
Senorfirst time installing ubuntu as i'm trying to rid myself of the microsoft.00:00
SenorI've already looked in the ubuntu forums and sometimes I see 4 answers for one question. there's not really any clarity.00:01
MiniFridgeokay, so, is it vital I get 14.04.4 or am I okay with 14.04 for a server?00:01
MiniFridgeAlso, until what date is 14.04 supported?00:01
Senoranyway, i keep getting the ACPI PCC probe failed error and it just sits there frozen.00:01
ouroumov14.04.4 is a maintenance release MiniFridge, it's to reduce the size of the first post-install update00:02
MiniFridgeoh. So, it's going to be downloaded anyway?00:02
MiniFridgeAlright, thank you.00:02
Senorany help is appreciated...00:03
ouroumovSenor, you actually installed to disk? Were things OK using the live usb?00:04
daftykinsSenor: that's an informational message not indicative of a problem, it is not the reason you can't get further00:04
Senorim trying to install with the usb. i'm currently on the Ubuntu, install screen and waiting for guidance.00:04
k1l_Senor: so where do you need help with exactly?00:05
Senorok, so, when i start install i get the error Acpi PCC probe failed.00:05
Senorand it locks up00:05
k1l_Senor: the installer as such is quite simple. you can look here at the basic howto: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/install-ubuntu-desktop    if you have an issue on any setp you can ask a specific question here00:06
k1l_Senor: that message should not be an issue. its more of an information00:06
JamesT1995 I need help, I have Opera as the default browser (Chrome doesnt support 32bit anymore), but some apps dont follow those settings...they keep opening Firefox instead. Im running Xfce 4.1200:07
daftykinsthat's a kernel boot message so it makes no sense you go from GUI install to a text display00:07
Senorok. here, i'm going to push enter now and let it install ubuntu. i'll relay what happens....00:08
Senorwow! it's actually installing now. it seems like this software is hit or miss.00:09
Senorone minute the install wants to work and then the next minute it freezes. it's really frustrating. the nvidia gpu doesn't help my case.00:13
Senorcurrently installing though. wish me luck!00:14
* k1l_ crosses fingers :)00:14
Senorwhen i get to the desktop, what are the first things i should do?00:14
daftykinsSenor: no, peoples flash drives are hit or miss, in my experience of volunteering here00:17
Senorok, installation complete, restarting now...00:17
daftykinsand their laptops :D00:17
Senorand it froze at the purple screen00:17
SahibPrimeI'm having this weird problem.00:17
Senorjust a blank purple screen00:17
SahibPrimeSo, I have mounted an ext4 partition on /archive.00:18
SahibPrimeI want to clear some files out of it, but when I keep deleting files, eventually, Thunar (XFCE file manager) crashes.00:18
SahibPrimeI re-open it and try to delete the file and it says "Invalid cross-device link"00:18
SahibPrimeThen, when I try to open programs, it can't open them.00:18
SahibPrimeSometimes it says "Input/output error", other times "Unable to fork process". The only solution I have found is to log out.00:19
Senoryup, error ACPI PCC probe failed.00:22
daftykinsSenor: what is this system? you mentioned nvidia, so is it a hybrid graphics laptop with intel + nvidia? (nvidia optimus)00:22
Senorit's not a hybrid system. it's just a desktop pc with an nvidia gtx 970 gpu.00:23
SahibPrimeAlso, it "Input/output error / Could not fork process"s pretty much out of nowhere.00:24
Bashing-omSenor: PCC (Platform Communication Channel) is a recent ACPI 5.0 addition. The driver does not find a PCC communications mailbox and just exits with that error message. It is not something to worry about, most machines don't have an ACPI PCCT table and they don't use this mechanism.00:24
Senori've heard that answer plenty of times, but why is it crashing and locking up?00:25
R13oseI have installed the mini ubuntu with a usb key and not the system will not startup.  What do I do?00:27
bekksR13ose: do you get any error messages?00:28
R13osenone that I can see00:28
SahibPrimeR13ose: Does it even get into GRUB?00:28
Bashing-omR13ose: Minimal install ? then one boots to a terminal .00:28
daftykinsSenor: guaranteed it's unrelated, it's graphics drivers imo.00:28
R13oseThis one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:29
Senori agree that's it's unrelated and it's graphics drivers.00:29
SahibPrimeR13ose: Yup, that's minimal.00:29
R13oseI don't see GRUB.00:29
Senornvidia and linux do not like one another...this sucks00:29
SahibPrimeR13ose: How many systems does your computer have?00:29
SahibPrimeSenor: Have you tried using a non-proprietary driver?00:30
R13oseI am trying to install this with the entire partition00:30
SahibPrimeR13ose: So, the only system on the computer is Ubuntu>00:30
saltukif you have live cd .. try to install bootrepair00:30
Senorsahi, i can't even install ubuntu. how can i even install a proprietary driver?00:30
bekksR13ose: when the installation asked you for the device to install grub onto - what was your answer?00:30
R13osebekks: yes00:31
SahibPrimeSenor: Oh, I didn't see your previous requests, sorry.00:31
R13oseSahibPrime: yes00:31
SahibPrimeR13ose: In that case, GRUB doesn't show up by default.00:31
bekksR13ose: "yes" is not a valid device.00:31
bekksR13ose: What was your answer?00:31
SahibPrimeR13ose: Have you tried holding SHIFT on startup?00:31
R13osebekks: I don't remember that.00:31
R13oseSahibPrime: I am in GRUB now by doing that00:32
SahibPrimeR13ose: Exactly. Now, what do you see?00:32
SahibPrimeAs in, what options appear?00:32
R13oseSahibPrime: *Ubuntu and under that Advanced options for Ubuntu00:33
Bashing-omR13ose: Maybe this will help : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall ; http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/minimal .00:33
SahibPrimeR13ose: Go to Advanced options for Ubuntu, and hit ENTER.00:33
SahibPrimeNow what do you see?00:33
bekksSenor: You could install Ubuntu using a textinstaller.00:33
R13oseSahibPrime: I see *Ubuntu, with Linux 4.2.0-30-generic and below that Ubuntu, with Linux 4.2.0-30-generic (recovery mode)00:34
Senorbekks, how do i do that?00:34
SahibPrimeR13ose: Click the recovery mode one.00:34
bekksSenor: you could install using the server iso, e.g.00:34
R13oseSahibPrime: now into Recovery Menu00:35
SahibPrimeR13ose: What exactly does it say?00:35
R13oseSahibPrime: Recovery Menu (filesystem state: read-only) below that resume, clean, dpkg, fsck, grub, network, root, system-summary.  They all have descriptions if you want to know them.00:36
SahibPrimeR13ose: Click fsck.00:36
SahibPrimeIt'll check for a corrupted filesystem.00:37
yeatsSenor: I actually think Ubuntu is installed fine - you're probably dealing with graphics card problems - have you tried booting into recovery mode?00:37
R13oseSahibPrime: Continuing will remount your / filesystem in read/write mode and mount any other filesystem defined in /etc/fstab.  Do you wish to continue? <Yes> <No>00:37
k1l_Senor: where does it exactly stop now when trying to boot?00:37
Senoryeats: i tried recovery mod and now it just says a bunch of stuff on the screen. the last message is "Switched to clocksource tsc"00:37
SahibPrimeR13ose: Pick Yes.00:38
yeatsSenor: try Alt-F200:38
Senoryeats: nothing00:38
R13oseSahibPrime: done00:38
Senorrestarting again.00:39
k1l_maybe he just needs to run nomodeset untill he installed a proper nvidia driver00:39
SahibPrimeR13ose: Has it finished?00:39
R13oseSahibPrime: Yes00:39
SahibPrimeR13ose: Did it display any errors?00:39
yeats!nomodeset | Senor00:39
ubottuSenor: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:39
R13oseSahibPrime: I don't think so but I can do that again to see for sure if you want me to00:39
SahibPrimeR13ose: Alright, now go to Grub in the recovery menu. What options does it give?00:40
Senorok, i'm reading this tutorial...00:41
R13oseSahibPrime: There were no options just Generating grub configuration file.  Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported.  Found linux and initrd image.  Should I press enter?00:41
Senorthis isn't very straight forward as i'm not a guru. haha00:42
SahibPrimeR13ose: Yes.00:43
R13oseSahibPrime: next?00:43
SahibPrimeR13ose: Are you back at the recovery menu?00:44
R13oseSahibPrime: yes00:44
SahibPrimeR13ose: Go to the root shell. Once you are in, type 'lsblk', then hit enter.00:44
Bashing-omR13ose: Are you aware in a minimal install there is no GUI ( desktop ) until you install what is required ?00:45
SahibPrimeR13ose: What does it display?00:46
R13osesda - sda1 - sda2 - sda5 under that is both of these -- ubuntu--vg-root -- ubuntu--vg-swap_100:46
Senorwhere do i type the "nomodeset"?00:46
SahibPrimeSenor: Does the GRUB menu display?00:46
Senoryes, i'm at the grub menu00:47
SahibPrimeSenor: Make sure 'Ubuntu' is highlighted, then press 'e'.00:47
Senorok, i see a bunch of text now.00:48
R13oseBack sorry00:48
SahibPrimeSenor: Ok, scroll down with your arrow keys, until you see a line starting with 'linux /boot'.00:48
SahibPrimeR13ose: welcome back00:48
Senori see it00:48
SahibPrimeSenor: Once you are there, position the cursor to the end of the line, then type 'nomodeset'.00:48
SahibPrimeMake sure there is a space before nomodeset.00:48
R13oseSahibPrime: what is next step?00:48
SahibPrimeR13ose: What partition did you install Ubuntu to>00:49
R13oseSahibPrime: says /boot is on sda100:49
SahibPrimeR13ose: What else?00:50
QwertieHow do I mount an encrypted ubuntu drive from a live usb?00:50
Senori pushed f10 after entering 'nomodeset' and i got an error. (ACPI PCC probe failed)00:50
Senormaybe i entered it in the wrong place00:50
Joelhow can I tell what apt source this should be in? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/libid3tag00:51
R13oseSahibPrime: that there is a lvm under sda5 and 465.5G has been allocated to the items under sda5.00:51
SahibPrimeSenor: Alright, so nomodeset didn't work. Since it involves ACPI, I think you should disable ACPI.00:51
SahibPrimeThis could disable some important features (like fans, for instance) so you might want to be a bit careful.00:52
R13oseSahibPrime: / and [SWAP] are there too.00:52
Senorhow do i disable ACPI?00:52
SahibPrimeSenor: Go ahead, and get back into that GRUB menu. Highlight 'Ubuntu' and hit 'e'.00:52
Senori'm there00:52
SahibPrimeSenor: Go back to that 'linux /boot' line, and add: acpi=off00:52
SahibPrimeWith a space before it, of course.00:52
SahibPrimeContinue the boot.00:53
SahibPrime(hit Control+X)00:53
Senordid you want me to put nomodeset also?00:53
R13oseSahibPrime: for whom?00:54
SahibPrimeSenor: Yes, that could work.00:54
SahibPrimeR13ose: For Senor.00:54
Senorsahi: i think it's working. it's doing a bunch of texting on the screen and loading.00:54
R13oseSahibPrime: what do I do?00:54
SahibPrimeSenor: :)00:54
squintyJoel,   http://packages.ubuntu.com/  and use the search function for your distro00:55
MannyLNJStill working on getting network sharing to work. Smbclient is giving  me Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED) I need help fixing this00:55
raphushi guyz00:55
SahibPrimeR13ose: Try rebooting into Ubuntu.00:55
raphuscheck DNS Settings00:56
SahibPrimeSenor: Has it worked?00:57
Senorthe screen is black now, i think i should have put "nomodeset and acpi=off"00:57
daftykinsraphus: you're asking how to, or what?00:57
SahibPrimeSenor: Did you seperate them with a space00:57
Senorsahi: i'll try that.00:58
daftykinsSenor: you don't need to mess with ACPI like that - stop reading into that message!00:58
squintyMannyLNJ,  have you tried using  nautilus -> connect to server -> smb://    should connect and show any shares00:58
Senorsahib, it's loading but the screen is totally black. i'm going to give it some time.01:02
six_hmm Im new with this client01:02
SahibPrimeSenor: If you press the left arrow key, does it give you anything?01:02
six_im trying to accesss01:02
six_any suggestions01:03
six_cant seem to get the chanel to load01:03
SahibPrimeSenor: Can you access the loading screen (or any messages) in any way?01:04
squintysix_,  no problem joing that net or channel here with hexchat01:05
R13oseSahibPrime: when I did fsck again I got error: "Error getting authority: Error initialising authority: Could not connect: no such file or directory (g-io-error-quark, 1)01:05
SahibPrimeR13ose: So, this error happens when an entry in /etc/fstab links to a partition that no longer exists.01:06
SahibPrimeR13ose: Can you go back to the root shell, and run these commands:01:06
R13oseSahibPrime: how to fix this?01:07
SahibPrimeR13ose: mount -all01:07
SahibPrimeR13ose: nano /etc/fstab01:07
R13oseSahibPrime: done both01:07
SahibPrimeR13ose: what does it show?01:07
notalentgeekHello I need help on reinstalling/fixing Grub from Lubuntu live ISO. Any ideas?01:14
notalentgeekI have tried this method http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd but it does not working because there is missing dev directory in the live ISO Flash disk.01:14
R13oseSahibPrime: too much to write but okay.  Uncommented text only.  /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /      ext4 errors=remount-ro 0   1   Next line of uncommented.  UUID=1007d9c9-97be-43e7-9ce0-72ebfc288764 /boot ext2    defaults   $   0     2    next line.  /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1 none    swap sw 0 0.  Done101:15
R13oseSorry if that is too much01:15
SahibPrimeR13ose: Alright, from there it seems that /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root (your root partition) is failing.01:15
R13oseSahibPrime: how to fix?01:17
SahibPrimeR13ose: I'm not quite sure. You can try reinstalling Ubuntu.01:17
SahibPrimeI think it's related to LVM.01:17
R13oseReally?  I installed this twice and happened before too01:18
R13oseWithout LVM01:18
squintynotalentgeek,  might want to see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot01:19
=== Guest46433 is now known as Willis
SahibPrimeR13ose: Well, then I'm not sure how to fix it.01:19
SahibPrimeHave you tried rebooting into Ubuntu (again)?01:20
R13oseI pushed continue on and goes to command line login01:20
notalentgeeksquinty, On it.01:20
R13oseShould I go there?01:21
SahibPrimeR13ose: Yes.01:21
SahibPrime'mini' suggests you used a minimal install.01:21
SahibPrimeIn which case there is no DE, ergo command-line interface.01:22
SahibPrimeSo, your Ubuntu installation may not be broken.01:22
Senorsahib, i can't access anything. i just have a black screen.01:22
R13oseDE?  I am in and logged in, now what?01:22
SahibPrimeDesktop Environment01:23
squintydesktop environment01:23
SahibPrimeI think if you install Unity, it'll show it:01:23
SahibPrimeRun: sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop01:23
notalentgeeksquinty, The normal system partition is the Lubuntu in my HDD or in Lubuntu Live in my FlashDisk?01:24
proauzI am trying to install a package but I keep failing with the following error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15302913/01:24
proauzhow do I fix it?01:24
SahibPrimenotalentgeek: I believe it is the HDD.01:24
R13oseDo I want to continue? This is for installing and updating01:25
k1l_proauz: were you here some days ago?01:25
SahibPrimeR13ose: Yes.01:25
proauzk1l_, yeah but I had a different issue then01:25
squintynotalentgeek, harddrive01:25
=== poutinea is now known as poutine
proauzi had a warning triangle at the top right of the screen01:25
SahibPrimeproauz: Boot into recovery mode, then choose dpkg.01:25
Senorsahib, i'm going to try with recovery mode.01:26
SahibPrimeSenor: Alright.01:26
R13oseInstall these packages without verification?01:26
proauzSahibPrime, choose dpkg meanig?01:26
SahibPrimeproauz: Do you see the GRUB screen?01:26
SahibPrimeR13ose: Yes.01:26
notalentgeeksquinty, SahibPrime, I get an error that says /bin/bash no such file or directory when calling chroot from terminal.01:26
proauzSahibPrime, no01:26
k1l_proauz: i guess the acestream PPA is still rubbish01:26
proauzk1l_, I see01:26
SahibPrimeproauz: Try holding SHIFT while restarting.01:26
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring01:26
k1l_proauz: i am sure i told you that already that this is too old. since raring is dead a long time now.01:27
squintyproauz: ^^01:27
R13oseThe internet is not connected for some reason01:27
proauzk1l_, I see.. ok so how do I remove any traces of it?01:27
SahibPrimeAccidentally closed IRC.01:27
SahibPrimeproauz: Once you hold SHIFT on startup, do you see the GRUB menu?01:28
Senorsahib, i'm at the recovery menu. :)01:28
R13oseThe internet is not connected for some reason01:28
Senorany further instruction?01:28
squintyproauz, install one of the newer ubuntu versions01:28
k1l_proauz: what is "lsb_release -d"?01:29
proauzDescription:Ubuntu 15.1001:29
R13oseSahibPrime: what do I do?01:29
k1l_proauz: ""grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*" in a pastebin please01:30
Senorwhat do i do at the recovery menu?01:30
proauzk1l_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15302973/01:31
SahibPrimeSenor: So, run fsck.01:31
SahibPrimeSay YES to any prompts, then tell me if there are any errors.01:31
notalentgeekHello I need help on reinstalling/fixing Grub from Lubuntu live ISO. Any ideas :))?01:31
k1l_proauz: remove the acestream line in the sources.list01:31
cfhowlett!grub2 | notalentgeek01:31
ubottunotalentgeek: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:31
Senorugh, it locked up on the recovery mode screen. let me restart.01:32
R13oseSahibPrime: can't connect to Internet?01:32
SahibPrimeR13ose: Not connected on what? Sorry, I was out of the loop for a bit01:33
R13oseOn my linux machine in the command line as I was installing and updating01:33
notalentgeekcfhowlett, I get an error Failed to get canonical path of '/cow'01:34
SahibPrimeR13ose: Ok, go back into recovery mode, and select dpkg.01:35
MannyLNJStill working on getting network sharing to work. Smbclient is giving  me Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED) I need help fixing this01:35
SahibPrimeR13ose: After the dpkg, go to the root shell (with networking) and run: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:36
pomuazk1l_, Alright, I removed it from the sourcelist01:37
k1l_pomuaz: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade01:38
R13oseNetwork or root do I push?01:38
squintyMannyLNJ,  did you try the nautilus -> conect to server  etc which I posted earlier.  if that didn't show windows shares then make sure you have windows shares set properly01:38
MannyLNJsquarecircle, i can't use natulis I only have ssh access01:38
pomuazk1l_, some warnings and errors01:38
k1l_pomuaz: put into pastebin again01:38
pomuazk1l_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15303079/01:39
k1l_pomuaz: "uname -a"  its one line, you can show it in here01:40
squintyMannyLNJ,  fwiw, I run u 14.04 full install on flash drive and use that method for tv viewing. no need to mount drives etc.  very simple ot use01:40
pomuazLinux alo-EP45-UD3L 4.2.0-30-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 26 00:58:07 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:40
k1l_pomuaz: sudo sed -i -e 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' "/opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome"01:40
k1l_sudo sed -i -e 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list"01:41
k1l_that both lines will handle it. google dropped 32bit support for chrome. and so the packages cant be found anymore.01:41
pomuazupdate and upgrade should work now?01:41
MannyLNJsquinty, The computer attached to the tv is a set top box running Windows 8. It's 100% silent which the wife wanted. My movies are on external drives attached to a ubuntu system in the basement with no video (broken lcd screen and no vga port) I need to access the basement share from my other systems01:42
pomuazlots of stuff is happening01:42
R13oseSahibPrime: I did networking and "resolving: Error: /run/resolving/interface either does not exist or is not a directory.  Grep: /etc/resolve.confirm: No such file or directory.01:43
pomuazseems to be working k1l_01:44
Senorand this is just so frustrating...01:44
R13oseSenor: I know01:44
Senorit has to be something with my graphics card.01:44
Senori want to switch to linux so badly, but so many speedbumps.01:45
daftykinscan you boot with nomodeset alone appended, Senor ?01:45
Senori'll try again01:45
daftykinsMannyLNJ: what was the syntax of your smbclient command that errored with the above?01:46
daftykinssamba is pretty easy to get going as long as you have some core concepts set.01:46
notalentgeekHello guys I have an error that says that I need to load the kernel first when I boot my computer. I already fix my Grub loader. What should I do :)?01:46
MannyLNJdaftykins, smbclient -L // -U emanuel01:47
daftykinsright but no pass?01:47
daftykinsor are you entering it interactively?01:47
Senorokay, so i booted with "nomodeset" and now it works....wow.01:47
Senori didn't do anything differently and no it wants to work...01:48
daftykinsSenor: this is an installed version?01:48
MannyLNJdaftykins, yes so I can figure out why it's not working01:48
daftykinswhich one? (version)01:48
MiniFridgeI'm new to Ubuntu Server and have my own VPS, but I ran into an issue. I did sudo apt-get upgrade and I guess grub got updated. It was saying that Grub was modified and to select an option to proceed with the update and I meant to copy something, but it selected it. What do I do?01:48
daftykinsMannyLNJ: don't use -L, try the actual share.01:48
Senori'm at the desktop. is there anything i should do specifically?01:48
daftykinsSenor: get it online if you can then share "lspci" output in http://paste.ubuntu.com01:48
MannyLNJdaftykins, I'm not sure what the actual share to enter is.01:49
Senordafty, i don't know what you're saying.01:49
Senordafty, can i start installing my cpu/usb etc drivers?01:50
daftykinsSenor: you don't do that on Linux - in fact you don't have 'CPU' drivers on Windows either :)01:50
Senori just meant the general drivers, like my usb 3.0 and stuff.01:51
daftykinsSenor: i'm saying connect to the internet (if your wifi is working) and open the 'terminal' application, run the command "lspci" then paste the output from it to the above link01:51
daftykinsSenor: yeah you still don't, that's all part of the kernel01:51
Senoro ok01:51
Senorok let me figure out how to open the terminal. :)01:52
Senorthis is so awesome01:52
daftykinswell hold on, because you have a horrible low res desktop right now, you're not there yet.01:52
R13oseAny thoughts on mine?01:53
Senordafty, i typed the 'lspci' in the terminal01:53
Senorpasting it now01:53
