
cholcombefirl, oh.  you might want to join #maas00:34
cholcombefirl, i don't know the answer to that question00:34
firlIt’s more about the charms not working that’s why I was figuring here00:35
cholcombeah ok00:35
lazyPowerfirl - there's some work on that front w/ the latest charms01:15
lazyPowerfirl - you can use a juju action to prepare a node for maintenance aiui01:15
lbordalazyPower, o/01:55
lbordalazyPower, do you have an idea whether there's a function to return back to the cli when a juju set is invoqued with the wrong value? I thought log() was it but it's not... i'm doing this in the keystone_context.py https://pastebin.canonical.com/151407/01:56
lborda<lborda> i am looking at the charmhelpers here but i've no clue01:56
marcoceppimagicaltrout: nice re: tutoriala @ apachecon. I know a few of the big data team will be there, I'll work with jcastro to kick off an email with you and them to make sure we have the right amount of support for you01:57
lazyPowerlborda OH! you mean extended status feature?01:58
lazyPowerlborda - as in status-set blocked "Incorrect config value"01:58
* lazyPower was trying to recall what you meant by return to cli01:58
lbordai mean example juju service keystone log-level=BLA where bla is not in ['WARNING'...] I want to block the config-changed behaviour before it screws the service02:00
lbordalazyPower, ^02:00
lbordalazyPower, juju service set keystone log-level=bla02:00
lazyPoweryep, status-set blocked and return.02:00
lbordalazyPower, really ? do you have an example, is this supposed to be done in the context ? ex keystone_context.py ?02:04
lazyPowerlborda i'm not really familiar with the innards of the keystone charm so thats a hard one for me to answer, sorry :(02:05
lbordalazyPower, tks i will do some research here on other charms that could have implemented config value checking02:08
lazyPowerlborda - if thats all you're wanting to do is just validate config vs the value, you use status-set to pipeline a message back thats viewable in `juju status`, the logic you take from there varies from charm to charm.02:09
lazyPowerand using log() is fine too, but the juju logs tend to be spammy and its easy to miss one liners in there02:10
lbordalazyPower, agree but i'd think that status-set or the checking I am trying to do should executed before config-changed or status-set... i just want to make sure the user does not enter a weird parameters and the service in a unknown state02:11
lazyPowerunless you exit > 0, checking it before during or after isn't going to help you can still get into a nebulous state. Suggested you pick a sensible default, and if the user typos it defaults to like WARN or something.02:12
lazyPowerthatway the service is always configured properly, it has a sensible default, and if they typo it, it'll do its best to hand hold htem. that or let it blow up so its obvious it happened.02:12
lazyPowerlborda - when you say keystone_contexts.py - thats a template rendering context, right?02:14
lbordalazyPower, yeah I am not sure I am being too zealous but I see that checking when it's a boolean so I am assuming I can do that too...02:14
lborda$ juju service set keystone use-syslog=Tasdfasdfasdf02:14
lbordaERROR option "use-syslog" expected boolean, got "Tasdfasdfasdf"02:14
lbordalazyPower, yes it's the template02:15
lazyPoweryou cant do anything client side, as its a string input it accepts anything that is a string02:15
lazyPowerthere was a feature request to support ENUM at one point, not sure what happened there, as it doesn't exist in juju as we know it today.02:16
lbordalazyPower, hummm I see it would be nice if we could specify in the config.yaml file the acceptable values so the juju would know beforehand...02:17
lazyPowerYeah, any validation will have to be done in the charm code itself. It's not the most ideal thing, but it certainly gets the job done.02:18
lbordalazyPower, agree... the boolean check is not done by the charm itself imo... I searched by the output message and couldn't find it... it's the agent's response in this case...02:20
lazyPowerlborda - right, the client will stop you from putting in string types in ints and bools, but a string data type is pretty broad and validation is up to the charm02:20
lazyPowers/charm/charm author/02:21
lazyPowerThere's quite a few charms that don't do validation and blindly take the config value and populate the template with it. Assuming you know what you're doing it.02:21
lazyPowers/doing it/doing with it/02:22
lbordalazyPower, agree well maybe I am being to careful... :)02:23
lazyPowerIf it reduces the number of papercuts end users feel with the charms, you're doing the work of a devops humanitarian and we appreciate you for the consideration :)02:24
lbordalazyPower, i will use the log() anyways at least the user will know what happened... and will look at seeing if I can modify the status-set to include the error too02:24
lbordalazyPower, lol yeah tks saving the world one bit at the time :)02:24
lbordalazyPower, tks! EOD bye02:31
