
=== _Sponge is now known as MagicSponge
MagicSponge80 minutes to go  till http://ubuntuonair.com/14:40
MagicSponge60 minutes to go till http://ubuntuonair.com/15:02
MagicSponge50 minutes till http://ubuntuonair.com/15:10
MagicSponge40 minutes to go till http://ubuntuonair.com/15:21
MagicSpongeHI belkinsa15:22
belkinsao/ MagicSponge15:22
MagicSpongeYou still into the mozilla dev stuff ?15:22
belkinsaNo, I never done any Mozilla dev stuff.  I'm making a call for those who are still in the team to see if their team info needs to be updated.15:23
MagicSpongebelkinsa: Oh what projects are you into at the moment ?15:24
belkinsaRight now, it's mainly updating that Teams page.  My other ones are on the back burner since they all seem to deal with working with more than one other person.15:26
MagicSpongeok, coool15:26
belkinsaUnless you want to call approving applicants for their Membership a project, it's one of them.15:26
belkinsaThis is who I am: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa15:27
MagicSpongeright oh belkinsa . Thought you were this guy.15:32
belkinsaAh, i see.15:33
MagicSponge25 minutes to go.15:35
MagicSpongebelkinsa: Ohio hey ? Hows the weather ?15:37
belkinsaIt's nice and sunny here right now15:38
MagicSpongeYeah, not bad here. We're getting a new ICT college here soon, in a couple of months.15:40
MagicSpongeApparently all microsoft though.15:40
MagicSpongeThe fools.15:40
dragonbitebut you'll be able to put SQL Server and .NET on Linux15:41
MagicSpongemaybe on my own. but not theirs.15:41
dragonbitelive USB.... they'll never know ;)15:41
* MagicSponge gets a cookie or three.15:44
dragonbiteGirl Scout cookies?15:45
dragonbiteI'm a "dealer" (of GS cookies)15:45
MagicSpongehttp://imgur.com/gallery/mM5odRS No kidding.15:47
MagicSponge10 minute bell rings Bring BRING !15:50
dragonbiteWhat about at the Oscars (or was it Grammy's?) ... $65,000 sales = 16,250 boxes! (meaning they only made $12,187 out of that)15:51
MagicSpongedid they ?15:52
MagicSpongeWow.. that's a lot of cookies.15:52
* MagicSponge takes his hat off to girl scouts.15:53
dragonbiteDelivering the 300+/- sold last year took long enough! This year was a LOT lighter (~ 125)15:54
MagicSponge5minutes to go ... get those questions in with QUESTION: at the front !15:55
MagicSpongeQUESTION: When can I buy the MWC Ubuntu tablet ?15:57
vitimitiI don't even know what to ask, I'm overwhelmed by 16.04's upgrades already15:58
MagicSpongeme too.15:58
dragonbiteany special focus of this one (usually based on who is talking)?15:59
MagicSpongemariogrip is on apparently.15:59
MagicSpongethis guy ... https://devices.ubports.com/#/15:59
MagicSpongeI'm listening to the top-of-the-hour news right now. Anyone else ?16:00
mhall119hi everyone! we'll be starting the broadcast shortly, waiting for everybody to be ready16:01
dragonbitehttp://ubuntuonair.com/ isn't updated yet (still showing Juju)16:01
MagicSpongegood news mhall119 good news.16:01
MagicSpongedragonbite: refresh !16:01
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mhall119dragonbite: refresh the page, is it better now?16:03
dragonbiteYes it is up with the live event starting in a few moments16:03
MagicSpongeQUESTION: What are your thoughts on the twitter feed: https://twitter.com/TrumpOnLinux   (?)16:03
dpmwe'll be live in a bit, bear with us :)16:04
MagicSpongerefresh everyone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpZsjnaCSHU16:05
dragonbiteI didn't do the scope contest... I'm a "scope creep" ;)16:06
MagicSpongemhall119: Thankyou for not running 'the fan'.16:06
dragonbitesoooooo long ago ;)16:07
mhall119it does feel like longer than a month16:08
=== Manu is now known as Guest63139
dragonbiteQUESTION: in the ubucon in Germany, is English spoken? (sorry, dumb question ...)16:09
Guest63139QUESTION: Hope you have already read about microsoft patent related to convergence style technology. I wish know how will it affect Ubuntu and Ubuntu users in the future? What is canonical doing to resolve the problems because of this patent, if there will be any?16:10
dragonbiteQUESTION: Thoughts on MS SQL Server running on Linux (as well as .NET) and can Linux play nice with Active Directory(AD)?16:12
