
bluesabreUnit193: that's what we have ochosi for02:25
Unit193Ah, you too high pitched? :302:25
bluesabreyeah, pretty much02:33
bluesabrekinda lispy too02:33
bluesabremaybe I'll actually use a voice in my next screencast02:33
Unit193Just not mine...02:34
flocculantbluesabre knome - sort of was re screencast/slideshow - but not for long09:28
slickymasterWorkdkessel, I'll double check that later at home09:43
flocculantthough perhaps 12:06
flocculantoh good lord12:06
flocculantthough perhaps we could have screenshots of a few customised desktops - starting from default - through a couple of other not default - back to finish on default on that slide12:08
flocculantis what I meant to type :)12:08
flexiondotorgflocculant, knome Have you heard from infinity regarding Base recently?14:38
flocculantflexiondotorg: nope - no contact 14:38
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ochosiknome: so, where can i check out your SASS branch? :)18:36
* ochosi waits to be lured into SASS porting...18:38
knomeochosi, i haven't had time yet to create one...20:04
ochosidarn, three days left only...20:04
ochosiyeah, no worries, i mean we can also give the fixing the linked buttons another try20:04
ochosialthough i gotta admit i'm a bit lost there20:05
knomei'm probably more lost than you are though20:05
ochosiridiculous amount of lines: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/blob/master/gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css#L294820:05
knomemaybe it would help me debug the problem (given i have time/motivation for that) if i knew exactly what wasn't working20:06
ochosisomehow the matching of linked buttons is messed up20:13
ochosi(that's about as specific as it gets ;))20:14
ochosilet me quickly do one obvious check...20:14
ochosiok wow20:17
ochosiambiance/radiance aka ubuntu have the same bug20:17
ochosifun times20:17
ochosithey had no time/resources to fix that i suppose20:17
ochosisucks that larsu left canonical for red hat20:17
ochosii thought in the worst case we could've copied the code from them20:18
ochosibut it actually seems like they would have to borrow it from us20:18
Unit193They don't have any GTK people?20:18
ochosii guess not anymore really20:19
ochosiwhen i met larsu at fosdem he said there are still devs who'd take care of this (he mentioned seb128 and Laney) but i suppose not20:20
knomeochosi, so would you have some time today?20:21
ochosiyeah, some20:22
ochosifwiw, i have a version of greybird that looks less broken than the status quo20:22
knomeyou mean only like the next 15 mins then?20:23
ochosiit's a port of adwaita's linked buttons, but for some reason something doesn't work all the way20:23
ochosibasically the linked buttons look like normal buttons20:23
knomebtw, i don't know what a linked button is20:23
ochosiok, linked buttons look like they are connected, so only the first and last one have rounded (outer) corners20:24
knomeso they are window manager buttons?20:25
knomesee, i'm lost20:25
ochosie.g. the sidebar in parole20:25
ochosiless broken greybird: http://i.imgur.com/ki9saQQ.png20:26
knomethat's horrible in its own way20:26
ochosifull broken ambiance (same as greybird trunk): http://i.imgur.com/wM77Z16.png20:27
ochosiso obviously the first/last matching is broken20:27
ochosiat *least*20:27
ochosiplus the matching of all items in between20:27
knomeand this only happens with the gtk in xenial?20:27
ochosii think i'm seeing one problem20:29
ochosione selector has a [3/7], the other one doesn't20:31
ochosithe one where it says [3/7] works, the other one doesn't20:31
ochosiso they must've changed something in the first-child - last-child matching20:31
ochosiplus, those buttons dont actually have the .linked class set20:31
Unit193bluesabre: Might be a bit late now, but what about dropping build-essential off the ISO?  As a reference point, Kubuntu doesn't seem to have it.20:32
ochosiso i was probably looking in the wrong place20:32
knomeUnit193, +1 for that, especially if it removes a meaningful amount of stuff20:35
knomeshould the buttons have the linked class set by gtk or the app?20:35
ochosimy guess is that this is the relevant part of adwaita: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gtk/theme/Adwaita/_common.scss?h=3.18.6#n69220:36