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suchvenuI have created a new interface by name db2 and have written the provides and requires part of it. While deplying the charm I am getting an error: AttributeError: 'db2Provides' object has no attribute 'set_ready'05:44
suchvenuAny idea what does this error mean ?05:45
jaceknhello. Can one of the charmers please tell me what is the delay on https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/1538573 ?10:31
mupBug #1538573: New collectd subordinate charm <Juju Charms Collection:Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1538573>10:31
magicaltrouti changed my launchpad id13:14
magicaltroutwhat happens in charm world. Will the charm change url as well once a new build goes through?13:15
rick_h__magicaltrout: it gets very upset13:15
rick_h__magicaltrout: it doesn't get info on the rename so it doesn't know who you are13:15
rick_h__magicaltrout: there's work to try to sync the two systems better, but it's in the design state atm13:16
magicaltroutwell i'm not bothered about the old ones going missing13:16
magicaltroutno one uses them13:16
magicaltroutoh well whats done is done! :)13:21
rick_h__magicaltrout: sorry, you've found one of our problem spots we're just starting to work on13:22
marcoceppimagicaltrout: just reupload 'em all ;)13:29
magicaltroutmarcoceppi: i pushed a new bzr push to the new repo, does that count?13:30
magicaltroutclearly not being able to see the build process, i'm just guessing :)13:30
marcoceppimagicaltrout: it should eventually count13:30
* marcoceppi can't wait for charm push to exist13:30
magicaltroutalso I filed a bug for cards the other day and i have another, but I forgot which repo13:30
magicaltroutwhich is it?13:31
magicaltrouthmm well juju-cards wasn't where I sent the bug to13:32
magicaltroutwhich is right?13:33
marcoceppimagicaltrout: what's the issue? (curious while I figure out where to put it)13:35
marcoceppimagicaltrout: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/jujucharms.com13:35
magicaltroutmarcoceppi: if i click on a card the url is wrong and just dumps me on a 40413:35
magicaltroutwas the original bug13:35
magicaltroutbecause my charm isn't in the recommended namespace i guess13:35
marcoceppimagicaltrout: that shouldn't be a problem.13:36
magicaltroutwell its there13:36
magicaltroutyou tell me :P13:36
magicaltroutand the same on another non wordpress page i'm working on13:36
magicaltroutso its not like WP is munging the url13:36
marcoceppimagicaltrout: oh bother.13:37
marcoceppimagicaltrout: I see, it's not respecting the username, wtf13:37
magicaltroutbut i'd assume the fix is pretty trivial13:37
marcoceppiYeah, but it'll take a few days to get out13:37
magicaltroutwell its no biggie, just something I noticed13:38
marcoceppimagicaltrout: I have an alternative implementation of cards, an earlier release, if you wanted to make sure those worked until the new release13:38
magicaltroutbut also, css descriptors like footer are pretty common on exist websites, the cards css should get a prefix or something13:38
magicaltroutwas bug 213:38
marcoceppithat's also a good point13:39
magicaltrouti'll dump it into jujucharms issues as juju-cards has none13:39
magicaltroutand you lot can figure it out13:39
magicaltroutokay 216 and 225 are my cards bugs13:40
magicaltroutooh i lied13:41
magicaltrout225 is a bit different13:41
magicaltroutscratch that i'll close it13:42
magicaltrout216 it is then13:42
marcoceppimagicaltrout: I found the repo13:47
urulamamarcoceppi, jamespage: fyi, we had turned off ingestion in the morning due to ceph problems. that seems to be resolved now and we'll reenable it again. just in case you're missing any new charms in the store13:49
marcoceppiurulama: thanks for the info magicaltrout ^^13:50
magicaltroutcan someone answer jacekn as well13:50
magicaltrouthe's asked about his charm on a couple of days and doesn't know whats happening :)13:50
mupBug #1538573: New collectd subordinate charm <Juju Charms Collection:Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1538573>13:51
magicaltroutmarcoceppi: you got any idea about my leadership election q on the ML14:46
magicaltroutI'm trying to get these PDI tests ironed out so I can do other stuff as they've take 4 days or something already :)14:47
marcoceppimagicaltrout: yeah, I was looking at it thinking about how we could solve this. I think adding the feature to amulet is the way to go14:47
marcoceppimagicaltrout: basically, you should be able to at anytime query self.d.unit['service'].leader() to get back the UnitSentry for that leader14:48
marcoceppifor that service*14:48
magicaltroutyeah but in a test context, I don't see how that helps me wait for leader election be detected by juju and rerun14:49
magicaltroutits like amulet should have something like a wait_until() type function, where we could pass in various core things the platform does.14:50
marcoceppimagicaltrout: well, if you take out a leader, everytime you run the leader command in amulet it'll pull fresh again14:55
