jvturner | yeah I used that name | 00:00 |
jvturner | I have been told I need to use php7 because that's what is the plan for Drupal 8 | 00:01 |
daftykins | alright, well 12.04 is a mistake | 00:02 |
Techspectre | What do you do when an application doesn't combine with its launcher in the... well, the launcher? | 00:03 |
snowgoggles | Techspectre: I update it's dependencies | 00:04 |
Techspectre | snowgoggles, really? Why do they matter? | 00:05 |
diddledan | jvturner, AFAICT D8 works fine with PHP5.6 | 00:05 |
diddledan | jvturner, if you're launching before april then use Ubuntu 14.04 else wait for 16.06 | 00:05 |
diddledan | 16.04** | 00:05 |
jvturner | diddledan: you're right, but I was told to get a vagrant box running apache, mysql, php7 and drupal 8 | 00:06 |
diddledan | jvturner, then follow the instructions of whomever gave you those requirements | 00:07 |
jvturner | diddledan: those that set requirements are often of little help | 00:21 |
jvturner | I've been assigned to find out how to do it, and so I'm here for advice from those that are more experienced than I | 00:22 |
daftykins | and we said no 12.04 :) | 00:22 |
diddledan | the only way you'll get PHP7 with an Ubuntu VM is to use the pre-release 16.04 | 00:23 |
jvturner | daftykins: I know, I said I am good with going higher, but the vbox I found was a 12.04 | 00:23 |
jvturner | I wasn't aware that PHP7 wouldn't work on anything but 16.04 | 00:23 |
diddledan | (unless you start futzing about with random PPAs ofc) | 00:23 |
jvturner | oh ok | 00:23 |
jvturner | well, I will let them know that php7 is out until I can get 16.04 | 00:24 |
turova | Hello, I installed cuda onto ubuntu 15.10 and after installing bumblebee, it broke my X server. I tried to purge bumblebee and nvidia and can't seem to figure out a way to reset it. Every time I delete xorg.conf and reboot, it comes back with a "Screen 0 'nvidia'" setup that brings me back to low graphics mode. anyone know what I can do to rid myself of this mess without reinstalling ubuntu? | 00:24 |
jvturner | 16.06 | 00:24 |
turova | how do I find out what is recreating xorg.conf? | 00:25 |
daftykins | jvturner: no you can get 16.04 fine just now, it's just in beta or something as it's out at the end of April | 00:25 |
jvturner | daftykins: ah, gotcha, I'll just tell them to be patient for 16.04 in late April and I'll use 14.04 and PHP 5.6 for now | 00:26 |
jvturner | so I guess my goal is to learn how to setup vagrant with a vbox working as I need it to | 00:27 |
jvturner | btw, should I should for ubuntu 14.10? | 00:27 |
daftykins | 14.10 is EOL. | 00:27 |
jvturner | ok. I never got why the x.10 version would be EOL before the x.04 version | 00:32 |
diddledan | 15.04 is EOL, 15.10 isn't | 00:32 |
diddledan | 14.10 is EOL, 14.04 isn't because it's an Lts | 00:32 |
diddledan | LTS* | 00:32 |
diddledan | so. 14.04 (LTS) active, 14.10 EOL, 15.04 EOL, 15.10 (current) active | 00:34 |
Bashing-om | jvturner: 12.04 - 14.04 - 16.04 All LTS releases .. see, every 2 years is a release supported for 5 years . | 00:37 |
grkblood_ | is there a special way to assign a mac address in /etc/network/interfaces for wlan0? | 00:38 |
grkblood_ | hwaddress ether doesnt seem to work | 00:38 |
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daftykins | grkblood_: they have one physically, why do you want to set one? | 00:41 |
grkblood | because im doing something that requires it | 00:44 |
NoCode | Hi, I've installed from the minimal iso. My intention is to install Cinnamon. Cinnamon is installed. Lightdm is installed also, I try to log in, it says, "Failed to load session Cinnamon". | 00:44 |
jvturner | Bashing-om: k, just makes me want to avoid the x.10 altogether | 00:46 |
FunkyELF | about this ZFS stuff thats all over the news. I've read it several places that ZFS and containers are a match made in heaven but they didn't elaborate. Whats going on there? | 00:48 |
Danielh90 | CentOS or ubunut? | 00:48 |
Danielh90 | ubuntu* | 00:48 |
Danielh90 | for server | 00:48 |
daftykins | ask in #linux - this channel is for ubuntu. | 00:49 |
reisio | FunkyELF: zfs would be everyone's favorite FS du jour, except it has a terrible license so you may as well use btrfs instead | 00:49 |
daftykins | the fact you want to run minecraft makes that decision pointless :) | 00:49 |
reisio | there's always minetest | 00:49 |
humbot | \o/ | 00:50 |
reisio | /o\ | 00:50 |
Danielh90 | I downloaded ubuntu server and it says amd64 but I'm going to install this on a intel proceeser that that matter? | 00:52 |
daftykins | no, both intel and AMD use the amd64 architecture (kinda) | 00:53 |
Danielh90 | "ubuntu-14.04.4-server-amd64" | 00:53 |
reisio | Danielh90: 'amd64' is the name of the architecture for the vast majority of 64-bit computing, including intel-based | 00:53 |
Danielh90 | Oh Ok | 00:54 |
FunkyELF | so what is it about ZFS that makes it well suited for containers? | 00:55 |
* ubuntu_ | 00:55 | |
reisio | FunkyELF: I think they're just using it to draw attention to their containers stuff | 00:55 |
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reisio | it's generally well suited for use as an FS | 00:55 |
reisio | ...or would be, again, if its license weren't awful | 00:56 |
FunkyELF | The ones advocating that there is not an incompatibility make some good points. Clearly one is not derivative of the other if they were developed separately. | 00:58 |
dax | I think there are reasonable arguments in both directions. I also think this is probably better suited to #ubuntu-offtopic. | 00:59 |
reisio | FunkyELF: it can be debated a lot, but the fact remains they chose that license specifically so this would not happen | 01:00 |
Paddle | hello people. does anyone here have any experience with backbox? | 01:01 |
daftykins | Paddle: it's not supported here. | 01:05 |
daftykins | ask in their channel | 01:05 |
jp99 | Hi, I installed webalizer and moved it into www/html.. when i ran sudo webalizer i tsaid creating output in current directory, , histroy file not found, and now it says WARNING, trucnating oversized hostname (bad record 1) Any ideas? do i wait? | 01:06 |
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daftykins | you don't put a binary in a web server documentroot... | 01:08 |
Paddle | ok thanks. I tried that but am unable to connect to irc.autistici.org/9999 | 01:08 |
Paddle | which I think is their server | 01:08 |
daftykins | Paddle: that doesn't make their distro supported by us - it means you need to read up on IRC. | 01:08 |
Bashing-om | !backbox | Paddle | 01:09 |
ubottu | Paddle: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it. | 01:09 |
Paddle | ok thanks | 01:09 |
jp99 | Following these instructions:ou might have noticed that during the install process, webalizer directory has been created on /var/www/ path, we need to move it to /var/www/html so that apache may serve it fine. | 01:10 |
heeen | I'm installing ubuntu onto a usb stick on a macbook, but it does not show in the bootloader - any idea how to debug it | 01:17 |
heeen | the live stick does show in the bootloader | 01:17 |
daftykins | by that you mean holding option after the chime? | 01:17 |
heeen | but not the target usb disk | 01:17 |
heeen | yes | 01:17 |
daftykins | i'd bet GRUB wasn't installed right | 01:18 |
heeen | neither of them show in the startup disk tool on osx | 01:18 |
daftykins | nah, not surprising | 01:18 |
heeen | sometimes it even shows two EFI options in the bootloader, but only if the live stick is present | 01:18 |
totorystal | daftykins agree | 01:18 |
heeen | if I remove the live stick, both disappear | 01:18 |
daftykins | yeah because the ubuntu image on flash drive will be EFI boot capable as well | 01:18 |
heeen | so how can I fix it | 01:19 |
daftykins | boot the live session again in the mode you installed from, then install GRUB to just the partition of it - not the whole disk | 01:19 |
heeen | do I need to bless the drive or something | 01:19 |
daftykins | then you could checkout rEFInd or rEFIt whichever was the new one, to handle booting | 01:19 |
heeen | which partition -the efi partiton? | 01:19 |
daftykins | that would depend on the version of OS X and the age of the machine you have | 01:19 |
daftykins | well it depends if you installed as EFI or legacy | 01:20 |
heeen | I'm fine with holding alt for the boot manager | 01:20 |
heeen | it has an efi partition | 01:20 |
daftykins | perhaps you didn't boot and install as EFI the first time. | 01:20 |
heeen | the live stickshows as efi boot | 01:21 |
daftykins | yeah but you have to have booted and installed from it in said mode | 01:21 |
daftykins | maybe blessing is relevant, have you looked up any pertinent guides? | 01:21 |
daftykins | again, depends on OS X version and system age | 01:21 |
heeen | I googled around a bit | 01:21 |
heeen | but all of the guides are pretty useless | 01:22 |
heeen | I had it working at one point | 01:22 |
heeen | somehow it broke | 01:22 |
daftykins | i do so enjoy you question askers who give the full story at the beginning | 01:22 |
heeen | I think there was some step that added an entry to the nvram or something | 01:22 |
heeen | well I reinstalled and it still does not work | 01:23 |
heeen | fwiw this is el capitan on a 2012 mba | 01:23 |
dyc3 | hey, so im running an apache server with php, and yesterday my virtual hosts were working perfectly. i go to test them again today, and one returns a 500 error, and i have no idea how to troubleshoot it. Any ideas? Yes, i turned it off and on again, twice. | 01:23 |
daftykins | lol turning off and on | 01:24 |
daftykins | read the apache logs. | 01:24 |
dyc3 | oh | 01:25 |
dyc3 | found it | 01:26 |
dyc3 | "Call to undefined function" | 01:26 |
shlant | hi all. I created a bunch of zombie ssh processed because I was using ~. to exit sessions. How do I go about killing them? I tried restarting ssh service but it didn't work | 01:29 |
shlant | reboot? | 01:30 |
daftykins | kill PIDs to unused PTSs? | 01:30 |
heeen | damn it | 01:45 |
heeen | grub got installed onto my main disk instead of the usb drive | 01:45 |
heeen | and it does not boot osx | 01:45 |
heeen | just sits there with the cli | 01:45 |
daftykins | so use the boot menu (holding option) to pick the OS X entry and boot up fine | 01:47 |
daftykins | that's how it works on macs | 01:47 |
uruk7 | hola gente | 02:00 |
uruk7 | tengo un pequeño problemilla con falta de la memoria del disco duro para el /home habria alguna manera de solucionar eso ya sea cambiar la ubicacion del home a otro disco o hacer un clean de la .cache? | 02:02 |
Raku | I'm having an issue getting my phone's storage to mount, when I plug it in dmesg just prints "Cannot enable. Maybe the USB cable is bad?" over and over again, and lsusb actually hangs until I unplug it after which it displays the usb devices not including the phone | 02:02 |
Bashing-om | !es | uruk7 | 02:03 |
ubottu | uruk7: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 02:03 |
ariel_17 | uruk7: Hola | 02:03 |
ariel_17 | uruk7: instalá gparted | 02:03 |
daftykins | Raku: android? | 02:04 |
uruk7 | ariel_17 pero que es mejor hacer un clean o pasar el home a otro disco? | 02:04 |
ariel_17 | uruk7: con esa herramienta vas a poder cambiar el tamaño de la partición home. Quizás tengas que cambiar el tamaño de particiones aledañas | 02:04 |
ariel_17 | uruk7: yo nunca intenté cambiar la localización de home a otro directorio. Lo dejaría como último recurso | 02:05 |
squinty | !es | 02:05 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 02:05 |
Raku | daftykins, Galaxy S5 | 02:05 |
daftykins | Raku: tried a USB 2.0 port if you have it in a 3.0 etc? | 02:06 |
Raku | I've tried every port on the comp | 02:06 |
daftykins | sounds like a bad cable then | 02:07 |
uruk7 | ariel_17: pero puedo hacer eso sin dañar mis ficheros? | 02:07 |
Raku | It's in usb 2.0 mode currently, and it acts the same way on 2.0 ports, switching it to 3.0 mode makes the phone be not detected as if I had unplugged it | 02:07 |
Raku | It only doesn't work on this box, done it across a linux mint install and this xubuntu install | 02:07 |
uruk7 | ariel_17: se trata de redimensionar no? | 02:08 |
d87x123 | Hi | 02:08 |
Raku | Cable works fine on windows for example, I've tried a different cable for good measure though with no success | 02:08 |
d87x123 | xD | 02:08 |
d87x123 | LOL | 02:08 |
d87x123 | I 2 OP 4 U | 02:08 |
xangua | Raku: what Ubuntu release? | 02:08 |
d87x123 | im oin 0.16.01 | 02:09 |
Madhumper69 | how do i remove ppa - ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa and all its packages im sure its intefearing with my system? | 02:09 |
daftykins | Raku: guess it's game over | 02:09 |
d87x123 | 0.15.01 | 02:09 |
daftykins | !ppapurge | Madhumper69 | 02:09 |
ubottu | Madhumper69: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 02:09 |
d87x123 | :) | 02:09 |
Raku | xangua, wily | 02:09 |
daftykins | Madhumper69: is this you refusing to reinstall from earlier? if not, why did you add that PPA? | 02:09 |
Madhumper69 | i figured out that ppa is the problem | 02:10 |
xangua | Raku: should mount your internal storage, and what Android version? | 02:10 |
Raku | 5.0 | 02:10 |
daftykins | Madhumper69: you claimed it was a fresh install, you should've said | 02:10 |
Madhumper69 | and i want to wait for 16.04 lts in april ;) | 02:10 |
Madhumper69 | or 16.10 whatever it is... | 02:10 |
Raku | Doesn't do that, in thunar it hangs until I unplug the phone, then it gives me mtp device not found error | 02:10 |
daftykins | Madhumper69: it won't help your old hardware. | 02:10 |
xangua | Raku: did you set the phone to use MTP? | 02:10 |
Madhumper69 | look its same type of issue im habing and i know i installed that ppa http://askubuntu.com/questions/723438/the-following-packages-have-unmet-dependencies-and-could-not-initialize-package | 02:11 |
daftykins | Madhumper69: i already linked you to ppapurge, to get rid of it | 02:11 |
daftykins | so chop chop! | 02:11 |
Madhumper69 | yes thanks | 02:11 |
Madhumper69 | thanks for the quick response .. im tring this now... | 02:12 |
=== nolsen is now known as nolsen_ | ||
Raku | xangua, That's the default, that's what makes it bug out like this, setting it to mtp 3.0 breaks it completely(phone isn't detected) and ptp acts the same as normal mtp | 02:12 |
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Raku | Hmm, using this micro usb which is strictly 2.0 makes it act a little less wonky, phone never mounts though | 02:13 |
daftykins | i didn't think thunar properly supported MTP | 02:14 |
daftykins | maybe try a better file manager | 02:14 |
Raku | Now I'm getting this in dmesg though 'usbfs: process 2553 (pool) did not claim interface 0 before use' | 02:14 |
Raku | It isn't specific to thunar | 02:14 |
Raku | I've had it act up this same way in nemo as well | 02:14 |
daftykins | how about nautilus, for fun... | 02:14 |
snowgoggles | Raku: install exfat-utils exfat-fuse ....your android sd might be formated as exfat | 02:15 |
daftykins | snowgoggles: android devices haven't been mounted directly for many years. | 02:15 |
daftykins | they are accessed via MTP | 02:15 |
Raku | External sd is, internal isn't though, in any case that's not related to the error | 02:16 |
Raku | Tried it for kicks though, same problem | 02:16 |
Raku | Thunar errors with "failed to open MTP device" and then I get the "didnt claim interface 0" in dmesg | 02:16 |
Madhumper69 | OMG it worked!!!!! | 02:18 |
daftykins | shock horror | 02:18 |
daftykins | Madhumper69: pro tip for future - give volunteers the full story about little 'tweaks' you make ;) | 02:18 |
Madhumper69 | well after finding this site i noticed | 02:19 |
Madhumper69 | what i did | 02:19 |
Madhumper69 | from now on i will keep logs of what i do as im a noob | 02:19 |
daftykins | Madhumper69: also don't add PPAs willy nilly, they're not clever | 02:19 |
daftykins | !ppa | 02:19 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 02:19 |
Madhumper69 | that way i can undo... once change at a time | 02:19 |
Madhumper69 | yeah that ppa was for my video drivers i believe | 02:19 |
Madhumper69 | it removed 915 blah blah wich is linked to my hd 2000 drivers... now all works | 02:20 |
daftykins | you have intel, so you don't need any - plus that PPA is bad | 02:20 |
Madhumper69 | yeah for sure | 02:20 |
Madhumper69 | you think after a reboot it may fix the driver issue? | 02:20 |
MannyLNJ | I'm back with more SAMBA issues. I am trying to connect from one Ubuntu System to a share on another using nautilis and now I get the message Unhandled error message: Software caused connection abort | 02:21 |
daftykins | you would reboot after getting xserver-xorg-video-intel reinstalled | 02:21 |
Madhumper69 | on it sir, ty | 02:21 |
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mekhami | this is more of a unix question but can i 'pipe' the processes from pgrep into kill so i can just with one command kill all instances of something | 02:26 |
heeen | mekhami: use xargs | 02:27 |
mekhami | so something like | 02:28 |
mekhami | pgrep skype | xargs kill | 02:28 |
mas | de | 02:28 |
mekhami | what about kill `pgrep skype` | 02:29 |
daftykins | mekhami: or you know, you could use "killall" | 02:33 |
jameser | hello | 02:40 |
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albertfix | help with installation of pre compiled Grb2 in Mint Linux 17.2 | 02:47 |
Bashing-om | !mint | albertfix | 02:48 |
ubottu | albertfix: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 02:48 |
albertfix | cheers clicked wrong .. Thanks | 02:49 |
Penorsaurus | Hi | 02:49 |
Penorsaurus | I am having a bit of an issue with rsync | 02:49 |
Penorsaurus | copying the permissions from the source into the destination | 02:49 |
Penorsaurus | my rsync command is D:\Utility\Cygwin\bin\rsync.exe -rt --delete --verbose "/source" "/destination" | 02:49 |
piero | Hello! I have two ethernet interfaces, each one connected to a different adsl modem (two adsl connections with 2 different ISPs). I use just one computer, I dont need to share these connections with another machine. Which is the easiest way to balance the traffic? | 02:50 |
Penorsaurus | I'd like to preserve the destination's existing permissions | 02:50 |
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Bashing-om | Penorsaurus: " D:\Utility\Cygwin\bin\rsync.exe " : A Windows machine ? | 02:51 |
Penorsaurus | correct. | 02:52 |
Bashing-om | Penorsaurus: The Windows channel would be more knowledgeable . | 02:52 |
Penorsaurus | they wouldn't really | 02:53 |
Penorsaurus | seeing as rsync is not a native windows functionality | 02:53 |
daftykins | piero: have one use one - and you use the other :P | 02:54 |
daftykins | Penorsaurus: trying to use it on Windows is hilariously wrong | 02:54 |
Penorsaurus | daftykins, name a better tool for windows that does what rsync does. | 02:55 |
daftykins | nope, 'cause this isn't Windows support! | 02:56 |
Penorsaurus | I'm not asking for windows support. | 02:56 |
Penorsaurus | I am asking for rsync support which is offered by ubuntu. | 02:56 |
dax | *sigh* | 02:57 |
dax | #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. | 02:57 |
dax | rsync on Windows is not Ubuntu. | 02:57 |
cfhowlett | Penorsaurus, man rsync will guide you | 02:57 |
dax | Therefore, we do not offer technical support for it. | 02:57 |
daftykins | you are using a Windows executable, that is NOT ubuntu support | 02:57 |
Penorsaurus | the fact that its on windows is irrelevent. The question pertains to parameters passed to rsync. | 02:57 |
daftykins | Penorsaurus: get a sensible nickname and go to the right place. | 02:57 |
Penorsaurus | cfhowlett, Thanks. | 02:58 |
cfhowlett | Penorsaurus, happy2help! | 02:58 |
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Madhumper69 | what does this mean? The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 03:08 |
Madhumper69 | xserver-xorg-video-intel: Depends: xorg-video-abi-15 but it is a virtual package | 03:08 |
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Madhumper69 | what does this mean? The following packages have unmet dependencies: xserver-xorg-video-intel: Depends: xorg-video-abi-15 but it is a virtual package how can i install xserver-xorg.....? | 03:25 |
cwons | hello | 03:46 |
Madhumper69 | resolved my issue... to quiet in here... had to help myself :P | 03:48 |
Madhumper69 | hey cwons | 03:48 |
cwons | testing out irssi | 03:48 |
cwons | I'm a bit of a linux noob | 03:49 |
Madhumper69 | yeah same here, i been doing really well, i fixed alot of stuff :D cwons use xchat its best for irc client | 03:49 |
Raku | Nahhh, weechat is best | 03:50 |
cwons | why is that? | 03:50 |
Raku | If you're going to suggest gui use hexchat, xchat is rather old | 03:50 |
cwons | ooh, competing opinions! You two must fight to the death! Go! | 03:50 |
Madhumper69 | lol well, it all depends on what you use rather, i like xchat its nice and clean | 03:51 |
cwons | I decided to try irssi because it runs in the terminal(if I am understanding that correctly) | 03:51 |
Raku | hexchat=fork of xchat | 03:51 |
Madhumper69 | i did a search for best irc clients theres some good articles | 03:51 |
hggdh | you can try weechat | 03:51 |
cwons | what is weechat like? | 03:52 |
Raku | Similar to irssi | 03:52 |
hggdh | cureses-based. Pretty good for me, at least | 03:52 |
hggdh | curses* | 03:52 |
Madhumper69 | woohoo i fixed my first dependancy mess ... proud noob :P | 03:52 |
cwons | curses-based? | 03:52 |
cwons | nice job, Maphump! | 03:53 |
hggdh | cwons: command-line | 03:53 |
cwons | ohh, ok | 03:53 |
Madhumper69 | thanks... i finally was able to install intel drivers had to remove some stuff intefearing with what i wanted to install and its working | 03:54 |
Madhumper69 | and fixed all my ppa issues... no more ppa manual entries dangerous....ugh | 03:54 |
cwons | Madhumper69: you are practically a l33t haxx0r now! | 03:55 |
Madhumper69 | yeah i feel like it | 03:55 |
Madhumper69 | proud of myself this is week 2 and i have done alot, installed apche webserver with website and have vpn as cron job | 03:56 |
Madhumper69 | had to edit xorg.conf and read alot of logs | 03:56 |
Madhumper69 | i love it! | 03:56 |
Madhumper69 | have a plex server and transmission server running of vpn so i dont get no torrent letters from isp ;) | 03:56 |
cwons | I've been using for a couple months, and I only sort of know what you are talking about! | 03:57 |
cwons | so you must be advanced! :P | 03:57 |
Madhumper69 | yeah its always a learning curve.... google is your friend! and as last resort this channel is helpful | 03:57 |
Madhumper69 | well now im getting familiar with the var logs and stucture of ubuntu | 03:58 |
cwons | whats a var log? | 03:58 |
exedore6 | cwons: It’s a location. the /var/log | 03:58 |
Madhumper69 | where all your logs go pretty much.... something is broken or dont work you can look in var for logs find some answers | 03:58 |
exedore6 | cwons: Where most logfiles go. | 03:58 |
cwons | cool | 03:59 |
Madhumper69 | now im going to do a backup just incase i break anything... to many hours put into this server lol | 03:59 |
cwons | lol, probably a good plan! | 04:00 |
Madhumper69 | thast going to be another challenge ^^ | 04:00 |
Madhumper69 | once i get lil better i will remove graphical interface and xrdp and run straight from terminal im almost there | 04:01 |
Madhumper69 | :) | 04:01 |
cwons | I've been using i3. I've come to really like it | 04:02 |
Madhumper69 | what is i3 | 04:02 |
cwons | a tiling window manager | 04:02 |
cwons | I think ubuntu's default is called Unity | 04:03 |
cwons | which works a lot like windows | 04:03 |
cwons | the thing I am using is much less like windows | 04:03 |
cwons | it completely changes the UI | 04:03 |
Madhumper69 | yeah ubuntu default is unity kool ill have to look into i3 just for curiosity | 04:04 |
cwons | but I like how efficiently space is used on the screen, and you have a lot of control over it | 04:04 |
cwons | it's very different | 04:04 |
Madhumper69 | wow that looks bad ass all code | 04:04 |
Madhumper69 | i saw pics in google images... | 04:04 |
cwons | well, those are probably terminals you are seeing | 04:05 |
Delvien | i3+mate is best of both worlds | 04:05 |
cwons | it still runs in x | 04:05 |
cwons | what is mate? | 04:05 |
Delvien | mate is a fork of gnome2.x | 04:05 |
cwons | ohhhh | 04:05 |
Delvien | updated for modern code and stuff | 04:05 |
Madhumper69 | kool | 04:05 |
Agent281 | i3 looks like monad | 04:07 |
Agent281 | do you know if it is similar? | 04:07 |
Delvien | its similar | 04:07 |
Agent281 | makes sense. i3 looks a bit prettier | 04:07 |
Delvien | I love i3. | 04:08 |
cwons | I'm really enjoying i3 | 04:08 |
cwons | I'm told it's lighter-weight than gnome | 04:08 |
Delvien | Madhumper69: cwons Agent281 my current i3+mate. still working on my gtk theme | 04:09 |
Delvien | http://i.imgur.com/xaACzA5.png | 04:09 |
Agent281 | looks nice | 04:09 |
Agent281 | very clean | 04:09 |
Madhumper69 | perty | 04:10 |
cwons | what irc client are you using? | 04:10 |
Delvien | irssi | 04:10 |
cwons | looks sooooo much nicer than mine | 04:10 |
cwons | mine is a mess | 04:10 |
Raku | Ya numix | 04:10 |
Delvien | default is a mess :P | 04:10 |
cwons | what did you change about it? | 04:10 |
Delvien | mostly a theme, and small tweaks | 04:11 |
Raku | Lol you think yours is a mess you should see my weechat layout | 04:11 |
Delvien | most of the colors are from mate-terminal, the formatting of it is irssi | 04:11 |
cwons | the formatting is from irssi? I thought you said you were using irssi? | 04:12 |
cwons | how did you get everything all spaced nicely? Mine is all together in a big block | 04:14 |
Delvien | cwons one sec, ill just upload my .irssi and you can drop it into your home folder after you back up yours | 04:16 |
cwons | that is very kind of you! | 04:17 |
Raku | This is my mess of a weechat layout http://puu.sh/nyP6O/dfba2f94cb.jpg | 04:17 |
cwons | Raku: that still looks a hundred times nicer than mine | 04:18 |
afrokarlsson | hitler borns in 27 mai | 04:19 |
Delvien | cwons http://s000.tinyupload.com/download.php?file_id=06691712196156368047&t=0669171219615636804732717 | 04:19 |
Delvien | cwons youll have to add your usr info and your autoidentify un pw back in, i removed it from the config for obvious reasons | 04:20 |
cwons | oohh, this might be above my paygrade | 04:21 |
cwons | Any chance you could explain how you changed the formatting? | 04:22 |
cwons | Is it an irssi change or a terminal change? | 04:23 |
Geo | Is it bad to use the same signed cert for email and web servers running on the same host? | 04:39 |
=== anderx is now known as andrex | ||
Raku | I can't get notify-send to work over ssh with x11 forwarding for the life of me, It worked on my previous install I'm not sure what's changed in this that's not letting it work | 04:53 |
Delvien | Raku: youre using ssh -x "server" right? | 05:00 |
Delvien | sorry -X, not sure if its case-sensitive | 05:00 |
Raku | ssh -X | 05:00 |
Raku | Ya it is | 05:00 |
Raku | I do ssh comp 'DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "TEST MESSAGE."' | 05:00 |
Raku | And ssh -X comp 'notify-send "test message"' | 05:01 |
Raku | I don't get any error but nothing comes up on the machine(comp) | 05:01 |
Raku | I tried strace and gdb and got nothing of any significance | 05:02 |
Raku | I guess I could check the ssh log | 05:02 |
Delvien | Raku: you did make sure notify-send works on the server machine? | 05:02 |
Raku | Server machine=the one I want the notification to appear on yes? | 05:03 |
Delvien | yes, the machine you are running the ssh -X foo, is the client, your recieving machine is the server | 05:04 |
Delvien | ei* | 05:04 |
Raku | Ya | 05:04 |
=== ToneKnee_ is now known as ToneKnee | ||
Raku | Taking earlier example | 05:04 |
Raku | ssh comp 'DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "TEST MESSAGE."' | 05:04 |
Raku | That results in nothing on server | 05:05 |
Raku | But | 05:05 |
Raku | If I run that command | 05:05 |
Raku | DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "TEST MESSAGE." | 05:05 |
heeen | daftykins: what is a live image doing differently so that it shows up in the boot manager | 05:05 |
Raku | Works fine on server machine | 05:05 |
Raku | Notification shows and whatnot | 05:05 |
Geo | Is it bad to use the same signed cert for email and web servers running on the same host? | 05:06 |
heeen | where is a good place to ask questions about dual booting osx and ubuntu/linux | 05:06 |
Delvien | Roku thinking.. | 05:06 |
Delvien | Raku: ssh into the remote host, and run "w" is the user name using :0 as your command is sending to? | 05:10 |
cfhowlett | !mac | heeen | 05:10 |
ubottu | heeen: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 05:10 |
Delvien | as the user name* | 05:10 |
Delvien | no wait.. is the user name was right.. man im tired | 05:10 |
Raku | No it isn't | 05:11 |
Raku | This is the output | 05:12 |
Raku | http://puu.sh/nyRS0/6f9cc58031.png | 05:12 |
