valorie | sgclark: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} and some salve for the dragon-fighting burns | 00:01 |
sgclark | oh. think I know what | 00:03 |
clivejo | :( | 00:04 |
clivejo | there goes KCI | 00:04 |
yofel | the merger jobs are fast though.. | 00:05 |
clivejo | but its adds like 500 packages to the queue | 00:06 |
clivejo | no chance of getting stuff built then :( | 00:06 |
clivejo | yofel: whats happened to ? | 00:11 |
clivejo | | 00:12 |
yofel | clivejo: that's the wrong repo | 00:13 |
yofel | | 00:13 |
clivejo | was it moved? | 00:14 |
yofel | probably | 00:14 |
yofel | well, forked | 00:14 |
yofel | ah, now the CI spawned a bazillion jobs, bummer | 00:19 |
clivejo | yofel: there are now 548 in the queue | 00:19 |
clivejo | not a chance of getting anything I want to build now | 00:19 |
sgclark | yes I think they have a timer set up | 00:19 |
sgclark | perhaps it should be set for slightly later in the day | 00:20 |
clivejo | well I guess its a good alarm clock for me | 00:20 |
clivejo | tell me when to go to bed | 00:20 |
clivejo | sgclark: progress report on PIM? | 00:22 |
* clivejo ducks | 00:22 | |
sgclark | well it failed, so not good? | 00:22 |
clivejo | :( | 00:23 |
clivejo | with libkolab built from debian? | 00:23 |
sgclark | I am rebuilding everything. if it still fails after that, it is out | 00:23 |
sgclark | libkolab is not the issue :( this error is akonadi | 00:23 |
clivejo | Ive been chatting to hefee in #kontact trying to understand how it works | 00:24 |
sgclark | well kalarm -> calandar -> akonadi | 00:25 |
sgclark | so something I think needs rebuild somewhere, so rebuilding it all to be sure. | 00:25 |
yofel | that looks like a build order issue, right | 00:26 |
clivejo | when you change the xenial archive, that removed stuff Ive added in the unstable? | 00:27 |
clivejo | oh you merged with debian | 00:28 |
sgclark | ehm no. it merges it | 00:28 |
sgclark | yep | 00:28 |
sgclark | as it should be | 00:28 |
sgclark | I am not backing down on that. | 00:28 |
clivejo | and that gets merged into unstable | 00:29 |
clivejo | sgclark: not arguing with that at all | 00:29 |
sgclark | ok good :) cuz you will be argueing with a brick wall | 00:29 |
clivejo | I was just wondering where my changes to unstable disappeared to# | 00:29 |
sgclark | I expect that the merger is broken | 00:30 |
sgclark | seeing as mine is so vastly different from yours. conflicts to be sure. | 00:31 |
clivejo | can KCI be configured to use uscan rather than git? | 00:33 |
sgclark | ehm? not sure that is what we want at all | 00:34 |
clivejo | well in the case of libkolab we need to be using | 00:35 |
clivejo | not the git version | 00:35 |
clivejo | and using the packaging here | 00:36 |
sgclark | well good grief, why where you using the other repo? pffffft. kolab can wait. I have a working copy for the moment | 00:39 |
sgclark | uhh utopic | 00:45 |
sgclark | that is not even supported.. | 00:45 |
clivejo | Im off to bed, good luck with PIM sgclark | 00:48 |
sgclark | sleep well, thanks | 00:48 |
clivejo | but dont spend too much time on it :( | 00:49 |
sgclark | too late!!! | 00:49 |
clivejo | its not good for ones mental health | 00:49 |
sgclark | yeah I am a bit edgy | 00:49 |
clivejo | dont blame you to be honest | 00:49 |
sgclark | frustrated. I will look at kolab if I get it all working. | 00:49 |
sgclark | otherwise that whole stack gets the boot | 00:50 |
clivejo | well I honestly think we have wasted enough time on it | 00:50 |
clivejo | its holding everything else back | 00:51 |
clivejo | and for most users, they dont use it, or can just use 15.08 until its fixed! | 00:52 |
seaLne | pim not working in an lts is fairly major imho | 00:52 |
sgclark | yeah this is my last attempt | 00:53 |
clivejo | its working, use stuck on version 15.08 | 00:53 |
clivejo | Im using Kontact on Xenial at the moment | 00:53 |
seaLne | does it continue to check imap or stop after a random period? that was my previous problem | 00:54 |
seaLne | i have come to loath trojita for not being kmail | 00:54 |
seaLne | and it isn't even packaged in *ubuntu | 00:55 |
sgclark | I have issues when my internet gets cranky. usually have to restart akonadi. | 00:55 |
sgclark | which trojita? | 00:56 |
clivejo | seaLne: We have to make a choice here, we need to get KDE Frameworks 5.18 Plasma 5.5.4 Applications 15.12.1 into the archive | 00:56 |
seaLne | restarting akonadi was required every time i wanted to check for new mail | 00:56 |
seaLne | clivejo: yeah, not easy i know | 00:57 |
sgclark | trust me I want pim. I love pim. but I have been banging my head on this for days. weeks really. holding up all of kubuntu. | 00:57 |
seaLne | yeah i find the state of pim incredably frustrating | 00:57 |
* sgclark goes back to head banging | 00:57 | |
clivejo | maybe we should just skip PIM 15.12.1 and work towards getting 16.04 working | 01:00 |
clivejo | anyways, bed time | 01:01 |
clivejo | night all | 01:02 |
sgclark | night night | 01:02 |
seaLne | i'd be happy to help if you want any pim testing, i have xenial on my desktop and wily with ppa on my laptop | 01:03 |
sgclark | likely wont be ready for testing until tomorrow. but yeah I will make a call for testers if I manage to get it to build | 01:03 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 09:09 |
soee_ | clivejo: ping | 09:31 |
clivejo | soee_: pong | 10:58 |
clivejo | yofel sgclark: is there any way to stop changes to xenial archive merging into unstable temporary? | 11:04 |
yofel | pausing the whole CI is the only way I know | 11:05 |
yofel | it would be nice if we could fine-tune that a bit | 11:05 |
clivejo | all that migration of libs from kdepimlibs to akonadi seems to have been lost | 11:06 |
clivejo | any word if sgclark got PIM to build? | 11:09 |
clivejo | looks green in the misc PPA | 11:10 |
soee_ | hi clivejo | 11:16 |
soee_ | looks like not yet: [02:03] <sgclark> likely wont be ready for testing until tomorrow. but yeah I will make a call for testers if I manage to get it to build :) | 11:16 |
clivejo | looks like it did build | 11:18 |
clivejo | but wondered if it has kolab support or not? | 11:18 |
clivejo | cant see libkolab-dev in the control file | 11:22 |
clivejo | so I guess it hasnt | 11:22 |
clivejo | -- The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found: | 11:26 |
