
=== dax is now known as daxcat
TheSilentLinkhi I installed lubuntu but my mic and sound doesn't work anyone know how to fix it?15:23
TheSilentLinkdon't worry I fixed it!16:03
=== daxcat is now known as ezri
rach23pyDoes lubuntu 14.04 support Macbook pro 13 retina?18:34
rach23pyDoes lubuntu 14.04 support Macbook pro 13 retina 2015 ?18:36
rach23pycan lubuntu 14.04 support Macbook pro 13 retina 2015 ?18:39
rach23py lubuntu 15.04 support Macbook pro 13 retina 2015 ?18:43
wxlrach23py: no reason it shouldn't. amd64 image.18:43
rach23pywill the graphics and hot keys work?18:45
wxli'm sure you can get them to work if they don't, though18:45
rach23pyunconclusive, trying to install it18:46
wxllubuntu meeting going on now in #lubuntu-devel19:00
n-iCehello guys20:07
n-iCeis ubuntu lightweighter than puppy linux?20:10
n-iCeGood, I'm running lubuntu now, so pretty.20:45
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne
n-iCeHello, can anyone help me with the weather panel, I can set a location.21:14
=== ezri is now known as daxcat

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