Delvien | Raku: "josh :0" it is using :0 :P | 05:12 |
Raku | Well | 05:12 |
Delvien | so thats not the problem... hmm | 05:12 |
Raku | Ya lol, I thought you mean the actual ssh one | 05:12 |
Raku | Sorry :P | 05:13 |
Delvien | "***system restart required *** is a bit troubling :P | 05:13 |
Raku | If you want some context for my use of this, I have weechat on remote server, and so to get notifications on this comp that I use mosh from to use weechat, I use a script that uses ssh and libnotify | 05:14 |
Raku | That's just ubuntu being dramatic | 05:14 |
Raku | Apparently it wants me to reboot after like, any software upgrade or installation | 05:14 |
Delvien | Raku: if thats the case, shouldnt you be reversing the way you are sending the notify-send? you should be sending the command to your comp, FROM the remote server | 05:15 |
Delvien | or am i just confused as to where you are actually running the command? | 05:15 |
Raku | Yes | 05:15 |
Delvien | is @debian your server? | 05:15 |
Delvien | or josh-pc? | 05:15 |
Raku | @debian | 05:16 |
Delvien | ok, on @debian, run "w" | 05:16 |
Delvien | lol nvm | 05:16 |
Raku | @debian has weechat open, and then sends the notify-send to my comp | 05:16 |
Raku | so ssh -X comp "notify-send 'notification'" | 05:16 |
Delvien | dont do -X | 05:16 |
Raku | It doesn't make a difference if I don't | 05:17 |
Delvien | -X is x forwarding, if you are running a command via script from the @debian to the @josh-pc you would literally reroute it to @debian | 05:17 |
Delvien | or nothing would show | 05:17 |
Delvien | so from @debian > ssh comp 'DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "TEST MESSAGE."' | 05:18 |
Raku | None of these result in a notification popping up on the comp http://puu.sh/nySfh/e1478de09c.png | 05:18 |
Raku | This exact script that used ssh -X did work before, it's not something new that isn't working and I'm trying to make it work, it's not working with this new ubuntu install | 05:19 |
Delvien | Raku: im going to bring up a vm to test this really fast. reboot @debian to see if that may, in some odd way, be the culprit | 05:20 |
Delvien | Raku: I get it, but the -X shouldnt be needed, because -X makes command sent to the host, display on the client | 05:21 |
Raku | It should not be needed, no | 05:22 |
Raku | But, this script has always had that -X in it and it displayed the notifications fine before on previous linux mint xfce install | 05:22 |
* ubuntu | 05:23 | |
* ubuntu | 05:23 | |
=== ubuntu is now known as trr | ||
* trr | 05:23 | |
dax | trr: is there something we can help you with, or are you planning to just emote randomly as you have been recently? | 05:24 |
dax | because i would not really recommend continuing to do so | 05:24 |
HanKtheRobot4 | http://cdn.phys.org/newman/gfx/news/hires/2013/tocreateasup.jpg | 05:25 |
HanKtheRobot4 | Ai | 05:25 |
cfhowlett | HanKtheRobot4, this is ubuntu support. please stay on topic. | 05:25 |
Madhumper69 | this is exactly the problem i am facing... i cannot get my hd 2000 drivers to work apperently i need to update to 14.10 i am currently running 14.04 http://askubuntu.com/questions/601088/distribution-not-supported-error-when-trying-to-install-intel-graphics-installer | 05:27 |
MannyLNJ | I'm back with more SAMBA issues. I am trying to connect from one Ubuntu System to a share on another using nautilis and now I get the message Unhandled error message: Software caused connection abort | 05:28 |
Madhumper69 | if i update im sure it will mess stuff? | 05:28 |
cfhowlett | Madhumper69, yes. especially since 14.10 is end of life and no longer supported. | 05:28 |
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant | ||
Madhumper69 | i shold just wait till 16.10 LTS in april? | 05:30 |
Delvien | Raku: just tested mine.. it works on my machine | 05:30 |
cfhowlett | Madhumper69, no. 16.04 is the LTS released in april | 05:30 |
Madhumper69 | WOOPS yeah, then it should work? | 05:30 |
Delvien | Madhumper69: 16.04 is the LTS | 05:30 |
MannyLNJ | cfhowlett, Does that mean 14.04.43 LTS os also EOL? | 05:30 |
cfhowlett | Madhumper69, *should* | 05:30 |
Madhumper69 | does that mean i have to reinstall everything? if i upgrade will it erease all conf files etc...? | 05:31 |
MannyLNJ | cfhowlett, i mean 14.04.4 LTS | 05:31 |
cfhowlett | MannyLNJ, no. LTS releases are supported for years on the desktop | 05:31 |
Raku | Delvien, Ya that's the odd part is it should work, everything says it should be working, I'm not sure what the problem is | 05:31 |
cfhowlett | MannyLNJ, 14.04 is supported until 2019 | 05:32 |
Raku | I guess only other thing to try is reboot server\ | 05:32 |
Raku | Brb... | 05:32 |
Delvien | Raku: God speed | 05:32 |
Madhumper69 | im little new to ubuntu i never upgraded ubuntu before just a fresh install? what happens say i was to update from 14.04 to whatever... ? | 05:32 |
MannyLNJ | cfhowlett, good to know I will be on new hardware by then | 05:32 |
cfhowlett | MannyLNJ, I should hope so :) | 05:32 |
lotuspsychje | Madhumper69: 14.04 will upgrade to 16.04 but its still in developing phase | 05:33 |
cfhowlett | Madhumper69, 1. non-LTS releases have only 9 months of support. | 05:33 |
Madhumper69 | yes i know that but will that erease all data? like fresh install if i were to update in the future? | 05:33 |
cfhowlett | 2. bleeding edges are bloody. my advice: unless you truly *need* the latest, greatest shiny stuff, use LTS | 05:33 |
lotuspsychje | Madhumper69: you can save your /home on upgrades or new installs | 05:34 |
cfhowlett | Madhumper69, set up a /home and you should be able to upgrade without risk to your data -- which, of course, you will backup before installing/upgrading anyway | 05:34 |
Madhumper69 | ill have to reinstall apache all that stuff etc..? | 05:34 |
cfhowlett | Madhumper69, not on direct upgrade, yes on new install. | 05:35 |
Madhumper69 | ah ok | 05:35 |
Madhumper69 | normally when u upgrade u need to upgrade to each individual release and cannot jump from 14.04 to 16.04 right? | 05:37 |
cfhowlett | Madhumper69, false. | 05:38 |
somsip | Madhumper69: LTS upgrades work from LTS to LTS. But 16.04 is not yet out so it wont work now | 05:38 |
cfhowlett | you can jump from one LTS to the NEXT LTS | 05:38 |
cfhowlett | 12.04 > 14.04 > 16.04 | 05:38 |
ShinyObjects_ | Hi guys - I have a 1 button mouse and would like to know if I can use control + click or the like to right click | 05:38 |
Madhumper69 | i know that im just preparing because 14.04 and my gfx drivers dont work | 05:38 |
ShinyObjects_ | Is that possible? | 05:38 |
dengxinjun | hello | 05:38 |
dengxinjun | Are you here? | 05:38 |
Madhumper69 | if i update higher then 14.04 my drivers will work | 05:38 |
cfhowlett | dengxinjun, ask your ubuntu questions | 05:38 |
cfhowlett | Madhumper69, you *could* clean install 15.10 now then upgrade to 16.04 next month | 05:39 |
somsip | Madhumper69: and clean installs are often recommended over upgrades anyway | 05:39 |
lotuspsychje | ShinyObjects_: there is a package gpointing-device-settings but not sure if that will be able to emulate right mouse to a key | 05:40 |
Madhumper69 | ok so it sounds like my best bet is to wait till april with new LTS release and clean install | 05:41 |
somsip | Madhumper69: that would be my advice | 05:41 |
dengxinjun | How do I install autodesk maya? | 05:41 |
Madhumper69 | is there a launch date set yet in april? | 05:41 |
dengxinjun | How do I install autodesk_maya on my ubuntu mate | 05:41 |
cfhowlett | dengxinjun, ask autodesk how to install their proprietary product on linux | 05:41 |
somsip | Madhumper69: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule | 05:42 |
Raku | Delvien, I made it back | 05:42 |
Madhumper69 | thanks for the help | 05:42 |
cfhowlett | Madhumper69, | 05:42 |
Delvien | Raku: any progress? | 05:42 |
Raku | Nope | 05:42 |
Madhumper69 | i guess i could always get another video card 50$ lol | 05:42 |
Madhumper69 | meh ill just wait and reasses in april | 05:43 |
dengxinjun | Can I downloads ubuntu16.04? | 05:43 |
Raku | Reboot of server did nothing | 05:43 |
cfhowlett | worth considering: if your current LTS works, delay upgrading until the first point release, i.e. 16.04.1 which would be October. I have found the upgrade path much less aggravating by using this method | 05:43 |
Delvien | Raku: its not asking for a password when your running that ssh command? | 05:43 |
cfhowlett | !ubuntu+1 | dengxinjun, | 05:43 |
ubottu | dengxinjun,: Xenial Xerus is the codename for Ubuntu 16.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 | 05:43 |
ShinyObjects_ | Does anyone know how I can map ctrl+click to right click? | 05:43 |
Raku | Nope | 05:44 |
Raku | I use a key auth or whatever the term is, so no password | 05:44 |
Madhumper69 | thanks for the info ubottu | 05:44 |
Delvien | Raku im at a loss then, not even sure where to go from here. Theres got to be something off with the configuration. | 05:44 |
Raku | Ya | 05:45 |
Raku | I have an extra command appended to it so it plays a sound, and that comes through | 05:45 |
Delvien | Raku: maybe its a bug with libnotify | 05:45 |
Raku | SO when you say my name like that I hear a ding but no notification | 05:45 |
Raku | I mean maybe, but the literal like copy paste command works fine if I run it on the machine | 05:45 |
Raku | So | 05:46 |
Raku | This is the script in question https://weechat.org/scripts/source/sshnotify.py.html/ | 05:46 |
davido | that's sort of funny actually, "penguinguru has quit (Excess Flood)" | 05:50 |
Madhumper69 | LMAO yep | 05:51 |
Madhumper69 | silly penguins ;0 | 05:51 |
davido | almost like "deathproof dies" | 05:51 |
Raku | I don't know how else to test this to see if it's some problem on my end, I did sudo apt-get --reinstall libnotify for good measure though | 05:51 |
Raku | I guess I could compile a new version or something | 05:52 |
Delvien | Raku: doing some searching, there was mention somewhere of dbus issues. but I think its more to do with this script and how old it is (its only been updated once in the last 5 years | 05:53 |
Raku | Can I have a link to take a look at these dbus issues? | 05:54 |
Delvien | Raku: thats the thing.. I see it in the google search's results description of the link, but I cant find the actual post. | 05:54 |
Raku | What's the link? | 05:55 |
Delvien | Raku: https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=weechat+sshnotify+not+working&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 Specifically: ", notifications will no longer work because of dbus errors" third link down | 05:55 |
crazyhorse18 | hi.. i want to encrypt a whole bunch of stuff before i back it up to another computer.. what should i be using? | 05:56 |
crazyhorse18 | i'd prefer it that if part of the encrypted backup got currupted etc, i could still extract the non-currupted bit with the correct pass phrase | 05:56 |
Delvien | crazyhorse18: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FolderEncryption | 05:57 |
Raku | Delvien, http://puu.sh/nyU8P/d6f753dbea.png | 05:57 |
Delvien | Raku: I see | 05:57 |
crazyhorse18 | Delvien: is that similar to truecrypt, in that you create a volume? | 05:58 |
Delvien | crazyhorse18: from my understanding, you create a folder, encrypt it with this app, and then 'mount' it to decrypt it | 06:00 |
crazyhorse18 | Delvien, it came up with a huge, this is not secure warning when i tried to install it | 06:00 |
Anthony-L | hi, how would i go about navigating my folders in the GUI? | 06:00 |
Anthony-L | i was a windows user. | 06:01 |
crazyhorse18 | Anthony-L, click click, double click? | 06:01 |
ShinyObjects_ | Ok well if anyone cares I finally just set an x key mapping to toggle my mouse button from being right click to left click | 06:01 |
ShinyObjects_ | and vs vs | 06:01 |
ShinyObjects_ | quick and easy shell script | 06:01 |
crazyhorse18 | oh click on the filling cabinet icon on the top left | 06:01 |
ShinyObjects_ | If anyone wants it, feel free to pm | 06:01 |
crazyhorse18 | Anthony-L, or if you can get to a terminal window type nautilus | 06:01 |
Anthony-L | yea, but that doesn't show me my hard disk. | 06:02 |
Delvien | Anthony-L: what exactly are you trying to see? | 06:02 |
Anthony-L | my hard drive and explore it | 06:02 |
Madhumper69 | if i install 16.04 beta will i be able to upgrade to lts without reinstalling my stuff? | 06:02 |
Delvien | Anthony-L: do you have more than 1? | 06:03 |
Anthony-L | just one | 06:03 |
xangua | Madhumper69: yes, for anything eke #ubuntu+1 | 06:03 |
Anthony-L | ok, in windows you know how there's the C: drive? | 06:03 |
Delvien | Anthony-L: did you install ubuntu with the default settings when it came to partitioning? | 06:03 |
dax | ubottu: final | Madhumper69 | 06:03 |
ubottu | Madhumper69: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal. | 06:03 |
heshers | Madhumper69 yes | 06:03 |
Madhumper69 | sweet | 06:04 |
heshers | Madhumper69 sudo apt-get install update && sudo apt-get install upgrade | 06:04 |
Raku | Anthony-L, the equivalent of looking at C: in windows is / (aka 'root directory') | 06:04 |
Delvien | Anthony-L: "Home" or "/home/yourusername" is your equivalent of "C:" | 06:04 |
Raku | Nah /home is more like the documents directory in windows | 06:04 |
Delvien | Raku: / is more like the equivilent of C:/Windows | 06:04 |
Madhumper69 | <dax> ubottu: final | Madhumper69 .... what does that mean? dax? | 06:04 |
Delvien | equivalent* | 06:04 |
Anthony-L | okay, i have games installed and the steam application. how come i can't see all the in depth files and folders in those applications? | 06:05 |
Anthony-L | are files hidden with Ubuntu? | 06:05 |
Raku | I can agree with that, I wouldn't equate C: to /home though | 06:05 |
dax | Madhumper69: that was me instructing our factoid bot (ubottu) to tell you something. it triggered the following message from ubottu | 06:05 |
Madhumper69 | ahhh lol ok | 06:05 |
Raku | Anthony-L, Those should be in ~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common | 06:05 |
Delvien | Anthony-L: most file browsers in linux "hide" folders with a . before them. Such as .themes | 06:05 |
Anthony-L | raku, i understand that. how would i get there in the GUI? | 06:06 |
Delvien | Anthony-L: press Ctrl+h when your file browser is focused | 06:06 |
dax | keyboard shortcut to unhide them is probably alt-. or ctrl-h, depending on which one you're using | 06:06 |
Anthony-L | delvian! you did it!! | 06:06 |
Delvien | Anthony-L: Ctrl+L to open address bar, or simply click on the breadcrumb | 06:06 |
Anthony-L | how would i uninstall, lets say Xchat? | 06:07 |
Delvien | Anthony-L: sudo apt-get remove appname | 06:07 |
Delvien | in terminal | 06:07 |
Delvien | or use the software manager, whatever that is in unity | 06:08 |
arno_ | hi. I have two bluetooth speakers. I can connect one at a time. I'd love to connect them both (for stereo). Is that possible? | 06:08 |
lotuspsychje | anth0ny_: xchat is not maintained anymore, install hexchat instead | 06:08 |
Delvien | arno_: are both speakers meant to be used at the same time? | 06:08 |
cfhowlett | Anthony-L, sudo apt-get purge xchat && sudo apt install hexchat | 06:08 |
JamesT1995 | hey guys...loking for a good ePub reader for Ubuntu...something simple like Adobe Digital Editions, but not as complicated as calibre...any ideas? | 06:08 |
xangua | JamesT1995: can't evince read it? Maybe comix | 06:09 |
arno_ | Delvien: how can I know? | 06:09 |
xangua | I think there's an updated comix fork actually JamesT1995 | 06:10 |
Delvien | arno_ well that is really dependant on how the speakers were designed. If they are mono speakers, you'd be hard pressed to get them working AS stereo | 06:10 |
arno_ | Delvien: ok, thanks | 06:10 |
arno_ | I guess they are independant, because they were in two boxes | 06:10 |
JamesT1995 | xangua: i will look it up thank you | 06:10 |
Anthony-L | cfhowlett | 06:11 |
Anthony-L | can you pm me? | 06:11 |
cfhowlett | Anthony-L, done | 06:11 |
davido | At work I use Hangouts to communicate with other members of the team, some out of state.... Recently I've had the annoyance where if I have hangouts open in one firefox window, and then I open another firefox window, I may lose the ability to shift cursor focus from one instance to the other. | 06:12 |
xangua | davido: that's because the plugin steals the focus | 06:13 |
davido | it does, indeed. | 06:13 |
davido | and refuses to let go. But it's not an issue between different tabs, only between different windows. | 06:13 |
davido | i'll have to see if the plugin misbehaves in chrome similarly. | 06:15 |
davido | i hate to switch browsers over something so seemingly trivial. | 06:15 |
Raku | Delvien, Do you maybe know of a channel that might be better suited for figuring this out? | 06:26 |
Delvien | Raku: is there a #weechat? :P | 06:26 |
Raku | Ya | 06:26 |
Raku | I'm in it lol, it's on this network | 06:27 |
Delvien | Raku: thats what I would suggest : P | 06:27 |
Raku | Since I can't even run the command and get it to work outside of weechat though, I don't think it's an issue with weechat | 06:27 |
Raku | It does make the connection and it does run the command, it just doesn't display anything on my end for some reason | 06:28 |
Raku | Delvien, Is there some sort of libnotify channel :P | 06:31 |
heshers | im on the 4.5 kernel on Ubuntu 16.04, how do i install the new amd gfx card drivers? | 06:34 |
xangua | ! Xenial | heshers | 06:34 |
ubottu | heshers: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+1 | 06:34 |
hiya | Would the new Ubuntu 16.04 ship with full free kernel like Debian and have Gnome by default? | 06:35 |
heshers | Unity 7 or Unity 8 default | 06:36 |
xangua | hiya: no, for a gnome shell default install try Ubuntu GNOME edition | 06:36 |
cfhowlett | !ubuntu+1 | hiya | 06:36 |
ubottu | hiya: Xenial Xerus is the codename for Ubuntu 16.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 | 06:36 |
hiya | ok | 06:37 |
heshers | well how would i install the new gfx card drivers for amd on Linux 4.5? | 06:37 |
baizon | heshers: https://askubuntu.com/questions/47506/how-do-i-install-additional-drivers | 06:39 |
=== jay is now known as Guest17776 | ||
heshers | baizon there is only the microcode driver for the cpu under there | 06:45 |
heshers | ever since upgradeing to 4.5 | 06:46 |
=== linux_ is now known as newer | ||
=== newer is now known as newer1 | ||
newer1 | Anybody here? | 06:54 |
hateball | !help| newer1 | 06:55 |
ubottu | newer1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 06:55 |
Justkidding | Hello | 06:59 |
linux_ | Anybody here? | 07:06 |
linux_ | I have some question.. | 07:06 |
linux_ | I have some questions.. | 07:06 |
Raku | !help | Linux_ | 07:06 |
ubottu | Linux_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 07:06 |
linux_ | Sorry | 07:07 |
linux_ | I'm new here | 07:07 |
Guest17776 | hi linux | 07:08 |
linux_ | hi | 07:08 |
linux_ | nice to meet you | 07:08 |
Guest17776 | you as well. | 07:09 |
Guest17776 | are you having problems? | 07:09 |
crossing-styx | Hi all, anyone have information on why apt-get is Reading Package Lists reaaaally slowly? From what I can tell it's not a network issue, as the package lists are being read locally. | 07:13 |
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Anthony-L | hi, i have a question... | 07:27 |
cfhowlett | !ask | Anthony-L | 07:27 |
ubottu | Anthony-L: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 07:28 |
Anthony-L | i've been getting PSODs and i noticed it doesn't crash anymore if i unplug my PSU from the plug in the back and let the mobo light turn off completely. | 07:28 |
monkey_ | How can a computer crash if its not plugged in... | 07:30 |
broof | he's saying after shutting down each time i believe | 07:31 |
broof | anthony are you hibernating/sleeping instead of shutting down? | 07:31 |
broof | hibernate doesn't work well or at all in my experience | 07:31 |
ScorpionJack | I think hibernate works as intended just like how a bear hibernates... becomes unresponsive for a few months unless woken up too early and is then only semi-functional | 07:33 |
Anthony-L | i don't put it into hybernate. | 07:34 |
Anthony-L | hibernate* | 07:34 |
new0 | hi all, i think i have bug in ubuntu 14.04 gnome. the time display from right to left instead hh:mm it's mm:hh hot to fix it? | 07:34 |
Anthony-L | let me put it this way, i go to restart and i crash and have to power down completely, unplug the mobbo, and then it works. | 07:34 |
Anthony-L | well, i have another issue. | 07:38 |
Anthony-L | how would i go about adding scroll lock function? | 07:38 |
Anthony-L | i have an illuminated keyboard and the scroll button is the on/off function. | 07:38 |
Anthony-L | scroll lock* | 07:38 |
broof | uhh | 07:39 |
broof | like the "scroll lock" key is the key that the manufacturer has decided is also the keyboard's LED power on/off button? | 07:39 |
Anthony-L | yes sir | 07:39 |
broof | i would buy a new keyboard made by someone who isn't an idiot | 07:40 |
Anthony-L | it's actually typical. | 07:40 |
Anthony-L | it works in windows. | 07:40 |
Anthony-L | :P | 07:40 |
broof | why not add a separate power key? | 07:40 |
broof | what keyboard is this? | 07:40 |
Anthony-L | cm storm | 07:40 |
Anthony-L | http://askubuntu.com/questions/127167/how-do-i-enable-scroll-lock | 07:40 |
Anthony-L | i think i found a fix | 07:40 |
Anthony-L | can someone confirm this or should i just try it? | 07:41 |
broof | why not just try it? | 07:42 |
Anthony-L | broof, do you see the first answer? | 07:42 |
Anthony-L | can you walk me through that? i dont entirely understand it. | 07:42 |
Anthony-L | it's tell me #back up your symbols file... | 07:44 |
Anthony-L | that makes no sense. | 07:44 |
broof | why doesn't that make sense | 07:45 |
Anthony-L | broof, i'm super new to linux. | 07:45 |
broof | it's in case you make a mistake | 07:45 |
Anthony-L | i have no idea what i'm doing. | 07:45 |
broof | the author is telling you to fix the problem by editing a file | 07:45 |
broof | if, for some reason, this makes things worse for you, it would be nice to be able to go back to how things were before | 07:45 |
broof | you would do this by restoring from your copy of the symbols file | 07:46 |
Anthony-L | yes, but he's assuming everyone knows how to do that and i don't. | 07:46 |
hilx | Anthony-L, this line is a comment. this is what the first command does | 07:47 |
broof | anthony, for example, my symbols file is stored at "/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us" | 07:47 |
broof | i would make a copy of this by running the command "sudo cp /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us ~/symbols_backup" | 07:48 |
broof | this copies the original file at the location i mentioned | 07:48 |
=== rems is now known as Guest51926 | ||
broof | the copy of the file would then be at "~/symbols_backup" | 07:48 |
broof | that means that if you open your home directory, the file "symbols_backup" is the backup file | 07:49 |
broof | in linux, ~ is a replacement for your home directory so you can use it like you would any other directory. you will probably see lots of references to this so it's good to know. | 07:49 |
broof | so now, if i follow his instructions and then i run into problems, i would undo the changes he's suggesting by copying from the backup location to the original storage location | 07:50 |
Anthony-L | i'm just going to type 'sudo cp /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us{,.distribution}' | 07:50 |
broof | i would do that by running this command: "sudo cp ~/symbols_backup /usr/share/X11/skb/symbols/us" | 07:50 |
broof | anthony, that probably will not work | 07:51 |
broof | it will not work for two reasons | 07:51 |
broof | first, you are not specifying a copy target | 07:51 |
broof | second, the path that he gave you is not meant to be used verbatim | 07:51 |
broof | for example, my symbols file is at "/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us" | 07:51 |
broof | it is possible that your file is in a slightly different location based on your distribution | 07:52 |
broof | i would start by listing the files in that directory to see what you have, and pick the closest match | 07:52 |
broof | you can list the files in that directory by running: "sudo ls /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/" | 07:52 |
broof | can you give me the output of that command? | 07:53 |
Anthony-L | broof, do you have google+ | 07:53 |
Anthony-L | ? | 07:53 |
Anthony-L | i'd like to share my screen with you. | 07:53 |
broof | i can't access it at the moment, feel free to direct message me though | 07:54 |
huwenfeng | Hi all, Is there anything/Filesystem/distributedFS that could just show a mount point/dir in the linux system, and whatever I put in that dir, the file is synced to other Node automatically? I just want to make the backup automatically. | 07:58 |
huwenfeng | and I could see how many node to sync to , and how is the sync status/progress from cli or a simple web interface. Any clue about this kind of product? In Linux environment. | 07:58 |
NoCode | I'm getting "failed to load session Cinnamon" when trying to log in from lightdm. MATE works though. | 08:08 |
versebarker | pastapie: hi | 08:09 |
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somsip | NoCode: what version of ubuntu are you running | 08:10 |
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NoCode | somsip, 15.10 | 08:12 |
=== Guest23547 is now known as Jay_2554 | ||
NoCode | somsip, I've installed from minimal ISO. | 08:12 |
somsip | NoCode: how did you manage to get Cinnamon on there? | 08:12 |
NoCode | somsip, "sudo apt-get install cinnamon-desktop-environment | 08:14 |
NoCode | " | 08:14 |
NoCode | somsip, I've also configured APT so doesn't install all the suggested packages because I don't want to install 10,000 packages to bog down my system. | 08:16 |
NoCode | somsip, Kinda saddens me because I've installed MATE just fine. It works with all its limited glory like I've wanted. But I don't want to do this with MATE. I've done it with Gnome 2.6, years ago. Cinnamon is the new direction for me. | 08:17 |
gast | Hi | 08:26 |
zwarag | Any Idea why my boots take so long? DMESG dump here: http://pastebin.com/RswcrHvc | 08:27 |
gast | bye | 08:27 |
Myrtti | zwarag: note how on line 475 the number in square brackets is over 90 in comparison to previous lines | 08:30 |
zwarag | Yes, I've noticed that | 08:30 |
zwarag | Is it IPv6 | 08:30 |
Jay_2554 | can someone please check out my .bashrc file and tell me why cmatrix refuses to trigger? http://pastebin.com/bVY6R8Lm | 08:35 |
somsip | Jay_2554: it probably needs a display. You don't have one when bashrc is run | 08:37 |
Jay_2554 | somsip, i'm sorry i dont understand what that means | 08:38 |
Jay_2554 | the welcome screen commands run fine | 08:39 |
somsip | Jay_2554: actually, reading about it, it does seem to work in terminal. Ignore what I said | 08:39 |
Jay_2554 | i had cmatrix working in mint this way no problem, and it worked for a while in kubuntu. but not now, no matter where i have tried putting it in the order of commands | 08:41 |
=== Jay_2554 is now known as Jagrophess | ||
evils | whom i can connect to? | 09:02 |
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humbot | do you actually have cmatrix ? | 09:28 |
faiz | hi | 09:34 |
faiz | can anyone here help me instal nvidia graphic card driver on ubuntu? | 09:34 |
faiz | I'm trying to install one for geforce 710M | 09:34 |
faiz | Wondering which package to install from here https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa | 09:35 |
faiz | for 710M | 09:35 |
Silenced | How to copy the files from the computer that i have ssh'ed into ? | 09:38 |
Silenced | to my local | 09:38 |
somsip | Silenced: usually easier doing from to local when not ssh'd in. eg: scp user@remote:/path/file ./ | 09:39 |
Mia | hello channel -- does this channel also support ubuntu gnome ? | 09:40 |
somsip | Mia: ask the question and someone will answer if they can, though its a bit quiet at this time of day | 09:40 |
Mia | I have a problem - I'm trying to install ubuntu gnome 15.10 to virtualbox but I can't even start the live cd, I get "kernel panic" error | 09:41 |
somsip | !checksum | Mia (probably the first thing to check) | 09:41 |
ubottu | Mia (probably the first thing to check): To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 09:41 |
Mia | I see the splash, then the command line pops up with th kernel panic | 09:41 |
somsip | Mia: though it might be as simple as "You need hardware virtualization enabled in your PCs bios" https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=69136 | 09:42 |
Mia | yeah it's enabled | 09:42 |
somsip | Mia: an accepted answer here, so one of these might have worked http://askubuntu.com/questions/406575/kernel-panic-when-booting-ubuntu-12-04-lts-in-virtualbox | 09:42 |
Mia | I've been testing other distros for the last few days somsip everything worked so far except this one | 09:42 |
Mia | somsip, I'll do the checksum then download via torrent, maybe it's corrupt | 09:43 |