Guest63139QUESTION: MJ technology is launching ubuntu tablet. However, I have seen any online response from Ubuntu team. Do you think this tablet doesn't worth promoting? :)16:13
dpmI'm going to answer the next question that I see coming:16:15
dpmno, Microsoft is not buying Canonical :-)16:15
gr33nbitsyeh agreed16:17
popeythat mj tablet wants $2.5M https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/716fr116:18
MagicSpongeQUESTION: Is bitcoin accepted on ubports ?16:19
dpmMarius should take a picture of all his phones :)16:19
MagicSpongepopey: MJackson never died.16:20
dragonbitesounds great that he's getting donations to develop on!16:20
MagicSpongeQUESTION: Can we work on the ubports wiki ?16:21
MagicSpongeQUESTION: What phones will ubports not port ? #Winblows , #iphone etc etc ....16:22
belkinsaI like that quote, "Be a team and work together". :D16:22
MagicSpongeQUESTION: Is the money, as in suggested donations, just to buy the phones/tablets for porting or to do the work as well ?16:23
MagicSpongeWhere does the money go, I guess.16:23
mhall119https://wiki.ubports.com/ and https://forums.ubports.com/16:24
belkinsa_https://launchpad.net/~ubports is the LP team16:25
MagicSpongecheers for that :)16:26
MagicSpongeQUESTION: What are the main sticking points with the FairPhone port ?16:27
mhall119keep the questions coming guys16:30
MagicSpongeQUESTION: Have you asked for Shuttleworth foundation for funding ? If not why not (?) as the asking prices are quite low.16:30
gr33nbitswhat phone is that?16:32
mhall119Fairphone 216:33
MagicSpongeQUESTION: What is the app that mario *Wished* Ubuntu Touch had ?16:33
belkinsa_mhall119: why do you not use a case?16:34
mhall119never really liked cases really, I don't know why16:35
belkinsa_I see.16:36
gr33nbitsQUESTION: What are the phone hardware requisites in terms of cpu and memory?16:40
MagicSponge"BoarderWars" I shall add it to the list: https://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappshowdown/16:40
MagicSpongeQUESTION: What are the main changes in features with 16.04 ? please.16:41
gr33nbitsOk thank you.16:42
gr33nbitsi see16:42
MagicSpongeQUESTION: What's happening, I mean when is the deadline for the Ubuntu Free Showcase ? Or has it happened, already ?16:43
MagicSpongeAlso theres ubiquity.16:43
dragonbiteQUESTION: is the Ubuntu phone going ot use the Gnome app that 16.04 is moving to?16:44
MagicSpongeQUESTION: When is the next UOS (sorry if I missed this).16:45
MagicSpongeyes, you mentioned that sorry.16:46
balloonsMagicSponge, http://summit.ubuntu.com/ May 3rd to May 5th16:46
MagicSpongedpm, What kind of wine was dpm's lampshade before it became a lampshade ?16:47
balloonsQUESTION: What is Marius's favorite hardware to have ported to?16:47
MagicSpongeQUESTION: How do I convince my local government to go with Ubuntu ? What websites ?16:48
MagicSpongeQUESTION: Where is the bug list for the Linux Kernel, because I can't find a bug list ?16:49
MagicSpongeQUESTION: If you knew of a local Hackspace, would you go, at all ?16:50
balloonsI think there are some slight tweaks needed indeed. ogra would have the status :-)16:51
gr33nbitshahaah nice question Marcus16:51
dpmMagicSponge, it's actually a soda bottle :)16:52
MagicSpongeoh ok.16:52
BobFromAccountsQUESTION: Will the External Drives app be merged with the File Manager app at some point in the future?16:52
balloonsQUESTION: Just wanted to make sure we toss out some love and thanks again for https://devices.ubports.com/!16:53
BobFromAccountsQUESTION: I recently watched a video of the side stage function working on the ubuntu tablet and was a little concerned as the larger left hand side app was partially hidden underneath the right hand side app just like with the settings app currently on a tablet . This seemed a bit daft and makes the left hand side app unusable as a third of it is obscured.  Is this the plan or will both apps adjust in size to be trul16:54
balloonsthanks for the q and a!17:02
MagicSpongegreat show guys !17:03
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
MagicSpongewaxmigs2902: Wats up ?21:27

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