
diddledanthe night manager is suspendersfull01:58
=== mappps is now known as mapps
knightwisegood morning everyone08:19
zmoylan-pibe careful out there, it's monday08:53
knightwisehey zmoylan-pi :) yep , i had my share of monday :)08:57
knightwisehey popey09:01
knightwisecongrats for you Nan turning centenial :)09:01
popeyapparently she's managed 85 billion miles around the sun09:12
davmor2popey: are we talking about how trumps beauty therapist keeps him so orange?09:14
davmor2Morning all09:14
zmoylan-pitrump needs to be tangoed by the only person more orange than himself...09:17
davmor2zmoylan-pi: hahahaha09:19
davmor2zmoylan-pi: you mean David Dickenson and Dale Winton needs to tango Trump I could see that being an awesome advert :D09:20
zmoylan-pinone of the oompa loompas from willy wonkas factory available...09:23
foobarrywe have chickenpox in our house :(09:57
diploMorning all, anyone here had to deal with a domain dispute before? No any details. Basically a customer of ours company was bought out, along with staff, the guy still owns the company names, but the staff had the domain registered to his name and the new company won't release it to him09:59
zmoylan-piget back to me when you have shingles... :-)09:59
foobarryi don't think i can catch shingles from chickenpox10:03
foobarrybut you can catch chickenpox from shingles i think10:03
foobarrysounds messy diplo10:04
zmoylan-pinah, you usually get chickenpox as a kid and then the virus waits till you're older and comes back as shingles10:05
diploYeah it is, the customer isn't technical and is totally lost :/10:05
zmoylan-pii got shingles at 14...10:05
diploI've never had to deal with disputes before, just with everything else comain related10:05
knightwisemorning diplo foobarry10:08
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:10
knightwiseHomebrow is the chizzle on OSx :)10:11
knightwiseNice Linux commands straight from the osx commandline :)10:12
knightwiseLike Youtube-dl, ranger and mpv10:12
zmoylan-piand you can now imitate windows and install ransomware now :-D10:13
knightwisezmoylan-pi: i heard. apparently a lot of apps are impacted (Vlc, transmission etc ? )10:14
foobarry. However, the varicella zoster virus can be spread from a person with shingles to someone who has never had chicken pox. The unfortunate recipient might develop chicken pox, but not shingles.10:16
knightwiseactually set ClamAV to update its virus defenitions daily and scan on a weekly basis.10:17
foobarryclamav, thats a blast from teh past10:17
zmoylan-pirunning av on a mac... just seems wrong...10:17
knightwisefoobarry: its one of the few AV's that is available for the mac10:20
knightwisezmoylan-pi: i think its a reality. Never caught anything except some exe files in my mail cache10:20
MooDoomorning all10:20
knightwisehey MooDoo10:20
MooDooknightwise: I only heard about transmission, but VLC as well?  ouch10:21
knightwiseYep ,10:24
knightwiseLooks like OSX finally hit puberty :)10:35
zmoylan-pithe difference is osx will slam windows... :-P10:36
knightwisehmm.. still don't think one os will win over the other. MS has matured a lot over the last couple of years.10:38
knightwiseboth platforms have a lot to offer.10:39
zmoylan-pitelemtry... ugly ui...10:39
knightwiseJust deleted transmission off the mac. Needz a new torrent client now.10:55
diploTransmission on your PI using the webui or a remote client :)10:57
knightwiseAlready using that :) Transmission-cli does what it needs to do :)11:08
diploMe to11:11
\sveHey how to set up a basic vpr server using my laptop (Asus k53u) as the server and my Nexus 7 as the client (tablet runs Android and the laptop runs Ubuntu desktop)11:12
MooDooknightwise: can you get qbittorrent for the mac?11:12
\sveVPN server rather11:14
\svehttps://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-openvpn-server-on-ubuntu-14-04 found this but not sure if it's a server or desktop thing?11:14
diplo\sve: Not sure there will be desktop support for the server side of openvpn so that would probably suffice, all depends whether your laptop is directly connected to the internet or whether you're nat'd11:17
\sveDiplo sorry do you mean directly connected to the network via cat5?11:19
diploNope, as in that you'll need to forward your connection to your laptop via router if the laptop is not connected directly to the internet, as most likely it'll be nat'd11:21
\sveI don't understand. "Nat'd"11:22
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
knightwiseI have the sweetest twenty one year old intern next to me who is completely clueless about how to handle social media13:08
knightwiseshowed her around in the "podcasting world" and she now thinks i'm a rockstar :) Hilarious13:09
zmoylan-pimutter mutter... powercut...13:47
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
davmor2zmoylan-pi: well if you insist /me cuts zmoylan-pi power14:07
zmoylan-piit's odd how you react when power goes. i just flipped over to battery powered devices.  had enough power for 24hours on ancient devices v 4-8 on modern devices14:09
=== christian_ is now known as cdw202
daftykinso hai19:58
daftykinsthe channel was so clear i could see the coastline of France the other day - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v5c89h6yjrhn1ex/AAAfcmLMN7ZLakiiMs8dP5nUa?dl=019:58