clivejo | * Qt5TextToSpeech | 11:26 |
clivejo | * Libkolab (required version >= 1.0) , libkolab , <> | 11:26 |
clivejo | The Kolab Format libraries are required to build the Kolab Groupware Resource | 11:26 |
clivejo | * Libkolabxml (required version >= 1.1) , Kolabxml , <> | 11:26 |
clivejo | The Kolab XML Format Schema Definitions Library is required to build the Kolab Groupware Resource | 11:26 |
clivejo | nope | 11:26 |
clivejo | has anyone tested these? | 11:26 |
yofel | dunno, did the file conflict in kdepimlibs got fixed? | 11:28 |
yofel | *get | 11:28 |
clivejo | yofel: I dont know | 11:28 |
clivejo | give up on pim until sgclark has done what shes doing | 11:30 |
clivejo | yofel: can KCI use uscan to pull the source rather than git? | 11:30 |
yofel | that would defy the point? | 11:31 |
yofel | or we would need yet another build target | 11:32 |
yofel | like xenial_release_foo | 11:32 |
clivejo | apparently kolab git is for the server version | 11:32 |
yofel | "kolab" yes, libkolab not | 11:32 |
yofel | or it was something like that at least | 11:33 |
clivejo | apparently libkolab too | 11:33 |
clivejo | the server libkolab is at 2.0 | 11:33 |
yofel | well, libkolab is the server interface that a client can implement | 11:33 |
clivejo | but it depends on parts of PIM | 11:34 |
yofel | let me do a quick lookup before I'm talking nonsense here | 11:34 |
clivejo | the client version is 1.0.2 | 11:34 |
clivejo | which is what debian have | 11:34 |
clivejo | | 11:35 |
yofel | right, that's what you want | 11:35 |
clivejo | new source tars are put here | 11:35 |
yofel | well, we have 1.0.0, shouldn't be too hard to update? | 11:36 |
clivejo | so I was wondering if KCI could grab the source and build it with the debian packaging | 11:36 |
yofel | it's just bugfixes | 11:36 |
clivejo | I think PIM need the 1.0.2 version to work | 11:36 |
clivejo | thats our problem | 11:37 |
yofel | looks like the git branch you want? | 11:37 |
yofel | that says 1.0.2 | 11:37 |
yofel | but for the archive just do a bugfix update of our package | 11:37 |
clivejo | the two versions (client & server) confused me | 11:37 |
yofel | would probably be a lot easier than merging the debian package | 11:38 |
clivejo | I believe thats what sgclarkwas working on | 11:38 |
clivejo | she has libkolab - 1.0.2-10ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa1 and libkolabxml - 1.1.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa3 in the misc PPA | 11:39 |
yofel | okay | 11:39 |
clivejo | and 1.0.2 is the version we need | 11:40 |
clivejo | which is basically the debian one in Ubuntu clothes | 11:41 |
clivejo | yofel: could you update KCI to use those? | 11:44 |
yofel | how? | 11:44 |
clivejo | magic? | 11:44 |
yofel | well, xenial_stable_libkolab is already correct | 11:46 |
yofel | unstable is what's building the wrong branch | 11:46 |
clivejo | what debian git is stable pulling from? | 11:47 |
soee_ | guys, does typing: sudo apt up + TAB to autocomplete works for you ? | 11:48 |
soee_ | my autocmplete in terminal is dead since several days | 11:48 |
yofel | clivejo: | 11:48 |
yofel | I downgraded the unstable sources | 11:49 |
* yofel hasn't updated for a couple days | 11:49 | |
clivejo | soee_: some are working, others arent | 11:50 |
clivejo | but up could be update or upgrade | 11:51 |
soee_ | yofel: it is not about update commnd but generally about autocomplete | 11:52 |
soee_ | try: sudo apt full-upg | 11:52 |
yofel | well, WFM | 11:52 |
yofel | but as I said, I'm on a ~week old state | 11:52 |
clivejo | yes that autocompletes for me | 11:52 |
clivejo | Im up-to-date Xenial | 11:53 |
clivejo | with some testing PPA, bar apps 15.12.1 | 11:53 |
yofel | soee_: does "_ap<tab>" list you _apt? | 11:53 |
soee_ | _ap not but "apt<tab>" gives me sme options | 11:54 |
yofel | then your bash completion isn't loaded | 11:55 |
yofel | the completion functions are usually named after the command and prefixed with underscore | 11:55 |
soee_ | how did that could get off ? | 11:55 |
yofel | soee_: ". /etc/bash_completion" works fine? | 11:55 |
soee_ | i have /etc/bash_completion.d/ | 11:56 |
yofel | is bash-completion even installed? | 11:56 |
soee_ | yes it is | 11:56 |
soee_ | ill try reinstalling | 11:56 |
clivejo | you must have turned it off :P | 11:56 |
soee_ | no i didn't | 11:57 |
yofel | run debsums -s bash-completion while you're at it | 11:57 |
soee_ | last thing i broke was removing myself from root | 11:57 |
soee_ | yofel: shall i install debsums ? | 11:57 |
yofel | feel free to | 11:57 |
yofel | it's handy if you're looking for corrupt / missing files | 11:58 |
soee_ | aht shoudl debsums -s bash-completion return/do ? | 11:58 |
soee_ | *what | 11:58 |
yofel | exit 0 with no output | 11:58 |
soee_ | ah so that what i have. no output | 11:58 |
clivejo | soee_: have you tried turning it off and back on again? | 11:59 |
soee_ | clivejo: how | 11:59 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning all | 11:59 |
yofel | weird, and it shows OK for everything when you run it without -s ? | 11:59 |
yofel | moin | 11:59 |
yofel | oh damnit | 12:00 |
yofel | the etc file isn't covered by the checksums | 12:00 |
soee_ | yofel: only this /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/apt REPLACED | 12:00 |
yofel | o.O | 12:00 |
yofel | well, maybe you edited that. etc/bash_completion should still not be missing | 12:00 |
soee_ | i did not ;D i know more or less what am i doing :) | 12:01 |
soee_ | can someone pastebin /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/apt content? | 12:05 |
yofel | | 12:09 |
soee_ | yofel: and /etc/bash_completion shuld be fiel or dir ? | 12:18 |
yofel | should be | 12:19 |
yofel | hm, I guess that's just a compatibility file these days | 12:19 |
soee_ | sof link ? | 12:20 |
soee_ | *soft | 12:20 |
soee_ | let me reboot | 12:21 |
soee | nah still doesn't work | 12:23 |
soee | i think i just reinstall after 16.04 release :) | 12:24 |
soee | clivejo: so we are waiting with testing staging-misc till Scarlett looks at it again ? | 12:24 |
sgclark | morning. what am I doing? | 12:31 |
soee | good morning, probably enjoying weekend ? :D | 12:32 |
soee | suggest some tasty breakfast and hot tee :) | 12:32 |
sgclark | beside rerunning translations | 12:32 |
sgclark | well I got pim to build last night, well a few hours ago heh | 12:33 |
