
tsimonq2hello Anthony-L02:33
Anthony-Lpm me please02:33
tsimonq2Anthony-L: yep :)02:33
Anthony-Lhow'd you do that?02:34
tsimonq2Anthony-L: Ctrl + N and Ctrl + P to navigate02:34
mijkI can't get my radeon 3650 to work in xenial02:35
mijkI've tried reinstalling the radeon driver, I can't run Xorg -configure02:35
mijkxrandr --listproviders shows that I'm using I'm using the radeon module02:36
mijkI can't run glxinfo, it tells me unable to start swrast_dri.so02:36
extraymondHi! I noticed that fglrx has been removed from the repo, I'm wondering what's the reason behind this. Any regression or plan change?05:03
Anthony-Lhello, i need help. I'm trying to laucnh a video game. it's tell ing me, "could not find required OpenGL entry point 'glGetError'! Either your video car is unsupported, or your OpenGL driver needs to be updated."05:43
daxextraymond: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes#fglrx06:24
daxextraymond: "(tjaalton) there will not be updates any more, incompatible with new X.org ABI, free driver is good enough now" ~ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+publishinghistory06:25
daxfirst i heard of this. i'm not a fan of fglrx personally at all, but this seems... bold06:25
daxalthough if it doesn't support current Xorg ABI, not a whole lot of other options06:28
extraymondAnthony-L:  Wouldn't this makes professinal users end up having no options?06:50
extraymondSorry taggin wrong person. I mean dax06:51
dax*shrug* depends on whether you think radeon and amdgpu are options i guess06:54
CryptoSiDi really hope ubuntu gonna do the same soon07:50
CryptoSiDhaving ping and ping6 is pretty useless, unified ping FTW.07:50
daxDebian import freeze for 16.04 was in February, so I'd guess it'll be merged in 16.10.07:56
zaggynlwill 16.04 have zfs in installation wizard? can I install OS on ZFS and use snapshotting?10:17
ubottuFor information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS10:19
k1l_iirc its not included in the installer so far11:03
lordievaderGood afternoon.11:55
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:18
lotuspsychjeshafox: you can see schedule in topic mate12:38
lotuspsychjeshafox: you will be able to upgrade from 15.10 also yes12:38
=== timp is now known as t1mp
Element9hi! i'm having a problem connecting to network using wired connection. i tried rebooting and setting "managed" to true in NetworkManager.conf14:54
alteregoathere is a issue with apt ownership15:04
alteregoait needs to be in the group root15:05
alteregoatested on a vanilla beta 16.04 115:05
lordievaderWhat do you mean?15:05
alteregoathe installer have no rights to start services and stuff15:06
alteregoaeven if you use sudo15:06
alteregoai post the log later15:06
* lordievader never had a problem with apt starting services15:06
lordievaderApt is way to eager to start services imo.15:07
alteregoais it possible in the future to add build scripts for any source package, so the people are able to build machine optimized code automatically? a binary - source distribution hybrid15:23
geniialteregoa: That has already existed for a long time, it's called apt-build15:25
alteregoagreat hug to those developers15:34
extraymonddax, thx for the heads up! Any bug entry about this one? I think not able to use opencl or advanced feature from the graphic card is a total setback, not to mention we're on a LTS build, where enterprise users might find this very dissapointing.17:34
jonascjHI all. Ubuntu 16 daily builds, is it available as a minimal image?17:36
jonascjI am hunting for the debian text based installer and I was told it is used in the minimal images17:36
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:37
jonascjgenii: right, so can I do this with Ubuntu 16 pre releases?17:38
jonascjOr can I mimic what the minimal image does with the full images (i.e. switch tty during installation and launch ./text-installer or whatever)?17:38
jonascjwhat I am after is the text based installer since it should offer more advanced options than the normal gui based one. Specifically I am looking for btrfs subvol options during install17:39
geniijonascj: The Xenial minimal installer is at the same path convention as the ones in regular release listed at the URL bit gives. Just use xenial instead of wily for instance in the download path for the minimal iso17:41
geniiNot sure if any of the installers have btrfs, but you could try.17:42
jonascjTHe gui installer lets you choose btrfs but not which subvols should be used for what, so it always create a fresh btrfs filesystem for you. I'll find out if the installers support it or not, I am just looking for help on getting to the text based installer :)17:43
jonascjClose to unbelievable that http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso exist when it is not listed under http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/17:45
daxif extraymond comes back and I don't notice, the bug they're looking for is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/154136918:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1541369 in xserver-xorg-video-s3 (Ubuntu) "remove stale xorg drivers from the archive" [Wishlist,Fix released]18:28
jonascjDo you guys believe this is a Xenial mini disk image: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso  ?19:55
huayrais there a point on upgrading to zenial from trusty now?19:55
huayrai tried the update-manager -d path, but it did not work19:56
jonascjis that a question for all or a question to me?19:56
jonascjFor me I am just fooling around, wanted a newer btrfs than 14.04 had, and wanted to see what the mini text installer offered in terms of btrfs options, so for me, yes.19:57
jonascjIf someone in general wanted to update to xenial I'd probably wait until april when it gets released ...19:57
BluesKajjonascj, wrong url , we don't want to download the file , just look at it19:59
jonascjoh, someone suggested that the urls was the same, so I just exchanged wily with xenial . When I dd that image to an usb key it looks very weird20:00
jonascjand should the xenial minimal exist if it is not listed with the ubuntu 16 xenial daily images?20:00
=== Pici is now known as Guest19584
ChibaPetSo, on a couple boxes I have, there's a 90-second timeout where the system tries and fails to take down LUKS root (and in one case an MD-RAID1 underneath it). Is there any sane way for me to specify a shorter timeout? Waiting 90s on each reboot is a pain.20:03
BluesKajjonascj, itdoesn't exist, it's not there, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/20:04
jonascjexactly my point, but still the url I linked, which you didn't like, results in an image being downloaded20:06
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