Mia | but yeah the video memory and ram are pretty okay | 09:43 |
Mia | (maxed them)) | 09:43 |
somsip | Mia: kernel panic would be something more fundamental, especially on a minimal install | 09:44 |
Mia | somsip, like what | 09:45 |
spacecub | lo all | 09:45 |
Mia | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/GetUbuntuGNOME I'm downloading from here | 09:45 |
Mia | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/GetUbuntuGNOME/Non-LTS here to be more exact | 09:46 |
Mia | 64 bit one | 09:46 |
spacecub | i have xterm and uxterm installed, i want to cut and past :O) | 09:46 |
spacecub | past = paste | 09:46 |
somsip | Mia: memory issues are usually recoverable. Kernel panics are very, very fatal | 09:46 |
faiz | Lol i was ignored :/ | 09:46 |
spacecub | do i need a different shell? | 09:46 |
Mia | hmm | 09:47 |
Mia | Oh wait I jus started the torrent, and it foudn the earlier file, and ws showing 99.9% somehow | 09:47 |
Mia | it queue and completed | 09:47 |
Mia | maybe somehow google chrome didn't finish the download properly | 09:47 |
somsip | spacecub: highlight with mouse to copy, middle click to paste (usually) | 09:47 |
somsip | Mia: I'd still go with simple checks first - checksum it | 09:48 |
somsip | Mia: and afk now | 09:48 |
Mia | somsip, the checksum.exe thing requests a checksum file | 09:48 |
Mia | which I don2t have | 09:48 |
spacecub | somsip: left to highlight and middle to copy? | 09:48 |
somsip | Mia: link on that page non-LTS you pasted | 09:49 |
Mia | also, should I use lvm ? | 09:49 |
somsip | spacecub: left to highlight and drag | 09:49 |
Mia | yes somsip I was trying to use the latest | 09:49 |
spacecub | l, guys, how do i get a root shell? | 09:56 |
anes | Dear friends, how to create a deb package using equivs-build for a python APP? | 09:56 |
spacecub | i know there is a command sudo -r or something :) | 09:58 |
faiz | can anyone here help me instal nvidia graphic card driver on elementaryOS(fork of ubuntu)? | 09:58 |
faiz | I'm trying to install one for geforce 710M | 09:58 |
faiz | Wondering which package to install from here https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa | 09:58 |
faiz | for 710M | 09:58 |
faiz | Here : https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/533434/linux/current-graphics-driver-releases/ | 09:58 |
faiz | i can see that 304.131 is for GeForce 6 and 7 series GPUs | 09:58 |
Andeil | Hello guys :) Sorry to be of bother but i could use some assistance. Just installed ubuntu on an aging laptop of mine, and unfortunately my wireless networking will not work. Using wired at the moment. Could it be that i lack the appropriate drivers? | 09:59 |
zerox | hi | 10:01 |
spacecub | Andeil: hiya, im no expert b uttheres a tool that can allow use of windows drivers - ndiswrapper i think its called? | 10:01 |
zerox | irssi won't scroll in tmux? | 10:01 |
spacecub | sudo -i ? | 10:02 |
faiz | can anyone here help me instal nvidia graphic card driver on ubuntu? | 10:02 |
faiz | I'm trying to install one for geforce 710M Wondering which package to install from here https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa for 710M Here : https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/533434/linux/current-graphics-driver-releases/ i can see that 304.131 is for GeForce 6 and 7 series GPUs | 10:02 |
faiz | But I'm not sure if 710M will come under 7 series | 10:02 |
Andeil | spacecub: alright, Ill look into that! Thank you sir! | 10:02 |
spacecub | k, whats my easiest text editor :) | 10:03 |
spacecub | i nee dto edit grub and i know theres an easy way and a hard way. | 10:04 |
Andeil | Does anyone know what would be the appropriate drivers for a: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter ? | 10:09 |
zerox | irssi scroll issue in tmux under Ubuntu 2014.14: only last line updated. | 10:12 |
spacecub | visit broadcom website | 10:12 |
harushima | Поможите! | 10:17 |
harushima | Упала Юбунта http://forum.ubuntu.ru/index.php?topic=274241.0 | 10:18 |
k1l | !ru | harushima | 10:19 |
ubottu | harushima: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 10:19 |
spacecub | leafpad - yay! | 10:19 |
Mia | when I check my internet connection on ubuntu (gnome) it shows retty okay (close to 100mbps) but when I do apt-get update or apt-get upgrade it's extremely slow | 10:21 |
Mia | takes around an hour to download 2 mb of data | 10:22 |
Mia | How can I fix this? | 10:22 |
bazhang | change mirrors Mia | 10:23 |
Mia | I did, I selected the best mirror | 10:23 |
=== zerox is now known as zeroxia | ||
Mia | this thing is running in a virtual machine (virtualbox), however I also run other distros in my virtualbox, | 10:23 |
Mia | only this one has this problem | 10:23 |
bazhang | Mia, just to be clear, what version of ubuntu, and which exact mirro, was it security | 10:23 |
Mia | bazhang, ubuntu gnome 15.10 64 bit | 10:24 |
Mia | mirror is ftp.uni-kassel.de/ubuntu/ubuntu | 10:24 |
bazhang | Mia, and the other part of my question | 10:25 |
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest41935 | ||
Mia | what do you mean by "was it security" | 10:25 |
bazhang | Mia, there are differing software repositories | 10:25 |
bazhang | Mia, one of them is security | 10:25 |
afrokarlsson | hi | 10:26 |
Mia | hm I don2t know which one I jsut picked the fastest one through software center settings | 10:26 |
Mia | how can I check bazhang | 10:26 |
bazhang | Mia, so pastebin the command and show us the output, of this so called slow update/upgrade | 10:26 |
Mia | http://i.imgur.com/MUmN7BH.png | 10:26 |
Mia | ok bazhang onesec | 10:27 |
Mia | output is just a lot of "get:###" 's | 10:27 |
Mia | nothing more really | 10:27 |
Mia | do you still want it bazhang ? | 10:27 |
Mia | bazhang, http://pastebin.com/98ggdVkc | 10:30 |
Mia | this you can see | 10:30 |
fantyz | I'm having some problems with apt- what makes the "x" work in `apt-get install somepackage=1.x`? I have one package it works with and another it doesnt | 10:31 |
Ben64 | fantyz: why are you doing that | 10:32 |
fantyz | Ben64: To have apt catch updates to the package | 10:33 |
Ben64 | that doesn't make sense | 10:33 |
Guest41935 | X = something. | 10:33 |
Ben64 | sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:33 |
Guest41935 | try replace with * | 10:33 |
Ben64 | will do updates, you don't need to specify versions | 10:33 |
fantyz | Ben64: In this concrete case I'm installing Cassandra. Most resent version is 3.0. I want 2.1. Currently its 2.1.15. I'd like it to update with regular apt-get upgrade when/if 2.1.16 comes | 10:34 |
fantyz | So I'd like to install cassandra=2.1.x | 10:34 |
Ben64 | not seeing any cassandra in the repository | 10:35 |
Guest41935 | cassandra=2.1.* will do | 10:35 |
fantyz | Its in: http://debian.datastax.com/community | 10:35 |
Ben64 | well then good luck | 10:35 |
Ben64 | might want to see if they have any documentation on it | 10:36 |
fantyz | Guest14334: * seems to do the trick | 10:36 |
fantyz | Weird x also is working in one case though and the example they give is using x | 10:37 |
chotaz`w | I just erased my /boot partition by mistake writing mkfs.ext4 to the wrong disk, how can I recover it without freshintalling. I was thingking about mounting /dev/sda1 to /mnt/boot and generate a new initram and installing /config grub. Am I missing something? | 10:40 |
boris2015 | Hello | 10:41 |
Ben64 | chotaz`w: you need to reinstall kernels and grub, and then run grub-install probably too | 10:43 |
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=== mint is now known as Guest69580 | ||
Guest69580 | hi guys, any help on the fastest distro for a 64bit intel icore laptop? | 10:47 |
chotaz`w | Ben64, for now I tried 'update-initramfs -c -b /dev/sda1 -k all' | 10:47 |
bazhang | Guest69580, what ram | 10:49 |
boris_2015 | Hi can anyone suggest graphics card that run well on Ubuntu? | 10:49 |
chotaz`w | Ben64, will update-initramfs suffice to get the latest kernel? after that I should just need to install/mkconfig grub? | 10:49 |
Guest69580 | bazhang 4gb | 10:49 |
bazhang | lubuntu Guest69580 | 10:49 |
bazhang | !lubuntu | Guest69580 | 10:49 |
ubottu | Guest69580: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. | 10:49 |
Ben64 | chotaz`w: no | 10:50 |
Guest69580 | bazhang, thanks mate. much appreciated | 10:50 |
bazhang | boris_2015, just clear/ for what; gaming/youtube or other | 10:50 |
boris_2015 | For gaming | 10:50 |
boris_2015 | Sry about my bad English | 10:51 |
bazhang | boris_2015, such as steam? | 10:51 |
boris_2015 | Yes sir | 10:51 |
bazhang | boris_2015, you could ask in #ubuntu-steam, or ask in the steam forums | 10:51 |
boris_2015 | Ok | 10:52 |
sublimante | Ciao belli | 10:52 |
boris_2015 | Thanks | 10:52 |
chotaz`w | Ben64, I might be too Arch biased and oversimplifying the procedure. What am I missing here? | 10:53 |
ph88 | hey guys, i have a script that works when i launch it from the terminal but doesn't work when i start it with a launcher. While other similar scripts do work this way .. how can i debug this? | 10:54 |
hateball | boris2015: Anything nvidia. AMD drivers are not up to speed yet | 10:54 |
hateball | boris2015: and you can use this PPA for the latest drivers to get the most out of your nvidia card https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa | 10:54 |
bazhang | what does the script do exactly ph88 | 10:55 |
ph88 | bazhang, set an environment variable and then launch a problem | 10:55 |
boris2015 | hateball: ty | 10:55 |
subliminale | bjr | 10:57 |
subliminale | vous parler francais | 10:57 |
subliminale | cava | 10:58 |
subliminale | comment faire pour metre son linux en windows | 10:58 |
Jordan_U | hateball: Please pastebin your script and your launcher (the contents of the .desktop file). | 11:01 |
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hateball | Jordan_U: I do think you're addressing the wrong person good sir and/or madam | 11:05 |
bazhang | it was ph88 | 11:05 |
EriC^^ | and/or ? | 11:05 |
EriC^^ | :D | 11:05 |
hateball | EriC^^: Well one does not want to offend anyone, better cover most bases | 11:06 |
EriC^^ | yup | 11:06 |
afrokarlsson | im going over see width triplets and two dies, and after me gos over to see c ardinal who had cheated by pope, and he thinks, that he gos over to see in te bishop skin width 2 girls one boy and two boys is hidden; they are fivers. Then cardinal dyes, and borns new pope and he gos over to see width 4 fivers and pope dies. Then twins dies. And last is that 1 triplets danced to death, and seamease twin divides | 11:13 |
bazhang | afrokarlsson, thats so offtopic here | 11:13 |
lotuspsychje | bazhang: he's been doing that for few days now | 11:13 |
usuario | e | 11:22 |
usuario | e | 11:22 |
usuario | e | 11:22 |
usuario | e | 11:22 |
usuario | e | 11:22 |
freshman | is Jay's here? | 11:23 |
freshman | i want him found | 11:24 |
Dirkos | I have a new installation with ubuntu but i need the nvidia drivers for the quadro 4000 card | 11:26 |
Dirkos | which one should i install through apt? | 11:26 |
yunchih | say hi | 11:28 |
hateball | Dirkos: You should be able to pick a driver through the Additional Drivers GUI | 11:32 |
NoCode | Hi, is there any way to get Cinnamon installed without all the resources it grabs? I just want a minimal Cinnamon install with the programs I already have installed. | 11:33 |
chotaz`w | How do I reinstall my current kernel to /boot ? | 11:33 |
bazhang | !find cinnamon | 11:33 |
ubottu | Found: cinnamon, cinnamon-common, cinnamon-control-center, cinnamon-control-center-data, cinnamon-control-center-dbg, cinnamon-core, cinnamon-dbg, cinnamon-desktop-data, cinnamon-desktop-environment, cinnamon-doc (and 15 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=cinnamon&searchon=names&suite=wily§ion=all | 11:33 |
bazhang | !info cinnamon | 11:34 |
ubottu | cinnamon (source: cinnamon): Innovative and comfortable desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.13-1ubuntu2 (wily), package size 316 kB, installed size 1238 kB | 11:34 |
NoCode | cinnamon-core pulls in too much, too. | 11:34 |
bazhang | so just cinnamon | 11:34 |
bazhang | do a dry run with apt and see what it wants to install | 11:35 |
onicrom | hi, is there a channel dedicated to 16.04? i upgraded from 15.10 and im unable to login to X when i try gnome or unity, also installed unity8, icewm/xfce work fine | 11:35 |
hateball | onicrom: #ubuntu+1 | 11:36 |
NoCode | bazhang, Yeah that seems to do it I think. Still almost 200mb | 11:36 |
bazhang | ok | 11:36 |
onicrom | thanks hateball | 11:36 |
NoCode | What's also weird is, minimal install. In the setup, manually zeroing the partitions which takes longer, doesn't achieve the same results as if I were to get the installation to format the partitions. So, if I manually zero the partition before formatting, my swap partition does not work, cryptswap tries to find it for 2 minutes before enabling the boot. , | 11:39 |
NoCode | Makes me wonder if the installation creates set UUIDs for partitions automagically which it then uses when automatically formatting and getting the partitions ready for installation | 11:41 |
principia | Has anyone had the following error upon installing the distro: | 11:43 |
principia | GLib-GIO-Message: Using the 'memory' GSettings backend. Your settings will not be saved or shared with other applications. | 11:43 |
bazhang | which version of ubuntu principia | 11:44 |
_Exclusive | Anyone know what the purpose of the blacklist file in /usr/share/ssh/blacklist.RSA-2048 in the context of sshd-server? | 11:45 |
principia | 14(.04 I think?) | 11:45 |
bazhang | principia, did it ever run after the install | 11:45 |
principia | I found a fix, but I don't know why this would be a problem out of the box | 11:45 |
principia | Yes. frst thing i tried was rebooting. The problem was that my preferences were not getting saved. | 11:46 |
principia | The second post here fixed it: http://askubuntu.com/questions/558446/my-dconf-gsettings-installation-is-broken-how-can-i-fix-it-without-ubuntu-reins | 11:47 |
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simon87 | #moviegods | 11:56 |
ph88 | hey guys, i have a script that works when i launch it from the terminal but doesn't work when i start it with a launcher. While other similar scripts do work this way .. how can i debug this? | 11:58 |
dersand | I removed all java-related files from /usr/lib/jvm/*. When i type java, it says i can download it from various packages. But when i try to install it from "apt-get install default-jdk" it says that it's already installed. | 12:00 |
principia | write a script like 'echo "this is working"' and see if it works with a launcher. | 12:00 |
bazhang | ph88, what 'problem does it launch | 12:00 |
EriC^^ | dersand: try apt-get install --reinstall | 12:01 |
ph88 | bazhang, what are you asking me ? | 12:02 |
bazhang | ph88, you yourself said it 'launched a problem' | 12:03 |
ph88 | eh sorry i don't remember saying problem | 12:03 |
bazhang | <ph88> bazhang, set an environment variable and then launch a problem | 12:04 |
ph88 | oh it's a typo | 12:04 |
ph88 | i mean and then launch a program | 12:05 |
bazhang | ok | 12:05 |
dersand | EriC^^: "sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory" | 12:05 |
dersand | EriC^^: also if i try to install a new package i get "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archives/" | 12:06 |
humbot | in the launcher does it help to put: myscript 2>>myscriptlog | 12:06 |
bazhang | dersand, so close the other instances of apt | 12:08 |
bazhang | there can be only one | 12:08 |
hilx | .O( highlander ) | 12:09 |
bazhang | both | 12:09 |
dersand | Alright fixed the lock. Here is: "sudo apt-get install --reinstall default-jdk | pastebinit" http://paste.ubuntu.com/15327231/ | 12:10 |
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Emru | Hello | 12:57 |
lotuspsychje | Emru: welcome, what can we do for you? | 12:58 |
Emru | I have a problem | 12:58 |
lotuspsychje | !details | Emru | 12:58 |
ubottu | Emru: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 12:58 |
MonkeyDust | lotuspsychje | 12:59 |
lotuspsychje | hi MonkeyDust | 12:59 |
Emru | I have an Ubuntu server and I can't tether from my phone | 12:59 |
lotuspsychje | Emru: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys might assist you better? | 12:59 |
Emru | Thanks | 12:59 |
chotaz`w | Ben64, I ended up booting up a wily64 vagrant machine, copying over the boot files incl memtest and installing grub again on the disk. | 13:00 |
chotaz`w | Ben64, I also had to fix /etc/fstab on the host to reflect the UUID change after formatting my boot partition | 13:01 |
theorized | hello there, i'm on ubuntu 15.10 and my webcam immage is upside down. I managed to fix it on skype but i can't do anything about web brwoser. I'm talking about web sites with video calls, google hangouts, firefox hello, and anything else. Can you help me? | 13:04 |
rilleh | Turn it upside down | 13:05 |
rilleh | I'm so sorry. | 13:05 |
theorized | rilleh, it's a laptop -.- | 13:08 |
popey | theorized: tried using guvcview to fiddle with settings? That's worked for me in the past | 13:09 |
MonkeyDust | theorized is this useful? scroll down to the very last entry http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=838210 | 13:10 |
theorized | popey, guvcview has no effect on browser videocalls, i'm always upside down | 13:13 |
theorized | MonkeyDust, let me check | 13:13 |
popey | theorized: maybe move to Australia? | 13:14 |
popey | (sorry) | 13:14 |
theorized | MonkeyDust, i've already fixed skype. My problem is with web browser coz they do not preload v4l2convert.so | 13:14 |
alphis | anyone know why systemctl enable name.service FAILS yet systemctl start name.service works? | 13:15 |
theorized | popey, i should flip my house | 13:15 |
MonkeyDust | it's a good thing you don't *hear* everything upside down | 13:17 |
FOVi | hey | 13:17 |
TcatalunyaT | hey, can someone help me please? | 13:18 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 13:18 |
FOVi | yes | 13:18 |
TcatalunyaT | i have a problem with my virtual machine | 13:18 |
Ben64 | TcatalunyaT: describe your problem and maybe | 13:18 |
brainwash | alphis: maybe the service file does not have the [Install] part | 13:18 |
TcatalunyaT | its an ubuntu 14.04 | 13:18 |
FOVi | ok | 13:19 |
TcatalunyaT | when i get on the start scren | 13:19 |
TcatalunyaT | lo log in | 13:19 |
TcatalunyaT | it gets stucked | 13:19 |
TcatalunyaT | i put the correct password | 13:19 |
Ben64 | TcatalunyaT: can you do this without hitting enter so often? it's kind of hard to follow | 13:19 |
theorized | MonkeyDust, with skype i fixed it using LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype but with firefox or chromium it doesn't work and it shows me this error: ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. | 13:19 |
popey | theorized: because you're loading a 32 bit binary on a 64-bit app | 13:20 |
TcatalunyaT | ok, "when i get on the start scren to log in, it gets stucked i put the correct password " and returns me to put the password again | 13:20 |
popey | theorized: whereas skype is a 32 bit app | 13:20 |
lotuspsychje | theorized: does cam show properly on cheese? | 13:20 |
theorized | popey, so how can i do it? | 13:20 |
popey | theorized: get a 64-bit build of v4l1compat.so | 13:20 |
popey | wherever you got that | 13:21 |
theorized | lotuspsychje, cheese is fine | 13:21 |
popey | theorized: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so | 13:21 |
FOVi | it's virtual box? | 13:21 |
popey | from the libv4l-0 package | 13:21 |
MonkeyDust | theorized if you don't get an answer here, there are some 140 people in #firefox | 13:21 |
popey | theorized: note the path you're using is i386 (32 bit) and my path is x86_64 (64-bit) | 13:22 |
theorized | MonkeyDust, same thing with, chrome, chromium, midori, opera and so on | 13:22 |
popey | theorized: the "wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32" implies "oops, 32 bit lib on 64 bit app" - so yes, should be fixable | 13:22 |
theorized | popey, so should i tray to preload it? | 13:22 |
popey | yes, same as you did for skype | 13:23 |
Ben64 | TcatalunyaT: so its a linux guest on a ... what host? | 13:23 |
popey | but use the right lib this time ㋛ | 13:23 |
FOVi | I had similar problem, before reinstall it on virtual box | 13:23 |
TcatalunyaT | its a virtual machine created on VMware Workstation the main sistem of the computer is w10 | 13:24 |
theorized | popey, no errors this time, but it's still flipped | 13:24 |
Ben64 | TcatalunyaT: oh, i don't know vmware. maybe try something like lubuntu or ubuntu mate | 13:25 |
TcatalunyaT | Ben64: it worked fine for months but when i turned off this weekend and yestedray it started with that problem | 13:25 |
popey | theorized: :( | 13:25 |
FOVi | either me | 13:25 |
popey | theorized: I'm out of suggestions, sorry. | 13:25 |
popey | theorized: browser was completely closed though? No background processes running? | 13:26 |
TcatalunyaT | i'm gonna keep searching on forums but all the solutions i have found log in as a guest but i cant even a a guesst, as i have the same problem | 13:27 |
theorized | popey, i just check and unchek sono stuff on guvcview and now it works! You are the man, no one helped me in months! | 13:27 |
TcatalunyaT | ty Ben64 for ure time hope i cand fix it :S | 13:27 |
MonkeyDust | popepop+1 | 13:28 |
theorized | popey, for president | 13:28 |
Ben64 | TcatalunyaT: sounds like a graphics driver problem, but i'm not familiar with vmware really, you could probably get into a console with ctrl+alt+f1 | 13:29 |
FOVi | you can access in terminal mode | 13:29 |
chotaz`w | Here's the dealy-o, I formatted my boot partition by mistake (/dev/sda1) and I had to copy over the boot images from a vagrant machine, then update-initramfs and grub-install and edit '/etc/fstab' to point at the correct UUID for /boot. Problem now is I have to input my disk encryption password twice when booting up, first via console and then via plymouth. How can I come around this? | 13:30 |
FOVi | may files from core be corrupted | 13:30 |
TcatalunyaT | Ben64: yesi gan acces to the console doing that but then it asks me for a user an a password | 13:31 |
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Ben64 | TcatalunyaT: which you should know | 13:35 |
FOVi | yeah | 13:35 |
TcatalunyaT | yes Ben64 but when i put them it says incorrect | 13:35 |
Ben64 | then it's incorrect | 13:35 |
FOVi | for sure | 13:36 |
popey | theorized: \o/ | 13:36 |
TcatalunyaT | the ubuntu login is not the name it figures when u put the pasword on the start screen no ? | 13:37 |
Ben64 | its your username and password | 13:37 |
TcatalunyaT | Ben64: i have this http://s23.postimg.org/99b7lcz4r/problem.png | 13:38 |
theorized | popey, thank you so much | 13:39 |
Ben64 | TcatalunyaT: looks like your username might be "ubuntu" | 13:39 |
cryptomonk | Good morning | 13:40 |
cryptomonk | 16.04 comes out next month | 13:40 |
TcatalunyaT | and i know the password but when i put the password it returns me to this point again and the problem is that if i put ubuntu as a username and the right password it says incorrect on the ctrl+alt+f1 ... Ben64 | 13:40 |
cryptomonk | is it possible to download a pre-release now and update/upgrade to the LTS when it comes out | 13:40 |
Ben64 | TcatalunyaT: maybe you're still typing it wrong | 13:40 |
Ben64 | !password | TcatalunyaT or just reset it. | 13:41 |
ubottu | TcatalunyaT or just reset it.: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords | 13:41 |
Ben64 | cryptomonk: yep. #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 stuff until release | 13:41 |
TcatalunyaT | Ben64: and ubottu i know the password, here http://s23.postimg.org/99b7lcz4r/problem.png when i put it it charges as normal but then it returns me to this point again | 13:42 |
cryptomonk | channel seems dead | 13:43 |
Guy1524 | hey guys, is it possible to set up free hotspot shield vpn easily on ubuntu | 13:46 |
nucc1 | anyone know why when i run php -m as root, i get more modules than when i run it as normal user? | 13:50 |
alteregoa | it's strange if i build a ubuntu package with apt-build it just ignores the parameters i set in apt-build.conf | 13:51 |
TcatalunyaT | ok, Ben64 and ubottu here is the problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkUt-0lDJw4&feature=youtu.be i don not have idea how to fix it | 13:51 |
MonkeyDust | nucc1 because otherwise, there would be no no difference between normal and root ... tthat's the purpose of being root | 13:52 |
nucc1 | MonkeyDust: it makes no sense, because i am always advised to not be root, and yet i can't access some modules if i am not root. | 13:52 |
nucc1 | MonkeyDust: in this case, the json module. why on earth does it require root privileges? | 13:52 |
FOVi | TcatalunyaT just try access from the terminal using recover mode | 13:53 |
MonkeyDust | nucc1 i guess that advice is for non experienced users | 13:53 |
FOVi | depending on your real problem may work... | 13:53 |
jellyjellyrobot | any mirror admins here? | 13:54 |
nucc1 | MonkeyDust: more likely a bug in the packaging of the module in ubuntu. | 13:55 |
MonkeyDust | nucc1 root is not a bug, it's an option | 13:55 |
TcatalunyaT | FOVi: can u answer my query please | 13:55 |
nucc1 | MonkeyDust: so i should execute my script as root in order to process JSON data? | 13:56 |
FOVi | there is | 13:57 |
FOVi | answered | 14:00 |
damon_ | Hi guys, not sure if this is the right place to ask but does anybody use GoPro studio on Ubuntu or through wine? | 14:02 |
cfhowlett | damon_, probably better to find yourself a gopro discussion board. | 14:03 |
cfhowlett | damon_, assuming gopro studio is a simple video editor- take a lot at openshot | 14:03 |
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damon_ | Thanks cfhowlett | 14:04 |
cfhowlett | damon_, happy2help! | 14:04 |
NetworkingPro | Is there a way to theme Ubuntu with a dark theme? | 14:11 |
cfhowlett | !theme | NetworkingPro | 14:13 |
ubottu | NetworkingPro: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 14:13 |
user___ | user___: gamer | 14:15 |
user___ | hi | 14:15 |
user___ | anyone in here? | 14:15 |
user___ | how do i change my user name? | 14:15 |
somsip | user___: /nick {newname} | 14:16 |
=== user___ is now known as gamer | ||
Pici | user___: your usename where? | 14:16 |
=== gamer is now known as Gamer | ||
Gamer | Thanks Somsip | 14:16 |
NetworkingPro | Whats everyones recommendation on 14.04 LTS vs 15.10? | 14:16 |
cfhowlett | NetworkingPro, wait until next month and upgrade to 16.04 | 14:16 |
k1l | NetworkingPro: if you dont want to upgrade every 6 months, stay on LTS (14.04) | 14:17 |
Gamer | I'm sorry I am kinda newbie whats LTS? | 14:18 |
NetworkingPro | cfhowlett: new install on my work laptop | 14:18 |
cfhowlett | !lts | Gamer | 14:18 |
ubottu | Gamer: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) | 14:18 |
NetworkingPro | Gamer: LTS = Long time support | 14:18 |
nucc1 | MonkeyDust: as i suspected, the permissions on the php.ini only allow it to be readable by root; that's the cause of the problem. | 14:18 |
nucc1 | chmod a+rx /etc/php5/cli/ fixed my problem. | 14:18 |
Gamer | oh i see | 14:18 |
robingr | i go with lts | 14:19 |
Gamer | is it a support plan you pay for? | 14:19 |
cfhowlett | NetworkingPro, same opinion. I only do LTS and for the sake of sanity, I wait until point release 1 to upgrade. so 16.04.1 will be my next upgrade. However, I WILL intall 16.04 on my virtualbox once it's available. | 14:19 |
NetworkingPro | cfhowlett: so 14.04 today, til the next LTS? | 14:20 |
NetworkingPro | makes sense | 14:20 |
cfhowlett | NetworkingPro, hey, just my advice. YMMV | 14:20 |
robingr | jep, thats what i do, too | 14:20 |
nucc1 | Gamer: only if you want to: http://www.ubuntu.com/management/ubuntu-advantage | 14:20 |
Gamer | .. | 14:21 |
robingr | Mainly i do it for stability. You will run into issues with a non-LTS release sometimes. | 14:23 |
cfhowlett | ^^^^ often ^^^ | 14:23 |
Reptilia | Since i've noticed some inconsistency of the sharpness of my screen, i decided to make a test. And this is what i found. I opened a drawing program, and started drawing rectangles. I noticed that as i change the values of the X and Y dimensions, thus changing the size of the rectangle, the rectangle' sharpness is fluctuating between sharp and blurred. What could the cause for this be? | 14:23 |
cfhowlett | Reptilia, driver issues? failing graphics card? wrong resolution set? | 14:23 |
nucc1 | Reptilia: probably bad anti-aliasing settings. | 14:23 |
JyZyXEL | how do you prevent the kernel from trying to infinitely retry disconnected NFS mounts? | 14:24 |
nucc1 | Reptilia: this is generally how displays work. if your drawing doesn't align perfectly with pixels in the display, it looks blurry; if your anti-aliasing settings are better, it helps to mask this | 14:24 |
Geo | Is it bad to use the same signed cert for email and web servers running on the same host? | 14:24 |
