shadeslayer | yofel: yw | 00:26 |
ahoneybun | sgclark, still kicking? | 00:40 |
sgclark | I am still alive yes | 00:40 |
ahoneybun | I meant online but that part is better :) | 00:41 |
sgclark | lol | 00:41 |
ahoneybun | I'm going to update my 16.04 and try to use PIM | 00:41 |
ahoneybun | though I don't use kolab | 00:41 |
sgclark | ok | 00:41 |
ahoneybun | am I still of use? | 00:42 |
sgclark | it is definately better. I did have a random crash while I slept and others have reported same, not sure problem ours or upstream. running gdb has not given me any clues. | 00:42 |
ahoneybun | that's better then a week ago lol | 00:43 |
sgclark | ahoneybun: I am not sure if apps got uplaoded yet. but testing is always good, we can always report upstream or fix things if it is us. | 00:43 |
sgclark | yeah it was non functional a week ago, so certainly improvement | 00:44 |
ahoneybun | thank you again for the work | 00:44 |
sgclark | I am quite sure mine is network related. no network seems to bugger up akonadi | 00:44 |
sgclark | np, was a team effort and some bits of miracle that we got most of this done. | 00:45 |
* ahoneybun updates while trying out some cheap bluetooth earphones | 00:45 | |
ahoneybun | lol | 00:45 |
ahoneybun | not bad for 13 bucks lol | 00:45 |
ahoneybun | I have no ppas on right now sgclark | 00:46 |
sgclark | ahoneybun: everything going to archive is in kubuntu-ppa/staging-misc | 00:47 |
ahoneybun | that is somewhat tested or 50/50 it will work deal? | 00:47 |
sgclark | everyone except valorie had a positive experience. But she has some crazy coredumps going on with apt, not the packages. -.- | 00:48 |
valorie | yeah, I still am waiting to upgrade this machine to xenial | 00:50 |
valorie | but my experience seems to be the outlier, and it never got to install the packages | 00:50 |
ahoneybun | oh ok | 00:57 |
ahoneybun | sgclark, do I need the core kubuntu-ppa? or will just using that one work? | 00:59 |
sgclark | ahoneybun: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-misc will be enough | 01:00 |
ahoneybun | ok cool | 01:00 |
ahoneybun | comcast will love me lol | 01:01 |
sgclark | hah. well they hate me | 01:01 |
ahoneybun | they love me as I have to pay more based on my usage lol | 01:01 |
ahoneybun | 2 or 3 upcharges | 01:01 |
ahoneybun | yay 300gb cap | 01:01 |
sgclark | I am postivie I am getting throttled | 01:01 |
ahoneybun | most likely lol | 01:02 |
sgclark | oh good greif , I would be paying thousands in internet fees. | 01:02 |
ahoneybun | sgclark, is there a paypal or something we can send some extra money someone has around? | 01:02 |
ahoneybun | I can't really do a monthly thing | 01:02 |
sgclark | ahoneybun: yes link to my paypal on website footer | 01:02 |
sgclark | my website that is | 01:02 |
ahoneybun | but if I have some extra money I'll throw it to your screen | 01:03 |
sgclark | if that is what you mean | 01:03 |
ahoneybun | got it | 01:03 |
ahoneybun | next paycheck I'll try to throw some your way | 01:03 |
sgclark | aww thankies. can use all I can get. stupid bills. | 01:04 |
ahoneybun | any laptop lol | 01:04 |
ahoneybun | you must have the best if possible | 01:05 |
ahoneybun | I have that linode server that you used for the mumble | 01:05 |
sgclark | rumor has it someone might help me out there. *crosses fingers* | 01:05 |
ahoneybun | 1TB up and 1TB down if that is useful | 01:05 |
sgclark | wow nice | 01:05 |
* ahoneybun updates PayPal | 01:06 | |
ahoneybun | I use it for a bouncer mostly | 01:06 |
ahoneybun | proxy while at work | 01:06 |
ahoneybun | it only has like a 24gb ssd though | 01:06 |
ahoneybun | and like 1gb ram or something | 01:06 |
ahoneybun | still updating | 01:07 |
ahoneybun | just let me know if it can be useful for anything | 01:07 |
* ahoneybun crosses fingers as well | 01:08 | |
ahoneybun | sgclark, moment of truth rebooting | 01:16 |
ahoneybun | it booted | 01:24 |
ahoneybun | thats a start lol | 01:24 |
ahoneybun | no panels though lol | 01:26 |
ahoneybun | mm | 01:27 |
ahoneybun | it did not finish with the updates... | 01:27 |
ahoneybun | mm I keep getting a black desktop | 01:48 |
ahoneybun | krunner works and so does kwn | 01:48 |
ahoneybun | *kwin | 01:48 |
ahoneybun | I can't right click on the desktop to make panels | 01:48 |
* claydoh has the same symptoms as ahoneybun | 03:42 | |
sgclark | ahoneybun: claydoh: be sure your install was complete. aka sudo apt-get -f install | 03:54 |
ahoneybun | mm | 03:55 |
sgclark | also if you had any other staging repos it will cause problems, be sure staging-misc is the only ppa you have enabled... | 03:56 |
ahoneybun | 1 thing was not updated but it wont say updated | 03:56 |
sgclark | please remove any other ppas | 03:56 |
sgclark | and update again | 03:56 |
claydoh | no other ppas here, for sure. | 03:57 |
claydoh | jake@jake-Latitude-E6420:~$ plasmashell | 03:57 |
claydoh | kscreen: Failed to request backend: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown" : "The name org.kde.KScreen was not provided by any .service files" | 03:57 |
claydoh | Error found while setting up ShellCorona's KScreen: "Failed to prepare backend" | 03:57 |
ahoneybun | my one ppa was disabled with the full upgrade | 03:57 |
sgclark | ShellCorona's KScreen? wait what?!?! ok woah. I am afraid I am past the hour of being helpful. I am so sorry. | 03:59 |
sgclark | Please create bugs and what not. I don't think I will be any help on kscreen error though haha. | 04:00 |
ahoneybun | mm | 04:00 |
ahoneybun | putting sudo plasmashell gave me that too | 04:00 |
sgclark | why on earth would you sudo palsmashell? | 04:01 |
sgclark | plasmashell* | 04:01 |
ahoneybun | ? | 04:01 |
ahoneybun | cuz that did nothing | 04:01 |
sgclark | lost me. | 04:01 |
ahoneybun | and now I have more updates? | 04:01 |
ahoneybun | the heck | 04:01 |
bshah | NEVER EVER DO SUDO <<ANY GUI APPLICATION>>!!111!!!one! | 04:01 |
ahoneybun | and a new kernel? | 04:02 |
ahoneybun | sudo gparted? | 04:02 |
sgclark | ikr bshah. <-- please head this warning | 04:02 |
sgclark | ahoneybun: no need kdesu will trigger | 04:02 |
ahoneybun | mm | 04:02 |
sgclark | there is absolutely no need to sudo any gui app. ever. | 04:02 |
sgclark | a terribly bad idea | 04:03 |
ahoneybun | so much passion about that | 04:04 |
sgclark | yes, it is a cause of so many invalid bugs. | 04:04 |
claydoh | very much passionate, it is the number one casue for Bad Things, imo | 04:04 |
sgclark | anyway claydohI think you are lucky winner of bug :( it was fixed, maybe we can get it in in time. | 04:05 |