marcoceppimagicaltrout: so you'd basically: stand up environment, test it's idle, remove the leader, test it's idle, get new leader, continue with testing14:56
magicaltroutwell you can see what i've starting trying here14:58
magicaltroutI want 1 node, check the status, and get the leader ip from my message14:58
magicaltroutthen stand up 2 more and make sure the charm hasn't changed the leader ip14:58
magicaltroutthen i want to switch off unit 014:58
magicaltroutand check that the ip has changed, and also verify some configs on the units14:59
marcoceppilet me see if I can add this into amulet to help smooth out the experience15:06
marcoceppibut first, breakfast15:08
* magicaltrout needs to avoid the house today as I've just discovered that the 1 year old didn't fancy a nap today and the mrs is fuming.....15:11
verterokhi, I'm having a problem with the charm build step16:40
verterokcreated a new interface, and added it to interfaces.jujusolutions.com: http://interfaces.juju.solutions/interface/conn-check16:40
verterokbut when trying to build the charm, it fails to fetch it: "build: No fetcher for url:  https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-hackers/charms/+source/conn-check-interface"16:41
verterokafter looking at the code, looks like this is the problem: https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/blob/master/charmtools/build/fetchers.py#L7316:43
verterokonly github is supported for hosting interfaces/layers?16:43
marcoceppiverterok: no, git is supported for lp as well, stub has some layers/interface in lp git16:48
verterokmarcoceppi: yeah, saw stub layer/iface, so I used lp git16:48
verterokmarcoceppi: then looks like charmtools/build/fetchers.py has a bug: https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/blob/master/charmtools/build/fetchers.py#L73 (or I'm not understanding the code)16:49
verterokmarcoceppi: looks like Icey already filed a but about this: https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/issues/12416:52
jcastrostokachu: ditto the ghost charm16:54
stokachujcastro: ok16:54
marcoceppiverterok: I'll see if we can patch that16:54
stokachui can do those tonight probably16:55
jcastrostokachu: actually, if you could just make a general effort to submit all your layered stuff to the proper stuff that would be swell16:55
jcastrostokachu: what I'd like to do is ping each upstream for each layered charm we have16:55
stokachujcastro: you're swell16:55
jcastroto have them check it out.16:55
stokachujcastro: sure thing man, ill get my charms pushed up16:55
stokachuall my layers are on interfaces.juju.solutions already16:55
jcastroyeah, I mean more for the end-usery ones, like ghost, etc.16:56
stokachujcastro: ok cool, yea ill get them submitted16:56
jcastrosort of like how you trust something when you see it on github.com/projectname/project instead of github.com/~someguyyouneverheardof/project16:56
stokachujcastro: i have blind faith16:57
verterokmarcoceppi: thanks16:58
marcoceppiverterok: interesting, it seems it should work...16:58
marcoceppiverterok: https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/blob/master/charmtools/fetchers.py#L12116:58
verterokI can workaround it with a local interfaces path16:58
verterokmarcoceppi: right, but build/fetchers.py#L73 is truncating the url16:59
marcoceppiverterok: I see now, it expects a flatter namespace for gitLP, stub has his at git.launchpad.net/<project>16:59
verterokah, will change mine and try again16:59
marcoceppiverterok: that line isn't used, L74 is the one that does the actual job, not sure what u is used for17:00
marcoceppiverterok: we need to make the fetch pattern smarter17:00
marcoceppiverterok: but you don't have to put layers under the charms distro17:00
verterokmarcoceppi: should I move it out of charms/+source?17:23
verterokmarcoceppi: also, is there a convention on where/how to put source vs built charms (when using composer)?17:25
marcoceppiverterok: yes, first it's called build not composer anymore, second, we suggest layers be their own project and built charms just get uploaded to the store. there's a new charmstore cli coming out (charm command) that allows you to just "push" a charm to the store, so no more ingestion17:27
verterokmarcoceppi: ah, cool. thanks for the details17:30
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verterokmarcoceppi: one last question, same for interfaces? a project for each?17:31
marcoceppiverterok: basically. we've been prefixing them as layer-<NAME> and interface-<NAME> as a convention17:33
marcoceppiverterok: but yeah, they're all their own software projects17:33
verterokgot it, thanks17:33
jcastrolazyPower: how finished do you consider yout redmine layered charm?17:39
lazyPowernot at all17:39
lazyPowerits a learning tool in its current shape17:39
lazyPowerjcastro - i have one thing to call out about the status of the redmine layered charm - TAL at the readme for the  layer repository  - https://github.com/chuckbutler/redmine-layer17:42
