
bluesabreevening all00:51
knomehullo bb00:52
bluesabrehey knome00:57
bluesabreknome: contest seems functional01:36
bluesabremight want to make attribution clearer01:36
bluesabreknome: would changing any of my account settings in my profile break anything?01:49
bluesabreknome: did the mail go out for strategy document voting? I'm +1 for the changes03:51
bluesabrenight all03:51
Nairwolfhi guys, I've asked the author of a wallpaper what was the licence, and he/she asked me "How will it be shared ?" What can I ask ? 10:30
NairwolfIt will not be the default wallpaper, right, but it will be available for all users, right ? 10:30
bluesabrehttp://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libreoffice-style-elementary is now built by libreoffice, so we should have more leverage with making our theme default11:23
bluesabreknome, flocculant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/154864712:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1548647 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice uses breeze style" [High,Confirmed]12:35
bluesabregotta run, bbl12:35
bluesabre(added a comment and debdiff)12:35
Nairwolfby the way, have you already experimented this bug ?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/partman-basicfilesystems/+bug/990744 12:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 990744 in partman-basicfilesystems (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu installer says: The creation of swap space in partition failed" [High,Triaged]12:40
Nairwolfit's really problematic with you choose the option "erase & install" and if you have already a xubuntu installed12:41
flocculantI've never seen it 12:44
flocculantthe issue that is 12:45
NairwolfI hope to test it again this week-end12:45
ochosiknome: so if you really want to work on the SASS port lemme know (or just start by pushing a new branch15:37
knomeochosi, i'll push a new branch at some point, and yeah, it needs to be done, so..17:09
knomebluesabre, attribution clearer in what way?17:10
knomebluesabre, changing your profile shouldn't break or affect anything17:10
knomebluesabre, we only use the username in anything important17:10
knomebluesabre, no voting on ml yet, i should take it there17:11
ochosiknome: i'll try to help out with it was what i meant ;)18:47
knomeochosi, hehe, sure18:48
knomeochosi, if you have ideas how to get the theme set up so that you can actually test it, i'm happy to hear that18:52
knomeochosi, i've got the SASS->CSS stuff set up18:53
knomeochosi, but when i activate the theme that is basically a copy of adwaita with some hex value changes, i see something completely different18:53
knomeochosi, eg. not all of it is correctly applied18:53
knomeochosi, maybe that can be related to the asset loading, but i haven't investigated very deeply18:54
ochosiknome: for that you could actually take a look at numix19:45
ochosialso, adwaita is normally compiled to some binary format19:45
knomeochosi, yeah, i have a vague understanding og the gresource format..21:07
bluesabreknome: "Specify the attribution name you would like to be used with your submission. Do not insert copyright or year, just the name."23:27
bluesabremaybe not the clearest thing23:27
bluesabreor I'm an idiot :D23:28
knomeplz suggest better wording :)23:29
knomewould it help to give an example?23:29
knomeeg. "not '(c) 2016 Bimbam Bulla', only 'Bimbam Bulla'"23:30
bluesabreyeah, seeing an example might make it easier.  For some reason I just seemed to struggle when reading it initially23:31
knomei would have asked for "Your name" on a regular form, but because internet and some people don't want to be known as anything else than Unit193...23:32
Unit193No, I read "name" and think "Unit 193", 'tis OK.23:38

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