ubottu | KDE bug 343844 in core "Kwin makes unconditional access to randr extension in (at least) XRandRScreens::update()" [Crash,Resolved: fixed] | 04:05 |
sgclark | claydoh: ^ | 04:05 |
ahoneybun | I had more updates, applied and rebooting | 04:06 |
sgclark | anyway, time for me to go. See you all tomorrow. | 04:06 |
ahoneybun | night sgclark | 04:06 |
ahoneybun | I can't get any error from plasmashell claydoh | 04:07 |
claydoh | gnie sgclark | 04:07 |
claydoh | gnite | 04:07 |
ahoneybun | -f install says nothing | 04:08 |
ahoneybun | mm | 04:08 |
ahoneybun | another day then | 04:08 |
claydoh | ill play with lxqt for now lol | 04:10 |
soee | good morning :0 | 07:51 |
soee | :) | 07:51 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 08:40 |
MacLeod | good morning | 09:10 |
MacLeod | we would like to place the reference to our community, have discussed it with valorie, but dunno what kind of description needs | 09:11 |
soee | hi MacLeod, placed where ? | 09:15 |
MacLeod | on i think | 09:19 |
soee | lordievader: ^ | 09:38 |
soee | oh sorry, ovidiu-florin ^ | 09:38 |
valorie | MacLeod: welcome to #kubuntu-devel -- I hope you will hang out here when you can | 09:57 |
valorie | but now I need to sleep, and won't be in much tomorrow until night | 10:10 |
valorie | probably | 10:10 |
clivejo | I also regard to say that Ive no kscreen, panels or desktop | 11:08 |
clivejo | regret | 11:08 |
clivejo | was working fine last night, but not when I booted this morning | 11:09 |
mamarley | I am about to try one of my systems. :/ | 11:09 |
clivejo | I have since done a dist-upgrade and only thing was FW 5.18 came from the archive | 11:10 |
clivejo | Ive also rebooted about three times | 11:10 |
yofel | look into .xsession-errors, that might tell something | 11:11 |
* yofel goes fetching lunch, back in 20min | 11:11 | |
mamarley | Yep, no Plasma here either. :( Checking .xsession-errors... | 11:12 |
clivejo | lots of Connected to "Akonadi" , using protocol version 52 | 11:13 |
clivejo | Server says: "Not Really IMAP server" | 11:13 |
clivejo | lots of "QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 " | 11:14 |
mamarley | yofel: Here is my .xsession-errors: | 11:14 |
clivejo | mamarley: what GPU? | 11:15 |
mamarley | NVIDIA GTX 970 with the blob | 11:15 |
clivejo | Im Nvidia too | 11:15 |
clivejo | where do you get the driver from? | 11:16 |
mamarley | Currently installed is 361.28-0ubuntu1 from the Xenial archive, but that is identical to what is in the GPU Drivers PPA. | 11:17 |
clivejo | mamarley: Im getting simular log entries to you | 11:18 |
mamarley | I honestly don't think the GPU has anything to do with it. | 11:18 |
clivejo | kdeinit5 and iBus are standing out# | 11:19 |
* mamarley doesn't reboot any of his other systems and hopes Plasma doesn't crash on them. | 11:19 | |
mamarley | I also get the "kscreen: Failed to request backend: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown" : "The name org.kde.KScreen was not provided by any .service files"" and "Error found while setting up ShellCorona's KScreen: "Failed to prepare backend"". | 11:21 |
mamarley | I shall sacrifice my other laptop for testing and see if I can figure out what the offending package is. | 11:23 |
clivejo | The only thing I seen updating recent was QT | 11:26 |
mamarley | I just rebooted the test laptop with the staging-misc PPA but without any of the KDE updates from the archive and Plasma still works. | 11:28 |
clivejo | mamarley: what does qmake --version say? | 11:28 |
clivejo | on your test laptop | 11:28 |
mamarley | clivejo: The one with broken plasma or the one that I am testing upgrades on now? | 11:29 |
yofel | shadeslayer: did you ever re-upload libkscreen? | 11:29 |
shadeslayer | yofel: I did not, do you want me to? | 11:29 |
shadeslayer | with the same version? | 11:29 |
clivejo | testing one | 11:30 |
yofel | yeah, the version is fine, you'll just need to upload WITH the source | 11:30 |
clivejo | yofel: is that the problem? | 11:30 |
mamarley | clivejo: "qmake: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qmake': No such file or directory". It isn't installed, haha. | 11:30 |
yofel | clivejo: should not be if you were using staging-misc | 11:31 |
clivejo | I was | 11:31 |
yofel | mamarley: qmake -qt5 --version | 11:32 |
clivejo | but archive version takes priority | 11:32 |
mamarley | clivejo: yofel: "QMake version 3.0" | 11:32 |
clivejo | My broken system is "Using Qt version 5.5.1 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" | 11:32 |
yofel | with our patch set that doesn't tell much anyway | 11:33 |
clivejo | I dunno, just thought I seen new qt files being installed | 11:34 |
clivejo | was working great last night :( | 11:34 |
mamarley | Yeah, there was a Qt update (two days ago, I think), but I rebooted since then and it didn't cause any problems. | 11:35 |
mamarley | It is definitely something from the KF5 stuff from the archive. | 11:35 |
clivejo | I | 11:36 |
clivejo | +1 | 11:36 |
mamarley | I also noticed that the i386 nightly git build of Quassel in is FTBFS due to a dependency issue. | 11:38 |
mamarley | (With KF5 packages) | 11:38 |
shadeslayer | yofel: reuploaded | 11:42 |
yofel | thx | 11:43 |
clivejo | yofel: when you upload to the archive does it rebuild? | 11:43 |
yofel | the rdeps? no | 11:43 |
clivejo | so its the same binary that was in misc copied over? | 11:44 |
yofel | oh no. The package itself is rebuilt | 11:44 |
* yofel assumed that was obvious, sorry ^^ | 11:44 | |
clivejo | where are those build logs? | 11:44 |
yofel | | 11:45 |
mamarley | That package does seem to be the culprit. Installing it breaks plasma on my laptop. Let me revert and see if that fixes it. | 11:46 |
mamarley | yofel: Yep, reverting to libkf5screen6 from the PPA fixes the problem. | 11:50 |
yofel | huh, and what did you get from the archive? | 11:51 |
mamarley | Um, wait, it wasn't actually from the archive, it was just a different PPA version. | 11:51 |
yofel | so what do you have installed *right now* ? | 11:52 |
mamarley | yofel: The broken version is "4:5.5.4-2~ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa50". | 11:53 |
yofel | o.O | 11:53 |
yofel | WHY CAN'T THIS JUST WORK | 11:54 |
* yofel makes himself a coffee | 11:54 | |
yofel | mamarley: did libkf5screen-bin get installed? | 11:59 |
mamarley | yofel: I can confirm that with all updates except for libkf5screen6 installed (and libkf5screen6 at 4:5.5.4-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa1) that Plasma works. | 12:00 |
mamarley | yofel: One sec... | 12:00 |
mamarley | yofel: It did not. Aha! | 12:00 |
yofel | what?!? | 12:00 |
yofel | that shouldn't even be possible | 12:01 |
