
mariogripadfad666: \o/00:25
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mimecargood morning10:27
vidalHi folks10:45
mimecarhi vidal and popey10:46
vidalHave a problem with a Meizu MX4 as I can not access the internet. Have a flat rate for the phone. Anybody got an idea how I can get it working e.g. access the internet?10:47
mimecarHave you checked APN config?10:47
vidalHi mimecar10:47
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vidalAPN is configured correctly.10:49
mimecardo wifi work on your device?10:49
vidalWifi works on the device.10:49
mimecarok, can you install terminal app10:50
vidalHave a terminal installed.10:50
mimecarand do a ping to with mobile data enable (wifi disabled)?10:50
vidalNetwork is unreachable.10:52
mimecaryou can call with the phone, can't you?10:53
vidalYes, I can. Everything else works fine.10:53
mimecarok, then IMEI code are on the phone10:53
mimecarone option would be remove APN and create then again10:54
mimecarif this option does not work, you can write an email to the ubuntu-phone mailing list10:54
vidalI'll give it a try with APN. Should I switch off the phone after removing the APN?10:56
mimecarit should not be necessary10:57
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vidalOkay, I'll go for it.10:57
adfad666Why does ubuntu boot from userdata partition instead of system partition?12:00
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ogra_adfad666, the system partition is for the container12:44
ogra_(it does boot from a lot more than just userdata btw ... see the mount command )12:45
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adfad666it seems odd that I can't update the OS via fastboot, when I flash userdata it resets the device15:38
dimonrudWhich version of Android latest Ubuntu Phone based on?18:02
homahi my friends18:32
Smurphythere are no friends ... :}18:33
homathere are many friends18:33
Maxr1998I currently try to build utouch for mako, but I get a make error19:23
Maxr1998make: *** No rule to make target '/home/max/Development/phablet/out/target/product/mako/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libminui_intermediates/export_includes', needed by '/home/max/Development/phablet/out/target/product/mako/obj/EXECUTABLES/charger_intermediates/import_includes'.  Schluss.19:25
Maxr1998make: *** Auf noch nicht beendete Prozesse wird gewartet …19:25
Maxr1998that's my error19:25
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=== mimecar-away is now known as mimecar

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