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ponchale I have an error trying to configure extra-cmake-modules00:53
ponchale http://pastebin.com/dLYmNek600:53
ponchaleYou can see there00:53
ponchaleI need help for develop00:55
Z3R0how do i add more irc networks00:59
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Z3R0need help on a DOS01:39
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ponchalehelp me02:50
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Guest98692anyone trying out kubuntu-16.04?03:14
Guest98692(xenial) i noticed that a right-click on the titlebar doen't provide input focus to the context menu :-(03:16
DarinMillerYes. I am running 16.04 and it's by far the best plasma 5 Kubuntu release to date (as it shoud be :)  Many issues have been fixed.03:16
Guest98692i'm finding everything else is _quite_ stable....03:16
DarinMillerEnsure to enable the xenial landing ppa.  Soon, many updates will hit the repositories.03:16
Guest98692I tried looking for a way to report this issue, but the kubuntu / ubuntu overlap on launchpad makes it confusing :-(03:17
Guest98692but "right-click on KDE window title bar doesn't give input focus to window context menu" seems to be the right title :-)03:18
Guest98692what is the xenial landing ppa?  I'm using the dailies from cdimage.ubuntu...03:18
ponchaleI need help with is problem http://pastebin.com/dLYmNek603:18
ponchaleplease help03:19
DarinMiller Guest98692: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/ppa-landing03:19
DarinMillerGuest98692:  I do not understand "right-click on KDE window title bar doesn't give input focus to window context menu" seems to be the right title :-)03:20
DarinMillerWhat is the typical behavior?03:20
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Guest98692DarinMiller: do you mean the behavior of the right-click on the title bar?03:21
DarinMillerponchale: which version of Kubuntu?03:22
Guest98692in 16.04, when you right-click on a KDE window title bar, the context menu appears, and pressing a key (e.g. "n") will provide that as input for the context menu to execute (e.g. Mi_n_imize (the window)03:23
ponchaleDarinMiller thanks for you attention03:23
Guest98692In kubuntu-16.10 (daily build from the past few days), when you right-click a KDE window title bar, the context menu appears, but does not have keyboard input focus.  Instead of the typical behavior (key press goes to context menu),03:24
ponchaleI using the version 15.0403:24
DarinMillerGuest98692: works fine here, but I am running the landing PPA I linked above.  I suspect all of the package will hit the std repos in the next few days if you do not want to mess with the PPA.03:25
Guest98692the key press is input into the application.03:25
Guest98692DarinMiller:Awesome!  Thanks for saving me a lot of trouble filing a bug :-)03:25
Guest98692DarinMiller: and thanks for checking on this for me :-)03:26
DarinMillerEasy for me to check :)03:26
ponchaleis there no solution to my problem?03:27
Guest98692DarinMiller: I bookmarked that page -- I'll give it a try on a non-production machine ;-)03:27
DarinMillerponchale:  the pastebin error indicates Sphinx 1.2 or higher.  I don't have a 15.04 install handy.  What version is installed in 15.04.  In 16.04 it appears to be 1.3.03:27
DarinMillerGuest98692: The landing PPA is safe (I have been running it for a week) on both my laptop and desktop.  But it you have a test machine, it is a good idea to verify it there first.03:28
ponchaledo I need to install kubuntu 16.04?03:30
DarinMillerponchale: the error you posted says: Could NOT find Sphinx (missing:  Sphinx_BUILD_EXECUTABLE) (Required is at least version "1.2")03:31
ponchaleIf that understand it but as I install that is needed DarinMiller?03:32
DarinMillerponchale:  apt list sphinx*03:32
ponchalesphinx-common/wily 1.2.3+dfsg-1ubuntu3 all03:34
ponchalesphinx-doc/wily 1.2.3+dfsg-1ubuntu3 all03:34
ponchalesphinx-rtd-theme-common/wily 0.1.8-2 all03:34
ponchalesphinx-voxforge-hmm-en/wily 0.1.1~daily20130301-0ubuntu1 all03:34
ponchalesphinx-voxforge-lm-en/wily 0.1.1~daily20130301-0ubuntu1 all03:34
ponchalesphinx3/wily 0.8-0ubuntu2 amd6403:34
ponchalesphinx3-doc/wily 0.8-0ubuntu2 all03:34
ponchalesphinx3-hmm-en-hub4/wily 0.8-0ubuntu2 all03:34
ponchalesphinx3-hmm-en-rm1/wily 0.8-0ubuntu2 all03:34
ponchalesphinx3-lm-en-an4/wily 0.8-0ubuntu2 all03:34
DarinMillerponchale: I am not a developer and have only compiled a few thing from the commmand line.  I ususally install whatever the .config script says if one is avaiable and install anything that's listed in the warnings as missing.  Sorry I am not much more help.03:34
ponchalethanks DarinMiller03:37
DarinMillerponchale: I wish I could be more help, I am still learning myself.03:38
ponchaleI am a developer but I was never in this way hehehe kde and free software and I'm motivated with Plasma-Mobile but this error I doing old hahahahaha03:39
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SinemoraHi everyone!07:02
SinemoraI am a new Kubuntu user, I love the interface and the DE07:03
Sinemorawill there be a K16.04_07:03
SinemoraI have read conflicting information, that the team decided to skip 16.0407:04
lordievaderGood morning.08:40
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jubo2yeah.. that hash sum mismatch went away on its own11:36
jubo2or I suppose someone fixed it11:36
jubo2now 'sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade' runs just fine11:36
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_shaun_hi guys is it possible to select from a table where the table is constructed from a string?12:14
_shaun_like "select * from 'table1';12:14
hateball_shaun_: are you confusing #kubuntu with #postgresql12:18
hateballor some such12:18
_shaun_sorry guys apparently so12:18
