterjamp: ^18:29
monsterjampI see18:29
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mmkumrI have installed Ubuntu gnome while installing. I have selected  'something else ' option then I edited all partitions except windows partition and then I install Ubuntu Gnome then I recovered my Grub but Windows is not visible in the grub but all partition of Windows are safe. Can someone help me in solving this problem?18:31
EriC^^monsterjamp: nevermind, it's newer kernels on old releases18:32
EriC^^monsterjamp: try sudo update-initramfs -u -k all18:32
daftykinsmmkumr: i'd be willing to bet you booted ubuntu as legacy besides a EFI installation of Windows - or vice versa18:32
Bashing-ommmkumr: Did you run terminal command ' sudo update-grub ' to discover and chainload Windows boot code ?18:33
R13oseI get this error: libc-dev-bin : Depends: libc6 (< 2.16) but 2.17-0ubuntu4 is installed.  How do I downgrade to solve this?18:33
fr3tz0rhi have problem with old installation ubuntu 13.04. Is this ok to ask about this version in this channel?18:33
Bashing-om!13.04 | fr3tz0r18:34
ubottufr3tz0r: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring18:34
daftykinsfr3tz0r: short answer - no18:34
mmkumrBashing-om: yes.18:34
Bashing-ommmkumr: Then as daftykins surmises ... uefi/legacy incompatibility ?18:35
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monsterjampEriC^^ I think I installed the hwe stack, but things are still the same.18:36
mmkumrBashing-om: what you want to say I have not undertood18:36
EriC^^monsterjamp: which package did you install?18:37
monsterjampEriC^^ Oh I missed 2 of your replies.18:37
EriC^^monsterjamp: according to google, the can't find /dev/dri/card0 means the kernel can't give the device and it usually means that modesetting isn't on18:37
EriC^^monsterjamp: somebody supposedly had an issue with btrfs and his initramfs was messed up and it was causing it18:38
Bashing-ommmkumr: Say that Windows is installed as UEFI, and in the install of ubuntu in "manual" you installed as MBR (legacy). the two partitioning/booting schemes are not compatible, One will not recognize the other on the same hard drive .18:38
monsterjampEriC^^ So should I edit grub again to enable modesetting?18:38
EriC^^monsterjamp: can you upload your /etc/default/grub ? maybe it has some clues?18:38
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EriC^^monsterjamp: it's enabled already, i think18:39
EriC^^modeset=0 is disabled, i think 1 just means enable18:39
monsterjampEriC^^ pastebin.com/pGTdQEjp18:41
mmkumrBashing-om: Ok understood.Thanks for you help.18:41
Bashing-ommmkumr: What type install is this ? IF UEFI then the ubuntu command ' ls -al /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu ' should return positive results .18:42
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fr3tz0rcan i ask general issue questions or does i have to refer ro a specific version of ubuntu?18:43
lichenx1only version 13.34235236342318:44
pbxfr3tz0r, as long as it's about ubuntu.  but if it's a "general issue question" that comes from some specific problem you had, you can just ask about that specific problem too18:45
zykotick9pbx: it's an EOL release... and thus not supported in #ubuntu18:45
monsterjampEriC^^ When I run 'lshw -C display'it shows that the display is unclaimed18:45
fr3tz0rok cannot update anything18:45
BluesKajfr3tz0r, depends on the issue, but ask anyway18:45
Bashing-omfr3tz0r: If in relation to a dead release .. not much we can do .. as all support has been turned down in the software repo . But you can ask and see if there is any other alternative than a clean fresh install of a supported release .18:45
zykotick9fr3tz0r: see the EOL instruction above18:45
fr3tz0ralready did18:46
EriC^^monsterjamp: can you paste it?18:46
EriC^^monsterjamp: grub looks fine btw18:46
monsterjampEriC^^ pastebin.com/n4Ffpvs718:47
day2ubuntuhow do I find an app after I installed a new DE18:48
fr3tz0rare linux mint and ubuntu entirely different kernels?18:48
day2ubuntub/c I see Chrome but I don't see the Chromium18:50
daftykinsfr3tz0r: specific version - if you're actually on Mint, please do not mislead us - and find Mint support instead.18:50
BluesKajfr3tz0r, depends which OS versions, but if you're on mint then it's not supported here18:50
daftykins!mint | fr3tz0r18:50
ubottufr3tz0r: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:50
fr3tz0ri'm actually on windows 7/ubuntu/linux mint ;)18:51
SchrodingersScatwhich all of them sound unsupported here18:52
metroinsWhat is a good sql opener/editor for ubuntu?  is it libreoffice calc?18:53
lichenx1I'm going to start looking because I need one of those too18:53
day2ubuntuwhat happened to the good ol' days of the "que"?18:54
lichenx1sqllite database browser?18:54
Mikelevelmetroins~ sql opener? select from tablet?18:54
metroinsI'm not sure; I have a database from my website that I used to edit in excel18:55
metroinsand I need to find/replace a url in it18:55
daftykinsday2ubuntu: not sure what you mean, doesn't sound like OS support though :)18:55
EriC^^monsterjamp: seems that it means there's no video driver for the device18:55
Mikelevelmetroins~ check https://github.com/tora-tool/tora/wiki18:55
EriC^^monsterjamp: try sudo rmmod i915 ( it might log you out not sure )18:55
lichenx1ditching windows was the best thing I ever did18:56
daftykinslichenx1: it'd be best to stick to support only, that kind of topic borders on talking religion18:56
day2ubuntudaftykins: true it is more of a inter-de issue18:57
day2ubuntudaftykins:but they do both run on ubuntu18:58
monsterjampEriC^^ It says the i915 module is not currently loaded18:58
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daftykinsday2ubuntu: no i just have no idea what you mean by 'que'18:59
day2ubuntulol thats ok i'm old19:00
Bashing-ommonsterjamp: As advised for " [Mobility Radeon HD 3450/3470]" there is no FGLRX driver anymore . Now how does the Intel i915 play into this ? Hybrid graphics ?19:02
krobzaurHello all! Has anybody found a way of forwarding messages from an iPhone to a machine running ubuntu? I just recently switched from OSX to Ubuntu and would love to be able to respond to texts from my desktop19:02
EriC^^monsterjamp: try sudo modprobe radeon19:02
krobzaurOne of the main reasons I moved away from OSX was because of their super frustrating closed model for all their software and hardware19:03
daftykinskrobzaur: that's a topic welcome in #ubuntu-offtopic but not here, if you don't mind - we like to keep it clear for support only.19:05
krobzaurAh I see, I will move there my apologies19:05
SchrodingersScatkrobzaur: I use airdroid for my android, looks like the closest iphone clone is airmore19:05
daftykinskrobzaur: sorry, only the mac portion was :) i don't think there is anything to do that19:05
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linociscowhich theme is lighter?19:06
linociscodefault GNOME theme is boring and think it is buggy19:06
linociscoas far as I know , only GNOME and KDE19:06
linociscois anybody using ubuntu server on SuperMicro?19:09
MonkeyDustlinocisco  kde tends to be swifter, but you have to like all the whistles and belss19:09