marcoceppilazyPower: hah!~17:44
marcoceppicory_fu: are there any implications to this merge or is it transparent to users?19:37
cory_fuIt should be transparent19:41
marcoceppicory_fu: love the mirgration and unit tests <319:44
cory_fu:)  The migration will still leave deployed charms suffering from the issue, but at least they'll work the same as they did before19:45
jcastrocan someone help with this one?19:46
rick_h__jcastro: https://launchpad.net/~juju/+archive/ubuntu/proposed19:47
rick_h__jcastro: since it's just in proposed you need either upload tools or to update the streams I believe.19:47
marcoceppijcastro: are you answering?19:48
jcastromarcoceppi: no, I am on 2.019:49
jcastrorick_h__: he's using the stable ppa though, why would he need to use the proposed streams?19:50
rick_h__jcastro: oh hmm, not sure then19:51
marcoceppirick_h__ jcastro he has 1.25.3 installed, he probably say the .4 email19:54
marcoceppirick_h__: jcastro happy to reply19:54
jcastromarcoceppi: yeah I am unsure what to say19:56
marcoceppijcastro: cool, np19:56
jcastromarcoceppi: is the solution using the proposed streams?19:56
marcoceppijcastro: kind of19:56
jcastroI feel like users should never have to care about streams unless they want to19:56
jcastrojust as a showerthought19:56
alexisbjcastro, I dont disagree with you20:00
marcoceppijcastro: it's not a streams issue20:03
marcoceppiwell, not directly20:03
marcoceppijcastro: http://askubuntu.com/questions/743934/cant-upgrade-juju-from-1-25-3-to-1-25-4-due-to-missing-tools/743991#74399120:19
marcoceppijcastro: we could clean that up for the docs as well20:24
marcoceppiaisrael tvansteenburgh charmhelpers 0.7.0 released with resource-get support20:34
beisnerthedac, looking good on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/290032/2 ... with jamespage's +1 pending the full amulet, i think it's clear to land.  lmk if you're ready for that.20:36
marcoceppilazyPower: I think you submitted that pr against the wrong repo21:03
lazyPoweroh man look at that commit stream of the diff too21:04
thedacbeisner: I think that is ready. What is the process for that? I thought it was automated21:25
beisnerthedac, yep it is.  once it's got a code-review +2 and a workflow +1, it'll go through upstream gate and merge if all is well.21:31
thedacOh, it *is* merged. \o/21:32
beisneryeah! :-)21:33
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thedacbeisner: and you should be happy about This one being merged https://review.openstack.org/#/c/289535/ Should fix your mitaka dashboard woes21:35
beisnerthedac, yes, i am.  thanks for the fixes!21:39
magicaltroutaww crap my karaf submission was a tutorial as well.... 6 hours of apachecon tutorials to write21:45
magicaltroutworst day of my life21:45
lazyPowerwow, that seems...excessive21:49
marcoceppimagicaltrout: hah, damn dude21:49
magicaltroutthat'll teach me to push the tutorial button21:50
lazyPowerWe might be able to recycle that material though21:50
lazyPowera focused big data primer21:50
lazyPowermagicaltrout - would <3 a sneek peak at those as you put em together21:50
magicaltroutyeah well i suspect there will be a bunch of bundles coming out the backend of this process21:50
lazyPowerno pressure, and if that request adds to it, tell me to pound sand :)21:51
magicaltroutna, i usually crowd-build my presentation/tutorial stuff anyway21:51
magicaltroutbecuase there's a lot more knowledgeable people than me who wont be attending ;)21:52
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: why was fetchers.py updated?21:55
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tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: ported improvements from bundletester21:56
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: ah, cool, it's not actually used for pull-source though?21:56
tvansteenburghwell actually it is, for charms21:56
tvansteenburghthe new CharmStoreDownloader will be used21:57
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: hum, we should deprecate that for charm pull when that lands instead21:57
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: maybe, i don't grok the difference21:57
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: well, we're duplicating functions, charm pull will down the download and extract from the source, no need to have a method that may drift from that21:58
marcoceppii can english.21:58
tvansteenburghmagicaltrout: fyi http://pythonhosted.org/amulet/amulet.html22:05
magicaltroutoooh bloomin marvelous22:10
magicaltroutthanks tvansteenburgh22:10
tvansteenburghmagicaltrout: sure thing. no doubt they can be improved. contributions welcome22:11
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: I've got some feedback for you on pull-source, overall +1 but some UX stuff is rough22:12
magicaltroutyeah tvansteenburgh when I've written a life times worth of tutorials, finished the pdi and gitlab charms, released saiku 3.8 and finished that charm, remind me and i'll have a play ;)22:12