squintyMannyLNJ,  might also want to check out Kodi(aka xbmc)  if you install on your windows box, it should pick up your linux shares01:54
daftykinsR13ose: haven't been following.01:54
MannyLNJsquinty, will try that. be back01:54
squintyMannyLNJ,   https://kodi.tv/01:54
daftykinssquinty: no it still uses samba, or can use NFS - so that's not going to help :)01:54
Senordafty, i pasted it.01:55
daftykinsSenor: you have to paste the link here01:56
daftykinsas fun as guessing randomly generated codes is :>01:56
RemindHey guys. New user here. I'm using Ubuntu MATE. I had to restart a bunch of times to finally be able to log in (I would get stuck with a fast scrolling list of nouveau SCHED_ERROR's). I have a hybrid intel/NVIDIA 950M GTX card. Any ideas?01:57
daftykinsSenor: what does "uname -r" say?01:57
Senorwhat is that?01:57
daftykinsRemind: yes nouveau, the open source nvidia driver, is defocating bricks. you'll want to install the nvidia proprietary driver01:57
daftykinsSenor: a command to run in terminal to tell me the version of Linux kernel on the install you did.01:58
daftykinsto help determine which version you installed, since you didn't say01:58
Reminddaftykins: Thank you so much. Would you mind helping me with that? I tried this in the past, and spent days on it and it kept finding dead ends, lol01:58
daftykinsRemind: what's this machine?01:58
daftykinsmake + model01:58
Senordafty, 3.19.0-25-generic01:59
lugvanillaI installed this and want the old gnome desktop but " Package 'gnome-session-fallback' has no installation candidate"01:59
daftykinslugvanilla: trying to get that on which version?01:59
daftykinsSenor: ok so you installed... 14.04.3? or 15.04?01:59
daftykinsSenor: "cat /etc/issue" will report this01:59
notalentgeekRemind, I had that problem before. I got a lot of suggestion from people but it was to complicated for newbie me. So I just re - install the whole operating system.01:59
Senordid i do something wrong?02:00
daftykinsSenor: run my last command please02:00
Senorit says, 'no such file or directory'02:01
Senorit worked02:02
daftykinsSenor: i think you typo'd the name - "cat /etc/issue"02:02
Senorubuntu 14.04.3 LTS /n02:02
Bashing-omRemind: What release are you running, and what does the repo have for drivers as returned ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' ? as Nvidia recommends the 371 version driver .02:03
daftykinsSenor: ok, i'm kinda puzzled that your earlier paste of lspci does not recognise the graphics hardware very well. did you connect to the internet and allow "download updates during install" ? if not, run it now - "sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade"02:04
docmurI can't seem to run any kind of X11 app over SSH.  I have Xming installed and I have putty set to accept the X11 forward. If I try virt-manager, I get no errors and no output, If I try anything else I get Error: Can't open display: localhost:10.0 I can't seem to solve either error, this all started a couple days ago, before then, everyhing worked fine02:04
lugvanilladaffykins 15.1002:05
daftykinslugvanilla: so you're essentially after the old gnome 2, with the "apps, places, something" menu bar?02:06
Senordafty, is the terminal suppose to do something when i type that in?02:06
daftykinsSenor: yes02:06
Senormaybe i typed it wrong02:07
R13oseWhat do I do?02:07
daftykinsSenor: you can update graphically instead if you prefer, click the dash icon top left (if this is unity) then type "update" to find the update manager02:07
Senoroh. i tried to close it and it says "process still running"02:07
daftykinsSenor: well what's it saying?02:08
Senorsoftware updater?02:08
daftykinsit's either making new lines downloading package lists, or asking for a password to be entered02:08
daftykinsyeah but you can't do both at once02:08
SenorOH! the software updater is doing it's job. :)02:09
daftykins!info linux-generic vivid02:09
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 1 kB, installed size 28 kB02:09
Senor"updated software has been issued since Ubuntu 14.04 was released. Do you want to install now? yes?02:09
daftykinsSenor: indeed yes02:10
daftykinsan updated OS makes for happy, secure users02:10
Senorit's downloading things.02:10
daftykinscool, reboot after that - if it still fails, add nomodeset again then we'll try something else02:11
Senorso dafty, not to jump ahead of myself, but will we eventually update the graphics driver?02:11
daftykinsno, but probably install a proprietary one :) as right now only the open source nouveau is on - and likely it is having issues02:12
Senoryes i agree, last time i installed all this stuff without installing a proprietary one and i was back to square one.02:12
Senorin the future, should i buy ati gpus instead of nvidia?02:13
daftykinsno, AMD are worse.02:14
daftykins(on Linux)02:14
daftykinsR13ose: if you're not willing to restate your problem, i can't comment - so please stop02:14
R13oseHow do I fix the internet not connecting in command Iine?02:14
daxopen-source (which basically means non-gaming): intel > radeon > nouveau | closed-source: nvidia > fglrx02:14
daftykinsR13ose: what did you do to stop it working?02:15
Senordax, so in the future, buy a radeon?02:15
Senoroh, sry. i read that wrong.02:15
daxSenor: depends what you plan on doing with it. if you want games and stuff, no02:15
Senornon gaming, is closed.02:16
R13osedaftykins: I installed the mini cd version of Ubuntu and the internet hasn't worked since.02:16
daftykinsR13ose: why did you install this? is this a laptop?02:16
bbaqarError: Too many open files .. limits are maxed out .. grrr02:16
bbaqarwhat to do02:16
R13osedaftykins: reinstalling after system broke.  Yes laptop02:17
daftykinsR13ose: so you're sat at pure command line, correct?02:17
daftykinsbbaqar: that's not a well phrase question until you type it as one02:17
daftykinswe have no idea what you did :)02:17
R13osedaftykins: yes until I install gui02:18
Reminddaftykins: So sorry, my computer crashed, again and I got in another boot loop with nouveau errors again. I had to add 'nomodeset' to my linux line02:18
daftykinsR13ose: so what's your network connection, wireless?02:18
RemindI have a MSI GP60 Leopard Pro, the one with the GTX 950M02:18
Senorthis is a large update....02:19
R13osedaftykins: yes wireless normally but can go wired if needed02:19
daftykinsRemind:< Bashing-om> Remind: What release are you running, and what does the repo have for drivers as returned ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' ? as Nvidia recommends the 371 version driver .02:19
i90rrhi all, is there a way to prevent the launcher from grabbing the Super + number keys? Rather than launching the application on a specific slot I would prefer to enable the workspace switch using that combination02:19
daftykinsSenor: yep you installed from old media02:20
daftykinsR13ose: ok so put a network cable in and reboot02:20
Reminddaftykins: I'm using Ubuntu MATE 15.10, and that command gives back nvidia-35202:21
Senorthis is way cooler than windows.02:21
daftykinsmmm don't pick 352 - run "sudo apt update" then try it again, Remind02:21
R13osedaftykins: I did that but also didn't work out.02:21
daftykinsR13ose: do it again then you can run some commands to see what's going on02:22
lugvanilladaftykins, I installed mate02:22
daftykinslugvanilla: so then you don't need gnome fallback.02:22
Senordafty, should i wait until the updater is finished before installing google chrome and other programs?02:23
daftykinsSenor: yes don't mess with it right now- you don't know if it'll last.02:23
R13osedaftykins: rebooted with cable connected.02:23
daftykinsR13ose: are you familiar with IP addressing? would you recognise the IPs your router gives out via DHCP if you saw them?02:24
daftykinsrun "ifconfig" and look if an interface has such an IP02:24
R13osedaftykins: I believe so02:24
daftykinsmore often then not, it'd be 192.168.x.x02:25
R13osedaftykins: all I see is lo and 127.002:25
daftykinsR13ose: what computer is this?02:26
R13ose127.0.0.1 which is my localhost02:26
Senordafty, updates are finished. it's asking me to restart. i dont think i should.02:26
daftykinsSenor: do. and as i said, if it goes blank again - reboot and append nomodeset once more to get back in02:26
daftykinsR13ose: make + model?02:27
Senoralright, fingers crossed.02:27
R13osedaftykins: computer? Acer Aspire V02:27
Senorblank purple screen.02:28
daftykinsR13ose: ok try this "lspci" and look for network adapters, share their names if you see them02:28
Senori'll restart again02:28
daftykinsSenor: only if you waited long enough02:28
lugvanilladaftykins, thank you.02:28
=== lugvanilla is now known as tripelb
R13osedaftykins: Network or Ethernet?02:30
daftykinsR13ose: both02:30
Senorshould i just keep restarting with nomodeset until it goes back in?02:32
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R13osedaftykins: Network controller [0280]: Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0034] (rev 01).02:33
Senorok. it's funny how it works sometimes. haha02:33
daftykinsR13ose: that the only one?02:33
daftykinsSenor: yeah i don't think i've seen that02:33
Senorhowever, i'm not getting any errors. i'm restarting with 'nomodeset' and it's just a black screen with the white underscore blinking.02:34
R13osedaftykins: Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller [10ec:8168] (rev 14)02:35
daftykinsSenor: when it's there, try Ctrl+Alt+F1 through F12 and see if you get anything else display02:35
R13osedaftykins: these are the two I see02:35
daftykinsR13ose: does "ifconfig -a" only show 'lo' ?02:35
R13osedaftykins: enp4s0f1, lo, wlp3s002:36
daftykinsR13ose: ah-haaa02:37
Senoryou know what's weird, i have an illuminated keyboard and it turns off. i wonder if that's playing around with anything.02:37
daftykinsR13ose: which version did you install the mini.iso of?02:37
daftykinsSenor: those tend to work at the hardware/BIOS level, so no02:37
R13osedaftykins: the first one under the 64 bit02:37
daftykinsR13ose: can you be more specific... it's important to the success02:38
Senorwhen i was in ubuntu desktop, it wouldn't illuminate. it was functional though.02:38
daftykinsR13ose: anyway try "sudo ifup enp4s0f1" then "sudo dhclient enp4s0f1"02:38
R13osedaftykins: under 64-bit PC (amd64, x86_64)02:39
R13oseUbuntu 15.10 "Wily Werewolf"02:39
daftykinsokie dokie02:39
Senor<6th restart02:40
omeniushey I need to rename bunch of images, making them lowercase and taking "_icon" from the end. How do one do that with console?02:40
daftykinsyou ask in #bash02:40
omeniusI mean, this is one of thing that is doable with linux with ez, right?02:40
monkey_Hi all. Im wanting to put Cinnamon onto 15.10. I installed the base package via "apt-get install cinnamon" I did a search beforehand. When i log into cinnamon, a lot of icons are missing. Would it be best to install the entire desktop environment, or individual components?02:40
daftykinsomenius: not with ease, with experience.02:41
monkey_Also, can i install the full thing over cinnamon? Or should i remove the base package before installing the full thing?02:41
R13osedaftykins: Ignoring unknown interface enp4s0f1=enp4s0f102:41
daftykinsR13ose: why is it typed twice with an equals sign between? are you sure it matches the interface name "ifconfig -a" gave?02:41
Senordafty, should i try recovery mode?02:42
daftykinscorrect my commands to it if it was wrong02:42
daftykinsSenor: you could try it yes and picking to boot to a root shell02:42
R13osedaftykins: yes and the second command, there is no output.02:42
monkey_http://paste.ubuntu.com/15303752/ This is the full list02:42
lnxmenhow to add options for i915?02:43
lnxmenI tried to change /etc/modprobe.d/i915.conf02:44
lnxmenBut it does not work for me.02:44
lnxmenWould you help me?02:44
Senori dont know how to boot to a root shell02:44
Aussie_matt3Any DELL XPS13 developer edition users about?02:44
daftykinsSenor: once you pick recovery it should all become clear, when i don't provide explanations it is often because it's obvious02:45
daftykinstyping from a Dell XPS13 9350 right now :)02:45
daftykinsdoesn't have a Loonix on though.02:45
R13osedaftykins: what is next?02:45
Aussie_matt3ah cool. I have a 9333, but I need to do a clean install for warranty :( not 100% on which iso's etc. i should be using02:45
k1lAussie_matt3: there is the project sputnik for the dell cps02:45
Senorsorry, i just don't know the correct terms for certain things. :)02:46
daftykinsR13ose: recheck "ifconfig" now - see if an IP came up for that interface02:46
\9Senor: root refers to the administrator user, a root shell is a terminal with administrator rights02:46
\9Senor: you can get to this shell from recovery mode02:46
Senoroh ok02:47
R13osedaftykins: yes.  Now I can try to do apt-get?02:48
daftykinsR13ose: "ping google.com" first ; ctrl+c to stop if you get replies successfully02:48
R13osedaftykins: yes that worked, I got 2 received02:49
daftykinscool, "sudo apt update"02:49
R13osedaftykins: okay02:49
daftykinsR13ose: so what's the deal here, trying to do a minimal install of something like i3?02:49
lnxmenHow to make modprobe.d/module.conf options work?02:50
daftykinswhat are you actually doing?02:50
spooky_tell me how you turn off autoconnect with this pos xchat software that comes with ubuntu02:50
daftykinsditch it and get hexchat.02:50
R13osedaftykins: no CD ROM and USB key that is small02:51
spooky_update thongs now on sale for $4502:51
daftykinsthe pauper version for making your life complicated02:51
spooky_$45 is too mcuh i agree02:52
daftykinsAussie_matt3: i don't think any reinstalls from normal ubuntu media will make everything work, Dell have extras they put in02:53
daftykinsspooky_: what are you talking about? the chat isn't welcome here.02:53
R13osedaftykins: thanks for the help so far.02:53
spooky_i'm talking about ubuntu02:53
spooky_first rule of #ubuntu ...02:54
daftykinsspooky_: cut the trolling then, it doesn't cost anything so take the bs elsewhere please02:54
Aussie_matt3daftykins: dell says to use http://linux.dell.com/files/ubuntu/precise/12.04-OSP1/ but there's no checksum values :(02:54
daftykins12.04 is ancient too02:54
spooky_i dont like ubuntu defaults02:54
spooky_there i said it!02:55
spooky_i feel so much better now02:55
salthesailorwhat about the cin. desktop for ubuntu?02:55
lnxmenWould you help me with setting options for module? I added /etc/modprobe.d/i915.conf file with options, but it seems to be ignored. What am I doing wrong?02:55
daftykinslnxmen: i want you to say what you're actually doing?02:55
lnxmendaftykins: adding options for power saving mode02:56
daftykinslike PCIe channel width reduction?02:56
lnxmenoptions i915 enable_rc6=1 enable_fbc=1 lvds_downclock=1 semaphores=102:56
obZenDoes anyone know the Ubuntu equivalent of /etc/mkinitcpio.conf?02:57
obZenLike, where the HOOKS and MODULES are located?02:57
daftykinslnxmen: i've seen some of those passed as kernel boot parameters before02:57
lnxmenMe too.02:57
lnxmenBut it's rather not a solution.02:58
daftykinswhy not?02:58
lnxmenBecause when I will have new kernel, I would need to do it again.02:58
lnxmensystool -m i915 -av tells that there is only one parameter set:02:58
lnxmen enable_hangcheck    = "Y"02:58
R13osedaftykins: mine is setup for wired at the moment, right?02:58
daftykinslnxmen: not if you're setting them properly in /etc/default/grub as your default boot params02:58
daftykinsR13ose: only for the current boot - why?02:59
lnxmendaftykins: and there is no solution to make modprobe.d conf file wokring?02:59
R13osedaftykins: if I want to move to wireless02:59
daftykinslnxmen: i just can't help you with that, no experience02:59
salthesailorwhy does the ubuntu wiki site list ubuntu, not as a distro for linux, but rather canon.?02:59
daftykinsR13ose: well what's the idea, is this to be a server - or a desktop? what desktop will you install?03:00
salthesailori know thats the distributer03:00
daftykinsCanonical make Ubuntu03:00
daftykinsUbuntu uses the Linux kernel.03:00
R13osedaftykins: this is a desktop.03:00
daftykinsR13ose: right but are you installing a GRAPHICAL desktop? :) like unity or something else? what's the plan?03:01
salthesailori know, but like manjaro lists linux03:01
salthesailorubuntu does not03:01
k1lsalthesailor: http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian03:01
daftykinssalthesailor: what do you mean 'list' and what makes this a support question?03:01
lnxmenGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet i915.enable_rc6=1 i915.enable_rc6=1 i915.lvds_downclock=1 i915.semaphores=1"03:01
lnxmendaftykins: correct?03:01
k1lsalthesailor: even the main about page lists alot more: http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/03:01
R13osedaftykins: I believe icewm I think.03:01
daftykinsi don't know 100%, but i'm sure you can confirm online - lnxmen03:01
k1lsalthesailor: so i think we can drop that topic now in this technical support channel.03:02
lnxmendaftykins: probably ;)03:02
daftykinsR13ose: then i have no experience with that, but for example if you installed the full 'ubuntu-desktop' right now it would pull in everything including network manager which could handle your wifi03:02
lnxmendaftykins: okay, thanks. reboot03:02
salthesailoryea, but ubuntu seems more geared toward amazon than open and free03:03
Senorso many reboots and nothing03:03
daftykinsSenor: did you not try recovery yet... i thought that was the idea :)03:03
k1l!ot | salthesailor03:03
ubottusalthesailor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:03
daftykinssalthesailor: that's an extremely stupid statement03:03
R13osedaftykins: Let the current command finish and then I will tell you what I am using.03:04
Senordaftykins, it wont work in recovery either.03:04
k1lsalthesailor: and you are not well informed with your trolling attempts. so read about the latest amazon related statements.03:04
Senori'm giving her all i've got, captain.03:04
daftykinsSenor: no, you're meant to choose recovery and get to a shell so we can install the graphics driver...03:04
salthesailori'm not trolling, i'm asking03:04
daxthen please go ask somewhere that isn't a technical support channel03:04
salthesailorit is geared toward sales03:05
Senori try to boot into recovery, but i can't get to a shell.03:05
daxe.g. the offtopic channel ubottu told you about already03:05
daftykinssalthesailor: utterly stupid statement, you clearly haven't even used it if you think that03:05
R13osedaftykins: I am installing ubuntu-desktop03:05
salthesailori have used it03:05
daftykinsR13ose: cool, once that finishes (lots to download, lots to install...) reboot and you should have a GUI03:05
daftykinsthen wifi should be good03:06
Senordaftykins: which recovery should i do? there's two of them.03:06
R13osedaftykins: I will wait and see03:06
daftykinsthey likely have kernel versions beside the words, thus the newest one - -50 or -5103:06
Senorok, it's loading a bunch of things.03:07
Senorkeyboard is locked up.03:08
daftykinspatience, grasshopper03:08
Senorsry, i'm american.03:08
daftykinshmm i think if i were you Senor i'd just grab the 16.04 daily image and try it out. the GTX 970 had issues earlier on, but it should be fine in the 14.04 you got - i find it weird the lspci output didn't even know what it was03:09
daftykinsi mean it knew it was the nvidia card, but not that it's the GTX 97003:09
Senordaftykins, so you want me to download ubuntu 16.04?03:09
Senorput it on the usb stick and install?03:10
aaaatoday, i install the ubuntu mate 1503:10
aaaainstalling wine03:10
monkey_ahh ffs, I just installed cinnamon-desktop-environment and its installed a tonne of programs i dont want, is there any way to undo the process?03:11
lnxmendaftykins: hmm, I booted with new config, but it's still only one parameter set - enable_hangcheck    = "Y"03:11
daftykinsSenor: it'd be the quicker approach than messing around and finding out what's up, in my opinion03:11
R13osedaftykins: "Errors were encountered while processing: libgail-3-0:amd64"03:11
daftykinsSenor: i mean i'm sure we could crack it, however it's 3am so i'm calling it a day03:11
daftykinsR13ose: did it stop there?03:11
daftykinsback to user@host ?03:11
Senorokay, thanks for your help and patience.03:11
daftykinsSenor: np :)03:12
R13osedaftykins: that was the last line.03:12
Senori'll see you again in here, since i'm a linux noob.03:12
daftykinsR13ose: try "sudo apt-get -f install"03:12
daftykinsheh :> fair enough, i'm a regular volunteer but just popped back in today after a long hiatus03:12
daftykinstoo much paid work to be done!03:12
R13osedaftykins: says reinstall before configuring that package.03:13
daftykinswelp, that's all i have time for today03:13
daftykinsnext time you're down the supermarket, pick up a flash drive, R13ose03:13
R13oseI will thanks03:14
Senoranyone running 16.04/03:15
lnxmendaftykins: maybe it's something with kernel if it's not loading parameters from boot configuration?03:16
hilSenor, channel #ubuntu+1 deals with that03:18
daftykinslnxmen: what are you referring to?03:18
Senori understand, i was trying to install 14. but i heard 16.04 is better. is this true?03:19
Senorand where do i download it?03:19
daftykinsnot better, it just uses a newer kernel so it will help03:19
lnxmenI just don't have any idea what would go wrong.03:20
Senoryou're still here!?!? dafty, the ubuntu website doesn't have 16.04. it only goes to 15.03:20
k1lSenor: 16.04 is still in development. so things will break. and you will need to take care of that yourself03:20
k1l!16.04 | Senor03:21
ubottuSenor: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+103:21
daftykinsSenor: see the topic over in #ubuntu+1 - note i said daily image, too03:23
daftykinsyeah i'm really leaving now! honest!03:23
Senorok thank yo03:23
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FjordPrefectDo any of you use wajig? How does it compare to apt-get?03:26
Senori'm going to try 15.10 first.03:26
R13oseSame issue with this package03:26
VolundSo I'm pondering setting up my Ubuntu as a SAMBA server but I want to use my two 4tb drives as mirrors of each other. I've been told ZFS may be a better solution than LVM mirroring, but ZFS isn't natively in Ubuntu 15 but IS in 16, I hear. though I've heard that I can install it on 15, not sure. Can someone clear this up? I'm on ubuntu 15 at the moment. Not averse to using 16 beta mind you, but.... *peer*03:29
=== v3nd3tta`` is now known as v3nd3tta
xJeremyCxhey guys, how do I fix the bad sectors on my windows partition?03:35
xJeremyCxI ran sudo badblocks -b 512 -svn /dev/sda3 -o '/home/jeremy/Desktop/badblocks.txt'03:35
