
neoromantiqueDoes latest iso of 16.04 install fine?02:20
flocculantneoromantique: well02:22
flocculantit does for Xubuntu - which specific image do you mean?02:22
neoromantiqueflocculant: thing is, it might be my bad02:22
neoromantiqueBut it just didn't install grub it seems02:22
flocculantoh right02:22
neoromantiqueif there's no known issue, I'll try again02:22
flocculantneoromantique: flavour?02:23
flocculantright - could be fubar - rarely check it - not heard anything tbh02:23
neoromantiquemaking new usb just in case02:26
flocculantneoromantique: just ftr "<pleia2> flocculant: yep, install itself went beautifully"02:57
Volundhallo future people.03:02
* flocculant wanders off03:06
flocculantstuck well in the past03:06
VolundSo I'm pondering setting up my Ubuntu as a SAMBA server but I want to use my two 4tb drives as mirrors of each other. I've been told ZFS may be a better solution than LVM mirroring, but ZFS isn't natively in Ubuntu 15 but IS in 16, I hear. though I've heard that I can install it on 15, not sure. Can someone clear this up? I'm on ubuntu 15 at the moment. Not averse to using 16 beta mind you, but.... *peer*03:13
DorfenHi guys! I've caught a virus and gotta redo my system. Im wondering if I would have many issues by just going 16.04 now?09:48
DorfenI ran the 15.04 equivalent pretty muh without troubles.09:48
lordievaderGood morning.10:31
ubottuA schedule of Xenial Xerus (16.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule12:44
BluesKajHiyas all13:36
ChibaPetPeople don't stay around long enough to take in proper answers.16:10
tete_hi, can someone help me getting my wlan0 working in xenial? i created /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and started the service. but wpa_cli gives me: Could not connect to wpa_supplicant: (nil) - re-trying17:13
j09I've just installed Chromium and it's companion the pepperflash plugin, however I can't seem to get Chromium to see the flash plugin. It doesn't show up in chrome://plugins . I'm on 16.0417:51
BluesKajj09, http://askubuntu.com/questions/578175/pepper-flash-plugin-is-installed-but-doesnt-work-on-chromium17:57
j09That seems a lot more complicated than Manjaro17:59
BluesKajj09, chromium is out of date18:01
j09I seem to remember it was updated recently.18:02
BluesKajj09, you won't notice any diffeence between chrome and chromium , except that chrome works18:03
j09I'd really prefer to support as much of the open-source side of things as possible. I'm really sorry to be a bug about this, but this just doesn't seem like a problem on other less-devoloped distros, so I don't really get why it's a problem here.18:04
BluesKajdunno either , but chromium is not as supported as chrome, but if you insist the you'll have to live with it's shortcomings18:06
BluesKajwell supported18:06
j09Ok, thanks for taking the time to talk me through it. Maybe I should just use Firefox. What do you use if you don't mind me asking?18:07
BluesKajI use firefox with freshplayer plugin, fwiw18:11
BluesKajon kubuntu 16,04 here18:11
j09Do you know when they'll start to implement the tab sandboxing?18:12
BluesKajit's already available mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/priv8/18:14
j09nice. Chromium really does seem like a pain for Linux devs. I hear people on Fedora dispise it.18:15
j09I'm going to switch across to Firefox then. I really appreciate the time and the help BluesKaj. Thank you very much.18:17
DaekdroomBluesKaj, I think what he means by tab sandboxing is e10s, which is not available in the stable Channel yet.18:18
Daekdroomhttps://wiki.mozilla.org/Electrolysis#Schedule actually :P18:18
j09Is it in firefox Beta yet? or soon?18:21
DaekdroomIt's in Aurora builds by default, not sure about Beta.18:22
BluesKajthere is one thing with firefox atm tho , and it seems to use a lot of cpu on javascript heavy websites like the wethernetwork18:22
j09that's actually the reason I was asking about Sandboxing.18:23
Anthony-L_just installed 16.04, is there anything i should do now to make sure everything is chip chop?18:45
Anthony-L_anyone here?18:58
penguin42I think there are a set of stuff for testing18:58
penguin42Anthony-L_: See http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/18:58
penguin42Anthony-L_: However, if it's all apparently working then just enjoy18:58
k1lAnthony-L_: run the updates18:59
