
bluesabreUnit193: huh?01:00
bluesabredinner time, bbabl01:01
Unit193bluesabre: Dropping b-e from seed.01:02
Unit193[15:32:02] < Unit193> bluesabre: Might be a bit late now, but what about dropping build-essential off the ISO?  As a reference point, Kubuntu  doesn't seem to have it.01:02
bluesabreUnit193: not opposed to the idea02:31
bluesabreand really no reason to keep it on there onless you're compiling drivers and whatnot02:32
bluesabrein which case you'd still need kernel headers02:32
bluesabreUnit193: I'll take a look at it tomorrow, so tired03:19
ochosibluesabre: not sure i get it - what's hard about detecting the icon theme that's in use systemwide?09:32
ochosibluesabre: plus, if it really can't do that, we'd have to put all our icons into the hicolor icon theme (which seems to be what it's using atm)09:33
bluesabreochosi: looking in /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_xenial_main_dep11_Components-amd64.yml.gz it seems all icons use a png resource instead of icon names for gnome-software10:08
bluesabre  cached: file-roller_file-roller.png10:09
bluesabreochosi: but you could report a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software and maybe robert will patch it in :)10:10
flocculanthi ochosi bluesabre :)10:19
flocculantbluesabre: re g-s > no issue from me 10:19
bluesabreflocculant: good deal10:21
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flocculantakxwi-dave: thanks for replying to dev mail :)10:27
flocculantyou took the words right out of my mouth ... 10:27
flocculantbluesabre: re upgrades - that's moving on now - that lovely davmor2 chap is driving people there :)10:28
davmor2flocculant: it's what I do :)10:28
bluesabreflocculant: oh great,  good to hear10:28
bluesabredavmor2: you rock10:28
akxwi-daveflocculant, wanted to try and get him before anyone else.. :-)10:29
flocculantdavmor2 does indeed rock10:29
flocculantakxwi-dave: yea :p10:29
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akxwi-davemy machines are sat patiently waiting for the upgrade tests..  :-)10:33
flocculantI think that by the time we get to the 21st March then the release team will be really twitchy if all the upgrade tests including Ubuntu get critically failed 10:35
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bluesabreUnit193: would that be in debian-cd/tasks/forcd1 ?11:15
bluesabreochosi: the icons it is using are in /var/lib/app-info/icons/11:17
bluesabremicahg: can you take another look at the packageset? there's no more reason for shimmer-themes to be in the kubuntu packageset, but it certainly seems to be stuck there now11:21
ochosibluesabre: oh, meh12:35
ochosibluesabre: so what can i/we do about that then?12:36
bluesabreochosi: nothing outside of filing a bug I'd imagine12:36
knomei haven't seen micahg active in weeks, should we ask somebody else?12:36
bluesabreknome: I had Laney re-run the script last week and it didn't fix it, but I'll probably send another mail to the DMB list12:37
bluesabreI'll try to get that out this morning12:37
bluesabreor start trolling them for per-package access on a need basis12:37
bluesabreor work on obtaining motu12:38
knomei vote for all of them12:38
bluesabreit'd be nice to get more devs, I wouldn't mind stepping back a bit and taking more of a mentor/code-review role12:40
knomebluesabre, there's one for you ^ :P12:41
slickymasterWorkbluesabre, ping-a-long12:43
bluesabreslickymasterWork: what's up?12:45
slickymasterWorkI'm assuming you're familiar with gnome software UI, right?12:45
bluesabrehey slickymasterWork12:45
bluesabrea bit12:45
slickymasterWorkdo you know how they name the icon in the top left of the UI that provides you access to the software & updates UI12:45
flocculantbluesabre: don't say flocculant is ... 12:46
slickymasterWorkflocculant, the same goes for you :P12:46
bluesabreslickymasterWork: probably "gnome-software"12:46
flocculantslickymasterWork: it's gnome12:46
flocculantso obviously 'icon in the top left' :p12:46
slickymasterWorkthing is it doesn't have any labels, or tooltips12:47
flocculantslickymasterWork: why not just call it the menu bitton ...12:47