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xJeremyCxafter that, I ran sudo e2fsck -l '/home/jeremy/Desktop/badblocks.txt' /dev/sda3 but it said ext2fs_open2: Bad magic number in super-block03:36
uupzHello, my Ovilus III kernel won't boot up with the current boot manager.  I installed wyrm WM on the platform but I dont think it installed properly.  Now whenever I boot into operating mode, it asks for my username/login, but the kernel's uid is different each time.  Does anyone know how I can boot up properly so that the SDK will load properly?03:41
catbeardXjs|moonshine: do you know the # of the backup superblocks?03:44
catbeardbah he left03:44
R13oseI am getting this error when I try to run startx from command line: xinit: connection to x server lost.  Any thoughts?03:51
Bashing-omR13ose: xorg ? What returns ' dpkg -l xorg ' ?03:54
Senorwow, i dont know why i just didn't use 15.04 instead of 14.04. it's installing on first try with no problems.03:58
R13oseBashing-om: no packages found matching xorg03:58
xanguaSenor: 15.04 is no longer supported03:59
Bashing-omR13ose: No xorg, no GUI ... as simple as that . How about a re-install with out encryption ? I do not know encryption and in that case I am of little help .04:00
Bashing-om!minimal | R13ose04:02
ubottuR13ose: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:02
R13oseBashing-om: yes but I did install Ubuntu Desktop afterwards04:03
Bashing-omr13  Still have to have xorg ...in terminal run ' apt-cache show xorg ' for a description of what xorg is and what it does .04:05
R13oseBashing-om: I know what this does.  Can I install this from terminal?04:06
user_hellow guys04:11
user_does someone know how to fix the fps problem on dota2?04:11
user_Using Ubuntu 15.104:11
Bashing-omR13ose: Yes, but I do not know if installing now after installing a desktop if all the right connections will be made, one cn try and see what resylts . ' sudo apt install xorg ' .04:12
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R13oseBashing-om: I just did that04:13
MiniFridgeThank you for your help. Goodnight.04:13
Bashing-omR13ose: still in terminal ? 14.04 ? then terminal command ' sudo service lightdm start ' .04:14
Senorhow to i install proprietary nvidia drivers on ubuntu?04:15
Senorcan i just go to the website and download?04:15
Senor<new to ubuntu04:15
Bashing-omSenor: On a fresh clean install run ' sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' .04:16
Senorokay, i'll do that after this huge software updater install.04:17
R13oseBashing-om: when I tried to do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, there were installments needed.  Should I do them?04:17
Bashing-omSenor: k .04:17
Senortypically, with ubuntu, i'm assuming everything is done through the terminal. correct?04:18
Bashing-omR13ose: There will be a LOT of files that will be required . so yeah ..if you want unity as the desktop envioronment .. go ahead .04:18
Bashing-omSenor: Not really .. the terminal is a common denominator across all distributions and all releases . GUIs differ, the terminal does not .04:20
Senori have a good question, now that i'm using ubuntu my keyboard is no longer illuminated. is it because my drivers aren't installed?04:21
Thorax2015How do i fix missing icons on Cinnamon?04:21
Bashing-omSenor: welllll .. or maybe a suitable driver for the particular keyboard is not available ???04:22
R13oseBashing-om: I am install that package and then will see what happens04:22
Bashing-omR13ose: Nothing wrong with trying ..:)04:22
paul_1515Thorax2015 you install the package gnome-icon-theme04:32
Senorwhen i type "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" in the terminal, it asked for a password. the keyboard doesn't let me type anything. is that normal?04:33
Senornm, i got it working. the password is invisible. haha04:33
davidoThat's normal behavior for sudo04:34
Bashing-omSenor: enter password blindly and hit the enter key . no repsonse to the screen in linux .. a security thing .04:34
davidoso that people cant watch over your shoulder and learn it.04:34
Senorbashing, so i'm updating my drivers in the terminal. anything else you suggest doing? this is my first ubuntu install.04:34
Bashing-omSenor: Nope, update fully, and drivers installed ... use the system and see what you lack ... and fill in the gaps .04:36
Senorhow do i see what i lack?04:36
Senorjust by using it?04:36
Bashing-omSenor: The default install of a 'buntu comes bundled with a bunch of apps .. there are 30,000 packages in our repo available to fill these gaps for how and what you use your system for .. then there  thousands of enterprising programmers adding to that list .04:39
Thorax2015paul_1515:  Is that just gnome-icon-theme-full?04:39
Thorax2015paul_1515:  Didnt even need to install anything, just go to theme setting and they are aready there04:43
paul_1515yeah that is the one, huh04:43
Bashing-omR13ose: Hangin in here ? Hoz it going ?04:47
Senori'm trying to install steam on ubuntu. I installed and go to click the icon on the desktop. nothing happens after that.04:47
Bashing-omSenor: Not a gamer .. but ... did you install steam from our repository ?04:47
Senorrespository would be the terminal. correct?04:48
Bashing-omSenor: Tere are a few ways to install .. prefered from repo ' sudo apt install steam ' ... is that what you did ?04:49
Senori used the software manager04:49
Bashing-omSenor: That should have had the same effect .04:50
Senoryea, steam isn't working.04:51
Senori just installed it through the terminal04:51
Bashing-omSenor: Let's see what the package manager things of the steam install .. ' dpkg -l | grep steam | nc termbin.com 9999 ' and pass the resulting URL back here for us to see that output .04:53
noobstrapHi all. What terminal emulator do you guys use?04:55
Senorsry, got disconnected.04:55
Senorwhat was that again?04:55
Bashing-omSenor: "  Senor: Let's see what the package manager thinks of the steam install .. ' dpkg -l | grep steam | nc termbin.com 9999 ' and pass the resulting URL back here for us to see that output . " .04:57
Senori type that into the terminal?04:58
Bashing-omSenor: Affirmative .. a termial command / relay .04:59
Senorhaha. where is that weird sign on the keyboard?05:00
Senorthe squiggle05:00
SahibPrimeSenor: Did you ever fix the problem?05:00
Senori'm on ubuntu05:01
Senori used 15.0405:01
Senorand it worked05:01
Bashing-omSenor: On a US ascii qwerty board it is above the enter key as an upper case \ key .05:01
Bashing-omSenor: Ouch! We are beating a dead horse ! 15.04 is end-of-life and has no support and the software repository has been turned down ! Re-Install 15.10 !05:02
Senorhey, after the dpkg - i can't make that next symbol.05:03
Senori can't find it on the keyboard. lol05:03
Senorman, i thought i was good with computers until i met you guys... :)05:03
Senori just copy/pasted.05:05
Senori don't know why i didn't do that to begin with.05:05
Bashing-omSenor: Thar is a lower case ell (Ll) .. but there is no support for 15.04 ! qwerty keyboard the pipe symbol ( | ) is above the enter key .05:06
Senordid you click the link i sent?05:07
Bashing-omSenor: Look'n at it now .05:07
Senoroh ok sry05:07
Senori dont have 15.04. i meant i have 15.1005:07
Senorit was a typo on my end. sry05:08
Bashing-omSenor: K; show ' lsb_release -a | nc termbin.com 9999 ' .05:09
Bashing-omSenor: Wellm steam appears to be fully installed on release 15.10 wily .. At this time all I know to si u=is check that over all the package manager is in a consistent state - that nothing is missing - . do terminal commands ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt-get -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' . advise if any errors are reported .05:13
Senorbashing, also the system settings icon isn't working either.05:14
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Bashing-omSenor: Not only am I not a gamer .. I am not real hot on diagnosing GUI issues .. I have not used unity in ages .05:15
Senorwhat do you use?05:16
Senorwindows? :)05:16
Bashing-omSenor: Mostly terminal . IF I must have a GUI I have xfce .. very light and fast .05:17
Senori did the terminal commands and received no errors.05:17
Senorhow do you surf the web without a GUI?05:17
Senorjust curious.05:18
SahibPrimeSenor: links05:18
SahibPrimeSenor: sudo apt-get install inks05:18
SahibPrimeSenor: It's a web-browser, for text-only systems.05:18
Bashing-omSenor: Over all that is a great thing .. no errors is great :) .. Regret I am at a loss on steam or the GUI issue .. others will have to take up my slack .05:19
Senorbashing, you're still a great help. i learned a lot already from you.05:20
Senorbashing, so terminal is your OS?05:21
Bashing-omSenor: No ... there are several of us on this channel that have little use for a GUI, a minority - me I am but a puppy .. I run ubuntu 14.04 from a core install of the kernel and build my own operating system .05:27
Senorvery impressive05:28
elzisome one are you using xubuntu 16.04 lts05:28
Bashing-om!16.04 | elzi05:28
ubottuelzi: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+105:28
Senorbashing, i'd like to get my sound working.05:29
elzihelp when im want install app in software centre failed,,,05:29
Bashing-omSenor: Once you have been around a while .. in 'buntu a piece of cake to "roll your own " .05:29
Bashing-om!sound | Senor05:30
ubottuSenor: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:30
elzihow to fix05:30
Senorubottu: i can't even get into my system settings to check that.05:30
ubottuSenor: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:30
elzihahaha sorry,,,05:31
Senoryou're probably more intelligent than me.05:31
elziwhen place for ask bro... please help me,,,05:31
Bashing-omelzi: 16.04 is not supported yet in this channel .. for 16.04 issues join #ubuntu+1 .05:31
elzihe ok,,, mmm, 14.04 lts until years ???05:32
Senorbrb going to restart05:33
Bashing-omelzi: 14.04 is good 'til April of 2019 . (4+5=9)05:34
RakuIm installing xubuntu right now, I have three HDDs, 1 1tb and 2 500gb ones, can I set up raid0 with the two 500gb ones during the installation?05:35
Bashing-omRaku: Yeah, but the default install of a desktop does not have the tools to cope with raid . will have to be installed .05:36
RakuIs there instructions for this process somewhere?05:36
Bashing-om!raid | Raku05:37
ubottuRaku: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto05:37
elzihow to update kernel in ubuntu 14.0405:37
Bashing-om!hwe | elzi05:37
ubottuelzi: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack05:37
elzidi sini ada org indonesia kah05:38
MannyLNJWhen I do sudo adduser SetTopBox why do I get the message adduser: Please enter a username matching the regular expression configured via the NAME_REGEX[_SYSTEM] configuration variable.  Use the `--force-badnoption to relax this check or reconfigure NAME_REGEXame '05:38
elzihow to update via terminal... i want to update kerne l to 4.405:38
RakuBashing-om: it's saying I need the alternate install disc, where can I get that ISO?05:42
Bashing-omRaku: ' sudo apt install dmraid ' .05:43
Raku Do I do this from the live installation?05:44
RakuI don't have Ubuntu installed yet05:44
Bashing-omRaku: Yeah ,, one can ,, if ya want to set up raid prior to install of the OS . ( because raid tools are not installed on the desktop installer ) .05:45
RakuYa, and the wiki you linked says to get those tools I need an alternate install, where could I get that?05:46
RakuThe plan is to have home on one HDD, and then partition of the rest on the second raid005:46
Bashing-omRaku: Just be aware that the install of dmraid will not persist a reboot in the live environment ( there is liveUSB with persistence ) .05:47
RakuI'm aware05:48
mjrosenbI'm getting an issue where linux-generic can't install because linux-image-generic and linux-headers-generic is too new.05:48
RakuHow can I get it to install it as part of the desktop install05:48
Bashing-omRaku: install the tools, set up raid array 1st .. then tell the installer what to do .05:49
RakuAnd then when I boot?05:49
MannyLNJI think I got my Samba share working. How can I "map" it to a folder on another Ubuntu system so no matter what system I download from all downloads go in the same place?05:50
Bashing-omRaku: Where how you install grub ( bootloader) depends on the raid level . others here can better advise further .05:50
Anthony-Lhi, it's me Senor05:59
Anthony-Li can't boot into ubuntu anymore.05:59
Anthony-Lmy gpu hates linux.05:59
jayjomy system clock has drifted significantly on an amazon ec2 instance. How can I investigate why this happened06:00
MannyLNJSimple question ( I hope) what is the correct syntax from to connect to the following SMB share on /home/SetTopBox/Media06:02
Anthony-Lso i've been on the linux craze for a couple days now, it seems very unorganized.06:11
reisioAnthony-L: unlike... what things? :p06:12
* reisio looks around the world and sees only that06:12
Anthony-Lit just seems so unstable06:12
reisioyou might be confusing Ubuntu, which is based off Debian unstable06:12
reisiowith "Linux" in general06:13
reisioalthough if you're comparing Ubuntu to Mac OS or Windows, it's hard to imagine you actually find it less stable06:13
* reisio shrugs06:13
Anthony-Li've been playing with it all day and 8 hours later finally got to the desktop. then come to find out, i go to install some programs and they don't install correctly when it says it's meant for linux.06:13
reisiooh okay, so you're still installing06:13
hilwhat exactly does 'seems unstable' mean? is it stable or not?06:13
cspackMannyLNJ:  smb://ipaddress/sharename06:13
reisioyou're probably comparing installing and configuring "Linux" vs Windows or Mac OS... which you did not install or configure yourself (came preinstalled)06:14
reisiothis is a trap lots of people fall into :)06:14
reisiohil: ^06:14
MannyLNJcspack, I tried that it will let me see it but then Transmission won't let me use that as a destination to save things from06:14
Anthony-Li know it's just my own frustration because i'm basically trying to get the windows feel out of linux. I have a a gaming pc and i understand that it's a big no no with linux.06:14
reisioAnthony-L: gaming? Not at all06:14
reisioUnix people like games, too06:14
reisioa lot of win32 games even perform better via Wine than via Windows :p06:15
reisiocross platform games always have lower hardware reqs for Unix systems, too06:15
reisioone might presume because the software is more efficient06:15
Anthony-Lreisio: i've been messing with my pc all day. i installed linux, but now i can't even get back into the desktop without my gpu being difficult.06:15
reisioAnthony-L: okay, this is just installation stuff :) pick a problem and we can get it sorted06:15
Anthony-Lok lets start...06:16
reisioalthough there's a sandwich in my near future, but if not me someone else can help you06:16
hilsanfwich sounds sexy06:16
Anthony-Lso, i install ubuntu 15.10, i went to the desktop and installed all the goods via the terminal. i take a restart and figure, hey lets do a restart. i restart and get to the grub screen, all i get is blank purple screen every time now.06:17
Anthony-Lnow errors or anything.06:17
reisiohil: so, so sexy06:17
cspackMannyLNJ: you are trying to get transmission to do what?06:17
reisioAnthony-L: what'd you install, exactly?06:17
reisioMannyLNJ: be µTorrent? Try Deluge instead :p06:18
Anthony-Lall the drivers that another person in here told me06:18
Anthony-Lthrought the terminal, he gave me an sudo update command.06:18
Anthony-Li don't remember it.06:18
hilAMD Radeon?06:18
Anthony-Lnvidia gtx 97006:19
hil hrm06:19
MannyLNJcspack, on I have a shared folder for video to play from a Windows 8 system., The shared folder is on a headless laptop in my basement. i want to be able to use my Laptop with Ubuntu to download video using torrents to that shared folder06:19
reisioAnthony-L: what's this say?: sudo lspci -k | egrep -i 'vga|driver' | head -206:20
Anthony-Li can't get to the desktop reisio.06:20
Anthony-Li'm currently at the grub menu.06:21
cspackMannyLNJ: why not just copy the files after they are downloaded or just run transmission from the machine?06:21
Anthony-Lthat's as far as i get now.06:21
reisioAnthony-L: you can't get past grub?06:21
Anthony-Lnope. i did one time. it seems hit and miss.06:21
Anthony-Lhit or miss*06:21
reisioAnthony-L: you don't get to the purple screen reliably?06:21
Anthony-Lblank purple screen happens after i push enter on the grub menu06:22
MannyLNJcspack, I don't know how to download w/o a GUI (web browser) and I can only access via SSH. I've failed at my attemnots to do a remote desktop06:22
reisioAnthony-L: okay, then you're most likely getting past grub, min...06:23
Anthony-Lyea, but it hangs on the purple screen of death. :)06:23
reisioAnthony-L: at the grub screen, edit your primary line (e?) and put ' nomodeset' at the end of the line that starts with 'linux'06:23
reisioand then boot that06:24
Anthony-Ltried that, nothing.06:24
reisiono change?06:24
cspackMannyLNJ: you could use scp to copy the files, it will use an ssh connection06:24
reisioAnthony-L: okay, you may as well boot up your install image again, then, just to fix it ('Try Ubuntu')06:24
Anthony-Linstall ubuntu again?06:25
reisioAnthony-L: no...06:25
reisiobut you can fix it from the same live OS used for installatino06:25
MannyLNJcspack, You are right I could look into using SCP to copy via a CRON task. I found a CLI that should have worked for the share but I'm getting mount: block device // is write-protected, mounting read-only so I don't know if it's permission in smb.conf or the folder permissions causing the issue06:27
Anthony-Li'm back at grub menu.06:27
Anthony-Lwhat to do?06:27
reisioAnthony-L: you just want to boot up the image you installed from, but hit 'Try Ubuntu' instead of Install06:28
Anthony-Lo ok06:28
cspackMannyLNJ: also if you use something like Deluge you can run the daemon headless on your file server and have the GUI on your ubuntu laptop06:28
Anthony-Llet me try06:28
reisioAnthony-L: then we can fix it more straightforwardly06:28
cspackMannyLNJ: I don't know transmission so I'm not sure if it can do the same06:29
Anthony-Lreisio: i'm trying ubuntu06:31
reisioAnthony-L: k, say when you're at the desktop06:31
Phreyahey guys, how can I hold my kernel package so it won't be upgraded via apt-get upgrade/dist-upgrade?06:32
PhreyaI have an old X40 which requiers me to use non-pae kernel, so upgrading into new one cannot be done06:33
Anthony-Ljust got black screen reisio06:33
reisioPhreya: I believe that's called "pinning" (apt pinning)06:33
reisioAnthony-L: like for how long?06:33
MannyLNJcspack, What would allow me to create a file entry but not write any data to it? Example nano <filename> makes a file called filename but I can't save anything into it06:33
cspackMannyLNJ: you probably need write permissions on your directory where filename resides06:34
reisioMannyLNJ: don't cross post06:35
albehi guys06:35
MannyLNJcspack, the permissions are drwxrwxrwx   2 root root    0 Mar  6 01:32 SetTopBox06:35
reisiohi albe06:36
cspackMannyLNJ: are you writing to a samba share or locally?06:36
albethis is the first time i m using irc06:38
MannyLNJcspack, I *think* it's a mounted share. I made /media/SetTopBox with the mk  command then I did sudo mount -t cifs // -o username=SetTopBox,password=<password for SetTopBox /media/SetTopBox/  It didn't give me any errors06:38
albewhat can i do here?06:38
Anthony-La long time06:38
Anthony-Lreisio: it's still black :(06:38
Anthony-Lmy gpu no likey linux. haha06:39
cspackMannyLNJ: is the share set up with writable=yes?06:39
MannyLNJcspack, in smb.conf I think so let me check06:40
hicoleriWhen I try to start geany, it says: "Attempt to unlock mutex that was not locked" what should I do?06:40
MannyLNJcspack, It says read only = no but no entry for writable06:41
Anthony-Li'm about to throw up the white flag06:42
=== Volund_ is now known as Volund
Phreyareisio: thank you, apt-get hold PACKAGENAME worked for me :) (it's the other way around)06:43
Volundthere we gooooo06:43
MadkinsHey all, anyone have any ideas on how to get ubnutu server on an old mac pro?06:43
Anthony-Lyea, dont do it.06:44
cspackMannyLNJ: ok that should be fine. you might need to specify permissions in your cifs mount command06:44
nikanybody home06:44
reisioPhreya: what's the other way 'round?06:45
cspackMannyLNJ: or just make the share public in smb.conf06:45
reisioAnthony-L: well, to be fair, whatever driver some random person had you install makes your gpu no likey linux06:46
Phreyareisio: I wanted to hold MY package rather then marking a future package to a skip mode06:46
reisioAnthony-L: you should be able to set nomodeset from the live OS menu, too06:46
nikhi i want to know what will happen if i type command init 206:46
Phreyabut it was good enough06:46
reisioPhreya: ah, gj06:46
nikinit --help06:46
nikinit [OPTIONS...] {COMMAND}06:46
nikSend control commands to the init daemon.06:46
nik     --help      Show this help06:46
nik     --no-wall   Don't send wall message before halt/power-off/reboot06:46
reisionik: on something only you're relying on? Nothing terrible, try it06:47
Anthony-Lreisio: it was like this even pre ubuntu install06:47
Anthony-Lbefore i even installed drivers it was unstable06:47
Anthony-Lnow it wont even fresh install ubuntu06:47
Anthony-Lgoing to try 'nomodeset'06:48
reisioAnthony-L: sounds more like a hardware problem, then06:48
Anthony-Lgpu obviously06:48
Anthony-Lis there a way to wipe my bios?06:48
Madkinswell if this isn't going to run linux I guess i'll take it back06:49
reisioAnthony-L: wha?06:50
Anthony-Lreisio: what kind of computer do you have?06:50
Anthony-Llike what's your setup?06:50
Phreyawipy bios? :O I woudln't do that honestly06:50
reisioI find computers that have the hardware I want, and then buy the cheapest one I can find06:50
=== Abhishek_|afk is now known as Abhishek_
reisioI've had desktops & laptops, with any of intel/amd/nvidia graphics, no issues :D06:51
Anthony-Lreisio: what do you use a computer for?06:51
reisiocheap ftw06:51
reisiommm, all sorts of things06:51
reisioweb developer, I get into all sorts of nonsense06:51
Anthony-Ldo you game?06:51
reisioI don't game much, but I've killed a month here and there on some since high school06:51
Phreyado you program?06:52
reisiothe first 3d fallout06:52
reisioand, couple other things06:52
Phreyahow old are you? :O06:52
reisioso old man06:52
Anthony-Li wish my mobo had integrated gpu, then i'd just test it to see if it's my nvidia card06:52
reisiogonna die real soon06:52
reisioAnthony-L: it probably does...06:52
Anthony-Lhhahah the first fallout06:52