Anthony-L_yea, at first, i installed 14.04 and 15.10. then i installed 16.04 and it's working a lot smoother.18:59
Anthony-L_k1l, i dont know the commands.19:00
Anthony-L_brb, i'm going to see if it actually reboots. *fingers crossed*19:01
Anthony-Li'm back :)19:07
Anthony-Li installed steam, but it's not launching.19:08
Anthony-LSteamUpdateUI: An X Error occurred X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)19:11
Anthony-LSteamUpdateUI: An X Error occurred X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)20:18
Anthony-Ltrying to install steam20:18
j09Hi, I'm trying to install kdenlive on Ubuntu MATE 16.04 but I'm not getting the icons. What package do I need to install to recify this?20:19
krabadorj09, kde-runtime kde-workspace-data20:22
j09kde-workspace-data is not a package that exsists20:23
penguin42it probably got renamed in kde5 I guess20:24
j09that's why i'm here. I can't find it.20:24
penguin42j09: If kdenlive isn't working then please file a bug against it20:25
penguin42j09: But might be worth trying kde-runtime-data or kde-baseapps-data or any of the other kde*data20:26
j09This is an old bug. If they wanted to fix it, they would have done so by now.20:26
penguin42j09: It depends if anyone noticed it - there are zillions of them; you could asking in the kubuntu channels20:27
j09It's bee around for over 2 years20:27
j09It's a well known issues.20:27
j09I'm installing a ton of packages that "seem" right, but I got nothing.20:30
j09Surely you guys must be familiar with this.20:38
krabadorj09, kde-runtime got the job ^21:11
j09kde-runtime is installed21:12
Anthony-Lwhat's the command for installing updates21:32
squintysudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade21:34
jtaylorif your learning new, use apt update; apt upgrade21:55
jtaylorthe new interface is more consistent21:55
Anthony-L_when does 16.04 officially release?22:14
k1lend of april22:15
k1lthe names are year.month22:15
Anthony-L_how would i go about installing google chrome?22:15
Anthony-L_oh cool. that's good to know.22:15
Anthony-L_in the terminal?22:16
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/510056/how-to-install-google-chrome22:16
k1lget the .deb from the google chrome website and install it22:16
Anthony-L_i get the .deb and it's not installing. there isn't a launch file.22:16
squintyinstall that program22:17
tsimonq2after you install gdebi, cd into the directory that the deb is in then run sudo gdebi FILE.deb22:17
Anthony-L_install gdebi?22:18
Anthony-L_where is that? i'm super new to this.22:18
squintyor right click and use open with22:18
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: open the Ubuntu Software Center and install it through there22:18
Anthony-L_there we go22:18
tsimonq2then right click and open with GDebi22:18
Anthony-L_gnome or kde?22:18
tsimonq2what do you mean?22:19
Anthony-L_there's two options for gdeb.22:19
tsimonq2give us a screenshot22:19
squintykde 16.04 isn't released yet is it?22:19
squintydid you install the kde desktop?22:20
tsimonq2squinty: KDE has a different versioning system then Ubuntu, maybe you are talking about Kubuntu :)22:20
daxsquinty: Kubuntu has the same release cycle as Ubuntu22:20
Anthony-L_i just installed ubuntu 16, and nothing else.22:20
tsimonq2the current KDE version is 5.5.5 :)22:20
Anthony-L_how do i send you guys the screenshot?22:20
tsimonq2squinty: stop confusing the person asking the question :)22:21
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: upload it to imgur and give us the link?22:21
Anthony-L_yea, you guys are speaking chinese to me. haha22:21
Anthony-L_i dont have an imgur acct.22:21
tsimonq2you don't have to hvae one :)22:22
Anthony-L_o ok.22:22
Anthony-L_let me mess with it. give me a min.22:22
squintyfwiw  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/02/ubuntu-16-04-beta-1-download-flavors22:22
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: if you go to imgur.com then click Upload Images, you should be able to go from there :)22:23
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: or if you cannot get that to work for any reason, just save it locally and email it to me at tsimonq2@ubuntu.com22:24
Anthony-L_there we go22:24
squinty"Not taking part is Kubuntu"   is that information wrong?22:24
tsimonq2squinty: nope, Kubuntu didn't take part in Beta 122:25
