=== Kilos is now known as and === and is now known as Kilos [04:59] o/ [07:26] good morning [07:29] hi dholbach [07:29] hi Kilos [09:01] Morning o/ [09:03] :P [09:03] oops, wrong terminal [09:06] We all know your password now [09:06] yes [09:06] i've typed my virtualbox testing password many times in channels [09:06] so if you absolutely want to do the testing for me... [09:41] * dholbach relocates, brb [10:33] happy birthday mhall119 ! [10:42] popey, he's off for the day celebrating, but I'm sure he'll see the scrollback tomorrow :) [10:43] ahh [10:43] wait, who doesn't spend their whole birthday in IRC? [12:16] mhall119, was the offer for edit access to community.ubuntu.com only directed at ple.. and bel... or could i get one too? :P === Kilos- is now known as Kilos [16:02] balloons, davidcalle, dpm, mhall119: team call? [17:06] hahah [17:06] hello admin, [17:06] plz add me in ur group i really need to help for software develop for [17:06] jenkins [17:08] * popey asks in #ubuntu-server anyway [17:11] at least he said please :) [17:11] she (allegedly) [17:14] bye guys - see you tomorrow! [17:18] popey: heh, I replied to that one [17:19] popey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15335848/ [17:19] :) [17:41] mhall119: happy birthday! [17:41] pleia2: https://launchpad.net/~deepika-chauhan/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [17:42] * popey asks IS to nuke [17:42] popey: good sleuthing :) [17:43] 08:53:39 < fungi> ferhat: apparently login.launchpad.net is no longer effectively deterring spammers from creating accounts to log into things which use it for openid [17:43] from #openstack-infra earlier [17:43] :\ [17:43] :( [17:43] we're switching off it as quickly as we can, but it's slow going, openid [17:43] such a pain [20:13] I'm mostly amazed this wasn't a problem long ago. But now that it's been discovered, it's certainly not going to go away with such simple blocks