* mamarley installs it and reboots. | 12:01 | |
yofel | I don't want to do this anymore /o\ | 12:01 |
mamarley | Nooooooooooo! | 12:01 |
mamarley | I love you guys even if my system breaks now and then. Please don't stop! | 12:02 |
yofel | Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14), libqt5core5a (>= 5.5.0), libqt5dbus5 (>= 5.0.2), libqt5gui5 (>= 5.0.2) | libqt5gui5-gles (>= 5.0.2), libqt5x11extras5 (>= 5.1.0), libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1), libxcb-randr0 (>= 1.3), libxcb1 (>= 1.6) | 12:02 |
yofel | I don't get this... | 12:02 |
yofel | shadeslayer: so the thing has libkf5screen6 #MINVER#, libkf5screen-bin | 12:03 |
yofel | shouldn't that generate an auto-dep for the -bin package in the lib? | 12:03 |
shadeslayer | it should | 12:04 |
shadeslayer | did you upload without symbols | 12:04 |
shadeslayer | because I didn't have it as well | 12:04 |
shadeslayer | and I realized it's because I do builds sans symbols | 12:04 |
shadeslayer | I'll brb | 12:04 |
mamarley | yofel: Installing the -bin package fixes it. | 12:04 |
yofel | that's from the symbols file... | 12:04 |
clivejo | sudo apt-get install libkf5screen-bin fixes it for me | 12:04 |
yofel | shadeslayer: | 12:05 |
shadeslayer | or well, I'll be back later | 12:05 |
yofel | k | 12:05 |
yofel | lets see how the archive package turns out | 12:05 |
shadeslayer | yofel: idk then tbh | 12:05 |
clivejo | nice to have my panels back! | 12:05 |
shadeslayer | here's a cute polar bear to help you pass the time | 12:06 |
yofel | dang, | 12:06 |
yofel | libkf5screen6_5.5.4-2~ubuntu1_amd64.deb is busted too | 12:06 |
yofel | XD | 12:06 |
shadeslayer | funs | 12:06 |
yofel | shadeslayer: funs indeed: | 12:07 |
yofel | override_dh_shlibdeps: | 12:07 |
yofel | $(overridden_command) $(foreach p,$(shell dh_listpackages -a | egrep ^lib.*[0-9]+$$),-p$p) -- -xlibkf5screen-bin | 12:07 |
yofel | $(overridden_command) --remaining-packages | 12:07 |
yofel | WHAT?!? | 12:07 |
bshah | o_o | 12:08 |
yofel | how, why, wh... I quit | 12:08 |
mamarley | Please don't quit! | 12:11 |
yofel | don't worry, I'll fix that in the evening | 12:12 |
soee | | 12:24 |
yofel | ... rofl | 12:25 |
mamarley | yofel: Could you guys use an extra person to help with packaging and git merging and stuff? I have some experience with packaging (though I am definitely not an expert) and I have done more git merges than I can count. I do have a 0900-1700 job though. | 12:46 |
yofel | we sure can. Currently we're... 3? people and I think everyone of us has something else to do during the day | 12:55 |
yofel | and today's another 90min lunch break on the timesheet *sigh* | 12:56 |
sitter | yofel, sgclark: shouldn't the kubuntu_unstable branch in plasma/muon be dropped? | 12:58 |
sitter | I distinctly recall me releasing it outside plasma xD | 12:58 |
yofel | it has a release? | 12:59 |
sitter | hm | 13:13 |
sitter | yofel: yofel: look I even did | 13:13 |
sitter | did it in munich it appears | 13:13 |
soee | sitter: does it work with Plasma 5.5 and current Frameworks ? | 13:16 |
sitter | it builds | 13:17 |
sitter | it is unsupported, unmaintained and partially broken | 13:17 |
soee | i think discover is more borken than that :D | 13:18 |
sitter | perhaps. it is supported and maintained however | 13:18 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 13:18 |
soee | hiho BluesKaj | 13:18 |
BluesKaj | his | 13:18 |
BluesKaj | hi soee :-) | 13:19 |
=== adrian is now known as adrian|sick | ||
mamarley | yofel: So what can I do to help? | 13:54 |
sgclark | morning | 13:54 |
mamarley | Hi sgclark! I would like to join the team and help you people out, if I can. | 13:55 |
sgclark | mamarley: we would love help! however right at this moment we are getting stuff in archive so ata holding point with packaging. | 13:55 |
mamarley | OK | 13:55 |
yofel | sgclark: FW and plasma are up, so that's clear to work on | 13:56 |
sgclark | come to the packaging party Friday | 13:56 |
yofel | well, plasma needs versioned deps fixed on libkscreen though | 13:56 |
sgclark | versioned deps? | 13:56 |
sgclark | oh | 13:56 |
sgclark | ok | 13:56 |
sgclark | I can do that | 13:56 |
yofel | libkscreen now uses shlibs magick, so all rdeps must use the newest version | 13:56 |
* sgclark just woke up and needs coffee | 13:56 | |
sgclark | yeah I get it now :) | 13:57 |
mamarley | So I would imagine it would be better to get Frameworks 5.19 packaged before doing Plasma 5.5.5? | 13:58 |
sgclark | wouldnt frameworks be feature? not sure we can | 13:58 |
mamarley | Wouldn't it at least go in the PPA? | 13:59 |
yofel | yeah it would be | 13:59 |
yofel | hm, true, that shouldn't be in _xenial_archive | 13:59 |
sgclark | at this point stuff that can go in archive > ppa work | 13:59 |
mamarley | OK, so Plasma 5.5.5 goes first. | 14:00 |
sgclark | good point yofel | 14:00 |
sgclark | yeah and apps after they upload | 14:00 |
mamarley | Apps 15.12.2 I guess? | 14:01 |
yofel | ok, one last try to generate apps. Should work fine now | 14:01 |
sgclark | clivejo has been itching to do plasma so he can run that. We can all fix stuff. Then I will run apps when ready. We can all also fix stuff there. | 14:01 |
clivejo | sgclark: Im not :P | 14:01 |
sgclark | your not? | 14:02 |
clivejo | I think you'll find its soee has the itch! | 14:02 |
clivejo | sgclark: Im concerned we are falling behind | 14:02 |
mamarley | Well, whatever I can do to help just let me know. | 14:02 |
sgclark | lol we are indeed very very behind. | 14:02 |
clivejo | but understand that xenial release is top priotity here | 14:02 |
sgclark | The current process is too much for the amount of manpower we have. | 14:03 |
mamarley | But Plasma 5.5.5 can go in the Xenial release since it is a bugfix, right? | 14:03 |
sgclark | correct | 14:03 |
clivejo | unfornuiatly most of this stuff is over my head, but Im willing and trying my best to keep up and understand it | 14:03 |
yofel | sgclark: does apps have any other pre-depends for the upload other than kolab? | 14:03 |
sgclark | same with apps 15.12.2 | 14:04 |
sgclark | yofel: um I want to say yes. one sec | 14:04 |
sgclark | yofel: libkgapi | 14:04 |
sgclark | I think that is it. | 14:04 |
sgclark | clivejo: you are doing super awesome. could not have got this far without you. There is sooo much to know, and I am not even close either. | 14:06 |
* clivejo feels a bit stupid over the whole libkolab versions issue | 14:06 | |
yofel | ack | 14:07 |
yofel | don't - it's just confusing | 14:07 |
clivejo | but hefee took the time to explain it | 14:07 |
sgclark | clivejo: don't worry about it. I have done my fair share of mistakes. | 14:07 |