m0nkey_wut? https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2016/03/07/announcing-sql-server-on-linux/20:46
zmoylan-piwell you do want it as far away as possible from your exchange server... :-P20:48
diddledanso is this a reinvention of "embrace extend extinguish" or do MS really believe in linux?20:53
zmoylan-pims wants linux dead, if that means putting their software on linux so that people using linux end up paying for it then so be it21:01
zmoylan-pianything to reduce the number of techs who have no knowledge whatsoever of ms and their products21:02
* diddledan tries running WordPress against SQLServer :-p21:03
MartijnVdSapt install ...21:06
diddledanso my UPS overheated while I was away at the weekend21:21
diddledanit was rather warm when I got home yesterday21:21
diddledanI've unplugged it and disconnected the battery entirely21:21
diddledanto disconnect the battery I pulled the manual circuit breaker out from the back of the unit21:23
diddledan(I think it's designed for shipping but it will suffice for this purpose :-p)21:24
popeymy bank has a "download as xls" thing21:24
popeybut when I download, it aint an xls file21:24
zmoylan-pipdf? :-)21:24
daftykinsdidn't you have some UPS trouble recently too, or was it someone else?21:24
diddledandaftykins, my mac battery is dangerous21:24
popeyit's just html21:24
zmoylan-piit's a ups, it's supposed to give trouble :-)21:24
popeya table21:24
daftykinsdiddledan: oh yeah, that! how'd it go with Apple?21:25
diddledanI've not contacted them yet21:25
diddledanhaven't touched the mac since, so it's not caught fire through being used21:25
daftykinsmay as well crack the lid and remove it i'd think?21:26
diddledanI decided not to do that due to the packages being flexipacks21:26
diddledanthere's no substance other than the innards21:26
daftykinsthe bound up cells?21:30
daftykinsi wonder if it's done any damage to the casing21:31
diddledanthe batteries are pretty much similar to voyager's gelpacks :-p21:33
awilkinsOnly they don't think or become infected by cheese bacteria21:35
zmoylan-pimight depend on the type of cheese...21:36
diddledanzmoylan-pi, athlete's foot cheese21:37
diddledanseriously how do random people decide they should follow me on twitter? https://twitter.com/MissMonicaOriel just followed me out of the blue - I've never heard of her21:40
zmoylan-pitwitter does recommends, some people just follow random names, some are bots...21:40
zmoylan-pii'll often click on a persons tweets who has followed me to see if they tweet interesting things.  i may (<10% of the time) follow back21:41
zmoylan-pior i may not follow but add them to a twitterlist21:42
diddledanswarm-logic ai is impressive23:07
diddledandoes azure run windows? https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Azure-Friday/FAQ-with-Mark-Russinovich-Does-Windows-Azure-run-Windows-23:10
diddledanMAME is free finally: http://mamedev.org/?p=42223:15
popeyI remember the first time I heard about MAME was... hmmm23:23
popeysome time ago23:23
popey1995 maybe?23:23
diddledanyou're old :-p23:23
popeyoh, 1997 apparently was the first release23:23
diddledanregarding emulation in general - I have a copy of Bleem! here23:24
diddledanthat was the commercial thing to emulate the original PlayStation on a PC23:24
diddledangot sued out of existence \o/23:24
popeyi recall that23:24
popeyAround the time of MAME first version there was another multi-system emulator which had a nice UI23:25
popeysparcade iirc23:26
diddledanI fancy trying to build one of these: https://www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC-80946/l/pik3a-the-raspberry-pi-3-ikea-retro-gaming-table23:26
popeyhttp://www.sparcade.freeserve.co.uk/ woah23:26
popeyI have a picade23:26
popeyjust updated it to pi 323:26
popeyit's ace23:26
popeyrunning retropie (thanks exobuzz)23:26
popeyscraping takes a while23:27
exobuzz110000 downloads of retropie 3.623:27
popey(when you have 20K spectrum games)23:27
exobuzzpopey, you using the scraper from retropie-setup setup/configuration menu ?23:27
exobuzzit's much quicker than the one built into emulationstation23:28
popeyyeah, the one in emulationstation23:28
popeyfeels like it's rate limited by the backend server23:28
exobuzztry sselph's scraper - you need to exit emulationstation and then cd ~/RetroPie-Setup; sudo ./retropie-setup.sh23:28
exobuzz(it can't be run at the same time as ES since it messes with ES gameslists)23:29
exobuzz20k speccy games ? so long as you have  batty and chaos in there23:29
exobuzzwas playing batty yesterday23:29
mappshi :D23:30
mappspicade hmm23:31
popeyoh i loved batty when it first came out23:31
popeyloved that covertape23:32
exobuzzyeh was a goodun23:32
mappshmmm maye i should try retropi23:32
popeyexobuzz: where is the scraper in setup?23:33
popeyoh, 319!23:33
popeygot it23:33
popeyThis. Is. Magic.23:33
mappsi found playing roms to always be a huge pain:D23:38
exobuzzpopey, quicker ? I have to admit I don't think I ever tested it for speccy stuff23:45
popeyit's chugging away now :)23:46
daftykinsdiddledan: was it yourself speaking of the likelihood of PHP7 on 16.04 - do you know if it is or not?23:54
diddledanI believe 7 is in the repo now23:54
daftykinsah har, ta - user asking over in #ubuntu23:54
diddledanthe package has been renamed to php7.0 to not conflict with php or php5.023:54

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