
Tm_Tgood morning05:09
dholbachgood morning07:56
Kilosohi dholbach all good there?08:11
Kiloshi svig08:11
dholbachhi Kilos 08:12
dholbachyep, doing well - how about you?08:12
Kilosalso good ty08:12
svijKilos: hey, sorry I was unavailable yesterday08:57
Kilosnp svij 09:03
* svij blaims real life.09:03
Kilosyou can follow whats going on on your list09:03
KilosLC one09:03
Kilosys real life has a way of getting in the way09:03
svijyeah I'm reading the mails, but and already said to the other loco council friends that I'm busy this month because of exams09:04
Kilosthats not serious you do your best with the exams09:04
Kilosand good luck with them09:09
svijluck doesn't help…09:14
Kilosthe good luck is to help you make sure you have studied enough09:15
* Kilos wonders how the coffee is doing15:00
Kilosgenii ohi there15:00
* genii makes sure Kilos gets a large mug the moment the coffeemaker is finished15:03
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
=== Kilos is now known as google
=== google is now known as Kilos

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