
benjidassHi UbuntuStudio channel.  I tried resolving this problem with the ardour team but it seems it is an Ubuntu issue.  I am running 15.10 and trying to use my Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 to record and monitor. When I open up the sound menu from the little volume icon in the system tray, it recognizes the interface and calls it a "Multichannel Input" device.   When I open alsamixer from the terminal it shows the Scarlett with all03:30
benjidassits inputs and outputs recognized.  However, neither audacity nor ardour recognize the device or seem to be able to work with it.  I try to set it up in jack and get a bunch errors, most of which say something about being unable to connect to server. I have tried all this using both the 4.2 and 3.19 kernel with identical results in both instances.  Any guidance, suggestions, even a shot in the dark would be greatly appreci03:30
benjidassated.  I know people have gotten this same interface to work with linux (even on Ubuntu Studio) so I am not sure what I am doing wrong...03:30
cfhowlettbenjidass, also ask #opensourcemusicians03:32
benjidassgood suggestion, appreciate it03:32
benjidassalso i can give more details, pastebin outputs, whatever might help03:34
cfhowlettI rarely fire up much less use jack or ardour.03:35
benjidasscfhowlett: I have never had to use jack, but someone said they were using it with their scarlett so i gave it a whirl. What DAW do you use?03:46
cfhowlettbenjidass, audacity - although many would claim that it is not a proper DAW.  It does meet my admittedly modest needs03:47
benjidasscfhowlett: ah, yes.  Until about 3 months ago I would have agreed with you.  Ardour was NOT intuitive and audacity met my needs at the time. Little by little audacity's shortcomings were getting in my way so i finally bit the bullet and learned how to use ardour.  Will never look back.  I haven't played with LMMS yet.03:49
=== wolf is now known as Guest37319
christoAnyOne there ?11:28
christoMy Bluetooth Device isn't working in ubuntu....11:29
christohow can i fix it ?11:29
h4x0riz3danyone familiar with ddrescue?17:16
h4x0riz3di have a dying hdd with winXP (with drives C,D,E) and an old ubuntustudio (which is not precious) which also plays the role of a bootloader17:19
h4x0riz3di have a brand new hdd (bigger than the old one too).. i want to rescue/move the data onto the new one.. i only care about the winXP drives.. i also intend to put a more recent ubuntu afterwards17:20
h4x0riz3dit'd be nice if i can also make the equivalent C D E drives slightly bigger since there's room now, but that's not vital17:21
h4x0riz3dQ: should i create partitions first and then use ddrescue on each drive to move it, or will ddrescue somehow "clone" the whole thing including the partition information?17:22
h4x0riz3dand, if i have to create partitions myself - should they be exactly the same sizes as the originals?17:23
OvenWerk1h4x0riz3d: the answer is "it depends" :P I think C may have to remain the same size. It depends more on what file system you are using (Fat or NTFS) and if there are limits in size for that kind of file system.17:40
OvenWerk1h4x0riz3d: I would ask this in the #ubuntu IRC channel as there will be many more people who have Windows partitions.17:41
h4x0riz3dit's NTFS17:42
OvenWerk1h4x0riz3d: I think D and E could be moved coppied with cp -a if you are using linux17:42
OvenWerk1h4x0riz3d: I know even less about ntfs.17:42
h4x0riz3dmy biggest question is.. should i partition the destination hdd or does ddrescue "clone" that information already?17:43
OvenWerk1h4x0riz3d: I also don't know what moving a partition to another drive does to the windows licence17:43
OvenWerk1h4x0riz3d: I don't know ddrescue at all, so I can't say.17:43
OvenWerk1h4x0riz3d: from a quick look at the man page, I would say that using ddrescue against the whole drive will keep the partitions the same size.17:49
OvenWerk1h4x0riz3d: going against any one partition will need the partition to be created and  pre-formated17:50
OvenWerk1h4x0riz3d: though if the infile is a partition (/dev/sda2 for example) then the whole partition is copied as is it seems.18:06
h4x0riz3dmy first attempt was.. i created C D and E partitions, slightly larger, and an ext4 + linux swap partition, then i used ddrescue individually on each18:09
h4x0riz3dthen i tried to boot from it - nothing18:09
OvenWerk1h4x0riz3d: you would need a rescue image to boot into the ext4 aprtition and use that to set up grub18:10
h4x0riz3dbtw, when i called ddrescue the third time (to copy drive E) it didn't want to do it because of some offsets blahblah and said to pass a -C argument if i really want to do it that way18:10
h4x0riz3d..which i did18:10
h4x0riz3dOvenWerk1, uhm, i am operating on that thing from an ubuntu live CD.. i just created an ext4 partition for later18:11
h4x0riz3di do plan to put a linux on there, but i wanted to first rescue the precious data18:11
OvenWerk1ok, so you should be able to mount those partitions while running from CD and look at them then.18:12
OvenWerk1That will check to make sure the stuff is there.18:12
h4x0riz3dnow i'm doing ddrescue on the whole disk18:12
h4x0riz3dit'll take a while18:12
h4x0riz3dif that works, i'll then figure out how to resize drive D and E afterwards18:13
OvenWerk1To make C bootable without grub is beyond my knowledge :)18:13
h4x0riz3dthe dying hdd is set up as dualboot, where winXP was installed first, then an ubuntu was "added" at the end, so i think the grub of that ubuntu is in C:18:14
h4x0riz3dor no.. how would that work18:15
h4x0riz3dbleh, i don't know18:15
h4x0riz3dmaybe the bootloader is in the ubuntu partition and the "MBR" just points to it?18:15
h4x0riz3di'm not fully sure how that stuff works18:15
OvenWerk1I think Grub makes itself a small partition. It can be in numerous places.18:22
OvenWerk1begining of the drive is normal.18:22
h4x0riz3dshouldn't it be visible with GParted then?18:39
h4x0riz3di only saw the C drive there as a primary partition, then a logical one containing D, E, ext4 and linux-swap (basically everything else)18:40
h4x0riz3di've seen a tiny first partition (100MB or so) on windows installations but newer than XP18:41
OvenWerk1gparted may concider it an extended MBR and so not show it. What sector number does the first partition start at? If it starts at 1, then sector 0 may be it.19:03
h4x0riz3dhm.. i can't check right now, but i think it might have been from sector 1 instead of 0 indeed19:04
ubuntu-studioHi all. Здесь говорят по-русски?19:34
krytarik!ru | ubuntu-studio19:34
ubottuubuntu-studio: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:34
ubuntu-studioThank you!19:35

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