craptalkhow can i upgrade my gtk version? i am using ubuntu mate currently19:09
qwerkusHeĺlo' another wifi problem here. In 15.10 desktop ubuntu, my nic is identified by wlp4s0 and des not work, while on my 15.04 livecd, it s called wlan0' and works like a charm. How can I fix this on my desktop?19:09
linociscoMonkeyDust, yes. I see. but I dislike the name like Kontact and something starting all with "K"19:10
craptalkwhat is the best ubuntu environment but also nice by its look?19:10
daftykinsqwerkus: the name is of no relevance19:10
bassbizzare bug I think - i change the "file association" of mp4 files ... and something immediately changes it back! thats not expected is it?19:10
daftykinsit is simply a kernel naming convention change19:10
MonkeyDustcraptalk  what you like most, is the best by look19:10
craptalkMonkeyDust: well, maybe'19:11
craptalkMonkeyDust: can i add sound to my irssi chat screen? since its using only terminal?19:11
MonkeyDustcraptalk  i use irssi, but never tried to add sound19:12
daftykinswrong client for such features19:13
MonkeyDustcraptalk  not sure if it can be done, i know there are plugins19:13
qwerkus@daftykins maybe still how comes it works on the livecd' and not the desktop installation?19:13
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craptalkMonkeyDust: well good to know19:13
daftykinsqwerkus: well you just spoke of two completely different versions, so they have different kernels and different drivers - so that is why19:13
EriC^^monsterj: is it you?19:13
daftykinsqwerkus: said another way, you're comparing an apple to an orange19:13
craptalki parted some free space in my HDD for linux installation folder, when i am done with it, i tried to rejoin the partition but i cant, why is that?19:15
MonkeyDustcraptalk  https://scripts.irssi.org/19:15
craptalkMonkeyDust: let me see19:16
linociscohi all19:16
linociscoinstead of python http server and woof , how can I share folder to windows machine on same network to copy?19:17
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html19:20
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linociscoMonkeyDust, samba is a long way to configure and complicated19:34
daftykinssamba is <5 lines for a file share19:35
daftykinsif that's too much, Linux may not be for you19:35
andy96Do you need help with something?19:39
paul__yes pleas19:40
andy96Go ahead and ask19:40
propmanlinocisco,  nautilus file manager -> connect to server -> smb://<ip> -> connect.   your windows shares should show up19:40
paul__do you have any knowledge with the raspberry pi19:40
andy96A fair bit. Which model?19:41
paul__pi 319:41
andy96I haven't been able to get one yet but I may still be able to help.19:41
paul__I want to install the new vc4 driver in the ubuntu mate build19:41
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andy96paul__ I think you should be able to install experimental vc4 driver through the raspi-config tool19:44
andy96Are you familiar with it?19:45
paul__yes, but the problem is that the ubuntu mate build doesn't have the driver even in the repos19:45
andy96hmm. I'll see if I can find a repo or something with the driver19:47
paul__thank you, I havn't found something like this yet, would be very helpful19:47
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paul__compiling the driver isn't easy and I don't have the Knowledge doing this19:49
andy96I'm on the mate IRC now, I'll see if they have any advice19:50
popeyflexiondotorg is the guy who made the image, he's the person to poke19:50
popeyi just poked him on telegram but he's afk19:50
=== ubi is now known as Halifax123
guest554434Have problem with dual monitor, using nouveau.  Dual monitor works well with 15.10 live DVD, but after install 2nd monitor stays asleep.20:07
Melioif it's live, when you edit files it'll revert back unless you're running persistant20:08
guest554434Install is clean, fresh, using nvidia geforce 8400 GS card, Y cable for 2 DVI outputs.20:08
docmur I setup a new KVM machine that I need to have external internet20:08
docmur                access.  I have external access to the host box, which holds20:09
docmur                the KVM, that address is on interface em1.  When configuring20:09
docmur                the VM I set one it's interfaces into bridge mode off em1,20:09
docmur                allowing that VM to have an external facing address.  Now20:09
docmur                inside the VM I can see the right address but nothing extenral20:09
guest554434Xrandr looks correct, and the same for both live and installed.20:09
jushur!pastebin | docmur20:09
ubottudocmur: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:09
EliterHow do I allow Ubuntu to load, without Windows Boot Manager interfering? I use a USB stick and Windows 10 as my initial setup. My bro setup the whole thing before I got it. I use a Gigabit motherboard.20:10
fooobarrryou have ubuntu installed?20:11
fooobarrron a hard disk now?20:11
Eliterfooobarrr: I need to install it. It's not installed yet.20:11
guest554434Melio I'm trying to get dual monitors to work after installation, like it does when previewing the installtion with the live dvd.  The display widgit in the control panel sees both monitors, but the monitor itself saus "no signal" and goes to sleep.20:11
pbx14.04 keybindings question - i have two accounts and i use synapse with both, but with one i can no longer set my preferred hotkey (super-esc); it's not assigned to anything in keyboard settings and i didn't intentionally use it anywhere else. how can i track down what's using it?20:11
Bashing-om!dualboot | Eliter20:12
ubottuEliter: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:12
Melioguest554434, typically you enable the second monitor with nvidia tools application and it writes the xorg.conf with the proper settins for the dual monitor setup and positions and resolutions20:12
Melioit's not included w/ ubuntu so you have to install it20:12
Meliowhich is simple enough it's in the ubuntu app store20:13
Bitrixwhere can I find the section of "serverlayout", I can't seem to find under the subdirectory/usr/share/x11/xorg.conf.d20:13
Eliterubottu, Bashing-om, I don't have a CD to boot to, so that was useless.20:13
ubottuEliter: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:13
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Bashing-omBitrix: Maybe the file you want is " /etc/X11/xorg.conf " ? .20:14
drink1n_hello I got error20:14
drink1n_Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-ncbi-asn1'20:14
BlessJahis there mirror that hosts older version of images, like 12.04 (first release) or even EOL ones like 10.04?20:14
drink1n_Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-ncbi-asn1-binary'20:14
drink1n_Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-ncbi-asn1-xm20:14
drink1n_what's this?20:14
drink1n_ 20:14
Bitrixyes, but i cant find the section there20:15
BlessJahmirrors listed on main site seems to be hosting only latest (12.04.5) images20:15
ioriaguest554434, grep "Monitor name" /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:15
BitrixI mean, i at xorg.conf, but when I try to search for the serverlayout, its not there20:15
