
pavlushkaHi everyONe!!!08:21
pavlushkaKilos, o/08:21
Kiloshi pavlushka and others08:21
pavlushkaKilos, you'll see something new in you other non-IRC channels.08:27
Kilosnon irc?08:27
pavlushkaKilos, yep non-IRC08:28
Kilosi dont understand08:28
pavlushkain your other online issues, by the way, you look so Handsome.08:28
Kilosive read mails08:28
Kiloswhere did you see me08:28
pavlushkaYou know.08:29
pavlushkaTake a guess, where it could be!!!08:29
Kilosif i knew i wouldnt ask08:29
pavlushkaOkay, ur google profile, your blog08:29
pavlushkaYou dont know about it????????08:30
pavlushkayou dont have a google profile, you dont have a blog???08:31
Kilosi hardly ever look at that08:32
pavlushkaKilos, Oh08:32
pavlushkaKilos, But anyway, so cool.08:33
pavlushkaKilos, Ok, will be back.08:34
pavlushkaKilos, and another good news is I can login to my wiki now.08:34
pavlushkaKilos, See ya.08:35
Kiloslater then08:35
Kilossorry for the join/parts having 3g problems here15:37
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka

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