slickymasterWorkthat doesn't serve to go in -docs12:47
bluesabreslickymasterWork: that's the app menu12:47
slickymasterWorkhmm, ok, app menu works for me12:47
slickymasterWorkthanks, both12:47
bluesabrein gtk3, applications that would show a menu in the gnome-shell panel show it there in other DEs12:48
flocculantnot sure I helped :D12:48
bluesabre(when not patched out in Ubuntu)12:48
slickymasterWorkGS isn't showing any menu, just the button bluesabre 12:49
bluesabreslickymasterWork: pretty sure you'd see the same in menulibre or gnome-calculator12:49
* bluesabre shrugs12:50
slickymasterWorkcalculator doesn't either12:50
bluesabrewell, in the future if you see that, that's what it is :D12:50
flocculantI'd say that app menu is probably as useful as anything else 12:51
flocculantslickymasterWork: what do you mean it doesn't show a menu? 12:51
bluesabreusually it is for application-wide functionality, whereas menus with a cog to the right of the toolbar would be window/instance-specific12:51
bluesabreor so it is specced12:52
qwebirc916920not tradional File-Edit-View-Etc menu12:54
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bluesabreslickymasterWork: yeah, that would be a menubar, which gnome is pushing away with a really big sharp stick12:56
bluesabrein that case, File, Edit, View, Etc are all menus12:56
bluesabrethere's pros and cons for menubars... pro: all functionality available, con: developers are often horrible at determining what a good context/menu name is so you have to look through the whole menu to find what you want anyway12:58
bluesabreFile, Edit, View - all standard, but usually used incorrectly :D12:58
ochosibluesabre: hmright, i see. i thought you said i should draw some icons :p13:01
bluesabreochosi: only if you want to draw an icon for gnome-software13:02
bluesabreor symlink existing, etc13:02
ochosihmm, for now i'm not sure13:04
ochosii mean i can13:04
bluesabreit's fine either way, really :)13:05
ochosijust not sure it's really needed13:05
ochosiyup :)13:05
ochosibtw, did you take a peek at the greybird issue?13:05
ochosiit's really odd, i'm starting to suspect it's a bug in the toolkit13:06
bluesabreochosi: not had a chance to look yet13:17
ochosiok, no worries13:25
ochosilemme know when you do13:25
bluesabreochosi: should get a chance tonight, will let you know13:35
knomeochosi, you know what we should do?13:46
knomeochosi, draw a xenial...13:46
flocculanthow can you draw an adjective :(13:54
* knome facepalms13:56
knomei'll even draw you a rounded circle13:57
flocculantha ha ha 14:11
sorine1|oI'm glad to see new people on the user list giving their opinions14:18
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knomesorine1|o, on what exactly?14:21
knomedo you mean the *developer* list?14:23
sorine1|oknome, Pontus Falk, also Majay Jozef giving his opinion14:23
flocculantknome: nice response :)14:50
ochosiknome: yeah, we should do that14:51
ochosimaybe sometime in the next few days/evenings/nights14:51
knomedo you have ideas for the tail?14:51
knomei've figured out the body i think14:51
knomeochosi, ui freeze is thursday fwiw14:51
ochosiknome: yeah, maybe late late tonight15:00
knomesigh ;)15:00
knomeflocculant, PING15:01
micahgknome: sorry, last time I tried, I had a python error15:04
micahgand I have not had time to dig into it15:04
pavlushka Hi, I am a general Ubuntu user, I wanna volunteer testing Xubuntu15:05
pavlushkaknome, hi15:05
knomepavlushka, hello15:06
knomepavlushka, have you read this page already? http://xubuntu.org/contribute/qa15:07
knomepavlushka, it gives you an overview of the testing we are doing15:07
pavlushkaknome, So, tell me, I've noticed it in the Ubuntu community page.15:07
pavlushkaknome, for which release, 14.04 or 15.10?15:08
knomepavlushka, we are testing 16.04 currently15:08
knomepavlushka, this page has the *general* information, not the specifics15:08
knomepavlushka, i just want to make sure you understand the general stuff first before i dig much deeper15:09
pavlushkaknome, I've read the http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa-team.html#qa-team-basics15:09
knomepavlushka, okay15:09
pavlushkaknome, try me15:10