guest554434Melio I want to stay with nouveau because I wish to add a 3rd monitor and the USB based adaptot states that it's incompatable with the nvidia propriatory driver.  So I'm trying to get nouveau to work, and it ought to since it works with the live dvd.20:15
jushurBitrix: generaly you would find that inside a file in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and if you want to change anything you copy the file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20:16
Eliterubottu: when I try to boot from SanDisk, I get Windows Boot Manager.20:16
ubottuEliter: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:16
Eliterooops. Wrong person.20:16
Bitrixjushur: ok thx20:16
drink1n_how to get rid of this error if i am upgrading packages?  if i got error when "apt-get grade" Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-msi-mdf'20:17
Bashing-omBlessJah: See: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ .20:17
drink1n_this is so weird20:17
drink1n_it said Unknown media type20:17
drink1n_how to get rid of this20:17
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jushurBitrix: note that /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ does not exist on ubuntu, so you need to create the folder to.20:18
BlessJahBashing-om: thanks! exactly what I need20:18
guest554434ioria the Monitor name is G246HL20:18
ioriaguest554434,  just one ?20:18
Bitrixjushur: I had it already by default..20:18
jushurBitrix: in /etc/X11/ ?20:18
guest554434ioria 2 monitors, both the same20:18
ioriaguest554434,  are you on a laptop with 2 external monitors ?20:19
jushurBitrix: files in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ should not be edited, as they get replaced if you upgrade packages that has them.20:19
Bitrixjushur: yes in /usr/share/x11/xorg.info.d20:19
Bashing-omBlessJah: :)20:19
jushurBitrix: NO, read my line carefully..20:20
Bitrixjushur: yeah that is the downside, they get upgraded20:20
guest554434It's a Dell 9100, with an intel adaptor on MB (not used) an Nvidia 8400 added, with a Y adaptor to support 2 displays.20:20
jushurBitrix: mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d20:21
jushurBitrix: then "cp /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/file_name_of_the_file_you_need_to_change.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/"20:22
Bitrixjushur: then where do i find the xorg.conf file, where I edit20:22
Bitrixjushur: alright, thx20:22
ioriaguest554434,  wow... try to install arandr configure it and reboot ?20:22
jushurBitrix: you make it.20:23
ioria!info arandr | guest55443420:23
ubottuguest554434: arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.8-1 (wily), package size 49 kB, installed size 301 kB20:23
guest554434loria I can try arandr but xrandr and unity-control-panel both indicate the display is present, but the display goes to sleep.20:24
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jushurBitrix: create it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20:24
ioriaguest554434, i see ...20:24
jushurBitrix: what exactly do you want to do?20:24
Bitrixjushur: Yes, thanks a lot, I appreciate it20:25
jushurBitrix: what do you need to do? what issue are you trying to address?20:25
guest554434ioria I'm wondering if the issue is power related, and not display configuration.20:26
Bitrixjushur: there is no issue, I just wanted to explore it, as I read about the serverlayout, but I couldn't seem to find it..20:26
ioriaguest554434,  power related ... if was working live ?20:27
guest554434ioria absolutely, worked fine live.20:27
akikwhat's the relation of /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d and /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d? i've edited the files under /usr20:27
jushurBitrix: ok, i understand. may i sudgest you go read the docs then. ubuntu site and maybe http://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/X11R7.0/doc/html/xorg.conf.5.html to.20:28
Bitrixjushur: yes20:29
jushurakik: any changes to the files under /usr can be lost in a update. while those in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ will remain even if you upgrade. as they are not a part of the upgrade.20:33
drink1n_do you know what best font for terminal is?20:33
jushurdrink1n_: terminus20:33
stacks88im trying to compile proftpd 1.3.6rc1 on ubuntu 14.04 , but i get the error mod_sftp_pam.c:38:3: error: #error "mod_sftp_pam requires PAM support on your system" # error "mod_sftp_pam requires PAM support on your system" among other errors, on http://pastebin.com/raw/F5hcVNSU you can see what i used for ./configure , any ideas on how i can fix this ?20:33
drink1n_jushur: you sure?20:33
jushurdrink1n_: personal favorite, so for me it is :)20:34
akikjushur: ok thanks. so do the files in /etc override settings from the files in /usr ?20:34
drink1n_jushur: alright. but is that font opensourced?20:34
ioriaguest554434,  try to boot in text mode ...20:35
jushurakik: if it exists, it will be read and used and have prio over file in /usr20:35
jushurdrink1n_: Terminus Font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. The license is included as OFL.TXT, and is also available with a FAQ at http://scripts.sil.org/OFL20:36
drink1n_jushur: do u use that font for coding?20:37
jushurguest554434: if you use a dvi splitter you need to fake a seckond monitor edid.20:38
drink1n_don't you think that is too sharp?20:38
drink1n_figure is too sharp..20:38
stacks88this checkinstall program seems cool. so with that i can build something from source and create a deb if im not mistaken20:38
jushurdrink1n_: i use that font on all things i do. with some variations. of compile options. as i need to adjust it for the dpi of the screens i use.20:39
guest554434ioria If you mean recovery mode that doesn't seem to support two displays.20:39
drink1n_jushur: i think so.20:39
drink1n_does that work if its DIP was improved?20:40
jushurdrink1n_: in the end its a matter of what your used to. ive been using it for many years now.20:40
drink1n_i code in terminal.20:40
drink1n_need a readable font20:40
ioriaguest554434,  no, text mode, Grub -> Advanced Option - >  press 'e'  find 'linux'  replace quite splash  with text20:40
ioriaguest554434,  but see jushur comment above20:41
jushurdrink1n_: i use ter-112n on most of my screens in linux console mode. and 10px in X20:42
dreadkopphey guys. is there any way to boot the machine headless with graphics card attached (want to stub first GPU also to pass it through to VM)20:42
drink1n_jushur: do you know how to adjust font DIP in konsole (KDE)?20:43
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guest554434ioria jushur How would I fake a second monitor EDID, and why would that not be needed with the live cd?20:45
drink1n_jushur: i have downloaded the terminus font from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/terminus-font/files/terminus-font-4.40/terminus-font-4.40.tar.gz/download       it looks that, i have to install all those fonts one by one.20:45
ioriaguest554434,  i can only assume some module loaded in live and discarded after install :(20:45
guest554434ioria text mode displayed the boot process, gave no errors and brought up the gui working as before (one monitor asleep).20:46