clivejo | so, plasma 5.5.5 still hold off or try and stage it? | 14:08 |
yofel | hold off for now | 14:08 |
sgclark | I believe we have green light to stage that | 14:08 |
yofel | you could look whether the libkscreen rdeps are correct | 14:09 |
sgclark | let me fix libkcreen | 14:09 |
yofel | otherwise the archive will blow up the same as your system in the morning | 14:09 |
clivejo | Im not even sure what the problem with kscreen is | 14:09 |
clivejo | I been reading the conversation | 14:09 |
clivejo | override_dh_shlibdeps: | 14:10 |
clivejo | $(overridden_command) $(foreach p,$(shell dh_listpackages -a | egrep ^lib.*[0-9]+$$),-p$p) -- -xlibkf5screen-bin | 14:10 |
clivejo | where did that come from? | 14:10 |
yofel | libkscreen rules | 14:10 |
yofel | but that's fine | 14:10 |
yofel | I was misunderstanding something (see #debian-qt-kde for the talk about that) | 14:11 |
sgclark | oh. wait. all of plasma needs libkscreen build dep bumped? | 14:11 |
yofel | yep | 14:11 |
sgclark | not actually libkscreen | 14:11 |
sgclark | ok | 14:11 |
sgclark | uh is there an easy way to find what uses it? | 14:12 |
clivejo | | 14:13 |
clivejo | downstream? | 14:13 |
sgclark | yeah thanks. | 14:13 |
yofel | sgclark: hm, we might actually be fine | 14:13 |
yofel | kscreen/git/debian/control: libkf5screen-dev (>= 4:5.5.1~), | 14:13 |
yofel | plasma-workspace/git/debian/control: libkf5screen-dev (>= 4:5.5.1~), | 14:13 |
yofel | powerdevil/git/debian/control: libkf5screen-dev (>= 4:5.5.1~), | 14:13 |
* sgclark needs more coffee | 14:13 | |
yofel | so this probably just blew up in the ppa | 14:13 |
* clivejo wonders how yofel generated that? | 14:13 | |
yofel | let me check if archive stuff is depwait, then we're fine | 14:13 |
yofel | clivejo: I still had my cachedir with generated plasma packages, there I did: grep libkf5screen-dev -R * | grep control | 14:14 |
clivejo | ah | 14:14 |
sgclark | blew up in the ppa? What happened between a day ago when all was well and now everything blowing up? | 14:14 |
yofel | sgclark: I uploaded the merge that was never uploaded | 14:14 |
sgclark | ah ha | 14:14 |
sgclark | rght | 14:14 |
sgclark | I do remember that now. | 14:15 |
yofel | after the upload safety check told me that the ppa package and git don't match | 14:15 |
clivejo | the merge? | 14:15 |
sgclark | yeah it got missed clivejo. you worked on it with yofel | 14:15 |
clivejo | sorry, just trying to follow along | 14:15 |
clivejo | I did a debian merge on it to try and fix it | 14:16 |
yofel | amd64 build of kscreen 4:5.5.4-0ubuntu1 in ubuntu xenial PROPOSED | 14:16 |
yofel | Missing build dependencies: libkf5screen-dev (>= 4:5.5.1~) | 14:16 |
yofel | *phew* | 14:16 |
sgclark | so it got uploaded probably after plasma so then things explode because plasma was built with older libkscreen | 14:16 |
yofel | so we're good in the archive | 14:16 |
sgclark | ok | 14:16 |
yofel | right, that's exactly what happened | 14:17 |
clivejo | and yofel is still RM? | 14:20 |
yofel | huh? | 14:20 |
clivejo | you said you quit :P | 14:20 |
clivejo | so everything is right with the world again! | 14:21 |
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Plasma 5.5.4: X/proposed, Apps 15.12.1: X/staging-misc, FW 5.18: X/proposed | | | Package Docs (WIP) | plasma 5.5 in kubuntu-ppa/ppa-landing for xenial, kubuntu-ppa/backports for wily | ||
yofel | oh yeah, that. Don't worry, I constantly feel like quitting and never actually do that | 14:22 |
clivejo | good! | 14:22 |
clivejo | good that you never actually do, not that you constantly feel like quitting, that bits makes me sad! | 14:22 |
mamarley | And it is why I want to help, because more people are needed, not fewer! | 14:23 |
clivejo | mamarley: you coming along to the packaging party on Friday? | 14:24 |
mamarley | clivejo: What party is that? | 14:24 |
clivejo | mamarley: | 14:25 |
mamarley | clivejo: I will be sort-of around in IRC, but I won't be able to join the hangout because of $WORK. | 14:26 |
clivejo | no problem, its very informal and mostly just fun I think | 14:28 |
clivejo | packaging and party never share the same sentence in my experience! | 14:29 |
clivejo | sgclark: so the current unstable branch in KCI is plasma 5.5.5? | 14:31 |
BluesKaj | what skills are required for packaging? I'm still not clear about that :-) | 14:32 |
sgclark | clivejo: no it needs to staging script run | 14:32 |
clivejo | but what branch is the KCI pulling from when it builds unstable? | 14:33 |
sgclark | then through merges it should become 5.5.5 | 14:33 |
sgclark | kubuntu_xenila_archive -> kubuntu_stable -> kubuntu_unstable | 14:33 |
yofel | we are talking about _unstable, right? Then that's 5.6.90 | 14:33 |
sgclark | shit what?!?!?! we are screwed. | 14:34 |
sgclark | then it all went boom | 14:34 |
BluesKaj | I guess if I have to ask then I don't have them | 14:34 |
yofel | unstable tracks upstream master | 14:34 |
clivejo | for example KCI is building akonadi and failing, is it tracking apps 16.04? | 14:34 |
yofel | it's always done that, unless I'm misunderstanding something here | 14:34 |
sgclark | BluesKaj: that is not true. we are in a discussion. I am not even sure of skills. | 14:34 |
yofel | clivejo: yes | 14:35 |
clivejo | BluesKaj: the topic is packaging, from the beginning | 14:35 |
clivejo | if you are interested, come along and ask questions | 14:35 |
sgclark | BluesKaj: come to the packaging party :) | 14:35 |
yofel | BluesKaj: for the start: being able to edit config files, use the shell and some basic understanding how a linux system works | 14:36 |
yofel | the rest isn't knowledge you would aquire otherwise - except maybe C++ programming knowledge and scripting | 14:36 |
sgclark | ok. so my main concern was actual changelog version. it is still on version we uploaded. We are good. | 14:37 |
BluesKaj | sgclark, I won't miss it , I'm usually here | 14:39 |
sgclark | clivejo: when you run staging for 5.5.5 unstable will naturally get version bump. However, yes it does build upstream master. So the version matchup there is rather uncorrect. But we will bump to 5.6 after 5.5.5 | 14:39 |
sgclark | I would like to get 5.5.5 done rather quickly so that I can run update-projects.rb and be in sync with tooling | 14:40 |
clivejo | yofel: so because I stupidly told KCI to build libkolab2.0.0, it still has those packages in the kubuntu-ci/unstable PPA | 14:40 |
clivejo | so I need to delete them manually? | 14:40 |
sgclark | oh. just delete those in ppa | 14:41 |
sgclark | clivejo: yes | 14:41 |
clivejo | as the proper version should be 1.0.2 | 14:41 |
sgclark | just delete them | 14:41 |