BluesKaj | suddenly firefox seems to be eating a lot of cpu on some sites, the upgrade to FF today didn't make any difference...anyone else experiencing this? | 12:34 |
soee | BluesKaj: i have 2 tabs opened and it is using 560 MB | 12:35 |
soee | BluesKaj: i opened third one with youtube playing video, memory usage jumped to 650 MB but after 2 min overla memory usage droped to 350 MB | 12:37 |
soee | so maybe FF was doing something in the background | 12:37 |
soee | and it finished it and released some memory | 12:37 |
soee | lol, closed one tab and refreshed firs one and not it uses 800 MB :D | 12:39 |
soee | *now it uses | 12:39 |
BluesKaj | soee, with 2 tabs (weather network and the CBC) it's usoing 459 memory and 50% of my old amd 5200+ dual core cpu ,,,the weather network is the culprit here tho | 12:40 |
BluesKaj | 450mb memory | 12:41 |
soee | sgclark: Cliff was asging if PIM was build with libkolab ior without think | 12:43 |
soee | *asking | 12:43 |
BluesKaj | the weather network is full of javascript and flash plus I guess adblock also adds some load | 12:43 |
soee | hmm i have only uBlock origin installed | 12:44 |
* soee needs to install Privacy Badger also | 12:44 | |
BluesKaj | yeah I meant ublock origin | 12:47 |
sgclark | clivejo: yes I merged the other kolab branch and built the pim stack with the 1.0.2 kolab | 12:48 |
sgclark | though we really outta use the same kolap repo as debian. Especially if you got the green light from them. | 12:48 |
BluesKaj | I closed the weather network page and now everything is fine ...guess I'll have to contect them about their haeavy use of flash and javascript | 12:49 |
sgclark | !testers | 13:28 |
ubottu | Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information | 13:28 |
sgclark | bah | 13:28 |
sgclark | hmm my internet must be cranky again | 13:28 |
sgclark | staging-misc needs testing | 13:29 |
sgclark | in particular the pim stack | 13:29 |
BluesKaj | how so sgclark , I see your posts | 13:29 |
BluesKaj | no parts or joins | 13:29 |
soee | :D i'm here | 13:30 |
sgclark | seems like some lag. perhaps it is my brain that is lagging from lack of sleep heh | 13:30 |
soee | sgclark: im not sure if i want to heve them removed: | 13:32 |
soee | accountwizard akregator kaddressbook kde-config-mailtransport kdepim-runtime kmail knotes kontact korganizer libcalendarsupport5 libeventviews5 libincidenceeditorsng5 libkdepim5 | 13:32 |
soee | libkdepimdbusinterfaces4 libkdepimdbusinterfaces5 libkf5akonadiagentbase5 libkf5akonadicalendar5 libkf5akonadicontact5 libkf5akonadimime5 libkf5mailtransport5 libkleo5 libkpeople4 | 13:32 |
soee | libksieveui5 libktpcommoninternalsprivate8 libktploggerprivate8 libktpmodelsprivate8 libktpwidgetsprivate8 libmailcommon5 libmailimporter5 libmessagecomposer5 libmessagecore5 | 13:32 |
soee | libmessagelist5 libmessageviewer5 libnoteshared5 libpimcommon5 libtemplateparser5 | 13:32 |
BluesKaj | some irc servers are to blame for lag ...I like to blame servers , not my problem , it them ;-) | 13:33 |
BluesKaj | it's them | 13:33 |
soee | sgclark: maybe take a look: | 13:33 |
sgclark | ummm | 13:35 |
sgclark | sigh. I don't get that at all | 13:37 |
sgclark | that doesnt even make sense | 13:37 |
sgclark | soee: it looks like you already removed something to as you have The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: | 13:38 |
lordievader | sgclark: For what version of Kubuntu do you need testers? | 13:38 |
* lordievader pulls up his test box | 13:39 | |
sgclark | lordievader: this is xenial | 13:39 |
soee | sgclark: so im not sure how accurate my test will be | 13:40 |
BluesKaj | sgclark, and what are we testing on xenial? | 13:40 |
sgclark | soee: did you maybe have unstable or something? that looks very weird | 13:40 |
soee | what is teh meta package for kmail, kagregator and others form the office group ? | 13:40 |
soee | sgclark: i have had unstable, testing and others before | 13:41 |
Tm_T | soee: wasn't it kdepim | 13:41 |
sgclark | BluesKaj: staging-misc | 13:41 |
soee | Tm_T: meta package ? | 13:41 |
Tm_T | soee: ye | 13:41 |
soee | Tm_T, sgclark might be | 13:42 |
BluesKaj | is the pim group still wonky? ...tried it yesterday and nothing instralled due to broken dependencies | 13:42 |
BluesKaj | the staging-misc ppa that is | 13:43 |
sgclark | BluesKaj: I was up all night fixing that | 13:45 |
sgclark | please try again | 13:45 |
BluesKaj | ok sgclark, just added the ppa to the sources.list | 13:48 |
BluesKaj | seems ok now , except gwenview is kept back and dist-upgrade won't install it | 13:51 |
BluesKaj | ok rebooting | 13:51 |
lordievader | sgclark: Ok, thanks. | 13:56 |
sgclark | fixing kdenlive | 13:56 |
sgclark | need more info on gwenview | 13:56 |
soee | sgclark: so you know about problem proccesing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdenlive_4%3a15.12.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa5_amd64.deb ? | 13:58 |
sgclark | soee: yep, just uploaded a new kdenlive | 13:58 |
soee | ok so i wont run apt-get -f install and just wait for update in ppa | 13:59 |
sgclark | oh. I bet gwenview is the whole ksnapshot problem | 13:59 |
sgclark | yofel: was there a resolution for this ^ | 14:00 |
yofel | not really, needs an updated seed and possibly a special rule in update-manager | 14:01 |
clivejo | sgclark: I see you have the correct version of Kolab in the misc PPA, but the buildlog shows PIM is building without kolab support | 14:08 |
clivejo | needs libkolab-dev as a build dep | 14:09 |
sgclark | oh? well damn | 14:10 |
clivejo | I dont think we should waste any more time on it | 14:12 |
sgclark | oh. I see. you removed it. | 14:12 |
sgclark | sigh. no I said I had it done . I am freaking gonna get it done if it kills me. | 14:13 |
clivejo | it was FTBFS with the version of libkolab I was using | 14:13 |
clivejo | basically there are two versions libkolab2.0 is the one the server uses and 1.0.2 is the client version | 14:14 |
clivejo | ok my Firefox is non responsive ! | 14:15 |
lordievader | Lets update my Xenial box before adding the ppa. | 14:15 |
clivejo | using one core 100% and over a gig of memory to load a buildlog | 14:16 |
clivejo | sometime wrong there | 14:16 |
clivejo | something | 14:16 |
sgclark | my irc is lagging bigtime | 14:16 |
sgclark | hold on the testing a few while kdenlive and kdepim-runtime rebuild | 14:17 |
