[17:21] pleia2, tsimonq2 asked me to poke you. So, I'm poking you. :D [17:23] belkinsa: for? [17:23] oh hai pleia2 :D [17:36] pleia2, for nothing, just a friendly poke for good luck. [21:40] people have started making their own... who do we poke to update https://community.ubuntu.com/release-widget/ ? [21:44] * pleia2 submits bug (even though the 14.10 one is still "in progress" hopefully someone looks at these bugs) [21:46] pleia2, is there a way to access the code for each page of community.ubuntu.com? [21:47] belkinsa: no, it's in wordpress [21:47] so it's edited via the wordpress interface [21:48] Ah, I see. I wanted to work on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-website/+bug/1322311 [21:50] belkinsa: yeah, I've always just described exactly what I want the change to be, "on this page, please put..." [21:50] then they can copy it from the bug into wordpress [21:51] Okay. Let me see if I can write what is needed. [21:51] I can write the suggested line but I don't know where it can be placed on the site. [22:00] pleia2, did you see this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-website/+bug/1492699? I think it's related to yours. [22:00] belkinsa: that's why I said "even though the 14.10 one is still "in progress" hopefully someone looks at these bugs" [22:00] 1492699 is the 14.10 one :) [22:01] Ah, I see.