
minasotaAnother quite Saturday night...01:37
minasotaUnit193: you ever messed around with setting up your own mail server?19:04
Unit193Long ago, also more recently fixed someone else's.19:05
minasotadoes the host of the mta/mtd have to use it's own nameserver? Like, should the host handle all dns?19:07
minasotai was looking at this  https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-run-your-own-mail-server-with-mail-in-a-box-on-ubuntu-14-0419:10
Unit193Never used 'mail-in-a-box'19:10
minasotaok, why not?19:11
minasotahttp://paste.debian.net/412502/  It seems ok to me. Something I need to know?19:13
Unit193Thuogh of course I'd use something not self-signed.19:14
minasotait's just for me19:15
minasotaI would be the only one accessing it through a client19:15
minasotaOnly problem i see there is having to deal with the warning message every time I connect19:16

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