
=== thumper-bjj is now known as thumper
robert_ancelldesrt, online?01:21
robert_ancellTheMuso, do you know much about casper?02:15
robert_ancellLooking at bug 1553592, but lp:casper seems out of date02:15
ubot5bug 1553592 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "16.04 casper 15_autologin file contains obsolete lightdm configuration" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155359202:15
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TheMusorobert_ancell: Beyond having scripts in place to perform stuff on startup and during install, not much more.03:39
TheMusos/not much more/not much/03:39
robert_ancellTheMuso, ok, thanks03:39
pittiGood morning06:48
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pittigood morning fellas!09:03
pittiat last, some life in the channel :)09:03
Laneyeveryone comes online just as pitti EODs09:03
seb128good morning desktoper09:09
pittibonjour seb128, ça va ? bon week-end?09:11
Laneyhey seb128 andyrock alexarnaud Sweet5hark and pitti!09:14
Laneyand hikiko many hours ago09:14
hikikohello Laney pitti seb128 :)09:16
seb128hey pitti Laney hikiko09:16
hikikoand andyrock Sweet5hark alexarnaud09:16
seb128pitti, oui, très bien ! et toi ?09:16
pittiseb128: je vais bien aussi; on allait au théatre samedi et dimanche, je suis allé courir, un week-end calme09:17
seb128ici aussi calme09:17
seb128too much to eat and drink09:17
seb128but also did some exercice yesterday to digest ;-)09:18
pittiseb128: tu était à ta famille, non ?09:18
seb128and we had some nice cheesy raclette on saturday ;-)09:18
pittiseb128: héhé, les parents sont pareil partout09:19
seb128c'est vrai :-)09:19
Laneymmm raclette09:19
pitti"mon fils, tu ne manges pas quelque chose bon chez toi !"09:20
ksamakTrevinho: hey there09:22
ksamakhey all09:22
seb128hey ksamak09:22
pittididrocks: oh, tu es ici, bonjour !09:22
Trevinhoksamak: hey!09:22
pittididrocks: tu ne dis plus bonjour ici09:22
didrocksbonjour pitti! Oui, je ne prends plus le temps de dire bonjour ici :/09:23
ksamakTrevinho: so what about that v0.9.12.3 idea? what's your opinion on that?09:24
TrevinhoHi everybody btw... And happy birthday to andyrock! ;-)09:24
pittididrocks: tu es encore un membre honoraire d'équipe du bureau !09:24
didrockspitti: héhé, tout comme toi :)09:24
Trevinhoksamak: yeah that's something I've been thinking about for some time... So I agree. I can do that.09:24
seb128andyrock, happy birthday!09:26
seb128salut didrocks ;-)09:26
didrockssalut seb128!09:27
seb128Trevinho, buongiorno ;-)09:27
Trevinhoseb128: bonjour, mon ami!09:28
ksamakTrevinho: what about the followings? i guess you would keep your native source format09:29
ksamakand would you make little versions for bug fixes? i didn't look too deep,09:30
ksamakbut james cowgill said smt like "fake releases"09:31
ubot5Debian bug 816652 in sponsorship-requests "RFS: compiz/1: [ITP:722451]" [Wishlist,Open]09:31
Trevinhoksamak: well, it could be an option when there's enough juice to fix.09:31
seb128Laney, oh, btw I think your gnome-calendar segfault is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=76298509:31
ubot5Gnome bug 762985 in Backend "segfaults calling icaltime_normalize() on null value" [Normal,New]09:31
seb128Laney, I get it as well with my canonical gcal in month view, if I disable it or switch to year view it's fine though09:32
Trevinhoksamak: probably the main thing would be having a compiz-unity instead of the compiz gnome package which is actually deprecated.09:34
ksamakthat'd be better indeed09:34
TrevinhoI mean we've glib support, not really gnome support there09:34
ksamakTrevinho: ok. i'll wait till v0.9.12.3 is out, then i'll make the deb bug advance some more09:36
ksamakTrevinho: i'm all ears for requests and such, and to talk09:37
ksamakTrevinho: and i could also just follow what you do, that'd give me some contect, and how you guys function.09:38