drink1n_jushur:  do i need to install all those ter-u*n.bdf files?20:46
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ioriaguest554434,  yes, 15.1020:46
ioriaguest554434,  sorry20:47
TheMontyChristI'm trying to install libboost-all-dev on ubuntu 1420:47
TheMontyChristand it keeps complaining about missing dependencies20:47
TheMontyChristanybody know how to resolve this?20:47
TheMontyChristis there a way to get the version of ubuntu from the command line?20:47
akikdrink1n_: the dpi is set in system settings/application appearance/fonts. it's not only for konsole20:48
ioriaguest554434,  it's more tricky on 15.10, but it was just and idea20:49
ioriaguest554434,  never mind20:49
SchrodingersScatTheMontyChrist: lsb_release -a20:50
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MonkeyDustTheMontyChrist  cat /etc/issue20:51
mustmodifyI'm using LXDE (not LSDe, which I originally typed) and  want to set up a "rotating dashboard" so that I can show rotating web pages on an n second delay. Should I create a webpage with an iframe? Or should I set up something with the LXDE?20:53
drink1n_akik: get it. by my  laptop resolution  is only 1280 * 800.  i am afraid of that it would not be good if DIP's high?20:53
Bashing-omTheMontyChrist: ' apt-cache policy libboost-all-dev ' ??20:53
akikdrink1n_: it's just used for scaling things. it doesn't break your hw20:53
drink1n_akik: i know.20:54
dreadkoppi want to start screen with two terminals side by side allready running a command. is that possible?20:58
azovl@dreadkopp terminator also can do21:00
dreadkoppthanks, will try ;)21:00
MonkeyDustdreadkopp  start here http://www.computerhope.com/unix/screen.htm21:00
azovlBut for me, very comfortable Guake.21:02
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MonkeyDustnot for me, because of overlapping keyb shortcuts, irssi and guake21:02
jushurtime to move on to new things, tmux and weechat .. :)21:03
dreadkoppazovl: terminator need X or did i install the wrong package?21:03
MonkeyDustuses to irssi and screen now21:03
akikdreadkopp: yes you can split screen at startup21:04
Meliojust fixed my internet problems i think21:05
Meliofound a patch after testing it having 2 wires short 4,5 of 821:05
azovlI think you need to see this page http://gnometerminator.blogspot.co.il/p/introduction.html. Also in the middle of the web site you can find a description about how you can install Terminator on your host.21:05
akikdreadkopp: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108036221:05
Meliocut the end off and recrimped a new end on it, after like 4 tries, finally got a full pass on my tester21:05
boxmeinhalp! my login prompt turned weird and GTK-default-window-y, but only when I use the "lock" feature21:07
boxmeinsomething with lightdm I assume21:08
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boxmeinbut I have no idea what keeps the "theme" settings and if that's what's causing it to break21:08
boxmeinit's been this way forever21:08
dreadkoppakik: thanks! azovl: i dont think that terminator is the correct tool for me since there will be no X on the machine21:08
boxmeinswitch user/lock looks like gtk borderless window, my wallpaper is in the background21:08
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boxmeinmustmodify: yes, you're connected! I think you could make something like a script with sleeps in it to trigger workspace movements, and set it to either reset to workspace 1 or make your workspace selection loop21:12
boxmeinmustmodify: I assume that lxde workspaces are on one line21:12
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skystar84@dreadkopp http://www.brain-dump.org/projects/dvtm/ dvtm can help, also has byobu.co - Byobu21:15
akikhow do i do this task in app x? use app y!21:16
skystar84@dreadkopp but tmux also should be nice for using on server21:16
prbcWhat are the steps to make wifi work in a Ubuntu VM with a network adapter?21:17
bpromptakik:  what's the context?21:17
dreadkoppthanks. screen is just fine for my purpose, didn't know that sreenrc was that easy to configure ;)21:17
pbxprbc, tell us what you've tried and what problems you've had21:17
prbcpbx: I've downloaded the driver, and typed make/make install and rebooted the machine21:18
MonkeyDustprbc  and it depends on what you use for your vm, vbox or vmware player21:18
prbcthe VM is virtual box21:18
akikbprompt: that was just a comment on people suggesting using another tool than the person asking is using21:18
MonkeyDustprbc  the question *may* be for #vbox21:19
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prbc I don't know what are the basic steps to deal with wifi, when I click on the symbol on the right top I can't see the networks21:19
bpromptakik:    I see =)21:20
prbcIf I type iwconfig I get eth0 and lo21:20
MonkeyDustprbc  first, i guess you have to install guest additions21:20
prbcboth with no wireless extensions21:20
MonkeyDustprbc  type /j #vbox, ask them how to enable wifi in the vbox interface21:21
tetahow do you write a+rwx in numbes?21:22
boxmeinteta: 77721:22
mustmodifyboxmein: I haven't used workspaces yet. I was sort of wondering whether workspaces or some kind of iframe situation would be easier to implement.21:23
mustmodifyboxmein: and I'm not sure what you mean by on one line... but I assume I will. :)21:23
boxmeinmustmodify: in unity, at least, workspaces are aligned in either a grid or vertical line21:24
boxmeinmustmodify: horizontal line*21:24
boxmeinmustmodify: among numbers, I can move between them by going left and right (or up and down when in a grid)21:24
boxmeinmustmodify: so if you have flawless workspace support it might be easier for you to wire a script to send the "go right" signal, wait for 20s, and repeat21:24
mustmodifyboxmein: oh right, in a line. Duh.21:25
boxmeinmustmodify: obviously, the iframe solution has the disadvantage of having to either load the pages you want or simply hide-show the iframes one by one21:25
boxmeinmustmodify: the iframe solution has the upside of working on any device that has a web browser21:26
tetamode => '0777',21:26
tetais that correct?21:26
boxmeinteta: pretty sure, yes21:27
boxmeinteta: the numbers are written in decimal but meaningful in binary21:28
boxmeinteta: since 7 is 111 in binary, this corresponds to "rwx"21:28
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mustmodifyboxmein: sure. I mean, if they are dashboards, they need to be loaded either way. Unless they're  AJAXy, I guess. So that's a good thought. AJAXy would render faster with workspaces and use less bandwidth (not that bandwidth is a concern... certainly it is not.)21:29
ecdheIf I install a daily build of 16.04 and I run daily updates, will I eventually have the release version?  Or will I need to burn another DVD in mid april?21:29
evidexUpgraded 12.04 -> 14.04, now 14.04 -> 15.10. Wish me luck :P21:29
boxmeinmustmodify: I actually think iframes will give you an easier time21:29
tetaboxmein: I was trying to do basically a chmod a+rwx21:29
rzyzhello, does partner source at this moment?21:30
evidexecdhe: You may have to do a do-release-upgrade, but shouldn't be any issue21:30