lordievader | Sure | 14:17 |
lordievader | Just tell me the ok go :) | 14:17 |
clivejo | soee: Im having simular experience to BluesKaj | 14:18 |
clivejo | I noticed an update to FF this morning | 14:18 |
clivejo | no actually it was last night | 14:19 |
clivejo | but I didnt restart the browser or the system until this morning | 14:19 |
kfunk | still fun with kdepim? :) | 14:20 |
clivejo | !tell BluesKaj Im having the same problems with FF, have you opened a bug report? | 14:20 |
ubottu | clivejo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 14:20 |
kfunk | I appreciate your hard work on getting kdepim fixed. kudos! | 14:20 |
clivejo | useless bot | 14:20 |
clivejo | sgclark: re: libkolab did you use the master or experimental branch? | 14:23 |
sgclark | slight delay on pim, I was unaware that kolab dep was removed. I am confident though that it will still build. | 14:23 |
clivejo | hi DarinMiller | 14:25 |
DarinMiller | Good morning/evening clivejo! | 14:25 |
sgclark | experimental | 14:25 |
clivejo | BluesKaj: Im having the same issues in FF | 14:26 |
clivejo | did you open a bug report? | 14:27 |
BluesKaj | clivejo, not yet | 14:27 |
clivejo | I opened a buildlog and it maxed out one of my CPU cores and was using over 1Gb of mem | 14:27 |
BluesKaj | it seems to be just one site so far for me , the weather network | 14:27 |
clivejo | the memory was still climbing, looks like a leak | 14:29 |
BluesKaj | ok, but I'm also having issues with krunner it totally disappears id I move the mouse after choosing from the dropdown, it's becoming almost impossible to launch anything from it | 14:31 |
BluesKaj | id=if | 14:31 |
soee | kdenlive has been published | 14:34 |
sgclark | still waiting on kdepim-runtime | 14:35 |
sgclark | and I cannot reproduce that BluesKaj :( anyone else? | 14:35 |
BluesKaj | sgclark, are you advising us to ppa-purge the staging-misc ppa, becuase that tries to remove any packages installed from the staging ppa and revert sback to the previous state | 14:35 |
BluesKaj | I just removed th\e ppa from my sources and updated | 14:36 |
soee | sgclark: does kdepim-runtime has influence on this problems: ? | 14:37 |
sgclark | well yes if you do not want to keep the packages after testing. These all will go in archive so you get them back eventually. Feel free to keep them if you want lol | 14:37 |
sgclark | weee kdepim-runtime publishing | 14:37 |
BluesKaj | ok , I'm missing something here, how can we test the new packages if we purge | 14:38 |
sgclark | soee: yes. wait till it publishes | 14:38 |
soee | sgclark: ok, thank you | 14:38 |
sgclark | BluesKaj: purge happens after testing | 14:38 |
BluesKaj | ok | 14:39 |
BluesKaj | gotcha | 14:39 |
* BluesKaj shakes out the cobwebs | 14:39 | |
clivejo | ok FF has done it again! | 14:40 |
clivejo | memory at 260Mb and climbing | 14:41 |
BluesKaj | yeah , krunner is still crashing here, have to launch any apps from the terminal | 14:41 |
clivejo | seems to be an issue with KCI and loading a buildlog | 14:42 |
clivejo | BluesKaj: try navigating around KCI | 14:43 |
sgclark | ok we are ready for apt updates again :) | 14:44 |
lordievader | Yayy | 14:44 |
* clivejo bites the bullet | 14:47 | |
sgclark | hum kdenlive | 14:48 |
sgclark | nm | 14:49 |
soee | sgclark: i see gwenview libkf5akonadiwidgets5 libkolab1 held back | 14:49 |
sgclark | gwenview will need manual install at this time out of my hands. other two maybe have to do with you having unstable at one point? | 14:50 |
lordievader | sgclark: For libkf5akonadicore-bin I get the error that it is trying to overwrite /usr/bin/akonadiselftest which is also in package kdepimlibs-bin. | 14:51 |
clivejo | soee: you mustnt have ppa-purged unstable | 14:51 |
sgclark | lordievader: ok, looking. I swore I fied that. I guess not | 14:53 |
clivejo | sgclark: ppa50 are the ones you are happy about? | 14:57 |
sgclark | clivejo: mine are ppa40s for the pim. yofel did the ppa50 stuff | 14:57 |
clivejo | oh yeah! | 14:58 |
clivejo | forgot abouty that | 14:58 |
clivejo | you are at version 40+ for PIM? | 14:58 |
clivejo | did you skip some? | 14:59 |
sgclark | clivejo: I did that so I could easily see that I have done rebuilds for ALL pim. | 15:01 |
clivejo | sgclark: | 15:01 |
clivejo | and PIM wont launch | 15:03 |
sgclark | new akonadi uploaded | 15:03 |
soee | clivejo: i have purgd misc, landing etc. and i will try again | 15:08 |
soee | i have installed kdepim also without those ppa | 15:09 |
soee | now when i add misc it wants to remove pim related packaged anyway | 15:09 |
sgclark | clivejo: uhh you got some crazy stuff going there | 15:09 |
soee | and this held back gwenview libkf5akonadiwidgets5 libkolab1 | 15:09 |
sgclark | did you try update while akonadi is building maybe? | 15:11 |
sgclark | clivejo: yeah note the ppa42 . it is not finished building. wait till it finishes | 15:12 |
sgclark | had to fix breaks/replace version | 15:13 |
soee | i added and purged also other ppas liek staging frameworks of plasma so i think now i should have pretty clean Xenial system | 15:15 |
lordievader | sgclark: Apart from what I said earlier, upgrade went fine. Rebooted no imeadiate issues. | 15:15 |
soee | ill wait for akonadi do build and try again than | 15:15 |
sgclark | soee: gwenview is known issue. akonadi and kolab however should not be error. so maybe need a more verbose view of what apt is trying to do | 15:18 |
sgclark | after akonadi builds | 15:18 |
sgclark | akonadi published. clivejo try update again? | 15:45 |
sgclark | interesting | 15:46 |
soee | still the same packages list to be removed | 15:46 |
soee | | 15:47 |
soee | sgclark: can you take a look first at this 2 ? | 15:50 |
sgclark | that makes no sense | 15:52 |
soee | yofel: can you also take a look ? | 15:53 |
ahoneybun | ovidiu-florin, can we make a post about testing PIM based on sgclark's blog post? | 15:55 |
sgclark | soee: can you do that same command but with libkf5akonadicore5 instead | 16:06 |
sgclark | I see it want 15.08.2 for whatever reason | 16:06 |
soee | sgclark: yes but i have to wait to uprade finish | 16:07 |
sgclark | this literally makes no sense | 16:07 |
soee | sgclark: if we manage this to finish and publish what are next steps ? Plasm 5.5.5 and Apps 15.12.3 ? | 16:08 |
sgclark | libkf5akonadiwidgets5 : Depends: libkf5akonadicore5 (>= 4:15.12.0) but 4:15.08.2-0ubuntu2 is to be installed that makes no sense!!!! | 16:09 |