nucc1 | Reptilia: what program are you using to draw the rectangles? | 14:24 |
nucc1 | Geo: as long as the private key is safe, you're fine. and as long as the hostname on the email matches | 14:25 |
Reptilia | cfhowlett:How could i figure what is causing this? Any ideas? | 14:25 |
Geo | nucc1 cool, thanks! | 14:25 |
Reptilia | nucc1:Libre Office Draw | 14:25 |
cfhowlett | Reptilia, driver is the easiest to test. system > additional drivers >>> see if it returns anything other than "using recommended driver" | 14:26 |
AndChat646809 | Hi....what is the latest version of Ubuntu for desktop ? | 14:26 |
Geo | and last other quick question - all users are set up with ssh-keys only, no passwords. Can I still use dovecot to allow IMAP email access? (and how?) | 14:26 |
nucc1 | Reptilia: check the options of libreoffice, there might be options to control aliasing | 14:26 |
cfhowlett | !15.10 | AndChat646809 | 14:26 |
ubottu | AndChat646809: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.10 - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/wily | 14:26 |
MonkeyDust | AndChat646809 15.10 | 14:26 |
nucc1 | AndChat646809: www.ubuntu.com/download | 14:26 |
MonkeyDust | AndChat646809 16.04 in a few weeks fom now | 14:26 |
MonkeyDust | from* | 14:26 |
Reptilia | nucc1:But that's not the only place where i've noticed this. I have opened a random site this morning, and there were two l's one next to the other. One was perfectly sharp, and the other "l" was blurred. | 14:27 |
Reptilia | cfhowlett:I will try that now | 14:27 |
Reptilia | cfhowlett:No proprietary drivers are in use. No additional drivers available. | 14:28 |
cfhowlett | Reptilia, so let's assume you have the correct driver for now. | 14:28 |
smoker05 | hello. | 14:29 |
cfhowlett | Reptilia, nucc mentioned anti-aliasing but I don't know enough to address that | 14:29 |
nucc1 | Reptilia: i think it's more likely your screen's aliasing settings. i think if you install gnome-tweak-tool, there are options for controlling this. https://askubuntu.com/questions/88528/how-to-switch-on-sub-pixel-anti-aliasing-for-fonts | 14:29 |
smoker05 | I am new to ubuntu, and I am stuck for 4 days now, on how to install ATI Drivers on 14.04.4 | 14:29 |
smoker05 | New to Linux. | 14:29 |
nucc1 | try looking for a more recent similar article before you start eyeing if your hardware might be faulty. Reptilia. Do you observe similar issues in a different OS like windows? | 14:30 |
smoker05 | I would really like, if someone can help me out. | 14:30 |
hateball | !amd | smoker05 | 14:30 |
ubottu | smoker05: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto | 14:30 |
smoker05 | I have read that page so many times, but i always get stuck somewhere or the other. | 14:31 |
smoker05 | This is the exact page : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD?action=show&redirect=BinaryDriverHowto%2FATI | 14:31 |
smoker05 | somehow, idk how, but I have installed ATI Catalyst on my system. But it is outdated. | 14:32 |
Reptilia | nucc1:I am using a single boot | 14:33 |
nucc1 | Reptilia: did you experience this problem before switching to ubuntu? basically, i don't think it's a problem with your hardware. What is the size of your display and it's resolution? | 14:34 |
Nilesh | How to change the ld search sequence from /usr/local/lib/i386-linux-gnu /opt/kf5/lib/i386-linux-gnu | 14:34 |
smoker05 | hateball, can you show me via team viwer? Just likee one time. | 14:34 |
cfhowlett | Reptilia, make sure you are set to use the default resolution. any else will look off | 14:34 |
Nilesh | I mean, I wand /opt/kf5/lib/i386-linux-gnu to take the precedence in ubuntu | 14:34 |
Nilesh | *want | 14:35 |
hateball | smoker05: I am afraid regardless if I had access to your system, my experience with AMD gpus are limited at best | 14:35 |
nucc1 | i removed my amd gpu and went back to stock intel. lol. it's now gathering dust | 14:36 |
smoker05 | Oh, I mean, I need to have this driver install for little FPS boost on steam game. But after trying for so many days, I eeven asked on askubuntu, and people did help me, but none worked for me. | 14:36 |
nucc1 | i'm now resigned to console gaming for now. | 14:36 |
smoker05 | Anyone else have exp. on how to install ATI driver ? | 14:36 |
akhil | how do i change my nick? | 14:37 |
humbot | console gaming, nethack? boggle? | 14:37 |
cfhowlett | !nick | akhil | 14:37 |
ubottu | akhil: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode. | 14:37 |
Reptilia | nucc1:Nope, did not notice any similar things. I think it's a software problem, too. The size of the display is 14.1" and the resolution is [1280 x 800 ] | 14:37 |
akhil | oh, thanks ubottu! | 14:38 |
cfhowlett | nucc1, that seems low. I would expect at least 1366 x 763. check your options | 14:38 |
foormea | hi. i'm wondering whether 16.04 is already somewhat stable? sorry, tried #ubuntu-next and #ubuntu-testing and these chans don't exist or are invite-only | 14:38 |
MonkeyDust | foormea it's #ubuntu+1 | 14:39 |
cfhowlett | foormea, it's in beta. how stable could it be??? anyway, discuss in #ubuntu+1 | 14:39 |
foormea | ha thanks mo | 14:39 |
foormea | thanks monkeydust | 14:39 |
Reptilia | cfhowlett: http://www.notebookreview.com/notebookreview/lenovo-thinkpad-t410-review/ | 14:39 |
=== akhil is now known as akname | ||
Dogen | There is a problem with the wiki ubuntu? I can not log in | 14:40 |
Reptilia | cfhowlett: It's the max possible resolution | 14:40 |
cfhowlett | Reptilia, OK then | 14:40 |
nucc1 | Reptilia: so if the resolution is correct, then what's left is the aliasing settings, which i've suggested you check via gnome-tweak-tool | 14:40 |
Reptilia | nucc1:Yup, was about to do that now | 14:41 |
saaa | hi | 14:42 |
smoker05 | anyone, can help me out with installing ATI drivers? | 14:43 |
saaa | I'm trying 16.04 and ifup fails: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15327977/ is this a known problem or should I report it somewhere? | 14:43 |
cfhowlett | saaa, discuss only in #ubuntu+1 | 14:44 |
saaa | network is working fine, but it's annoying | 14:44 |
MonkeyDust | saaa in #ubuntu+1 | 14:44 |
MonkeyDust | people seem eager to use 16.04 | 14:44 |
cfhowlett | MonkeyDust, ehhh, shiny stuff is irresistible | 14:45 |
saaa | yeah, I need to test my ansible code with new LTS | 14:45 |
smoker05 | And I am sitting here to learn linux and trying from few days on how to install GPU driver on ubuntu. | 14:45 |
cfhowlett | saaa, you *might* want to wait for the actual release. | 14:45 |
akhil | k | 14:45 |
saaa | cfhowlett: initial testing seem right thing to do | 14:45 |
cfhowlett | we do appreciate our volunteer beta testers | 14:46 |
Dogen | There is a problem with the wiki ubuntu? I can not log in | 14:47 |
Bingo | Hello wize ones ! | 14:48 |
Bingo | Yesterday I solved my wubi problem. But, in doing so, Today/after that, I find that W10 does not see Ubuntu, and Grub2 is not the pc loader. | 14:50 |
Bingo | pc always boots winduz | 14:50 |
cfhowlett | Bingo, wubi? seriously? bad idea. very bad. | 14:50 |
hateball | !wubi | 14:50 |
ubottu | Wubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu. | 14:50 |
Bingo | I killed wubi. YES | 14:51 |
SchrodingersScat | way to go! | 14:51 |
Bingo | I just ripped it's guts out | 14:51 |
cfhowlett | Bingo, kill it with fire and then nuke it from orbit. and never speak the name of w*** in this place again. | 14:51 |
Bingo | hehehe | 14:51 |
Bingo | Ran the firmware, changed to boot from CD. Got the disk, and selected Install. wiped the partition... | 14:52 |
Bingo | er, the one ubuntu was in | 14:52 |
=== moz is now known as Guest61882 | ||
Bingo | So, as you may know.. winuz has a boot going on, and it now only has winduz | 14:53 |
Bingo | I can go to troubleshooting advanced, and get firmware, and boot ubuntu | 14:54 |
cfhowlett | Bingo, uefi must be addressed | 14:54 |
cfhowlett | !efi | 14:54 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI | 14:54 |
Bingo | grub2 comes up, and I select it | 14:54 |
Bingo | cfhowlett - i need to make grub2 the default boot | 14:55 |
erickmaison | hi | 14:55 |
Bingo | hi | 14:55 |
erickmaison | anyone there? | 14:56 |
Bingo | speak | 14:57 |
cfhowlett | ask your questions erickmaison | 14:57 |
Reptilia | nucc1:Since i am using xfce, i have found some settings under Appearance ---> Fonts, specifically "Hinting". I don't know what this is, but everything seems little bit clearer after changing the "Hinting" from Slight to Full. However, in LibreOffice Draw, the rectangles' sharpness is still fluctuating. | 15:01 |
cfhowlett | Reptilia, if only in LO, could be an LO issue | 15:01 |
nucc1 | Reptilia: i believe that libreoffice has it's own settings too. | 15:01 |
hazar | hey | 15:01 |
hazar | dsa | 15:02 |
cglocke|BNC | hi. has anyone experiences in using a focusrite scarlett (usb audio interface) via jack? | 15:02 |
cfhowlett | cglocke|BNC, #opensourcemusicians is the place to ask | 15:02 |
cglocke|BNC | thx! | 15:02 |
Reptilia | cfhowlett:But the webpage, which i use for testing, is still showing the bots letters l different. One is crystal clear, the other is blurred. | 15:03 |
cfhowlett | Reptilia, ... only on ONE website or on all sites? | 15:03 |
Reptilia | cfhowlett: https://getvoip.com/business/ Give it a full scroll to the bottom of the page, to make it redirect to the page i'm talking about. | 15:03 |
MonkeyDust | cglocke|BNC better ask in #ubuntustudio | 15:04 |
Reptilia | cfhowlett:I have noticed it here, but since it's the same in libreoffice draw, that is a good indicator that everything on the screen is presented visually with fluctuating blur, sharp, blur, sharp. | 15:05 |
cfhowlett | Reptilia, fair enough | 15:05 |
cfhowlett | but THAT sounds like it could be hardware! | 15:05 |
cfhowlett | laptop or desktop? | 15:05 |
Reptilia | cfhowlett:Laptop, Thinkpad T410 | 15:05 |
cfhowlett | right. | 15:06 |
cfhowlett | OK, still: what you described is a common failure pattern for displays ... | 15:06 |
cfhowlett | suggestion: plug in to an external monitor and check your displays | 15:06 |
Reptilia | cfhowlett:Cool, i have some extra dollars to be spent on a new LCD // sarcasm off | 15:08 |
cfhowlett | understood :) still, test the external display. if you see the same type of error, I'd say you have a hardware issue. sorry I can't suggest anything better | 15:08 |
Reptilia | cfhowlett:Thanks in any case :) | 15:09 |
NetworkingPro | GM everyone. | 15:14 |
NetworkingPro | I have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a thumb drive trying to install it. It the partition step its not detecting my hard disk, with my Windows 10 install. | 15:15 |
NetworkingPro | It just shows to use the full disk with all the drive being "free space" | 15:15 |
NetworkingPro | Anyone see that before? | 15:16 |
cfhowlett | NetworkingPro, seen it. | 15:16 |
EriC^ | NetworkingPro: what does sudo parted -l show you? | 15:16 |
Debianer | hello | 15:18 |
Debianer | anyone can help | 15:19 |
popey | !ask | Debianer | 15:19 |
ubottu | Debianer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 15:19 |
cfhowlett | Debianer, only Ms. Cleo. unless, of course, you actually TELL us what the problem is first ... | 15:19 |
Debianer | Yes | 15:19 |
Debianer | problem is with the update | 15:19 |
Debianer | after update of the 10.04 | 15:19 |
Debianer | no network | 15:19 |
popey | 10.04 is no longer supported. | 15:19 |
Debianer | sure | 15:20 |
cfhowlett | 10.04? desktop?? | 15:20 |
Debianer | but what to do | 15:20 |
Debianer | server | 15:20 |
NetworkingPro | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/17PHxj84/ | 15:20 |
NetworkingPro | EriC^: ^^ | 15:20 |
popey | Debianer: upgrade | 15:20 |
Debianer | how? | 15:20 |
popey | !upgrade | Debianer | 15:20 |
ubottu | Debianer: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 15:20 |
Debianer | upgrade without loosing data | 15:20 |
cfhowlett | NetworkingPro, yep. proceed carefully | 15:21 |
Debianer | and how to upgrade when no network | 15:21 |
Debianer | ? | 15:21 |
MonkeyDust | Debianer backup first | 15:21 |
popey | Debianer: there have been no updates to 10.04 for nearly a year, so I fail to see what you updated. | 15:21 |
Debianer | sure | 15:21 |
NetworkingPro | cfhowlett: lol thanks for the deep insight | 15:21 |
NetworkingPro | hah | 15:21 |
cfhowlett | Debianer, backup, get to your local internet, download the 14.04 .iso and install | 15:22 |
Debianer | how to get local internet | 15:22 |
Debianer | dosnt work | 15:22 |
popey | Debianer: what changed? | 15:22 |
popey | Debianer: your /var/log/dpkg.log will list all package changes | 15:22 |
popey | Debianer: please don't use enter as punctuation. | 15:22 |
Debianer | sorry | 15:23 |
Debianer | internet has stop to work after upgrade | 15:23 |
popey | Debianer: look at the last 100-200 lines from /var/log/dpkg.log - it will list whatever packages were updated. Can't imagine what, maybe you had some PPAs enabled, or some other repos? | 15:23 |
Debianer | how I can go back | 15:24 |
popey | Debianer: depends, what updated? | 15:25 |
Debianer | I was just type apt-get install update | 15:25 |
Debianer | and after that was reboot | 15:25 |
Debianer | but no internet | 15:25 |
popey | when was it last rebooted? | 15:25 |
Debianer | many times | 15:25 |
Debianer | last time 10 mins ago | 15:25 |
cfhowlett | Debianer, wrong command. sudo apt-get install update will not work. sudo apt-get update | 15:25 |
popey | No, I mean, when was it last rebooted before you updated it today? | 15:26 |
NetworkingPro | EriC^: Any thoughts on that error? | 15:26 |
Debianer | 5 days ago | 15:26 |
popey | Because it may have been broken for a while, but your reboot only just uncovered it. | 15:26 |
popey | okay. | 15:26 |
nucc1 | Reptilia: 4K screen FTW :) | 15:26 |
EriC^ | NetworkingPro: try sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda | 15:26 |
popey | Debianer: I would begin debugging the network issue - check cable etc of course first. | 15:26 |
popey | Debianer: is it wired or wifi? | 15:26 |
Debianer | wired | 15:26 |
EriC^ | NetworkingPro: you might have stray gpt and it's causing the problem | 15:26 |
NetworkingPro | know of any way to resolve that | 15:27 |
popey | Debianer: does "dmesg | grep eth0" reveal any useful messages about the network card? | 15:27 |
NetworkingPro | ugh | 15:27 |
Debianer | sec | 15:27 |
popey | Debianer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15328289/ that's the kind of thing I see on my desktop which is wired | 15:27 |
Nilesh | I wanna change the -rpath-link search sequence , which file under /etc/ld.so.conf should I alter | 15:28 |
Debianer | dmgs is not found | 15:28 |
Mengele | Anybody have an HP printer here? I have bran new ink but yet when I print a PDF file, its very very very dim. If I print a text file its normal... | 15:28 |
popey | Debianer: dmesg | 15:28 |
Nilesh | I want to have /opt take precedence over /usr | 15:29 |
popey | Nilesh: edit your PATH | 15:29 |
Debianer | link down | 15:29 |
popey | Debianer: check the cable | 15:29 |
Debianer | no problem with cable | 15:29 |
Nilesh | popey: in which filr? | 15:29 |
popey | Debianer: lights flashing on network card in computer? | 15:29 |
Debianer | pluged in other laptop | 15:29 |
popey | Nilesh: .bashrc | 15:30 |
Nilesh | *file? | 15:30 |
Debianer | yes | 15:30 |
Debianer | its flashing | 15:30 |
popey | Debianer: does it say what network card driver is in use? like in mine, after the time it says "r8169" - what does yours say? | 15:30 |
LJHSLDJHSDLJH | I used a tool called "system monitor" on ubuntu and it showed me that historical commands still reserving memory , e.g. cat , evolution etc... | 15:30 |
cfedde | Nilesh: the files in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ are added in alphabetic order. | 15:30 |
LJHSLDJHSDLJH | evolution? shit I never used that mail client! why it's eating my systems memory! | 15:30 |
MonkeyDust | LJHSLDJHSDLJH language | 15:31 |
popey | LJHSLDJHSDLJH: Evolution has a server component used for calendar / mail sync | 15:31 |
Debianer | rtl8186d | 15:31 |
Debianer | hmm | 15:32 |
popey | Debianer: hmm? :) | 15:32 |
EriC^ | NetworkingPro: yeah, sudo fixparts /dev/sda | 15:32 |
Debianer | so | 15:32 |
Debianer | link is not ready | 15:33 |
Debianer | eth0 link is not ready | 15:33 |
popey | Debianer: "sudo ifup eth0" | 15:33 |
Debianer | eth0 link is down | 15:33 |
Debianer | sure | 15:33 |
Debianer | its up | 15:33 |
LJHSLDJHSDLJH | popey: is that a mandatory bloatware from ubuntu? otherwise why it's started by default without asking for it? | 15:33 |
popey | LJHSLDJHSDLJH: dial down the rhetoric | 15:33 |
Debianer | interface is allready configured | 15:34 |
popey | Debianer: does "ifconfig" show the device with an IP? | 15:34 |
MonkeyDust | LJHSLDJHSDLJH stay polite and mind your language | 15:34 |
Debianer | no ip | 15:34 |
Debianer | sec | 15:34 |
popey | LJHSLDJHSDLJH: it's a useful service | 15:34 |
popey | Debianer: is there config for your network in /etc/network/interfaces ? | 15:34 |
popey | Debianer: maybe try "sudo dhclient eth0" | 15:34 |
Debianer | yes | 15:34 |
popey | Debianer: static or dynamic IP in /etc/network/interfaces ? | 15:35 |
popey | (I'd expect static on a server) | 15:35 |
Debianer | its trying to discover | 15:35 |
popey | Debianer: maybe try "sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0" | 15:35 |
popey | to bounce it | 15:35 |
LJHSLDJHSDLJH | popey: useful unknown, unneeded and wanted service to me .. I rather save every single byte of memory | 15:36 |
NetworkingPro | EriC^: Ill try that. Worst case Im going to nuke and start over again. | 15:36 |
Debianer | no | 15:36 |
popey | LJHSLDJHSDLJH: fair enough. each to their own. | 15:36 |
Debianer | its same | 15:36 |
LJHSLDJHSDLJH | popey: which make it worthless in my case .... | 15:36 |
Debianer | no dhcp offers recived | 15:36 |
MonkeyDust | LJHSLDJHSDLJH what is your actual question | 15:37 |
popey | Debianer: still sounds like cable / switch issue to me :) | 15:37 |
Debianer | nope | 15:37 |
Debianer | same | 15:37 |
LJHSLDJHSDLJH | popey: is there a reference to which services are up and running by default from ubuntu? | 15:37 |
Bingo | I read about what you posted on UEFI.. Still not getting anywhere. Windows boots. that UEFI/Bios boot loader has No Ubuntu in it. So, Grub is not taking over the pc to use as bootloader. | 15:37 |
Debianer | switch working | 15:37 |
popey | LJHSLDJHSDLJH: not that I'm aware of. | 15:37 |
Debianer | also | 15:37 |
Bingo | my w10 and ubuntu are/were efi installed | 15:38 |
popey | LJHSLDJHSDLJH: how much ram are the evolution processes using? here's mine:- | 15:38 |
popey | 5.0 MiB + 363.5 KiB = 5.4 MiBevolution-source-registry | 15:38 |
popey | 38.1 MiB + 595.0 KiB = 38.7 MiBevolution-calendar-factory | 15:38 |
popey | not a huge amount. | 15:38 |
Bingo | u got a winows chan on this here svr? | 15:39 |
MonkeyDust | LJHSLDJHSDLJH hint: sudo service --status-all | 15:39 |
MonkeyDust | Bingo ##windows | 15:39 |
Bingo | oui | 15:39 |
popey | MonkeyDust: that's handy! | 15:39 |
Debianer | no help | 15:39 |
Debianer | what is wrong there | 15:39 |
Debianer | no dhcp leases | 15:40 |
popey | Debianer: so what changed when you upgraded? | 15:40 |
popey | Debianer: grep installed /var/log/dpkg.log | 15:40 |
MonkeyDust | popey here's more: ubuntu-support-status --show-unsupported ... apt-show-versions | grep -v uptodate | 15:40 |
NetworkingPro | EriC^: so sudo fixparts /dev/sda should fix my windows part too? | 15:41 |
Debianer | sec | 15:41 |
popey | Debianer: that should list the most recent things that apt upgraded | 15:42 |
Debianer | I was changed network card | 15:43 |
popey | haha | 15:43 |
Debianer | to another and now is ok | 15:43 |
popey | okay | 15:43 |
Debianer | crazy | 15:43 |
popey | fun :) | 15:43 |
Debianer | popey private | 15:43 |
mcclurmc | anybody here upgraded from wily to xenial yet? did anything break for them? | 15:43 |
popey | I'm running xenial on my desktop | 15:43 |
popey | works fine for me | 15:43 |
mcclurmc | i'm thinking about upgrading my work laptop before the release | 15:44 |
popey | (YMMV) see #ubuntu+1 :) | 15:44 |
mcclurmc | ha, thanks popey | 15:44 |
mcclurmc | didn't know about that channel | 15:44 |
EriC^ | NetworkingPro: it'll remove extra gpt information | 15:44 |
NetworkingPro | EriC^: thanks, ill give it a try, hopefully then it will let me install ubuntu in dual boot | 15:45 |
sammie_boi | hi! is there any to install the latest firefox on ubuntu karmic? i cant upgrade to the latest ubuntu because of video card issues. i have an intel video card that doesnt seem to jive well with ubuntu 15 and thus had to revert to ubuntu karmic... | 15:47 |
cfhowlett | sammie_boi, you have larger issues than firefox | 15:47 |
cfhowlett | !karmic | sammie_boi | 15:47 |
ubottu | sammie_boi: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://ubottu.com/y/karmic for details. | 15:47 |
sammie_boi | so there's no way to do it? | 15:48 |
popey | yowzer | 15:48 |
popey | sammie_boi: you could download the firefox tarball direct from mozilla | 15:48 |
popey | unpack it and run it from there | 15:48 |
popey | you'll get updates for your browser from mozilla then | 15:48 |
cfhowlett | sammie_boi, taking a non security updated system online sounds like a bad idea but ... your box | 15:49 |
popey | You won't get any Canonical dev updating karmic builds, sorry. | 15:49 |
popey | sammie_boi: have you tried 15.10 on it? | 15:49 |
sammie_boi | thanks popey. i'm new to ubuntu and i dont think i know how to run it from the unpacked folder... how do i do that? | 15:49 |
popey | sammie_boi: double click the executable file :) | 15:50 |
ren0v0 | is rhythmbox going to be default music player for 16.04? because it sucks so bad | 15:50 |
popey | sammie_boi: just like windows :) | 15:50 |
popey | ren0v0: no plans to change that | 15:50 |
sammie_boi | is it the .sh popey? :) | 15:50 |
cfhowlett | !ubuntu+1 | ren0v0 | 15:50 |
ubottu | ren0v0: Xenial Xerus is the codename for Ubuntu 16.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 | 15:50 |
popey | sammie_boi: maybe, let me see | 15:50 |
popey | sammie_boi: there's a file called "firefox" in there, just run that | 15:51 |
popey | sammie_boi: just tested here, works fine. | 15:52 |
sammie_boi | great! much much thanks popey! *high fiveeeeeee* :) | 15:52 |
popey | \o/ woot | 15:52 |
popey | sammie_boi: now try 15.10 when you get some time, and see if your video works with that ㋛ | 15:52 |
popey | sammie_boi: it's not a horrid old dell laptop is it? | 15:53 |
sammie_boi | tried 15.10.. got a laggy desktop. will try 15.10. :) | 15:53 |
phuongnhut | hi | 15:53 |
sammie_boi | its a lenovo t60 hehe popey | 15:53 |
popey | nice. I have an x61s - also olde | 15:54 |
popey | sammie_boi: try Ubuntu MATE - it's zippier than Unity on that kind of hardware :) | 15:54 |
benoit_ | hi all | 15:54 |
popey | phuongnhut: hello, hello benoit_ | 15:54 |
sammie_boi | popey, ohhh.. will do that my friend. nooootedd. :) have a nice day everyone. gonna make myself some instant noodles. hehehe | 15:55 |
NetworkingPro | EriC^: it deleted my gpt garbage - now im just sitting at the mbr command | 15:56 |
NetworkingPro | that all there is to it? | 15:56 |
benoit_ | Do you know a french server for chating about Ubuntu | 15:57 |
benoit_ | ? | 15:57 |
popey | !fr | benoit_ | 15:57 |
csd_ | hi -- how do i make it so that when i open a new terminal tab that the starting directory is my home directory rather than the dir of the previous tab | 15:57 |
ubottu | benoit_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 15:57 |
cfhowlett | !fr | benoit_ | 15:57 |
EriC^ | NetworkingPro: yeah | 15:57 |
EriC^ | NetworkingPro: press w | 15:58 |
=== ejnovak is now known as deadmund | ||
zykotick9 | csd_: typing "cd" by itself takes you to your home directory... | 16:00 |
Debians | again problem | 16:00 |
csd_ | zykotick9: right... is there a config option that makes starting in ~ the default? | 16:01 |
NetworkingPro | EriC^: ran install again, working like a boss | 16:02 |
zykotick9 | csd_: you can launch gnome-terminal to whatever directory you want... i didn't find anything online for new tabs however... <i was just curious, i don't use gnome-terminal myself> good luck. | 16:02 |
NetworkingPro | thanks man | 16:02 |
NetworkingPro | Im not familiar with GPT, so was interesting. | 16:02 |
EriC^ | NetworkingPro: great, no problem | 16:02 |
NetworkingPro | Ive had issues with Windows 10 hanging on power down, too. | 16:02 |
csd_ | i see, ok thanks for checking - i couldnt find anything either | 16:02 |
NetworkingPro | Wonder if thats related. | 16:02 |
Debians | hmmm | 16:02 |
Debians | anyone | 16:02 |
cfhowlett | Debians, here's how this works: STATE your issue and your details. | 16:03 |
Debians | hmmm | 16:04 |
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craptalk | i am using ubuntu mate, but i wonder why my sidebar dont showup? | 16:10 |
craptalk | or am i using ubuntu mate core? i mean minimum of its look cause i am using gtk2 version or what? | 16:10 |
craptalk | like minimalist with upperbar menu with its dropdown | 16:11 |
nacc | craptalk: iirc, mate discussion belongs in the mate channel | 16:11 |
craptalk | nacc: can you send me the channel? | 16:13 |
craptalk | #mate? | 16:13 |
nacc | craptalk: i beleve you can use alis to search | 16:13 |
craptalk | nacc: alright | 16:13 |
TcatalunyaT | Ben64: are you still here? | 16:13 |
zykotick9 | craptalk: there is a #ubuntu-mate channel | 16:14 |
c6715b | hello. I am having trouble with wifi on a laptop - ethernet shows in lspci but wireless doesnt | 16:18 |
c6715b | I have tried most solutions I could find on the forums but no success so far | 16:18 |
D|nA | what's your wifi model? | 16:18 |
c6715b | I think it is broadcom 5xxx | 16:19 |
NetworkingPro | What was the helper for themes again? | 16:19 |
c6715b | something like this | 16:19 |
c6715b | I turned it on on the BIOS, reset the BIOS to defaults, nothing worked | 16:19 |
c6715b | I can see the ethernet card but not the wifi | 16:20 |
c6715b | in lshw. this is the ethernet: product: NetLink BCM5787M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express | 16:20 |
D|nA | https://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers | 16:20 |
D|nA | tried this? | 16:20 |
dunpeal | Hi. I created a wifi hotspot in NetworkManager, but my Android phone has trouble connecting to it. How can I troubleshoot this? | 16:20 |
c6715b | I tries D|nA but the first command, | 16:21 |
c6715b | returns the ethernet device | 16:21 |
c6715b | not the wireless | 16:21 |
c6715b | when I do lspci -nn -d 14e4 I mean | 16:22 |
Silenced | My laptop is taking so much time to bootup, even though its hardware are pretty nearly high end. I feel the issue is the OS. I am running ubuntu 15.10. Is there any way this problem could be solved ? | 16:23 |
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cisc | c6715b: does it come up if you run: ip link show | 16:23 |
Mia | hey all, there was this extension for gnome where I could modify the look and feel of gnome, I want to modify the top bar, I was able to change the word "applications" or "activities" with this extension but I forgot its name. | 16:23 |
Mia | Anyone remembering what I mean | 16:23 |
c6715b | nope, only lo and ens1 | 16:23 |
Mia | ? | 16:23 |
c6715b | cisc: | 16:23 |
TcatalunyaT | Can someone help me with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkUt-0lDJw4 | 16:24 |
NetworkingPro | !themes | 16:24 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 16:24 |
akik | TcatalunyaT: yes, your video is private | 16:24 |
akik | TcatalunyaT: your video is private. for someone to look at it, make it non-private | 16:25 |
Debianer | help | 16:25 |
Debianer | can someone help | 16:26 |
Debianer | popey was help | 16:26 |
Debianer | and its was work until reboot | 16:27 |
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akik | TcatalunyaT: you could see if there are errors in $HOME/.xsession-errors | 16:29 |
c6715b | has anyone ever encountered a similar problem, not being able to find a wifi adaptor in lspci? | 16:30 |
bobby_ | how or where can I enable hidden files or hidden directories to be seen in the GUI | 16:30 |
c6715b | now im trying to install bcmwl-kernel-source | 16:30 |
somsip | bobby_: CTRL H, commonly | 16:31 |
akik | TcatalunyaT: then the question would be what did you do before your login got broken | 16:31 |
snowgoggles | c6715b: laptop? usb? | 16:33 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: ubuntu version? | 16:33 |
c6715b | lubuntu 15.1 | 16:33 |
c6715b | compac 6715b | 16:33 |
hipaysha | hello all | 16:33 |
c6715b | laptop's inbuilt wifi adaptor | 16:34 |
bobby_ | thanks somsip, one more quick question do you know if ~/.Private is a defaulted directory? | 16:34 |
hipaysha | #topic | 16:34 |
somsip | !topic > hipaysha | 16:34 |
ubottu | hipaysha, please see my private message | 16:34 |
