
KilosMaaz hi06:27
MaazSup Kilos06:27
Kilosmorning all06:29
MaNIdoes anyone know of a linux program like filelight, except one that is smart enough *not* to follow symlinks across drive boundaries or to include mount points int he count07:39
MaNIoh hey I have an ancient version of filelight, maybe I must just upgrade :)07:41
chesedohello all weekend dwellers08:32
chesedoincluding MaNI and Kilos08:32
Kiloshi chesedo 08:35
magespawngood afternoon08:56
Maazmagespawn: By the way, Cryterion on freenode told me "tell magespawn <Wolfeyes> http://bin.snyman.info/mmm5zbme" 13 hours, 33 minutes and 42 seconds ago08:56
Maazmagespawn: By the way, xsm on freenode told me "tell magespawn Still working :-)" 12 hours, 57 minutes and 57 seconds ago08:56
Kiloshi magespawn 08:56
magespawnhi Kilos 08:58
chesedoafternoon magespawn08:59
magespawnhi chesedo 09:00
magespawnKilos: has Wolfeyes done anything more on that server?09:02
Kilosi dont know magespawn i crashed early and havent heard from him today09:02
Kiloswe lucky we part of such a friendly loco you know09:04
chesedomagespawn: he was last stuck with the masquerading09:04
Kilosbangladesh is a tiny loco wit 21 peeps applying to join , some even 2 years ago and none get approved09:05
chesedoKilos: wow they sound like a string group09:09
chesedois that to join membership?09:10
Kilosyeah bad and no support either for a guy applying for ubuntu membership09:10
Kilosthats just to join the loco09:10
Kilosso one guy tried on his own but with no guidance didnt have all his facts ready09:11
Kilosshame man09:11
Kilosi think maybe the existing members think they kinda elitist09:12
chesedothats bad... me thinks anyway09:13
chesedohow did the loco itself get reapproved?09:13
Kilosyes totally against ubuntu aims09:13
Kilosoh  i havent checked if they are09:13
chesedoso will this guy have any luck sorting things out?09:14
Kiloswe will help him rock the boat09:15
Kilosimo those should be kicked inna but and even replaced if necessary09:15
chesedogreat to hear... they should watch out the storm with Kilos is coming :P09:15
chesedoare you on the loco or membership coucil?09:16
Kilosbut know some council members09:16
chesedooh, wondered how the "we" (loco council) will help him...09:17
Kilosto keep me quiet they will need to fire me09:17
Kiloswe the membership board will help him09:17
chesedoum, ok09:18
Kilosshame man09:18
Kilospoor guy even wants to teach peeps there about installing and using ubuntu and no loco support09:19
chesedowow, that loco is missing on some serious motivation09:21
Kilosthat loco isnt verified even09:30
Kiloswow very few are09:32
Kiloshi Cryterion 10:00
magespawnand AGAIN10:26
MaNIokay so updated filelight still doesn't work as it should - so back to original question, anyone know something like filelight that correctly avoids crossing filesystem boundaries?10:46
chesedoMaNI: what exactly do you it to do (other than not crossing filesystems)?11:08
* chesedo knows of `du`11:09
chesedobaobab seems to not cross filesystems11:13
MaNIchesedo, the key feature is being able to visually see which files/directories are responsible for taking up most the space11:29
MaNIsometimes a run away log file or whatever will take up the whole of / (or some stale data directory or whatever) and being able to easily see what is helpful11:30
MaNII'll try baobab and see11:30
MaNIokay baobab seems to be behave correctly thanks11:35
magespawnMaNI: does it have to visual?12:06
MaNIideally yes, sifting through pages of du -hs output isn't very fun :p12:07
MaNIbaobab seems okay, filelight makes nicer charts but no good if it doesn't actually work properly12:08
chesedoif filelight uses `du` internally, then maybe one can contribute the feature to it...12:17
MaNIbaobab works, so its fine :p12:20
chesedolol, ok12:23
thatgraemeguyoh hi13:21
chesedohi thatgraemeguy13:26
thatgraemeguyg'day :-)13:27
chesedoalmost, bit hot13:27
Kilosohi thatgraemeguy 13:28
thatgraemeguyhi Kilos how goes?13:28