reisiothe first 3d fallout06:52
reisiothe first one after the company changed06:53
reisiowhat, 2 fallouts ago?06:53
Anthony-Lwhat about morrowind?06:53
reisiothe very first owned, though, and the 2nd06:53
reisionot played morrowind, nope06:53
PhreyaI played the last one. It took me like 2 days to finish it06:53
Anthony-Lmy mobo doesn't have integrated gpu.06:54
reisioI played limbo on GNU/Linux06:54
reisiolovely game, too short06:54
* reisio re-checks on 'Inside'06:54
reisioAnthony-L: very odd06:54
Anthony-Li have a m5a99fx pro06:55
reisioAnthony-L: anyway, if you did a normal install, it's supported (but obviously if you can't reliably do the same things, there's a problem with your hardware most likely)06:55
Anthony-Lyea, i agree reisio. it has to be hardward related.06:55
PhreyaI have a X40 IBM ThinkPad, that has a non-pae cpu with 1ghz, 1gb of ram06:55
reisioAnthony-L: ooohhhh, asus?06:56
Phreyaand guess what... linux runs GREAT on it06:56
Phreyahonestly it feels like a new machine when browswing and doing casual stuff.06:56
reisioAnthony-L: you dual booting?06:56
Anthony-Li want to solo run linux. the whole point of this is to boycott micrsoft. :)06:57
reisioAnthony-L: you might go into your bios prefs and find the s/ata stuff, and change it from whatever it is to something else06:57
Anthony-Li don't see any s/ata06:58
Anthony-Li see sata though06:58
Anthony-Lis that the same thing?06:58
reisio"s/ata" is just my lazy way of saying 'sata or ata'06:59
reisioso yes, sata, good06:59
reisiowhat's it set to?06:59
reisioand what can it be set to instead?06:59
Anthony-Lonchip sata channel enabled06:59
reisiooh is that all?06:59
Anthony-Lsata port 1 - port 4 AHCI06:59
Anthony-Lsata port 5 - esata AHCI07:00
Anthony-LS.M.A.R.T. status check enabled07:00
reisioso you can only enable/disable, nothing else?07:00
reisioonly interested in sata things07:00
Anthony-Lall the SATA ESP Ports are disabled except for one.07:00
reisionothing that mentions a 'mode' or 'legacy', etc.?07:01
Anthony-Lthe usb config does07:01
reisiommm, yeah don't think that will help07:01
reisiois there another, 'Advanced' section in the bios prefs?07:02
Anthony-Lin advanced theres....07:02
hicoleri(i'll ask again) geany says: "Attempt to unlock mutex that was not locked" when I try to start it. What should I do?07:03
Anthony-Lcpu config, north bridge, south bridge, sata config, usb config, cpu core on/off fucntion, onboard devices config, apm, and network stack07:03
Xeonwho can play O.A.D07:07
reisioAnthony-L: yup, sata07:08
Anthony-Lwe already went through all the sata options in there.07:09
reisiooh okay07:10
Anthony-LMy mobo is mean to run two gpus07:10
Anthony-Li only have one though.07:11
Anthony-Li'm just saying, i know we're not talking about that anymore.07:11
Anthony-Lhey, reiso07:13
Anthony-Lwhat about security boot parameters?07:13
reisioI wouldn't think so07:14
Anthony-Lit shows OS Type, windows 8 UEFI or other Legacy & UEFI07:14
reisiono particular harm poking about, I s'pose07:14
Anthony-Lit set to 'other legacy'07:14
reisioI wouldn't think that'd help, but no harm trying legacy07:14
Anthony-Lthis sucks.07:16
Anthony-Li'm about to just install windows again. :(07:18
Anthony-Lsad day07:18
reisioAnthony-L: I'd be curious if https://www.system-rescue-cd.org/ booted reliably07:18
reisiowith the 'no kms' option07:18
Anthony-Li dont see the no kms option07:21
nomici put a new sd card (micro) into an ubuntu pc , with adapter, it should show up in nautilus or somewhere07:23
reisioAnthony-L: be, item 5 or 6 'with more options'07:23
killusa BuDuScRiPt [ http://digilander.libero.it/udasoft/Software/Linux/buduscript ]07:23
killVersion 3.7.8607:23
killBy  U D A ' S o f t w a r e07:23
reisioAnthony-L: then on the 2nd screen07:23
Anthony-Lreisio, just give me the link of the download please.07:25
reisioAnthony-L: http://is.gd/akaver07:26
Anthony-Lreisio! i'm in the desktop.07:28
Anthony-Lwhat should i do?07:28
Anthony-Li didn't download the rescue though.07:28
Anthony-Li'm installing ubuntu again.07:29
reisiothat's... one way to get back to where you were before you installed those things that person told you to install07:29
Anthony-Lok, reisio, lets do a fresh install and start from there.07:30
Anthony-Li'll listen to what you want me to install.07:31
Anthony-Li just find it really weird that the desktop comes up, hit or miss, like i said.07:31
reisiothat's less weird to me than07:35
reisiothat the live OS comes up hit or miss07:35
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Anthony-Li'm on the desktop. :)07:52
Anthony-Lwhat's the first step?07:52
Anthony-Land i lost my buddy...haha07:53
mazoon_\j #blender-dev07:53
salut23111how are u?07:55
Anthony-Li want ubuntu to work, but it doesn't like me07:56
salut23111like me07:56
Anthony-Lyou're having trouble also?07:57
Anthony-Lwhat a coincidence07:57
Anthony-Li've been messing around with it all day. i'm about to throw in the towel and just load windows again.07:58
salut23111i dont know why07:58
Hayettinis it possible to make an ubuntu persistent usb stick with truecrypt, veracrypt or LUKS encryption08:01
Hayettinon boot would be very nice08:01
Hayettini mean on boot encryption08:02
HayettinIs it possible?08:04
Hayettinso what is possible?08:06
Hayettinand why not salut2311108:06
Hayettini mean wich part is not possible08:06
kavehhi. How to terminate cpp program with itself08:06
nomicsudo dd bs=4M if=OS.img of=/dev/sddestination  <- that has gone away and is not returning to prompt ..is writing the image right?  how can I tell if it's writing (and not hung)08:07
nomicthat was the command I was shown to write an OS image to SD card08:07
nomicit says08:07
nomic4029677568 bytes (4.0 GB) copied, 433.437 s, 9.3 MB/s08:08
craptalkhow can i see the copying process while i am copying something in terminal>08:09
craptalkshould i use -i?08:09
ComputerHipsterhow can you connect to the remote desktop of another linux box ? from ubuntu08:12
ComputerHipstercna't form windows due to security lacking in TightVNC08:13
stark_first time use ubuntu mate08:14
salut23111tryin to burn bootable iso image in ubuntu..08:14
salut23111no rufus?08:14
stark_anyone know how to share folder/file via lan? in umate course08:14
cspackcraptalk: you can use -v it will show you what files it's copying but you won't get a progress bar or anything like that08:14
stark_I had used rufus on windows to burn iso08:15
cpp_shillkaveh: if you mean from within the program, then you can use exit() if you include <cstdlib>08:15
Hayettinanyone know how i can use ubuntu in persisten mode with encryption08:15
stark_is any web that can give me samba tutorial from first?08:16
craptalkcspack: so there is no option to do that?08:16
stark_i already install it on kali 2.0, but it seems not work08:17
stark_craptalk : i think i have read about it, you can check n raspberrypi.org08:17
stark_craptalk : maybe it's a same way to do08:18
craptalkstark_: i am reading its manual, it seems i can only put -v (verbose)08:18
stark_i don't think there are rufus for linux out there08:19
salut23111linux is a hard path08:20
stark_but it's have a beautiful terminal :))08:21
Anthony-Li'm at the desktop.08:22
stark_what is the crucial different between ubuntu mate and ubuntu linux?08:23
stark_beside the GUI08:23
reisiostark_: that is the only difference...08:25
stark_the GUI?08:25
reisioMATE is a particular DE, yes08:25
reisionothing differs between Ubuntu with MATE and Ubuntu without MATE except for the former has, presumably, MATE preinstalled08:26
reisioAnthony-L: cool cool08:26
salut23111whats the best app to burn iso image on usb with ubuntu?08:26
salut23111or the less worst08:26
reisiosalut23111: image of what?08:26
salut23111iso file08:27
reisioI'd probably use 'dd', but you have to be careful08:27
stark_i never find the app, just terminal to burn iso from linux08:27
reisionot really "burning" when it's to USB08:28
stark_but, maybe there are someone finnaly made it.. maybe08:28
Hayettincan nobody help me how to encrypt an ubuntu persistent stick?08:28
reisionot really burning to CD/DVD/BD, for that matter :p although the word is more apt there, still08:28
reisioHayettin: could use encfs in a pinch08:28
stark_Hayettin : sorry, but i don't know how08:28
salut23111ya quelqu'un qui parle français?08:30
somsip!fr | salut2311108:30
ubottusalut23111: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:30
salut23111i have a question about repositories08:33
salut23111and i already know the answer08:33
maddawgso why ask it?08:33
stark_so that is can't define as 'quuestion'08:34
stark_hello galaxon08:34
salut23111because i don't expect to be right08:34
stark_what question?08:35
somsipsalut23111: just ask the question08:35
maddawganswer is 4208:35
stark_i tough it will be 4308:36
maddawgno stark_08:36
maddawgthe answer to everything is 4208:36
maddawgthe big giant head said so08:36
salut23111tails-installer is down?08:37
maddawgit's the meaning of life, the universe, and everything08:37
stark_yeah, everything is 4208:37
salut23111doin master at lava university and trying to install that for research08:38
stark_laval university?08:38
stark_whre is it?08:38
stark_hmm.. seems so far from here08:39
salut23111my problem is with the tail-installer / ubuntu and i don't wanna buy cocaine (maybe)08:40
stark_how to login as root in linux?08:41
stark_just sudo?08:41
ouroumovsudo su08:41
stark_i'll try08:42
stark_great, thanks08:42
ouroumovyw, stark_ but be careful doing stuff while logged in as root.08:42
stark_anyone had hands-on raspberry pi 3?08:43
ouroumovIt's really easy to break the system.08:43
ouroumovYes, just a typo in a command and bam, gotta reinstall.08:43
stark_seems like better not do that frequently08:43
adgHi, I am having trouble installing Ubuntu on my new MSI gs7208:45
stark_which problem?08:45
stark_partition problem?08:46
ouroumov!details | adg08:46
ubottuadg: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)08:46
adgThe processor seems to hang08:47
stark_adg : are you try to make it dual boot?08:47
FR34Khello guys08:47
stark_adg : do you already made partition for ext4 and swap?08:48
stark_hello FR34k08:48
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FR34Kany one help me please to find free security ctf online08:49
adgstark_ I have installed ubuntu multiple times in the past,08:49
stark_where you get the hang? after install it? or when install it?08:50
stark_maybe the ISO corupt?08:50
Hayettinsomebody know how to use ubuntu on an persistent usb live stick with on boot encryption08:51
adgThe ISO is fine, it just stops on the Ubuntu screen if it even makes it there.08:51
adgI have been working on this for hours.08:53
stark_sorry adg, seems like I can't much help08:55
Hayettinsomebody know how to use ubuntu on an persistent usb live stick with on boot encryption08:56
__raventwo major problems with my desktop on 15.10 xubuntu: 1. startup only possible using kernel 4.2.0-18-gen in recovery mode. everything else switches off keyboard or leads to black screen. any idea?09:18
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infectiious__raven: what graphics card do you have09:29
__raveninfectiious: its a nvidia evga gtx 62009:32
DorfenHi guys! I've just caught a virus and am about to start over. I'm wondering if it would be stupid to just go 16.04 now? Would i experience many issues in the last month?09:36
cfhowlettDorfen, let's see: install a beta release?  sure.  no problem at all09:37
cfhowlettDorfen, or ... wait until it's ready, eh?09:37
DorfenWell, running 15.04 beta back then gave very little, if no issues!09:39
DorfenSo unless you have experience with the 16.04 beta, I don't see how that is helpful.09:39
cfhowlettDorfen, so why ask?  your machine, your choice.  note: until release, 16. 04 is not officially supported09:39
FlannelDorfen: You'd be better off asking in #ubuntu+1, the people there have experience with it.09:41
DorfenThere could be someone in here who's running it and have some experiences to draw from, other than the fact that it's a beta.09:42
DorfenFlannel: Thank you, did not know that one! :)09:42
FlannelDorfen: yes, but that discussion (about Xenial) would be offtopic for this channel (it's on-topic for #ubuntu+1)09:43
FlannelDorfen: Sounds good :)09:43
* cfhowlett wonders if netsplit is in effect09:54
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az_i have external hdd with luks encryption and i cant have it connected to usb port because then grub don't boot (probably try boot from this usb) why?10:00
Mathisenaz_, bios settings ?10:02
guest-4GDF2xnon ca marche pas10:04
cfhowlett!es | guest-4GDF2x10:04
ubottuguest-4GDF2x: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:04
* cfhowlett hopes that was spanish not french10:05
daxlooks like french to me.10:06
cfhowlett!fr | guest-4GDF2x10:06
ubottuguest-4GDF2x: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:06
cfhowlettjust in case then ...10:06
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arrowwho has experience with genymotion here?10:18
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cfhowlettarrow, rephrase your question10:18
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)10:18
=== Guest86022 is now known as linuxlove
cfhowlettand for the love of all that is holy, choose ONE nick and stick to it10:19
linuxlovei need to access my files in my virtual device and copy them into my home directory10:20
linuxlovewhat should i do?10:20
linuxlovei have installed genymotion10:20
cfhowlettlinuxgeek, virtualbox has a shared folder function10:20
linuxlovecfhowlett, i used that i just can share my files from my ubuntu to my android virtual10:21
linuxlovebut i cant see my files on android10:21
cfhowlettno experience with android virtual.  sorry10:22
Nicholas1anyone use ubuntu touch phone?10:22
cfhowlett!touch | Nicholas110:22
ubottuNicholas1: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch10:22
linuxlovei see my files in home directory on virtual device but idk how can i transfer files from android to ubuntu10:23
linuxloveit seems no one knows about my problem10:25
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:26
emersont1hi, if i want a channel where i talk about coding methods, what channel should i be in?10:28
pantatocoding methods?10:28
linuxloveemersont1, you mean methods in programming?10:29
cfhowlett#coding?  #programming?10:29
emersont1like "what would be the best way to implement an improbability drive into SFML"10:29
hilimprobability drives only work in C# ;)10:33
abhinavI have corrupted my dependencies completely. Can't even run apt-get install10:35
abhinavWhat to do ?10:35
MrokiiHello. I want to enable a remote ssh-connection from Android to Ubuntu, so that I can log into my local computer, preferably with my already-existing useraccount on Ubuntu. Can somebody give me a hint for a tutorial on how to configure the ssh-server on Ubuntu?10:35
popeyMrokii: install openssh-server, that's about it10:36
popeyabhinav: what version of ubuntu?10:36
popeyabhinav: can you paste to paste.ubuntu.com the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list and the output of "sudo apt-get update" please?10:37
linuxlovethanks guys10:37
abhinavyeah okay10:37
pantatoMrokii: sudo apt-get install openssh-server10:37
Mrokiipantato, popey. I already have the server up and running, but I haven't found anything about what details I have to use to actually connect to that server. I also read something about key-generation for security and wanted a tutorial that explains these things.10:40
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popeyMrokii: your username and password10:41
popeyMrokii: that's what you use to authenticate to ubuntu, and use the ip address to connect10:42
The_Flydaftykins: all working fine after reinstall, got my acpi issue sorted also without bios update just acpi_osi= (empty arg)10:42
Mrokiipopey: Okay, I'll try that.10:42
The_Flydaftykins: gl vendor string correctly reports nvidia, all sorted10:43
popeyabhinav: hows it going? got those pastes for me to look at?10:45
Aleksandar86is posible install PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?10:58
Aleksandar86and HOW?10:58
bekksAleksandar86: PHP 5.3 is fairly outdated.10:59
Kartagishow do I export LC_* to a different locale?11:06
Kartagislocale-gen didn't work11:06
Aleksandar86bekks i know is outdated but i must test some php website who using very old codeIgniter v1.011:09
benccis there a package that adds papyrus font to ubuntu?11:10
bekksAleksandar86: I guess you're better of installing 12.04 then.11:11
EthoscienceDoes anyone can help me to install a boot system?11:16
EthoscienceI tried it with rescataux but it doesn't work11:17
RemindHey guys. I started asking for help yesterday but Ubuntu crashed again lol. I have a hybrid nvidia/intel card and when I start I get spammed with nouveau errors. Eventually (after adding nomodeset) I can log in but Ubuntu will crash sooner or later11:41
RemindI have a MSI GP Series GP60 Leopard Pro, with a GTX 950M card, and I'm using Ubuntu MATE 15.1011:42
Gokerhi all :D11:47
RemindAlso, when I go to additional drivers, I can see three options. NVIDIA Binary driver (proprietary, tested), NVIDIA (proprietary), and the X.Org X server (open source) driver11:47
Gokerhow's ot going u guys :D11:48
RemindAnd the version is 352.63 for the two NVIDIA drivers. Would selecting one of those two solve my issue? When I start up I get spammed with nouveau errors and get put into a boot loop. Eventually I can edit the command line and add 'nomodeset'11:48
MonkeyDustGoker  this is ubuntu support11:49
cfhowlettRemind, you should be using the recommended driver11:50
Remindcfhowlett: How can I tell which one is recommended?11:50
Remindcfhowlett: I'm sorry, I'm new to Linux/Ubuntu11:51
cfhowlettsystem > additional drivers >11:51
Remindcfhowlett: None of them say recommended11:51
Remindcfhowlett: http://i.imgur.com/PoyuVXr.jpg11:52
cfhowletttry the proprietary11:53
RemindThe tested one?11:53
RemindOkay! also, I think this version may be outdated. I started to get help yesterday but I couldn't boot back up lol11:53
RemindThe guy mentioned I should be using version 37111:54
cfhowlettRemind, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade11:54
Remindcfhowlett: Thank you so much, going to switch this driver (possibly restart) and then run that11:54
RemindI hope this fixes it! I always get worried I'm going to break my machine. It's my only one v.v11:55
cfhowlettRemind, run it before you switch11:55
cfhowlettmight just fix your issues11:55
unitI can't get my printer to work!  Help.12:00
Remindcfhowlett: I think you helped me! I have an NVIDIA icon now and I booted just fine12:00
MonkeyDust!cookie | cfhowlett12:01
ubottucfhowlett: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!12:01
cfhowlettRemind, happy2help!  may I ask exactly what worked for you?12:01
cfhowlettthanks MD12:01
RemindUnder additional drivers, it's still selected (propietary, tested) but it still says version 352.6312:01
cfhowlettsame here12:01
Remindcfhowlett: I selected the driver you told me to, after running that command12:01
cfhowlettnice.  well, go forth and enjoy your ubuntu experience!12:02
RemindThank you again so much. I ran into this when I tried to switch months ago and it was a huge headache. Thanks again!12:02
cfhowlettkeep things update with that command you used and most issues will go away12:03
MonkeyDustalwqays nice to see satisfied new users12:03
MonkeyDustmy 14.04 had become awfully slow, fixed it by setting vm.swappiness=1012:06
hicoleriWhy do I get this when I try to mount a cd?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15306391/12:11
frostschutzhicoleri, file -s /dev/sr0?12:12
Ben64hicoleri: you're mounting it incorrectly probably12:12
hicolerifrostschutz:/dev/sr0: # UDF filesystem data (version 1.5) 'PRJ_20100224'12:12
hicoleriBen64:I'm using sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/12:13
Ben64sudo mount -t udf /dev/sr0 /mnt12:13
frostschutzgrep udf /proc/filesystems12:15
hicolerifrostschutz:It only shows "udf"12:16
hicoleriin red12:17
frostschutzhicoleri, and what's in dmesg? maybe it's just a bad disk12:18
hicolerifrostschutz: It was happening with my system partitions as well. I "solved" it by removing a line from /etc/fstab. http://paste.ubuntu.com/15306530/12:19
hicolerialso, my partitions dont automount or are visible on the sidebar anymore12:20
frostschutzhicoleri, ... blockdev --getsize64 /dev/sr0?12:20
frostschutza full mount command such as the one given above does not use fstab, so it should be unrelated. (mount /mnt/thing without additional arguments would look for fstab to complete)12:21
frostschutzhicoleri, that's way too small, less than 64 KiB. not enough to support a filesystem much less a file...12:23
frostschutzhicoleri, take the disc out and put it back in again, maybe it was detected wrongly12:24
frostschutzcheck for dirt, scratches, ... try a different drive12:24
frostschutzif the drive is confused for some reason, a power off might help too12:25
hicoleriWell, I'll go and get a new disc.12:25
hicoleriand burn it on another computer12:25
hicolerifrostschutz:Thanks, though12:26
Mrokiipantato, popey: Sorry to disturb, but I have another problem. I connected from Android to Ubuntu via SSH and tried scp, like "scp sourefile username@androidHostname:/Folder" and got an error message saying "ssh: connect to host androidHostname port 22: Connection refused" and a second line saying "lost connection". Any thoughts what could have gone wrong?12:27
lapyoare you on wifi?12:28
Ben64Mrokii: that would only work if you have a ssh server running on android12:29
lapyoES file explorer on android with sftp to the ubuntu machine should do the file transfer job well12:30
Mrokiilapyo: I guess I'll trey ES file explorer then. I have it installed anyway.12:30
lapyoyeah, there should be "network" or something like that, there you can set up the sftp connection with your IP-address/domain name12:31
MrokiiBen64: That's bad. Isn't there a way to copy files via ssh to Android, when making a connection from Android to Ubuntu?12:32
Mrokiilapyo: I'll try that, thanks.12:33
adgI'm trying to install Ubuntu to a new MSI GS72. The screen freezes less than 30 seconds in and I have to force the computer down.12:36
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adgI managed to get that screen before auto shut down.12:41
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adgBefore it froze*12:41
czwolfMy application corrade can start whn I type sudo/etc/init.d/corrade start . Program monit can detect it then and show as running when I type: sudo monit status . As soon as I kill it, I would expect it to be restarted by monit. Monit does nothing and says: Execution failed. my files /etc/monit/conf.d/corrade and /etc/init.d/corrade are here: http://pastebin.com/wF5Rg8hK12:42
