
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:14
foobarryjust borrowed a vax cleaner11:44
foobarrythey are amazing11:44
=== adam____ is now known as kabads
mintsauceHello. I'm trying to do-release upgrade Ubuntu 10.04.4 to 12.10. It aborts after a message along the lines of :'It was not possible to authenticate some packages.' which precedes a long list of packages, including apache2.20:56
mintsauceHow do I get past this error?20:57
daftykinsimpressive, both dead releases22:05
daftykinsusers be cray.22:05
* zmoylan-pi sells red hat 5.2 floppies in dark internet cafés... :-)22:11
zmoylan-pi3.5" AND 5.25"22:12
zleapi had that22:13
zleapon cd as a box set22:13
daftykinsoof :)22:13
zmoylan-piit was more fun installing from floppy... :-)22:13
zmoylan-pinot as fun as installing windows 95 mind...22:13
zleapyeah ra write to disk for each disk set, root / boot floppies, a1,a2 etc22:13
=== james_ is now known as Guest84433

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