knomepavlushka, so is there something specific you are interested in?15:10
knomeiso testing? package testing?15:10
pavlushkaI can help you with OS stability testing & bug reporting.15:11
pavlushkaknome, Ya, sure15:11
knomeflocculant, are you around?15:12
knomepavlushka, so as you know, the ISO testing goes on at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/15:12
knomedo you have any specific questions about the trackers?15:12
pavlushkaknome, sorry?15:13
knomepavlushka, do you have any questions?15:13
pavlushkaknome, the trackers?15:14
knomehttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ is the QA ISO testing tracker15:15
pavlushkaknome, its loading slow, so I am waiting.15:16
knomeokay, let me know when you've got it loaded15:16
pavlushkaknome, okey dokey15:18
knomepavlushka, you can find information on using the trackers here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/QATracker (linked from the front page on the tracker if you ever need to revisit)15:19
knomehave you looked at that?15:19
flocculantknome: what? 15:21
knomeflocculant, a new tester excited to get going15:21
knomeflocculant, you're probably better at explaining stuff he needs to know than me while i'm drawing a rounded circle15:21
flocculant\o/ 15:21
flocculantha 15:21
pavlushkaknome, what I got is, if I am connected to net while booting ISO and installation and everything after that, the bug will be auto reported, I just have to say yes.15:21
flocculantpavlushka: hi there :)15:22
knomepavlushka, that's one part of it, but we have our own processes for testing stuff... our qa (quality assurance) lead flocculant can tell you more about the current testing in progress15:22
flocculantpavlushka: you're better checking out http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa-testing.html and http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa-bugs.html15:23
flocculantthan the first one - that's more what the QA Team does before testing gets going properly15:23
flocculantpavlushka: I'm kind of right in the middle of something in r/l atm15:24
flocculantbut basically - boot the image - check that works, if you can do so - install it (virtual machine is sufficient) check that works15:25
flocculantknome: I think I will re-order those pages and rename that basics one - it's really a QA Team page not for testers15:26
pavlushkaflocculant, Ya I can do that and I'll be connected to the net while doing it.15:27
knomeflocculant, mhm15:28
flocculantpavlushka: cool - when you get as far as looking at the tracker (if you're not sure) and looking at bugs  I should be here by then15:28
knome^ the tracker pretty much tells you what you need to do15:28
pavlushkaYa, i think so.15:29
akxwi-davepavlushka, Heres another little article that my be useful..  http://princessleia.com/journal/2016/03/xubuntu-16-04-iso-testing-tips/15:34
pavlushkaakxwi-dave, thanks.15:39
flocculantpavlushka: I'm back now if you need me15:52
pavlushkaflexiondotorg, sorry, gotta go, I'll knock you if I need. see ya16:07
* flexiondotorg thinks pavlushka means flocculant ;-)16:08
* flocculant does too :)16:08
slickymasterWorkflocculant, will review https://code.launchpad.net/~flocculant/xubuntu-docs/qachange/+merge/288421 after dinner16:25
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Unit193bluesabre: lp:~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.xenial19:26
MagicSpongeSup guys.20:19
ochosimicahg: hey, so about that shimmer-themes packageset issue, do you think you'll get a chance to check that one out soonish?21:48
bluesabreevening all22:39
knomehullo bluesabre 22:39
ochosioh hey22:39
bluesabrehey knome, ochosi22:40
bluesabreand wowza, ochosi twice in a single day22:40
bluesabrewhat is this22:40
ochosibluesabre: your lucky day?22:41
bluesabremust be22:42
ochosibluesabre: so there's really no bug against gnome-software to respect icon-themes?22:44
bluesabreochosi: not that I saw22:44
ochosii mean it does somehow gather the icons22:45
bluesabrei think that's with appstream22:45
ochosior not?22:45
bluesabreochosi: I don't know how it works, just what files its using :)22:48