Trevinhoksamak: reading the debian bug I see there are some lintian warnings or errors, so it would be nice if you could contribute with branches to fix the packaging issues that we've in both Ubuntu and debian..09:38
ksamakok. there's the branches at git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-a11y/compiz.git09:41
ksamakTrevinho: you can have a look09:41
ksamakand i'll fix a couple warnings yeah.09:42
ksamakTrevinho: either you can take the commits from sid branch, or if you need the process, i can open bugs on launchpad.09:42
Laneyseb128: yeah I was just looking at that one09:42
Laneythx for the bug09:43
seb128Laney, yw09:43
seb128Laney, gnome-calendar upstreams are not really responsive :-/09:44
seb128or they handle bugs weirdly09:44
seb128like they comment on details but ignore important issues09:44
seb128that one shouldn't be difficult to fix if you know what to do when there is no dtend09:46
Trevinhoksamak: ok, i don't see many things touching us as well... Maybe the 3.0 src format only09:48
LaneyAFAICS it used to assume it was the same as the start time09:49
Laneytrying that09:49
ksamakTrevinho: yeah i tried to keep modifs to a minimum, but if you say there could be more fixes in, i could do that.09:54
Trevinhoksamak: would be nice...09:54
ksamakTrevinho: there's one thing that's bloking apparently, it's the cmake private file. i don't know much about cmake conversion09:55
ksamakTrevinho: i asked  onestone@compiz.org, although i don't know if he's still out there09:57
Trevinhoksamak: no, I don't think he knows that... andyrock can help as well I think on that side.10:00
Sweet5harkseb128: fyi https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/155401511:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 1554015 in Snapcraft "adding a stage-package breaks build in snapcraft (only)" [Undecided,New]11:52
seb128hey Sweet5hark11:52
Sweet5harkseb128: heya ;)11:52
Sweet5hark^^ that one was fun to triage and the result is just as scary ...11:53
andyrockthanks all12:16
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desrtword up12:39
desrthappy monday12:39
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seb128hey desrt, happy monday!12:41
Laneydesrt: tsk12:46
desrtmorning seb and Laney12:47
desrtwhy tsk?12:47
Laneyhappy monday :)12:47
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attenteseb128: hey, are you able to replicate the gnome-software/LIM bug at all? can't seem to get it crashing here and i have all the same package versions13:49
seb128attente, hey, no, I tried that earlier ... are we sure it has to do with lim?13:50
attenteseb128: not sure, but that was the title on the bug. it seems to be just a u-g-m thing in general, but can't get it crashing with or without LIM13:51
seb128yeah, I couldn't trigger it either13:51
seb128it seems quite common though13:51
seb128seeing e.u.c and launchpad reports at least13:52
attentedo you think we should blacklist it in u-g-m, or is that too desperate right now?13:52
larsuhi everyone! How are you?13:53
attentehi larsu!13:53
* larsu refrains from any comments about LIM :P13:53
seb128hey larsu13:57
Laneywhat up larsu13:58
seb128attente, that would mean having a local menu for those fews items? not nice... we should better try to figure out the issue, we are still some way off the freeze and we can discuss fallback plans at the end of month if needed13:58
* larsu looks up13:59
larsunot much, Laney :)13:59
Laneyonly the vastness of the universe13:59
larsuhm, can't see that through my ceiling13:59
Laneytrue, no proof it is up there14:00
* larsu looks out the window instead14:00
Laneyis cold today14:00
Laneynews said that it's going to be springlike by the end of the week14:00
Laneylike 15°14:00
Laney(so December weather...)14:01
larsuwell, it's Monday...14:01
* Laney keeps the faith14:01
larsuLaney: it's pretty warm here ;)14:02
seb128it's winter, not supposed to be warm!14:04
Laneyapparently it is (something) spring now14:04
Laneysome fake spring14:04
Laneylike political spring or something...14:04
seb128it's still -1°C at night and only 4°C during day here14:05