somsip | bobby_: I don't have one, but mine is non-standard. Maybe someone else can confirm for definite | 16:34 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: can you pastebin us lspci -nn please | 16:35 |
c6715b | of course lotuspsychje | 16:35 |
MonkeyDust | http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 16:35 |
c6715b | thanks MonkeyDust | 16:36 |
somsip | bobby_: could be for encrypted files. Would that fit? | 16:36 |
hipaysha | Having issues finding topics...sorry | 16:36 |
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bobby_ | somsip; yes thanks np | 16:36 |
MonkeyDust | hipaysha /topicr | 16:37 |
MonkeyDust | hipaysha /topic | 16:37 |
hipaysha | may I please ask an ubuntu update related question? | 16:37 |
Debianer | help | 16:37 |
lotuspsychje | !ask | Debianer | 16:37 |
ubottu | Debianer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 16:37 |
c6715b | https://paste.ubuntu.com/15328709/ | 16:37 |
Debianer | problem with network | 16:37 |
hipaysha | thanks | 16:38 |
Debianer | no network after update | 16:38 |
c6715b | in most solutions, the wireless adaptor comes right after the ethernet's | 16:38 |
Debianer | its wired | 16:38 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: yeah no wifi shows your list mate | 16:39 |
snowgoggles | c6715b: i don't see a wifi adapter in your system so it's no powered on by your board....BIOS? | 16:39 |
c6715b | it is enabled in bios AND i reset the bios to default | 16:39 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: wifi switch somewhere perhaps? | 16:39 |
hipaysha | im having issues getting a proper ubuntu update...I keep getting >>Ign http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty/universe Translation-en_US | 16:39 |
c6715b | I tried the wifi switch eith no luck either | 16:39 |
c6715b | with | 16:39 |
snowgoggles | c6715b: what does "rfkill list" display to you? you may have to toggle the power on your keyboard | 16:40 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: some bios have a weird 'last state' wifi option in bios also, did you see that kind? | 16:40 |
c6715b | snowgoggles: softblock: no, hardblock: yes. this is why I checked the BIOS | 16:41 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: does the rfkill show a wifi? | 16:41 |
snowgoggles | c6715b: yeah its turned off...turn it on | 16:41 |
c6715b | I tried but the switch does not work | 16:41 |
snowgoggles | c6715b: hardware switch perhaps? | 16:42 |
c6715b | lotuspsychje: yes shows hp wifi with hardblocked flagged BUT I enabled it in BIOS, tried the manual switch, reset BIOS to defaults and still nothing | 16:42 |
MonkeyDust | hipaysha what's the outcome of cat /etc/issue | 16:42 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: check your syslog for wifi errors, lets see whats happening in there | 16:42 |
hipaysha | hold on let me check | 16:42 |
=== m_ is now known as ven000m | ||
lotuspsychje | Debianer: ubuntu version? | 16:43 |
MonkeyDust | Debianer you too cat /etc/issue | 16:43 |
c6715b | ok I will | 16:43 |
c6715b | /var/log/messages lotuspsychje ? | 16:43 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: feel free to share the whole syslog if you like, /var/log/syslog or dmesg | 16:44 |
hipaysha | Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS \n \l | 16:44 |
theorized | hello there, my laptop's dvd drive don't work. It spins but it doesn't read any DVD. How can i check if it's an hardware fail or not? tnx | 16:44 |
Mia | Hey all --- is it possible to customize ubuntu gnome in a way that top bar displays application top menu? (file, view, etc) | 16:44 |
Mia | I think unity works this way by default | 16:44 |
lotuspsychje | theorized: syslog or dmesg could hold some usefull errors | 16:44 |
lotuspsychje | !dvd | theorized doublechecked this too? | 16:45 |
ubottu | theorized doublechecked this too?: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 16:45 |
lotuspsychje | Mia: maybe the #ubuntu-gnome guys might help you with that? | 16:45 |
c6715b | this is lubuntu by the way :| | 16:45 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: should also work, did you try it on LTS also? | 16:46 |
Mia | lotuspsychje, asked there as well thanks | 16:46 |
Mia | still, this place has so much more people | 16:46 |
Mia | so maybe some can help | 16:46 |
theorized | lotuspsychje, it doesn't read even music CDs | 16:46 |
lotuspsychje | theorized: what player are you using? | 16:47 |
theorized | lotuspsychje, no one. My driver just spins and spins but it doesn't read any file, or music track, or anything I try | 16:47 |
lotuspsychje | theorized: and wich ubuntu version are you on? | 16:47 |
theorized | lotuspsychje, 15.10 gnome | 16:48 |
lotuspsychje | theorized: can you browse files from the dvd/cd? | 16:48 |
theorized | lotuspsychje, no way | 16:48 |
=== TomTomTo1 is now known as TomTomTosch | ||
lotuspsychje | theorized: check your logs for usefull errors | 16:48 |
theorized | lotuspsychje, maybe my dvd drive is gone, or maybe not. I really don't know coz I don't use CDs or DVDs very much | 16:49 |
theorized | lotuspsychje, please can you tell me how to do it? | 16:49 |
lotuspsychje | theorized: browse to /var/log/syslog or dmesg and have read/search | 16:49 |
hipaysha | MonkeyDust<<did you see my cat issue? | 16:50 |
theorized | lotuspsychje, i'm in it. What should i look for? | 16:50 |
lotuspsychje | theorized: anything related to dvd | 16:51 |
c6715b | lotuspsychje: it was working on windows before, but I did not try LTS | 16:52 |
AndChat-404481 | Check your bios maybe see if the dvd drive is listed? | 16:52 |
=== AndChat-404481 is now known as madh69 | ||
lotuspsychje | c6715b: i would doublecheck what wifi options your bios shows, see if you can find 'last state', some older laptops have this weird issue on ubuntu | 16:53 |
XfceKris | I have a problem with my Radeon hdmi sound output. | 16:54 |
c6715b | lotuspsychje: I will now, and here is my dmesg | 16:54 |
c6715b | https://paste.ubuntu.com/15328812/ | 16:54 |
XfceKris | Also mixer shows it as unplugged and I can't find a solution anywere | 16:54 |
snowgoggles | c6715b: run "cat /etc/modeprobe.d/blacklist.conf" see if a module necessary for your specific wifi module is blacklisted | 16:54 |
snowgoggles | c6715b: correction typo run "cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf" see if a module necessary for your specific wifi module is blacklisted | 16:55 |
XfceKris | I also am unable to switch drivers using the additional drivers tab... | 16:55 |
XfceKris | brb. ping me. | 16:55 |
c6715b | hmm maybe it is the bcm43xx? | 16:57 |
c6715b | it says replaced by b43 and ssb | 16:57 |
c6715b | bcmm43xx is blacklisted snowgoggles | 16:57 |
c6715b | correction: bcm43xx | 16:58 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: broadcom is your ethernet card, not wifi right | 16:58 |
kaffien | How can I used parted to create a partition without a file system? | 16:59 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: or is it also a broadcom? | 16:59 |
Debianer | Help!! | 16:59 |
c6715b | I cant tell since I deleted windows and cant list it | 16:59 |
n70801 | :D | 16:59 |
theorized | lotuspsychje, nothing about dvd in syslog | 16:59 |
snowgoggles | c6715b: google your specific laptop model for its wifi module and go from there since we are unable to interogate the model from command output...dmesg have any anomalies? | 17:00 |
akik | theorized: your dvd drive is /dev/sr0. if you try to mount it manually like "sudo mount /dev/sr0 /media/user/foo" do you get an error? | 17:00 |
akik | theorized: put a data dvd in the drive | 17:00 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b, snowgoggles from your logs: wl: module license 'MIXED/Proprietary' taints kernel | 17:00 |
c6715b | yes lotuspsychje i saw something about taints kernel in dmesg | 17:01 |
theorized | akik, mount: mount point /media/user/foo does not exist | 17:01 |
kaffien | bitbandit_: http://lightrush.ndoytchev.com/random-1/checkiftrimonext4isenabledandworking | 17:01 |
akik | theorized: create an empty dir for the mount point | 17:02 |
zykotick9 | theorized: "sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt" | 17:02 |
c6715b | should I unlock proprietary drivers lotuspsychje ? | 17:02 |
XfceKris | so my radeon r9 380 has hdmi video, but no audio... | 17:02 |
zykotick9 | akik: /mnt is there just for these times ;) | 17:02 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: did you install ubuntu with cable + updates during setup? are you fully up to date? | 17:02 |
XfceKris | the audio worked the other day, but i logged in today and I've got nothing. | 17:02 |
c6715b | no, but I did the apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade routine afterwards with cable | 17:02 |
hipaysha | MonkeDust< Are you still there? | 17:02 |
c6715b | and i updated it just now | 17:02 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: i would findout what snowgoggles suggest, find your specific chipset model | 17:02 |
c6715b | could it be the wl driver error in dmesg? | 17:03 |
zykotick9 | theorized: note, you can't mount video dvd's or audio cds... only data dvd/cd | 17:03 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: could be yes | 17:03 |
c6715b | I have another machine running debian and I was able to get wifi working with wl | 17:03 |
theorized | zykotick9, i tried a data cd and it seems to work | 17:04 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: its recommended to install ubuntu with internet enabled, and updates enabled during setup | 17:04 |
theorized | zykotick9, my bad. It doesn't | 17:04 |
Nilesh | Is uninstalling system installed qt safe? | 17:05 |
snowgoggles | c6715b: before ubuntu install....did you test your wifi on a live usb boot? that will use generic wifi drivers | 17:05 |
c6715b | unfortunately I didnt... | 17:05 |
nouran | hi | 17:05 |
zykotick9 | theorized: does "ls /dev/sr*" list anything? if so, more than one? | 17:05 |
lotuspsychje | Nilesh: exact packagename please? | 17:05 |
nouran | i dont know how to install wine on ubuntu mate 16.4 | 17:06 |
theorized | zykotick9, /dev/sr0 just this | 17:06 |
lotuspsychje | nouran: sudo apt-get install wine | 17:06 |
lotuspsychje | !wine | nouran | 17:06 |
ubottu | nouran: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 17:06 |
c6715b | but it is weird, dmesg talks about wl, about cfg80211 | 17:06 |
zykotick9 | theorized: ok... well that _should_ be your dvd drive. does "eject" work? | 17:06 |
c6715b | and lspci and lshw do not show anything | 17:06 |
hipaysha | lotuspsychje< can I please get some assistance from you with an update issue? | 17:06 |
nouran | i did that but doesnt work | 17:07 |
theorized | zykotick9, yes | 17:07 |
Nilesh | libqt5* | 17:07 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: please, start from the beginning findout your specific chipset model first | 17:07 |
c6715b | ok | 17:07 |
XfceKris | nothing? | 17:07 |
snowgoggles | c6715b: grab a usb stick and put a live ubuntu on it...see if the wifi works with the generic driver before mucking up your installed system | 17:08 |
zykotick9 | theorized: hummm... sorry, nothing else coming to mind to suggest... best of luck. | 17:08 |
lotuspsychje | hipaysha: did you try a sudo apt-get update? | 17:08 |
theorized | zykotick9, ok tnx | 17:08 |
nikeee_ | hi | 17:08 |
lotuspsychje | nouran: define 'doesnt work' please | 17:09 |
nikeee_ | I have a process that keep coming back with a different PID immediatly after I kill it | 17:09 |
Nilesh | lotuspsychje: libqt5* | 17:10 |
lotuspsychje | Nilesh: doesnt seem right packagename either | 17:10 |
hipaysha | yes | 17:10 |
lotuspsychje | hipaysha: added ppa's of any kind? | 17:11 |
hipaysha | not sure can you please check out my pastebin please? | 17:11 |
hipaysha | http://pastebin.com/yE4m3AFa | 17:11 |
c6715b | I have an install DVD | 17:12 |
c6715b | I am trying to find it lotuspsychje | 17:12 |
Bingo | MS answer tech said that.. IF in an Ubuntu install, THAT windows 10 does not recognize the New OS, to perform the install AGAIN | 17:12 |
c6715b | snowgoggles: can I use the DVD instead of usb to run a live lubuntu? and cable should be connected right? | 17:12 |
Bingo | If you are trying a LiveCD slow-down, please | 17:13 |
lotuspsychje | Bingo: can we help you? | 17:14 |
gr33nbits | so new version 45 of firefox is out will ubuntu auto update it? | 17:15 |
Bingo | Well I am going to re-install Ubuntu from disk. But, how do I make grub2 the system start-up | 17:15 |
fooobarrr | grub-rescue | 17:15 |
lotuspsychje | hipaysha: nothing to be skared of: http://askubuntu.com/questions/294525/what-does-ign-mean-when-running-an-apt-get-update | 17:15 |
Bingo | rescue mode? | 17:15 |
lotuspsychje | !info firefox | 17:15 |
ubottu | firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 44.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.15.10.1 (wily), package size 43115 kB, installed size 104888 kB | 17:15 |
lotuspsychje | gr33nbits: bot needs to sync | 17:15 |
lotuspsychje | gr33nbits: will come soon | 17:15 |
snowgoggles | c6715b: as long as it provides you a "try ubunutu" option yes | 17:15 |
fooobarrr | boot-repair* | 17:15 |
gr33nbits | lotuspsychje, okis thanks a bunch | 17:16 |
lotuspsychje | gr33nbits: keep your system up to date daily :p | 17:16 |
Bingo | try Ubuntu from the CD.. I mean use the cd to try the OS | 17:16 |
hipaysha | huhy!? | 17:16 |
gr33nbits | lotuspsychje, roger that and always ;) | 17:16 |
fooobarrr | boot from USB - run boot-repair - it will find all the mbr's and create a correct grub config for y | 17:16 |
Bingo | Do not use the CD to install the OS.. from the trial. | 17:16 |
fooobarrr | you | 17:16 |
lotuspsychje | Bingo: stop that please | 17:17 |
ren0v0 | is there still no way to mount NFS from file explorer in ubuntu ? | 17:17 |
Bingo | Install the OS from the liveCD when.. it says Install the OS. NOT try it | 17:17 |
lotuspsychje | !nfs | ren0v0 | 17:17 |
ubottu | ren0v0: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 17:17 |
fooobarrr | what language is this | 17:17 |
fooobarrr | the words are english | 17:17 |
lotuspsychje | !english | fooobarrr | 17:17 |
ubottu | fooobarrr: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 17:17 |
fooobarrr | but the syntax is all messed up | 17:17 |
ren0v0 | !lotuspsychje | 17:17 |
ren0v0 | !syntax | 17:18 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone | 17:18 |
hipaysha | ok, clam is not installing properly and I can not get update feature on the gui and other clam gui features to show | 17:18 |
ren0v0 | hipaysha, !clam | 17:18 |
jelly | nikeee_: is it a solo process or a service? Which one? Which ubuntu release are you running? | 17:18 |
fooobarrr | upi | 17:18 |
lotuspsychje | ren0v0: stop abusing the bot please | 17:18 |
Bingo | It is just that.. If you install from liveCD, Usually wubi will do it under windows | 17:18 |
ren0v0 | lotuspsychje, don't paste me useless docs that have nothing to do with what i asked | 17:18 |
hipaysha | yes the built in antivirus | 17:18 |
ren0v0 | i'm fully aware how to mount and manage my NFS, i asked about ubuntu's file explorer supporting the mount | 17:19 |
lotuspsychje | hipaysha: sudo apt-get install clamav | 17:19 |
jelly | nikeee_: don't withhold information you've already collected asking elsewhere -- provide all of it so people in the right channel have all the info in advance | 17:19 |
Bingo | i might buy a toshiba 1tb usb3 backup drive for $50 | 17:20 |
mjrosenb | I'm having issues doing anything with apt, apparently all due to linux-generic: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/431a71b620c54667ad0f | 17:20 |
mjrosenb | any idea what's wrong, and what I can do to fix it? | 17:20 |
jelly | Bingo: got a 3TB 2.5" wd usb3 for 129€ and am so happy with it | 17:20 |
nicomachus | mjrosenb: why are you manually installing linux-generic? | 17:20 |
lotuspsychje | !ot | Bingo | 17:21 |
ubottu | Bingo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 17:21 |
hipaysha | that does not work at all | 17:21 |
Bingo | can you update that generic? | 17:21 |
gr33nbits | hipaysha, you need to clamtk to have a gui | 17:21 |
lotuspsychje | !ops | Bingo random chitchat | 17:21 |
ubottu | Bingo random chitchat: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 17:21 |
gr33nbits | install* | 17:21 |
mjrosenb | nicomachus: to show that it isn't an issue with anything else when I run apt-get upgrade. | 17:21 |
nicomachus | mjrosenb: and why are you using root instead of sudo? | 17:21 |
rmoore | how would tweak unity so that when i double click on a HUD icon it will minimize the corresponding window? | 17:21 |
rmoore | *how would i | 17:22 |
hipaysha | ive install clam tk several times but still no gui | 17:22 |
lotuspsychje | rmoore: there is ccsm and unity-tweak-tool, maybe there? | 17:22 |
gr33nbits | clamav is terminal use only | 17:22 |
gr33nbits | that's weird, reboot | 17:22 |
nicomachus | mjrosenb: well, the normal fix for that dpkg error is to run ' dpkg --configure -a ', but you should not be manually installing linux-generic like that in most situations. | 17:22 |
hipaysha | understood | 17:22 |
mjrosenb | nicomachus: because I'm ssh'ed into the machine, and poking at this every few days, and I don't feel like re-entering my password. | 17:22 |
Pici | Bingo: Please move the offtopic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere. #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support only. | 17:22 |
mjrosenb | nicomachus: I can pastebin the output of running apt-get upgrade with the same error, if you want. | 17:23 |
nikeee_ | jelly: Is is a solo process, direct child of init. It is transmission-daemon. I run Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS | 17:23 |
c6715b | lotuspsychje, snowgoggles and D|nA thanks for the help I will try to reinstall lubuntu with the ethernet cable on | 17:23 |
c6715b | and find the exact chipset | 17:23 |
c6715b | see you later | 17:23 |
lotuspsychje | c6715b: ok good luck mate | 17:23 |
c6715b | o/ | 17:23 |
Bingo | Pici - I asked my question, How do I get grub2 to be the default loader ? | 17:23 |
nicomachus | mjrosenb: try dpkg --configure -a, but just don't install linux-generic manually. for my sanity, and your PC's sake. | 17:23 |
Bingo | << has a generic in grub2 list | 17:24 |
mjrosenb | nicomachus: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/24ab76fb17a95ca95ae0 | 17:24 |
gr33nbits | hipaysha, i never had it installed but i can install to check if it's working, sudo apt-get install clamav clamtk | 17:24 |
nicomachus | mjrosenb: how did you get to this state? | 17:24 |
Pici | Bingo: You want to change your bootloader to grub2 or modify what is listed in its configuration? | 17:25 |
mjrosenb | nicomachus: at some point or other, the machine ran out or memory while running apt-get upgrade | 17:25 |
mjrosenb | nicomachus: and it hasn't been the same since. | 17:25 |
hipaysha | I had an issuer yesterday where I had an unusable password and when I deleted password and reinstall password I still could not login....and before the unusable loggin issue I did not assign any password loggin | 17:25 |
Bingo | Pici - My bootloader wont recognize ubuntu, so I need grub2 to do it | 17:25 |
nicomachus | mjrosenb: ahhhh. ok. what does ' uname -r ' provide? | 17:25 |
Pici | Bingo: Take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 17:25 |
mjrosenb | 3.2.0-97-generic | 17:26 |
nicomachus | mjrosenb: uhh... what version of Ubuntu is that? | 17:26 |
Bingo | Pici windows won't give a loader to ubuntu | 17:26 |
Pici | Bingo: Indeed. Those instructions are about changing your bootloader to grub2 | 17:27 |
mjrosenb | 12.04 | 17:27 |
Bingo | Pici - But I can run either from firmware | 17:27 |
hipaysha | When ever I tried installing Wine ...I get a samba virus | 17:27 |
Pici | Bingo: What do you mean? | 17:27 |
nicomachus | mjrosenb: ah, ok. You're SSH'd in, you say. Do you ahve physical access to the machine? | 17:27 |
nicomachus | s/ahve/have | 17:28 |
Bingo | Pici - I can go to efi (firmware) F2, and select which os to run | 17:28 |
mjrosenb | not right now, I will when I get home | 17:28 |
nicomachus | mjrosenb: best solution would probably be to boot up a live USB, mount the system, purge linux-generic, and then reinstall it. | 17:29 |
Silenced | what does "sudo !!" mean ? | 17:29 |
nicomachus | !sudo | 17:29 |
ubottu | sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo | 17:29 |
Pici | Silenced: it means to run the last command that you ran with sudo in front. | 17:29 |
zykotick9 | Silenced: do the last command, BUT with sudo | 17:29 |
Pici | Bingo: Okay... but when you select Ubuntu it should give you grub, right? | 17:30 |
Silenced | its not working in my shell. Why ? | 17:30 |
Bingo | yep, grub2 runs | 17:30 |
Pici | Bingo: So whats the problem? | 17:30 |
Bingo | Pici and windows runs from that, too | 17:30 |
Pici | Silenced: what shell are you using? | 17:30 |
mjrosenb | nicomachus: I refuse to believe that there isn't a way to do this without a recovery disk, but it certainly may be the simplest | 17:31 |
Bingo | Pici .. problem is, i haveta go thru f2 and or, back thru windows 10 troubleshooting to dual-boot | 17:31 |
Silenced | Pici: Fish | 17:31 |
nicomachus | mjrosenb: it's just the simplest. mucking around with linux-generic isn't fun. | 17:31 |
mjrosenb | nicomachus: finding where I left my thumb drive isn't fun either. | 17:33 |
Bingo | << had a look at the {current} loader in MS, and when wubi was removed, the next boot changed the MS loader | 17:33 |
Pici | Silenced: looks like Fish doesn't support that command. (It works in bash and zsh though), see https://fishshell.com/docs/current/faq.html#faq-history and https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/288 for alternatives. | 17:33 |
nicomachus | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 17:33 |
Pici | Bingo: Wait, are you using wubi now? or is this a real install? | 17:34 |
Bingo | (ipsofacto) current MS loader is only for itself | 17:34 |
nikeee_ | hi, I have a process that keep coming back with a different PID right after I kill it | 17:34 |
lounesdh | i have an old computer ? what is the best systeme can i use ubuntu or arch linux? | 17:34 |
Bingo | A real install, to the same wiped partition. And it works | 17:34 |
nicomachus | lounesdh: you can use Lubuntu if the machine isn't real high-power | 17:34 |
lounesdh | but i found that archlinux is more lightwight | 17:35 |
lounesdh | is it true? | 17:35 |
nicomachus | lounesdh: couldn't tell you, this is #ubuntu not #arch | 17:35 |
=== metachr0n is now known as metachr0n-away | ||
nicomachus | perhaps #linux can help you with distro comparisons. | 17:36 |
* mjrosenb should look into getting lubuntu or xubuntu on this box | 17:36 | |
nicomachus | or is it ##linux? idk | 17:36 |
lounesdh | ohh ok tnks man | 17:36 |
k1l | lounesdh: that are 2 total different linux distribution approaches. stable release vs rolling release. for comparison better ask in ##linux . for old hardware we have lubuntu | 17:36 |
lotuspsychje | lounesdh: lubuntu will do fine for your needs | 17:36 |
alkisg | lounesdh: how old? cpu/ram? | 17:36 |
lounesdh | ram 2GB | 17:36 |
lotuspsychje | plenty | 17:36 |
alkisg | lounesdh: then you can use any distro you like | 17:37 |
lounesdh | cpu dual core | 17:37 |
nicomachus | definitely want lubuntu, if you go the ubuntu route. Idk about Unity on 2gb of ram | 17:37 |
alkisg | unity and mate and gnome-flashback all run fine with 2 gb ram | 17:37 |
Bingo | ran a dual core and dual booted ubuntu back then with jaunty | 17:37 |
alkisg | and xfce and lxde | 17:37 |
Silenced | okay fine. My laptop is pretty slow with the bootup. How to fix it ? . It has a pretty good hardware though | 17:37 |
k1l | unity and 2gb ram works. | 17:37 |
nicomachus | alkisg: unity's 3d animations on 2gb ram? would be slow, no? | 17:37 |
alkisg | nicomachus: animations are not related to ram, they're related to opengl support from the graphics card | 17:38 |
lotuspsychje | nicomachus: depends on the rest of the system also, works like a charm here with 2gig | 17:38 |
k1l | nicomachus: its more about the whole system. if its a semprom singlecore with a crappy gpu and 2GB ram, then i would not use unity. | 17:39 |
nicomachus | gotcha. | 17:40 |
Bingo | I have no idea why MS did not install the ubuntu so that the metro loader does not allow me to choose which from the start up. | 17:40 |
* jelly wonders whether Bingo is a bot | 17:41 | |
Pici | Bingo: I'm still confused what you want to acheive. | 17:41 |
Bingo | hmm, remove wubi.. removed the setting, then re-install to the partition left windows without the ubuntu guid? | 17:42 |
Bingo | Pici on start-up, I get no choice. bdcedit says there is no ubuntu. | 17:43 |
alkisg | Bingo: wubi goes in a bcdedit entry. Normal ubuntu without wubi uses grub. What are *you* using? | 17:44 |
Bingo | Firmware | 17:44 |
Pici | Bingo: But you have grub installed too, right? why not tell your bios to boot to that disk by default? | 17:44 |
Bingo | boots from same lv..one disk | 17:44 |
k1l | dont use wubi. | 17:45 |
Bingo | not wubi | 17:45 |
alkisg | Has anyone understood which boot loader "firmware" is? :D | 17:45 |
Pici | alkisg: uefi thing | 17:45 |
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alkisg | Pici: I don't think he means that he's using uefi as the boot loader, as he's wondering why there's no ubuntu entry in bcdedit | 17:45 |
pradeep | Hello | 17:46 |
h4x0riz3d | does ddrescue "clone" the partitions or do i have to create partitions myself before using ddrescue? | 17:46 |
lotuspsychje | h4x0riz3d: whats your end goal? | 17:46 |
alkisg | h4x0riz3d: if you dd the whole disk, the partitions are copied. E.g. dd if=/dev/sd of=/dev/sdb. If you dd a partition (e.g. sda1), then you need to make the target partition. | 17:46 |
k1l | Bingo: ubuntu doesnt have to do anything with the OS windows. so if you make a non-wubi install windows wont notice at all. | 17:46 |
Bingo | i got to go to the firmware (f2) to load an OS. or Windows runs straight away, and I have to restart, or troubleshoot to go get grub2 loading ubuntu | 17:47 |
pradeep | Can i take a ubuntu os backup with all softwares installed, and deploy the same somewhere in cloud? | 17:47 |
h4x0riz3d | lotuspsychje, i have a dying hdd which was set up as dual boot, winXP (with C D E drives) and an ubuntu, which has no important data but is used as a bootloader | 17:47 |
k1l | h4x0riz3d: it makes a 1:1 copy on the hardware bit layer of the disk. so it copies that what you say dd(rescue) should copy | 17:47 |
lotuspsychje | h4x0riz3d: try to save your data with photorec perhaps? | 17:47 |
skypce | hey guys | 17:48 |
skypce | can you give me a hand | 17:48 |
lotuspsychje | !one | pradeep | 17:48 |
ubottu | pradeep: The Ubuntu One file and music service is being discontinued. The service will be unavailable starting 1 June 2014, and content available until 31 July, 2014. For more, see #ubuntuone | 17:48 |
skypce | http://www.webupd8.org/2016/03/how-to-save-and-restore-unity-session.html | 17:48 |
pradeep | i am experiencing trouble in mygraing my webserver which has lot many connections of loadbalancers and tunnels | 17:48 |
skypce | i am trying to register session save automatically | 17:48 |
lotuspsychje | !backup | pradeep is still possible | 17:49 |
ubottu | pradeep is still possible: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 17:49 |
h4x0riz3d | lotuspsychje, i have a new hdd (and bigger) and i want to rescue the winXP stuff, bonus points if i can also make the equivalent D and E partitions slightly bigger, and i'd install a new ubuntu afterwards (to get a bootloader too) | 17:49 |
skypce | when logout / reboot / shutdown | 17:49 |
pradeep | its a server. | 17:49 |
alkisg | Bingo: are you in ubuntu now? What's the output of `sudo lsblk -fs` ? | 17:49 |
Bingo | alkisg , not in ubu now | 17:50 |
h4x0riz3d | lotuspsychje, i already attempted to do all that, but the result does not boot.. | 17:50 |
alkisg | Bingo: ok, boot in ubuntu and come back here | 17:50 |
skypce | i was added system("session save") in file gsm-manager.c near line 3155 | 17:50 |
skypce | help help , only works with logout | 17:50 |
Bingo | ok alkisg | 17:50 |
lotuspsychje | !session | skypce can this help? | 17:50 |
ubottu | skypce can this help?: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 17:50 |
alkisg | h4x0riz3d: dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb will make your second, bigger, sdb disk a complete clone of the first one (with the boot sector and everything). Afterwards, when you boot it etc etc, you can resize partitions with gparted. | 17:51 |
h4x0riz3d | alkisg, okay, so i just need to create a partition table of type "msdos" on the new hdd, without making partitions? | 17:52 |
skypce | lotuspsychje, i want add a program before close applications, not in bootup | 17:52 |
alkisg | h4x0riz3d: dd'ing whole disks also makes the partition table, you don't need to prepare the second disk at all | 17:52 |
skypce | any idea? | 17:52 |
h4x0riz3d | it's already "dirty" from my first attempt | 17:52 |