MonkeyDust!find corrade12:43
ubottuPackage/file corrade does not exist in wily12:43
KartagisMonkeyDust: how do I export LC_* to a different locale?12:46
Kartagislocale-gen didn't work12:46
DavidFromBEhello, i would like to run diskless ubuntu machines booting from a synology nas, is that possible ? any pointer ?12:49
ioriaadg no idea, seems your wifi card the problem.... you can try to install without network connection ...12:49
ioriaDavidFromBE, you can start from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto12:50
MonkeyDustKartagis  not sure, never tried12:50
DavidFromBEioria: thanks, i noticed this howto before but the server is running ubuntu too, and i want the server to be a synology nas12:52
=== marcelo is now known as Guest75951
adgioria, I presume you mean ignore the card on boot. How would I go about doing that?12:57
ioriaDavidFromBE, take a look http://www.pyrosoft.co.uk/blog/2013/01/13/setting-up-a-pxe-boot-server-on-synology-dsm-4-2-beta/12:57
DavidFromBEioria: ty12:58
ioriaadg hw switch ?12:59
ioriaDavidFromBE, good luck12:59
adgioria its a laptop12:59
ioriaadg  yeah12:59
ioriaadg  you already checked the integrity  of the medium ?13:00
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czwolfanyone who can help with monit/Execution failed?13:02
ioriaadg  you can also disable the card in bios settings, probably13:05
czwolfMy application corrade can start when I type sudo/etc/init.d/corrade start . Program monit can detect it then and show as running when I type: sudo monit status . As soon as I kill it, I would expect it to be restarted by monit. Monit does nothing and says: Execution failed. my files /etc/monit/conf.d/corrade and /etc/init.d/corrade are here: http://pastebin.com/wF5Rg8hK13:05
MonkeyDustczwolf  can you restart the service without monit13:07
czwolfMonkeyDust I can do start and stop yes (sudo /etc/init.d/corrade start works)13:08
adgioria, tried multiple times with multiple flavors. I doubt it's a problem with the media. Also, I don't see any BIOS setting for turning off the network card.13:09
MonkeyDustczwolf  ok, but 'restart' ... i also wonder why you use /etc/init.d/ ... it's 'sudo service blah start' nowadays13:10
czwolfMonkeyDust - wen I do restart I get: desktop@ns504149:/etc/init.d$ sudo /etc/init.d/corrade restart13:11
czwolfStopping corrade...13:11
czwolfNo /usr/bin/mono found running; none killed.13:11
mines999guys....anyone can help me ?13:11
MonkeyDustmines999  start with a question13:11
mines999me@mines:~/sales$ rails g controller home13:12
mines999/home/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3/gems/activerecord-4.2.4/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/connection_specification.rb:177:in `rescue in spec': Specified 'mysql2' for database adapter, but the gem is not loaded. Add `gem 'mysql2'` to your Gemfile (and ensure its version is at the minimum required by ActiveRecord). (Gem::LoadError)13:12
mines999from /home/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3/gems/activerecord-4.2.4/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/connection_specification.rb:174:in `spec'13:12
mines999from /home/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3/gems/activerecord-4.2.4/lib/active_record/connection_handling.rb:50:in `establish_connection'13:12
mines999from /home/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3/gems/activerecord-4.2.4/lib/active_record/railtie.rb:120:in `block (2 levels) in <class:Railtie>'13:12
mines999from /home/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3/gems/activesupport-4.2.4/lib/active_support/lazy_load_hooks.rb:38:in `instance_eval'13:12
MonkeyDust!paste | mines99913:12
ubottumines999: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:12
MonkeyDustmines999  that's no question, that's a wall of text13:13
ioriaadg  are you plugged or on battery ?13:14
adgTried both13:14
czwolfMonkeyDust I rely on a file provided by the creator of the software which I get support when I use their file. But they support more windows. I see this as a task for some linux guru so I am here. Not able to revwrite whole script.13:15
humboti feel that systemd can be easily used to restart services, though i guess that doesn't exactly answer your question13:15
ioriaadg  dual boot with windows ?13:16
adgioria: acpi=off seems to have done the trick13:16
ioriaadg  oh, good13:16
ioriaadg  congrats13:17
ioriaadg  http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/216959/what-does-kernelnmi-watchdog-bug-soft-lockup-followed-by-other-errors-mean13:18
zartuhi guys, I have a laptop to whom I removed a ssd and now all the partitions addresses are crazy and when it boots I receive a grub rescue window. I tried https://askubuntu.com/questions/266429/error-file-grub-i386-pc-normal-mod-not-found and this doesn't  for me. Any ideas?13:19
cfhowlettzartu, reinstall grub from an ubuntu USB13:19
zartuthe problem is that when I insmod /boot/grub/normal it adds a i386-pc in the path13:19
zartui have a external hdd with ubuntu, can I try to boot form that one?13:20
cfhowlettzartu, you'll need to chroot to your problem system and reinstall grub2 there13:21
zartucfhowlett, thanks for info13:24
cfhowletthappy2help! zartu13:24
Trioxinis it safe to uninstall the java that comes in installed on ubuntu? I installed the most up to date jre and it's messing with my environment variable since it's installed to /usr/bin13:25
Trioxinthe old one is messing with it rather13:25
ioriajava is not installed by default13:25
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sanjebcan anyone help me activate hot corners on my UBUNTU 14.04?13:31
MonkeyDustsanjeb  have you tried unity tweak tool?13:32
sanjeb@MonkeyDust no I havent13:33
MonkeyDustsanjeb  that's what i use13:33
sanjeb@MonkeyDust I will give it a try13:35
sanjeb@MonkeyDust Thanks for the help :D13:35
sanjeb@MonkeyDust worked perfectly :)13:36
BluesKajHiyas all13:36
MonkeyDustsanjeb  glad i could help13:37
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monty_hallhow to disable display manager?14:07
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monty_hallI'm booting into gnome login screen14:07
monty_hallI'd like to "startx"14:07
monty_hallor not even start the x server14:08
Guest80763install some x server?14:08
monty_halljust don't want the log in screen14:08
monty_halldisable that14:08
monty_hallI want to invoke x manually14:09
gj|homeAnyone online with knowledge on xinput and Wacom Intous1? On Ubuntu14.04, on xinput  the pen is not "seperated" into styler and eraser - i get all events on both devices. But on an old Ubuntu 12, it's working right out of the box.14:09
Bigsistahi all14:09
MonkeyDust!text | monty_hall14:09
ubottumonty_hall: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode14:09
Bigsistaquite new to ubuntu. i'm running ubuntu 14.04.04 and it seems i have quite a mess with my kernels. which one is the latest "regular" kernel i should have on my box?14:10
monty_hallI guess there was some way of disabling the login service w/o having to select anything from grub14:10
monty_hallI guess *I thought*14:10
MonkeyDustBigsista  3.19.0-51-generic here14:11
cfhowlettBigsista, latest is the one with the largest number14:11
Bigsistaok got there manually, too. now ho do iget rid of all other 3.19-xx kernels and make sure apt-get upgrade updates my 3.19 kernel?14:12
cfhowlettBigsista, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade will upgrade all installed packages including kernels14:12
tykayn-ubuntuhey folks14:13
cfhowlettBigsista, and sudo apt-get autoremove *should* clean out old kernels and packages14:13
tykayn-ubuntulets say i want to make a custom desktop look from gnome, are there any tool to do that ?14:13
tykayn-ubuntuor i should learn C++14:13
Bigsistacfhowlett: does that stick to 3.10-xx then or does that install newer hwe's14:13
MonkeyDusttykayn-ubuntu  start here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization14:14
cfhowlettthere's the real question!  it will not stick to 3.10-xx if newer kernels are available.14:14
cfhowlettBigsista, ^^^14:15
tykayn-ubuntuthanbs MonkeyDust :)14:15
Bigsistacfhowlett: ok... would i want that in terms of stability?14:15
cfhowlettBigsista, I don't know enough about HWE to advise.14:15
halvorsHow can i request a prefix with DHCPv6-PD with dhclient using configuration in /etc/network/interfaces?14:15
MonkeyDustBigsista  what are you struggling with, what brings you here14:16
Bigsistacfhowlett: we're talking about vms. so the hardware does not really change. security updates are of interest - new hardware features are not.14:17
cfhowlettBigsista, I'm going to have to refer you to more knowledgeable and available users.  Bedtime.  MonkeyDust is wise beyond his years.  ask him.14:18
Bigsistaso asking all people here: linux-generic-lts-vivid linux-image-generic-lts-vivid are "meta"-packages obviously, do i go with them to keep my 3.19-xx kernel up to date?14:22
MonkeyDustthat's a lie I can live with14:23
BigsistaMonkeyDust: huh?14:23
Bigsistaok. removed all other kernels.... going to reboot...14:31
Bigsistadamn. 20 years of rpm based distros and ubuntu makes me feel like a noob. what runlevel to set for networking and console and how and where?14:34
R13oseI am able to get to the GUI in recovery mode.  Yet, starting the computer in normal mode, unsure if anything is happen.  What do I do?14:34
alkisgBigsista: you select recovery more in grub, and then you get to a menu where you select to enable networking14:36
alkisgR13ose: recovery mode doesn't have GUI, yes14:36
R13osealkisg: if I select continue in regular mode, this gets to a GUI I installed14:37
Bigsistawhat about GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text"14:37
alkisgIf you have some custom software that tries to run a GUI, ok, it's not by design though14:37
MonkeyDust!runlevel | Bigsista start here14:37
ubottuBigsista start here: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.14:37
alkisgBigsista: yup, that should work as well14:38
R13osealkisg: this is after the recovery mode, when you click the first option.14:38
Bigsistacat /proc/1/comm14:38
Bigsistaso were fairly classic here14:39
alkisgR13ose: recovery mode sets nomodeset afaik, which is different from the normal mode. What happens in your case, you can't boot your pc normally?14:39
R13osealkisg: I am unsure if anything is happening when my PC boots normally.14:39
jpmhI am runnng 14.4 on a machine with not enough resources  - 99% of the time it works VERY well, occasionally the OS kills, Signal 9, a process rather than crashes.  Is there some log of this?14:39
alkisgR13ose: I mean, I didn't understand what your problem is.14:40
R13osealkisg: all I see is a blank screen when I boot normally.14:40
alkisgR13ose: press "e" in grub, then replace "quiet splash" with "nomodeset", then f10 to exit the grub menu, and see if that allows you to boot14:40
R13osealkisg: I did that and still blank screen14:43
alkisgR13ose: and you say that with recovery mode you're able to get a gui?14:44
R13osealkisg: yes after I hit enter on first option in recovery mode.  This says "splash quiet"14:45
alkisgR13ose: what did you do and your system broke like that? did you e.g. try to install some drivers etc?14:45
R13osealkisg: all I did was install Ubuntu from the mini cd and installed Ubuntu Desktop.  This has never loaded in normal mode.14:47
alkisgR13ose: which graphics card? lspci -nn -k | grep -A 2 VGA14:48
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MelioI need help installing this epson workforce 325 wireless printer in linux14:51
Melioi got the scanner to work, but not the printer14:51
R13osealkisg: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller [8086:0166] (rev 09)14:51
Meliowhich is really epic14:51
alkisgR13ose: and which ubuntu version did you install? 14.04?14:52
Meliowireless scanning in linux is one thing i wouldnt think would work right. but yep got it working14:52
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R13osealkisg: Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Device [1025:0798]14:53
R13osealkisg: 15.1014:54
alkisgR13ose: if you press "e" in grub, and change "quiet splash" to "text", do you get a text prompt for login?14:54
alkisgIn the normal mode, not the recovery...14:54
R13osealkisg: still blank screen.14:58
R13osealkisg: wait I am in. How do I tell which mode I am in?14:59
R13osealkisg: I am in GUI now.15:00
cihtrakI have just purchased a new laptop, i want to know if i can make my laptop a dual15:01
cihtrakOS one with windows and ubuntu15:01
MonkeyDust!dualboot | cihtrak15:03
ubottucihtrak: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:03
bobby_hi can someone please help me with a problem I am having building a shell script file, when I run "sh" on a install.SH file I get an error 'can't find config.sh'15:04
SchrodingersScatbobby_: is config.sh in path or in the directory?15:05
R13oseHow do I change the blank boot screen to something else that I can this is loading?15:05
bobby_config_h.SH    <--- is15:06
bobby_should I rename it?15:07
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mikiany girls15:08
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alkisgR13ose: what did you do to get a gui now?15:09
SchrodingersScatbobby_: or change it in the other script15:09
bobby_alright i'll try it15:10
R13osealkisg: all I did was change splash quiet to text and this loaded.  Yet, this could be loading the whole time but I can't tell.  Is there a way to change the boot screen so I can tell this is loading each time?15:12
bobby_schrodingerscat: install.SH: 17: .: 3: Too many open files15:12
alkisgR13ose: "text" is not supposed to give you a gui, so if you're getting a gui with text, you have something broken, not something fixed... :)15:13
ioriaon 15.10 you need additional steps to get a text boot15:13
alkisgioria: you're right, it's broken there, i just tested it15:15
ioriaalkisg, ^15:15
alkisgSo I presume that removing "quiet splash" fixed his GUI? That's strange...15:16
Meliocan LSB run on ubuntu properly, os did debian drop LSB and ubuntu won't work with it15:16
SchrodingersScatbobby_: shellcheck.net15:16
Meliomy printer driver requires LSB and i can't install it to run my printer driver15:16
ioriaalkisg,    sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target15:16
MelioI'm considering just giving up15:16
R13osealkisg: I restarted the computer and this loads into GUI without me doing anything.  I would like something that tells me this is loading on the boot screen.15:16
bobby_schrodingercat: ok15:17
sanjebhi all15:18
sanjebcan someone help me with something on this webpage?15:18
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EriC^^sanjeb: what's the problem?15:20
R13osealkisg: I believe that is still there isn't it?15:20
alkisgR13ose: I don't understand your question15:20
sanjebthere is the part where it says "Add the following lines"15:20
sanjebI dont know where to add the lines it wants me to add15:21
R13osealkisg: if I remove splash quiet that is only one time, right?15:21
EriC^^sanjeb: it's in /etc/apt/sources.list15:21
sanjebim trying to install adobe flash15:21
alkisgR13ose: if you remove it with "e" in grub, yes15:21
EriC^^sanjeb: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list15:22
Basstard`14.04 32 bit mini.iso does not want to install, or rather does not even want to begin. Fails at downloading a file and aborts.15:22
R13osealkisg: then the splash quiet will be back and restarting and not touching anything is normal boot right?15:22
alkisgR13ose: yes, if you restart without typing anything in grub, you have normal boot15:22
alkisgioria: passing "text systemd.unit=multi-user.target" in cmdline did it; but imho that's broken behavior, "text" should work fine like "single" does15:23
sanjeb<EriC^^>, after I put that command, what should I do?15:23
R13osealkisg: now how do I change the boot screen to show this is loading?  I want something graphical.15:24
alkisgR13ose: I don't understand your question. Do you mean that you don't see the plymouth screen with ubuntu and dots loading?15:24
EriC^^sanjeb: copy and paste the stuff15:24
ioriaalkisg,    i followed this http://ask.xmodulo.com/boot-into-command-line-ubuntu-debian.html, but you need to edit /etc/default/grub idk if it's still possible to do it from the grub  screen15:25
sanjebI paste it anywhere?15:25
alkisgioria: I did it from the login screen like I said...15:25
EriC^^sanjeb: at the bottom15:25
ioriaalkisg,    it works ?15:25
R13osealkisg: yes but I want to know what other things I can put there if I wanted something different15:25
alkisgioria: yes, with "text systemd.unit=multi-user.target"15:25
ioriaalkisg,    great15:25
roundduckmanThere's been wierd error screens popping up once in a while on Ubuntu Gnome 15.10. Does anybody else also suffer from this issue on an intel cpu with Intel HD 4000 (or something like it) graphics?15:25
alkisgR13ose: I don't know of any plymouth alternatives15:26
sanjeb<EriC^^> do I exit normal after that or is there a command to save the changes?15:26
EriC^^sanjeb: ctrl+x should ask to save15:26
R13osealkisg: thanks for all the help15:27
sanjeb<EriC^^> thank you alot :), it worked :)15:28
EriC^^great, no problem :)15:28
roundduckmanEriC^^: Do you know why am I having issues? Is there something similar with plain Ubuntu 15.10?15:30
EriC^^what issues?15:30
roundduckmanI mentioned them above15:30
EriC^^paste them15:31
bradleycan anyone help with a sound issue?15:31
EriC^^my scrollback doesn't go that far15:31
roundduckmanEriC^^: how? Plus I quitted out the windows in the past, and there isn't any now, so how can I trigger one to get all the info for them?15:32
roundduckmanIs there like a pile of error logs?15:32
alkisgroundduckman: try this in a terminal: ls /var/crash15:32
alkisgDo you see files (lines) there?15:32
EriC^^roundduckman: what's the issue anyways?15:33
EriC^^are macaron's good tasting?15:35
MonkeyDustroundduckman  what brings you here, start from the beginning15:35
EriC^^ioria: was that for me?15:35
EriC^^ok, thanks :)15:35
roundduckmanMonkeyDust: I've been getting random error after installing Ubuntu Gnome, even after updating. Yes, I later on got the plain Gnome 3 ppa to get the rest of the Gnome 3.16 packages, but freezing happened, along with errors probably still, then after downgrading back to normal with ppa-purge, I am (still?) having errors. errors involve gnome-shell (after a freeze), Xorg, gjs console, and oneconf.15:38
roundduckmanbasically errors the entire time probably15:38
MonkeyDustroundduckman  I picked this up in this channel ... save it as 'fixpackages' ... make executable with 'chmod +x fixpackages' ... then run it with './fixpackages' ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/15121279/15:39
Basstard`14.04 32 bit mini.iso does not want to install, or rather does not even want to begin. Fails at downloading a file, libcryptsetup4-udeb, and aborts. Not user-error. Try in QEMU for yourself. Fix it.15:42
MonkeyDustare those error messages, or is that what you say?15:44
ioriaBasstard`, i got that error too plus vga issues, and it was because i choose the Advanced  Tool instead of normal Install ... if i rc15:46
jpmhMy WAY UNDER resourced machine when it is about to run out of memory kills some processes - how does it decide which ones and is there a log of what it did15:48
alkisgjpmh: google for oom score15:48
roundduckmanhold on15:48
Basstard`MonkeyDust: Like I said, try yourself. You will get to choose your keyboard and hostname and select mirror and then it aborts after trying to download that file. And, of course, it does not matter whether virtual machine or real machine.15:48
||arifaXBasstard`: You are right, just verified that!15:49
EriC^^||arifaX: Basstard` which mirrors did you use?15:49
||arifaXEriC^^: I tried with german and US both did not work15:49
cansIs there a gui for nfs on 14.04?15:49
jpmhalkisg: ty - reading about it now -15:50
Basstard`EriC^^: Different ones, does not really matter.15:50
MonkeyDustcans  try gigolo15:50
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.15:51
cansthanks, what about gui to set up nfs server?15:51
roundduckmanMonkeyDust: Checking for root15:51
roundduckmanOK got root15:51
roundduckmanYou will see no output for up to 5 minutes. Please wait15:51
roundduckman  Removing the /var/lib/dpkg directory15:51
roundduckman  Reverting to the previous package states15:51
roundduckmancp: cannot stat ‘/var/lib/dpkg/available-old’: No such file or directory15:51
SchrodingersScat!pastebin | roundduckman15:52
ubotturoundduckman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:52
roundduckmanback again...15:53
=== tobi is now known as Guest77944
Melioi have no idea how it worked, but i was able to get my printer and scanner on a wifi printer working perfectly15:53
Meliomajor success15:54
TrentPDEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ...... this will work if I want to script system updates with a systemd timer?15:54
Guest77944hallo, bräuchte mal hilfe zwecks ubuntu und metaplsoit15:54
roundduckmanMonkeyDust: Take 2... http://paste.ubuntu.com/15308552/15:54
MonkeyDustcans  more people have asked the same question, no, there is no gui for nfs15:54
roundduckmanMonkeyDust: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15308552/15:55
cansok thank you15:55
MonkeyDustroundduckman  ok, read it15:55
roundduckmanMonkeyDust: Doesn't look like it did much, but it seems it can't find ‘/var/lib/dpkg/available-old’ though.15:56
squinty!de | Guest7794415:57
ubottuGuest77944: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!15:57
MonkeyDustroundduckman  what was your question again?15:57
Guest77944who can help me, i installed ubuntu and the metasploit framework for penetration testing. i used windows before about 10 years ago. but the problem is if i start ubuntu metasploit starts automaticly. and if metasploit ruby start my hole system is hanging ruby needs a lot of system rescources how can i disable die automatic start15:57
MonkeyDustinitial question15:58
roundduckmanMonkeyDust: The random error screens.15:58
MonkeyDustroundduckman  are they gone?15:58
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nomicGuest77944  .. "session and startup" in settings shows what packages/apps are started up16:00
roundduckmanMonkeyDust: Don't know, it hasn't been long enough yet, but I haven't had any for a few minutes. That said, I ran the script a few minutes ago, but they havent appeared since before that. I bet after a reboot a few more will appear once in a while again though. Can I at least paste the errors to see why they messed up and look like something like the "fix packages" program could fix anything?16:01