sgclark | soee: yes | 16:10 |
soee | sgclark: | 16:11 |
sgclark | libkf5akonadiwidgets5 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} | 16:11 |
yofel | huh? | 16:11 |
yofel | soee: do you have CI enabled? | 16:11 |
soee | yofel: i tried it once and purged then | 16:12 |
yofel | well, there's still leftovers | 16:12 |
sgclark | ah hah! yes soee I am afraid you still have ci stuff mucking up the works | 16:12 |
yofel | libkf5akonadicore5 : Depends: libkf5akonadicore-bin (= 4:15.12.1-2ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa42) but 4:15.12.1+git20160213.2213+16.04-0 is to be installed | 16:12 |
* sgclark stops freaking out | 16:12 | |
soee | is it possible that it didn't remove everything ? | 16:13 |
soee | *ppa purge CI ? | 16:13 |
soee | i might try adding it again and purging | 16:13 |
soee | ok i need some assistance now :) | 16:15 |
soee | one moment | 16:15 |
soee | sgclark, yofel: after adding stable CI and purging it: | 16:17 |
* yofel forgot about digikam :S | 16:18 | |
yofel | that looks about right I fear | 16:18 |
sgclark | whats going on with digikam? | 16:19 |
yofel | kipi | 16:19 |
sgclark | oh I thought that was gwenview oops | 16:19 |
soee | yay and kdepim now installs :) | 16:20 |
yofel | please try to run every pim application once after a reboot | 16:20 |
sgclark | ok this seems weird kdepimlibs-dbg is 15.12.0 while everything else is 15.12.1 | 16:20 |
yofel | did someone merge the dbgsym-migration stuff maybe? | 16:21 |
* soee reboots | 16:22 | |
soee | yofel: i tried several kdepim apps and seems to work fine | 16:28 |
soee | but i didn't test them hard, just launch, check, close | 16:28 |
yofel | and you're sure you're not imagining that? | 16:28 |
soee | well kleopatra has some cert problems here | 16:31 |
soee | it asks to confirm i trust them etc. | 16:31 |
soee | where i can find list of all apps that kdepim 15.12 installs ? | 16:33 |
soee | this is old one | 16:33 |
sgclark | heh dunno. I went through list on kde ci | 16:35 |
soee | i dont see accountwizard and konsolekalendar in Xenial | 16:36 |
soee | yofel: others work/starts fine | 16:36 |
yofel | \o/ | 16:36 |
sgclark | kmail working, much faster than it was as well | 16:36 |
soee | shall we update topic a bit ? | 16:37 |
sgclark | kontact works akregator works | 16:37 |
soee | yup, and kmail fetches mailes etc. | 16:37 |
soee | and marking ~6600 messges in trash as read also didn't crash it :D | 16:38 |
sgclark | someone that uses kolab needs to test that, otherwise I am quite happy with the everything | 16:39 |
soee | sgclark: can we stage 5.5.5 now or have to wait for this to land in archive ? | 16:39 |
soee | clivejo: can you test that kolab ? | 16:40 |
soee | i have no idea what it is and how to test it | 16:40 |
sgclark | the last the I want to do is turn everything red and delay us another week. | 16:40 |
sgclark | we need stuff in archive... | 16:40 |
soee | got it :) | 16:41 |
soee | so we need more tests or now only ping someone to push it into archive ? | 16:41 |
soee | *except kolab testing | 16:41 |
sgclark | right. we need MOTU | 16:43 |
soee_ | ugh i got disconnected | 16:44 |
sgclark | I am not sure how this archive upload works, yofel does the upload take place with stuff in git or does it take the ppa builds? | 16:44 |
yofel | the archive upload script won't quite work | 16:45 |
sgclark | if it take ppa then we could stage the new point releases. I don't want to muck anything up though it it takes it from git. | 16:45 |
yofel | it does a safety validation between git and the relevant ppa that there is no diff, then uses git to prepare the package | 16:45 |
yofel | just looping with do-all over git to make the archive packages would be less work I think | 16:46 |
sgclark | ah yes then no staging. | 16:46 |
yofel | you just need to remember to release, commit and tag correctly | 16:47 |
sgclark | We worked way to hard to not get this done. | 16:47 |
yofel | once it's tagged you can release | 16:47 |
yofel | and stage, as you could regenerate stuff from the tag | 16:47 |
sgclark | do-all is an unfamiliar term to me | 16:48 |
sgclark | but I expect it does not matter as I cannot upload anyway | 16:48 |
yofel | the thing that santa wrote | 16:48 |
sgclark | hmm I do not see where this thing tags | 17:03 |
sgclark | ph there it is | 17:03 |
yofel | Unpacking libkf5akonadicore-bin (4:15.12.1-2ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa42) ... | 17:03 |
yofel | dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/libkf5akonadicore-bin_4%3a15.12.1-2ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa42_amd64.deb (--unpack): | 17:03 |
yofel | trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/akonadiselftest', which is also in package kdepimlibs-bin 4:15.08.2-0ubuntu2 | 17:03 |
sgclark | do-all scares me haha. I do not want explosions | 17:04 |
sgclark | yofel you will need to look at that one, I have tried and failed 5 times now | 17:05 |
yofel | k | 17:05 |
sgclark | I'll be back in an hour or so. If any testers show up have them mail -devel if no one is around to help. | 17:46 |
Mamarok | hm, I would like to unsubscribe from the Debian-Qt bugtracker, I presume a message with "unsubscribe" as subject should work? It's spamming my inbox with too much spam, why can't they use a proper bugtracker *sigh* | 18:25 |
soee | :) | 20:04 |
soee | clivejo: you are doing it ? | 20:04 |
clivejo | yes | 20:04 |
soee | nice | 20:04 |
clivejo | they have to be started again in order | 20:05 |
clivejo | lot of those are games which needed lib fixed | 20:05 |
soee | any idea when misc will be uploade ot archive ? | 20:05 |
clivejo | is it ready? | 20:05 |
soee | yes i think | 20:05 |
clivejo | pim isnt working for me | 20:06 |
clivejo | let me try an update | 20:06 |
yofel | got distracted. let me try to fix that one thing | 20:06 |
soee | kipi ? | 20:06 |
soee | clivejo: kdepim-runtime was updated by Scarlett | 20:07 |
clivejo | how long ago? | 20:07 |
soee | some hours | 20:07 |
clivejo | | 20:10 |
clivejo | still broken for me | 20:10 |
soee | clivejo: worked for me, did you do anything special ? | 20:10 |
clivejo | nope | 20:10 |
clivejo | but I use PIM heavily | 20:11 |
clivejo | have like 20 IMAP accounts and Kolab | 20:11 |
soee | ah. im not using kolab | 20:11 |
