
KimseI'm trying to mount a remote directory shared via NFS from an Ubuntu server on my local Linux Mint machine. But i'm having some trouble getting user mapping to work01:06
KimseI figured i need to configure http://linux.die.net/man/5/idmapd.conf but I'm not quite sure how to01:06
Kimsemy username on the local machine and the remote server matches, but not the uid01:07
tarpmanKimse: AFAIK if you want mapping by username instead of uid, you need to be using kerberos (or maybe some other GSSAPI mechanism), see e.g. http://dfusion.com.au/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Why+NFSv4+UID+mapping+breaks+with+AUTH_UNIX01:36
bekks!mint | Kimse01:55
ubottuKimse: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:55
Kimsebekks: relax mr. police officer...01:55
bekksKimse: I'm no officer - I just told you that Mint isnt supported in here.01:56
KimseDon't you think I know that, if this was a Mint-only issue, I would ask @ Mint.01:57
bekksKimse: You are using Mint, it isnt an Ubuntu issue.01:58
KimseAND I'm using Ubuntu server01:58
KimseAnd it is an Ubuntu issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nfs-utils/+bug/96673402:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 966734 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "nfs4+idmap does not map uids correctly when using AUTH_SYS" [Medium,Triaged]02:01
Kimsetarpman: thanks for the answer btw.02:03
KingWho's here?03:14
arooniany suggestions on a basic; free downtime notifier service?  also looking for something i can install on ubuntu 14.04 LTS that would notify me of say disk space running out, or other stuff thats not as critical as downtime but 'stuff you'd wanna know'04:18
lordievaderGood morning.09:09
wizard_Ai am getting a failed packer build when i try building a virtual box iso using ubuntu 14.04 server-amd64.. it always stops at the select and install software part... which line of code in preseed file do i need to tweek in order to solve this??11:33
Deepshmmm, when installing ubuntu server 14.04 lts from the netboot mini.iso, it attempts ipv6 autoconf (successful), ipv4 dhcp (fails), and then doesn't let me manually configure an ipv4 address12:25
Deepswhich then makes it fun to type in a ipv6 dns server to be able to proceed further12:26
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mintuxHi im looking for solution to backup whole system or clone or take snapshot or whatever you call it and then can restore for example i update something on my ubnutu server or install anything then i can rolleback it13:01
rsxmintux: For full backup I use clonezilla13:02
mintuxi installed it but it said [root] You should run this program /usr/sbin/dcs in DRBL server, NOT in DRBL client or other machine.13:02
mintuxrsx: ^^^13:03
lordievaderI use dirvish for my backups.13:03
rsxmintux: In my case I prefer most of the time to shutdown the system, boot Clonezilla and do full backup13:03
mintuxrsx: so if reboot then i can see it in boot menu?13:04
rsxmintux: do think so. I use a cd or ISO to boot from. And then their boot menu is shown13:05
rsxmintux: to see it in your boot menu from the local disk und need to install something. A good choice for that is grml-rescueboot13:06
mintuxrsx: but it on my ubuntu server that is in datacenter very far from me. and i have ssh access also vnc access to see boot menu13:06
rsxmintux: yes, then grml-rescueboot is a good choice.13:07
mintuxso grml-rescueboot make a iso in boot grub menu then i can log into ?13:07
rsxmintux: no, apt install grml-rescueboot. this will add a menu entry for every grml iso in /boot/grml. that means you need to download a grml ISO to that directory13:09
mintuxrsx: does Clonezilla has grml ISO type?13:10
rsxmintux: grml is a live system having clonezilla on board. However, you could do this with clonezilla's ISO directly. But in this case you need to add the menu entries yourself.13:13
TesttubeMorning, Any suggestion for a terminal that will allow you to setup multiple hosts to connect to?13:36
Testtubeas in to save in a profile for quick connections to said servers13:37
halvorsHmm. Somehow the static IPv6 configuration in /etc/network/interfaces13:39
halvorsWill not add the gateway i specified there to my routing table.13:40
halvorsIs this a known bug?13:40
HovercrossCan anyone give me a quick hand? I have a VPS running Ubuntu 15.10 that I am using as as web server. I am trying to give sites their own IPv6 addresses, which I’ve done using an up ip -6 addr add entry in /etc/network/interfaces (to give the server the additional IP addresses). The problem is, NGINX is trying to come online before the additional IPv6 address is added and therefore fails. Relevant errors and configs at14:43
HovercrossHow can I either add the IP to the system better or delay NGINX’s start until after the additional addresses have come online?14:43
HovercrossI originally tired just adding another ifact eth0 inet6 static section in /etc/network/interfaces, but that seemed to break my DNS configuration afterward14:45
HovercrossTo confirm that it’s a timing issue, NGINX starts without question if I start it manually after the server has been up for a couple of seconds14:51
bekksHovercross: So why do you restart your VPS that often? :)14:54
HovercrossBekks: Lol - my primary concern is if for any unexpected reboots. It’s a production server, so I’d rather not have to SSH into it if my provider has a hiccup14:55
bekksSo deny the automatic start of nginx, and put all your manual actions into /etc/rc.local14:56
HovercrossI guess I can do that… it seems a little hackey though14:58
logikosI need help with user and group permissions (i think) i have a symlink in /var/www to ~/public_html and i can execute ~/public_html/index.php  from browser just fine.  however php can not edit files in ~/public_html even though i set umask to 0002 (both in system and via php), all files and folders in ~/public_html/ have write bit for group on, and i did sudo usermod -a -G logikos www-data...15:45
logikos...AND sudo usermod -a -G www-data logikos15:45
logikosif from php i try to do touch('test'); i get a permission error .. so www-data can not create the file....15:45
logikosif from php i do echo exec('whoami') i get www-data15:46
logikosi'm not sure how to troubleshoot this from here....15:46
Deepsinb4ydiw, but i have multiple hosts that have the same short name, but different fqdns - is it possible to get the console to display the fqdn instead of the short name?16:10
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mintuxi installed grml-rescueboot and add an iso and it shows in grub menu but when i try to enter it back to boot grub menu: http://storage5.static.itmages.com/i/16/0305/h_1457202765_1317328_4f6bd71496.jpeg18:32
mintuxany solution ?18:32
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halvors1I have some problems with IPv6. Even when a gateway is set in /etc/network/interfaces ubuntu does not add it to the routing table. Why is that?23:11

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