
* greg-g yawns15:59
greg-gknow of a good decaf coffee? this one I'm drinking sucks15:59
rick_h__no, always seemed against the point. figured if I just needed a hot drink without the juice I'd just do tea15:59
rick_h__guess that's kind of nuts though, "I enjoy pie...but if I can't have it without X I'll just go have nothing"16:00
greg-gbath water?16:01
rick_h__who *really* wants a baby right? :)16:01
* greg-g actually does like tea, just not first thing in the morning16:01
greg-grick_h__: meant "tea = bath water" :)16:02
cmaloneygreg-g: The Keurig Dark Magic Decaf isn't horrible16:21
cmaloneygreg-g: Which one are you drinking now?16:21
greg-gsome local-ish bulk option at my grocery store16:27
greg-gwhole bean16:27
cmaloneypro-tip: Bulk beans are terrible16:27
cmaloneyget bagged16:27
cmaloneyproblem is the bulk beans are stale16:28
cmaloneyso you're not getting any flavor16:28
cmaloneyCompost those suckers and find some decaf whole beans16:28
cmaloney(easier said than done, I know)16:29
cmaloneybut honestly unless the only option is Eight O'Clock you'll be ahead.16:29
jcastroI hope everyone voted today!18:11
jcastroI voted for Picard18:12
mrgoodcathaha a good decaf coffee. good joke18:13
jrwreni did not vote18:14
jrwrenbut i will18:14
mrgoodcathope you vote for caffeine in coffee18:14
cmaloneyI think brousch might have some lines on good decaf coffee18:15
jrwrenmmm... can't decide if I should have a cup of coffee right now, before I go vote, or after.18:15
jrwrenI feel like I've gone full bat-shit-crazy-liberal. I'll be riding my bike to go vote for a democrat.18:16
jrwrenI've never voted for a democratic presidential candidate, not even in a primary.18:16
jcastroyou live in ann arbor18:17
jcastrothe hippie ends up seeping inside of you18:17
jrwrenthis is true18:20
jcastroit wasn't crowded today, I went at like 7am18:21
mrgoodcati wouldn't expect primaries to be crowded. i've never voted in a primary though18:47
* mrgoodcat is a child18:47
brouschcmaloney greg-g Starbucks Pike Place Decaf is pretty good19:33
brouschBiggby French Roast Decaf is slightly better, but I don't think it exists out west19:34
cmaloneyrick_h__: What showed up?20:58
greg-gbrousch: we prefer Peets over Starbucks out here :)21:02
brouschI live in a coffee desert21:04
rick_h__cmaloney: custom made shirts from italy21:06
rick_h__cmaloney: ordered a pair of them when I was in rome from a tailor, got measured/etc21:06
jrwrenrick_h__: O_O  awesome!!!21:11
rick_h__jrwren: yea, will be interesting to try them out and see how they hold up and such21:13
rick_h__jrwren: fit is awesome though, custom fitted shirt ftw21:13
rick_h__next up, sport coat to go with them21:13
rick_h__jrwren: oh, I ended up getting a travel suit kind of on accident :)21:14
rick_h__jrwren: reminded me of meeting you at the airport in a suit for a sprint21:14
jrwrenrick_h__: you gonna wait until italy again to get an italian made one, or are you going to go to 1701 Bespoke?21:16
jrwren1701 bespoke is on my list of places from where to buy a suit, i just haven't yet.21:16
rick_h__jrwren: well I went to get a travel jacket and found out it's more of just a suit coat21:16
rick_h__so I got the pants to go with it and just make a suit out of it instead21:17
rick_h__jrwren: I got the jacket sleeves tailored here: http://www.jasonbarbaro.com/21:17
rick_h__jrwren: seems like a nice guy, so thinking of going there for the sport coat21:18
jrwrenha! really cool.21:18
rick_h__yea, who'd a thunk a tailor at great lakes crossing21:19
rick_h__jrwren: 1701 looks cool, subscribing to the blog21:24
jrwrenrick_h__: ;]  I've seen their stuff on people I know. They do very fine work.21:26
rick_h__jrwren: heh, I'm still not comfy with sites w/o prices anywhere though :/21:27
cmaloneyrick_h__: Ah, right21:30
cmaloneyDidn't realize they showed up yet.21:30
jrwrenrick_h__: i'm told reasonably priced. Not as cheap as off the rack, but cheaper than some of the high end name brand off rack stuff at dept stores. Of course, that aint' cheap :]21:35
cmaloneyIs this bespoke enough: http://www.redbubble.com/people/synaptyx/works/9026364-end-of-line ?21:38
* cmaloney isn't even sure where his white shirts are anymore.21:40
jrwrenhey, i'm wearing my juju hoodie. very limited edition bespoke ;]21:45
brouschI've moved back to buying dead trees for books I want to keep22:34
rick_h__jrwren: those were good hoodies!22:40
greg-gI'm sad my "W for knowledge" hoodie, which is great quality, is now tainted by it being heavly associated with the exiting ED's problematic plans :/23:22
greg-g("W" being in the font we use for Wikipedia's logo)23:22
ColonelPanic001I did it23:27
ColonelPanic001I'm at MUG23:27
ColonelPanic001It onlhy took me something like seven years to return23:27
ColonelPanic001damn northerners23:27
hpucksApparently there is a MUG meeting tonight eh? Definitely wont be making this one.  Maybe next month.23:49
ColonelPanic001there is23:50

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