soee | yofel: asked if someone can test it (kolab) | 20:11 |
clivejo | cant even get Kontact to open | 20:11 |
clivejo | never mind use Kolab | 20:12 |
clivejo | that front page should have all my appointments, notes, to-do and emails | 20:12 |
yofel | error please? | 20:13 |
yofel | kdepimlibs patch up | 20:13 |
clivejo | there is no error :( | 20:13 |
clivejo | Just "The email program encountered a fatal error and will terminate now" | 20:14 |
clivejo | and i have to kill it | 20:14 |
soee | PrintScr key works for you guys ? | 20:15 |
clivejo | yes, but I had to do something to make it work again | 20:15 |
clivejo | check to see if ksnapshot is installed | 20:16 |
soee | yofel: | 20:18 |
yofel | is kde-spectacle installed? | 20:18 |
clivejo | mine is loading ksnapshot when I press the printkey | 20:19 |
soee | yofel: it wasnt installed | 20:19 |
clivejo | it stopped working a while ago after a plasma update, but I fixed it and forgot about it | 20:19 |
soee | but we should have both ksnapshot and spectacle ? | 20:20 |
clivejo | 5.5.4 seems to be still using ksnapshot | 20:21 |
soee | well i have installed spectacle and ksnapshot has problems with kipi | 20:21 |
soee | but printscr does not work with spectacle | 20:21 |
clivejo | Im gonna have to roll back to 15.08 | 20:22 |
clivejo | :( | 20:39 |
sgclark | I can confirmm printScr does not work with spectacle yofel are keybinding defined somewhere? | 20:40 |
yofel | yes, there is some file controlling that. I think there was even something about this in the email about the whole migration | 20:41 |
clivejo | anyone upgraded a kontact install with existing data? | 20:41 |
clivejo | soee: have you an IMAP account you could try to setup in Kontact? | 20:43 |
yofel | IIRC the whole point about the ksnapshot 2015 release was to ship the file controlling the hotkeys | 20:43 |
sgclark | ah. heh. I am so far behind on email it is not funny | 20:43 |
yofel | that mail was sent like.. 2 months ago? | 20:43 |
clivejo | this is looking like an akonadi issue | 20:44 |
yofel | I can't find it :S | 20:44 |
sgclark | clivejo: yep mine was execiting and and working better than ever | 20:44 |
yofel | clivejo: anything interesting when you start a pim app from CLI? | 20:44 |
clivejo | sgclark: how did you fix it? | 20:44 |
clivejo | Im doing a PPA purge at the moment | 20:45 |
clivejo | trying to roll back to 15.08 | 20:45 |
clivejo | soee_: do you have an IMAP account you could try kontact with? | 20:46 |
* yofel has that, but wants to first make sure the upgrade works | 20:46 | |
clivejo | whats qsplash ? | 20:48 |
sgclark | what do you mean how did I fix it? | 20:49 |
sgclark | I am completely lost | 20:49 |
clivejo | you said "yep mine was execiting and and working better than ever" | 20:49 |
clivejo | how did you fix it? | 20:49 |
* yofel assumes it was never broken? ^^ | 20:49 | |
clivejo | Oh I thought you said your kontact was exiting like mine is | 20:50 |
sgclark | no I meant existing | 20:51 |
sgclark | sorry | 20:51 |
soee_ | clivejo: i had contact configured to use 5-6 accounts (kmail), but haven't been using it since few months | 20:52 |
soee_ | clivejo: now i did and upgrade and all worked as before :) | 20:52 |
soee_ | yofel: some suggest remove one file | 20:54 |
yofel | well that's not an option on a package level | 20:54 |
yofel | a kconf update script could do it I guess | 20:55 |
clivejo | phewww | 20:55 |
clivejo | rolled back and its working! | 20:55 |
sgclark | google calendar import worked | 20:56 |
* clivejo wipes sweat off brow | 20:56 | |
soee_ | seems like old configuration for ksnapshot is stopping this shortcut to work with spectacle | 20:56 |
sgclark | oh. I wonder if the long running ktp issue is fixed | 20:56 |
soee_ | System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Custom Shortcuts -> [Preset Action][PrintScreen] -- here i had binded ksnapshot to Print button and i modified command to start Spectacle | 21:03 |
soee_ | works now | 21:03 |
yofel | The following packages have been kept back: | 21:06 |
yofel | gwenview | 21:06 |
yofel | hm, that might need some pushing :/ | 21:06 |
yofel | well, at least nothing blow up in my face this time | 21:07 |
yofel | time to update my notebook | 21:07 |
sgclark | second person that said gwenview, but need more information. I cannot reproduce | 21:17 |
soee_ | i had it on the held back list, but it went fine after adding and purging this ci stable | 21:18 |
soee_ | i see some updated for akonadi and kdepimlibs | 21:23 |
yofel | fix for an overwrite error | 21:24 |
valorie | hmmm, I was not able to test landing-misc: | 21:25 |
sgclark | wish I could est kolab without kolab :/ would be nice to have more test before I deem all of my work a waste. | 21:26 |
valorie | no waste! some have been successful | 21:26 |
sgclark | segmentation fault wth? | 21:29 |
sgclark | valories you got cruft in there | 21:30 |
sgclark | valorie: looks like you did not purge something | 21:31 |
sgclark | ok so that failure is the difference of 1.0.2 and the 2.0.0 server stuff I am staying very well away from. | 21:33 |
valorie | I'll purge when I get back -- got a kiddie birthday party to attend right now | 21:35 |
clivejo | :( even roll back kontact is randoming crashing | 21:36 |
sgclark | uh. are you certain you don't have some random ci package or other staging package mucking up the works clivjo? | 21:38 |
sgclark | clivejo: | 21:38 |
sgclark | sorry | 21:38 |
clivejo | sgclark: nope | 21:38 |
clivejo | I always remove them | 21:39 |
sgclark | I have been doin all sorts of stuff without issue | 21:39 |
sgclark | yofel: sddm plasma bug ring any bells to you? I am being asked to look at it, and video card and sddm is out of scope of my knowledge. wondering who to assign it to | 21:41 |
clivejo | sgclark: do you use PIM on regular bases? | 21:41 |
sgclark | I did for years. Last months I stopped because it hung too much. been using gmail. but if it keeps working this good , they have won back my heart | 21:42 |
sgclark | That is actually how my kde/kubuntu adventure started was writing docs for kmail haha | 21:42 |
clivejo | mine was to package kolab! | 21:43 |
clivejo | and Jon got me interested in packaging KDE stuff first | 21:44 |
sgclark | yes Jon was my recruiter and trainer as well | 21:46 |
* sgclark remembers a time of peace and harmony | 21:46 | |
* sgclark signs up for trial kolab | 21:48 | |
