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anes I got error in package creation as : dpkg-source: error: source package format '3.0 (quit)' is not supported: Can't locate Dpkg/Source/Package/V3/Quit.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Dpkg::Source::Package::V3::Quit module)06:32
anesHow it can fix? please advise06:32
anesmy exact error in deb creation is : debian/rules:6: *** missing separator.  Stop. dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit status 2 debuild: fatal error at line 1374: dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -D -us -uc failed07:00
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liuxgdoes anyone know how to detect the presence of the mouse/touchpad/touchscreen/keyboard? is there any API for the purpose? thanks09:49
zsombiliuxg: there is an API backported from Qt 5.6 but yet doesn't have any Mir backend09:50
liuxgzsombi, oh, I have seen that it works for the convergence story. I thought there was an open API for it.09:51
zsombiliuxg: the API is open, I didn't say that09:53
liuxgzsombi, alright. I think it is useful for the developers.09:55
zsombiliuxg: sure, it will be. It already works on X but nothing yet for Mir09:55
jgdxzsombi, how is the backAction disabled now when Page.head.backAction is deprecated?09:56
liuxgzsombi, that sounds great!09:56
zsombijgdx: you have the same thing in the PageHeader :)09:56
jgdxzsombi, so Page.header.leadingActionBar something?09:57
jgdxnot very keen on replacing the mainview header09:57
kalikianaliuxg: depending on what you need, if you need something now, detecting a touchscreen is already possible using QTouchDevice::devices() in C++, but of course it doesn't tell you if a keyboard exists09:57
zsombijgdx: it doesn't replavce the mainview header. if your app mixes the main header and the individual page headers, you'll be in trouble09:58
liuxgkalikiana, what does it really tell?09:58
zsombijgdx: t1mp may be more helpful on this09:58
liuxgzsombi, I will try to play with the API. thanks09:59
jgdxzsombi, okay09:59
t1mpjgdx: the default value for Page.header.leadingActionBar.actions is navigationActions, which can contain the back button09:59
t1mpjgdx: so if you set any other value for leadingActionBar.actions (may be an empty list if you don't want actions on the left), then the back action is gone10:00
kalikianaliuxg: For the keyboard you need the new InputDeviceModel API. I'd be interested to hear how it goes if you're trying it out on X1110:01
liuxgkalikiana, which lib does belong to?10:02
kalikianaliuxg: qml-module-qtsysteminfo10:04
liuxgkalikiana, on my 15.04 mx4 image, can I try it?10:06
kalikianaliuxg: See here for an example on how to use it https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/101049/23/examples/systeminfo/qml-inputinfo/qml-inputinfo.qml10:06
kalikianaliuxg: X11 only right now10:06
kalikianabecause the Mir backend is not ready10:06
kalikianaYou need a Vivid+Overlay or Xenial on X1110:06
liuxgkalikiana, ok. thanks! then I wait for its support on Mir10:07
jgdxt1mp, the default header is null, no?10:07
liuxgkalikiana, by the way, do you know if there any way to capture the hardware keys like the volume keys in QML?10:08
t1mpjgdx: yes. By default Page.header is null, but when it is null, the "old" application header is activated.10:08
t1mpjgdx: I wrote an introduction to the new header here https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/blog/2016/02/24/pageheader-tutorial/10:09
kalikianaliuxg: I don't know - Keys.volumeUpPressed would be the API if apps are allowed to do that10:10
jgdxt1mp, great writeup, it all makes sense now.10:12
t1mpjgdx: good to hear :) thanks!10:13
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balloonsargh.. popey, I spent yesterday sidelined trying to get reminders to build again. Today now I see docviewer isn't building anymore.. what gives :-(15:13
popey file COPY cannot find15:14
popey  "/var/lib/jenkins/slaves/jenkins-slave-0/workspace/docviewer-app-ci/build_dir/upstream-libs".15:14
popeyalso, bzr not found15:14
balloonsyea.. crazy15:15
balloonsseeking as it just checked out the code and said it's installed15:15
balloonsI think it's python related weirdness15:15
balloonsbut yesterday reminders suddenly wouldn't build because none of it's many depends were installed, and they wouldn't install15:16