h4x0riz3d | but okay, i get the point | 17:53 |
hipaysha | can someone please examin and let me know what's going on here in this pastebin link? | 17:53 |
hipaysha | http://pastebin.com/AJHAAaWg | 17:53 |
alkisg | h4x0riz3d: it will be overwritten. Of course pay attention to use the correct letters there (sda/sdb etc) so as to not overwrite your source disk... | 17:53 |
h4x0riz3d | yeah, surely ;] | 17:53 |
lotuspsychje | hipaysha: what are you trying to do? | 17:54 |
h4x0riz3d | okay, thanks, i'll try | 17:54 |
hipaysha | see why my fire fox enable gave me that reply in terminal | 17:55 |
h4x0riz3d | alkisg, actually.. "dd" or "ddrescue" ? because i tried ddrescue since it says it's meant especially for dying harddisks | 17:55 |
lotuspsychje | hipaysha: why 'enable'? | 17:55 |
alkisg | h4x0riz3d: if your disk has bad sectors and takes a lot of time to read it, yes ddrescue is better | 17:56 |
h4x0riz3d | yeah, that's the case | 17:56 |
alkisg | If it only has soft issues, like being in need of chkdsk or fsck, then dd is fine | 17:56 |
alkisg | ddrescue then, ok | 17:56 |
Bingo | alkisg - | 17:57 |
alkisg | Bingo: sudo lsblk -fs ==> put it in pastebin | 17:57 |
hipaysha | well when I ran a clam scan I got that I had a firefox virus so I uninstalled it and reinstalled it from terminal | 17:57 |
lotuspsychje | hipaysha: running firefox from terminal just type firefox | 17:57 |
hipaysha | when I enable it from terminal that pastebin is what I got | 17:57 |
hipaysha | ok | 17:57 |
Bingo | alkisg - invalid option -- 's' | 17:58 |
lotuspsychje | hipaysha: whats the name of the firefox virus clamav found? | 17:58 |
teta | how do i solve a "device or resource busy" when doing an rm -Rf | 17:58 |
squinty | hipaysha, you can also see firefox's start options by typing firefox --help | 17:58 |
Bingo | needs --fs | 17:58 |
alkisg | Bingo: copy/paste my command to prevent typos | 17:58 |
=== AndChat-404481 is now known as Madhumper66 | ||
hipaysha | ok thanks | 17:58 |
hipaysha | when I enable clamtk from terminal I get the updated version vs enabling it from desktop | 17:59 |
alkisg | Bingo: you're right, in older ubuntu versions --fs is needed, use that one | 18:00 |
* alkisg is in xenial | 18:00 | |
Bingo | going to paste | 18:00 |
hipaysha | lotuspsychje I forgot the name of the virus it foud...I just uninstalled it | 18:01 |
Bingo | http://paste.ubuntu.com/15329255/ | 18:02 |
alkisg | Bingo: and the output of this? sudo ls -lhaR /boot | 18:03 |
taora | hello everyone, filezilla slows down my computer, such that only cursor moves, but nothing else. | 18:03 |
taora | is it a known problem? | 18:04 |
taora | not slows down, but freezes, to be more precise | 18:04 |
taora | it takes really long until the system resumes | 18:04 |
teta | how do i solve a "device or resource busy" when doing an rm -Rf | 18:05 |
smoker05 | hello. | 18:06 |
smoker05 | While installing AMD GPU driver. | 18:06 |
smoker05 | I am getting this error. | 18:06 |
smoker05 | Please install the required pre-requisites before proceeding with AMD Catalyst installation. Please check file usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log for more details. | 18:06 |
Bingo | http://paste.ubuntu.com/15329288/ | 18:06 |
smoker05 | I found this : http://askubuntu.com/questions/544661/pre-requisites-for-amd-graphics-drivers | 18:06 |
smoker05 | I pasted those command, and still it is showing me that error. | 18:07 |
smoker05 | Any idea, what to do. | 18:07 |
Bingo | i know compiz had to have a different driver was fglrx | 18:07 |
Bingo | on amd catalyst | 18:08 |
nicomachus | smoker05: did you check the log file like is recommended? | 18:08 |
smoker05 | check where? | 18:08 |
nicomachus | smoker05: it's in the error you posted... /usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log | 18:08 |
alkisg | Bingo: some things are missing, do this instead: ls -lhaR /boot > /tmp/output; gedit /tmp/output ==> and then select all and put it to pastebin | 18:08 |
smoker05 | I am trying to install driver from almost like 2 days now. | 18:08 |
smoker05 | i was following this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc8s5yhylbo | 18:09 |
smoker05 | how can I view that log file ? | 18:10 |
nicomachus | smoker05: gedit /usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log | 18:10 |
nicomachus | smoker05: that will open the file in gedit, and you can peruse it for any clues. Or you can copy/paste it to paste.ubuntu.com and then share that link here. | 18:11 |
smoker05 | ok, yeah it opened. | 18:11 |
al8989 | hello everyone, is there a way to check and see if a pc is compatible with ubuntu linux i was goign to buy a new windows 10 pc but wanted to insteadput ubuntu on it | 18:11 |
smoker05 | nicomachus, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15329325/ | 18:11 |
nicomachus | al8989: it's compatible. | 18:11 |
nicomachus | smoker05: those instructions seem pretty clear. | 18:12 |
al8989 | doesn't matter what kind of wireless card is in it and such? | 18:12 |
nicomachus | al8989: the only wireless card I've seen issues with is the realtek chipsets. | 18:12 |
Bingo | http://paste.ubuntu.com/15329330/ | 18:12 |
smoker05 | nicomachus, should I follow that andd reboot? | 18:12 |
nicomachus | al8989: rtl8192cu and rtl8188ee can be tricky, but otherwise should be fine. | 18:13 |
nicomachus | smoker05: well, yea. | 18:13 |
=== qwerty is now known as Guest76301 | ||
al8989 | nicomachus: cool thank you i have several ubuntu pc's in mybusiness but they are all a couple years old atleast and the one pc i had was 8 yersold and just died and I need to replace it so figured i'd buy a new one i figured the hp would be my best bet since their printers works well in ubuntu | 18:15 |
alkisg | Bingo: it looks like you ran boot-repair etc and now it's a bit of a mess. I think it will work as you want it if you copy /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi to /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi, overwriting bootx64.efi. Make a backup of it first. | 18:15 |
Bingo | backup grub or bootx64? | 18:16 |
alkisg | the target file, bootx64.efi | 18:16 |
Bingo | crosses fingers | 18:17 |
alkisg | Bingo: sudo mv /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi.bak; sudo cp /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi | 18:17 |
nomoney4me | hi all | 18:20 |
al8989 | nicomachus: also should i dual booth the windows 10 or just skip because of all the tracking and privacy concerns and such that come with windows 10 | 18:20 |
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka | ||
Bingo | alkisg - I have to sudo and do it via terminal? denied permission | 18:21 |
alkisg | Bingo: my commands do have sudo there | 18:22 |
alkisg | Did you see them above? | 18:22 |
alkisg | (08:17:27 μμ) alkisg: Bingo: sudo mv /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi.bak; sudo cp /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi | 18:22 |
nomoney4me | question: I noticed that my /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd is running at about 26% when my machine is at idle. And there are 5 instances of them. Taking up total of 50% of my CPU usage. This doesn't sound right, is it? | 18:22 |
SirCmpwn_ | greetings | 18:22 |
SirCmpwn_ | I'm coming to you from the ubuntu installation live environment | 18:22 |
Bingo | no sorry. I did copy target away.. | 18:22 |
Bingo | Sudo up and return alkisg - | 18:23 |
SirCmpwn_ | I've manually partitioned my disks with a fancy LUKS setup with dm-crypt and such. The disks I want are available in /dev/mapper/ and I have created filesystems on them. I'm doing seperate partitions for /, /home, and /boot, and I have prepared an EFI partition. / and /home are seperate encrypted devices and the disks I want to install them on are /dev/mapper/{root,home} | 18:24 |
SirCmpwn_ | /boot and /home and / are all ext4 and the EFI partition is set to EF00 with GPT and has no additional setup on it | 18:24 |
SirCmpwn_ | during the installation, I went to customize my partition layout and set all of the disks appropriately, but when I proceed with the install this message appears: The attempt to mount a file system with type vfat in /dev/nvme0n1p1 at /boot/efi failed. | 18:25 |
SirCmpwn_ | I'm going to try mounting /boot and creating efi on it myself, and formatting the EFI partition as vfat and confirming that it can be mounted correctly | 18:26 |
SirCmpwn_ | but I would appreciate advice on this | 18:26 |
Bingo | alkisg - So just reboot to see ? | 18:27 |
chicco | mp3 | 18:28 |
smoker05 | hey, I unstalled successfully, but after restarting PC, I am getting this error. I think error is Generated from Steam. | 18:28 |
smoker05 | OpenGL GLX context is not using direct rendering, which may cause performance problems. | 18:28 |
smoker05 | For more information visit https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=9938-EYZB-7457 | 18:28 |
SirCmpwn_ | smoker05: who is your GPU manufacturer? | 18:28 |
al8989 | also what is the compatibility ofipod nanos in ubuntu i wanted to get ipod to load music onto it so i can play in my new truck that has no cd player but has the siruis xm radio and ipod support | 18:28 |
smoker05 | Ati | 18:28 |
smoker05 | Ati HDD 7950. | 18:28 |
smoker05 | *HD | 18:28 |
SirCmpwn_ | have you installed the correct drivers for it? | 18:28 |
smoker05 | yeah, I just did. | 18:29 |
SirCmpwn_ | rebooted? | 18:29 |
smoker05 | yeah | 18:29 |
SirCmpwn_ | I don't recall what the appropriate kernel module is. Does anyone else know what to grep through lsmod for? | 18:29 |
chicco | bella rega | 18:29 |
FOVi | hey all | 18:29 |
danilo_ | Ola | 18:29 |
danilo_ | Hi | 18:30 |
danilo_ | Hellloooooo | 18:30 |
FOVi | Ola | 18:30 |
smoker05 | When I try to launch Counter Strike, I am getting this error : "could not find required OpenGL entry point 'glGetError'! Either your Video card is unspported or your OpenGL driver needs to be updated. | 18:30 |
humbot | what's a good way to have background/wallpaper automatically change in gnome? | 18:30 |
danilo_ | mother fucker | 18:30 |
danilo_ | I dont now! | 18:30 |
humbot | :P | 18:31 |
nicomachus | !language | 18:31 |
ubottu | The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 18:31 |
FOVi | br? | 18:31 |
danilo_ | _(_ | 18:31 |
nicomachus | !br | FOVi | 18:31 |
ubottu | FOVi: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. | 18:31 |
k1l | danilo_: please make sure you read the guidelines and keep the language family friendly in here. | 18:31 |
FOVi | anyway | 18:31 |
danilo_ | WTF? | 18:31 |
nicomachus | ... | 18:32 |
smoker05 | nicomachus, Any suggestion ? | 18:32 |
smoker05 | I installed the driver, but getting this weird error. | 18:32 |
FOVi | claro que sim :) | 18:32 |
smoker05 | OpenGL GLX context is not using direct rendering, which may cause performance problems. | 18:32 |
smoker05 | For more information visit https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=9938-EYZB-7457 | 18:32 |
nicomachus | smoker05: are you getting that error from ubuntu or steam? | 18:34 |
AlexQ | Hi. What should I do to prevent the external display output from turning out when I close my laptop lid? | 18:34 |
smoker05 | steam. | 18:34 |
smoker05 | When I reboot, Steam starts automatically, and it shows this error. | 18:34 |
smoker05 | nicomachus, I found this link : https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/55934/steam-on-fedora-21-opengl-glx-error/ | 18:35 |
smoker05 | but I am not sure, how to use that script. | 18:35 |
smoker05 | I am newbie to Linux. | 18:35 |
al8989 | does anyone know what is the compatibility of ipod nanos in ubuntu i wanted to get ipod to load music onto it so i can play my music in my new truck that has no cd player but has the siruis xm radio and ipod support | 18:35 |
k1l | smoker05: what GPU is it and what driver do you use? | 18:36 |
smoker05 | ATI HD 7950. | 18:36 |
nicomachus | smoker05: well that's for fedora, not ubuntu. | 18:37 |
smoker05 | ohh | 18:37 |
smoker05 | I thought the script will work. | 18:37 |
smoker05 | Because the error was from steam. | 18:37 |
Bingo | j ##ubuntu | 18:38 |
k1l | smoker05: lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' | 18:38 |
k1l | 18:38 | |
Bingo | arg | 18:38 |
AlexQ | al8989: Programs like Rhythmbox etc. should support it I guess | 18:38 |
k1l | smoker05: what gives you that as output in the terminal? | 18:38 |
smoker05 | that's my driver version k1l , http://i.imgur.com/KtImZQX.jpg | 18:39 |
al8989 | alexq: thank you | 18:39 |
Bingo | my vlc won't play movies frum redbxo | 18:39 |
smoker05 | k1l, Kernel driver in use: fglrx_pci | 18:39 |
k1l | smoker05: so you loaded that form the amd website? | 18:39 |
Bingo | alkisg -- no luck | 18:39 |
smoker05 | Yes. | 18:39 |
k1l | smoker05: is that the latest driver from their website? | 18:40 |
smoker05 | Yes. | 18:41 |
smoker05 | Revised Number : Crimson Edition 15.12 | 18:42 |
k1l | smoker05: do you use skype? | 18:42 |
alkisg | Bingo: what happened, you again didn't see grub by default? | 18:42 |
Bingo | no gub mate | 18:42 |
smoker05 | can I PM your k1l ? | 18:42 |
smoker05 | *you | 18:42 |
k1l | smoker05: do you use skype? what ubuntu release is it? | 18:43 |
smoker05 | No, i ddont have skype installed. | 18:43 |
Bingo | alkisig - i have copy of windows boot loading scheme (bcdedit current) | 18:43 |
smoker05 | 14.04.4 | 18:43 |
alkisg | Bingo: bcdedit is *after* the uefi boot loader, so it's not related to your issue | 18:44 |
k1l | smoker05: i would test if this helps: http://askubuntu.com/a/477095/31260 | 18:44 |
smoker05 | ok, let me try that and reboot. | 18:45 |
smoker05 | I | 18:45 |
smoker05 | I'll let you know. | 18:45 |
Bingo | alkisg - doesn't winblows have to have bootmgr to load to give a choice? | 18:45 |
LJHSLDJHSDLJH | popey: it's not only about how much evolution alone is taking of the RAM .. it's about all other none used apps memory consumption | 18:45 |
alkisg | Bingo: no, windows can't load ubuntu, it's too late when bootmgr is loaded | 18:45 |
thumpba | how can i get net.nf_conntrack_max setting to 1048576 to persist after a reboot. I've changed it in /etc/sysctl.conf but the the value changes back to 65536 after reboot | 18:46 |
smoker05 | k1l, after putting the 1st command, I got this error "rm: cannot remove ‘/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1.2.0’: No such file or directory" | 18:46 |
alkisg | Bingo: it sounds like your firmware is messy, you might be able to (1) find an updated version, or (2) use manpages.ubuntu.com/efibootmgr to bypass the issue | 18:46 |
thumpba | im on 14.04 | 18:46 |
k1l | Bingo: windows bootmanager doesnt care about other OS. so all your windows bootmanager stuff is not helping. as said before. | 18:46 |
Bingo | alkisg - before windows loaded, then i select ubuntu, and got the firmware | 18:46 |
popey | LJHSLDJHSDLJH: okay then. | 18:46 |
k1l | smoker05: go ahead with second line | 18:46 |
alkisg | (08:46:25 μμ) Bingo: alkisg - before windows loaded, then i select ubuntu, and got the firmware ==> describe that again with more words, I didn't understand it | 18:46 |
lyze | Hello, I aquired a new laptop and want to boot from my usb stick or phone. I've set the boot option to usb first and selected "usb LG G3" as boot medium (or the usb stick) but it'll launch straight into windows | 18:47 |
Bingo | before with wubi, windows gave me a metro screen choose either one, and now it doesn't | 18:47 |
alkisg | Bingo: yes, wubi is using the windows boot manager, but you deleted wubi, so the windows boot manager now is not used to boot ubuntu | 18:48 |
genii | Gah, wubi | 18:48 |
smoker05 | k1l, after putting the 2nd command, I got this : "ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1.2.0’: File exists" | 18:48 |
Bingo | alkisg - so i have to use grub | 18:48 |
alkisg | Yes, only grubefi can boot ubuntu under uefi | 18:48 |
Bingo | ok.. you're really great alkisg, now what to do to use grub2 bootlading? | 18:49 |
alkisg | (08:46:15 μμ) alkisg: Bingo: it sounds like your firmware is messy, you might be able to (1) find an updated version, or (2) use manpages.ubuntu.com/efibootmgr to bypass the issue | 18:49 |
Bingo | manpages talked about cleaning | 18:50 |
Bingo | version of Grub in 14.04 not ? | 18:51 |
smoker05 | k1l, what to do now :( | 18:51 |
Bingo | omg.. I gtg alkisg | 18:51 |
glassHeart | smoker05 have you tried using the normal installer? | 18:51 |
alkisg | bb | 18:51 |
Bingo | Appointment | 18:51 |
Bingo | Yer great tho.. tyvm | 18:52 |
smoker05 | i did. | 18:52 |
glassHeart | k | 18:52 |
k1l | smoker05: i cant test it right now since i dont have a system running here to check | 18:53 |
smoker05 | The thing is that Dota2 (Steam game) working fine, but the Counter Strike (steam game) is givng me the error. | 18:53 |
thumpba | how can i get net.nf_conntrack_max setting to 1048576 to persist after a reboot. I've changed it in /etc/sysctl.conf but the the value changes back to 65536 after reboot | 18:53 |
araina | hello | 18:53 |
araina | i m new to irc | 18:53 |
smoker05 | Can you check via team viwer ? It will hardly take 2 mins, just a quick peek ? k1l | 18:54 |
smoker05 | m trying from 2 days now, to install driver. | 18:54 |
smoker05 | Because with no driver, I am getting 70-80 fps, and with driver, 250+ fps. | 18:54 |
LinuxAZ | araina welcome to the 1990's | 18:55 |
glassHeart | I had trouble too with steam. which obviosly is why I wanted to install the driver. I just installed the driver from the software center and now the games in steam work.. Haven't tried CS tho | 18:55 |
smoker05 | And I am new to linux, so I am trying my best to gasp as much as possible. | 18:55 |
k1l | smoker05: sorry, i dont even have teamviewer in here. but you can see if that is working: http://askubuntu.com/a/592692/31260 | 18:55 |
smoker05 | let me try. | 18:56 |
nomoney4me | question: I noticed that my /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd is running at about 26% when my machine is at idle. And there are 5 instances of them. Taking up total of 50% of my CPU usage. This doesn't sound right, is it? Anyone got any idea what's going on? | 18:58 |
nomoney4me | Snapshot: http://imgur.com/ELWcgoM | 18:59 |
birbl | Hey, whenever I try to boot from any live usb created with my phone / via unetbootin I get a "operating system not found" | 18:59 |
birbl | is there something I do wrong? | 18:59 |
glassHeart | you're using your phone as usb drive? | 19:00 |
smoker05 | k1l, after adding that 2 lines | 19:01 |
smoker05 | how can I save that | 19:01 |
smoker05 | from terminal | 19:01 |
k1l | smoker05: ctrl+o. then ctrl+x for exit | 19:01 |
birbl | glassHeart, Using the app "drivedroid" which normally works fine and it worked on my desktop pc, but not on my laptop. Afterwards I tried it with unetbootin and a normal usb stick | 19:02 |
birbl | same result | 19:02 |
smoker05 | k1l, nothing happening with ctrl+x | 19:03 |
k1l | smoker05: that is for nano | 19:04 |
smoker05 | so after hitting ctrl +o | 19:04 |
smoker05 | should i close the terminal ? | 19:04 |
smoker05 | because when I tried, it says, the process is still running/ | 19:05 |
glassHeart | birbl can you see the drive from the bios? if yes then you can usually boot it directly from bios | 19:05 |
squinty | smoker05, ctrl+o writes the file you are editing to disk. ctrl+x exits nano no need to close the terminal | 19:06 |
k1l | smoker05: no | 19:07 |
birbl | glassHeart, yup I can. But when I select it from there it directly boots into windows again. | 19:07 |
k1l | press "CTRL" key any "o" key at one time. it will ask to save that file. | 19:07 |
k1l | smoker05: ^ | 19:07 |
k1l | smoker05: then press "ctrl" key plus "x" key at once. it will exit the editor | 19:08 |
glassHeart | birbl that is weird. dunno why :( | 19:08 |
smoker05 | i did | 19:09 |
smoker05 | the | 19:09 |
smoker05 | ctrl + x bring me here : http://i.imgur.com/L4fwrJj.jpg | 19:09 |
smoker05 | after this when I try ctrl + o, nothing happening. | 19:09 |
k1l | press enter then | 19:09 |
smoker05 | k1l, ^ | 19:09 |
birbl | glassHeart, argh. thanks anway :( | 19:10 |
snowgoggles | birbl: issue with unetbootin usb stick? | 19:10 |
birbl | snowgoggles, yup | 19:10 |
k1l | smoker05: at the bottom: it asks you for more details. its a saving process like on windows word ord somehting. just in in the terminal | 19:10 |
birbl | snowgoggles: just getting directly through to windows. doesn't boot to linux | 19:10 |
smoker05 | after pressing enter, it takes me back to terminal editing. | 19:11 |
snowgoggles | birbl: redo the usb stick but create a new partition table as msdos then format it as fat32...rerun unetbootin install as usual | 19:11 |
k1l | smoker05: then ctrl+x | 19:11 |
birbl | snowgoggles: Will try, thanks! | 19:11 |
NetworkingPro | yo everyone | 19:15 |
NetworkingPro | Im running Mint and have Grub. I have a Windows NTFS filesystem with my Windows 10 on it, but grub doesnt show it as a boot option. | 19:15 |
NetworkingPro | Anyone have any good ideas on how to remedy that? | 19:15 |
smoker05 | k1l, omg, finally. | 19:15 |
smoker05 | wow. | 19:15 |
smoker05 | its working. | 19:15 |
smoker05 | no more error. | 19:16 |
smoker05 | Counter strike working too | 19:16 |
smoker05 | on steam | 19:16 |
smoker05 | What a night. | 19:16 |
NetworkingPro | errr not mint, my bad... ubuntu | 19:16 |
smoker05 | Thanks a ton | 19:16 |
smoker05 | I also had to delete this command from that conf file "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa" | 19:16 |
smoker05 | and just that 2 command. | 19:17 |
smoker05 | i have to bookmark so many things for future reference | 19:17 |
birbl | snowgoggles: Getting the same error still. "Operating system not found" when I try to boot from it. Then it boots into windows. | 19:18 |
birbl | Sometimes this happens and sometimes it just boots into windows without getting a error message | 19:18 |
kgirthofer | hey all - why does one of my ubuntu servers need fqdn to resolve? | 19:20 |
kgirthofer | everyone else can resolve with just hostname | 19:20 |
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kgirthofer | dns is on windows - a record in FLZ is delmine FLZ is fqdn, can only resolve to host.fqdn | 19:21 |
kgirthofer | in case anyone is wondering you need to put a "Search domain.name" | 19:23 |
kgirthofer | in /etc/resolv.conf | 19:23 |
MonkeyDust | kgirthofer there's also #ubuntu-server | 19:24 |
snowgoggles | birbl: perhaps something wrong with the iso image? have a secondary image to try? | 19:24 |
snowgoggles | birbl: what os are you using unetbootin on? | 19:24 |
birbl | snowgoggles: kubuntu 15.10 … trying to install the same version on my laptop also | 19:25 |
birbl | But i'll try to run a live version of gparted on that laptop to test if the iso is damaged | 19:25 |
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snowgoggles | birbl: try using the startup disk creator tool instead of unetbootin | 19:25 |
k1l | smoker05: have fun gaming :) | 19:26 |
smoker05 | ty man | 19:26 |
smoker05 | thanks for saving my ass :D | 19:26 |
birbl | Will try! | 19:27 |
m82labs | Is there a way to turn on the old "highlight to copy" behavior? | 19:27 |
Anthony-L | does anyone know anything about the bumblebee drivers? | 19:28 |
MonkeyDust | m82labs where? in what program? what ubuntu version? | 19:28 |
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m82labs | MonkeyDust, I am on ubuntu 14.04, which program - all. You used to be able to highlit text anywhere, in any progrma, and it would copy to the clipboard, and then middle click to paste. | 19:29 |
Guest22294 | having issues with mouse freezing #ubuntu mate | 19:29 |
m82labs | MonkeyDust, pardon my typos, I have a bandaid on one finger. | 19:30 |
Kythewanderer | Anybody know where I can get a copy of windows? I like ubuntu, but need to get back to windows | 19:30 |
MonkeyDust | m82labs no help for crippled persons here | 19:30 |
squinty | !list | 19:31 |
ubottu | squinty: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 19:31 |
MonkeyDust | m82labs ok, just tried in irssi, works... since when can you no longer do it? | 19:31 |
birbl | snowgoggles: "SYSLINUX 6.03 EDD 20150813 Copyright (c) 1994-2014 H. Peter Anviul et al Boot Error" | 19:31 |
smoker05 | k1l, omg, it feels like I am playing on windows now. | 19:31 |
smoker05 | With 290+FPS. | 19:31 |
m82labs | MonkeyDust, hmmmm maybe it's only in the terminal app..... I thought it was everywhere but maybe not. | 19:32 |
m82labs | I'll have to check later now. | 19:32 |
Anthony-L | anyone know about the bumblebee? | 19:32 |
MonkeyDust | m82labs there are howto's, as per application e.g. https://www.maketecheasier.com/disable-middle-mouse-click-to-paste-feature-in-linux-quick-tips/ | 19:34 |
snowgoggles | birbl: is this a boot attempt with what? | 19:34 |
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linux | hello | 19:35 |
linux | how can i see my open ports on ubuntu? | 19:35 |
m82labs | MonkeyDust, thanks, I'll take a look. | 19:35 |
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linux | how can i see my open ports on ubuntu? | 19:35 |
popey | linux: use netstat | 19:35 |
birbl | snowgoggles: yup. Copied the iso over via the usb creator and started from there. getting that error message then | 19:36 |
m82labs | linux, 'netstat -a' is a good start. | 19:36 |
Anthony-L | with a nvidia gtx 970, should i use propreitary drivers or nouveau? | 19:36 |
linux | popey, how can i open port 22 ? | 19:37 |
popey | Anthony-L: depends what you want to run on it. | 19:37 |
BluesKaj | Anthony-L, the 352 driver stlll not working? | 19:37 |
popey | linux: install something that runs on port 22? Like openssh-server? | 19:37 |
Anthony-L | i'm having problems with restarting. once i get reboot, it takes at least 20+ times before i even get teh GUI back. | 19:37 |
snowgoggles | birbl: if you have a spare usb stick try with that...if same error then re-download the iso | 19:37 |
Anthony-L | it's hit or miss. | 19:37 |
ubuntu-mate | hi | 19:37 |
linux | popey, yes | 19:37 |
ubuntu-mate | want install linux | 19:37 |
popey | linux: we don't block that by default | 19:37 |
ubuntu-mate | help plz | 19:37 |
k1l | ubuntu-mate: run the installer, install it. | 19:38 |
MonkeyDust | ubuntu-mate what happens when you try | 19:38 |
craptalk | ubuntu-mate: sure, we will guide you | 19:38 |
ubuntu-mate | radeon bad works | 19:38 |
craptalk | ubuntu-mate: graphic? | 19:38 |
ubuntu-mate | yes | 19:38 |
craptalk | ubuntu-mate: black screen? | 19:38 |
birbl | snowgoggles: Gonna try it out on my desktop pc. Will report when I'm back online. | 19:38 |
craptalk | ubuntu-mate: what distro did you try? | 19:38 |
ubuntu-mate | no freezzzy | 19:38 |
linux | popey, i need to open port 22 for my friend it is using rsync and he get error port 22: Connection refused | 19:38 |
ubuntu-mate | mate 15 | 19:39 |
popey | linux: that's probably something you need to do on your router | 19:39 |
linux | popey, port 22 is open in my router | 19:39 |
craptalk | ubuntu-mate: no freezy? | 19:39 |
popey | linux: did you install openssh-server? | 19:40 |
linux | popey, no | 19:40 |
ubuntu-mate | some problem with graphics she is work bad | 19:40 |
popey | linux: you might need that then :) | 19:40 |
MonkeyDust | linux 22 is for ssh, rsync goes over 873 | 19:40 |
ubuntu-mate | lag and some time stop | 19:40 |
popey | rsync can go over ssh too :) | 19:40 |
BluesKaj | !ua | ubuntu-mate | 19:40 |
ubuntu-mate | yes UA | 19:41 |
birbl | snowgoggles: yeah. The USB stick works when I boot it on my main desktop | 19:41 |
MonkeyDust | linux in a terminal, type cat /etc/services |grep rsync | 19:41 |
linux | rsync873/tcp | 19:42 |
linux | rsync873/udp | 19:42 |
snowgoggles | birbl: laptop is the issue? live iso doesn't care about a hard drive | 19:42 |
linux | MonkeyDust, you mean i need to open 873? | 19:42 |
birbl | snowgoggles: Ahh. It won't work when I boot it via "legacy" but it works when I boot it via "uefi" | 19:42 |
popey | linux: no, because the error from your friend clearly says port 22 | 19:42 |
birbl | Getting the same error on my main desktop PC when I boot it via the normal mode and not uefi | 19:43 |
snowgoggles | birbl: there ya go | 19:43 |
birbl | snowgoggles: this means that the ISO is faulty? | 19:44 |
snowgoggles | birbl: gotta love uefi bios | 19:44 |
linux | popey, i solved that after openssh-server installed | 19:44 |
popey | supe | 19:44 |
popey | *super | 19:44 |
snowgoggles | no it's efi bootable only | 19:44 |
linux | popey, my friend get new error rsync: mkstemp "/var/www/html/.all commands in used.txt.Vs1acA" failed: Permission denied (13) | 19:45 |
BluesKaj | !ukraine | 19:45 |
birbl | Ohhh :) Can I change that somehow? | 19:45 |
popey | linux: sounds like a permissions issue. | 19:45 |
snowgoggles | change your laptop bios default to efi and not legacy boot | 19:46 |
linux | popey, mu friends name is mohsen i created a user with adduser mohsen and then groupadd webcontent and then chgr webcontent /var/www/html and then usermod webcontent mohsen | 19:47 |
