
xubuntu454installing right now....01:34
JamesT1995Hey guys, I searching for a nice icon theme for Xfce...but didn't find much...all the icon themes are missing a bunch of icons...09:42
xubuntu45wi have a old pc, it has a intel pentium 411:25
xubuntu45w4 gb ram11:25
xubuntu45wnvidia g9500 gs force 512mb11:25
xubuntu45wit's ok for xubuntu?11:25
xubuntu45wwhat's the best version?11:25
JamesT19954gb ram isnt for an old pc lol11:27
JamesT1995you should be fine running Xubuntu 15.1011:27
xubuntu45wokok perfect11:27
xubuntu45wthank you for the help, i am donwloading xubuntu 15.1011:28
xubuntu45wbye everyone11:28
JamesT1995no problem :-)11:28
=== dreamon__ is now known as dreamon
sector_0hey guys13:31
sector_0I have a problem where my screen flickers on and off when trying to wake up from a sleep state13:32
sector_0nothing is shown during this time (unlike some other forum post I saw on the net)13:33
sector_0The screen remains black but flickers on and off, and never wakes13:33
sector_0usually I have to restart to regain access to my computer13:33
sector_0II should also mention that this isn't always the case, it happens sporadically13:34
sector_0I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I have the latest AMD drivers installed for my 7870 Pitcairn13:36
JamesT1995Try #ubuntu …there’s more people13:37
RocketLLI downloaded and installed 15.10 on a laptop.14:30
RocketLLWhen I attempt to boot from it, it says "ACPI PCC Probe failed.", and it refuses to boot.14:30
RocketLLAny ideas?14:30
JamesT1995RocketLL: here http://askubuntu.com/questions/584248/boot-error-acpi-pcc-probe-failed14:32
RocketLLUnless I'm missing something, that link doesn't fix the issue.14:35
JamesT1995RocketLL: maybe you should try switching to #ubuntu or #linux14:36
JamesT1995theres more people to help14:36
RocketLLOkie, thanks.14:37
C1t1Z3nany solution about the bug of when i close the cover of my laptopt and the computer won't resume ?18:32
C1t1Z3nxubuntu 14.0418:32
xanguaThe solution is to install x screen saver18:36
xanguaIt's a know bug with Xubuntu 14.0418:36
C1t1Z3ni only install x screen saver and nothing else to di ?18:37
xanguaconfigure it to use it of course18:38
xanguaNot using Xubuntu or even Ubuntu at the time so that's all I can say to help you18:38
C1t1Z3nok i have to deactivate the other to use xscreensaver18:39
C1t1Z3nhow i do that18:40
C1t1Z3nok i think i get it18:41
C1t1Z3ni try i will now close the cover18:41
C1t1Z3nwell it did not go as excpected18:56
C1t1Z3ni absolutly don't know how to switch to x screen saver18:57
C1t1Z3ni have it installed18:57
C1t1Z3ni am looking for a good how to18:57
C1t1Z3nso now i have followed an how to that said to remove gnome screen saver so it's done19:01
C1t1Z3nwill try now19:02
C1t1Z3ni close the cover19:02
C1t1Z3n... did not worked and yess i had started the daemon19:05
C1t1Z3nthat bug ****19:05
C1t1Z3ni need help i don't know what to do more ???19:06
mrkrampsC1t1Z3n, disabling the lid switch handling by logind might help19:09
C1t1Z3nhow i do that19:10
mrkrampsedit /etc/systemd/logind.conf19:10
mrkrampsreplace "HandleLidSwitch=suspend" with "#HandleLidSwitch=suspend"19:11
mrkrampssry! wrong19:12
C1t1Z3nit is already19:12
mrkrampsreplace "#HandleLidSwitch=suspend" with "HandleLidSwitch=ignore"19:12
C1t1Z3nit's donw19:13
C1t1Z3ni have to restart or i can try it right now19:13
C1t1Z3ni will try i will be back19:14
mrkrampsrestart pls19:15
C1t1Z3nworked fine19:18
C1t1Z3ni just got wifi problem lol19:18
C1t1Z3nnow hoe i could prevent the computer to go sleeping but o nly close the screen ?19:19
C1t1Z3nwhen i close the cover19:19
mrkrampsC1t1Z3n, you do not want to use suspend at all then but just blank the screen19:20
mrkrampscheck light-locker or power manager19:20
mrkrampsfrom the settings menu19:20
C1t1Z3nok thanks19:21
Skyrid3rGreetings all23:43
JamesT1995hey there23:43
Skyrid3rIs it normal to have 404 not found when updating the source list?23:43
Skyrid3rClean install btw :)23:43
JamesT1995Skyrid3r: are you connected to the internet? hah23:44
Skyrid3rCould not resolve error actually.. and lol..23:44
Skyrid3rOtherwise I couldnt be here :)23:44
xanguaSkyrid3r: clean install of what release?23:45
Skyrid3rFailed to fetch http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/h/heimdal/libkdc2-heimdal_1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb Could not resolve 'nl.archive.ubuntu.com'23:45
Unit193404 error is different than couldn't resolve.23:45
xanguaSkyrid3r: just switch mirrors23:45
JamesT1995Skyrid3r: well you could have been using a different computer for what i know ;-)23:45
Skyrid3rIt was 404 before.23:45
Unit193xangua: That resolves here at least.23:45
Skyrid3rmeh, second problem I have to submit.23:47
xanguaDid you switch your mirrors?23:48
Skyrid3rOh, I was referring to a problem was found and had the ability to submit the logs.23:48
Skyrid3rFirst one was after waking up from sleep, second software center.23:48
Skyrid3rNot what Id expect from a clean install, that's all.23:49
Skyrid3rBut ya, changed mirrors.23:49
Skyrid3rPackages changed from "install" to "use this source" in the software center.23:50
Skyrid3rWhile I go figure this out, I was hoping you guys could tell me which driver is recommended to use for nvidia.23:50

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