tsimonq2squinty: ask them directly at #kubuntu-devel about why not :)22:25
Anthony-L_just let me know which one to download, thanks for your help22:25
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: oh jeez, open a terminal and type the following command: sudo apt update && sudo apt install gdebi22:25
squintytsimonq2,  i read the reason awhile ago :-)22:25
tsimonq2squinty: ok :)22:26
Anthony-L_tsimonq2, it's installing.22:26
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: FWIW I like the terminal better so I just told you to do that because that's what *I* would do, but I *think* you could install either one22:26
Anthony-L_so what's gdeb, like an uzip application?22:27
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: what are you coming from? Windows or Mac?22:27
Anthony-L_i'm trying to get out of the micrsoft loop.22:27
Anthony-L_expand my horizons22:27
tsimonq2well consider a deb file an exe file and gdebi the same as just double-clicking the exe file :)22:28
squintychecks to make sure that all dependancies are satisfied and if ok will install deb package softwre22:28
Anthony-L_oh ok22:28
Anthony-L_okay, gdeb is installed.22:28
Anthony-L_i'd like to use the terminal more, but i don't know all the commands.22:28
Anthony-L_you guys are like machines. haha22:28
squintyright click on and use "open with" or file-roller will grab it22:28
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: alright, go to where you have the .deb file saved, you should be able to right-click and open with GDebi22:28
Anthony-L_it's installing, yay!22:29
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: if not, open the terminal and use cd to get to the directory (man cd if you don't know how to use that) and then do sudo gdebi FILE.deb22:29
tsimonq2cool! ;D22:29
Anthony-L_hey, i have another problem...it's not related to gdeb. it's related to my illuminated keyboard.22:30
tsimonq2tell us :)22:30
Anthony-L_on windows, i'd use the scrl lock button to turn it on.22:30
Anthony-L_does ubuntu even have a scrl lock button?22:30
Anthony-L_because when i push it, it doesn't illuminate.22:30
tsimonq2hmm that's weird22:30
tsimonq2to be honest, I don't know22:31
* tsimonq2 uses Google-fu22:31
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: FWIW http://askubuntu.com/questions/127167/how-do-i-enable-scroll-lock might help?22:32
Anthony-L_hold on a sec, lets reverse. i just installed chrome with the gdeb. where did chrome go then?22:32
tsimonq2so it installed successfully?22:32
Anthony-L_i'm assuming. it said, it was was done installing.22:32
tsimonq2press the super key (AKA the Windows key) and type in Google Chrome22:32
tsimonq2it should be in the Unity "Dash"22:33
tsimonq2when you search it, it should pop up22:33
tsimonq2what exactly is negative?22:34
tsimonq2I don't know what's wrong :)22:34
tsimonq2so you couldn't search or it didn't show up?22:35
Anthony-L_didn't show22:35
tsimonq2hmm, I can't test this right now, but instead of typing Google Chrome, type "google-chrome"22:36
tsimonq2anything then?22:36
squintychrome-browser ??22:36
tsimonq2squinty: no that's not the package name22:36
squintyjust installing it right now to see what is happening.22:37
Anthony-L_gdeb extracted the package...maybe it didn't install.22:37
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: if you want Chrome now, just install Chromium from the software center, then we can diagnose the Chrome issues22:37
tsimonq2just so you have something to work with :)22:37
tsimonq2Chrome = Chromium with extras22:38
squintyAnthony-L_,  did you right click on the deb  if you double click then file-roller probably grabbed it22:38
Anthony-L_i double clicked22:38
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: you know what, this is a bit cumbersome, where di yo usave the file?22:38
tsimonq2*did you22:38
Anthony-L_just to the downloads folder.22:39
squintyshows up here fine after installing usiing gdebi22:39
Anthony-L_let me try again22:39
tsimonq2okay, so type the following in the terminal: cd ~/Downloads && sudo gdebi FILE.deb - make sure to replace that with the actual deb name22:39
* tsimonq2 gives up on GUI XD22:40
squintyactually if gdebi is already installeed, firefox asks if you want to use gebi when downloading the file.  really nice and simple without using commandline at all22:40
Anthony-L_i reinstalled it it with the gdeb. i see it now.22:40