ochosinope, i guess they don't need to20:36
ochosibeing in an .inline-toolbar should suffice20:36
knomei'm on my laptop now, so no can't really investigate this effectively20:37
knomei'm investigating the possibility to move to the desktop20:37
knomeif you know what i mean...20:37
ochosithis is likely the compiled version of the scss: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gtk/theme/Adwaita/gtk-contained.css#n104920:37
knomebut didn't you say adwaita didn't work either?20:38
ochosior to be more exact, this is the gtk3 version we need: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gtk/theme/Adwaita/gtk-contained.css?h=3.18.6#n103120:39
ochosinono, adwaita works20:39
ochosionly ambiance/radiance don't20:39
ochosiwhich are ubuntu's default themes20:39
ochosianyhow, i have no idea how to correctly match one of those damn buttons20:46
ochosii feel i can add any class i want20:46
ochosiseems it's either overridden by something else in the theme (could well be >4000 lines of css) or a weird mismatch20:47
knomedoes gtk support !important?20:47
knomejust wondering..20:47
knomebesides you could just add a very specific pattern to make sure it's not overriding that's happening20:48
knomeor some other style definition, like red color :P20:49
knometo make sure the pattern is matching the button to begin with20:49
ochosianyway, you got me playing with it, happy now..? :(20:51
knomeoh yes20:51
knomeplay a bit more20:51
knomeyou touch my tra-la-la20:51
ochosioh great :(20:57
ochosibluesabre: so, this is actually *your* fault20:58
ochosibluesabre: gotta set the "flat" class on the linked buttons and i guess then we're golden20:58
knomeat least we now know the fix...20:59
ochosior not :)21:02
ochosiwho knows ;)21:02
ochosii mean after all it works in adwaita as i21:02
ochosiat least i've narrowed it down a bit: the only button i get wrong now is the pen-ultimate21:03
ochosithat one for some reason is matched to "first-child"21:03
ochosiweird, after some reason after clicking "inspect" the button looks ok: http://i.imgur.com/e93ekcB.png21:18
ochosi(apart from the white border)21:19
knomenice work21:25
knomedoes those two buttons have some special styles in addition?21:26
ochosibluesabre: so after letting the inspector redraw those buttons, they actually look ok, so i'd say it's a problem with the way the app is rendered (maybe something changed there in gtk3.18 and you need to redraw the widgets at some point or listen to some new signal...) http://i.imgur.com/A3QgoS4.png21:27
ochosiknome: nope, that would've been *far* too easy21:27
ochosiit's something like what i outlined above21:28
ochosiso partly theming issue, partly an issue with the apps21:28
ochosii only found those inline toolbars in parole and menulibre21:28
knomeshould get the whip ready for bluesabre so he fixes the buttons ASAP21:28
ochosii still have *zero* clue why this works in adwaita though21:28
knomelol, failure21:28
* knome shrugs21:28
knomedoes it matter?21:28
ochosiwell, to some extent it does i guess21:29
knomei know21:29
knomebut for now...21:29
ochosibluesabre could say "why should i fix this? or 'what'? it works in adwaita..."21:29
ochosiwell yeah, it's a small victory21:29
ochosialbeit *small* ;)21:29
knomethen he would be up for a few more whips21:29
knomeso i'm pretty certain he doesn't say that21:29
knomebesides, he is the xubuntu technical lead, xubuntu must be his passion and he would do anything to fix a bug in xubuntu... right?21:30
slickymasterevening all21:32
slickymasterdkessel, where do you see gmb in the -docs21:33
slickymasterjust went through rev. 531 and there are no references to it?21:34
flocculantevening slickymaster 21:35
slickymasterhey flocculant 21:35
slickymasterknome, where again is your slideshow branch?21:35
Unit193slickymaster: Perhaps he is looking at the non-English bits?21:41
flocculantslickymaster: here I believe lp:~xubuntu-doc/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/xubuntu-160421:41
flocculantslickymaster: and looks like gmb in the translations 21:41
flocculantindeed Unit193 :)21:41
dkesselslickymaster: Launchpad says to translate  user-docs/C/media-apps.xml:22(para)21:42
dkesselAnd more on that page21:42