bluesabreUnit193: not defined explicitly in there, what's pulling it... bcmwl-kernel-source?22:48
ochosibluesabre: so, since i haven't been around so much (sorry for that, but the little one needs a lot of attention lately), what's new?22:54
bluesabreochosi: not a whole lot right now, if you know about the icon theme and gnome-software, you're pretty much up to date22:56
bluesabrenot icon theme22:57
Unit193krytarik: Oh right, we seed gcc and make but mugshot is what pulls in all the crap.22:57
bluesabretrying to do some fixes this week22:57
bluesabreUnit193: mugshot does?22:57
knomeahahahaha, again bluesabre's fault22:57
Unit193I forgot about that, yeah.22:58
Unit193pkg-config, dpkg-dev, build-e, etc, etc.22:58
knomebluesabre is da bomb22:58
bluesabreoh wow22:58
knomethat breaks your distro22:58
bluesabreneed to take a look at that then22:58
bluesabredoesn't seem like it should http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/mugshot22:59
Unit193mugshot → gstreamer1.0-tools → pkg-config → dpkg-dev → gcc/make/build-essential/fakeroot/23:00
Unit193Gotta go down the rabbit hole.23:00
bluesabrethat's lame23:01
bluesabremakes me wonder if the packaging is bad for gstreamer1.0-tools then23:02
bluesabrewhy in the world would it depend on pkg-config23:02
bluesabreI might see if I can fix that dep this week23:07
ochosiyeah, and don't forget the theming bug ;)23:08
bluesabreochosi: I'll get a package for that up tonight to hopefully be sponsored23:08
ochosibetter test it first23:09
ochosibut it should be a definite improvement23:09
bluesabreI'll check it out23:09
bluesabrealso got a few numix commits since then23:09
bluesabrelast upload jan 1723:10
bluesabremugshot might not even need that dep23:13
Unit193Last time you said it was needed for something or other, perhaps video.23:19
ochosibluesabre: yeah, numix needs testing again23:20
ochosii havent talked to stya in a while, but he handed the project over to someone23:20
ochosihe's mostly merging patches and cleaning out invalid bugrepoprts, but it's better than nothing23:20
bluesabreUnit193: well, good news is that clutter video is broken!23:20
bluesabreochosi: alrighty, will be sure to give it some reasonable testing or just leave it out of the next upload23:21
ochosisounds like a plan23:21
bluesabreoh nice23:22
bluesabresome recent update seems to have broken my camera23:23
ochosithings seem to get better for you all the time23:23
Unit193LTS baby!23:23
bluesabregetting harder to develop these days when nothing works23:23
ochosichallenge accepted?23:24
bluesabrejust means I need some time to discover new alternatives23:25
ochosilike something stable? maybe arch linux?23:25
knomei recommend windows XP, it will not get stupid udpates that break the system any more!23:26
bluesabrefigured we'd be safe with xfce23:27
bluesabrebut then glib changes and breaks everything23:27
bluesabremoved to clutter since it was actively maintained, not realizing that meant guaranteed api breakages once per year23:28
bluesabreqt looks more lovely by the day23:28
ochosibluesabre: only because you don't experience the breakage there first hand23:36
bluesabreochosi: you're probably right23:37
ochosibtw, getting gnome-software into xubuntu by default is a great opportunity for some dog fooding and then adding appdata to more xfce components23:44
ochosihmm, how is the wallpaper community contest coming along btw?23:48
ochosii read some messages about the site for it falling in place23:48
ochosibut it's a bit late in the cycle already for a contest, no?23:48
knomeit's not subject to UI freeze23:49
bluesabreUI freeze basically only applies to defaults23:49
knomeand we can likely start the competition beginning of next week23:49
knomethere are some issues reported on the site i need to investigate, but likely nothing serious23:50
ochosican i look at the site yet?23:50
knomeochosi, you should also be able to log in and send your submissions as well as vote and see vote results23:51
ochosisubmitting already works?23:57
bluesabrevoting too23:58
ochosioh, several already there23:58
ochosii submitted one too now23:58
bluesabreochosi: fancy23:58

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