clivejo | ok, deleting | 14:41 |
sgclark | probably stable too? | 14:41 |
BluesKaj | yofel, sgclark thanks for the info ..looks like I'll be testing for a while :-) | 14:41 |
clivejo | Ive got failed copying here | 14:41 |
clivejo | 21 failed copying | 14:42 |
sgclark | failed copying what? | 14:42 |
clivejo | in the KCI stable ppa | 14:42 |
clivejo | sgclark: | 14:43 |
sgclark | lol yup. | 14:44 |
clivejo | whats that mean? | 14:44 |
* sgclark wonders why ci bot is copying packages | 14:44 | |
sgclark | clivejo: a question for sitter | 14:44 |
clivejo | doesnt it copy successfully ones? | 14:44 |
clivejo | to the daily ppa | 14:45 |
* sgclark shrugs | 14:45 | |
sgclark | this is not the daily ppa | 14:45 |
clivejo | I know | 14:46 |
sgclark | it is trying to copy packages that exist already. hense the fail | 14:46 |
clivejo | but I think it copies successful builds to ppa:kubuntu-ci/unstable-daily | 14:46 |
clivejo | and ppa:kubuntu-ci/stable-daily | 14:46 |
sgclark | that is fine. but the failures are in stable. Not sure what that has to do with this. | 14:46 |
sgclark | unstable packages should not be copied into stable repo. period. that would make stable very unstable.. | 14:48 |
clivejo | dunno, but Ive deleted libkolab2.0.0 from both unstable and stable | 14:49 |
clivejo | lots of copy failure here | 14:51 |
clivejo | it looks like when KCI is working properly that it should provide a fully working system | 14:52 |
clivejo | and even an ISO | 14:52 |
clivejo | sitter: can you shed some light on that? | 14:53 |
sgclark | yeah the unstable -> stable is quite scary looking. Something seems amiss | 14:55 |
sgclark | ok I really have to tend to my neglected kde hat for a bit. clivejo you wnt to run 5.5.5 staging? pretty please? :) | 14:57 |
clivejo | sgclark: but yofel asked me to keep holding | 14:58 |
sgclark | oh | 14:58 |
sgclark | oops sorry missed that | 14:58 |
sgclark | then run it after he green lights it :) | 14:58 |
sgclark | still here but distracted. | 14:58 |
clivejo | <clivejo> so, plasma 5.5.5 still hold off or try and stage it? | 14:59 |
clivejo | <yofel> hold off for now | 14:59 |
clivejo | <sgclark> I believe we have green light to stage that | 14:59 |
sgclark | ok. my bad. listen to him, not me. | 14:59 |
clivejo | he must have concern about something | 14:59 |
sgclark | yup | 14:59 |
clivejo | and hes usually right :P | 14:59 |
sgclark | yup lol | 15:00 |
clivejo | I hate to say it! | 15:00 |
sitter | clivejo: if you put the question in a sentence I probably can | 15:08 |
clivejo | what is the unstable and stable daily PPA's for | 15:08 |
yofel | clivejo, sgclark: yes, libkscreen - which we cleared up seconds after that ^^ | 15:10 |
yofel | theoretically something can still go wrong in the 5.5.4 builds, but we can work that out when it happens | 15:10 |
sitter | clivejo: when *all* packages in the respective subset are not red *and* all created packages (excluding -dbg) upgrade (from previous daily) and install and purge *then* all packages are promoted from the landing PPA (e.g. unstable) to the dail PPA (unstable-daily) | 15:10 |
sgclark | ok so he is good to stage 5.5.5? | 15:10 |
yofel | yes | 15:11 |
sitter | | 15:11 |
clivejo | so they have undergone some additional checks as well? | 15:11 |
sitter | they are assumed not entirely fucked, yes | 15:12 |
clivejo | and does KCI also build ISOs? | 15:12 |
sitter | not automatically | 15:12 |
sitter | though it could be made automatic obviously | 15:13 |
clivejo | oh, so its not because the list it needs is not green? | 15:13 |
sitter | the original process was daily promotion would run automatically when everything is not red. once a week I'd go and manually test daily and cause a promotion to weekly. then we'd roll an ISO from that | 15:13 |
sitter | clivejo: ISO doesn't care | 15:13 |
sitter | promotion cares | 15:13 |
yofel | Skipped packages: kde-baseapps, kdepim, kdepim-runtime, kdepimlibs | 15:13 |
yofel | our tooling sucks | 15:13 |
yofel | I qut | 15:13 |
yofel | quit | 15:14 |
sitter | ISO would simply build with ancient packages if the promotion did not succeed | 15:14 |
clivejo | sitter: just curious as seems to be green now | 15:14 |
sitter | | 15:15 |
clivejo | wondered if that would trigger an ISO build | 15:15 |
sitter | incorrectly so it would appear | 15:15 |
clivejo | so what would trigger a new ISO to appear here - | 15:16 |
sitter | someone running the ISO job | 15:17 |
clivejo | all green in the promotion job? | 15:17 |
clivejo | well a working ISO! | 15:17 |
sitter | [16:13] <sitter> clivejo: ISO doesn't care | 15:17 |
sitter | if you run it you run it | 15:17 |
sitter | if it succeeds it succeeds | 15:18 |
sitter | if it doesn't it doesn't | 15:18 |
clivejo | I see | 15:18 |
sitter | in short: ISO doesn't care | 15:18 |
clivejo | there are no checks to verify the pacakges install ? | 15:18 |
sitter | promotion does that | 15:19 |
clivejo | so one would check with promotion, when happy with the a green page would run an ISO build | 15:20 |
sitter | yup | 15:20 |
clivejo | magic! | 15:20 |
clivejo | so that basically what NCI is doing, but for FW and Plasma on Wily? | 15:21 |
sitter | neon has no daily promotion | 15:21 |
sitter | but yes. in princple | 15:21 |
clivejo | sitter: also, can KCI be configured to not build everything, every night? | 15:22 |
clivejo | only stuff that has changed? | 15:23 |
sitter | it only builds stuff that has changed | 15:23 |
clivejo | a SCM or Packaging ? | 15:23 |
sitter | well, either | 15:24 |
clivejo | it seems to be building a LOT of pacakages daily | 15:24 |
clivejo | last night it was 600+ | 15:24 |
sitter | when upstream branches things it usually ends up rebuilding everything | 15:24 |
sitter | also upstream version bumps obviously are a culprit of that | 15:25 |
clivejo | seems an aweful lot | 15:25 |
clivejo | I didnt think stable would have very much SCM | 15:26 |
sitter | stable doesn't have 600 jobs | 15:27 |
sitter | upstream stable branches get merged into upstream unstable branches though | 15:27 |
sitter | so if there are say 100 apps you can get 200 builds from those | 15:27 |
clivejo | I guess, and then we have a separate build for wily as well | 15:29 |
clivejo | yofel: you fixed a merge failure with kwin on KCI | 15:30 |
clivejo | | 15:30 |
clivejo | which as commented out sections of control file | 15:30 |
yofel | what commit (hash) are you referring to? | 15:31 |
clivejo | which is generating a missing file warning in unstable | 15:31 |
clivejo | I dont know where its coming from :/ | 15:31 |
clivejo | oh | 15:32 |
clivejo | it was a while ago | 15:32 |