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roundduckmanMonkeyDust: One of these errors, the xorg error, says it crashed with SIGABRT in OsAbort()16:07
roundduckmanwhat the heck does that mean?16:08
roundduckmanMonkeyDust: Looked the error up, out out it was a bug... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/150335816:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1237904 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Wily) "duplicate for #1503358 Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in OsAbort()" [Medium,Fix released]16:11
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roundduckmanwell, was a bug...16:12
roundduckmanMonkeyDust: You still there?16:12
roundduckmanMonkeyDust: You still there?16:13
roundduckmanMonkeyDust: Hello?16:15
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roundduckmanEriC^^: Are you there? Basically I found out the xorg error was a bug, probably.16:16
exospecieshi, how can i search for the use of > and >> and so on in command line?16:27
biloutdo you mean that ? http://linuxcommand.org/lts0060.php16:29
EriC^^exospecies: man bash16:29
EriC^^search for redirection16:29
andrey_volkПривет есть русские?16:30
exospeciesthanks EriC^^16:30
EriC^^!ru | andrey_volk16:31
ubottuandrey_volk: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:31
EriC^^exospecies: np16:31
bilouti/o redirection yeah16:31
Nicholas1hello all16:33
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Nicholas1is ubuntu website  down?16:33
Nicholas1its not opening properly16:33
Nicholas1what's the matter?16:33
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gr33nbitsit's opening ok for me16:34
roundduckmanwell crapcast disconnected me, but I'm back again...16:34
chillpill_let me check16:34
stevenmorning, small question I have: fdisk -l prints an sata drive (so the system found it) but I cannot mount a single partition and I cant figure out why16:34
squintyup here but a bit slow to load16:34
chillpill_its up16:34
roundduckmanMonkeyDust: Are you still here?16:34
Nicholas1i see16:34
R13oseWhen I bootup, there is a blank screen and then at the end I see the plymouth theme, how do I make the plymouth theme appear all the time during bootup?16:34
stevenso I was wondering how one could check a partitons FS without mounting it? maybe I just use the wrong fs type16:34
EriC^^R13ose: type cat /proc/cmdline16:35
EriC^^and paste here16:35
EriC^^steven: sudo blkid /dev/sdxY16:35
Nicholas1how much lag is acceptable in #ubuntu?16:35
Nicholas1i mean in secs?16:36
Nicholas1mine hovers between 2-7 seconds16:36
Nicholas1is that fine?16:36
gr33nbitsi guess16:36
stevenEriC^^: yea that doesnt work :S16:36
R13oseEriC^^: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.2.0-30-generic root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root ro splash quiet vt.handoff=716:36
stevenI already checked blkid (obviously) but it doesnt list the device16:37
stevenfdisk does tho16:37
EriC^^steven: try sudo parted -l16:37
EriC^^R13ose: ok wanted to see if vt.handoff was there16:37
roundduckmanEriC^^: What's the meaning of this: "gnome-shell crashed with SIGABRT in g_assertion_message()" from a previous error16:38
stevenpartition table unknown EriC^^ .. now thats something new16:38
R13oseEriC^^: okay this is there.16:38
ioriasplash quite ?  maybe quite splash16:41
roundduckmanEriC^^: Help? What's the meaning of 'gnome-shell crashed with SIGABRT in g_assertion_message()'?16:41
EriC^^roundduckman: sounds like some error16:41
EriC^^not a dev expert here16:42
EriC^^roundduckman: all i can tell you is that assertion is it trying to check that something is something, and it isn't so it just aborted and crashed16:43
R13oseioria: How do I change that?16:43
ioriaR13ose, in the same way you changed before, i think16:43
R13oseioria: that was only a one time change.16:43
roundduckmanEric^^: I know that, I looked up that there were past bugs involving it, but still. I happened after a freeze, though thinking about it, that happened when I was using the gnome 3 ppa (not staging, I was using the one that lets me get almost the rest of the packages for my respective Gnome version, since canonical holds back a few of the packages...) and updated under that ppa. I'm using Ubuntu Gnome 15.1016:44
stevenEriC^^: happen to know this issue?16:44
ioriaR13ose, at boot, press shift Advanced Option -> press 'e' -> scroll to 'linux' line , change it and F1016:45
EriC^^steven: did you try a smart check on the hdd?16:45
R13oseioria: yes but that is only one time change as I remember.16:45
stevenwhats smart check??16:45
ioriaR13ose, before paste /etc/default/grub16:45
EriC^^steven: any back story to the partitions you're trying to mount?16:45
stevennot really, it used to be an external HDD and I just removed it from the case and shoved it in the regular machine16:46
roundduckmanEric^^: I know that, I looked up that there were past bugs involving it, but still. I happened after a freeze, though thinking about it, that happened when I was using the gnome 3 ppa (not staging, I was using the one that lets me get almost the rest of the packages for my respective Gnome version, since canonical holds back a few of the packages...) and updated under that ppa. I'm using Ubuntu Gnome 15.1016:46
R13oseioria: http://pastebin.com/NLk67nXd16:47
EriC^^steven: sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX16:47
EriC^^steven: check the hdd's health16:47
squintyor check with Disks16:48
kutchuHello, I am new to IRC and this is a test message.16:48
ioriaR13ose, yes, nano /etc/default/grub   change splash quiet with quite splash ,  close, run sudo update-grub16:48
MonkeyDustkutchu  good news: it works16:48
stevenEriC^^: passed16:48
EriC^^roundduckman: i see, i can't help much though, try asking the channel again every once in a while in case somebody knows16:48
kutchuI am glad, it worked :)16:48
steventhe overall health anyway16:48
EriC^^steven: can you pastebin the output?16:48
steventtp://paste.ubuntu.com/15309249/ EriC^^16:49
roundduckmanI'm gonna go.16:49
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EriC^^steven: are you sure it's fastened it correctly?16:51
stevenyes :D16:51
R13oseioria: I did that, now restart?16:51
ioriaR13ose, yes16:51
EriC^^steven: do you have stuff on the hdd you need ? or you're setting up a backup hdd or something?16:53
stevenhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/15309297/ maybe that'll help a bit?16:53
stevenand yes, its full and not backup'd :D16:54
stevenI mean I could just shove it back in the USB external case thingy and plug it in via usb.. but I kinda think there has to be another way16:54
R13oseioria: this didn't work out, I still saw the blank screen and then the plymouth theme at the end.16:55
EriC^^steven: maybe you need to play with the settings in the bios?16:55
ioriaR13ose, no idea then, sorry16:56
EriC^^ahci and whatnot?16:56
R13oseAnyone else have ideas?16:56
Norbinanyone using the intel hd 530 gpu on ubuntu? (Skylake's)16:56
MonkeyDust!ask | Norbin16:57
ubottuNorbin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:57
craptalkhey guys, can you help a friend out here, how weird it is, i have been checking on my codes inserting data into phpmyadmin database but there was no luck at all, but i tried the same code in windows system, it worked out, why? i am using ubuntu mate 15.04, LAMP SERVER they called here for xampp16:58
ioriaR13ose, http://askubuntu.com/questions/79953/why-does-plymouth-start-so-late/79959#7995916:58
craptalklocalhost and all runs perfectly when i checked it on my browser16:58
craptalkjust cant insert any data into phpmyadmin, so damn weird and frustrating16:59
craptalkdo i have problem with my installation or something?17:00
NorbinMonkeyDust: reason why I am asking is back I used to have lots of issues few months back with that gpu and I was wondering if it got any better.17:00
R13oseioria: thanks I will try and come back17:00
ioriaR13ose, good luck17:00
MonkeyDustNorbin  better describe the symptoms, maybe someone recognizes the issue17:01
javier_Hello, can anyone help me with a VPN connection? I am connected to the VPN but the browser seems to not recognize it, or to not route the traffic through the VPN and hence I dont have access to my institution services17:02
BluesKajjavier_, m ake sure you refresh the bowser before checking the IP with the vpn connection17:03
javier_Yes I do it. Also I close the browser and open again17:06
=== Basstard1 is now known as Basstard`
BluesKajwhat vpn protocol are you using , javier_ ?17:06
javier_if I do an ifconfig command17:07
javier_I see the "tun0" connection17:07
javier_with the IP of my institution17:07
R13oseioria: this worked out.17:07
ioriaR13ose, glad to hear that17:08
R13oseNow I want to change the boot theme17:08
javier_but the browser, when I visit a webpag where I know I have access, the browser ignores it17:08
BluesKajjavier_, I'm not familair with vpnc connections, those are a cisco tunnel and I don't how it interacts with network manager17:11
NorbinMonkeyDust: looks like kernel 4.3 fixed them all, any idea if that kernel version supports 14.04.4?17:12
javier_ok BluesKaj, thank you anyway17:12
tete_whats the channel name for xenial/beta/alpha?17:12
fearnothinghi, quick question about software raid17:12
DJonestete_: #ubuntu+117:13
IndustrialI get an error installing a ruby gem17:13
fearnothingif I have two devices in sw raid and I want to move back to only a single device with the data, do I need to move all the data off first?17:13
fearnothingit's just a mirror17:13
Industrialmkmf.rb can't find header files for ruby at /usr/lib/ruby/include/ruby.h17:13
IndustrialWhat package do I need?17:13
Industrialgot it, it's `ruby-dev`17:14
Anthony-Lman, ubuntu does not like my hardware.17:14
tete_fearnothing, i think you can simply delete the raid if its really just a mirror, but not 100% sure17:14
Anthony-Lfor 2 whole days i've been trying to install it with no success.17:15
tete_in any way: i would create a backup before17:15
fearnothingtete_ the data on it isn't very valuable - it's logs in my lab environment17:15
alkisgAnthony-L: what's the exact issue?17:15
tinyalphawhat the hell is ubuntu17:15
DaniKittenUbuntu is an operating system17:15
tete_no, its a distribution. but dont feed the troll i suggest17:16
DaniKittenUbuntu is an operating system, based on Linux17:16
tinyalphaalex keaton17:16
Anthony-Lalkisg: my problem is after install of ubuntu, i get blank black screen.17:16
MonkeyDustNorbin  not sure, 3.19 here, for 14.04.417:17
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:17
alkisgAnthony-L: but you do get a graphics mode in the live cd? i.e. installation works out fine?17:17
Anthony-Lalkisg: it's hit or miss.17:17
alkisgAnthony-L: which graphics card?17:18
Anthony-Li bet you can guess, nvidia gtx 97017:18
alkisgAnthony-L: and which ubuntu version?17:18
Anthony-Li'm reinstalling ubuntu again.17:19
tete_DaniKitten, linux is an operating system, depending on the definition term17:19
DaniKittenLinux is the kernel17:19
DaniKittenGNU/Linux is an operating system17:19
alkisgAnthony-L: maybe you could also try 16.04, the more recent nouveau there might recognize your card better17:19
tete_and now read the wiki page about operating system and what it should provide17:19
tete_and you will see that the kernel already has all that stuff17:20
BluesKajjavier_, do you have network-manager-vpnc installed?17:20
DaniKittenand Ubuntu is an OS based on GNU/Linux17:20
Anthony-Lalkisg: where do i download 16.04? ubuntu doesn't have that on their site.17:20
MonkeyDustAnthony-L  16.04 is not out yet17:20
DaniKittenTry to download the 12.0417:20
BluesKaj!xenail | Anthony-L17:20
Anthony-Lgo figure17:20
tete_no DaniKitten ubuntu is a distribution(!) which ships the kernel and some other stuff17:20
alkisgAnthony-L:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/17:20
DaniKitten12.04 is old, but probably was corrected a lot17:21
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+117:21
DaniKittenand now is almost perfect and will not have errors17:21
javier_Hello, can anyone help me with a VPN connection? I am connected to the VPN but the browser seems to not recognize it, or to not route the traffic through the VPN and hence I dont have access to my institution services17:21
Anthony-Li'm downloading 16.0417:22
BluesKajjavier_, I just asked you if you installed network-manager-vpnc17:22
MonkeyDustAnthony-L  expect errors and stability issues17:22
DaniKitten12.04 is faster to be downloaded17:22
Anthony-Lmonkeydust: im already getting all that anyway with 14.04 adn 15.1017:22
javier_Yes, I installed it17:22
tgm4883I wouldn't install 12.04 at this poing17:23
DaniKitten756 MB instead of 1.0 GB with 14.0417:23
MonkeyDustAnthony-L  cynic17:23
javier_Sorry I don't read your comment BluesKaj17:23
BluesKajjavier_, did you setup network manager to connect via vpnc to your server ?17:24
notalentgeekHow do I find files with a path length greater than 260 characters in Linux? In Windows I can just do this cmd /c dir /s /b |? {$_.length -gt 260}.17:24
tete_maybe someone here can help me. i try to connect by command line to my wlan but it does not work. i created /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and started the service - i can see it with ps aux. when i try wpa_cli i get:  Could not connect to wpa_supplicant: (nil) - re-trying17:24
tgm4883Anthony-L: If you are having issues, installing a different version rather than just trying to find fixes for the issues is just delaying the inevitable.17:25
javier_BluesKaj: Yes. I have configured the connection and know I am connected to it. I have the "tun0" connection and also I have IP of my institution.17:25
javier_BluesKaj: It seems that it is a problem more related to the browser rather than the connection17:25
Anthony-Ltgm4883: i've been in here troubleshooting with everyone. i've already accepted the inevitable. it's obviously a hardware issue.17:25
BluesKajjavier_, then it could be a userm=name or password issue ?17:26
j09Hey guys. I've just installed Chromium and it's companion the pepperflash plugin, however I can seem to get Chromium to see the flash plugin. It doesn't show up in chrome://plugins . I'm running 16.04 beta 1.17:26
iorianotalentgeek, try find -regextype posix-extended -regex '.{261,}'17:26
BluesKajwhich browser, javier_?17:26
javier_BluesKaj: Nope, if it could be a problem of username or password I cannot establish the connection, but I am connected.17:27
ioriaAnthony-L, have you tried nomodeset ?17:27
javier_BluesKaj: Firefox17:27
Anthony-Ljavier_: yes17:27
BluesKajj09, use chrome instead or FF with the freshplayer plugin17:27
gebbionei just copied my main HD to a new one, now i think grub is still looking for the old hardisk as i get an error during boot saying the disk with UUID (old disk uuid) could not be found17:27
tgm4883notalentgeek: try something like "find /path/to/dir | grep '.\{260\}' "17:27
javier_Anthony-L: yes?17:28
notalentgeekioria, It does nothing. I put it in Terminal it just returned ">" and I need to CTRL + C to get my normal input back.17:28
tgm4883oh, ioria's is probably better17:28
j09I'd rather us Chromium if its all the same BluesKaj17:28
tgm4883notalentgeek: did you put both quotes that ioria mentioned? Sounds like you didn't17:28
ioriaAnthony-L, without 'try'17:28
iorianotalentgeek,  without 'try'17:28
DaniKittenWhat features have 14.04 not founded on 12.04 on Ubuntu17:29
javier_Anthony-L: what yes? I dont't know what are you referring17:29
Anthony-Ljavier, i've tried nomodeset a million times.17:29
tgm4883DaniKitten: huh?17:29
ioriajavier_, it was for me17:29
Anthony-Li've been through the process of nomodeset a million times.17:29
javier_Ahm, ok. haha17:29
javier_a cross-conversation17:30
Anthony-Lplease, dont try to troubleshoot my problem. i've already simply said it's a hardware issue. my gpu hates linux.17:30
notalentgeekioria, tgm4883, Okay I forget the super user :)). This is for the whole directory that is 260 long right?17:30
notalentgeekioria, tgm4883, Anyway thank you!17:30
iorianotalentgeek,  no problem17:30
javier_BluesKaj: Well, it is not a problem of the browser. Chrome also ignores the VPN IP17:31
DaniKittenWhat features have 14.04 not founded on 12.04 on Ubuntu17:32
DaniKittenI'm downloading 12.0417:32
notalentgeekHello, I have another question what is the best file system that can move > 4GB and working for both Windows and Linux?17:32
frostschutznotalentgeek, ntfs?17:32
notalentgeekfrostschutz, Can NTFS be used in Linux?17:33
DaniKittenwith ntfs-3g you can17:33
notalentgeekfrostschutz, I thought Linux can only read and write ext and FAT.17:33
j09Is anyone available to help? I've just installed Chromium and it's companion the pepperflash plugin, however I can't seem to get Chromium to see the flash plugin. It doesn't show up in chrome://plugins . I'm on 16.0417:33
BluesKajjavier_, are you checking with http://www.ip-tracker.org/ , it will show the IP and vpn connection IP as long as you refresh the browser first17:33
notalentgeekDaniKitten, So NTFS-3G is just like the best solution for my problem at this moment?17:34
frostschutznotalentgeek, unless you want to try your luck with strange ext4 drivers for windows, yes17:34
DaniKittenI can with Puppy Linux, you probably can with Ubuntu17:34
gebbionenotalentgeek, i have a drive mounted on ntfs-3g used on my ubuntu for data17:35
gebbioneit has weird permissions but still works17:35
sacusahello people17:36
javier_BluesKaj: The VPN ip is not shown17:36
notalentgeekfrostschutz, gebbione, Okay I will try to format my backup HDD into NTFS-3G17:36
sacusai need some help17:37
javier_BluesKaj: only my ISP ip, but nothing about the VPN17:37
BluesKajjavier_, what shows, your IP?17:37
j09I've just installed Chromium and it's companion the pepperflash plugin, however I can't seem to get Chromium to see the flash plugin. It doesn't show up in chrome://plugins . I'm on 16.0417:37
BluesKajjavier_, refresh your browser?17:37
gebbionej09, why don't u use chrome? forget about chromium, in my experience is not kept up to date17:38
BluesKajjavier_, or clear the cache17:38
javier_BluesKaj: yes, yes. I have refreshed the browser and only my ISP ip is shown. No info about the VPN ip17:38
j09gebbione I'm asking to fix a problem, please help.17:39
j09gebbione this was never a problem on Manjaro17:39
notalentgeekHow can you just format HDD into HTFS-3G using GParted?17:41
j09Does anyone else here use Chromium with pepperflash?17:42
gebbionei just copied my main HD to a new one, now i think grub is still looking for the old hardisk as i get an error during boot saying the disk with UUID (old disk uuid) could not be found17:42
gebbionewhat can i do to fix this?17:42
gebbionenotalentgeek, does it give you the option?17:42
javier_BluesKaj: Neh, I cleared the cache but nothing different17:42
notalentgeekgebbione, Nothing in my GParted.17:42
javier_I close and open browser, re-config the network configuration inside Firefox, but nothing17:43
notalentgeekgebbione, I just installed it with sudo-apt so I guess my GParted is quite update.17:43
notalentgeekgebbione, Or it is just NTFS in GParted?17:44
gebbionei think so, ntfs-3g i think is the package to mount ntfs  filesystems17:45
SchrodingersScatnotalentgeek: can go to View -> File System Support17:45
gebbioneunfortunately i need to fix my boot loading issue at the moment or i would share also how i mount it17:45
BluesKajjavier_, can you ping the server IP17:47
notalentgeekSchrodingersScat, Okay that is quite informative thanks!17:47
j09I've just installed Chromium and it's companion the pepperflash plugin, however I can't seem to get Chromium to see the flash plugin. It doesn't show up in chrome://plugins . I'm on 16.0417:50
SchrodingersScat!16.04 | j0917:50
ubottuj09: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+117:50
gebbioneis it actually worth upgrading from 14.04 ?17:51
SchrodingersScatThat is up to you?17:51
j09Thanks SchrodingersScat17:51
Anthony-Lwhy isn't my computer seeing the 16.04 .iso file? i can't put the image on the usb stick.17:52
SchrodingersScatAnthony-L: can you cd to the directory and confirm it exists?17:53
Anthony-Lshrod: it's on my desktop...17:54
SchrodingersScatAnthony-L: what you are using to try to image is also helpful.17:54
Anthony-Li'm using the Universal USB installer.17:55
Anthony-Lthe one from ubuntu website.17:55
j09SchrodingersScat No-one seems to be around to help. I really wish I could get this worked out.17:55
BluesKajj09, we already told you to use chrome, do you actually read our responses?17:58
Anthony-Lnow i can't mount the .iso image to usb for some odd reason.17:59
j09BluesKaj Of course. And I told you I'd rather not. I'm sorry if I'm being irritating.17:59
SchrodingersScatif it's an iso file then it should be found when you navigate to the desktop then, not sure what else could be stopping it.18:00
Anthony-Lyea, i don't know either.18:00
BluesKajj09, then stop repeating your question because chromium is out of date18:00
ioriaAnthony-L, you mean that when you press 'Browse' button, it does not find the iso ?18:00
Anthony-Lioria: yes, i can see it as clear as day on my desktop.18:01
Anthony-Li can't see when i browse.18:01
j09BluesKaj It's not though.18:01
ioriaAnthony-L,  you selected 'Ubuntu' in Step 1 ?18:01
Anthony-Lioria: yes18:01
krcHow do I do a manual upgrade?18:01
ioriaAnthony-L,  scroll down and try Unlisted Linux iso18:02
krcMy install is too old, the upgrade tool doesn't work18:02
Anthony-Lioria: that did it, thank you.18:02
ioriaAnthony-L,  ok18:02
Anthony-Lioria: how are you sending me direct messages on here? just curious18:03
Anthony-Li hear a beep.18:04
ioriaAnthony-L,  direct message ? you mean Tab auto-complete  ?18:04
Anthony-Li think so, like right when you just sent me that message, i heard the beep and your name is in red text.18:04
ioriaAnthony-L,  that depends on your ring settings18:04
Anthony-Li just want to be able to communicate with you guys better. how are you doing this?18:05
krc4267|ubuntu*krc is now known as krc4267|ubuntu18:06
krc4267|ubuntuhad 2 clients open by accident18:06
ioriaAnthony-L, you use tab for auto-complete (highlight) and then configure your irc client ...18:06
ioriaAnthony-L, sound settings, depends on your client18:06
=== Guest82349 is now known as Jalen
MonkeyDustAnthony-L  type ant and then hit tab to autocomplete18:07
Anthony-Lanth0ny_: did this work?18:07
alkisgj09: how did you install the flash plugin? it's in partner/proposed in 16.0418:07