mustmodifyboxmein: how hard would it be to have the script open page A in workspace A maximized, page b in workspace b maximized, page c in workspace c maximized, etc.?21:30
Bashing-om!final | ecdhe21:30
ubottuecdhe: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.21:30
rzyzit doesn't work for me..21:30
boxmeinmustmodify: just do something like var current=0; document.querySelector("#dashboard-" + current).style.display = "block"; document.querySelector("#dashboard-" + current-1).style.display = "none";21:30
rzyzneed file "Packages" here: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/wily/partner/binary-amd64/21:30
boxmeinmustmodify: also, if (current >= 5) current = 0; set it to interval at 60s or so21:31
boxmeinmustmodify: hmm... never used LXDE, it probably has a command for it21:31
ecdhethanks ubottu!21:31
rzyzdoes some can confirme that apt-get update partner doesn't work?21:31
mustmodifyboxmein: ok I'll look at both options. Thanks for your advice.21:32
boxmeinmustmodify: np!21:32
rzyzplease, does some one can do apt-get update with partner packages activated...?21:32
boxmeinrzyz: paste the error or something! :P21:33
boxmeinrzyz: hastebin.com21:33
boxmeincan anyone help me now21:33
boxmeinmy lock-desktop view doesn't use the unity login style of transparent-cool-thing-on-the-left21:33
boxmeininstead it uses some sort of default gtk dialog box style of grey-borderless-box-with-a-few-window-conrols21:33
rzyzboxmein, http://pastebin.com/epPCn2cS21:35
rzyz15.10 64bits21:35
boxmeinrzyz: if I visit http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/wily/partner/binary-i386/ there's no Packages file, but there is a Release file21:37
boxmeinrzyz: try editing the source line in I think /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ or /etc/apt/sources.list21:37
boxmeinrzyz: this might help you21:37
derpSaucehey folks, I can't seem to get the credentials files working with my mount  -cifs!!!!!!21:37
rzyzboxmein, yes, i've done it in /etc/sources.list: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu wily partner21:38
boxmeinrzyz: um.. this is where my help runs short21:38
phil42cifs?  is that a windows thing?21:38
boxmeinrzyz: my knowledge of apt is small21:39
phil42i don't run windows21:39
derpSaucea samba share, correct21:39
boxmeinrzyz: keep asking around!21:39
akikderpSauce: username= password= domain= each on a separate line21:39
rzyzboxmein, thanks21:39
derpSauceakik: awesome! simple enough....now how about the mount invocation?21:39
akikderpSauce: then in fstab use credentials= to point to that file21:40
rzyzin /etc/fstab : //     /net/service     cifs     _netdev,credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,uid=1000,gid=1000     0     021:40
rzyzderpSauce, for you21:40
derpSaucerzyz: I'll see where that gets me, Thanks.21:41
derpSauceCIFS VFS: No username specified21:45
derpSauceWhat permissions for my credentials file do you recommend?21:45
daftykinscredentials file should state (on TWO lines) "username=foo" then "password=bar"21:46
derpSauceWhat about this? I'm doing an adminivstrative mount (//$)?21:48
dreadkoppsomeone can help me to completely stub the primary graphics card and start linux headless?21:50
derpSaucectrl alt f1221:50
derpSaucectrl alt f221:50
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derpSaucedreadkopp: sorry, I'm just spitballing. The ctrl-alt-f2 to ctrl-alt-f8 thing is something that we all get caught up in at some point in time21:52
dreadkoppi don't want runlevel 3 tty, i need the system to complete get lost of the GPU (to pass it to a vm)21:53
ash_workzanyone have any ideas on why I can paste a chunk of sql code into my terminal fine, but when I try to do it in an ssh session on that same terminal, it completely destroys the paste?21:54
jushurash_workz: mixed term settings. basicly fix your remote to have a proper one.21:57
ash_workzjushur: hmm, I've never had a problem with it before; where are the term settings?21:58
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akikash_workz: i've noticed that if i make a "copy" off more, the line breaks get messed up at paste. don't know if this applies to you22:01
ash_workzakik: yeah, I would think the same resolution that jushur suggested applies22:02
ash_workz(to that too)22:02
LorneHey ... I've got a win computer I'm trying to install ubuntu into - with Dual-boot...but the install process doesn't give me the option (!)...any thoughts?22:02
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akikash_workz: .. so i started using less which works for me22:03
MikelevelLorne~ install auto detect other os during install22:03
linuxlovei have removed man-db22:03
dreadkoppLorne: shrink your windows partiton and add a new one for ubuntu, then install it on the new partition22:04
linuxlovewhat problem do i get?22:04
LorneDread: how do I do that?   (within win?  or during the linux install?)22:04
LorneMikelevel - do I install that with the ubuntu installer?22:05
dreadkoppbetter shrink it from within windows, i guess gparted can do it too but windows is strange :)22:05
dreadkoppif possible the easiest way would be to simply install ubuntu on another drive22:06
LorneDread - OK that's an option... I have an external USB drive I could do that with... hadn't thought of that22:07
dreadkoppnah. laptop i guess ?22:07
Lorneyes laptopnm22:07
Lornelenovo x23022:08
dreadkoppthen use partitions :)22:08
Lorneok - I'll google how to create a win partition and get back to you...22:08
dreadkoppstart windows, start partition manager, shrink your existing windows partition, create new partition in free space, start ubuntu installer, install ubunut to freshly created partition22:09
Lornedreadkopp : sounds good...lemme try ...I'll get back to you... :)22:10
Lornedread... quick Q... the option "Use LVM with the new installation"... does that erase the disk...or is that what I want to keep the win install there?22:13
linuxlovehow can i see all commands that i have ran with history?22:13
linuxlovehow can i see all commands that i have ran with history?22:13
dekr4kenonly if you use the same partition as win22:13
amritlinuxlove: just type history in terminal22:14
linuxlovei dont see my all  commands22:14
amritit's store in ~/.bash_history file.22:15
linuxlovei see from 994 to 199022:15
Meliois there a way to test throughput speed differnces between eth0 and wlan122:15
linuxloveamrit, how can i see in terminal?22:15
Meliobecause i feel like my ethernet hardwired connection is half the speed of my wireless22:15
amritlinuxlove: cat ~/.bash_history22:16
Melioethtool shows eth0 as  Speed: 1000Mb/s   Duplex: Full22:16
Melioso i can't imagine there are issues, i tested all the cables, patch to patch, patch to wall, path to wall to patch.22:16
Melioall tested good as far as pairs22:16
MelioI didnt do throughput tests, but this is all cat5E , it shuld handle gigabit , and wifi is 802.11N so that's 500mb or so22:17
derpSaucedoes anyone know how to put a 'c$' mount name in fstab?22:17
compdocMelio, what speed is your internet connection22:17
Melioi'm running uverse dsl22:17
compdocsounds slow22:18
Meliothe symptoms are : websites and youtube load super slow on ethernet, while wifi they run fine.22:18
MelioI was going to do screen record to show the differnce22:18