clivejo | | 15:32 |
clivejo | nope thats not it either! | 15:32 |
genii | Have my Xenial testing install updated and booted. If anyone needs something tested, give me a ping | 15:33 |
clivejo | someone commented out part of control and left a comment # requires libhybris but the not the ubuntu version of it | 15:34 |
sgclark | genii: kdevelop in staging-misc needs tested | 15:34 |
yofel | clivejo: that was me | 15:34 |
genii | sgclark: So add staging-misc ppa and install kdevelop? | 15:34 |
yofel | feel free to completely remove that if you want to | 15:35 |
sgclark | yes please | 15:35 |
clivejo | when did you do that? | 15:35 |
yofel | in the commit you referenced? | 15:35 |
clivejo | do you know why it wont work with ubuntu version of it? | 15:35 |
clivejo | I noticed it looking for it in the buildlog and added it to the build deps | 15:36 |
clivejo | so it is building the file, just has nowhere to put it | 15:37 |
yofel | because the ubuntu version is a fork that doesn't work with kwin | 15:37 |
yofel | sure, you can build it, but it's completely useless | 15:37 |
yofel | so it was removed on upstream request | 15:37 |
yofel | AFAIK our QA tools even whitelist the hybris dep as not required | 15:38 |
clivejo | is there anywhere we keep notes on things like this? | 15:38 |
yofel | I added a comment in the package, didn't I? | 15:38 |
yofel | that was exactly for this reason | 15:38 |
clivejo | so if I revert my changeset | 15:39 |
clivejo | should be good | 15:39 |
yofel | I even added an even longer comment in the changelog | 15:40 |
genii | sgclark: Will I need to install any supplementary PPAs? Right now this install is stock and just has only a sources.list | 15:40 |
sgclark | genii: yes ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-misc | 15:40 |
yofel | genii: you shouldn't need to | 15:40 |
sgclark | yofel: genii is testing kdevelop for me | 15:40 |
yofel | yes, and he said that he was installing staging-misc, but he shouldn't need anything *else* | 15:41 |
kfunk | ugh, I just restarted. bad idea. | 15:41 |
sgclark | oh. don't list to me then. carry on. | 15:41 |
kfunk | libkscreen6 seems broken, are you aware? | 15:41 |
kfunk | err, libkf5screen6 | 15:41 |
yofel | kfunk, genii: in the ppa libkf5screen6 is broken, yes. Please install libkf5screen-bin | 15:41 |
kfunk | libkf5screen6 doesn't ship the backendlauncher anymore | 15:41 |
kfunk | ah, ok | 15:42 |
* sgclark goes back to kde hat | 15:42 | |
kfunk | yay | 15:42 |
genii | yofel: So the libkf5screen-bin required is where? | 15:43 |
yofel | genii: in the ppa, just not auto-installed | 15:43 |
genii | Ah, got it | 15:43 |
genii-xenial | sgclark: Should I also install all the pending upgrades or test as is? | 15:54 |
sgclark | genii-xenial: probably best to install pending as that is what will be in archive | 15:55 |
genii-xenial | Ok | 16:00 |
clivejo | yofel sgclark: when staging discover, its cloning from git+ssh:// but that should be plasma-discover | 16:07 |
yofel | oh yeah, needs the same code block that I added to ubuntu-archive-upload | 16:08 |
yofel | feel free to fix ti | 16:08 |
clivejo | what upstream is it talking about | 16:10 |
clivejo | because its is still called discover on kde download | 16:10 |
clivejo | but plasma-discover on debian | 16:10 |
clivejo | in upstream-names.json it is "plasma-discover": "discover", | 16:11 |
clivejo | so I need to remove it from package-name-list? | 16:12 |
genii | sgclark: After upgrade there were a bunch held back, doing a dist-upgrade now and reboot, will be a while yet | 16:12 |
clivejo | eak | 16:14 |
genii-xenial | back in a bit | 16:26 |
clivejo | yofel: Ive also had to downgrade frameworks-xenial to 5.18 | 16:32 |
clivejo | they were 5.19 | 16:33 |
clivejo | and bumped plasma to 5.5.5~ | 16:33 |
genii-xenial | sgclark: Anything specific with kdevelop you want tested? | 16:34 |
yofel | clivejo: discover doesn't work with the common rules, you need to add another exception code block to fix the repo lookup | 16:34 |
yofel | I think | 16:34 |
sgclark | genii-xenial: make sure it runs, open files etc. No need to build an application :) | 16:36 |
clivejo | I think its ok now | 16:36 |
clivejo | I re-cloned KA | 16:37 |
clivejo | my local package list was messed up | 16:37 |
genii | sgclark: The "quick open" opens a pop-down from the bar which seems no way to get rid of | 16:38 |
clivejo | but as we wont have FW 5.19, Ive downgraded these to 5.18 | 16:39 |
clivejo | | 16:39 |
clivejo | they were bumped to stage 5.19, but never got to finish that | 16:39 |
genii | sgclark: Opened a text file, altered it, saved it. | 16:42 |
sgclark | genii: ok. will try to reproduce. ty | 16:42 |
genii | sgclark: Need a screen shot or anything? | 16:47 |
sgclark | genii: nah its ok. | 16:51 |
genii | OK | 16:51 |
genii | Basically the collapse arrow is greyed out | 16:51 |
sgclark | genii: nm screenshot please. | 16:53 |
sgclark | never used quick open. not sure I see a "collapse" arrow anywhere | 16:53 |
sgclark | clicking anywhere in the other window closes it though | 16:54 |
genii | Ah, on hover it says "Go back in context history", so maybe not what I originally thought | 16:57 |
genii | sgclark: Yes, clicking another area closes it. Oddly though it remains open if you continue to try and select other things off the bar | 16:58 |
sgclark | ok. don't think that is a packaging issue. So I think we are ok to upload. | 17:01 |
sgclark | it is a bugfix release, so no major differences | 17:02 |
mamarley | clivejo: I don't mean to be annoying, but would it be possible to cherry-pick into 5.5.5? It fixes a fairly annoying Plasma crash that occurs whenever a monitor is turned on or attached. It is already in 5.6, but it would be nice to have that fixed in Xenial. | 17:31 |
clivejo | mamarley: it might be if I ever get them staged | 17:31 |
clivejo | keeps failing | 17:31 |
mamarley | clivejo: I'm not trying to rush you, sorry. | 17:32 |
clivejo | yofel: on kwin Im getting this | 17:33 |
clivejo | subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/home/clivejo/kubuntu-automation/bump-build-dep-versions', '--dist', 'xenial', '--version', '5.5.5', '--releasetype', 'plasma']' returned non-zero exit status 1 | 17:33 |
clivejo | its grabbing the SC and the packaging git, but failing on bump-build-dep-versions | 17:34 |
sgclark | I would start by looking at kwin control file to see if anything stands out in regards to build dep versions | 17:36 |
clivejo | looking at it now | 17:36 |
clivejo | nothing is jumping out at me | 17:36 |
sgclark | ok. | 17:37 |
clivejo | | 17:37 |
clivejo | sgclark: can you see anything obvious? | 17:37 |