tsimonq2yay! so you can launch it?22:40
Anthony-L_yes sir22:41
Anthony-L_i have another question.22:41
Anthony-L_when i restart, i crash and have to do a restart to come back to the GUI.22:41
Anthony-L_you know why that is?22:41
tsimonq2I'm sorry if this seemed a bit tedious, once you get the hang of it, it's easy. If you want any more help with anything Ubuntu or command line or installing applications, don't be afraid to message me or email me at tsimonq2@ubuntu.com.22:42
tsimonq2squinty: nope :P22:42
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: #ubuntu-desktop for that maybe? :)22:42
Anthony-L_oh, another channel?22:42
squintydoesn't crash here either but there are a few bugs22:42
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: we have a couple of different channels, they can guide you to report a bug :)22:43
tsimonq2#ubuntu-desktop can, with Unity22:43
Anthony-L_before i was installing 14 and 15. i was having more problems with those because of my new gpu. now that i'm using 16, it's a lot more fluid.22:43
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: also, just an FYI, the versioning goes 14.04, 14.10, 15.04, 15.10, and the upcoming release is 16.04. :)22:43
Anthony-L_my pc is meant for gaming, so that's probably why i'm having issues with linux, i'm assuming.22:44
squintynot sure if i am really keen on the gnome desktop though....have to wait and see I guess22:44
Anthony-L_i knew that. i was just being lazy. :P22:44
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: here: http://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/4a135f44-release_eof-ubuntu.jpg22:44
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: Linux isn't bad for gaming, it just lacks games because the majority of people are on Windows, and that makes game developers want to target that. :)22:45
Anthony-L_yea, i understand. the big reason was, i heard micrsoft was going to monoplise the gaming industry. thats' kind of why i wanted to switch to linux.22:45
Anthony-L_try to monopolise22:46
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: again, if you need any more help, even for small things, don't hesitate to contact me :)22:46
tsimonq2yeah I get your point :)22:46
tsimonq2Microsoft = NSA, but maybe that's because I'm paranoid XD22:46
Anthony-L_tsimonq2, you're the man. thank you for your help. if i had some money or beer, i'd send it your way.22:46
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: well I'm 14 so I can't have beer yet XD22:47
Anthony-L_14! what are you doing using linux?22:47
Anthony-L_i heard linux was for old people.22:47
tsimonq2lol I'm a power user and I couldn't squeeze enough out of Windows :D22:48
tsimonq2no way! :D22:48
Anthony-L_I'm teasing ya.22:48
Anthony-L_what do you typically do with your pc?22:48
tsimonq2code, contribute to Ubuntu, ramble at people XD22:48
tsimonq2I don't game22:48
tsimonq2http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/ if you are interested ;)22:49
Anthony-L_oh, i'm surprised you don't game. i'm 31 and i game, i guess you're more mature than me. :P22:49
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: anyways, we have solved the problem, somebody soon is going to yell at us, so let's hop over to #ubuntu-offtopic :)22:49
Anthony-L_oh sry. i can talk about more problems22:50
tsimonq2Anthony-L_: oh, well, go ahead XD22:50
Anthony-L_let me switch over to chrome and see if it's fluid. brb22:51
Anthony-Lare you still here?22:55
tsimonq2Anthony-L: yes :)22:55
tsimonq2hold on getting pizza brb22:55
Anthony-Li'm on chrome. it works.22:56
tsimonq2more problems? :)22:56
Anthony-Llet me check22:56
Anthony-Lshould i be using the proprietary drivers?22:56
tsimonq2do you know the difference between proprietary and open source software?22:57
Anthony-Lproprietary is the specific company making their own drivers.22:57
Anthony-Lopen source if free for all.22:57
tsimonq2if you are against closed-source software, don't use it, but if you don't mind, go ahead22:57
tsimonq2correct :)22:58
tsimonq2typically you get more functionality with proprietary drivers22:58
Anthony-Li was just wondering if there was a problem using them.22:58
tsimonq2not unless you have a moral problem with them :)22:58
tsimonq2anything else?22:59
Anthony-Llet me check22:59

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