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: thanks, will address22:12
magicaltroutso here's a question tech boys.... if you were doing tutorials and had content to distrubte for classroom stuff22:16
magicaltroutif virtual box still the way to go?22:16
magicaltrout(esp if wifi and stuff is dodgy)22:16
lazyPowerhey cory_fu - i had an idea today that i'd like to run by you22:30
cory_fuSure thing22:30
lazyPowerin my experiences with layer:docker - i've managed to use the layer in both a principal and a subordinate role. I find that often when i use the subordinat erole i'm connecting to the principal charm anyway, and i incur a bit of a penalty running the install on each subordinate22:31
lazyPowerwould it be good or accepted practice to make that a layer.yaml option, and short-circuit the install routine based on that config? that way for each sub that i know already has docker installed22:31
lazyPowerit just skips along, and the layer retains default behavior to run that routine - so anyone including it always gets what they're expecting?22:32
cory_fuThat, or intelligently detect if docker is already installed22:32
cory_fuSince you want to be idempotent anyway22:32
cory_fuBut yeah, a layer option for "don't install by default" is reasonable.22:33
lazyPowerthats my thought, as using it as baseline to get layer:basic, and the libs it ships with (charms.docker, et-al) is nice, but i dont need the extra bullets of many subordinates trying to control the version of docker on the host22:33
lazyPoweri like it, its juju centric, and minimal work for me to implement. thanks o/22:34
marcoceppilazyPower: you mean as an option defined in the layer or something that the reactive framework would read?22:35
lazyPoweri mean define it in layer.yaml as an option22:35
lazyPowerso any subordinate you build on top of it, has a snippet in the readme you can copy/paste into your subordinate and skip the whole install bits, and override the provides/requires as needed. let me link you to the beginnings of me thinking this - it came up while i was writing the logspout subordinate22:36
lazyPowerso layer:docker can be used in either a principal or subordinate setting - https://github.com/chuckbutler/layer-logspout/blob/master/layer.yaml - and this little deletes line is all thats required to make a subordinate layer connect to a principal layer:docker based charm.22:37
cory_fulazyPower: Another option, and I don't know if this is a good one, is to check metadata.yaml and see if the current charm is defined as subordinate and drive the install based on that22:37
marcoceppilazyPower: sounds reasonable, if it's using the existing layer options22:37
cory_fuThat's kind of a terrible idea, though22:37
cory_fuSince, someday, you might want a subordinate that does install docker22:37
marcoceppiI now have more questions than answers22:38
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: can you tell me what version of path.py you have in whatever env you tested pull-source in?22:38
lazyPowerif i updated layer:docker to include layer.yaml based options, to tune that behavior - the output charm packs extra bloat in terms of files, but hte runtime doesn't incur the penalty of trying to do *anything* to manage the runtime version.22:38
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: ugh, mf path.py22:38
tvansteenburghlol, you can thank whit for that22:38
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: path.py==7.422:39
cory_fuI'm a fan of path.py, but we have had a spot of bother with the versions of it, haven't we?22:39
marcoceppicory_fu: it's a constant source of pain for me.22:39
lazyPowerit bit us in charm land, and its bit marco in tooling land22:40
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: okay thanks.22:40
lazyPowerand packaging come to think of it22:40
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: are we stuck with that version for packaging reasons?22:40
marcoceppiI lose sleep over three things: pondering the meaning of life, my neighbors TV, and path.py22:41
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: if so that's fine, i'll just patch the prob. upgrading would fix it though22:41
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: so, 8.1 is in Xenial22:41
marcoceppi7.4 is what I packaged for trusty, but we can move to 8.1 if it fixes this22:41
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: yeah your last error doesn't happen with 8.122:42
tvansteenburgh8.1.2 is what i have22:42
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: that's in xenial, that's what we'll use http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python-path22:42
marcoceppisomeone finally packaged it22:42
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: please update requirements.txt22:43
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: okay thanks, will do22:43
* marcoceppi remakes and retests22:43
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: that works22:45
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