clivejo | plasma-framework-dev (>= 5.12.0~) ? | 17:38 |
clivejo | that sounds wrong | 17:38 |
sgclark | well it is a framework. so that should be ok | 17:39 |
sgclark | nothing jumping out at me either. | 17:39 |
sgclark | clivejo: copy the entire konsole error and ping yofel | 17:39 |
sgclark | into pastebin | 17:40 |
clivejo | should that not be bumped to 5.18? | 17:40 |
sgclark | Oh possibly our scripts cannot handle multiple versions like that | 17:40 |
sgclark | debian does not bump versions every release, so from merge. | 17:41 |
sgclark | which is a problem to ponder | 17:41 |
clivejo | | 17:42 |
clivejo | would the libudev-dev [linux-any], be tripping it up? | 17:43 |
sgclark | clivejo: that error is it is looking for Package variable that does not exist. need to wait for yofel | 17:45 |
clivejo | Ill go have some tea then! | 17:47 |
yofel | could be crashing on the comments | 17:47 |
yofel | I never used deb822 myself | 17:48 |
yofel | where's santa when you need him | 17:48 |
yofel | KeyError: 'Package' | 17:48 |
yofel | huh | 17:48 |
yofel | this is a perfectly valid control file | 17:49 |
yofel | now I remember why I hate deb822 | 17:51 |
yofel | it removes comments | 17:51 |
yofel | for some reason that command doesn't crash for me though | 17:52 |
yofel | clivejo: what exactly did you change in KA? I see no commits on master | 17:52 |
sgclark | umm hmm. did an upgrade and kwallet seems broken | 18:18 |
sgclark | nm | 18:18 |
soee | clivejo: ping | 18:47 |
soee | yofel: what was the package name to get plasma back? something liek libkfkscrenn-bin ? | 18:49 |
mamarley | soee: libkf5screen-bin | 18:49 |
soee | mamarley: thanks | 18:49 |
soee | :) | 19:04 |
genii | I thought this issue was long dead already | 19:07 |
sgclark | oh good grief | 19:10 |
sgclark | I am so tired of the constant fighting and head bashing. Not just that, everywhere. | 19:14 |
* sgclark wanders off | 19:14 | |
mamarley | Me too. Can't we just concentrate on making good software? | 19:15 |
yofel | mamarley: not as long as someone in the world keeps using GPLv2 | 19:22 |
* soee thinks it is a good time for hot tea :) | 19:59 | |
clivejo | yofel: I didnt commit the changes | 20:15 |
clivejo | I bumped plasma build deps to 5.5.5 and downgraded fw to 5.18 | 20:15 |
yofel | can you please commit that. I cannot reproduce your problem | 20:17 |
clivejo | is that the right thing to do? | 20:17 |
clivejo | I bumped fw to 5.19 as we were going to stage fw5.19 | 20:18 |
yofel | it's right, yes | 20:18 |
clivejo | but these plasma packages need to be built on 5.18 | 20:18 |
clivejo | as thats what is in the archive | 20:18 |
yofel | right | 20:18 |
clivejo | oh why is - "plasma-workspace-dev": "4:", | 20:20 |
clivejo | thats wrong? | 20:20 |
sgclark | we can't stage 5.19 it is features | 20:20 |
sgclark | one too many ones there | 20:20 |
clivejo | yofel: you pushed to KA? | 20:21 |
yofel | I fixed various things, yes | 20:22 |
soee | so we have whole misc in archive already ? | 20:23 |
yofel | apps not | 20:23 |
yofel | I think I got the stupid thing to build right, but i'm too tired to properly validate that | 20:24 |
soee | some problems ? | 20:24 |
yofel | the package generation script messed up repeatedly | 20:24 |
BluesKaj | time to close up shop...later | 20:25 |
clivejo | why did it do that!! | 20:25 |
clivejo | yofel: | 20:27 |
clivejo | I commited the FW downgrade and the plasma bump | 20:27 |
clivejo | but why did it do a merge? | 20:27 |
clivejo | I didnt tell it to do that! | 20:27 |
yofel | well, you and me both made changes, which caused the branches to diverge. By default git will do a merge to resolve that | 20:29 |
yofel | otherwise you would've had to run: git pull --rebase if you wanted the history to be kept linear | 20:30 |
clivejo | is that right? | 20:31 |
yofel | FWIW, the script doesn't error out for me, but it does the wrong thing | 20:31 |
yofel | clivejo: it's fine | 20:32 |
clivejo | does the script work from git? | 20:32 |
yofel | we don't have a policy on how you're supposed to do it | 20:32 |
clivejo | would it be because I didnt commit it? | 20:32 |
yofel | what do you mean? | 20:32 |
yofel | I don't think so.. | 20:33 |
clivejo | you know the way some of the scripts fail if we done commit first | 20:33 |
yofel | that's gbp behavior mostly, and that's unrelated here | 20:35 |
yofel | I wonder if it's because it's wrapped in the other script | 20:35 |
clivejo | wrapped? | 20:36 |
yofel | the subprocess thing | 20:36 |
clivejo | I guess I have to rm plasma folder and start again! | 20:36 |
yofel | probably | 20:37 |
clivejo | :( | 20:37 |
clivejo | have you them staged locally? | 20:37 |
clivejo | evening time is not a good time for me to do downloads/uploads | 20:38 |
yofel | I'm running on a crappy 3G dongle right now, so I'm doing everything on a server over ssh | 20:38 |
yofel | need one? | 20:39 |
clivejo | want to go ahead and stage from there? | 20:40 |
yofel | well, yeah. I wanted to try this anyway | 20:40 |
yofel | lets see if that works | 20:40 |
yofel | the kwin changes are giving me a headache though | 20:40 |
yofel | ImportError: No module named future | 20:41 |
yofel | well, I didn't get very far :D | 20:41 |
clivejo | future? | 20:41 |
sgclark | lol | 20:42 |
yofel | !info python-future | 20:42 |
ubottu | python-future (source: python-future): single-source support for Python 3 and 2 - Python 2.x. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14.3-1 (wily), package size 324 kB, installed size 1711 kB | 20:42 |
clivejo | ah | 20:42 |
clivejo | I had that first tim | 20:42 |
yofel | guess I never ran that script on that machine so far ^^ | 20:42 |
sgclark | oh yofel kdevelop is ready. we have to skip python3 for now I guess, it wants a version that does not exist in xenial at this time | 20:43 |
kfunk | sgclark: tell me if there are any problems, fwiw | 20:43 |
yofel | sgclark: which one? | 20:43 |
sgclark | kfunk: working great for me | 20:43 |
* kfunk would have loved to have it ready 16.04, but oh well... | 20:43 | |
* sgclark looks again | 20:43 | |
sgclark | packaged, waiting for python3 build to not be FTBFS. one sec | 20:44 |
sgclark | ugh laptop is being cranky. | 20:44 |
sgclark | Python >= 3.4.3 and < 3.5 with --enable-shared is required to build this | 20:45 |
sgclark | yofel: ^ | 20:45 |
yofel | ah yeah okay. So he didn't make a 3.5 release after all | 20:46 |
yofel | meh, failed on discover | 20:52 |
clivejo | yofel: is this your own server? | 20:53 |
yofel | yes | 20:53 |
clivejo | so you can put your key on it? | 20:54 |
yofel | yes | 20:54 |
clivejo | :) | 20:54 |