Bashing-omLorne: Be aware if a UEFI system .. a whole new ball game to dual boot .22:18
Meliowindows 10 likes to rename it's UEFI on dualboot boxes, and your grub list will have a differnt windows 10 status name, like if it's updating ect..22:19
compdocyou have gigbit switch and nics?22:19
Melioit's kinda strange. but it doesnt effect grub22:19
Meliocompdoc, my switch is gigabit22:20
Meliomy nics are gigabit22:20
compdocifconfig shows 100022:20
Melioand beyond that, the patchpanel is cat5e compat22:20
Melioethtool does22:20
jushurMelio: are you using stp or utp cables?22:20
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boxmeinhay! asking again: my lock-screen style somehow reset from "cool unity login prompt" to "boring borderless gtk window" how fix22:21
compdoccat5e is kinda utp22:21
LorneBashing-om  Thanks... good call out...I'm pretty sure it isn't...haven't seen UEFI on any startup...so I hope I'm safe...corrently working on shrinking a partition - to create an empty one22:21
Meliothese are unsheilded outer plenum grade22:21
jushurpoint is using cables that are not shielded. can lose transfeer rate if ther is to much interference.22:21
dreadkoppi use a bridge on my ethernet to connect my vms to. i want to monitor the bridge interface with conky but output is somewhat strange. internet access is monitored but for example access to hosts sambashare isn't22:22
Meliosheilded cable isnt really required in my 1200 square foot house to the center of it, which is less then 200 feet22:22
Melioit's possible there is loss, but really?22:22
compdocmine either. I ran cat5e throughout22:22
Bashing-omLorne: :) Then next is to be aware that in the legacy partition scheme there is a 4 primary partition limit .22:22
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jushurand the wireless/micro/power cables can interfere. if anyone in your close proximity has lan over power cords that can greatly reduce your transfeer rates.22:23
Melioi wish there was a data record method to look at speed to load pages ns tuff22:23
Meliothere probably is22:23
Melioany suggestions?22:23
Melioi noticed traceroute didnt come with ubuntu22:23
Meliolol, it's ok i installed it22:23
LorneBashing - om ... OK cool.  Curretly 3 partitions (Data D:, OBIPE, System C: )22:23
MonkeyDustMelio  there's also mtr (my trace route)22:24
Jordan_ULorne: Wait, before doing anything else please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".22:24
Meliosure, there's lots of trace tools22:24
Meliotraceroute is more of the original22:24
Melioi think ciscos use it22:24
LorneJordan_U I'm working within win 7 Disk Mgt util right now... pre-install...22:24
geniitracepath is the ubuntu defauly, but traceroute can also be installed22:24
Bashing-omLorne: K; then what ya want is that 4th partition as "extended" and wwithin this "estended" partition make up the partitions to contain ubuntu ( the '/' and swap aprtitions ) .22:25
Meliotracepath is the ubuntu tool?22:25
Melioi'll try it22:25
compdocMelio, what brand nic is the wired?22:25
Melioit's prettier22:25
Meliocompdoc,  lemme see22:25
MelioEthernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 0c)22:26
Melioaccording to lspci22:26
compdocand what cpu?22:26
compdocthat nic should be good for 300Mbps easily22:26
Melioi agree22:27
MelioIntel Core i7-4500U 4th Gen “Haswell” Dual-Core 1.8-3GHz 4MB Cache22:27
Melio- See more at: http://laptoping.com/specs/product/asus-q550lf-bsi7t21/#sthash.s0Ch31LO.dpuf22:27
Meliohad to look it up22:27
Jordan_ULorne: You said the install process didn't give you the option (to do something). What did you mean by that?22:27
LorneBashing-om OK...you kinda went a little greek on me there dude... so you're saying I should create a 4th partition (either called extended...or formatted as extended?)..and then within that two more partitions / and swap?22:27
Meliothe driver should be capible22:28
Melioi can't imagine i can't replicate this same situation in windows 10 dual boot22:28
Meliohavent tried yet22:28
LorneJordan_U yeah, the forums indicated it would give me an (autmated?) option to create a new partition and install Ubuntu there...but that never happened..22:28
MelioLorne,  are you doing a dual boot setup22:29
Lornebtw: system is currently "querying the volume for available shrink space" and taking forever :/22:29
linuxlovewhat is problem while i see my ubuntu 15.10 seems old22:29
LorneMelio - yes.  Trying to anyways...22:30
Bashing-omLorne: Yeah .. rememner in MBR there is that limit of 4 Primary partitions to the disks . ubuntu requires 2 partitions . The way around this having 5 partitions is the "extended" partition . Now within the extended partition one can have up to 128 "logical" partitions . ubuntu will install happily to a logical partition .22:30
linuxlovewhich package create this change?22:30
Meliook i'm going to try it. i can't imagine it would be differnt22:31
Melioif it is. linux network drivers could be to blame22:31
linuxlovewhat is problem while i see my ubuntu 15.10 seems old22:31
Jordan_ULorne: That usually means that you have an invalid partition table (which definitely should be reported rather than silently ignored in the installer). If that is the case you should fix that before doing anything else. If your partition table is invalid then "sudo parted -l" will tell you in what way it is invalid, at which point we can help you fix it and Ububtu's installer will be able to work with it.22:31
LorneBashing-om So do I need to create the 2 logical partitions while here in Win...or will Ubuntu do that itself while installing into the extended partion I'm about to create?22:32
linuxlovewhich package create this change?22:32
derpSaucewrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //$22:32
Bashing-omLorne: A thing that many do .. is to copy off Window's recovery partition to a external means .. delete that recovery partition to unallocated space . install ubuntu in "manual" mode .22:34
Bashing-omLorne: Creating the 'extended" and within the extended partition the logical partitions is best done with ubuntu's partition editor 'GParted' . If you decide to go that route . either will work .22:36
linuxlovewhat is problem while i see my ubuntu 15.10 seems old22:38
linuxlovewhat is problem while i see my ubuntu 15.10 seems old22:38
linuxlovewhich package create this change?22:38
daftykinslinuxlove: that doesn't make sense22:38
linuxlovedaftykins, i see a big change in my ubuntu after run a script22:39
k1lwhat did that script do?22:39
linuxlovedaftykins, it was ehcp22:39
BlauskaerMI have some problems with setting up my mosh server. I cant start the server because I havn't configured locale. But when I run sudo dpkg-reconfig I get the following error http://pastebin.com/RyUH4Te222:40
Lorneok ...win decided it wasn't going to partition anything until it did some "updates"...so I'm gonna get some coffee...sorry :/22:40
linuxlovek1l, it was ehcp22:40
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Jordan_ULorne: When the updates are done please boot into an Ubuntu liveUSB and pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"22:41
Bashing-omLorne: As the estemmed Jordan_U Advises, got to have Windows solid befor proceeding .22:41
