
techgestureI'm probably going to ask the dumbest question that everyone asks - but I have to03:53
techgestureI have a stand alone physical ubuntu machine that I setup03:54
techgestureI followed the get started guide at https://jujucharms.com/get-started03:54
techgestureand I can't for the life of me figure out what the URL should be to open the juju gui from my other desktop on the local lan03:54
techgestureI try but its not there - any thoughts?03:55
hatchtechgesture: so did you deploy the GUI to an lxc on that machine?03:55
techgestureI have no idea - like I said I just followed the steps on the get-started url03:56
hatchok let me take a look at those03:56
hatchok yeah looks like it03:56
techgesturewhen I do a "watch juju status"03:56
techgestureI see juju-gui as a service03:57
techgesturecharm: cs:trusty/juju-gui-4803:58
techgesture charm: cs:trusty/juju-gui-4803:58
techgesture charm: cs:trusty/juju-gui-4803:58
techgesturethe status has -    charm: cs: trusty/juju-gui-4803:58
hatchso you'll need to mount the port the gui is listening on on that lxc to the host machine03:58
hatchthen you'll be able to access it from your other machine03:58
hatchright now you're only going to be able to access your test machine03:58
techgestureis there a juju command to do that?03:58
hatchno this would be independant of your own machine03:59
hatchdoes your other machine have a desktop?03:59
hatchyour standalone machine03:59
techgesturehow do I know what port that lxc is listening on?03:59
techgesturethe standalone - no, its running ubuntu server04:00
hatchwhen you run `juju status` you will be able to see the ports that are opened for the GUI04:00
hatchbut it's 80 and 44304:00
techgestureit has public address of is that on some kind of SDN on the machine for the containers? thats not the vlan for my network04:01
techgestureso I assume I need to map that to the localhost port 80...?04:01
hatchthe 10.0.3 space is what will be assigned for lxc instances04:01
techgestureso how to I get the lxc port 80 mapped to be exposed out?04:02
hatchso it's going to be something like...04:02
hatchsudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 1234 -j DNAT --to
hatchI think 04:04
techgestureshouldn't this be in some documentation somwhere? I can't be the first person to ask this04:04
hatchhonestly first I've seen04:05
hatchyou'll have better luck running it on your desktop or a cloud provider like aws for now 04:05
hatchI'm just not too up on my iptables04:05
techgestureI work for a cloud provider - and we are working on bringing in juju, so I'm sure this is something we will have to figure out - we have smarter engineers than I04:06
techgesturethanks hatch - it gives me a direction to go in04:07
hatchdid you try my command above?04:07
techgestureshould I copy and paste it just like that?04:07
hatchwell I did just wing it so you might want to verify it :)04:08
hatchyup quick google search matches https://www.computersnyou.com/3047/forward-port-lxc-container-quick-tip/04:08
techgestureso it should be at ?04:09
hatchfrom your desktop yes04:09
hatchif that 192 is your ubuntu machine04:09
techgestureright, ok04:10
techgestureyes - yours did it... had to do https04:11
techgesturegot it04:11
hatchbasically it's mapping all requests to port 1234 on your host machine to the 443 port on your lxc04:11
hatchgreat :)04:11
techgesturethanks a million04:11
hatchglad to help04:12
arosalesrick_h__:  https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/issues/1455 was the juju-gui install hook failure I was referring to. I was able to easily reproduce on our test zVM15:34
rick_h__arosales: ty, looking15:35
hatcharosales: thanks - we don't have a stable xenial version of the charm yet but this is good to know15:35
arosalesrick_h__: thanks15:35
arosaleshatch: I don't think I have seen this on my x86 xenial, but noted you don't have a xenial stable charm release15:36
hatchforgive me, but what's a zVM? :)15:37
rick_h__hatch: yea, this is going to be a problem with the python stack on z vs amd6415:37
hatchso this bug is actually in the wrong repo then :) arosales do you mind if I move it to https://github.com/juju/juju-gui-charm ?15:39
rick_h__hatch: can you copy/paste it and then @arosales in the new bug please?15:40
hatchyop that ws the plan!15:40
rick_h__oh sorry, read that as asking him to copy it 15:40
hatchmoved https://github.com/juju/juju-gui-charm/issues/4315:42
arosalesanyone else getting a service not available at jujucharms.com/store?18:35
arosales"Sorry for the inconvenience, please pop back soon."18:35
* arosales hard refreshing18:36
arosalesstill getting error message18:36
rick_h__uiteam ^18:42
fabricearosales: we have a know issue were charmstore timeout from time to time on the store page only18:44
fabricewe are investigating the issue18:44
arosalesfabrice: thanks 18:47
urulamaarosales: seems openstack charms were being published at mass again https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v4/changes/published?start=2016-03-0818:47
arosalesfabrice: for debug info I also hit it when entering "jujucharms.com/q/neutron" into my browser.  I also hit it when clicking on the charm, https://jujucharms.com/neutron-gateway/trusty/10, from a charm search18:48
urulamaarosales: hm, or not ... as fabrice said, we're trying to figure out what's going on18:48
arosalesok, I'll leave it in your capable hands. Just thought I would do a quick ping in here. Let me know if you would like me to open a bug or provide any other details.18:49
fabriceI have the log from prod so no need18:49
fabricebut thanks18:50
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