
phunyguy@mark #ubuntu-offtopic wename nsfw links02:04
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:04
daxguys did you know rsync on Windows == Ubuntu now02:58
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (Bingo random chitchat)17:21
MyrttiUnit193: thanks for the new irssi, btw19:06
Unit193Myrtti: 'Welcome, though I just did the merge. :)19:17
Myrtti#irssi peeps were a bit worried last week19:17
Unit193Ah, yeah.  Good to get it in the LTS.19:18
Myrttiit's great to have SASL support in LTS, indeed19:20
ubottunicomachus called the ops in #ubuntu (mcnuggets)20:39
geniitonyyarusso: Do you buy the "oops wrong channel" ?20:40
tonyyarussogenii: Of course not.  Also, what Freenode channel would that be on-topic for?20:41
tonyyarussoAlso, it was the first thing he said after joining, so....20:42
geniiYes, good point20:43
ubottudaftykins called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:14
k1lnot the first time tinyalpha is an issue21:15

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