seb128but yeah, next w.e is going to be 6/11°C14:05
larsuseb128: you and your reasons!14:05
LaneyMarch 1 marks the first day of meteorological, or climatological, spring for the Northern Hemisphere.14:05
seb128is that a "definition" or observation from this year conditions?14:06
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seb128seems like a definition14:07
seb128learning every day :-)14:08
seb128seems like they do averages on 3 months periods14:08
Laneyastrnomical spring starts on the equinox14:08
* Laney likes that one more14:08
seb128and the coldest months are dec-jan-feb14:08
seb128so that's winter14:08
xnoxyeah, happy autumn season to everybody!14:13
* Laney crunches leaves with xnox 14:14
kgunnSweet5hark: hey fwiw, i've got to figure out why i can't run the simple pre-existing snaps on desktop atm...but, i did attempt to build LO, it complained about libcups2-dev14:22
kgunnso guessing that might need to be added as a build-package or a potentially a part14:23
ksamakhey andyrock , Trevinho said you might be able to help me with something.14:37
ksamakthere's a cmake file in compiz that makes lintian unhappy14:37
andyrockwhich one?14:37
ksamakmay i forward the mail i sent to the guys who originally did it?14:37
ksamaki wrote to him, but i think he's out14:38
andyrocksure thing14:39
ksamakit's about a cmake file, that is a find module, instead of a module config14:43
ksamakthere's a couple files that are touched by that too, but maybe if one helps me with one file, i could do the others14:44
ksamak:-S i'm not so versed with cmake as to do that14:45
Sweet5harkkgunn: interesting! it didnt complain when I last tried with that, which is odd. just curious: do you have libcups2-dev installed on the host system?14:58
kgunnSweet5hark: it wasn't, but interesting enough, i added it to build-packages then it installed it on my host? instead of local to the snap build dir...that seems concerning15:09
Sweet5harkkgunn: yep, ive seen weirdness around that too, but didnt get to a clean reproduction scenario.15:11
Sweet5harkkgunn: but ... bazinga, now you did ;)15:11
ogra_kgunn, the snappy security model changed again, snaps in the store etc need to be re-packed for it15:12
ogra_(like every second week :P )15:13
kgunnogra_: how is that related to the above?15:26
ogra_kgunn, older snaps will not work with the latest snappy15:30
ogra_(unless they are completely unconfined)15:30
ogra_older = from last week15:30
ogra_(or before)15:30
flocculantseb128: might be completely unrelated, but since "Create a new tab for developer options" in software properties - security action isn't changeable  - reported it to bug 155409915:44
ubot5bug 1554099 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Changing what action for security updates unusable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155409915:44
seb128flocculant, "changeable"?15:44
flocculantcan't set it to Display/Download/Download and install15:45
seb128I don't understand15:46
seb128we moved a checkbox to another place15:46
seb128nothing else changed15:46
seb128same UI and backend15:46
seb128just packed in a different box15:47
flocculantok - still not able to change it though15:47
flocculantanyway - reported it - only reason I pinged you was the changelog15:48
Laneyme too15:49
Laneysome debugging would be good then if you can15:49
seb128flocculant, do you get any error if you start it from a command line?15:50
flocculantPyGi warnings and theme parsing errors is all15:52
flocculantLaney: like a backtrace? bear in mind I don't often do this - so it's all but like greek to me ...15:57
seb128flocculant, do you have a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic ?16:04
seb128flocculant, is update-notifier-common installed?16:05
flocculantyes I have 10periodic and yes that is installed16:06
seb128what is in the file?16:06