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ahayzent1mp, o/ i reported bug 1554897 last night, could you take a look. It is the one with the white flicker on startup for an app with a dark background16:16
ubot5bug 1554897 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "With silo050 if an app has a black background it flickers temporarily to white at startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155489716:16
ahayzen(with a mini-app, you can see it flicker *very* quickly at startup)16:16
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t1mpahayzen: thanks for reporting17:09
t1mpahayzen: did you happen to try it on a desktop/laptop too?17:09
ahayzent1mp, not yet, i cannot test the music-app on desktop/laptop ... i could try the mini-app though..although i fear it'll be *so* quick you won't be able to see it17:10
ahayzent1mp, and i'd have to somehow get the branch of the UITK from silo050 ?17:11
t1mpahayzen: i think it is this one https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/OTA10-landing-2016-01-2017:13
ahayzenok i'll try and see17:13
t1mpI think the bug will exist in lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit/staging too17:13
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ahayzent1mp, with that branch you can see the flicker probably 1/2 times, so yeah it does happen on the laptop17:23
t1mpahayzen: okay, that makes debugging easier for me :) thanks for checking that17:25
ahayzent1mp, if you are on Xenial, you can probably run the Music app as well, which will be super visible17:25
ahayzent1mp, or if you can somehow slow the startup of the mini-app, like create some really slow JS that may help i guess17:25
t1mpahayzen: okay. I am on xenial, so I can give it a try17:26
t1mpprobably not anymore today though17:26
ahayzenyeah, you'd have to have ms2 setup etc, so may just be worth trying the mini-app first17:26
LandgrafHi guys. Are there any plans in the near future to make a standard browser can freely select text? Now only one word can be identified. It is very difficult to use.17:56
t1mpoSoMoN: ^18:05
Landgrafthere is always so quiet?18:08
t1mpno, not always.18:18
oSoMoNdarn, he left before I could answer18:57
oSoMoNfor anyone interested in text selection in the browser: it’s in silo 27, expected to land tomorrow, in time for OTA 1018:58
pmcgowanoSoMoN, yay, did you see the bug mterry entered on the long press for copy/paste19:29
bretthHi all, I'm having a problem with loading images in QML, and I can't seem to find an answer in AskUbuntu or any QML forums.  I use the 'source' attribute to name the image, but a "QML QQuickImage: Cannot open" error appears.  I've tried naming the image with a relative path, an absolute path, and a QRC file, but the same error appears.  What do I need to do?19:37
pmcgowanartmello,or renatu  maybe you can help19:47
artmellobretth: hi, could you please upload the code you are trying to use (or at least this part specific) somewhere public?19:49
dobeybretth: i think you need to use full path with file:// prefix for local images perhaps19:50
bretthHere is the code and the list of things I've tried using:  http://pastebin.com/TBygjVAP19:53
artmellobretth: this sample code http://paste.ubuntu.com/15336920/ works, the file in case is a sample photo that I took with my device19:56
bretthSo file:// isn't necessary then?  To be clear, header.png is a premade graphic to be included in the click package.20:00
artmellono, it is not necessary20:01
artmellobretth: maybe the current path you are running your app is not what you are expecting and so graphics or ../graphics is not mapping to the correct file20:01
artmellobretth: try using full path just to test20:02
bretthOK, I'll try it out20:02
artmellobretth: i need to be away for a while, but will be back later, let me know if it worked to you20:03
bretthYep, thank you for the help20:03
artmellobretth: np20:03
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bretthartmello:  Using the full path worked, and made me realize the relative path was actually a few directories up from where I thought it was.  Thank you again for the help.22:03
artmellobretth: cool :)22:36

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