thatgraemeguyyeah, pretty humid here today :-o13:28
Kilosok ty and you?13:28
thatgraemeguylekker thanks :)13:28
magespawnhome time, chat later13:47
Wolfeyesback eventually17:06
Wolfeyeshello everyone17:06
Kiloshi boy17:06
Wolfeyesrouter decided to stop working this morning, took a trip to see another client, came back changed the router from (router allocate ip address to computers) to ( not allocate anything)17:07
Wolfeyeshey dad17:07
Wolfeyeson spare comuter now, server doesn't want to connect again, p3p1 down again17:08
Wolfeyesgoes back to my notes17:09
Wolfeyeshey zipper17:24
zipperWolfeyes: Hey :)17:39
Kiloswhat now17:59
WolfeyesNight everyone - try again tomorrow17:59
Wolfeyescan't get it to connect again17:59
Kilosnight boy, sleep tight18:00
chesedoWolfeyes: uhm18:01
chesedoallocation sound like dchp mode was on...18:01
chesedoso take it that your external is off18:01
chesedobut clients can still reach the server18:02
chesedo*? if true then that might help you18:02
* chesedo has to go18:02
Kilosim gonna have an early night as well18:07
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:07
magespawngood evning18:18
magespawnevening too18:18
chesedolol magespawn, you just missed Wolfeyes there19:42
chesedoHi Rynomster, welcome to the ubuntu-za channel19:42
Rynomsterthanks chesedo. haven't been on in long time :o19:43
Rynomsteralways on slack these days19:43
chesedooh ok, i'm also too new to know very old ones19:44
squish102can anyone help me figure out what happened to my raid array? it is in RO mode22:45
squish102it is a raid 0 (stripped?) or is that raid 122:46
tumbleweedsquish102: cat /proc/mdstat22:46
squish102output of dmesg|grep md022:47
tumbleweedsquish102: the grep is probably removing useful context22:48
tumbleweedbut I'd bet an underlying device is failing writes22:48
tumbleweedok, the raid device is happy22:49
tumbleweedit's the filesystem that has gone read-only22:49
tumbleweedcould be entirely a filesystem problem22:49
squish102checking dmesg without grep, lots of mention of errors with sdc22:50
tumbleweedsmartctl -a /dev/sdc22:51
squish102although i just installed smart monitoring tools and it looks like all drives passed22:51
tumbleweedthose Current_Pending_Sector and Offline_Uncorrectable counts point to a drive with problems22:54
tumbleweedoffline sectors have been removed from use, because they failed22:54
tumbleweedpending sectors are un-readable and will be taken offline, when written to22:55
squish102hmm that sounds bad22:55
tumbleweedI replace a drive if either of those goes non-zero, and especially if it's a big number22:55
squish102my sdd looks bad too22:57
tumbleweedthose aren't necessarily a problem22:57
squish102^^ that one has lots of messages22:57
squish102oh ok22:57
squish102ok, take c drive out, bang it around and stick it in freezer and then good to go :)22:58
tumbleweedget a new drive, dd-rescue sdc onto it, put it back in this raid-array, and fsck it22:58
tumbleweedalso, don't use RAID-0 for data you care about :P22:59
squish102it is my backup server for my raid 5 array. cheap man backup, i wake it up, rsync to it, and shut it down every night23:00
tumbleweedah, well, then, thorw away the drive, make a new array :)23:00
squish102yes, I don't have anymore 2tb drives laying around, so I will have to probably throw some 1tb drives in. need to get to 6tb of storage23:01
tumbleweedif you overwrite the entire drive with 0s (to get all those pending sectors offline), the drive may recover23:01
tumbleweedor it could continue to grow pending sectors23:02
squish102hmmm, ok I can try google that and figure out what you mean23:02
tumbleweedI'd try that if there were 2 or 3. But with hundreds, I don't have high hope23:02
squish102thanks for the help23:03
squish102about to destroy array.... 23:05
tumbleweednp. good luck :)23:06
squish102screwed up my hadoop cluster and now my home backup machine23:12
squish102think i should go out drinking23:12

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