linuxlovek1l,  i tried to remove packages that this script created but problem became bigger22:42
daftykinslinuxlove: it was what? you should share logs/images/something when you make a statement like that22:42
LorneJordan and Bashing... thanks... will do... Yes - got the live thumb drive here... will do22:42
jwitkohey guys, I am trying to run rsync through a proxy but it isn't respecting the "RYSNC_PROXY" environment variable it would seem.   I don't see anything coming through to the proxy and adding "-vvvv" to the rsync doesn't show any connection attempts to the proxy server.  Can anyone help?22:42
BlauskaerMNeed some help with mosh server22:42
BlauskaerMAnyone know?22:42
daftykinsbe more specific22:43
linuxlovedaftykins, okay22:43
linuxlovedaftykins, do you need to see that script?22:44
fission6im having trouble ssh into a machine can someone help never had an issue before this is what -vv is telling me22:44
fission6is my pub key not being snet?22:44
daftykinslinuxlove: the output that you say changed makes more sense to see22:45
daftykinsbut i am without context entirely, nor know what this EHCP you mention is, unless it's a typo of DHCP22:46
linuxlovedaftykins, it is a panel for manage server22:46
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linuxlovedaftykins, it was my wrong that i used that22:47
boxmeinhay! asking again: my lock-screen style somehow reset from "cool unity login prompt" to "boring borderless gtk window" how fix22:48
linuxlovedaftykins, when i enter my password in login page i see the graphical problem to log into my ubuntu22:48
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linuxlovedaftykins, every thing was good before this script22:48
daftykinsgood lesson there, don't run things you find online if you don't understand their content22:49
xanguaboxmein: sounds like you changed the lightdm theme22:49
jilWhy would a ping not work when one is still able access http files?22:49
boxmeinxangua: would this not change the login prompt theme?22:49
linuxlovedaftykins, you are right but what is solution at moment22:49
boxmeinxangua: because my login prompt looks like unity22:49
boxmeinxangua: ...can I check: P22:49
ballisoni'm trying to get curl to work on an ubuntu server and it's very different than my RHEL bases server.   The problem I'm having is I'm getting a "Unknown SSL protocol error in connection" error, and I noticed in the debug that CAFILE is "none"22:49
jushurdont blindly follow guides, understand before doing. is generaly a quality way of doing things.22:49
ballisonhow do you fix this under ubuntu?22:50
xanguaboxmein: your lock screen...did you install gnome shell?22:50
daftykinsballison: can you show what you're actually running in a paste? from the above it isn't clear22:50
boxmeinxangua: no, but i did some graphics-driver-and-composition messy-aroundy to try and speed up stuff overall, so this might've been part of what I changed22:50
boxmeinxangua: it's been this way for a week or so22:50
linuxlovedaftykins, what should i do now?22:51
daftykinslinuxlove: read the script perhaps22:52
linuxlovedaftykins, it is 800 lines22:52
ballisondaftykins:  http://pastebin.com/raw/gY9MDgVF22:53
daftykinsbest get cracking then22:53
linuxlovedaftykins, you mean reinstall?22:53
linuxlovewhat do you mean?22:53
daftykinsballison: can you share the version of ubuntu on the client? "cat /etc/issue" or "lsb_release -d"22:54
nacclinuxlove: you really need to stop. you have asked the same sort of questions for the past several days in multiple channels. You do not seem to know what you are doing to your system and are modifying your system in ways that are not supported, installing packages that are not part of ubuntu, and are seeking support22:54
linuxlovehow can i have fresh install without loosing my program and my files22:54
daftykinsnacc: +122:54
daftykinslinuxlove: you are not cut out to run a web server22:55
linuxlovenacc, daftykins do you want to help?22:55
daftykinsno, you are a lost cause - it's something new every day - you are not experienced enough to try and run what you want22:55
nacclinuxlove: and it's not meant with offense at all, but you need to understand what you are doing before you do it, in this case22:56
linuxlovewhen i see your behavior i think it is better to leave linux22:56
linuxlovewe are here to help22:56
linuxlovei know that i was wrong about run a unknown script22:57
linuxlovebut i need to solution for fixing22:57
daftykinslinuxlove: no, you just don't have the skills or knowledge to do this.22:58
linuxloveif you dont test any thing you can became experienced22:58
daftykinsgo on a Linux course maybe.22:58
nacclinuxlove: so you knew you were wrong to run an unknown script and did it anyways? there's no "fixing it" at this point ... and that script is not part of Ubuntu22:58
jushurlinuxlove: there is a few key things when using new software, one would be dont blindly follow guides. understand what you want to do before you apply it to the system. and never, NEVER! run scripts to install things.22:58
linuxloveit was a lesson for me to dont run unknown scripts22:59
linuxlovebut you guys have been experienced when you were a child23:00
nix_hey guys, are there any good linux tutorials you can recommend someone who wants to learn linux?23:00
jushurlinuxlove: only solution is to backup your software/documents to a external drive. and do a fresh install. a tip if you dont want to whipe the current install is to take a fresh harddrive and test things on, get well knowledged about the system. and then try to resque your files of the current drive.23:00
Jordan_Ulinuxlove: You can, if you are *careful* re-install Ubuntu while keeping your /home/ (even if it isn't on a separate partition). You will still need to re-install packages but (without having read all of the backlog on this) it seems that re-installing apps will take less time than trying to fix your system as it is.23:01
linuxlovei am in doubt about linux these days23:01
BlauskaerMI have some problems with setting up my mosh server. I cant start the server because I havn't configured locale. But when I run sudo dpkg-reconfig I get the following error http://pastebin.com/RyUH4Te223:01
linuxloveif you cant fix a problem in your OS23:01
jushurlinuxlove: and document everything you do, as it can be very handy when ppl ask you for info if you need help.23:01
linuxloveand only way is fresh install23:01
daftykinsno it's not the only way23:02
daftykinsreinstalls were the way with windows 9x when i was 10, that's not the adult approach23:02
Bashing-om!manual | nix_ Seen this for starters ?23:02
ubottunix_ Seen this for starters ?: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:02
k1llinuxlove: so look up what the script did. then look up in /var/log/apt/ logfiles what files where installed or removed.23:02
linuxlovek1l, script is 800 lines23:03
avalancheanyone using xubuntu 14.04?23:03
k1llinuxlove: so its too much work for you?23:04
jushurlinuxlove: we cant fix "your" problems, you need to do that your self. we only supply help in the ways we can. if we can. and if we se its worth the time. (all based on personal patience)23:04
jushur!ask | avalanche23:04