clivejo | have you ever used M$ Exchange? | 21:49 |
sgclark | at some job somewhere in the past , sure | 21:49 |
clivejo | In my previous job I was heavily dependant on it | 21:50 |
clivejo | shared calendars, email accounts, notes etc | 21:50 |
clivejo | free/busy schedules for planning meetings etc | 21:51 |
clivejo | and pushed everything to my windows phone! | 21:51 |
soee_ | i think it is hot tea time! | 21:52 |
clivejo | an XDA Exec running Windoze Mobile 5 | 21:52 |
clivejo | but I was looking for an open source alterative and came across Kolab | 21:53 |
clivejo | which is coming on leaps and bounds | 21:53 |
yofel | sgclark: "plasma bug"? I remember something being wrong with the KCM. SDDM itself not really, other than it constantly hitting corner cases that are over my knowledge as well | 21:55 |
clivejo | 15.08 version is now useless :( | 21:55 |
sgclark | yeah, I know several of the kolab devs. they are super nice. I am just poor and cannot afford it. | 21:55 |
clivejo | you can run it on your own server | 21:56 |
clivejo | they have a version that runs on a RasPi | 21:56 |
sgclark | oh? | 21:56 |
sgclark | neat | 21:56 |
sgclark | and what about 15.08? we did not touch that | 21:57 |
soee_ | yofel: so what else left to fix in misc ? | 21:57 |
clivejo | I rolled back | 21:57 |
clivejo | now its crashing :( | 21:57 |
sgclark | but how can we break stuff we did not touch?? | 21:57 |
* yofel once compiled kolab 2.something on his raspi | 21:57 | |
yofel | worked, kind of ^^ | 21:57 |
sgclark | yofel: ah. yes video cards seem to be a bottleneck there, just wondering where bugs should be filed, I don't see us solving it. | 21:58 |
soee_ | sddm has/had problems with intel | 21:58 |
sgclark | soee_: I still need brave testers to test kolab, one tester and it did not go well I guess. | 21:58 |
soee_ | like entering user data logging and user was moved back to sddm again several times | 21:59 |
yofel | dunno really. Where's d_ed when you want to ask him something :/ | 21:59 |
yofel | the only person that I know of that can judge driver related plasma bugs is mgraesslin really... | 21:59 |
yofel | but I don't really want to bother him with sddm bugs | 22:00 |
soee_ | hes off for the weekend anyway :) | 22:00 |
clivejo | Kolab had a stall at FOSDEM and were writing SD cards for Kolab on Pi | 22:00 |
soee_ | sgclark: how can i test it ? i dont know what it is and how to test it exactly :) | 22:00 |
sgclark | oh gosh look at the time, I have to run to store, be back in a bit. | 22:00 |
yofel | soee_: THAT sounds more like a plasma startup bug.. | 22:00 |
soee_ | yofel: it was only on intel profile i think, cant remember now | 22:02 |
yofel | -.- | 22:02 |
yofel | wasn't intel supposed to be LESS buggy than nvidia? ^^ | 22:02 |
soee_ | yeah :D just i theory | 22:03 |
* clivejo cires | 22:09 | |
clivejo | cries | 22:09 |
yofel | ok, akonadi did not crash on restart | 22:13 |
soee_ | :D | 22:13 |
yofel | kmail works too. And thanks to Dan indexing stuff it's even *fast* | 22:14 |
yofel | almost feels like a usable mail client now | 22:14 |
clivejo | stop teasing me | 22:14 |
yofel | lol, sorry :D | 22:14 |
clivejo | is there an upgrade script or something I need to run? | 22:14 |
clivejo | there is NO error messages | 22:14 |
clivejo | F all telling me why its crashed | 22:15 |
yofel | not that I know of. But I did "akonadictl stop; akonadictl start" by hand as I don't trust that thing the slightest | 22:15 |
clivejo | ok, upgarding again | 22:15 |
sgclark | soee_: I don't know, I am facing that dilemma as well. (kolab testing) | 22:16 |
clivejo | 15.08 is un-usable now again | 22:16 |
yofel | hm, why did my colors change o.O | 22:16 |
sgclark | I signed up for trial but not sure right thing. | 22:16 |
sgclark | anyway I do have to run out a few. | 22:16 |
clivejo | like seriously, how help is this | 22:16 |
clivejo | helpful | 22:17 |
soee_ | clivejo: and if you start Kmail directly ? | 22:17 |
clivejo | what was the fatal error | 22:17 |
sgclark | hopefully we can find someone soon that can do another test. Need more than just one, in case it is a corner case issue and what not. the joys of software testing yay | 22:17 |
yofel | start it from konsole, that might tell *something* | 22:17 |
yofel | WTF? | 22:18 |
yofel | Connected to "Akonadi" , using protocol version 52 | 22:18 |
yofel | Server says: "Not Really IMAP server" | 22:18 |
yofel | what's that supposed to mean? ^^ | 22:18 |
* clivejo enables misc PPA and upgrades | 22:19 | |
clivejo | maybe is pretends to be a IMAP server | 22:21 |
clivejo | and caches stuff? | 22:21 |
yofel | possibly | 22:24 |
soee_ | hmm, Dolphin does not inform if usb stick does not have enough space when we try to copy some large file | 22:34 |
soee_ | it just does nothing | 22:34 |
clivejo | ah the roll back removed the packages I installed from landing | 22:34 |
clivejo | did you guys reboot after the upgrade?# | 22:36 |
soee_ | i always do | 22:37 |
yofel | I didn't, which is why I manually restarted akonadi | 22:41 |
clivejo | ok, in a new user account kontact is working | 22:46 |
clivejo | but there is no option to add a Kolab account | 22:47 |
clivejo | Im gonna have to clear data in my ~ folder and configure all my accounts again | 22:48 |
clivejo | | 22:49 |
clivejo | There should be an option to add a Kolab server | 22:49 |
clivejo | like this --> | 22:50 |
yofel | how do you get to that? | 22:52 |
clivejo | kmail > account wizard | 22:53 |
clivejo | maybe thats why when I run kontact in my user account it is crashing, it doesnt know what to do with the kolab account | 22:54 |
yofel | the account wizard says "Provide personal data" | 22:54 |
yofel | ah, I have to unselect that checkbox | 22:54 |
clivejo | yeah, it tries to auto detect first | 22:55 |
clivejo | just give it fake details | 22:56 |
clivejo | it will ask on the next screen what type of account | 22:56 |
clivejo | pop imap etc | 22:56 |
yofel | well | 22:57 |
yofel | === Start list-missing | 22:58 |
yofel | -./usr/bin/akonadi_kolab_resource | 22:58 |
yofel | and others | 22:58 |
* yofel goes fixing | 22:58 | |
clivejo | ah, theres the problem!! | 22:58 |
yofel | someone should've wired up a status page for misc | 22:58 |
clivejo | libkolab-dev makes additional files and we havent installed them | 22:58 |
