
mappsgah i hate these stone floors03:01
mappscant seem to keep them clean ;/03:01
daftykinscover 'em in newspaper :D03:01
mappsevery single day just dust and dirt, i wear fliflops around as the floor gets cold03:04
mappsmaybe i should get slippers03:04
mapppsdaftykins,  reckon uk leaves eu03:08
mapppstalk about if the uk does..spain might a) close the border or b) take control of gib03:08
mapppsif border was closed..well loads of people couldnt get to work..and well couldnt get anything in here, would ruin gib03:09
daftykinscouldn't care less, i'm in neither :)03:09
mapppsmost restaurants/bars have spanish workers03:09
mapppsi thought it said it could affect you too though due to special concessions places get due to uk being in eu03:10
mapppswould go03:10
daftykinsno, we're outside of the EU so anyone here trading with EU countries has to go to extra lengths to do so i think03:13
mapppsive got a headache;/04:00
mapppshm bit tired, slee time for me05:21
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=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
knightwisegood morning peeps07:42
knightwiseso .. SQL is on linux now09:04
davmor2knightwise: MSSQL we've had SQL on Linux for an age :P09:05
davmor2morning all09:05
knightwisegood morning davmor209:06
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:00
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Tuesday, and happy International Women's Day! 😃10:26
davmor2JamesTait: not goth day then10:26
davmor2JamesTait: and welcome back slacker10:26
JamesTaitHey, I travelled half way around the world to do your job for you. 😝10:26
davmor2JamesTait: no you didn't, You really, really didn't :P10:27
JamesTaitI make it, you break it, right? 😃10:29
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqrk3DXV9go10:34
JamesTaitThat'll do. ☺10:39
n1md4I've recently installed Ubuntu with encryption using the installer, to a 480G SSD.  I have just noticed not all the disk was used.  443.2G / and 4G swap.  Any idea what's going on here?  Looks too large to be a round issue.11:31
brobostigonwhat does fdisk/gparted say about it?11:33
n1md4fdisk gave me those numbers11:35
davmor2n1md4: encrypted home or encrypted lvm?11:35
n1md4ah, parted reports 476GB11:36
n1md4still think that's quite a large rounding difference, but suppose I could do the maths.11:36
brobostigonhow can you just have encrypted /home when /home on / and not seperate, mustnt that mean then the whole of / is encrypted?11:37
davmor2brobostigon: it uses ecryptfs for home folder11:38
davmor2brobostigon: it is done so you can have separate keys per user11:39
brobostigoni see, :)11:39
davmor2brobostigon: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/ecryptfs.html11:40
brobostigonthank you.11:40
knightwisehey brobostigon12:05
brobostigonhi knightwise12:06
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=== _Sponge is now known as MagicSponge
diddledanmicrosoft is getting silly - they've joined the eclipse foundation (people holding the Eclipse IDE) https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/visualstudio/2016/03/08/microsoft-joins-the-eclipse-foundation/15:15
davmor2diddledan: they are trying to be Linux and get everywhere :)15:16
agoodmhello all, how can I permanently disable mouse acceleration for a usb mouse but not my trackpad device (laptop computer with 15.10) ive managed this previously on 14.04lts but cant recall how I did it?15:26
agoodmI can do it temporarilly by running xset m 00 in a terminal but it gets tiring15:27
n1md4agoodm: open mouse and touchpad setting.  On my install there are separate mouse and touchpad speeds.  You have those?15:32
n1md4my install is wily15:33
agoodmn1md4, I have mouse and touchpad speed, but I seem to be getting acceleration no matter where I set the pointer speed sliders15:34
n1md4Oh, can't help you there then.15:49
MagicSpongehttp://ubuntuonair.com/ IN ten minutes.15:51
Laneyanyone know about PCI DSS or similar?17:52
LaneyCompany wants me to write my credit card number on a pdf form and then email it to them17:53