ubottuavalanche: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:04
nix_ubottu: thanks, thats a bit too basic. im more interested in creating automation tasks, setting up ftp servers etc etc23:04
ubottunix_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:04
linuxloveconclusion =linux allow to all unknown script to run23:05
daftykinslinuxlove: that's your fault, not the OS23:06
daftykinsyour attitude is just proving how you do not belong in charge of the job you are trying to do.23:06
linuxlovebut windows doesnt allow23:06
jushurlinuxlove: actually it does23:06
daftykinsyes it does.23:06
daftykinsa good worker never blames his or her tools23:06
k1llinuxlove: then use windows if you think its better. but just ranting in here doesnt help anyone.23:07
linuxlovewindows warning you about unknown programs23:07
daftykinsthis is not on topic, please stop blaming the OS for your mistakes and move on23:07
k1llinuxlove: you using root/sudo permissions should have been enough warning. so stop blaming others.23:08
daftykins^i wouldn't recommend anyone click tsoutseki's links - he's a troll23:08
jushurlinuxlove: go away plz, im asigning "master troll" to your nickname now. means your basicly ignored by me..23:08
linuxlovek1l, i am personally a hated windows23:08
tsoutsekidaftykins, i am not a troll23:08
k1ltsoutseki: please keep this channel clear for technical ubuntu support. thanks23:08
linuxlovei love linux23:08
tsoutsekiit is a SFW link23:09
k1llinuxlove: same for you. please focus on technical support.23:09
linuxlovebut you guys say go away to a beginer in linux23:09
linuxlovehere is just for professional guys23:10
k1llinuxlove: stop that attitude.23:10
daftykinsbeginners do not try to run web servers and ignore all the advice they are given, now please grow up and move on23:10
linuxlovedaftykins, if you dont try anything could you grow up?23:10
k1llinuxlove: focus on the technical support in here23:11
jushuravalanche: did you have a actual question?23:11
linuxlovek1l, okay23:11
linuxlovehey guys you need to read a 800 lines script and then run a script23:13
daftykinsno because we don't download scripts we don't understand.23:13
jushurlinuxlove: i can read a page of text in 4 seckonds. so why cant you read that 800 lines in a few mins?23:13
k1llinuxlove: last time now: drop that rantings in here.23:14
linuxlovejushur, you are great23:14
linuxlovek1l, we are just chatting23:14
k1llinuxlove: i told you several times now that this channels focus is only technical support. i muted you now. if you have a technical support issue ask in #ubuntu-ops for that mute to be removed.23:15
k1l!guidelines > linuxlove23:15
ubottulinuxlove, please see my private message23:15
avalanchejushur: I was going to ask for tips and tricks on suggesting applications that people normally use with xubuntu.23:16
jushuravalanche: my tip would be, whatever you need? :)23:16
avalancheAs I am new, and this is my first irc chat join, I basically waited to see the format.23:17
k1lavalanche: well, that depends on what you want to do or need :)  best is to start using xubuntu and if you need a program ask for it23:17
pilneunless you already have qt libraries for something you've already decided you need, my only suggestion would be to stick with gtk stuff23:17
k1l(or see the packagemanagers first)23:17
avalancheOkay, so here is a question: has anyone has had issues trying to set up and use Dropbox where on the launcher bar it wont do anything. and 2) on ubuntu the network manager allows me to set up and connect to vpn, but on xubuntu the network manager isnt working correctly. I am connected via wired connection and it actually shows me a wifi connection image.23:20
daftykinswhich xubuntu version?23:21
ballisondaftykins; did you look at the pastebin?23:22
daftykinsballison: yeah i asked for a client ubuntu version23:22
LorneJordan-U - you still here?23:23
avalanchedaftykins: I am using xubuntu 14:0423:23
LorneJordan_U I ran the command...what do I need to look at here?23:24
Lorne(its on a different machine so can't cut/paste)23:24
k1lavalanche: the dropbox client works here with nautilus23:24
daftykinsavalanche: on a xubuntu laptop i made use of dropbox by installing nautilus along with the dropbox addon for it23:24
linuxloveexcuse me for getting your time23:24
daftykinsless than ideal, but it seems all you can do.23:24
k1lavalanche: see if that is still working with thunar http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/08/install-dropbox-plugin-for-thunar-ppa/23:25
avalanchek1l :I found some articles mentioning to install  nautilus-dropbox  and tried that.23:25
pilneavalanche: it wont work without nautilus as well23:25
pilnexfce uses thunar as a file manager by default23:26
k1lavalanche: xubuntu doesnt use nautilus but thunar as file browser23:26
k1lavalanche: and maybe after installing it needs a "dropbox start -i "23:26
avalancheI will run through that article. I haven't come across that one.23:26
avalancheThank you guys.23:27
Bashing-omLorne: Paste  that output to a pastebin so we can examine .23:27
Bashing-om!pastebinit | Lorne23:29
ubottuLorne: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com23:29
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linuxlovei run tor-browser.sh in my terminal how can i find it`s file for back up?23:30
Lorne2Bashing-om http://pastebin.com/M1E0MEa823:30
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Bashing-omLorne2: Look'n .23:31
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Lorne2Bashing-om thx...sorry - logged in on 2 comps... so I don't lose you guys!23:33
Bashing-omLorne2: I presentlu do not see a proble, However, I would like a look from a different perspective . Pastebin ' sudo fdisk -lu ' please .23:33
Lorne2Bashing-om pastebin.com/udbG5iar23:35
Bashing-omLorne2: Look'n .23:39
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Bashing-omdaftykins: Stand in need of enlightenment .. pastebin.com/udbG5iar Lorne2 : what are all these ram devices that fdisk sees that parted does not report ? How will these effect a dual boot ?23:44
Lorne2Bashing-om ...ohhh...glad you found something wacky...I was beginning the think it was user error :/23:45
Bashing-omLorne2: Naw .. seen it befor .. just do not know what it is .23:46
Bashing-omLorne2: While we are waiting; Have you defragged twice ?23:51
daftykinsBashing-om: taking a look23:54
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daftykinsBashing-om: totally new one on me! Lorne2 what have you been up to with RAM disks? :)23:55
Lorne2Bashing-om what's the command to defrag?23:55
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daftykinsyou don't defrag Linux file systems typically23:55
daftykinsalso, defrag is close to a joke on Windows too23:56
Lorne2daftykins  I have no idea - asfar as I know its an ordinary (former work) laptop23:56
compdochave to offline frag windows23:57
Bashing-omdaftykins: Ouch .. cause I do not know either ... here we are going to resize partitions to dual boot . need to defrag Windows prior - do what ever to Windows partitions, and run Windows' check disks and defrag once more .. then do the ubuntu things .23:58

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