yofel | I did 'dpkg -L kdepim-runtime | grep kolab', which showed nothing. That didn't look right | 22:59 |
clivejo | I thought scarlett merged with debian | 23:00 |
clivejo | | 23:00 |
yofel | last I heard debian had kolab disabled | 23:00 |
clivejo | nope, that commit enabled it again | 23:00 |
yofel | well, she didn't merge THAT | 23:00 |
yofel | let me do it now | 23:01 |
yofel | * Revert last commit, it is actually missing new kolab. | 23:02 |
yofel | clivejo: please don't put such things into the changelog | 23:02 |
clivejo | huh? | 23:02 |
yofel | it should only have changes to the *previously released version*, not changes between invidual states of UNRELEASED | 23:03 |
yofel | like if you bump a build-dep 3 times while working on it, you only document the final change | 23:03 |
clivejo | where is this? | 23:03 |
yofel | kdepim-runtime | 23:03 |
yofel | oh | 23:03 |
yofel | sorry | 23:03 |
yofel | sgclark did that | 23:03 |
yofel | too tired -.- | 23:04 |
clivejo | I was doing stuff to unstable branch | 23:04 |
sgclark | oh. yeah . from the removal. | 23:04 |
sgclark | nice catch | 23:04 |
clivejo | but when the merge took place it was all removed | 23:04 |
clivejo | my problem was I was using the wrong version of libkolab | 23:05 |
clivejo | and it was FTBFS | 23:05 |
yofel | uploaded | 23:07 |
yofel | thanks for the hint to the commit | 23:07 |
clivejo | that really should be documented somewhere | 23:08 |
clivejo | so very very head destroying confusing to newbie like me! | 23:08 |
yofel | CMakeLists.txt is where that should be documented | 23:09 |
clivejo | but surely they should be named differently | 23:09 |
* yofel is not used to kmail not having a delay when listing folders.......... | 23:09 | |
clivejo | or have libkolab and libkolab-server | 23:10 |
clivejo | something to differentiate between them | 23:10 |
yofel | oh, kmail subwindows now have the proper icon in the taskbar, yay | 23:11 |
yofel | go to hell | 23:11 |
clivejo | :O | 23:11 |
yofel | :P | 23:11 |
* clivejo slides Phil a stuff drink! | 23:11 | |
clivejo | stiff | 23:11 |
yofel | <3 | 23:12 |
* clivejo crosses fingers that this crash is just due to missing kolab files | 23:13 | |
sgclark | ack | 23:14 |
clivejo | yofel: could we shove the lastest KDE connect build into misc? | 23:14 |
sgclark | why is it broken? :( | 23:14 |
clivejo | sgclark: yes, just for me though | 23:14 |
clivejo | there are missing files | 23:15 |
clivejo | the kolab ones, and it seems that because I have an existing kolab account setup, the current build doesnt know what to do with it and crashes | 23:16 |
clivejo | Phil is on the case | 23:16 |
sgclark | excellent | 23:17 |
sgclark | oh yeah kde-connect would be cool, and at least the latest kdevelop 4 series. | 23:18 |
sgclark | I can work on kdevelop tomorrow, I need a break this evening, was up all night last nght ahah | 23:19 |
clivejo | Ive been running a KCI snapshot of kdeconnect, its working well | 23:19 |
yofel | urgh, kdeconnect is 0.8 in the archive, so FFE material | 23:19 |
sgclark | proabably some other extragear I am not thinking of | 23:19 |
yofel | or we simply say it belongs to KDE >.> | 23:19 |
clivejo | it does in a way :P | 23:20 |
clivejo | kde connect | 23:20 |
yofel | kdevelop would be bugfixes -> OK | 23:20 |
clivejo | !info calligra xenial | 23:21 |
ubottu | calligra (source: calligra): extensive productivity and creative suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.9.7-0ubuntu9 (xenial), package size 9 kB, installed size 64 kB | 23:21 |
clivejo | thats old :/ | 23:21 |
clivejo | thats from September | 23:21 |
sgclark | oh ouch | 23:22 |
clivejo | latest is 2.9.11 release on 3 feb | 23:22 |
sgclark | not always easy to package. | 23:22 |
clivejo | I packaged up to 2.9.10 | 23:23 |
sgclark | welcome to, but it has to be done rather quickly to get in with this batch | 23:24 |
clivejo | 2.9.10 is in my PPA | 23:25 |
sgclark | would be lovely though | 23:25 |
sgclark | that is better than what is in archive. should we try to use ^ yofel ? | 23:26 |
sgclark | if so toss it in misc to get tested | 23:26 |
yofel | yeah sure, just needs a quick look over | 23:27 |
* clivejo kicks the publisher | 23:28 | |
clivejo | hurry up! | 23:28 |
clivejo | I need usr/bin/akonadi_kolab_resource now! | 23:28 |
yofel | you could download the deb ^^ | 23:29 |
clivejo | not just a pretty face! | 23:29 |
clivejo | wow | 23:30 |
clivejo | this has some bad reviews! | 23:30 |
clivejo | junk-ware | 23:30 |
sgclark | yofel: unless you see a reason to keep I would like to cleanout all the staging PPA except misc | 23:31 |
yofel | what? | 23:31 |
clivejo | Treat or Menace | 23:31 |
clivejo | What does it do? | 23:31 |
yofel | sgclark: feel free to | 23:31 |
clivejo | yofel: installing the deb via the Software Centre | 23:31 |
clivejo | those are some of the reviews | 23:32 |
yofel | lol | 23:32 |
* clivejo cheers | 23:32 | |
clivejo | its not crashing! | 23:32 |
clivejo | but my kolab account is offline | 23:33 |
clivejo | and I can see my mail up until about 6pm today | 23:34 |
clivejo | cant get it to go online | 23:34 |
clivejo | maybe a reboot | 23:35 |
clivejo | yofel: I think I love you! | 23:38 |
clivejo | its working! | 23:38 |
clivejo | new mail via Kolab at 23:03 | 23:38 |
clivejo | and access to my voicemails! | 23:39 |
* clivejo dances | 23:39 | |
clivejo | wow it is faster! | 23:39 |
yofel | IKR ^^ | 23:39 |
clivejo | and Frameworks 5.20 are on depot | 23:39 |
clivejo | sgclark: I love you too, thanks for all your time getting this to work and get it into the archive | 23:40 |
yofel | +1 | 23:40 |
clivejo | I think claydoh and kfunk will be very happy too! | 23:46 |
sgclark | glad everything is coming together | 23:48 |
clivejo | sgclark: did you get your kolab account setup in Kontact? | 23:49 |
clivejo | I was thinking if I should have a word with them and get a free account to demo on the Podcast | 23:50 |
clivejo | I really dont think people realise how good it is! | 23:50 |
sgclark | no, it said free trial but wants payment. I am confused | 23:52 |
clivejo | maybe I could setup a few demo accounts on my server | 23:53 |
sgclark | I am certain it is worth the money, I just don't have any lol | 23:54 |
clivejo | any old PC's about? | 23:55 |
sgclark | yes | 23:57 |
clivejo | you could install it on one of those | 23:58 |
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