S11v3ranyone would like to solve a problem i encountered about kubuntu? it always stuck on my thinkpad.12:23
S11v3rseems something wrong with kde. when it happens, cpu got 100% and i can see many processes were created.12:24
S11v3rafter disabled nvidia in bios, it will still stuck12:24
S11v3rit will happen about every 5~10 minutes, and it really annoying. so I had to reformat the disk and install windows.12:25
S11v3rcan see nothing strange in dmesg and some other log files under /var/log12:25
soeeare you sure temperature isnt to hight for CPu / GPU ?12:26
S11v3rnope. it can happen just after a few minutes after i've boot up it.12:26
S11v3runless KDE has a build-in flame generator, it seems not a problem with the tempature ;)12:27
S11v3raha, I remember it was something called krunner12:28
S11v3rit always being restarted, and sometimes you can see the full screen of `top` is occupied by krunner12:29
S11v3rI thought i've tried to modify some settings about krunner, to make it search less items, but doesn't work12:30
S11v3rbesides, i'm using an Intel SSD, so disk I/O problem might not happen - at least under windows, my disk can work properly12:30
hateballS11v3r: Can you see which process using all that CPU?12:32
S11v3rmany krunners12:32
S11v3rabout 10~20 of them12:32
hateballThat's strange, you should really only have 112:32
hateballEven so, krunner itself idles until invoked12:33
S11v3ryes. i think may be it is what will show up when i pressed Alt+F2?12:34
S11v3rat first I though it might doing some index, but disk usage is not very high12:34
hateballS11v3r: well krunner itself doesnt index12:36
hateballS11v3r: are you on 14.04 or 15.10 +012:36
* hateball stabs his keyboard12:37
S11v3ryep, 15.10 64bit12:37
S11v3ri WAS on 15.1012:38
hateballS11v3r: well it's pretty hard to troubleshoot if you currently are using another OS12:49
S11v3rhateball: in fact i've prepared to switch to kubuntu recently, and i'd like to know if there can have any basic procedure to deal with krunner12:50
hateballI'm not sure I understand12:51
hateballIf anything would be consuming CPU, it'd be baloo, indexing files. And that's a pretty swift affair.12:51
S11v3rhateball: okay...still thanks for your time12:51
S11v3rbaloo? i might not have seen it12:52
S11v3ri was considering if the krunner is duplicated by something else. maybe something is guarding krunner, and the guarder did't see it.12:54
cyril_hi every body, i'm in trouble.... with SD card, when i plug it my computer won't load partition....12:54
S11v3ror it might be some probem with krunner, which will cause it lock itself12:55
S11v3rcryil_: already parted the sd card?12:55
cyril_it's a SD card to camera12:55
cyril_S11v3r: hi12:56
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cyril_S11v3r: so when i format it's great work, mount normally, but after take a picture with my camera and replug it not recognized....12:57
cyril_dmesg says: "Dev sdc: unable to read RDB block 0"12:58
cyril_"sdc: unable to read partition table"12:58
S11v3rseems partition table is changed by your camera12:59
cyril_you think???12:59
cyril_more weird... when i use lsblk command... i see /dev/sdc13:00
S11v3rso try lsblk.13:00
S11v3rand what's the type of it?13:00
S11v3rdo it has any child nodes?13:00
cyril_after i use fdisk -l... i see my partition /dev/sdc1....13:00
cyril_but when i go check the "/dev" directory .... /dev/sdc1 not exist......13:01
S11v3r... try this: partprobe /dev/sdc13:01
cyril_partprobe command?13:01
S11v3r(if you have it13:01
cyril_without root?13:01
S11v3rwith root13:01
cyril_nothing append....13:02
cyril_nothing append with "partprobe /dev/sdc" cmd.... but with "partprobe /dev/sdc1" something append....13:04
cyril_but the message... is in french...13:04
S11v3rin french?13:05
cyril_error 1 partition on /dev/sdc1 as been written, but he doesn't can be inform kernel, probably it's in using.13:05
S11v3rcryil_: someone else seems have encountered the same problem with you. see this: https://goo.gl/I4SW5413:06
cyril_so nothing change. you need restart before change...13:06
cyril_i'm french13:06
S11v3rbut not a permanently solution13:06
S11v3r(interestring. a french and a chinese is talking in english about something wrong with a machine language13:07
cyril_S11v3r:  no no thanks! i don't know what command make correction... but now it's work fine!13:08
cyril_S11v3r: thank you!13:08
S11v3rcryil_: it's okay. happy to c it worked again!(though i nearly did nothing, lol13:09
S11v3rit might just frozen for seconds13:09
cyril_all morning no whant mount.... i formated all!!!!!13:10
S11v3roh forget the timezone13:10
cyril_in france is 14:1013:10
S11v3r2110 in china :)13:11
S11v3rjust have a good day~13:11
cyril_yeah.... yeah....13:11
cyril_maybe i found... they are somewhere on computer... but maybe not all....13:11
BluesKajHi all13:18
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kujasalut bande de ouf18:05
BluesKaj!fr | kuja18:15
ubottukuja: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:15
al8989does anyone know what is the compatibility of ipod nanos in ubuntu i wanted to get ipod to load music onto it so i can play in my new truck that has no cd player but has the siruis xm radio and ipod support18:30
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geniiBluesKaj: I think !arabic19:45
BluesKajgenii, what's ukraine?19:45
ubottuShortened English is difficult for some non-native English speakers to read. Please use full words instead. Thanks!19:46
ubottuJoin us for a discussion using the Queen's English in #ubuntu-uk19:46
geniiBluesKaj: https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=ukraine indicates there isn't one. So likely !ru since that's what they learn in school there, Russian19:47
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