thumpba | looks like i found the culprit https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/procps/+bug/50093 | 19:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 771372 in procps (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #50093 procps runs too early in the boot process" [Medium,Fix released] | 19:48 |
linux | popey, what is problem in your opinion ? | 19:48 |
birbl | snowgoggles: kinda a noob here. "uefi hybrid (with csm)" or "uefi native (without csm)" ... note windows runs without it since its deactivated and I need windows for work | 19:48 |
popey | linux: permissions on that folder | 19:48 |
thumpba | seems to be a lingering issue with sysctl.conf being ignored and procps running before it at boot | 19:48 |
linux | popey, how can i see permissions on a specific folder ls -l /var/www/html ? | 19:50 |
linux | popey, i mean who is owner of this file? | 19:50 |
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popey | linux: ls -l should work, yes. | 19:51 |
popey | or ls -ld /var/www/html | 19:52 |
linux | popey, i see drwxr-xr-x 2 root webcontent 4096 Mar 7 10:11 /var/www/html | 19:52 |
popey | linux: webcontent has no write permission | 19:53 |
popey | linux: see the middle w is a - | 19:53 |
linux | popey, how can assign it ? | 19:53 |
popey | linux: sudo chmod 775 /var/www/html/ | 19:53 |
linux | popey, it is done thanks | 19:54 |
popey | np | 19:54 |
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MonkeyDust | linux works? | 19:56 |
kulyzu | i don't know how to remove this file | 19:56 |
kulyzu | this is the stat | 19:56 |
kulyzu | https://gist.github.com/anonymous/ddfa6825c3dace1df0af | 19:56 |
linux | popey, about ssh my friend says that he see this message Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.2.0-30-generic x86_64) but the connection close soon | 19:56 |
kulyzu | please help me | 19:56 |
linux | MonkeyDust, yes | 19:56 |
kristian_ | Hi all | 19:56 |
Anthony-L | i've been troubleshooting my gpu driver problem (nvidia gta 970) i've come to the conclusion the the nouveau drivers the most stable. | 19:56 |
linux | popey, what is problem ? | 19:56 |
Anthony-L | i can't seem to get my resolution from th e nouveau drivers though. | 19:57 |
popey | linux: I don't know, what command is he doing? | 19:57 |
popey | kulyzu: is that a hacke wordpress box? | 19:57 |
popey | *hacked | 19:57 |
linux | popey, ssh mohsen@khoonehbazar.ir -p 22 | 19:58 |
popey | linux: should work - dodgy connection? | 19:58 |
kulyzu | yes | 19:58 |
popey | kulyzu: I'd wipe it and start again. | 19:59 |
linux | popey, he says that connection close after welcoming message | 19:59 |
popey | linux: I don't know why it would do that. | 19:59 |
snowgoggles | birbl: i'm not sure to be honest .. you may have to look it up to see what the approriate BIOS setting for your laptop would be for your windws OS and dual booting with linux....installing dual boot would make grub2 as the bootloader | 19:59 |
lyze | snowgoggles: (switched accounts since I've found the password again for this one ;) ) Ah thanks, I will. Thank you for your help! | 20:00 |
Anthony-L | i can't get my resolution with the nouveau drivers. if i use the proprietary drivers, i crash on reboot. | 20:00 |
axk4545 | is there a way to make the super key toggle the application finder in xfce? | 20:01 |
Anthony-L | what's the command for updating? | 20:06 |
rexwin__ | I installed v sftpd using this https://anotherguru.me/how-to-install-vsftpd-on-ubuntu-14-04-on-digitalocean-droplet/ but when i try to login in it is asking for username and password | 20:06 |
lyze | axk4545: Erm ... yeah there is I guess. Can't try though. You need to find out what the command to open it is (starts with "xfce4") and then set a shortcut for it | 20:07 |
rexwin__ | but i use the username and password it doesnot accept it | 20:07 |
lyze | axk4545: http://www.clausconrad.com/blog/using-the-windows-key-to-open-xfce-application-menu | 20:08 |
axk4545 | lyze: How do I get it to close with the same key? I am going for a chromeos launcher like thing. | 20:08 |
Anthony-L | ls | 20:08 |
Anthony-L | how do i list the people in here? | 20:08 |
MonkeyDust | Anthony-L /names | 20:09 |
lyze | axk4545: dunno … use "esc" as alternative close thing … since that works without configuration ... | 20:09 |
Anthony-L | monkey: i need help with drivers. | 20:09 |
MonkeyDust | Anthony-L address the channel | 20:10 |
Anthony-L | when i type 'lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 vga' it says i'm using 3 drivers. | 20:10 |
axk4545 | lyze: ok. | 20:10 |
popey | Anthony-L: that just lists the devices | 20:10 |
popey | Anthony-L: not the driver in use | 20:10 |
rexwin__ | I installed vsftpd using this https://anotherguru.me/how-to-install-vsftpd-on-ubuntu-14-04-on-digitalocean-droplet/ but when i try to login in it is asking for username and password. but when i use the username and password it doesnot accept it | 20:10 |
Anthony-L | oh okay, how would i get the proper resolution out of the nouveau driver? | 20:10 |
Anthony-L | it only offers two resolutions. | 20:11 |
Anthony-L | i tried the proprietary and they aren't stable. | 20:11 |
popey | Anthony-L: what do you plan to do with this machine? basic desktop or gaming? | 20:11 |
Anthony-L | hybrid | 20:11 |
popey | oh | 20:11 |
popey | unlucky | 20:11 |
Anthony-L | yea, gaming and linux aren't friends... | 20:12 |
popey | works fine here :) | 20:12 |
Anthony-L | er, my gpu and linux aren't friends. | 20:12 |
popey | sorry, when you say "hyrbid" do you mean, a bit of both? | 20:12 |
Anthony-L | yes | 20:12 |
popey | or do you mean your computer has hybrid graphics? | 20:12 |
Anthony-L | no, i do a little gaming. | 20:12 |
popey | what version of ubuntu you running? | 20:12 |
Anthony-L | 15.10 | 20:12 |
popey | and what driver did you install, and how? | 20:12 |
Hadron2 | Howdy, all. | 20:13 |
Anthony-L | at first, i used the proprietary and it was not stable. i couldn't even get to the GUI after like 20 reboots, it finally worked. | 20:13 |
Hadron2 | Has anyone installed 16.04 Server Beta yet for testing? | 20:13 |
Anthony-L | then i switched to nouveau and it seems more stable. | 20:13 |
nacc | Hadron2: ask in #ubuntu+1, iirc | 20:13 |
Hadron2 | Thanks. | 20:14 |
Anthony-L | however, i can't get the resolution out of nouveau drivers. | 20:14 |
popey | Anthony-L: how did you install the proprietary driver? | 20:14 |
Mengele | Hadron2, I am on 16.10 I believe | 20:14 |
Anthony-L | through the CLI, someone told me the commands. | 20:14 |
popey | ah | 20:14 |
popey | ok | 20:14 |
Anthony-L | in a nutshell, i'm really terrified of rebooting my system. haha | 20:15 |
popey | you mentioned bumblebee earlier | 20:15 |
Anthony-L | yes | 20:15 |
popey | is this a laptop or desktop? | 20:15 |
Anthony-L | i heard from the grape vine taht bumblebee was the answer. | 20:15 |
Anthony-L | desktop | 20:15 |
popey | bumblebee is the answer if you have a terrible laptop with hybrid graphics | 20:15 |
popey | not if you have a desktop with dedicated nvidia graphics card | 20:15 |
Anthony-L | it's not integrated into the motherboard. it's a third party. | 20:16 |
popey | yes, exactly | 20:16 |
Anthony-L | yes | 20:16 |
popey | I would install the nvidia binary driver | 20:16 |
popey | did you download it from nvidia.com? | 20:16 |
popey | or use apt-get? | 20:16 |
Anthony-L | popey, should i uninstall and do a fresh install? or will they overwrite? | 20:16 |
popey | I would personally "sudo apt-install nvidia-current" "sudo apt remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau" and then reboot :) | 20:17 |
popey | ooh typo | 20:17 |
popey | I would personally "sudo apt install nvidia-current" "sudo apt remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau" and then reboot :) | 20:17 |
Anthony-L | popey, so install first, then remove xserver? | 20:18 |
popey | no, the second command removes the nouveau driver | 20:18 |
Mengele | I wish removing sudo wasnt such a pain in the ass. | 20:18 |
Anthony-L | oh ok | 20:18 |
popey | the first installs the nvidia proprietary driver | 20:18 |
Anthony-L | let me try... | 20:18 |
popey | good luck :) | 20:18 |
Mengele | Last time I tried to remove sudo from ubuntu all sorts of stuff broke. I personally think everybody is better off just slapping themselves in the face instead of pushing enter as a double check when running root commands. It s the same thing as sudo, and less to type. | 20:20 |
inascime | Is bash not in the base package set? | 20:20 |
popey | Mengele: do you have a support question or are you just here to moan? | 20:21 |
meskes | What's wrong with sudo? Properly configured, it's absolutely safe. | 20:21 |
Mengele | popey, Just talking. Nobody is seeking support right now | 20:21 |
nacc | Mengele: that's not the point of this channel | 20:22 |
nacc | Mengele: please use #ubuntu-offtopic | 20:22 |
Mengele | nacc, I did have a question about repo and ubuntu. Seems LOTS of repositories are being missed with sync and have only had this issue while on this distro. | 20:22 |
nacc | Mengele: that sounds like FUD. what do you mean by "LOTS" and "missed with sync"? | 20:23 |
aarrgg | I'm trying to find out who connects to my ssh server... is there a file/software that logs these connections? | 20:24 |
popey | aarrgg: /var/log/auth.log | 20:24 |
aarrgg | Using the server edition | 20:24 |
Mengele | nacc, FUD? and with repo sync I have a manifest of about 50 repositories and I would say close to 20 of those get missed. Not the same ones either, sometimes more, sometimes less. | 20:24 |
aarrgg | kk | 20:24 |
rexwin__ | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) when trying to install vsftpd | 20:24 |
Mengele | nacc, Messed up domain? | 20:24 |
nikoskeyz | hello. i am student at an IT university. i am between choosing ubuntu or debian as my main distro, so later i wanted to be a contributor of my choice. for my choice, i want to know if i could get some money from contributing on ubuntu and how. thank you very much | 20:25 |
nicomachus | no you cannot earn money contributing to Ubuntu. | 20:26 |
nikoskeyz | @nicomachus thank you | 20:26 |
nacc | Mengele: i don't know what `repo` is and I don't know what repositories you're referring to -- if you are mirroring multiple, they can be out of sync with each other (as the changes propogate). I think that's especially true if you're trying to mirror the development release | 20:27 |
Mengele | nacc, All it is is syncing git repositories. | 20:28 |
nacc | Mengele: ok ... i don't know what it is, but ubuntu and debian have the same version; do you see the problem on debian? | 20:29 |
Mengele | Never tried Debian | 20:29 |
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aarrgg | How do I There are some IPs in the log I don't recognize. Some signed in 7 minutes ago... but I wasn't connected at that time. | 20:31 |
nacc | Mengele: "only had this issue while on this distro" ... what did you try? | 20:31 |
Mengele | nacc, Arch, Gentoo, Funtoo and now Ubuntu. | 20:32 |
MonkeyDust | aarrgg in a terminal, try whois [ip address] | 20:37 |
nacc | Mengele: hrm, you'd have to check versions, etc. I guess -- are they all the same version of repo? | 20:38 |
nacc | Mengele: or file a bug, if you want | 20:38 |
Mengele | nacc, I dont even know where to begin to do that or if its even worth it at this point. | 20:38 |
mcnuggets | does beating my dick like it owes me money burn many calories ? if so why am I not loosing weight? I mean seriously one arm is ripped all to shit and I have friction burn on my fourskin | 20:39 |
mcnuggets | oops wrong channel | 20:39 |
nicomachus | !ops | mcnuggets | 20:39 |
ubottu | mcnuggets: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 20:39 |
Mengele | nacc, kind of a pain but I am just doing everything manually. I will have to upgrade to GCC 6.0 I just realized and I have a feeling Ubuntu isnt going to like that much. | 20:40 |
=== jottr_ is now known as jottr | ||
nacc | Mengele: gcc 6.0 isn't out yet ... they are at stage4 right now (iirc) | 20:41 |
sdsd23 | hi | 20:42 |
aarrgg | MonkeyDust: kk | 20:42 |
sdsd23 | newbie here | 20:42 |
nacc | Mengele: not sure why you'd *have* to update to a version of software that doesn't exist :) | 20:42 |
sdsd23 | after i started a server in console | 20:42 |
sdsd23 | i cannot send command | 20:42 |
lyze | sdsd23: because the server runs in the foreground. | 20:42 |
Mengele | nacc, Its still in alpha. And in order to compile android with the GCC 6.0 tweaks I kind of need a system running it =). Its actually pretty stable at this point. | 20:42 |
sdsd23 | thank | 20:43 |
nacc | Mengele: use a vm or container, so you don't fubar your system? | 20:43 |
sdsd23 | there a system to send comand? | 20:43 |
lyze | sdsd23: you can start a server with "screen" or "tmux" (look up a tutorial) so you can access the default console while a program runs :) | 20:43 |
Mengele | nacc, Compiling in a vm takes like 8 hours. I ran Gentoo on GCC6 since - November? I want to say. I jsut got lazy and one of my hard drives in my raid 0 on reiser4 decided to break so I came to ubuntu to give it a shot. | 20:44 |
nacc | Mengele: you can always try running repo from the source tree and see if th eissue goes away, btw | 20:44 |
Mengele | nacc, I am / did. | 20:44 |
nacc | Mengele: and it does? | 20:44 |
Mengele | nacc, Same issues. | 20:45 |
nacc | Mengele: then report the bug upstream? | 20:45 |
Mengele | nacc, I might if I get around to it. | 20:46 |
Mengele | nacc, Might => Will | 20:46 |
Mengele | Oh wow. There is a PPA for GCC 6.0 on Ubuntu | 20:47 |
daftykins | that could be a bad move | 20:47 |
* nacc wouldn't do it on a box i cared about | 20:47 | |
Mengele | daftykins, Could. | 20:47 |
sdsd23 | can isend command with a server in foreground mode??? | 20:47 |
Mengele | But whats the fun in that? (and I know we are getting off topic so I will stop) | 20:47 |
Mengele | sdsd23, What? | 20:48 |
daftykins | Mengele: good move. | 20:48 |
Mengele | daftykins, I thought so. | 20:48 |
sdsd23 | i started a server in console | 20:49 |
sdsd23 | now console dont accept command | 20:49 |
sdsd23 | only black | 20:49 |
Mengele | Did your server crash/ | 20:49 |
Mengele | ? | 20:49 |
daftykins | sdsd23: two things - first, more detail - and second, on _one_ line :) | 20:49 |
sdsd23 | usr/sbin/vsftpd | 20:50 |
aarrgg | MonkeyDust: Okay... found an IP address from Russia... and I'm in the US. | 20:50 |
sdsd23 | after console dont want command | 20:50 |
aarrgg | Holy shit. | 20:51 |
aarrgg | Crap* Sorry for the language | 20:51 |
sdsd23 | ok is not running the daemon | 20:51 |
lyze | sdsd23: stop the service with pressing "ctrl + c" … then you should be able to execute commands again. I guess vsftpd is a service so you can simply run "service vsftpd start" | 20:53 |
sdsd23 | -sh: service: command not found | 20:54 |
sdsd23 | im on puppy linux | 20:54 |
aarrgg | Is there a way to get rid of my root password? I thought I was changing my user password and instead I gave the root account a password which means it can now be signed into. | 20:54 |
aarrgg | ...which probably isn't secure. | 20:55 |
aarrgg | :| | 20:55 |
lyze | sdsd23: Eh … would recommend asking in the irc channel for puppy linux. I just guess here: "sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd start" | 20:55 |
sdsd23 | vsft | 20:55 |
nikeee_ | hi | 20:55 |
nikeee_ | I have a process that keep coming back with a different PID immediatly after I kill it | 20:56 |
sdsd23 | no such file | 20:57 |
=== BigGun_ is now known as BigGun4Hire | ||
lyze | sdsd23: "ls -la /etc/init.d/ | grep ftp" … put that into pastebin and send the link to here | 20:57 |
sdsd23 | # | 20:58 |
sdsd23 | blank... | 20:58 |
sdsd23 | no answer from console | 20:58 |
lyze | Does the command "systemctl" work? | 20:58 |
sdsd23 | -sh: systemctl: command not found | 20:59 |
lyze | Then … I'm sorry … I can't helkp you there … best guess would be the puppy linux irc chat ;) | 20:59 |
nikeee_ | lyze: hi | 21:00 |
lyze | nikeee_: hey | 21:00 |
nikeee_ | lyze: I have a process that keep coming back with a different PID immediatly after I kill it | 21:00 |
lyze | Erm … does it has a name? | 21:00 |
MonkeyDust | nikeee_ what process? | 21:01 |
nikeee_ | transmission-daemon. Either with kill or the script in init.d, I cant stop it | 21:01 |
The_Fisting_for_ | oi | 21:01 |
vimes | I have a counter strike server on an ubuntu server, running on a user account named csgo, how do I give other users access to edit the files of the csgo server? | 21:02 |
MonkeyDust | nikeee_ try kill -9 | 21:02 |
nikeee_ | MonkeyDust: yes, same behavior | 21:02 |
vimes | whilst still keeping the csgo user "in charge" (or with the rights to change it) | 21:02 |
lyze | Is the gui still open? | 21:02 |
lyze | vimes: add them to a group and set the group of the files to that one | 21:03 |
vimes | but there is no group lyze , I folowed this guide http://gameservermanagers.com/lgsm/csgoserver/ | 21:03 |
vimes | just a user, no greap | 21:03 |
MonkeyDust | nikeee_ sudo service --status-all|grep trans does it show in red? | 21:03 |
lyze | vimes: yeah I know. do a "ls -la" on the files please and send me the output (paste.ubuntu.com) | 21:04 |
linux | how can i assign just read and write to a user and dont allow to use wget? | 21:04 |
vimes | lyze: http://pastebin.com/3jWRJjMP | 21:04 |
nikeee_ | MonkeyDust: [ + ] transmission-daemon | 21:05 |
nikeee_ | MonkeyDust: not in red | 21:05 |
MonkeyDust | nikeee_ try sudo service transmission-daemon stop | 21:05 |
lyze | vimes: There's a group called "csgoserver" add all users to that group | 21:06 |
Nukien | I did a test debootstrap a while ago into /stuff/BOOTSTRAP - Now the host system udevd has a bunch of open files in there | 21:06 |
nikeee_ | MonkeyDust: great, it worked, thanks. Do you know what does the service function does in addition to executing the scipt in init.D ? | 21:07 |
Nukien | How can I tell udevd to ignore /stuff/BOOTSTRAP and let them go so I can remove it ? | 21:07 |
Mathisen | okej i need help.. i just did a reboot on my @ server running ubuntu 15.10 now i cant start virtualbox anymore... i realy need it ... " http://paste.ubuntu.com/15330362/ " what is going on ? | 21:07 |
Mathisen | i also did an apt update / upgrade before | 21:07 |
linux | how can i assign just read and write to a user and dont allow to use wget? | 21:07 |
MonkeyDust | nikeee_ no, don't know | 21:07 |
lyze | Mathisen: "Please use 'dmesg' to find out why" … do that | 21:07 |
Techspectre | How can you view a folder as another user? | 21:07 |
vimes | thanks lyze | 21:08 |
vimes | but it didn't work | 21:08 |
lyze | Techspectre: sudo -u <user> ls <folder> | 21:08 |
GeorgesLeYeti | Hi | 21:08 |
nikeee_ | MonkeyDust: ok thanks, bye | 21:08 |
vimes | I'll copy paste, hodle up | 21:08 |
lyze | vimes: what didn't work? Adding users to the group? | 21:08 |
GeorgesLeYeti | I need some help. I try to install ffmpeg | 21:08 |
lyze | GeorgesLeYeti: which version of ubuntu, what happens? | 21:08 |
vimes | lyze http://pastebin.com/TL00Cz5s | 21:09 |
GeorgesLeYeti | 1st I just try to install it by building package but then I install it with trusty-media ppa. | 21:09 |
GeorgesLeYeti | Ubuntu 14.10 | 21:09 |
lyze | vimes: "sudo: unable to resolve host hioa-gaming" … why's that there? Qvo | 21:10 |
Nukien | Anyone on udev question ? | 21:10 |
lyze | GeorgesLeYeti: and then? | 21:10 |
nacc | GeorgesLeYeti: 14.10 is not supported anymore, and is insecure, please use either LTS or latest release. | 21:10 |
GeorgesLeYeti | My problem is that now when i make ffprobe I have : -bash: /home/authotprod/bin/ffprobe: No such file or directory | 21:10 |
vimes | lyze it's to do with openstack settings, it's not a problem. Been there all the time. | 21:10 |
nacc | GeorgesLeYeti: also, you wouldn't use a trusty ppa with 14.10, normally | 21:11 |
lyze | vimes: ah … could you execute the "groups" command as the user you want to run the server as? | 21:11 |
Techspectre | lyze, thanks, but that doesn't seem to work.,. It tells me the user doesn't exist. What I'm trying to do is view files on a drive taken out of another machine. I know the username and password | 21:12 |
Mathisen | lyze, to be honest i dont know what to look for there... any help pls.. dmesg | grep vbox .. gives nothing | 21:12 |
lyze | Mathisen: Maybe for an error? … Don't know … never used the dmesg command before. | 21:12 |
urthmover | If I install 16.04...as long as I apt -y [update,upgrade] regularly...will there be anything that I need to do upon official release? | 21:12 |
GeorgesLeYeti | Ok but my real problem is that my 1st install of ffmpeg seems to save the path for alias ffmpeg and ffprobe to my ~/bin/ while it's now install into /usr/bin/ | 21:13 |
vimes | logged inn and out lyze, now he's inn the group. but still get one permissions denied | 21:13 |
vimes | http://pastebin.com/BeavL3ja | 21:13 |
lyze | Techspectre: Are you ssh'd into the box or how do you access the drive? | 21:13 |
GeorgesLeYeti | Is there anyway to remove theses alias ? | 21:13 |
Techspectre | lyze, the drive is directly connected to my current machine. | 21:13 |
tinyalpha | anyone gay from new mexico | 21:14 |
daftykins | !ops | 21:14 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 21:14 |
bprompt | lol | 21:14 |
urthmover | :D funny | 21:14 |
ikonia | what's up ? | 21:15 |
ikonia | ahh | 21:15 |
lyze | Techspectre: Huch? Ohh I get it. So you basically have user abc@home and user xyz@oldDrive … now you moved the drive from "oldDrive" to "home" and want to access the files from the home computer? | 21:15 |
genii | tinyalpha: This channel is for Ubuntu support | 21:15 |
genii | ..too slow... | 21:15 |
Techspectre | lyze, I moved the drive from the old computer to the new computer. I'd like to get files off of it. | 21:16 |
lyze | Techspectre: Then you don't need to login with the old credentials since they don't exist on the new one. | 21:16 |
Techspectre | lyze, it doesn't let me view the contents of the home folder on the old drive | 21:17 |
lyze | Techspectre: Try as root | 21:17 |
btami | hi all | 21:17 |
btami | can anyone run foxpro in dosemu on 16.04 ? | 21:18 |
btami | when I tri to start it it closes | 21:18 |
Techspectre | lyze, tried that. It lets me into the folder but it shows as empty. | 21:18 |
btami | try | 21:18 |
lyze | Techspectre: is the drive damaged? | 21:18 |
bprompt | Techspectre: or was it encrypted? | 21:19 |
Techspectre | lyze, it isn't damaged, I just stopped using it because it's only 80gb | 21:19 |
Techspectre | bprompt, I may have selected home folder encryption on install of Ubuntu | 21:19 |
lyze | Techspectre: is it a linux box? | 21:19 |
lyze | Or was it | 21:19 |
lyze | Ah well … then I#m out | 21:20 |
Techspectre | Yes it was, I'm guessing, Ubuntu 13.04 | 21:20 |
lyze | Techspectre: can't you chroot into it? | 21:20 |
Techspectre | Maybe but I'm not sure how to do that. Could you explain? | 21:20 |
daftykins | why would you need to chroot if you just want data? that's not relevant | 21:20 |
bprompt | Techspectre: haven't done folder encryption myself, so.. dunno, if the folder is encrypted, that may explain the lack of access | 21:21 |
lyze | daftykins: maybe because of encryption or so … maybe that'd help … don't know really … never done encryption before | 21:21 |
daftykins | lyze: no it won't | 21:21 |
daftykins | and yeah, nor me - but i can tell you that way is not it :) | 21:22 |
lyze | Ok o7 | 21:22 |
daftykins | !encryption | 21:22 |
ubottu | For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory | 21:22 |
daftykins | nice recent factoid there | 21:22 |
Techspectre | Can't I somehow access it as the old user? | 21:22 |
kvaidyan | net | 21:23 |
daftykins | yes if you have your old encryption key / passphrase | 21:23 |
daftykins | have you dumped the old ocmputer already? | 21:23 |
daftykins | computer too, touchpads and cats don't mix | 21:24 |
Techspectre | daftykins, well I'm not sure what the encryption key would have been. If the home folder is encrypted, it's because I selected that option on Ubuntu install. But I definitely know my password. I've used the same password for years | 21:24 |
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off | ||
daftykins | so, still got the original computer? | 21:25 |
daftykins | Techspectre: ^ | 21:25 |
Techspectre | daftykins, well, yes, actually it's the same computer but it's had hardware upgrades since then and obviously a fresh OS install | 21:25 |
daftykins | right but that original drive is as it was presumably? what hardware has changed? | 21:26 |
Techspectre | The drive is unchanged. When I upgraded I removed the drive and put in a new one. | 21:26 |
daftykins | yep caught that - so upgrades? | 21:26 |
daftykins | i really think you should just pull all drives, put the old one back in and boot up - then take the data off my copying it to an unencrypted medium | 21:27 |
Techspectre | Interesting, now you've got me wondering why that matters. Okay, so since then, I've upgraded the mobo and ram | 21:27 |
Techspectre | plus the drive | 21:27 |
daftykins | well Linux won't care, so just boot it up directly and get the data off | 21:28 |
Techspectre | daftykins, that's a very good idea except the bootloader is (was) on a separate drive | 21:28 |
Techspectre | I use HDD for home directory and SSD for the OS | 21:28 |
daftykins | you might be able to run update-grub now and chainload it from your new install | 21:28 |
Techspectre | hmmm | 21:29 |
Techspectre | well that can't hurt, right? | 21:29 |
daftykins | shouldn't do... might be best to run it by someone that knows encryption though... | 21:30 |
daftykins | hey EriC^^ you played with encryption? :) | 21:30 |
Techspectre | Interesting. Update grub returned "found Linux Mint Maya" maybe that'll do it | 21:30 |
daftykins | ugh so it's not even ubuntu :P | 21:30 |
lyze | Oh hey, I#ve stumbled on a problem now. Basically I'm trying to install kubuntu to a external hard drive. So that I can simply select the drive as a boot medium and it'll boot kubuntu. If nothing is selected then it should boot windows. Now that part works fine … however after I#ve installed it onto the external HD it can't boot from it … gets stuck into a hp logo - blackscreen loop | 21:30 |
Techspectre | Eh, well apples to apples | 21:30 |
daftykins | yep that'll add boot entries then you can pick it on startup, Techspectre | 21:30 |
daftykins | Techspectre: no it's important, is your new OS install Mint as well? | 21:31 |
Techspectre | used to use Mint, not sure why it's so popular. I always use Ubuntu now | 21:31 |
SCHAAP137 | upgrading 15.10 to 16.04 beta now | 21:31 |
bekks | lyze: In case secure boot is enabled in the bios, you have to disable that. | 21:32 |
daftykins | SCHAAP137: that's both irrelevant to us and the wrong channel - feel free to talk about it in #ubuntu+1 | 21:32 |
lyze | bekks: installed kubuntu on the external hdd from a live cd booted from that system. | 21:32 |
Techspectre | daftykins, why is it important? Is there something I should know before I reboot and try to boot into that partition? | 21:32 |
SCHAAP137 | okay | 21:32 |
bekks | lyze: In case secure boot is enabled in the bios, you have to disable that. | 21:33 |
lyze | bekks: yup it is | 21:33 |
lyze | disabled | 21:33 |
daftykins | Techspectre: no, just don't ever mislead us as to what you're running | 21:33 |
daftykins | i drop Mint users like a stone. | 21:33 |
Techspectre | daftykins, haha no I'd never do that. I'm here all the time | 21:33 |
daftykins | i'd noticed | 21:33 |
Techspectre | I trust that's a good thing! | 21:34 |
bprompt | well, gem stones are harder to drop than sulfuric ones =) | 21:34 |
lyze | bekks: Just to give a bit of background. Apparently that iso I#ve burnt is uefi only (booting rom legacy gives me a "no operating system found" error). On that system is a windows 7 installation with legacy mode. I've needed to change it from legacy to uefi hybrid mode. | 21:34 |
daftykins | depends if a lot of it was you using Mint from that old install but getting help her e;) | 21:34 |
daftykins | Techspectre: anyway try booting it | 21:34 |
Techspectre | brb | 21:34 |
lyze | bekks: The installer asked me if I want to use uefi or not … I clicked "No" … could it be that this will create a damaged version? | 21:34 |
bekks | lyze: No. But your Ubuntu will not be bootable if UEFI is enabled. | 21:35 |
lyze | bekks: disabled uefi, plugged the hard drive in, switched to "boot from external hard drive", laptop shows hp logo then blackscreen 4 times and shuts off | 21:36 |
Techspectre | That was um. Less than successful lmao | 21:41 |
daftykins | ho-hum | 21:41 |
Techspectre | I booted into it but there actually wasn't anything there | 21:42 |
Techspectre | It's just a completely fresh install | 21:42 |
daftykins | black screen, cursor top left? | 21:42 |
Techspectre | No it runs fine but it's like it was never used | 21:42 |
daftykins | oh i see | 21:42 |
Techspectre | Very weird | 21:42 |
daftykins | so that 80GB old disk was definitely always your entire OS? home and all? | 21:42 |