knomeslickymaster, flocculant is correct21:42
knomeit's under ~xubuntu-doc for the reason that other people could push to it as well..21:43
slickymasterdkessel -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/xubuntu-docs/xenial/view/head:/user-docs/C/media-apps.xml21:43
slickymasterno reference to gmb21:43
slickymasterthanks flocculant and knome 21:43
knomeslickymaster, have you updated the translation templates?21:44
slickymasterwhen I pushed21:44
knomejust making sure, becuase that would be the obvious issue...21:44
dkesselI see that it _should_ not be there ;)21:44
slickymasterflocculant, I saw you and bluesabre add a few thoughts to the slideshow pad21:45
knomedkessel, do you have the latest reveision for sure?21:45
slickymasterknome, I assume you also saw it21:45
flocculanthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/15323676/ 21:45
slickymasterdoes your branch reflect the reorder of the slides they proposed?21:45
slickymasterok flocculant. dkessel21:46
slickymastergoing to push a new rev updating the translation updates21:46
flocculantdoesn't mean much to me but I'll +1 it anyway :p21:48
slickymasterhmmm the script isn't actually doing nothing :P21:49
knomeslickymaster, :P21:49
slickymasteran you test it please, knome?21:50
knometest what?21:50
slickymasterthe get-pot.sh script21:51
Unit193slickymaster: Nono!  make pot!21:51
slickymasterwhat Unit193?!21:52
knomeslickymaster, run 'make pot'21:52
slickymasterdone, anything else?21:52
knomeslickymaster, see if it did anything... :P21:53
slickymasterscripts/get-pot.sh user-docs contributor-docs21:53
slickymasterCreating template for user-docs ...21:53
slickymasterCreating template for contributor-docs ...21:53
knomedo you think you could now try pushing the changes :P21:53
slickymasterso, that's just it21:54
ochosiok, pushed it22:07
knomepuuush, puuush22:07
ochosibluesabre: i *hope* my work is done here. maybe you can take it from here22:07
knomeochosi, assign a work item for him22:08
ochosiyeah, wait, there was a bugreport22:08
ochosiok, i linked it to the -bugs blueprint: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shimmer-themes/+bug/155251822:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1552518 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "Linked toolbar buttons do not draw correctly in Greybird" [Undecided,New]22:13
ochosithat should be sufficient22:13
ochosialright, that was the last known bug in greybird for gtk3.18 aka xenial22:16
knomeunless they break something again!22:17
ochosialways a possibility22:18
ochosii mean seriously, it's not even UI freeze yet ;)22:18
Unit193Turns out they opt to patch gtk3 rather than fix the themes. :D22:18
ochosibtw, i'm considering to postpone the factoring out of the distro specific parts of elementary-xfce22:18
ochosiunless someone else wants to do it22:18
ochosiit's mostly a packaging job anyway22:18
ochosiand not really that important22:19
ochosii'd rather get the pidgin theme working22:19
knomeochosi, i could have a look at that.22:19
ochosiso anyway, i'm postponing it for now, everybody feel free to pick it up and reassign it22:19
Unit193I already split the packages, but didn't touch the icons.22:19
ochosiyeah, i mean we're currently updating the icons from git with debian/control iirc22:20
ochosiso we could theoretically branch in git and add some distro-specific icons there (or in an addon repo) and then check those out on top of elementary-xfce22:21
Unit193Proof of concept or something, though doubt it's what you're talking about: dget https://unit193.net/source/elementary-xfce-themes_16.04.dsc22:21
ochosibut it seems like quite a bit of trouble for ~20icons max22:21
ochosioh yeah, that isn't22:21
ochosiwhat you have there is far more interesting than what i was talking about22:22
ochosibut then again, hopefully LO will ship the elementary theme itself22:22
Unit193Still would have elementary-xfce-icon-theme and the pidgin theme, I'd think.22:23
ochosioh yeah, true that22:23
ochosiif we ever manage to install a theme in a non-destructive way22:23
ochosialrighty, time for me to get some sleep22:23
ochosinight everyone!22:23
knomenighty ochosi 22:24
ochosiknome: and thanks for "motivating" me ;)22:24