yofel | *sigh* | 20:55 |
yofel | why does staging-upload have a different package matching codepath than ubuntu-archive-upload | 20:55 |
clivejo | yofel sgclark can debian merges on trello be marked as done? | 20:56 |
yofel | probably | 20:56 |
sgclark | yeah | 20:59 |
clivejo | yofel: any luck? | 21:16 |
yofel | had to do some patchery, and it still messes up kwin, but it at least doesn't fail | 21:18 |
clivejo | whats the problem? | 21:18 |
yofel | it deletes the comment block from the control file | 21:19 |
yofel | I wonder what else it removed in other packages | 21:19 |
yofel | skipping non-regular file "plasma-workspace-5.5.5.tar.xz" | 21:21 |
yofel | huh | 21:21 |
yofel | plasma-workspace- | 21:23 |
clivejo | it was patched | 21:23 |
yofel | so our rsync command doesn't resolve symlinks *-.- | 21:23 |
yofel | -L should do that | 21:24 |
yofel | next try | 21:25 |
clivejo | yofel: any luck? | 21:36 |
yofel | funny timing, finished 10s ago | 21:36 |
clivejo | many in manual? | 21:37 |
yofel | finished mostly fine | 21:37 |
yofel | === The following packages couldn't be processed and have been moved to manual/ | 21:37 |
yofel | kdecoration: git unclean or out of sync | 21:37 |
yofel | ksshaskpass: git unclean or out of sync | 21:37 |
yofel | kwayland-integration: git unclean or out of sync | 21:37 |
yofel | kwrited: git unclean or out of sync | 21:37 |
yofel | plasma-workspace-wallpapers: git unclean or out of sync | 21:37 |
yofel | sddm-kcm: git unclean or out of sync | 21:37 |
yofel | END | 21:37 |
yofel | let me upload stuff | 21:38 |
clivejo | pushed the update for the status page? | 21:45 |
yofel | no, feel free to | 21:45 |
clivejo | done | 21:47 |
clivejo | mamarley: I think that patch you want cherry picked is actually in plasma-workspace- | 21:51 |
yofel | /var/lib/jenkins/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1/gems/git-1.3.0/lib/git/lib.rb:937:in `command': git '--git-dir=/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/merger_libkscreen/workspace/.git' '--work-tree=/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/merger_libkscreen/workspace' merge '-m' 'Merging kubuntu_stable into kubuntu_unstable.' 'kubuntu_stable' 2>&1:Auto-merging debian/changelog (Git::GitExecuteError) | 21:53 |
yofel | CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in debian/changelog | 21:53 |
yofel | [ /tmp/plasma555/libkscreen/git 1 files 16Kb 22:52 kubuntu_unstable ] | 21:53 |
yofel | yofel@yofel-thinkpad $ git merge origin/kubuntu_stable | 21:53 |
yofel | Already up-to-date. | 21:53 |
valorie | off to yakima; I'll catch up here later | 21:53 |
yofel | huh?!? | 21:53 |
yofel | oh wait | 21:55 |
clivejo | I dont like kscreen any more | 21:55 |
clivejo | yofel: | 21:56 |
yofel | nah, I got the order wrong | 21:57 |
clivejo | W: libkf5screen6: symbols-declares-dependency-on-other-package libkf5screen-bin | 21:57 |
clivejo | still complaining about bloody symbols! | 21:57 |
yofel | anyway, stuff up | 22:00 |
* yofel goes doing something else | 22:00 | |
clivejo | yofel: even the manual ones? | 22:00 |
yofel | no | 22:01 |
yofel | I put the list on the pad | 22:01 |
clivejo | can I do them manually? | 22:02 |
yofel | well, you have to | 22:02 |
clivejo | weird | 22:07 |
clivejo | would kdecoration (4:5.4.2-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium in the changelog prevent uscan using the correct source tarbal? | 22:09 |
clivejo | its downloading 5.5.5 but wont build using it | 22:09 |
clivejo | it keeps looking for kdecoration_5.5.4.orig.tar.gz | 22:10 |
mamarley | clivejo: Thanks! | 22:10 |
yofel | uh | 22:13 |
yofel | the script never added the changelog there | 22:13 |
clivejo | I did it manually | 22:13 |
clivejo | but its looking for the wrong version :/ | 22:14 |
yofel | well, the changelog you added should say 4:5.5.5-0ubuntu1 | 22:14 |
genii-xenial | If there's anything else you guys need testing with, my regulasr work is over and I'll be here another 45minutes or so | 22:14 |
clivejo | stupid git!! | 22:14 |
yofel | but git has nothing to do with this :D | 22:15 |
clivejo | push you stupid thing! | 22:15 |
clivejo | PUSH!! | 22:15 |
yofel | it doesn't push for you? | 22:15 |
clivejo | seem to be having connection issues | 22:15 |
yofel | :( | 22:15 |
clivejo | just did it now | 22:15 |
clivejo | thats better | 22:16 |
clivejo | yofel: isnt FW 5.18 in te archive now? | 22:17 |
yofel | its, but parts might be in NEW | 22:17 |
clivejo | or they in propsed? | 22:17 |
clivejo | the PPA doesnt seem to be seeing them :/ | 22:18 |
yofel | the ppas have proposed enabled, but the packages aren't there yeet | 22:18 |
yofel | some stuff is stuck in source NEW some in binary NEW | 22:18 |
clivejo | oh dear | 22:19 |
clivejo | alt soluation? | 22:20 |
yofel | uh, fetch the stuff that's unapproved and upload it to the ppa? | 22:20 |
yofel | either that or wait | 22:20 |
clivejo | how long will the wait be? | 22:20 |
yofel | until an archive admin has time to review stuff | 22:21 |
clivejo | so how long is a lenght of string | 22:21 |
yofel | a cotton, nylon or spider one? | 22:21 |
clivejo | might be easier to copy in the required files? | 22:21 |
yofel | probably | 22:22 |
clivejo | will that cause problems? | 22:22 |
yofel | unlikely... | 22:22 |
clivejo | seems to be mostly libkf5declarative-dev | 22:22 |
clivejo | humm, thats not even FW is it? | 22:25 |
clivejo | yofel: so LP deletes a package in a PPA when it gets uploaded into the archive? | 22:28 |
yofel | no | 22:28 |
clivejo | I am looking in staging frameworks | 22:28 |
yofel | IIRC scarlett said something about cleaning up the ppas | 22:28 |
yofel | and I wiped staging-plasma earlier | 22:29 |
clivejo | says its been deleted or superseded | 22:29 |
yofel | that's leftovers | 22:29 |
clivejo | ok, found it in misc | 22:30 |
clivejo | can I copy that to apps staging? | 22:30 |
yofel | why apps staging? | 22:30 |
clivejo | sorry plasma | 22:30 |
yofel | well, do it if you want | 22:31 |
clivejo | will it cause problems? | 22:31 |
clivejo | this is version kdeclarative - 5.18.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa50 | 22:31 |
yofel | if it does, fix it | 22:32 |
clivejo | are you being evil?!? | 22:33 |
clivejo | ok, copying | 22:33 |
yofel | no, just tired and I'm really doing something else and you're asking me about almost every single thing you're doing... | 22:33 |
yofel | you've exhausted my answer quota for today | 22:33 |
clivejo | sorry :( | 22:34 |
yofel | np | 22:34 |
* clivejo goes into quiet mode | 22:34 | |
* genii goes into coffee mode | 22:34 |
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