Techspectre | "always" is kinda subjective | 21:43 |
daftykins | or did you still use a second even then? | 21:43 |
ner0x | I did some searching around and couldn't find a good place to determine if a print/scanner/copy machine is compatible with the newest version of Ubuntu. Anyone know of a place? | 21:43 |
daftykins | boot a live session and check what's listed on the CUPS page i'd say | 21:44 |
Techspectre | I guess I don't really remember. LM Maya was 2013 so... | 21:44 |
daftykins | Techspectre: well, was it the only hard disk your system had back then or no? | 21:44 |
Techspectre | ... ooooh. | 21:45 |
Techspectre | daftykins, now I know why. It's all coming back to me now. | 21:45 |
daftykins | sign me up for the executive summary | 21:46 |
Techspectre | What I was trying to recover was a savegame file that I remember was stored on this drive. I don't remember whether or not it was the only drive in the system. I think even then I had a 500gb and an SSD. Which led me to wonder why there was a full install of LM on the disk | 21:46 |
Techspectre | But now I remember that while I was using this drive to store certain things, I took it out at some point to replace a bad drive from my girlfriend's machine. So the fresh install is probably from then | 21:47 |
linux | i cant play videos mp4 in my fresh ubuntu what should i do? | 21:48 |
NoCode | weird. In Cinnamon, I hover over the panel where the window tabs are and the pointer will grab the tab and move it. :| I wonder if this is just my mouse misbehaving again or what. :| | 21:48 |
daftykins | Techspectre: ah so what you want back is totally gone? | 21:48 |
Techspectre | Of course now I'm wondering why the drive isn't still in her machine... that I don't remember | 21:48 |
daftykins | linux: install ubuntu-restricted-extras and/or VLC | 21:48 |
Techspectre | daftykins, probably... I guess. I mean, I think. | 21:49 |
=== AndChat-404481 is now known as Madhumper68 | ||
Techspectre | I mean, I logged in and there was literally nothing there. So that's it. | 21:50 |
daftykins | i have to admit, i find it hard to understand how one can lose track of their own drives and data | 21:50 |
daftykins | well no you should at least poke around at the filesystem level before being sure on that | 21:50 |
Techspectre | to be honest me too lol, I don't remember exactly why I was using this. With me it's not totally surprising, since I take apart my machines all the time | 21:51 |
daftykins | ah well, at least you don't have to wrestle with the decryption dragon | 21:51 |
Techspectre | I wonder if I should run ddrescue on it | 21:51 |
Techspectre | see what it finds | 21:52 |
pam | How can I do a batch conversion of .avi to .mp4? | 21:52 |
pam | without using handbrake | 21:52 |
daftykins | no that's a totally unjustifiable use of that program, Techspectre - just have a look in the /home on it for other users first | 21:52 |
daftykins | pam: those are both video container formats, that speaks nothing of what you want codec wise for audio or video | 21:53 |
lyze | pam: ffmpeg -i <file>.avi <file>.mp4 ? | 21:53 |
Techspectre | daftykins, there was only the one user. So I'll just call it quits then. It's really no big deal, I was just looking for a dolphin emulator save file lol | 21:53 |
lyze | pam: then a for loop over each file … simple google should help you how to do that and you are done | 21:53 |
daftykins | i think ffmpeg on ubuntu became avconv or some such | 21:53 |
daftykins | Techspectre: oh serious business then ;) | 21:53 |
lyze | daftykins: it's again here in 15.10 | 21:53 |
Techspectre | Oh yes! | 21:53 |
daftykins | bbl | 21:54 |
Techspectre | thanks daftykins | 21:54 |
daftykins | np :) | 21:54 |
pam | thanks all..trying winff | 21:56 |
dillon | hey guys I am looking for a powerful video conversion software. What I am looking to do is convert any file format to a avi file with maybe increase the quality to. What do you guys recommend? | 21:58 |
lyze | dillon: gui or cli? | 21:59 |
bekks | dillon: ffmpeg ? | 21:59 |
dillon | gui, I don't understand cli | 21:59 |
dillon | what is ffmpeg? | 21:59 |
lyze | A powerful commandline tool X) | 22:00 |
Pici | dillon: handbrake is powerful, and somewhat easy to use. Its mostly used for ripping dvds, but I believe it can just do video file conversion. Also, you can't create quality from nowhere. | 22:00 |
dillon | lyze no it has to be gui like I said earlier. Pici would I be able to take a 720p to 1080p? | 22:01 |
bekks | dillon: You can only upscale 720p to 1080p - at the same quiality as 720p. | 22:02 |
Pici | dillon: yes, but you aren't going to create quality. It will look like an upscaled 720p video | 22:02 |
dillon | ok, I wasn't sure I want it to look good | 22:03 |
bekks | dillon: Then dont try to upscale. :) | 22:03 |
al2o3-cr | dillon: winff | 22:03 |
dillon | bekks, thanks | 22:03 |
daftykins | dillon: there's a lot wrong with that question, you can't increase quality through conversion - it only goes down | 22:04 |
bprompt | dillon: the output, will be as good or worse than the source, so if the source isn't great, not much to work with for the encoder, otherwise, Handbrake works well, comes with a few mobile presets too =) | 22:04 |
bprompt | s/the output/if &/ | 22:04 |
hipaysha | can anyone please answer my off topic question? | 22:04 |
bprompt | hipaysha: wouldn't that make us offtopic? | 22:04 |
hipaysha | not to me | 22:05 |
Pici | hipaysha: there is #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:05 |
hipaysha | ok | 22:05 |
hipaysha | may I please know from you all the topic name in here? | 22:07 |
al2o3-cr | /topic | 22:07 |
hipaysha | so the topic is: > Official Ubuntu Support? | 22:08 |
lyze | Yup | 22:08 |
sdsd23 | tnx | 22:09 |
Bingo | If you are using secure boot I think you will need to launch this file since it's signed: | 22:09 |
Bingo | .... /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi | 22:09 |
Bingo | << needs windows to launch that file | 22:09 |
bprompt | hipaysha: more UNofficial support, I doubt many folks here work at canonical, but, yes, that's the topic | 22:10 |
hipaysha | can someone please tell me why when I uninstall bluez/bluetooth I loose system settings on my desktop? | 22:11 |
Marcos_ | buenas tardes alguien por aquí que hable español? | 22:12 |
Raku | I fixed my issue with notify-send over ssh, there was a file in ~/.dbus/session-bus/ was owner by root and making things freak out in case anyone wants to know for future reference | 22:12 |
Mikelevel | Marcos_~ #ubuntu-es | 22:12 |
hipaysha | and my clamtk drop down menu does not show at all even when I uninstall and reinstall everything | 22:13 |
al8989 | hello i am trying to install libtool but it's asking me to insert my kubntu cd any reason why it's not installing it from online | 22:14 |
daftykins | al8989: open your software and sources manager and disable the CD | 22:14 |
daftykins | or, perhaps you have an actual physical disc inserted that's added itself as a repo source | 22:15 |
al8989 | ah ok | 22:15 |
OddDuck | what are you using to do the install? | 22:16 |
genii | This will happen if you install from alternate and no internet | 22:16 |
ballison | Newly installed Ubuntu 14.04. Changed PasswordAuthenication to "yes" in the sshd_config and restarted ssh. Still not allowing me to ssh and use password | 22:31 |
ballison | why ? | 22:31 |
daftykins | ballison: with which user? | 22:33 |
daftykins | SSH will work fine out of the box, with openssh-server installed, to the normal first created user. | 22:33 |
ghr | ballison are you trying to ssh in as root? check the 'PermitRootLogin' setting if so | 22:33 |
daftykins | or just don't trash the entire design principles of ubuntu and _DON'T_ USE ROOT to SSH. | 22:33 |
ballison | ghr: a user i created | 22:34 |
ballison | not root | 22:34 |
daftykins | test via localhost | 22:34 |
ballison | sshd is only allowing publickey auth | 22:34 |
ballison | i need to enable password to allow support guy in. | 22:34 |
daftykins | it's never like that on a clean install | 22:35 |
daftykins | is this a VPS perhaps that's not even a normal ubuntu? | 22:35 |
ballison | http://hastebin.com/raw/aviquwigut | 22:35 |
ballison | that's my sshd_config | 22:35 |
daftykins | that looks modified | 22:36 |
ballison | daftykins: i created a support user. set the password | 22:36 |
daftykins | why's it not the ubuntu default? | 22:36 |
beNifty | hugs | 22:36 |
ballison | daftykins: yes I set PasswordAuthentication to "yes" and then restarted. didn't work. | 22:36 |
daftykins | but that's not the default file | 22:37 |
ballison | daftykins: so I set ChallengeResponseAuthenitcaiton to "yes" and restart. didn't work. | 22:37 |
ballison | Daftykins: so I set "UsePAM" to "no" and restarted. Didn't work. | 22:37 |
ballison | deftykins: It is a default file. I just installed a fresh 14.04. | 22:38 |
daftykins | no because a default ubuntu config would be filled with comments | 22:38 |
ballison | why is it only allowing key based login. | 22:38 |
ballison | daftykins: Do you not understand what 'grep -v ^#" does ????!!! | 22:38 |
le_pig | ballison: ease up | 22:39 |
daftykins | sure i do, doesn't mean you shared that you ran that :) | 22:39 |
ballison | it's the first line | 22:39 |
ballison | of the paste | 22:39 |
ballison | http://hastebin.com/raw/aviquwigut | 22:39 |
ballison | and awk 'NF' says to skip blank lines. | 22:39 |
daftykins | so it is, but i've had a long day and it's 11pm here | 22:39 |
daftykins | i think entries within the config matter where they're placed, so perhaps having keyauth on is superceeding password auth | 22:40 |
daftykins | if you tried to connect in as that user with ssh -vvv you'd be able to see where it's failing | 22:40 |
ballison | deftykins: weird. All i've ever had to do before was just change PasswordAuthentication to "yes" and restart sshd | 22:40 |
daftykins | i've never had to do that to SSH in with passwords | 22:41 |
ballison | daftykin: i did. it's only allowing publickey | 22:41 |
ballison | debug3: authmethod_lookup publickey | 22:41 |
daftykins | try turning it off in there then unless any other users use it via key | 22:42 |
ballison | daftykin: I login with a key | 22:42 |
ballison | this is an out of the box Ubuntu 14.04. | 22:43 |
=== JackH_ is now known as JackH | ||
ballison | turned on PasswordAuthentication and restarted sshd and it's still only allowing publickey | 22:43 |
daftykins | either try it, or no | 22:44 |
daftykins | will only take a couple of minutes | 22:44 |
madh69 | what is the best way to do a full backup of my whole drive for ubuntu 14.04lts | 22:44 |
daftykins | the PasswordAuthentication line is commented out in mine, i'm in via password right now | 22:45 |
daftykins | madh69: what's the plan? | 22:45 |
madh69 | well i want to install 16.04 beta as with 14.04 i have conflicting issues with my video card drivers its been documents so just incase i want to be able to just reinstall my backup if its going to be more of a pain | 22:46 |
hipaysha | daftykins can you please tell me why im seeing this message here in pastebin>>http://pastebin.com/XVEuhXbh | 22:46 |
daftykins | hipaysha: address queries to the channel in future, don't hassle volunteers by name | 22:47 |
hipaysha | understood | 22:47 |
daftykins | hipaysha: that message is useless without context | 22:47 |
xangua | madh69: do you have a separate partition for /home? | 22:47 |
hipaysha | what contex did I not supply? | 22:47 |
daftykins | hipaysha: what you're doing to get that message | 22:48 |
ballison | it almost feels like /etc/init.d/ssh restart isn't working. | 22:48 |
hipaysha | I enable firefox from terminal | 22:48 |
ballison | it's not picking up any of my changes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 22:48 |
daftykins | ballison: i still say the edits you have made are a mistake - "sudo service ssh restart" is best | 22:49 |
daftykins | hipaysha: "enable" ? | 22:49 |
hipaysha | yes | 22:49 |
ballison | daftykins: wow - that was it. | 22:49 |
daftykins | hipaysha: that makes no sense | 22:49 |
notalentgeek | Hello I am installing Genymotion and get this error when opening the program, ./genymotion: error while loading shared libraries: libdouble-conversion.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. What could go wrong? | 22:50 |
ballison | you have to do service ssh restart on ubuntu... /etc/init.d/ssh restart did nothing. | 22:50 |
ballison | that's nuts | 22:50 |
madh69 | i want to install 16.04 beta as with 14.04 i have conflicting issues with my video card drivers its been documented. so just incase i want to be able to just reinstall my backup if its going to be more of a pain what is the best way to do a backup for reinstall | 22:50 |
ballison | daftykins: thank you sir!!! | 22:50 |
daftykins | ballison: cool - you really shouldn't need that parameter though, as mentioned it's commented out entirely on mine :) and yep because init scripts is the old way of doing things | 22:50 |
ballison | but that's just crazy. you have to use 'service ssh restart' on Ubuntu.... | 22:50 |
daftykins | ballison: np, glad we got there | 22:50 |
ballison | that's nuts! | 22:50 |
daftykins | no that's normal upstart actually. | 22:50 |
daftykins | been like that for years | 22:50 |
daftykins | madh69: i think that approach is a mistake. | 22:51 |
daftykins | hopping to a beta is not a sane way to avoid solving problems | 22:51 |
daftykins | (unless your hardware is brand new and you'd benefit from the newer kernel) | 22:51 |
ballison | darftkins: I come from the RHEL/CentOS/AMazonLinux world. that's nuts to me. :) :) :) | 22:52 |
daftykins | heh, then here be dragons! | 22:52 |
ballison | but thank you for solving it. it really felt like the restart was doing nothing and that was it! | 22:52 |
daftykins | ballison: note that you can't restart networking on ubuntu regardless of command ;) for reference | 22:52 |
madh69 | well either way i cant do nothing with drivers on 14.04 lts | 22:52 |
madh69 | beta i will upgrade to lts in april | 22:53 |
daftykins | madh69: you haven't asked for help with that part so we don't know! :) | 22:53 |
madh69 | yes i have... this is exactly my issue ill paste the link | 22:53 |
ballison | daftykins: thank you again for solving it!!!! off to the next fire! | 22:53 |
daftykins | an executive summary would be nicer | 22:53 |
madh69 | http://askubuntu.com/questions/601088/distribution-not-supported-error-when-trying-to-install-intel-graphics-installer | 22:54 |
madh69 | the cause is in section 3 | 22:55 |
daftykins | madh69: never try to install the intel graphics driver, it is NOT needed - it's part of the kernel. | 22:55 |
daftykins | nah, irrelevant method | 22:55 |
madh69 | yes that is tru but in this case the gpu has conflict with 14.04 read the post it explains what u are saying aswell | 22:56 |
daftykins | madh69: what kernel are you on? "uname -r" | 22:56 |
madh69 | its noted on intel linux website that 14.04 and hd 2000 gpu wont work | 22:56 |
madh69 | im using 14.04lts | 22:56 |
daftykins | no i asked which KERNEL you are using - reported by "uname -r" | 22:57 |
LJHSLDJHSDLJH | I've this mumbo jumbo error while trying to install intel vga drive on vivid | 22:58 |
LJHSLDJHSDLJH | http://pastebin.com/XgigEkks | 22:58 |
madh69 | oh sorry ok | 22:58 |
LJHSLDJHSDLJH | can anyone understand what it says and/or how to fix it? | 22:58 |
xubuntu_ | Hello | 22:59 |
daftykins | you do not install intel drivers on ubuntu, period. | 22:59 |
daftykins | it is part of the kernel - do not attempt to do so. | 22:59 |
madh69 | 3.19.0-51-generic | 22:59 |
xubuntu_ | Im currently having issues that ubuntu 14.04 & 12.04 live cd cant detect my DVD drive | 22:59 |
daftykins | madh69: ok and does "cat /etc/issue" report 14.04.4 ? | 22:59 |
xubuntu_ | i did a diagnostic test on my Dell latitude E6410 and it says Optical drive okay, and if i put a disc in it, it spins for a while but nothing gets mounted | 22:59 |
ikonia | xubuntu_: manually mount it | 23:00 |
madh69 | yes normally that is 99.9 the case but in my situation the chipset reports 2nd gen intel all is good but gpu is not instlaled and the reason is apperently issues with the 14.04 it apperently works in any other version | 23:00 |
xubuntu_ | i have /dev/sg0 and /dev/sr0 apperantly if i do ls -la on both of them, it reports that root:cdrom owns /dev/sr0 | 23:01 |
xubuntu_ | but if i run wodim -scanbus /dev/sr0 it tells me that its my USB san disk cruzer stick | 23:01 |
xubuntu_ | from where im now in a live session | 23:01 |
daftykins | madh69: i think you're reading my messages to another user, which is the same exact topic. | 23:01 |
madh69 | Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS \n \l | 23:01 |
xubuntu_ | ikonia, do you suggest mounting it manually to /mnt i mean mount /dev/sr0 to /mnt | 23:01 |
daftykins | madh69: what do you claim is not working there then? does the xorg log show it's using VESA instead of intel as the driver? | 23:02 |
xubuntu_ | ikonia, could it be a faulty configured BIOS that it does not detect my optical drive within the OS _ | 23:02 |
madh69 | yes vesa its using and when i do a sudo lshw -C video i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/15331018/ | 23:03 |
daftykins | madh69: were you the one that was here with the same issue yesterday? | 23:04 |
madh69 | no | 23:04 |
daftykins | or the weekend | 23:04 |
xubuntu_ | ikonia, should my BIOS ATA Devices be configured to ATA right? not AHCI, not RAID, Not IDE | 23:04 |
xubuntu_ | its a dell lattitude E6410 laptop | 23:04 |
daftykins | ATA is not a valid choice versus those latter three | 23:05 |
daftykins | AHCI is what should be used | 23:05 |
madh69 | NOTE (updated 18 March 2015 09:15 UTC-7): This release of the Graphics Installer requires Ubuntu 14.10 "utopic". The Graphics Installer will not function on Ubuntu 14.04 "trusty" | 23:05 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, AHCI ? ok let me reboot and put AHCI. do you think thats the issue that my Optical drive is not found within a OS ? | 23:05 |
daftykins | xubuntu_: no | 23:06 |
daftykins | i also don't think there's any point you trying to put a CD in on a live session | 23:06 |
daftykins | what type of CD is it anyway? | 23:06 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, standard burned CD-R old ubuntu 9.04 | 23:06 |
daftykins | _9.04_? | 23:07 |
xubuntu_ | currently im on a usb stick with Xubuntu 12.04 in live session just trying to figure out why it cant read any disc | 23:07 |
daftykins | we do not support EOL releases - why are you even doing something so ridiculous? | 23:07 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, yes, ubuntu 9.04 burned on a CD-R disc | 23:07 |
daftykins | oh sorry that's what's on the disc, lawl | 23:07 |
daftykins | and yes you should try a manual mount command | 23:07 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, because, i want it to read /find my discs, but apperantly it cant even find the optical drive | 23:07 |
daftykins | check dmesg for it seeing the optical or not | 23:07 |
xubuntu_ | dmesg |grep CD | 23:08 |
madh69 | this is the whole reason i want to backup and isntall beta 1 and just gradually update to lts in april... i dont think there is anyway to resolve a documented issue that is conflicting with 14.04 for my gpu drivers | 23:08 |
daftykins | it may not necessarily contain that. | 23:08 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, [ 7.523828] sr 4:0:0:1: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0 | 23:08 |
daftykins | madh69: so did you answer the question about whether you have /home on a separate partition? | 23:09 |
daftykins | xubuntu_: useless entry | 23:09 |
madh69 | no its on the same partition | 23:09 |
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daftykins | madh69: then you need an external disk to backup to | 23:10 |
madh69 | yes thats fine i have a 3tb external; | 23:10 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, please check here, | 23:11 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, http://s9.postimg.org/nnwf7wklr/Screenshot_03082016_11_10_33_PM.png | 23:11 |
daftykins | xubuntu_: before i click that, is it an image of text? | 23:12 |
daftykins | so open a file browser (nautilus for normal ubuntu) then press ctrl+h to show hidden files - and then copy + paste to your external drive | 23:12 |
Myrtti | yes it is an image of text | 23:12 |
daftykins | then it belongs on http://paste.ubuntu.com | 23:12 |
daftykins | as text. | 23:12 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, its an image | 23:12 |
daftykins | right, do you see what i'm getting at though... | 23:13 |
xubuntu_ | ikonia, please see this http://s9.postimg.org/nnwf7wklr/Screenshot_03082016_11_10_33_PM.png | 23:13 |
daftykins | hmm so you choose to refuse help because you don't know that images of text are silly | 23:16 |
daftykins | cool :) | 23:16 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, are you refering to my image? | 23:17 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, np, you will recive text hang on. | 23:17 |
daftykins | yeah you said it was an image of text | 23:17 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15331086/ | 23:18 |
xubuntu_ | ikonia, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15331086/ | 23:18 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, im all yours tell me what i should do | 23:20 |
madh69 | i figured it out with a terminal command thanks anyways | 23:20 |
madh69 | if=dev/sda1 of=dumb.img its creating an image | 23:21 |
madh69 | dd if=dev.... ** | 23:21 |
genii | You need a leading slash before dev | 23:22 |
madh69 | yep good eye | 23:22 |
madh69 | dd if=/dev/sda1 of=dump.img | 23:22 |
daftykins | madh69: no that's not a wise approach. | 23:23 |
Jordan_U | madh69: Very bad things can happen when you typo a dd command. Never run a dd command without triple checking it first. | 23:23 |
daftykins | my bad, rebooted for updates :) | 23:23 |
daftykins | xubuntu_: the CD being found is the virtual CD on a flash drive i think, you must have one of those ones with drivers and tools etc. on there - so yeah, looks like the kernel isn't recognising the optical drive at all | 23:24 |
madh69 | thanks for the heads up i type it ok... first time running this command as a noob i will remember to tripple check | 23:24 |
madh69 | ;) | 23:24 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15331119/ | 23:24 |
daftykins | xubuntu_: yeah that doesn't change anything | 23:24 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, the actual name of my Laptop is Dell Latitude E6410. the burner itself is called Dell TS-U633 | 23:25 |
nick_34r | hello, if i do dist-upgrade will the kernel and xorg also be upgraded? | 23:26 |
EriC^^ | nick_34r: yeah | 23:26 |
daftykins | xubuntu_: time to reboot with AHCI | 23:26 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, do you mean that i should pick drivers from here? http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/product-support/product/latitude-E6410/drivers | 23:26 |
nick_34r | ok, thanks... so i will only do upgrade | 23:27 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, ok give me 1 min, will do :) | 23:27 |
daftykins | i never said anything about manually downloading drivers, no | 23:27 |
Jordan_U | nick_34r: You need to explain what you mean by "dist-upgrade". | 23:27 |
nick_34r | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 23:27 |
xubuntu_ | daftykins, will reboot with AHCI one moment | 23:27 |
daftykins | the only dist-upgrade ;) | 23:27 |
nick_34r | i have to stay at the same kernel and xorg, so i'm worried | 23:28 |
Jordan_U | nick_34r: That will only upgrade the kernel and xorg if updates for those packages are available. Why are you trying to avoid upgrading your kernel / xorg? | 23:28 |
daftykins | surely not an AMD legacy card owner hiding out on 12.04.1 ? | 23:28 |
victor_ubuntu_ne | Hi guys, is it possible to change panel icons of the ubuntu default login (and lock screen) screen? | 23:28 |
nick_34r | i have to stay there because of a outdated drive, so i install 14.04.1 and want to avoid 14.04.2 3 4 | 23:29 |
nick_34r | because i want to stay at the 14.04.1 kernel and xorg | 23:29 |
daftykins | nick_34r: dist-upgrade is fine to run, you will get the newer 3.13 kernel - it won't install a NEWER one (i.e. > 3.13) | 23:29 |
daftykins | you can be on 14.04.1, dist-upgrade and become 14.04.4 whilst still on 3.13. | 23:29 |
daftykins | you will not get a newer kernel version - or a newer xorg | 23:30 |
nick_34r | really and xorg? | 23:30 |
daftykins | you have to install HWE stacks to get those | 23:30 |
daftykins | !hwe | 23:30 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack | 23:30 |
daftykins | so you can safely "sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade" | 23:30 |
apexal | hello | 23:30 |
daftykins | nothing like joining and quitting | 23:31 |
stevenahoy | hello | 23:32 |
stevenahoy | can someone tell me how to change the brightness | 23:32 |
stevenahoy | ? | 23:32 |
stevenahoy | thanks before | 23:32 |
daftykins | clean install on a laptop? brightness keys not working? | 23:32 |
stevenahoy | i try to install sudo apt-get install xbacklight | 23:33 |
stevenahoy | but not working | 23:33 |
daftykins | is what i just said your situation though? | 23:33 |
daftykins | ok nevermind | 23:35 |
stevenahoy | sorry i have to translate it first | 23:35 |
stevenahoy | because i cannot speak english :( | 23:36 |
daftykins | ah, yeah i'm not trying that one then. | 23:36 |
nick_34r | thanks alot! | 23:36 |
victor_newbie | Hi guys, is it possible to change the panel icons from the login screen (and the lock screen)? | 23:37 |
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stevenahoy | well , now im at my setting desktop and in there i cannot find brightness | 23:38 |
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stevenahoy | sorry for my bad english guys | 23:38 |
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EriC^^ | victor_newbie: yeah | 23:40 |
victor_newbie | EriC^^, could you help me? | 23:41 |
victor_newbie | I'm trying throu dconf-editor | 23:41 |
victor_newbie | but nothing seems to change | 23:41 |
EriC^^ | victor_newbie: type sudo su | 23:41 |
EriC^^ | first type xhost +local: | 23:41 |
victor_newbie | done | 23:42 |
EriC^^ | type su lightdm -s /bin/bash | 23:42 |
victor_newbie | done | 23:42 |
EriC^^ | type dconf-editor | 23:43 |
victor_newbie | yes | 23:43 |
EriC^^ | go to com > canonical > unity-greeter | 23:43 |
victor_newbie | yeah i did it before but nothing changed | 23:44 |
EriC^^ | victor_newbie: you did the steps before? | 23:44 |
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victor_newbie | nope | 23:44 |
EriC^^ | it's different cause you're logged in as lightdm now so you can change those for it | 23:44 |
victor_newbie | ok i did it | 23:45 |
victor_newbie | i should reboot to try | 23:45 |
victor_newbie | just las question | 23:45 |
victor_newbie | those steps, should i run them each time? | 23:45 |
EriC^^ | try sudo service lightdm restart | 23:45 |
EriC^^ | yeah, if you want to change anything that has to do with lightdm you have to do them | 23:45 |
xubuntu | daftykins, Thank you soo much | 23:46 |
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Guest9328 | you are awesome!! live cd booted as expected without any keystroke from my side | 23:46 |
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xubuntu-live | daftykins, thank you soo much really | 23:46 |
xubuntu-live | and now i also see it mounted in file manager / Thunar | 23:46 |
Guest49495 | quit | 23:48 |
stevenahoy | [SOLVED] Brightness setting | 23:48 |
stevenahoy | thanks guys | 23:48 |
victor_ | EriC^^, sorry | 23:49 |
victor_ | i went down | 23:49 |
victor_ | so thanks, everything was ok | 23:49 |
victor_ | but my icons look a little bit cut | 23:49 |
victor_ | i think its because panel (less wide and transparent) | 23:49 |
victor_ | is it changable too? | 23:50 |
tolland_ | im having lots of trouble getting the ubunutu 15 iso to boot from a usb stick | 23:50 |
tolland_ | it seems to work fine with 14. I also tried booting to the iso cd, and then writing the usb stick from startup disk creator in 15, but same error "SYSLINUX 6.03 EDD 20150813 Copyright (C) 1994-2012 H. Peter Anvin et al Boot Error" | 23:51 |
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xubuntu-live | daftykins, may i ask if you are running ubuntu 14.04? | 23:54 |
xubuntu-live | daftykins, i was wondering if anyone can confirm the default package (Kupfer) exist for default repository in 14.04 and later? | 23:54 |
EriC^^ | victor_: no idea | 23:55 |
EriC^^ | victor_: you want to change the icon's width? | 23:55 |
victor_ | EriC^^, i was thinking about changing the panel's width and transparency | 23:56 |
EriC^^ | victor_: you can change the transparency | 23:58 |
EriC^^ | no idea about the width though | 23:58 |
victor_ | and how is it please? | 23:58 |
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