ioriaAnthony-L,  for him, i guess so :þ18:08
alkisgj09: it works fine here for me18:08
j09alkisg I just installed the pepperflash plugin from the repos.18:08
alkisgj09: the pepper flash plugin is deprecated18:08
Anthony-Lyea, tab does nothing.18:08
alkisgj09: install adobe-flashplugin from the parter/proposed repo18:08
alkisgIt includes the pepper plugin18:08
alkisgj09: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu xenial-proposed partner18:09
RemindWhat's the update and full upgrade command again? Sorry18:17
MonkeyDustRemind  sudo apt update;sudo apt full-upgrade18:18
RemindSo sudo apt update && apt full-upgrade ?18:18
RemindAnd thank you MonkeyDust :)18:19
=== tobi is now known as Guest81419
MonkeyDustRemind  semicolon will work too18:19
RemindReally?? That's awesome!18:19
RemindI'm such a noob, lmao18:19
alkisg&& will only continue if the first command succeeded18:19
alkisg; will continue even if the update failed18:19
alkisgSo && is a bit more safe18:20
hggdhRemind: semi-colon makes them two independent commands; the '&&' causes the second 'apt' command to *only* be executed if the first one ended without errors18:20
Anthony-Li'm at the ubuntu install screen. do i select 'download updates while installing ubuntu' and click 'install third party software for graphics and wifi, flash etc'?18:21
alkisgAnthony-L: yup18:22
Anthony-Lalkisg, thankys18:22
Anthony-Lok, another message, it says 'continue in UEFI mode' ? do i do this?18:23
Anthony-Li'm doing a fresh format/install.18:23
tgm4883Anthony-L: if that is 16.04, you should really be asking for support in #ubuntu+118:24
parsecCharway OT: I have a usb printer -- is there some usb-wireless plug I can use to make my usb printer wireless ?18:25
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ioriaparsecChar,  do you have  a USB port on your wireless router ?18:28
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parsecCharioria: unfortunately, no18:28
ioriaparsecChar,  then you may need a Wireless Print Server...18:29
homahi my friends18:32
bozsikarmandHi! Maybe my question will be a bit off-topic but I have been searching for hours in Google to find a howto/tutorial to configure freeradius but without no luck. I have a soho router in which I have to provide radius server ip, port and password to use WPA2-Enterprise encryption. Also I have a raspberry pi 1st gen as a server with raspbian and freeradius installed. What should I do next?18:33
paul_is there some package that makes all the stuff on a macbook work better in ubuntu i.e. backlight keys using the sensor properly?18:36
Mobutilspaul_: check out pommed…18:41
rileymatHow do I force Dash to find an application?  I installed emacs through the software center yesterday, but it still will not be found in Dash.  I can run it from the terminal, so I know it is installed.  Is there some way to force the indexing of a directory or something?18:45
ioriarileymat, can you paste  /usr/share/applications/emacs24.desktop ?18:48
rileymat[Desktop Entry]18:49
rileymatName=GNU Emacs 2418:49
rileymatGenericName=Text Editor18:49
rileymatComment=View and edit files18:49
ioriarileymat, don't paste in here ... paste.ubuntu.com18:50
ioriarileymat, replace Icon = bla  with Icon=emacs  , logout/login or restart Unity18:52
rileymatThanks that worked.18:54
ioriarileymat, ok18:54
RemindOnce I get Ubuntu MATE configured and work out all of the GPU kinks, is there a way to make a backup incase something goes wrong in a few days?18:57
fearnothinghi, got an odd problem with a partition19:00
fearnothingI've been using a software raid to do something and I no longer want that19:00
fearnothingso I attached a replacement device, partitioned and formatted, and used rsync to copy all of the mdadm raid volume to the new device19:01
fearnothing(it was housing splunk)19:01
fearnothingthen I unmounted the raid from its location and mounted the new device in the same place and tested19:01
fearnothingall the files I wanted were there, and splunk worked19:01
fearnothingthen I rebooted19:01
fearnothingnow there is nothing on the new device19:01
fearnothingwhy? what happened?19:01
raddadcan i install ubuntu on a 32 gb usb flash desk19:02
tgm4883fearnothing: did you tell it to not mount the raid anymore?19:02
fearnothingtgm4883 - yes, and the raid devices are physically (well, kinda, it's a VM) disconnected19:02
tgm4883fearnothing: did you tell it to mount the new drive on boot (in /etc/fstab)19:03
fearnothingnot on boot, but I mounted it manually afterwards19:03
tgm4883fearnothing: so you've  manually mounted it and the dir is empty now?19:03
akikraddad: yes19:04
tgm4883fearnothing: if you unmount it, is it still empty?19:04
fearnothinghmm, when I tell it to unmount, it says it wasn't mounted19:04
fearnothingyet when I told it to mount, it didn't give me any error19:04
tgm4883fearnothing: well there's your problem19:04
tgm4883fearnothing: what command did you use to mount it?19:04
jonascjUEFI booting with ubuntu, do I need to do anything special or just proceed as normal (i.e. /boot will not have a separate mount point)19:05
fearnothingmount /dev/sdb1 /storage19:05
tgm4883fearnothing: and how did you try to unmount?19:05
fearnothingumount /storage19:05
tgm4883fearnothing: ok, so mount it again, then do just 'mount' it should tell you what is mounted19:05
fearnothingsdb1 is not listed, tgm488319:06
BluesKaj!UEFI | jonascj19:06
ubottujonascj: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:06
tgm4883fearnothing: I'm assuming you were using sudo to mount?19:06
fearnothingI'm currently root19:06
tgm4883fearnothing: check dmesg for errors19:07
fearnothingremind me where that's located?19:07
tgm4883fearnothing: 'dmesg'19:07
fearnothingoh lol19:08
fearnothingnope, the most recent messages are "EXT4-fs (sdb1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)"19:08
fearnothinghmm interesting19:09
fearnothingif I try to mount it at a different directory, it works19:09
raddadakik : so what could go wrong, ill search the steps on the internet but if u know tell me about the disadvantages somethings that i shouldn't forget19:09
jonascjBluesKaj: So an EFI partition which is to be mounted as /boot/efi if partitioning manually19:10
tgm4883fearnothing: can you pastebin your /etc/fstab19:10
akikraddad: when i installed kubuntu on a usb stick i just selected the usb stick as the target and selected that grub should be installed to the usb stick19:11
raddadakik : so it will work when it's plugged like it's installed on the harddisk19:12
raddadakik : when it's not i will have no linux19:13
fearnothingtgm4883 - give me a minute, just fixing some permissions19:13
akikraddad: yes the partition setup will see the usb stick as a /dev/sdX19:14
raddadakik : does it affect the performance ?19:14
akikraddad: well it's probably not as fast as your hdd/ssd but it's a way to run linux off a usb stick19:16
raddadakik : i think with 32 gb 250/120 mbps usb stick that want be a prob.. would it be ?19:18
akikwell how can i know? test it19:19
MiniFridgeHow do I get out of a current prompt in Ubuntu? ctrl+q?19:23
MiniFridge*Ubuntu Server19:23
MiniFridgeIt's asking me for a new password and that's not what I wanted to do19:23
fearnothingtgm4883 - I seem to have solved it, the issue was even though there was nothing mounted at /storage, there was still some kind of a lock on the directory19:23
fearnothingI think it was trying to mount the old RAID there and failing because the device UUID no longer existed19:24
fearnothingand that caused the lock, and doing umount /storage wouldn't work because of it19:24
=== wiuempe is now known as wmp
fearnothingbut I replaced the old UUID with the one of the new device and restarted19:24
fearnothingand now it's fine19:24
fearnothingdoes that make sense?19:24
haomhello, the latest ubuntu kernel update bricked by laptop, is there a way to flag this update so that it isnt pushed to other people with the same hardware?19:25
iGoBy_JOSHUAall my drones run UBUNTU all ready for the annual Bohemian Grove Protest this year! Drone the Grove 2016!19:26
tgm4883haom: you'd have to file a bug on launchpad19:26
haomtgm4883: can you point me to what topic exactly I would have to file the bug for?19:27
tgm4883haom: 'ubuntu-bug <packagename>' I think the package name is linux-image-<version>19:28
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:28
haomtgm4883: thanks, I'll try. it was a laptop that sold preinstalled with 14.04, its a shame that updates brick preinstalled LTS laptops.19:29
designbybeck_I'm new to Ultra High Displays.. I'm on a new Asus Zenbook ux303. I changed the Apperence to +2 ish so I could read the text and such. The login still seems TINY. Are there any other tips and tricks I need to know about working with ultra high displays with Ubuntu 15.10?19:37
EriC^^how do you delete stuff in vim easily before pasting something?19:40
tgm4883EriC^^: d d ?19:40
EriC^^like if you copy a line with yy, then you go somewhere and you want to delete a part, if you use d or x to delete that part it ends up being in the clipboard instead of what you want to paste19:41
EriC^^is there a way to delete without putting something in the clipboard?19:44
gagaliciousdoes mdadm sync boot record / mbr as well? how do i copy boot record?19:46
halvorsWho can take a look at this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/139167419:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1391674 in linux (Ubuntu) ""Reset adapter unexpectedly" - NIC hangs using e1000e driver under average I/O" [High,New]19:47
halvorsIt's been there for years and years.19:47
halvorsTime to get this fixed.19:47
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roundduckmanHelp, I want to delete chrome, but I can't since it says it can't find chrome being installed.19:50
EriC^^roundduckman: what command are you trying?19:51
pylotisAny commands to change folder permission?19:52
MiniFridgeOkay, long story short, I broke my sshd_config and now I can't login, so I'm in rescue mode and want to replace the broken copy with a known good one. Will someone please walk me through this process?19:52
roundduckmanEriC^^: sudo apt-get purge google-chrome-stable19:53
tgm4883roundduckman: what's the output of 'dpkg -l | grep chrome'19:53
roundduckmanii  xserver-xorg-video-openchrome               1:0.3.3-1ubuntu1                           amd64        X.Org X server -- VIA display driver19:54
tgm4883roundduckman: it's not installed19:54
roundduckmannot google chrome, even though chrome is in the machine.19:54
roundduckmanI can still launch it19:54
roundduckmanlet me try adding the google repos, and see if that fixes it after an update of repositories...19:55
Hell-RazorFor some strange reason, apt is complaining about a repository being in my sources.list thats not actually there. Is there a cache somewhere I can flush to fix the issue?19:56
tgm4883roundduckman: that wouldn't make any sense. Adding the repos does nothing for the packages that are already installed. How are you launching it?19:56
craptalkdo you know some channel to talk about tor browising?19:56
EriC^^Hell-Razor: maybe /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* might have something19:57
Hell-RazorEriC^^ ill take a peak, ty19:58
Hell-RazorYes there it is. EriC^^, do you have a reason or an idea why apt will save sources in two locations? Seems like it could just cause issues19:59
EriC^^Hell-Razor: those are for the ppa's19:59
pylotisI could use some help...19:59
pylotisbeginner stuff..19:59
Hell-Razorpylotis dont ask to ask, just ask20:00
pylotisI want to install steam games in a windows partition...20:00
pylotisAnd it says that the folder must have "executable permission"...20:01
pylotisNo one one the ubuntu-steam that can help me..."New Steam library must be on a filesystem mounted with execute permissions"20:01
Hell-Razorpylotis try using chmod20:02
Hell-Razoroh filesystem20:02
Hell-Razornopaste your fstab20:02
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pylotisI have no idea what are you talking about.20:02
fearnothingpylotis: first time with ubuntu/linux?20:03
pylotisNo, I have some background, but that's over me. xD20:03
Hell-Razorpylotis nopaste is something to paste online, google it (best way to see what it is, not trying to be an ass). fstab is located in /etc/fstab - copy and "paste" it in the nopaste20:03
Hell-Razorpylotis, and provide us the link20:03
fearnothing^ what I was about to say20:03
fearnothingman Hell-Razor, you type fast20:03
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Hell-Razorfearnothing It would be faster if I dont try and be proper. Trying to fix the issue of just blabbering on and having horrible punctuation.20:04
roundduckmantgm4883: dock in Gnome 3, I didn't uninstall it yet, but now it's gone. I do remember using this script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15312975/20:04
roundduckmangone from my database of packages I meant...20:05
roundduckmanI probably executed the script while my google repository was removed...20:05
roundduckmanI'm an idiot...20:05
roundduckmantgm4883: is there a way to reset my third party repositories?20:07
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tgm4883roundduckman: i'm not entirely sure what you want. You were trying to remove google chrome, and now it's gone?20:08
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roundduckmantgm4883: The entry in my database of packages for google chrome is gone, but the browser is still on my PC20:12
roundduckmantgm4883: How about this, how do you reset the third party repositories under the terminal?20:13
tgm4883roundduckman: what is the output of 'dpkg -l | grep chrom' and also the output of 'ps aux | grep chrom' Note the lack of 'e' on both of those commands20:13
roundduckmanI can't seem to get the chrome repository working again with the workaround to make it work on 64-bit devices20:13
Al3x_10mcould someone tell how could i read the CID of an sdcard if i got this error "buffer i/o error on dev mmcblk0"?20:13
roundduckmanrounddu+ 28028  0.0  0.0  13692  2160 pts/0    S+   15:14   0:00 grep --color=auto chrom20:14
roundduckmanThat's for the latter command you gave20:14
tgm4883roundduckman: i know, and the first?20:15
Hell-RazorHere is kind of a random question, is there a kernel PPA? I am looking for sources so I can try to patch reiser4 (yes I know I know, I still love murder fs)20:15
roundduckmanii  chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra                48.0.2564.116-0ubuntu0.        amd64        Extra ffmpeg codecs for the Chromium Browser20:15
roundduckmanii  libchromaprint0:amd64                       1.2-1build1                                amd64        audio fingerprint library20:15
roundduckmanii  xserver-xorg-video-openchrome               1:0.3.3-1ubuntu1                           amd64        X.Org X server -- VIA display driver20:15
Hell-Razorroundduckman use a nopaste. Helps stop spam in here.20:16
tgm4883roundduckman: what color is the chrome icon?20:16
roundduckmantraditional chrome icon20:16
roundduckmannot blue/gray20:16
jushur!pastebin | roundduckman20:16
ubotturoundduckman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:16
roundduckmansorry, got a bit lazy...20:17
Hell-RazorLazy and linux do not belong together.20:17
testing223 hi I cant to install grub2 to lvm2 /dev/sda, recieving message "unable to identify filesystem", why?20:17
jushurroundduckman: also chromium is not google-chrome,20:17
* tgm4883 wonders if chrome does some weird stuff with your home dir20:17
roundduckmanjushur: I know...20:17
Basstard`MonkeyDust, ioria, EriC^^: Just to let you know that I found it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/154645920:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1546459 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "segfault at b774bd9d ip b7352a0d sp bfda8f30 error 7 in libresolv-2.19.so[b7349000+13000]" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:17
tgm4883jushur: he's using google-chrome is my understanding, not chromium20:18
jushurtgm4883: exactly, yet he pasted chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra wich is not related.20:19
tgm4883jushur: he posted exactly what I asked him to20:19
roundduckmantgm4883: how do you reset all the repositories for Ubuntu 15.10, the sources.list doesn't have the third party ones like the chrome and ppa repositories...20:19
tgm4883roundduckman: I'm still not sure what you mean by "reset", but third party repos are located in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/20:20
ioriaBasstard`, said fixed ... not true ?20:20
jushur!ppa-purge | roundduckman20:20
ubotturoundduckman: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:20
roundduckmanjushur: I know, but chrome's repository isn't a ppa20:20
tgm4883jushur: The google chrome repo isnt' a PPA20:20
roundduckmanI was just mentioning ppas as an example20:20
jushuroh realy, last time i checked it is handled exactly the same?20:21
tgm4883jushur: please tell me the command to ppa-purge the google chrome repository20:21
roundduckmanYou're basically talking to an aspie OCD idiot.20:21
Basstard`ioria: Need to use an updated image, which they link to.20:21
tgm4883roundduckman: so what DO you mean by 'reset'20:22
ioriaBasstard`, right 17-Feb-2016 07:59   you used an old image ?20:22
roundduckmantgm4883: remove and start over, I don't want to reinstall20:22
Basstard`ioria: Yep. I tried the updated one and it works.20:22
tgm4883roundduckman: it would be located in a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/20:23
ioriaBasstard`, glad you made it20:23
tgm4883roundduckman: out of curiosity, why did you run http://paste.ubuntu.com/15312975/20:23
Hell-Razorhow does ubuntu not have wgetpaste20:23
Hell-RazorStupid, stupid.20:23
Abe_tgm4883: do you want to remove a third party repo? you can do it over synaptic too i think20:24
jushurroundduckman: did you use "sudo apt-get purge google-chrome-stable"20:24
adgbooted with acpi=off works, acpi=ht does not. Trying to install nvidia drivers and I get an error: No discrete VGA device found. Seems to me that it's an issue with acpi.20:25
jushurroundduckman: and then "sudo apt-get autoremove"20:25
Hell-Razoradg That is a long known error with nidia-drivers20:25
PynS550xI'am Brasiliam20:25
tgm4883Abe_: no, I was just pointing out that while the chrome repo is handled in a similar way as PPAs, they are not the same, and as such, AFAIK you cannot remove non-ppa repos with ppa-purge20:26
jushur!ask | PynS550x20:26
ubottuPynS550x: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:26
adgHell-Razor: how do I go about fixing it?20:26
Hell-Razoradg Not sure.20:26
PynS550xokay, sorry20:27
tgm4883Hell-Razor: so I just googled wgetpaste, and that is possibly the worst name for that application, as it makes zero sense. What you probably want is pastebinit, which is much more descriptive20:27
tgm4883!info pastebinit20:27
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4-4 (wily), package size 14 kB, installed size 164 kB20:27
Hell-Razortgm4883 fair enough20:27
Hell-Razortgm4883 I come from several different distros. I got lazy and didnt want to install from source so I came to ubuntu20:28
Hell-RazorWhat I am used to is wgetpaste20:28
Abe_tgm4883: Sorry I didn't read the hole conversation :/ you guys probably already talked about removing chrome20:29
testing223hi I cant to install grub2 to lvm2 /dev/sda, recieving message "unable to identify filesystem", why?20:29
tgm4883Hell-Razor: if you really want wgetpaste  http://askubuntu.com/questions/16446/how-to-get-my-software-into-ubuntu20:29
roundduckmanThat's what happens with the repository, even after doing sudo sed -i -e 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list" "/opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome"20:29
Hell-Razortgm4883 I found it. I was just looking for an alternative.20:30
adgAnybody know what to do when you have to disable acpi, but nvidia drivers need it to work?20:30
bekksadg: Why do you have to disable acpi?20:30
adgThe laptop hangs on boot otherwise.20:30
adgEven acpi=ht20:31
designbybeck_14.04 seemed to break the Wacom Intuos4 from working. Should 15.10 fix this?20:31
j09Hey guys, what packages do i need to install to get Kdenlive to display its icons?20:31
designbybeck_should I add 15.10 wacom-extras (or what ever that ppa is) before I try to use a Wacom Intous 4 on this setup?20:32
designbybeck_j09, I just installed the latest Kdenlive on a new 15.10 setup and I noticed it didn't have icons either20:32
j09It's an old issue. Over 2 years old. designbybeck_20:33
designbybeck_j09, I had been using 14.04 on my other machines so I'm not sure j09  it was worked fine there with the latest PPA from kdenlive. I just notcied it today on a new, first time to use 15.10 install20:34
new_to_linuxHi everyone!20:34
j09It's always happened to me. I just keep forgetting the package.20:34
new_to_linuxI am what my name implies and have a question concerning conky on ubuntu gnome 15.1020:35
tgm4883j09: what icons?20:36
j09tgm4883 the application icons. The icons on the program's interface.20:36
Gustavo6046how do I recover a password?20:36
roundduckmanI'm just gonna reinstall...20:36
Gustavo6046the tutorial in Google mentions a GRUB promopt20:37
Gustavo6046but I have no idea what it is20:37
tgm4883j09: I just installed it and it's got the icon on 15.10, so I'd guess one of these packages http://pastebin.com/vU5VwDnE20:37
Abe_Gustavo6046: GRUB is your systems Bootloader20:38
j09tgm4883 ???20:38
ioriaGustavo6046, can you link the tutorial ? because you can't recover a password, but you can change it20:38
new_to_linuxHow do I get conky to work if I have all the packages, got the conky manager, but the graphical output is constantly changing nonsense20:38
Gustavo6046it says "reset the password"20:38
tgm4883j09: what is the question? I thought I was pretty clear20:38
Gustavo6046so how do I change it?20:38
fenecois there a way to program mouse buttons on ubuntu/20:39
ioriaGustavo6046, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery20:39
j09tgm4883 I would like my interface in kdenlive to show icons: https://i.imgur.com/Fjp0bNt.png20:40
MonkeyDustfeneco  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MouseCustomizations20:41
Gustavo6046wait a second20:41
Gustavo6046the password IS right20:41
fenecoi will check20:41
fenecothanks MonkeyDust20:41
Gustavo6046but when I put it, a black screen follows, then the prompt again20:41
Gustavo6046the login prompt*20:41
tgm4883j09: ok, so that isn't what it's supposed to look like?20:41
ioriaGustavo6046, can you login in console ?20:42