knomeno problem! ;)22:24
ochosibluesabre: and before i *really* go to sleep: what's up with gnome-software not respecting icon-themes? i don't suppose there's anything we can do about this anyhow...22:33
knomeslickymaster, besides.. you should have page deletion permissions for all pages22:46
knomeslickymaster, just save the page empty and it's deleted22:46
bluesabreevening all22:47
knomehello bluesabre 22:47
bluesabrehey knome22:47
slickymasterdid that knome 22:47
knomeslickymaster, and?22:47
slickymasterto no avail, but 22:47
bluesabreochosi: gnome-software probably can't know what icon to use for an app22:47
knomeslickymaster, you are in @team, and @team has delete rights to all pages22:48
slickymasterat some point I was completely clueless if I was online or not22:48
slickymasterhey bluesabre 22:49
bluesabrehey slickymaster22:51
bluesabreochosi: libreoffice is actually shipping the theme now22:52
bluesabre!info libreoffice-style-elementary xenial22:52
ubottulibreoffice-style-elementary (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite -- Elementary symbol style. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:5.1.0-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 1369 kB, installed size 2194 kB22:52
bluesabre1:5.1.0-0ubuntu1 is the magic sauce22:52
bluesabreas for getting it default, it seems like it might also happen22:53
bluesabreso yay there22:53
slickymasterquick question, are going with gnome-software or not?23:06
slickymasterbluesabre ^^23:07
bluesabreslickymaster: yes, believe so23:07
bluesabreflocculant: you around?23:08
slickymasterthink is already in the valley of dremas bluesabre 23:08
slickymasterdreams also23:09
bluesabrehaven't seen a "please god no, no gnome-software", so let's assume that we're going for it23:09
bluesabreits on the iso already, so I think its also safe for me to mark that task complete23:09
pleia2oh, I forgot to continue our user text vote to the list, knome - good for me to keep voting open until friday?23:10
knomepleia2, yup, usually one week from the vote beginning23:11
slickymasterknome, changed the Remove USC references in the docs-blueprint from blocked to inprogress and assigned to me23:13
knomeslickymaster, good good23:13
slickymasterbad bad23:13
knomeour burndown looks okayish even23:14
slickymasterI'm afraid I won't be able to translate the contributor-docs in time, though 23:14
knomeuh oh! :P23:14
knomebut that's not critical23:15
slickymasteryeah, but I'd like it23:15
slickymasterit's a LTS23:15
knomebut contributions mostly happen before LTS :P23:16
slickymasteryeah, but even so23:16
knomethen i guess that's your headache ;)23:16
slickymasteranyway do you think you'll have the slideshow graphical aspect done with soon?23:16
knomei will have time tomorrow to work on it23:17
knomebut that obviously doesn't fix the issues with content23:17
knomeif there is something specific on the artwork side that you think blocks fixing the content, let me know and i'll tackle that first23:17
slickymasterdo you already have any ideas for the first slide23:18
knomeno, and if i don't get any ideas, i'll just resort redrawing the same idea with a new look23:18
slickymasterwhat about xfce icon fading into ubuntu icon resulting a xubuntu icon23:19
slickymasterlike a merge between the first two23:19
knomei'm still not convinced on that23:20
slickymasterwhat do you don23:21
knomei'm not don23:21
slickymaster't like in that?23:21
slickymastermy irrsi is lagging23:22
knomei think it's a bit too much and meh ;)23:22
slickymasterlol, two arguments :P23:22
slickymasterknome, last offer23:24
slickymasterone icon only23:24
Unit193bluesabre: So?  On the pingypingy?23:24
knomeoffer to create a demo for it... then i'll look at it :P23:24
slickymasterbut continuously changing between the three, sort of a loop23:25
knomeare we trying to cause epileptic seizures for people?23:25
knomebesides, the xfce logo isn't a circle, so i'd imagine that'd look weird23:26
slickymasterwe could go for something like that 23:27
* slickymaster hides23:27
knomeyeah, that would totally work...23:27
slickymasterthat's made in javascript btw23:28
pleia2wxl: tsk, voluntelling23:34
wxlhuh what did i do? XD23:35

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