Sweet5harkkgunn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1554015 <- this is the "gcc goes havoc" issue16:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1554015 in Snapcraft "adding a stage-package breaks build in snapcraft (only)" [Undecided,New]16:14
Laneylooks like unattended-upgrades makes that disable16:15
Laneykind of makes sense16:15
* Laney does some poppler rebuilds16:15
seb128Laney, flocculant, right, the code is http://paste.ubuntu.com/15321677/16:15
seb128unsure how you got into that config?16:16
flocculantseb128: no idea - certainly not changed anything - this is todays builds for xubuntu - also looked at ubuntu16:17
seb128it might have to do with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unattended-upgrades/0.9016:18
seb128mvo enabled unattended-upgrades/enable_auto_updates16:19
seb128the software-properties could probably do a better job at telling you why the combo is disabled I guess16:20
flocculantseb128: could be that for sure - not something I look at often until someone asks me16:20
flocculantI'll add that ^^ to the bug then16:21
mvointeressting that it broke stuff, the code in u-m was supposed to understand auto-security updates16:22
flocculanthi mvo16:22
seb128mvo, it understands the option if APT::Periodic::Download-Upgradeable-Packages "1"16:23
seb128mvo, or it seems that's 0 by default?16:23
seb128mvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15321677/16:23
seb128        # Autodownload16:24
seb128        if apt_pkg.config.find_i(softwareproperties.CONF_MAP["unattended"]) == 1\16:24
seb128           and apt_pkg.config.find_i(softwareproperties.CONF_MAP["autodownload"]) == 1 :16:24
mvoseb128: aha, I see. that option is a bit silly, if the stuff is not pre-downloaded unattended-upgrades will just download16:24
seb128mvo, so should we change the default for the option or just drop the autodownload part of that if choice?16:25
mvoseb128: I think the autodownload is not relevant, I don't know the details (anmyore) of the code but it should just leave the autodownload option alone16:26
seb128mvo, ok, thanks16:29
seb128flocculant, thanks for pointing it out!16:37
flocculantseb128: welcome - so not actually a bug in itself - but more it should say something?16:40
seb128flocculant, well, we should relax the code to list it as "autodownload" even if APT::Periodic::Download-Upgradeable-Packages = 016:40
seb128since unattended does the downloading16:40
flocculantok - so nothing more needed from me for the report?16:43
seb128flocculant, no, it's fine, thanks!16:47
flocculantseb128: ok - see you next time :)16:48
flocculantthanks :)16:48
jose'ello! do we have someone working on the gnome software center over here? I have a couple questions17:01
seb128hey jose17:07
seb128some people are looking at it, you can ask your questions17:07
seb128we can always redirect you if needed17:07
joseso, I basically wanted to know if you were planning on including app purchases for 16.04, or that was out of the map17:08
seb128that would be a question for robert_ancell or willcooke17:12
seb128which are not around atm17:12
seb128it's on the roadmap, unsure if it's likely to happen for .017:12
seb128or maybe as an update for .117:12
josehmm, ok if any of them are around any time soon, I'd appreciate to know :)17:14
seb128robert_ancell is in .nz17:14
seb128he should be up in a few hours17:14
seb128willcooke is out today but should be back tomorrow17:14
josecool, thanks!17:19
seb128jose, was that the only question you had?17:40
joseoh, yes, I had something else, just remembered17:41
josethere's no option to 'turn on suggestions' like in the ubuntu software center, right?17:41
joseand, are reviews the only action that require an ubuntu one account so far?17:42
seb128jose, right, no suggestions that I know about and u1 is for reviews and flagging reviews as useful/not17:53
joseawesome, thanks!17:53
Laneysee you!18:06
seb128Laney,  have a nice evening!18:08
seb128hey robert_ancell!19:37
robert_ancellseb128, hi19:37
seb128how are you?19:37
robert_ancellseb128, good19:38