Abe_is conky possible on KDE?20:42
Gustavo6046it says "Wrong password"20:42
Gustavo6046but otherwise the password works in the GUI20:42
jushurGustavo6046: alt+f220:42
j09tgm4883 it's supposed to have toolbar icons. Are you familiar with Kdenlive?20:42
ioriaGustavo6046, so, it's not right20:42
tgm4883j09: I've not used it in a *very* long time20:42
Gustavo6046any other does "Incorrect password"20:42
Gustavo6046but the one in particular almost works20:42
Gustavo6046also the system gives a Critical Error after the login if I put the correct password20:42
Gustavo6046It doesn't restart for some reason20:43
jushurGustavo6046: login on the console, as your user.20:43
tgm4883j09: ah, you need the oxygen icons20:43
j09tgm4883 Already installed I think.20:43
Gustavo6046alt+f2 does not work20:43
Gustavo6046also Ubuntu is on a VM20:43
Gustavo6046alt+f2 does nothing*20:43
tgm4883j09: "oxygen-icon-theme" ?20:43
ioriaGustavo6046,  console is  ctrl+alt+f1 (or f2)20:43
j09yes tgm488320:44
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Gustavo6046I tried20:44
Gustavo6046it says "Login incorrect"20:44
Gustavo6046not "Password incorrect"20:44
fearnothingis there a good guide anyone can recommend on how to set up limited users for running applications and scripts?20:44
ioriaGustavo6046,  are you sure about the username ?20:44
tgm4883j09: pro tip, when an application isn't acting like it should, try starting it from the command line and looking for errors20:44
Gustavo6046ioria: yes, "Gustavo Ramos Rehermann" is my username as displayed in the GUI (ctrl+alt+f7)20:45
Gustavo6046above the password bar20:45
j09tgm4883 https://i.imgur.com/qOnV0Dz.png20:46
ioriaGustavo6046,  well, i never choose a username with spaces ...20:46
jushurGustavo6046: username is not real name.. its hte short name you chose at install.20:46
tgm4883j09: definitely different than mine. I just installed oxygen and now I've got http://imgur.com/S6n7Tnn20:47
Gustavo6046i know20:47
Gustavo6046but I wanted a real name for security20:47
ioriaGustavo6046,  try Gustavo\ Ramos\ Rehermann20:47
j09tgm4883 do you know where the kdenlive config files are kept?20:47
tgm4883can you even make a username with spaces?20:47
jushurGustavo6046: you cannot install with a acc name with spaces. if you did it will have errored out.20:47
tgm4883j09: i don't, somewhere in your home directory I would think20:47
Gustavo6046it still says "Login Incorrect"20:47
j09tgm4883 I've been looking for ages but can't seem to find it.20:48
Gustavo6046I was just booting Ubuntu to find out my IP to fix the internet of my Windows 98 VM, but I guess I'll skip this part20:48
Gustavo6046not find out my IP* * * * *the VM IP ** * * * **20:48
Gustavo6046or whatever IP DHConfig gives20:48
fearnothingis there a good guide anyone can recommend on how to set up limited users for running applications and scripts?20:50
ioriaGustavo6046,  do you remember exactly what username did you choose ?20:50
j09tgm4883 I tried removing the config files, but the problem remains20:50
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j09tgm4883 Any other thoughts. I really need to get this program running for work.20:53
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ioriajushur, can you,please, confirm that it's not possible install with a username with spaces ?20:55
j09Why is Ubuntu so hard :-(20:55
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tgm4883j09: not sure, I'd try googling that error you are getting. Or asking in #ubuntu20:55
j09tgm4883 I have. No response.20:56
alkisgioria: yup, ubiquity doesn't allow it, I think gustavo was talking about his real name, displayed in the panel20:56
ioriaalkisg,  thanks20:56
j09The irritating thing, is that I know this isn't a difficult problem. I don't even know why everyone's finding it so difficult.20:56
Abe_j09: you could also ask in a forum with screens ae.20:58
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j09Abe_ I've done that before. But they don't usually reply.20:58
p3pp3rdogJim 2w220:58
j09I don't understand why I'm having such a hard time with this.21:00
alkisgj09: can you summarize the problem?21:01
j09alkisg I've installed Kdenlive, but the icons are not showing up on the interface https://i.imgur.com/Fjp0bNt.png21:01
Hell-RazorIs there a PPA to download the kernel sources (for patching and such)? I need to move my / to reiserfs and /home to reiser421:04
alkisgj09: google says missing dependencies, try: sudo apt-get install kde-runtime21:05
j09alkisg Tried that, didn't work. I think it is missing dependencies but I don't know which ones.21:06
fearnothingcan anyone point me towards a guide to making a script run as a daemon please?21:06
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pozAnyone know why my audio would be flickering on and off rapidly? ubuntu 14.0421:14
alkisgj09: do you have "oxygen-icon-theme" installed?21:15
j09yes alkisg21:15
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EyeAwhat is the current Distro called21:21
baloubelixCan someone tell me if the wifi chipset RTL8814AU is compatible21:21
neonixcodergood day guys, I am new to Linux. I see many users in /etc/passwd file but I dont see those many in /home directory. I know some of them are system accounts but why they are not present in /home directory.21:21
ImACarrotUsing ubuntu server... does the computer going to sleep save on energy costs? Asking because I'm leaving it on 24/7... kinda like I'm supposed to. Thx a bunch.21:22
MonkeyDustImACarrot  suspend saves to ram and costs energy ... hibernate saves to disk and does not cost energy21:23
ImACarrotif I use suspend or hibernate, could that affect my ability to access the server remotely? I use PuTTY to sign in from my laptop.21:24
MonkeyDustImACarrot  there's Wake on Lan (Wol), but when it sleeps you can not access it21:25
MonkeyDustImACarrot  your BIOS must be WoL capable21:25
MonkeyDust(mine isnt)21:25
baloubelixRTL8814AU ... is it good for Ubuntu?21:27
jushurj09: do apt-cache show kdenlive21:30
jushurj09: and check all dependencys manually.21:30
Anthony-L_what's the command for updates?21:33
Anthony-L_the software manager isn't updating21:33
j09jushur I doesn't look like anything's missing.21:34
j09Boy video editing on Linux is painful. Even today21:34
MiniFridge2How do I get out of a current prompt in Ubuntu? ctrl+q?21:36
MiniFridge2For the server, that is21:36
MiniFridge2Like to get out of it asking me for a password21:36
jushurj09: you need "kde-workspace-data" to.21:36
j09kde-workspace-data doesn't exist. I keep trying to say I've already googled for this.21:37
jushurj09: I see, sec.21:38
j09I seriously taken back by how bad video editing has gotton on Linux.21:40
fearnothingare the instructions on the following page applicable to ubuntu? http://www.unix.com/ubuntu/93832-how-can-i-automatically-start-daemon-boot-time.html21:41
jushurj09: id advice to download the oxygen icon theme. and put it in ~/.icons/21:41
fearnothingbecause if so, I've done something wrong, and if not, please could you tell me how I would achieve the equivalent on ubuntu?21:41
fearnothingalso it may be significant that the process I'm trying to run is a python script not bash21:41
j09jushur Where can I get that from?21:42
jushurj09: oxygen-icon-theme you have that installed?21:43
j09jushur its installed from the repos21:43
Anthony-Lwhat's the command to update to latest drivers?21:44
jushurj09: rebuilt the icon cache? as it should have told you to do?21:44
j09jushur What does that mean?21:44
jimAnthony-L, drivers are generally part of the kernel21:44
Anthony-Loh, i thought there was an auto-update command.21:45
jimAnthony-L, is something not working?21:45
Anthony-Li'm trying to install steam and it won't launch from the application.21:45
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jimso when you say driers, which drivers do you mean? drivers for what?21:46
jushurj09: sudo gtk-update-icon-cache --force --ignore-theme-index /usr/share/icons/hicolor21:46
j09jushur No luck, I'm afraid.21:47
jushurj09: have you relogged after you installed the icon pack?21:47
j09no, i guess i'll that21:47
jushur!xenial | xenial21:50
ubottuxenial: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+121:50
fearnothinganyone got any answers for the service thing?21:51
j09Restarting hasn't sorted it.21:51
spooky__i read that wrong21:52
uupzHello, my Ovilus III kernel won't boot up with the current boot manager.  I installed wyrm WM on the platform but I dont think it installed properly.  Now whenever I boot into operating mode, it asks for my username/login, but the kernel's uid is different each time.  Does anyone know how I can boot up properly so that the SDK will load properly?21:57
gleb_вы тут ?21:57
uupzh0w c4n 1 h3lp y0u gl3b_?21:57
k1luupz: is that ubuntu related at all?21:59
uupzk1l, yes maam21:59
salut23111hello ladies and gentlemen21:59
salut23111i have a stupid question for you22:00
exedore6What’s the stupid question?22:00
salut23111Im searching wich device my usb key is (i think its /dev/sdb).  I do grep -Ff <(hwinfo --disk --short) <(hwinfo --usb --short22:01
k1lsalut23111: just look into "sudo parted -l" or dmesg after it is connected22:02
squintyor Disks22:03
salut23111cool! it was /dev/sdb22:04
cyberian2hi i've been having an issue with my wireless NIC in ubuntu 14.0422:04
salut23111now ill be able to do dd if=/path/to/downloaded.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M22:05
salut23111this will erase what is on the usb key right?22:05
j09Hi, I've still not managed to get Kdenlive working.22:06
elisa87hey I am entering these commands in Ubuntu using awscli and I get this error. any fix? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35833160/aws-missing-authentication-token22:07
Ben64salut23111: that will put whatever that iso is onto sdb22:07
Ben64salut23111: it wont necessarily be able to boot that iso22:07
fearnothinghi could someone please direct me to some instructions for how to set up a script to run as a service22:07
fearnothingspecifically I want the service to run as a specific user that I've set up as a service account, and I want it to run at boot22:08
fearnothingnot login22:08
fearnothingsearch results for this kind of thing are absolutely useless22:08
Ben64fearnothing: what are you trying to run22:10
cyberian2i have an intel centrino advanced-n 6200. quite often, the computer will just hang for like 5 seconds and then the wireless connection will drop22:11
salut23111Ben64 the bootable disk creator on ubuntu doesnt work when i try to erase disk22:11
cyberian2it won't work until rebooting22:11
cyberian2after the connection drops, the adapter doesn't show up in the output of `lspci` anymore22:11
fearnothingBen64 - a python script I've written22:13
fearnothingup until now I've been running via supervisord as root22:14
fearnothingbut I decided it was time to do it properly with a limited user22:14
SchrodingersScatfearnothing: systemd? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers22:15
fearnothingSchrodingersScat - so the 'Example Systemd Service' section is the way it's supposed to work now?22:18
designbybeck_Normally I just download the latest .run file from NVIDIA, but I saw there is an NVIDIA ppa. Would this be advised for an Asus Zenbook ux303 with GT 940m?  Ubuntu 15.10?22:19
SchrodingersScatfearnothing: seems like one example yes22:21
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jesuslovesyouthiI'm runnning 14.04 desktop and have the too small /boot volume issue. Well I neglected the warnings too long I guess and now I can't even purge old kernels --> installation of the newest kernel is triggered whenever an old kernel is purged and there is not enough space to do that, consequently, the entire operation fails and I'm back to square one.  Is there an easy soln to delete the old kernels and make space?22:24
TacoThiefDoes anyone know if its possible to set routing rules in ferm? ie, say this network is via this IP/interface etc22:24
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odroidis anybody here?22:31
odroidcome on, it's so boring here22:33
odroidsay something nice22:34
odroidsomething interesting22:34
odroidsomething cool22:34
Myrttithis is a support channel22:34
Bashing-omodroid: For conversation IRT 'buntu, join #ubuntu-offtopic . Nicely said ;)22:35
odroidi just found an IRC app in my app list, so22:35
fearnothingok my systemd service definition is past the first error... but I still can't start it22:37
fearnothingit's currently failing with the error 'timeout22:37
p3pp3rdogrecommendations for video streaming add on?22:40
noobstrapHi. What's a good phone verification service? US based22:40
chrismli've just installed varnish and moved apache to port 8080, now php-fpm is erroring22:45
chrismlFastCGI: comm with server "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php5.fcgi" aborted: read failed22:46
ubuntu-gnomename sahmaran22:59
ubuntu-gnomeslm arkadaslar23:00
xanguaubuntu-gnome: do you have a support issue?23:00
ubuntu-gnomekmse varmı23:00
ubuntu-gnomexangu no23:00
user_Guys any free source to learn the directories, remove programs etc of Ubuntu in general?23:02
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:03
user_ubottu: thanks I´ll check it out now23:05
ubottuuser_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:05
reisiohi hel23:06
helioshi.every one23:06
heliosthis is my first use of ubuntu 14.423:07
DrSlonyHello, which is the latest version of GCC available in Ubuntu 12.04?23:15
reisioDrSlony: does it matter?23:15
kolbaszhoping it is an easy fix, any thoughts on why chromium font would look terrible in gnome?  loaded same system into a vm and things look OK there.  running on nvidia hardware, seems to be my only issue. stuff just looks grainy and off focus.  my thought is theme/font pack23:15
spooky__shuttlesworth'll get mad if i use clang instead of gcc23:16
reisiospooky__: why would he even know23:16
spooky__he knows23:16
DrSlonyreisio I don't understand why you would ask that? I came here asking about it, so of course it matters to me.23:16
R13oseHow do I get rid of the launcher on the left side and not just hide this?23:17
reisiokolbasz: http://superuser.com/questions/726132/chrome-33-shows-ugly-blocky-pixelated-fonts-in-linux23:17
xanguaDrSlony: if you cared about the latest, you wouldn't be using Ubuntu 12.0423:17
reisioR13ose: hide what?23:17
DrSlonyubuntu user mentality23:17
DrSlonydid I say I'm using Ubuntu 12.04?23:17
spooky__i meant bbw23:18
DrSlonyI would prefer an answer to the question instead of this... casual harassment.23:18
reisioDrSlony: did someone ask if you were?23:18
R13osereisio: the launcher, where the app shortcuts are or live when you open them.23:18
reisioDrSlony: sure, but I'd also prefer an answer to my question23:18
reisioDrSlony: look at us, we're two peas in a pod23:18
profallwhat is the lighest ubuntu for an older laptop?23:18
spooky__latest version please23:18
reisioR13ose: yes, what about it?23:18
user_Guys I havent been available to play medium performance games with Ubuntu 15.1 Do you have any idea why this can be happening?23:18
reisioprofall: Lubuntu, arguably23:18
reisionothing using C++ is ever going to be lighter :p23:19
kolbaszreisio: I think that it.  seems simple enough to fix, cause firefox looks normal too.  Thanks!23:19
daxDrSlony: 4.6.323:19
spooky__my batteries fail to charge the 'regular' way sad face23:19
jushurprofall: lubuntu, or server console install only.23:19
DrSlonydax thank you23:19
spooky__i hate bios23:20
R13osereisio: How do I remove this?23:21
reisioR13ose: the launcher on the left side?23:22
profallHow is Lubuntu overall? Does it come with an office suite?23:22
reisioprofall: it's just Ubuntu with LXDE preinstalled and preconfigured23:22
reisiothe distro is the same23:22
R13osereisio: Yes, I don't know the exact name.23:22
reisioprofall: few of the popular office suites necessarily depend on GNOME23:23
dreadkoppi run a linux host for virtualization using qemu+kvm and vga passthrough. is there a way to start linux headlessly? right now i had to attach a small GPU as primary graphics  to stub the others which is just eating power for nothing :/23:23
ouroumovIt comes with a lightweight word processor, I don't think libreoffice is installed by default though23:23
reisioR13ose: ...one?23:23
elkyDrSlony: for future reference and convenience, packages.ubuntu.com should have all that information for you :)23:23
reisiodreadkopp: #kvm23:23
dreadkoppreiso : okay, thanks :)23:23
DrSlonyelky thank you23:23
reisiodreadkopp: r-e-i-TAB23:24
dreadkoppreisio: yep ;)23:25
R13osereisio: this one: http://www.howopensource.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/set-launcher-in-unity-ubuntu-12_10.png23:25
reisioR13ose: you want the µTorrent icon to be gone?23:26
R13osereisio: the whole panel not just µTorrent23:26
ouroumovR13ose, you can install gnome-session-fallback23:26
ouroumovIt'll get rid of the launcher, get you a taskbar instead23:26
dreadkoppR13ose: use xfce4 or gnome then :)23:26
samm_need some helping installing windows 7 from memdisk23:27
reisioR13ose: okay, you want the entire panel gone?23:27
reisiosamm_: memdisk?23:27
R13osereisio: yes as I installed another one that is nicer.23:27
samm_installing it from ram23:27
samm_"If you happen to have at least 4GB RAM, you can opt to load the whole DVD iso in memdisk and boot off that. "23:28
reisioR13ose: http://askubuntu.com/questions/38009/how-do-i-remove-the-unity-launcher has a couple solutions23:28
reisiosamm_: so what do you need help with23:28
samm_is it possible23:28
elkysamm_: that page implies so.23:29
spooky__7 days left23:29
spooky__3 days 6 days 3 days 2 days23:29
elkyspooky__: until what?23:29
spooky__7 days remain 6 days23:29
spooky__i dont think this is going to work out...23:30
R13osethanks everyone23:30
elkyspooky__: you're confusing us23:30
spooky__yeah... im the one who's confusing...23:30
elkyspooky__: what is all this 7 days 6 days 3 days about?23:31
spooky__3 dats left23:31
spooky__back to 6 days23:31
elkyspooky__: could you answer my question please?23:31
Myrttispooky__: is this about your battery charge, or what?23:31
spooky__quantified self improvement23:31
spooky__yeah my battery wont charge because of a bios issue23:31
daxOkay. How is this related to Ubuntu technical support?23:32
spooky__i updated bios and that fixed it, but then i factory defaulted my bios and the problem returned23:32
spooky__its not23:32
reisioseems like it's clear how you fix it again, then23:32
daxthen don't talk about it in the Ubuntu technical support channel, thanks23:32
spooky__yeah, install windows!23:32
spooky__update bios23:32
spooky__install something else23:33
reisiooh you want to know how to update the bios without installing Windows?23:33
spooky__factory default bios23:33
spooky__start over again23:33
spooky__that would be helpful yes23:33
elkyspooky__: it's still not something we can help you with. please stop flooding this channel with your rant23:33
daxPersonally my BIOS lets me update using a FAT-formatted USB stick regardless of my host OS. Might be something to look for next time you're in the market for a motherboard.23:33
daxwell, s/BIOS/firmware/, but whatever23:33
reisiospooky__: if I tell you how, do you promise not to reset it again for reasons unknown? :p23:33
spooky__msg me23:34
samm_how old is your motherboard?23:34
reisiospooky__: etc.: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Flashing_BIOS_from_Linux https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/BIOS_Update23:34
reisioelky: yeah, couldn't help someone with something on the ubuntu wiki23:34
* reisio rolls eyes23:34
daxThere's a pretty big gap between "how do I update my firmware on Ubuntu" and "here's a live feed of my battery status"23:35
daxand for what it's worth, looking at that page I'm not seeing a whole lot of Ubuntu technical support on it, so sure, it's offtopic for #ubuntu23:36
EmeraldZebra44fuck u23:36
reisionot big enough for me to not be able to figure it out, apparently :p23:36
elkyEmeraldZebra44: no thanks. do you have a support question23:36
elkyreisio: you couldn't figure out a gcc version before so don't start.23:37
* dax sighs23:37
reisioelky: wha? :p23:37
EmeraldZebra44fuck u23:37
daxabout time to move swiftly onwards, methinks23:37
xangua Debian is the bow of the Ubuntu arrow :-)23:39
=== anonymous is now known as Guest2037
samm_ search -f "--set-root /Winblows.iso" does this line search for the iso on my pc?23:41
elkyyou might want to avoid something named winblows.iso...23:42
squintysudo updatedb && locate <filename>23:42
reisiosamm_: it searches, yes23:42
reisiosamm_: you can also just say explicitly where it is23:43
ubuntu-matehi ubuntu boys23:44
reisiohi mate guy23:45
exedore6Does #ubuntu block certain irc clients? When I connect from my phone, I’m banned, but not from my computer.23:52
sam__-phonethat didnt work23:53
R13oseHow do I make the messages that popup in unity clickable so they go to where they are coming from?23:53
xanguaR13ose: install xfce notifications and remove unity ones....hmmm don't recall how are they called23:54
Myrttiexedore6: more likely that it is your service provider that's blocked in one way or another. do you get an error message and can you join other channels?23:55
reisioxfce4-notifyd, notification-daemon23:55
jpt9Quick question -- I'm running Xubuntu 15.10.  Will it be possible to upgrade to Xubuntu 16.04 when it comes out?23:55
exedore6Myrtti: Yes, I can join other channels, including other ubuntu channels.23:55
spooky__the answer to your next question ... is NO23:55
daxexedore6: we'd need the IP address of your phone to answer that23:55
spooky__its a trap23:56
exedore6Yeah, wasn’t born yesterday23:56
jpt9Myrtti: (Was that yes for me, or someone else?)23:56
daxexedore6: well, that's what 90% of our channel bans are done by, so *shrug*23:56
exedore6dax if I’m banned by IP, I’d be banned now too.23:57
exedore6The x-factor is the client.23:57
daxexedore6: ah, I assumed you meant cellular data, not wifi23:57
exedore6Though it seems to work right now.23:58
exedore6Because I’m n3212923:58
exedore6and apparently dyslecic23:58
yottabytehey y'all I installed ubuntu with the live usb, dual boot with windows 8, but when I booted into windows 8 the grub menu disappeared and it goes into windows automatically now23:58
yottabyteI'm downloading boot-repair-disk right now, but will this happen every time I choose to boot into windows?23:58
yottabytebooting into ubuntu worked and still made grub appear the next boot23:59
exedore6SchrodingersScat: Pretty sure I’m not actually banned.23:59
=== n23129 is now known as bury

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