Laneydon't really want to do that...17:53
davmor2Laney: then send a cheque18:04
Laneyyes thanks I can think of workarounds18:05
LaneyI want to make an argument that they should stop asking for this18:05
awilkinsWell i) Plain email is a transparent protocol. You'll be giving your CC no. to every server that email crosses18:55
popey(I think he knows this)18:56
StevenR_Laney: you might violate your CC Ts&Cs by doing that (the CC co expect you to take reasonable care of your CC details)18:57
StevenR_Laney: so by sending the CC number in plain... you're failing to take due care of your card details.18:58
LaneyI think I can say that it violates PCI DSS requirements to transmit details in plain text18:59
Laneynot quite clear to me yet if those are mandatory though18:59
Laneythink it's part of the contract with the card service provider19:00
StevenR_Laney: I suspect that it doesn't violate PCI DSS because the risk is on you, not the merchant in this case.19:00
StevenR_Laney: so the merchant is not implicated in this case, because they're not doing the transmitting.19:01
diddledanLaney, AFAIK PCI DSS is a requirement for _any_ company that handles credit card details themselves - using paypal means you don't need to comply becasue paypal collect the details directly in that case (e.g.)19:01
LaneyStevenR_: They are receiving my details unencrypted19:01
diddledanStevenR_, a company is required to ensure that transmission and storage of credit card details they collect be secure, I believe19:02
Laneydiddledan: ok, then in that case they do need to comply19:02
diddledanI believe PCI DSS mandates HTTPS for webforms for example19:03
LaneyI reckon they've sent me me a PDF of the same form that customers that visit them in the outlet have to fill in with pen & paper19:03
LaneyI wonder if *that* is also a violation19:03
Laneyor if they put (for example) it in a locked cabinet it would be okay19:04
diddledanI bet they're printing it out :-p19:04
Laneyprobably a stack of them goes to the back office for the administrator to type into some other form to charge people19:05
Laney(and then when they go rogue to snaffle the details from)19:05
* StevenR_ hates over-the-phone CC transactions.19:06
diddledannew version of chrome https://youtu.be/GNP-_ncY3ZA?list=PLNYkxOF6rcIDfz8XEA3loxY32tYh7CI3m19:06
diddledanStevenR_, me too19:06
diddledanI much prefer to use the internet if I can help it19:06
diddledanI trust the SSL mechanism much more than reading a number loud enough for my neighbour to hear19:07
Laneyalways fun when they read it aloud back to you19:07
Laney"umm, could you just type it in silently please?"19:07
zmoylan-pijust don't do over the phone cc on hands free on public transport and you'll be grand... :-)19:14
MagicSpongeSup. Any Thome York fans out there .. ?20:11
daftykinsRadiohead guy? never really looked20:46
diddledanwatching the first ep of quantico - completely blew my expectations straight away21:25
MagicSpongediddledan: That thing on Sky ? I think I missed it last time I looked.21:27
diddledanno idea where it's being broadcast :-p21:27
daftykinslawl broadcast21:27
diddledannzbdrone ftw21:28
daftykinspaying the wrong people, eww21:28
lanamanawell hello22:16
zmoylan-piflippin drive hi's...22:20
* diddledan drives past and fires a barrage of drive-by "hi" bullets22:34
diddledandon't you love that we have a common phrase that is derived directly from murderous gangs?22:35
daftykins'tis a fine sign!22:36
diddledanmouldy bread :-(23:39
diddledanit's green23:39
diddledanbread isn't supposed to be green IIRC23:39
diddledanon the plus side, free penicilin23:45
n1md4evening.  is it possible to 'encrypt' an image?23:51
n1md4what's the tool?  I've searched a bit, but can't find.23:52
diddledanyou could use GPG23:52
n1md4hmm, yes.  I was playing around with GPG on text files, and decided without checking that it couldn't do images .... doh!  Thanks :)23:53
diddledangpg can encrypt anything23:53

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