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xclaesseseb128, FYI, attached a patch for xchat-gnome crash there: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat-gnome/+bug/149582820:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1495828 in xchat-gnome (Ubuntu) "xchat-gnome crashed with SIGFPE in gtk_xtext_check_ent_visibility()" [Medium,New]20:09
* xclaesse secretly had that patch for months, somehow forgot to share it :P20:09
xclaessemaybe I'm the last user of xchat-gnome...20:09
davmor2xclaesse: that or the only one with the bug20:18
bschaefertyhicks, hello, have a question about security :). Mainly dealing with this mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/mir/run-without-entropy/+merge/28744520:23
bschaefer(just need to know if its secure to read from urandom if urandom is init'ed before USC is started)20:23
tyhicksbschaefer: hey - I received your email but haven't been able to get back to you yte20:23
tyhicksbschaefer: it is on my short list for this afternoon20:23
bschaefertyhicks, awesome thanks!20:24
seb128xclaesse, hey, thanks ... I use xchat-gnome but didn't hit that one20:29
xclaesseseb128, weird, I hit it almost every startup of xchat-gnome since 15.1020:34
seb128xclaesse, I use xchat-gnome daily and never hit it, unsure what's the difference...20:47
xclaesseseb128, at least I'm not the only one:  Bug #1495828 reported by Daniel Holbach on 2015-09-1520:49
ubot5bug 1495828 in xchat-gnome (Ubuntu) "xchat-gnome crashed with SIGFPE in gtk_xtext_check_ent_visibility()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149582820:49
seb128right, there are some reports of the issue, I'm just saying it's not happening to everybody20:49
xclaesseand it has a few dups20:49
seb128but thanks for the patch, I'm going to have a look tomorrow20:50
xclaessehm, all dups were reported by Daniel :p20:50
xclaesseseb128, thanks20:50
xclaesseseb128, I was running a patched package on ubuntu 15.10, got the issue again when upgrading to 16.04 because it overrided my custom package20:51
xclaessethen I decided I need to send it20:51
xclaessedunno if there is an active upstream20:51
xclaesseI was the upstream, back in the days... lol20:52
mdeslaurI haven't hit it either, and no, there's no upstream :P20:52
xclaessegiven the number of patches on the ubuntu package, I'm not sure if it's an upstream bug as well...20:52
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
Sweet5harkkgunn: around?22:50
kgunnSweet5hark: yep whats up?22:52
Sweet5harkI found the root cause of the compiler b0rkage in snapcraft, see bug 1554015 comments 3 and 4.22:54
ubot5bug 1554015 in Snapcraft "adding lib6-dev to stage-package directly or indirectly breaks build in snapcraft (only)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155401522:54
Sweet5harkdunno if that is the proper fix, but at least it fixes the immediate issue for me ...22:54
Sweet5harkprolly mvo should have a close look at that -- it sounds related to the changes he talked about.22:55
Sweet5harkkgunn: ^^22:55
=== thumper is now known as thumper-dogwalk
kgunngood find22:57
Sweet5harkkgunn: If you still have troubles with the examples -- maybe try hacking that manifest.txt and see if it heals something.22:58
kgunnSweet5hark: well, for sure we now atm the the display:0 is due to security profile changing (again) and breaking...so now everyone sees the same if they update22:59
Sweet5harkkgunn: ah, ok -- right.22:59
joserobert_ancell: ping23:00
Sweet5harkanyways, if you find something that smells like the above, you now know where to look ;)23:00
robert_ancelljose, hello23:00
kgunnSweet5hark: ta23:01
joserobert_ancell: hey! seb told me you were the right person to ask this. do you know if app purchases will be enabled in the gnome software center before release?23:01
robert_ancelljose, there is no plan to add this currently23:02
joserobert_ancell: even after release?23:02
robert_ancelljose, not that I know of23:02
joseok, thank you! :D23:02

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