
flocculantknome: left a note on the slides pad11:59
knomebtw, we can affect slide progress speed12:00
knomebut of course we can only make it so fast so people have time to read it12:01
knomeflocculant, also left a note at the chat - no need to reply, just for information there12:07
flocculantknome: seen that 12:08
flocculantas far as speed goes - I think I've asked this before - speed overall? or speed per slide?12:09
flocculantspeed per slide might be useful 12:09
flocculantas you say - only so much time overall available :)12:09
knomei would have to check to make sure, but i think the generic conf setting is "how much time it takes for a slide to progress" (not per-slide)12:09
knomebut we *can* affect per-slide stuff too12:10
knomeit's a bit hacky, but..12:10
flocculantcos obviously first one doesn't need long really12:10
flocculanthey you're did get the right image to install xubuntu :p12:11
flocculantanyway - main thing - do the notes I added make sense? not whether you agree or not - but understand what I mean :)12:11
flocculantk cool12:11
knomemaybe change your editor color to a bit lighter share12:12
knometo not make my head hurt so much :P12:12
knomethat works too12:12
flocculantbetter? 12:12
knomesee above :P12:12
flocculantdidn't really take much notice of the colour :)12:13
knomei only notice it when the contrast is crappy :)12:13
flocculantha ha ha 12:13
knomethe darkest shades shouldn't even be there, they are unusable12:13
bluesabrehm https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.xenial_chinese-fonts/+merge/28819513:57
bluesabrequite a difference in size13:57
bluesabre!info fonts-noto-cjk xenial13:57
ubottufonts-noto-cjk (source: fonts-noto-cjk): "No Tofu" font families with large Unicode coverage (CJK). In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.004+repack1-1 (xenial), package size 72656 kB, installed size 112297 kB13:57
bluesabre!info fonts-noto-hinted xenial13:57
ubottufonts-noto-hinted (source: fonts-noto): "No Tofu" font families with large Unicode coverage (hinted). In component universe, is optional. Version 20160116-1 (xenial), package size 4725 kB, installed size 15581 kB13:57
flocculantquite? 14:43
flocculantthat's polite :p14:43
flocculantwhy's this guy wanting to change our stuff anyway? 17:51
bluesabreprobably because chinese, korean, and japanese fonts are not present at all in font-noto-hinted18:12
flocculantyea realise that18:19
flocculantso I am now ready to move release notes to a working wiki ;)20:11
flocculantif anyone actually has working access to the meeting page - can they do the deed for the next community meeting - thanks :)20:23

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